Orcle 1z0-935 Oracle Cloud Platform Data Integration 2018 Associate
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Passleader 500-205 practice test
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QUESTION 1, Which Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) object can be created underneath a Data Server? A. B. C. D.
Logical Agents Logical Schemas Physical Agents physical Schemas
Answer: D
QUESTION 2, You need to profile a data set In Enterprise Data Quality (ÂŁDQ) to understand how complete and unique each of its attributes are-Which processor should you use?
A. B. C. D.
the Record Completeness Profiler the Quickstats Profiler the Frequency Profiler' the Equal Attributes Profiler
Answer: B
QUESTION 3, Which two Oracle GoldenGate commands are used to create both an Extinct and the source local trail tor the Extract?
A. B. C. D.
Answer: A B
QUESTION 4, You need to troubleshoot the execution of a Mapping and visualize the data contained In the Oracle Data Integrator (ODl) Staging tables while the Mapping is being executed. How should you proceed? A. B. C. D.
Execute the ODI scenario via the Data Integration Platform Console and query the source database. Use variables In a Package to query the Staging tables and evaluate the variable values. Modify a KM to dump the staging tables data Into log files to* review. Start a Mapping In Debug mode using the Get Data feature to view the Staging tables.
Answer: A
QUESTION 5, Identify the true statement when Oracle GotdenGate is configured for batch processing.
A. B. C. D.
Replicate is started with the INIATIALLOAD task. There is a SPECIALRUN Replicate task. The SPECIALRUN parameter is in the capture parameter file. The SPECIALRUN parameter is in the GLOBALS parameter file.
Answer: C
QUESTION 6, Where do you create new tasks in Data Integration Platform Cloud (DIPC)?
A. B. C. D.
Catalog Agents page Tasks page Jobs page
Answer: A
QUESTION 7, Which product do you need to install manually after you have provisioned a Data Integration Platform Cloud (PIPC) Instance? A. B. C. D.
None, they're all included when you provision the instance Oracle GoIdenGate Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Oracle Data Integrator
Answer: B
QUESTION 8, How do you access Oracle Data Integrator (OD1) Studio within Data Integration Platform Cloud (D1PC)?
A. B. C. D.
The DIPC console provides direct access to ODI Studio. Run ODI Studio from your laptop. VNC into your 01PC Instance VM and execute odi.sh, Download the DIPC Remote agent to access to ODI Studio.
Answer: A
QUESTION 9, Which mapping component transform data from multiple Input rows into a single output row?
A. B. C. D.
Distincts Pivots Subquery Filters Sets
Answer: B
QUESTION 10, Data Integration Platform Cloud (OIPC) requires that both an Oracle GoldenGate change capture extract, and a data pump Extract be- created when configuring Oracle GoldenGate replication. Which command binds the data pump Extract to the source trail generated by the change capture Extract?
A. B. C. D.
Answer: D
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Passleader 500-205 practice test
Passleader 500-205 practice test
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