Android AND-801 Android Application Development v8
Enjoy your success in Android Certification Exams with our Android Application Development v8 Exam Dumps!!! AND-801 Dumps Questions Answers with Android Application Development v8 Practice Test software is a success leading way towards your Android AND-801 Exam. All the AND-801 Questions Answers are tested and approved by professional experts to assure 100% success in Android Certified Trainer exam. Passleader AND-801 exam dumps
Passleader AND-801 exam dumps
You Don’t need to take any stress for the preparation of AND-801 Exam Questions because we will provide you real Exam questions answers, Passleaders provide you some demo question answer of AND-801 Braindumps.
Passleader AND-801 exam dumps
QUESTION 1, Android is an open source, Linux-based software stack. A. B.
True False
Answer: A
QUESTION 2, The Android library code is organized in such a way that it can be used by multiple Android applications. A. B.
True False
Answer: A
QUESTION 3, Android SDK platform is a set of libraries and APIs that provide necessary classes, methods and interfaces to develop Android applications and allow you to compile your code. A. B.
False True
Answer: B
QUESTION 4, Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development. A. B.
False True
Answer: B
QUESTION 5, Which of the following files has the correct name for a layout design file of an activity in an Android app? A. B. C. D.
Gradle.sql MainActivity,java or MainActivity.kt Sample.class ctivity_ main.xml
Answer: D
QUESTION 6, Which of the following is true about the following line of code: button.setOnClickListener({}) A. It sets the time and date of run process. B. The system executes the code you write in setOnClickListener({ }) after the user presses the button. C. It only saves changes in a text field. D. It sets the number of clicks the user presses to run the application. Answer: B
QUESTION 7, Which of the following Android Studio folders includes drawable files for different launcher icon densities? A. B. C. D.
Values Drawable layout Mipmap
Answer: D
QUESTION 8, In Android Studio 3.0 and higher, a checkbox is available to drag-and-drop from the palette panel. A. B.
False True
Answer: B
QUESTION 9, The following Android code will show the small popup message "Message saved as draft" for 3.5 seconds, and then automatically disappears: Toast.makeText(this, "Message saved as draft". Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
A. B.
True False
Answer: A
QUESTION 10, If you want to configure a link between two Android activities in the same Android application, you need to use: A. B. C. D.
Progressbar Toast Intent Gradle
Answer: C
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Passleader AND-801 exam dumps
Passleader AND-801 exam dumps
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