Issue 5

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Issue 5 February 2012

The Independent Voice of Abraham Lincoln High School

Council Bluffs, Iowa

Candidates duke it out over presidency

Cartoon by: Elizabeth Beck Shannon Holmes Kevin Dickey


ake a second and think, how much do you know about your favorite sports team? Your video game console or phone? Your favorite TV show (surely one could name every cast member on Jersey Shore)? Now, how much do you know about the president of the United States of America? Do you know who you’ll be voting for

this coming November? Most teenagers are going to struggle with the last part. That’s okay, as there is plenty of time for you to figure things out and the Echoes staff is here to help you get started. There is plenty of discussion about the upcoming presidential election and for good reason. Each party is going through a system of caucuses to try and decide on a nominee to represent them in the presidential election. The Democrats have President Barack

Obama as the incumbant president virtually always represents his party. Obama held a live video conference with potential Democratic voters of the Iowa caucuses. The Republicans have a bit of a mess on their hands though. Five candidates are fighting for the nomination through winning a series of caucuses and primaries. So what are these things? explains it like this: “In presidential campaigns, a caucus is a system of local

gatherings where voters decide which candidate to support and select delegates for nominating conventions. A primary is a statewide voting process in which voters cast secret ballots for their preferred candidates.” In other words, in Iowa’s caucus, the people, as a community county. Next the county selects delegates for the states, where eventually Iowa’s national delegates are selected this will represent Iowa’s choice in the race and will be the first to See ELECTION, page 2

National GOP Primary Poll

Rick Santorum-16%



Ron Paul- 15%

Undecided 5% None of the above 2%

3 6 7 11

Where should seniors be at this point in school? Check out the senior calendar.


Newt Gingrich-23%

Information collected from


Mitt Romney- 39%


Unrequited Love? Check out other peoples stories on the Friendship Zone.


By Blake Willadsen Reporter

Staying in shape during the offseason.

News 2 Elections made easy:


Brittany Rupp | Editor in Chief

Understaing the caucus Election/ From page 1 show h o w e l e c t a b l e e a c h c a n d i d a t e i s . In I o w a , w e a r e t h e f i r s t s t a t e t o hold e i t h e r a c a u c u s o r p r i m a r y a n d have b e e n s i n c e 1 9 7 2 . T h e a t t e n t i o n paid to t h e I o w a c a u c u s i s n a t i o n w i d e , but can c r e a t e a l o t o f c o n f u s i o n . “So m e s t a t e h a s t o g o f i r s t a n d we’ve e n j o y e d h a v i n g t h e f i r s t represe n t a t i o n i n t h e p r e s i d e n t i a l race,” s a i d s o c i a l s t u d i e s t e a c h e r Robert K i n n e y. “ I n g e n e r a l I f e e l i t ’s (the c a u c u s ) a d e m o c r a t i c p r o c e s s where e v e r y o n e h a s a s a y. B u t w h e n you ha v e t h a t k i n d o f p r o c e s s , i t c a n tend to g e t d i s o rg a n i z e d . ” Iow a ’s c a u c u s w a s o n J a n . 3 a n d Mitt R o m n e y w a s t h e w i n n e r b y the sli m m e s t o f m a rg i n s o v e r R i c k Santor u m . R o n P a u l c a m e i n t h i r d only by a m a rg i n o f 3 7 8 8 v o t e s . N e w t Gingri c h a n d R i c k P e r r y c a m e i n fourth a n d f i f t h r e s p e c t i v e l y. The r e s u l t s o f t h e c a u c u s h a v e b e e n dispute d s i n c e t h e v o t e w a s t a k e n . No on e h a s a d e f i n i t i v e a n s w e r o f who w o n b u t t h e I o w a G O P o ff i c i a l s have de c l a r e d i t a v i r t u a l t i e . T h e l a s t results s h o w e d R i c k S a n t o r u m o v e r Mitt R o m n e y b y o n l y 3 4 v o t e s . “Ba s i c a l l y a c a u c u s i s t r y i n g t o get und e c i d e d v o t e r s o n a s i d e s o t h e y can br i n g i n d e l e g a t e s f r o m t h e s t a t e and nat i o n a l c o n v e n t i o n , ” s a i d A u r o r a

O w e n s ‘13, president of AL’s JSA o rg a n i z ation that meets once a week t o d i s c u ss political issues of the day. “ I t ’s a c tually a better form of voting t h e n j u st polling (like a primary) b e c a u s e your vote is worth more w h e n y ou have delegates. Obama still h a d a c aucus because he still has to b e a p p r oved.” T h e caucuses help weed out the l e g i t i m ate candidates from the rest of t h e p a c k. Iowa showed us a perfect e x a m p l e of this. After the Iowa c a u c u s , Texas Governor Rick Perry h a d t o reasses his running chances a n d M i n nesota representative Michele B a c h m a nn dropped out of the race all t o g e t h e r. T h e Iowa caucus is just the v e r y b e ginning of the weeding out p r o c e s s for voters. Once a candidate i s s e l e c ted for the republicans there w i l l b e a series of debates between P r e s i d e nt Obama and his challenger. G e t t i n g involved in this election is i m p o r t a nt for students because of the i m p a c t that the next commander in c h i e f w i ll have on the nation. Election d a y i s Nov. 6, 2012. “ N o matter what president we g e t t h e y make a huge impact on our l i v e s , ” Owens said. “Don’t just vote f o r t h e person your parents like or w h o y o u’ve heard the most about. R e a l l y go out there and decide on y o u r o wn.”

News Briefs Europe has been experiencing extremely cold weather which is now beginning to trickle into the economy. The cold snap has killed hundreds, closed airports and schools, and has even broke a damn near Bulgaria. The diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s could be changing to mild cognitive impairment. People are usually diagnosed with this when they only have memory problems, but not thinking. A man in Wisconsin committed suicide in 2007 and his body was not found January of this year. He had led a secluded life and fell into a depressed state after his mother passed away in 1997. He led people to believe that he was moving to New Mexico. Microsoft recently unveiled images of Windows 8, and the start button has an untimely death. Instead it has been replaced with a “super bar”. Where the start button used to be, you will be able to switch between the desktop and the Metro UI. News Briefs collected from Yahoo! News

Google visits school District receives Chromebooks By Christina Rivera

Suzanne Peterson Reporter

“It’s a big deal! 24/7 learning,” David Fringer, Executive Director Information Systems for Council Bluffs Schools, said. Staring in the fall of 2012, each student will receive a Google Chromebook. Forty one states use Chromebooks. Districts are buying Chromebooks, but this initiative isn’t about computers. On Jan. 31, A.L and T.J hosted Google representatives. This was one of the few times Google visited a high school. Mayor Tom Hanafan said the event was “creative, symbolic, and innovative.” “It was interesting to see these young people really get involved,” Hanafan said. According to Fringer, Google came to the two high schools to help say thanks to the district. “They wanted a party to celebrate and to help the project out.” Fringer said. The biggest part in making these Chromebooks a

success are the students. “When we started working with Google, We didn’t realize what a difference it would make,” Hanafan said. Students can use a feature in the Chromes where they can give suggestions and feedback to Google. According to Google’s Operation Manager Chris Russell, “(We came here to) let students know what they have done with their feedback,” Russell said. With information collected regarding the Chromes, Google has been able to create new updates to accommodate the needs of students. In addition to not having to worry about saving homework, students also use the netbooks to interact with each other. “The computers are a great tool that we use at school because not only is it easy to do homework on them, but they also give you access to (your) Gmail,” Melissa Diaz ‘13 said. “You can easily stay connected with students all over the district.”

They are now able to collaborate on assignments together and classes have become more effective in getting students. It now makes it easier to get their work done on the Chromes and having access to it at home. “I don’t have to worry about leaving my homework at home because it’s all in the computer,” Thanh Nguyen ‘14 said. In addition to not having to worry about saving your homework, it is also a way to interact with one’s peers. Students have not only helped Google with recommendations, but in return Google has been able to change our school’s environment. It has become a positive place for students to learn about today’s advanced technology. “I’m thankful Google has supported us with computers,” Cody Smith ‘14 said. “ Google has helped my learning experience because it’s easier, and faster to review or use material when you have a computer. Hands on learning right in front of you.”



Brittany Rupp | Editor in Chief


How to keep yourself healthy during the winter By Lauren Myers Entertainment Editor

The time of year where numerous illnesses fly around has returned. Many people research how to avoid getting an illness and to try and keep healthy during the winter. Indeed winter has its pros and cons but one who is on the path to staying healthy during this time and in the future can turn to a dietitian. “Dietitians are experts in nutrition and food and can help design meal plans

for healthy eating and answer questions about food,” Wendy Kritenbrink, Hy-Vee dietitian said. “Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables helps with weight and helps boost the immune system because fruits and vegetables have less calories than a lot of other foods and plenty of vitamins and antioxidants.” Another way to help stay healthy through food is by eating the correct amount of meals throughout the day. “Eat three meals per

There are many activities one could chose to be involved in at Abraham Lincoln, but added to the mix earlier this year is the club named ALL IN. ALL IN is a club that started at the beginning of the year. It was formed on a state grant and is running with the help of some AEA members. A few

stay active. Look for “open gym” times...Getting out for walks or activities like playing football or soccer on nice days is a good idea as well.” If one has any concerns about staying active or healthy Krienbrink suggest consulting a dietitian or a doctor. “Teenagers who have concerns about their weight should consult a dietitian or doctor for help with weight management, as many teenagers manage their weight in ways that

are unhealthy,” Kritenbrink said. “They should also discuss their want to consult a doctor or dietitian with their parents.” From one thing to the next, one can get on the right path to staying or improving their health by doing what is the best for them, sometimes either with the help of a dietitian or a doctor. If one is staying active, many students take part in school sports where they can keep active during the winter and throughout the school year.

Proposed bill faces opposition in Senate

just showing up at school, but going on to join clubs and activities that make school a fun environment. The club is mainly for bringing to the students in our school together. However there are even some teachers that are involved and support the group too, for example Sarah Steinmetz (TAG teacher), Dan Whaley (Science teacher), Jennifer Bonham (Social Studies teacher), and many others.

“We are trying to get the school together for one purpose or goal,” Caroline Seilstad ‘12 . weeks into this 2011-2012 school year Todd Barnett asked students from different groups and “crowds” in our school to join the club in order to make it a diverse club. These students meet every Monday after school in Dan Whaley’s room. The students have come together to find on common goal that will unite the school. “We are trying to get the school together for one purpose or goal,” Caroline Seilstad ‘12 said. “So we can all feel that we belong here, so that everyone wants to be at school, get better grades, and do even more for A.L.” After the club was formed, the process of achieving the goal of the club was left up to the students to figure out. They want to work on getting everyone involved in school. They hope to stop students from

Some advice for teenagers vary from a certain intake of fruits and vegetables to staying active. Kirn, Iowa School for the Deaf and Lewis Central pools have open swim times students can go to for a nominal price if needing an idea on what to do to keep active. “Teenagers should try to consume at least five halfcup servings of fruits and vegetables daily and if you can get nine in that’s even better,” Kritenbrink said. “Teenagers should try to

Protecting Copyrighted material

ALL IN brings kids together By Krystal Hopkins Reporter

day and add snacks if you feel hungry in between meals,” Kritenbrink said. “Eating regular meals and snacks help with healthy growth and energy levels. ‘My Plate’ is a good tool to help with meal planning. It teaches you to start with a 9” plate and fill half with fruits and vegetables, ¼ of the plate with protein and ¼ of the plate with starches, and 1 cup of milk on the side. More information about ‘My Plate’ can be found at www.myplate. gov”.

Another thing the group is working on is meeting new people. Whether one has a conversation with someone different or even if one just says hello to someone new in the halls. It builds towards the over all goal of making friends which brings the students of A.L one step closer to becoming united. The group has also tried some advertisement things such as tee shirts, stickers and posters around the school to hopefully get people interested in the club. “We want to show people that it’s a big group its not just a couple people that are trying to start something its a lot of people,” Michaela Kennedy ‘12 said. The group will help the school to feel more like a home for the students and make it easier for one to meet new people and expand their horizons.

A proposed bill would protect copyrighted material from being pirated. Things like would cease to exist. Photo by Shannon Holmes

By Kevin Dickey Design Editor Recently the Internet has was in an uproar about SOPA. The Stop Online Piracy Act, proposed by Texas Representative Lamar Smith, aimed at shutting down websites with ties to copyright infringement. This would have given companies with copyrighted material the power to sue websites and website providers when users upload or share a piece of copyrighted material. Many students took a stand and voiced their opinions-Facebook feeds were overflowing with links to petitions, informational graphics, and articles on the bill. The bombardment of information left some students confused and others well informed.

“The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, previously moving through the House and Senate respectively, were responses to online piracy of Intellectual property by the lobbyists of major entertainment corporations like the Motion Picture Association of America, EA Games, and the National Music Publisher’s Association.” Derek Gilman ’13 said. “Their argument for creating such powerful bills that would effectively give them a larger amount of control over what shows up on the Internet was to protect themselves from losing profit from their copyrighted material.” Many were also quick to point out the flaws and fears of the bill. The new regulation would impose hefty fees on companies both from copyright infringement

and from the monitoring of users, files, downloads, and uploads. Artists also feared the bill could have blocked and alienated legitimate websites that users relied on to share works. On Nov. 10, 2012 ten members of congress, including Ron Paul, signed a letter aimed at proponents stating that SOPA is “overly broad and would cause serious and long term damage to the technology industry, one of the few bright spots in our economy,” and cause “an explosion of innovation-killing lawsuits and litigation.” While many were fretting over what was to be an insurmountable wall of blocks and bans, the techsavy felt the bill was only a road block, adding a few extra steps to the pirates’ process of content stealing. “The bills would also be extremely easy to bypass,

and on the whole the blocks used by the government to implement the bills would compromise the overall security of the Internet. From an ethical and technological standpoint, the bills and the way they would work are flawed, both in idea and implementation,” Gilman said. SOPA was ultimately withdrawn from congress on Jan. 20 by Lamar Smith who initially introduced the bill. This was likely in part to companies who backed the bill. Wikipedia’s blackout led to some eight million people contacting their local representatives, and eight law makers dropped their backing of the bill. The site had 162 million views the day it blacked out and is considered one of the most influential companies that opposed the bill.

Senior Timeline February

11th ACT test at ALHS

18th Financial Aid Event Cash For College Kaplan College at Mall of the Bluffs from 9-12 22nd END OF SECOND TRIMESTER

*** All dates collected from Bobbie LeRette in the Guidance Office


TBA Letter to parents sent concerning seniors in jeopardy of graduating.


Page Design by Britteny Johnson & Jaidlyn Bookout



Face off of the hearts

Be my valentine today By Britteny Johnson Reporter Valentine’s Day is approaching again, and for those who are not a fan of this fun and loving holiday, I am sorry. Valentine’s Day is about truly realizing just how loved you are. It’s a time to slow down your life enough to see all the ones around you who make you happy, and keep you sane. Plus possibly getting the little things like cute candies, cheesy cards, and flowers. Some associate this holiday with just being around your significant other, going on dates and exchanging lavish, funny, or sweet gifts, but I see it as a time to spend with anyone who means something to you. Spending the day with friends who mean the world to you is one way to have a good time, and enjoy this happy holiday. Do any of you remember those cheesy character Valentine’s Day cards, the ones with the corny sayings? Those were what I used to look forward to the most about this holiday; I enjoyed reading them and seeing what my friends were into, character wise. In fact, that’s what I have been associating childhood Valentine’s Day with. Now though, in high school, you don’t see those as much, it’s sad. I admit to forgetting the excitement I had receiving them, but why not bring back cheesy, corny character cards? Why not hold onto the childhood

image of Valentine’s Day? I have three words for you all: conversational candy hearts. Yes, those things that are very controversial for if they taste good or not. I love those things. They bring me back to younger years as well. Picking out which ones were acceptable to eat, and which were too cute not to keep. These cute little candies are extremely difficult to find not around Valentine’s Day, isn’t that just sad? That is one of my favorite parts of this holiday! Now boys, bare with me here. Girls, all I need to say for this is: roses. During Valentine’s Day, no matter if you get them or not, you get to see all the shades of roses imaginable. Most common around this time are the red, pink, and white. Now girls, don’t pretend that when you see them, you don’t feel a little happier inside from how beautiful they are. Don’t they just make you want to smell them as well? And afterwords doesn’t it makes you feel all happy and bubbly inside? Hint hint boys, girls like roses. If you do have yourself a date this Valentine’s Day there is always the unlimited options for romantic and intimate dates. Though, some couples enjoying going on double dates this time of year. Though it’s not an intimate affair, it makes for a fun and enjoyable Valentine’s Day. “We will probably be going to a movie with them (another couple),” Rachel

Cottone-Dungan ‘14 said. If you are one of the people that insist on having a date this Valentine’s Day, why not give this here paper a look at on page 9. You just might find that we are very... helpful. Good luck and have a wonderful and loving Valentine’s Day.

Love me everyday, not just one day By Jaidlyn Bookout Reporter Have you noticed the many overpriced heart-shaped boxes and ridiculous stuffed animals piled among store shelves lately? All these signs are a constant reminder that a certain holiday is on its way. Valentines Day. This month of

“romance” is something that some people look forward to. Keeping them filled with anticipation for the moment, they get to exchange gifts and woo their special somebody. Some people on the other hand, like me, see Feb. 14 as any other day and nothing to celebrate. Or some people may hate the day with a burning passion. Why? Scenario one: you are single. You wake up that morning hoping to spend your day with your friends. But wait, no text back? Then you finally realize that you aren’t getting a reply because they are spending their whole day with their special somebody. Then it seems as if you’re the only one who is not out having fun exchanging gifts and maybe getting a kiss or two. So what are you going to do? Watch TV? Every channel is playing re-runs of “The Notebook”, “The Time-Traveler’s Wife” and who knows what other love movies. Isn’t that feeling great? Scenario Two: You just got dumped. Things just didn’t work out. You were looking forward to this day and now it’s here but your significant other isn’t. What do you do now? You’re surrounded by hearts and cute happylooking couples and Valentine’s Day is just making you want your ex back even more. Valentines Day- the reason why you’re sitting in your

room, blaring Taylor Swift, eating chocolate that you bought yourself while staring at pictures of you and your ex. Doesn’t that suck? Scenario Three: you are in a relationship, and dead broke. You and your significant other have been together for a while and are pretty happy. Then someone asks what you two are doing for Valentine’s. No answer. Truth is, you are dead broke and there is no way you can buy the dozen fresh cut red roses along with a nice meal or movie for you two to share together. With no cash you’re now freaking out, wondering how you’re going to celebrate the day that’s supposed to be so special. What are you going to do now? I may not be heartbroken or lonely but Valentine’s Day is just like any other--no need to go all out and celebrate. If you’re my special somebody, don’t save all the cute stuff for one day. I want to see you try each and every day. Whether you’re a Valentine’s Day hater because you’re single, broke, heartbroken, or any other odd reason, just remember that it only lasts 24 hours. The cute stuffed animals and heart-shaped boxes will soon fade from stores shelves and maybe next year my opinion and even yours on this holiday will be a different.

Facebook fasting: A month without social networking By Melanie Krohn Copy Editor

correct? Definitely not to me. I can claim to be a Facebook addict, in fact I used to post several statuses a day and spend hours on perusing my newsfeed. However on Twitter, ironically, I spotted the term “Facebook-free February” and decided that it was precisely something I needed to take Keeping track of not part in. only your friends, but also I don’t plan on getting rid your friends’ friends and of my Facebook completely, even complete strangers and actually I find it to be an is a concept that would extremely valuable resource have seemed strange, even in communicating with my ridiculous, 20 years ago. In family who live out of town today’s society, it’s normal. and friends in college. But A social networking tool Facebook has its flaws, of that known as Facebook meant for which I have realized I would networking and sharing about rather not partake in. It seems yourself is more than what it there’s a mentality of “Maybe is meant for. It has turned into my life is better than their’s so a superficial, judgemental, I can feel good about myself and addictive world where for just a second” lurking in so the value of a thought is many of the users. translated into the amount You may have 800 friends of times the “like” button on Facebook, but I can is pushed. Does this seem guarantee you’re not friends

with all of them in real life. Maybe you don’t like some of them. Maybe you’ve never even met them before. You still let them into your life. You let them read your profile, creep through your pictures. You do the same, looking at their stuff. You see a couple you never liked together break up, and you like it and their unhappy situation. You see someone post a picture of their new haircut and think “how ugly.” Someone posts a status rudely referring to someone they used to be friends with, and you like it, feeding into the fire of demeaning the other person. The critical and judgemental Facebook society has effects on you that you’re probably not even conscious of. You may really like a certain band, but you refuse to add them to your favorite music section because you’re not sure what people will think. You might be posting statuses

overly-criticizing a particular group or type of person, knowing that they’ll see it, but it’s something you’d never say to their face. You may mindlessly scroll through your profile countless times and arrange and rearrange your profile pictures to the right combination that makes you appear to be the person who you want to be. Someone comments on your new profile picture and you hope it appears on the new ticker on the sidebar so your other friends will see it and comment on or like it. If you don’t find anything wrong with these behaviors, you may want to do a self-analysis of your Facebook usage and your motives behind using it. Facebook can crumble a user’s self-confidence in minutes. It also makes a person so overconfident that it affects their real-life friendships and reputation,

not just their online ones. Do you really want to be a part of that? Do you want to feed into a place where people post based on the reactions they’ll get? Most importantly, what could you be doing instead of obsessively browsing a feed that apparently reports on your “friends’” lives? For Facebookfree February, I’ve decided to read books instead of my newsfeed. I have many crafts from Pinterest to do. I have a ton of scholarship applications waiting for me to fill out, and I know I will get them done in half the time it would take me if I had the distraction of Facebook. I challenge you to give up Facebook for a while. Deactivate it or have someone change your password, and see how much more productive you will be without it. Looking back on my Facebook usage, I’m positive I’ve wasted at least a month of my life using that site.

I realize how socially affected I had become from my constant online status and I have realized how destructive Facebook can be on someone’s life firsthand. When March comes around, I’ll probably log back on again. I’ll check my messages and friend requests, reply to any wall posts I’ve gotten, and look at any pictures I may have been tagged in. But once I have looked at everything I received throughout my month-long absence and maybe uploaded some photos, I will log off. I won’t waste my time browsing my newsfeed and looking at trivial posts. The importance of my standings in an online community has been reduced to nothing with my recent realizations, and I plan to keep it there as I delve into a life filled with productivity and newly-opened eyes on the topic of social networking.



Page Design by Britteny Johnson & Jaidlyn Bookout

Thank you for participating


ny kid can see it when they pull into the lot at 6:55 every morning. The front row full and the second half of the first row halfway filled to match the front. These students’ cars represent approximately 66 kids that get out of bed and come to school before 7:00 to do their activities, which keeps them involved in AL. We are not only speaking of the kids who get here at 7 every morning, we are talking about the kids who also stay after until 7:00 or 8:00 at night. These are the kids who care, and we, the Echoes staff, send a kudos to you. Being involved is not an easy task, no one ever said that it was going to be. But as freshmen you are told to get involved, and that this will keep you on the right track to graduation, and as many seniors may say, also teach

some valuable lessons along the way. Things such as time management, how to be a leader, and the other miscellaneous things you learn in that activity that often times spill into your life after graduation. On the other hand, there are a large percentage of students who just skate by, getting only requirements done for graduation. They come to school in pajamas and are tired because they spent the whole night on various Websites looking up who knows what, while other students are working hard on homework and projects and still have time to get dressed in the morning. Activities such as Link Crew, jazz band, and show choir require students to take free time out of their schedules before and after school. We on the newspaper

School lunches--a time for students to talk to friends, take a break from the busy school day, and of course, eat lunch. Chicken patties, corn dogs and cheeseburgers are just some of the food items offered on our lunch menu, and for some students, that’s great. As for me though, it’s hard to eat school lunch because I’m a vegetarian. Most of our school lunch choices contain meat of some kind, which sometimes makes it almost impossible to eat. Some may say, “Why don’t you get the fruit platter or the yogurt and bagel?” I usually do get those, but I get sick of eating the same things for lunch everyday and it’s not healthy to do so. Also, yes I could bring my own lunch, but most food you have to keep cold and I don’t have anywhere to put it. All I’m asking is that there be a couple more options to eat or at least one option that isn’t the same as the previous days. It wouldn’t hurt if I could get one big salad as an entree instead of a little bowl of it or maybe start offering veggie burgers. I emailed the Supervisor of Nutrition

Editors-in-Chief Brittany Rupp Danielle Peabody Section Editors Lauren Myers Devon Jefferson Blake Willadsen Jaidlyn Bookout Britteny Johnson


Photo Editor Shannon Holmes Design Editor Kevin Dickey Business Manager Emmalee Adams Advertising Staff Arianne Boehme Amanda Peters Photographers Jessie Adkins Kristine Swanson Hayley Hochsettler

staff can also think of many occasions that we have given up our after school time just to print a paper for students, so thinking that there are other students like us, makes us appreciate you more for everything you

Veggie options needed for lunch By Arianne Boehme Ad Staff



Services for Council Bluffs Community Schools, Virginia Bechtold, and asked why there weren’t more options. She replied that they have offered a vegetarian burger but as students stop taking an item it may be removed from the menu. But maybe it’s time to give us a second chance. There are plenty of food items that the school could offer that don’t contain meat. Even our pasta salad has meat in it part of the time. Having more meatless options would not only be nice and benefit vegetarians, but would help the students who can’t eat meat on Fridays during the season of Lent. Yes, I know that not all of the student body celebrates the season and I’m not asking them to. But having an option for those who do would help greatly. Another thing about school lunch is that on Monday mornings lunch is served at early hours of the day; first lunch is at 9:45 and personally, I don’t want to eat pizza or anything like that early. If the school served at least one breakfast item, even if it was something small, it would benefit not only vegetarians but the student body as a whole. After all breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I realize that creating a menu that please everyone and meets the standard set forth for the school to follow is a challenge. However some consideration should be taken to include the entire student body. Even meat eaters may choose vegetarian options some of the times, and breakfast food would please everyone as a change of pace, however vegetarians are never going to choose a meat filled option.

Graphics and Cartoons Elizabeth Beck

Sympathy for the shortsighted By Kevin Dickey Design Editor

I’m finally tired of high school. It’s been eating away at me for weeks now, and I’ve come to realize that this bizarre social experiment is a better model of wild life then the real world. Too many people are disillusioned, and who knows, maybe I am too. Maybe I’m like Sen. Joe McCarthy trying to oust a group of people for no reason, or maybe I’m like Wikileaks founder Julian Assange shedding light on things that would otherwise be hidden. I feel like I don’t fit a clique-I’m not a jock, a stoner, a geek. I don’t go to wild parties and I don’t spend Friday nights studying. I would like to think this gives me a less objective view on bullying. Honestly though, and this might be teenage angst, I feel apathetic. I’ve been bullied and I’ve been the bullier and it seems like a moderate amount of flack is due in high school. Before I continue, if you do feel that bullying is making your life worse, by all means report it. Tell a teacher, an administrator, or a counselor. What matters to me is the oppressive and spiteful comments of students who classify themselves as high achieving.

I hate when people say “popular” like it’s an awful thing. Popularity is having the favor of your peers, it’s about people liking you. I support hard work and being intelligent, I like to think of myself as being somewhat smart, but I don’t harbor any hostility towards popular people. I don’t think of everyone more popular then me as stupid. I don’t think being popular makes you a bad person, but there are a significant number or people who would say that. Being elected for student council is a popularity contest and so is being prom king or queen, and that means those people are liked. Students who push it off as unimportant because it’s a popularity contest are disillusioned. I don’t understand egotistical over achievers, people who say “I’m better because I’m part of a more advanced class,” or retort with “Well, I’m in an honors program.” Guess what, it’s high school and while those things are great achievements, they don’t mean you’re an all around better person then anyone else. Be proud of what you accomplish yourself, don’t push it into the faces of others to make them feel inferior, don’t turn your nose up just because your dreams are loftier. Maybe this is all part of the flow of high school bullying. Jocks pick on nerds, nerds make snide remarks. I’m sure this behavior isn’t completely unwarranted but I find it hypocritical when an intelligent student comments on how lowly his position in the social cast is and how undeserving others are. Truth is popularity is a major part of life and people who think graduation from our fake world to the real world is going to change this are sorely mistaken.

Copy Editors Melanie Krohn Brian Williams Executive Reporter Suzanne Peterson Reporters Victoria Holcomb Joe Vrenick Christina Rivera Krystal Hopkins Foreign Correspondent Hunter Hiffernan Webmaster Brian Williams Adviser Gerry Appel The Echoes is published by the newspaper staff of Abraham Lincoln High School, and exists to serve as an open forum for the students, faculty, administration and community. All state and federal laws regarding the publications of student materials shall apply, and the Echoes will not publish materials which also fall under the guidelines established by the Council Bluffs Public Schools system, and are deemed libelous, obscene, or a material and substantial disruption to normal classroom activities. The views expressed are not those of the Council Bluffs Public Schools, faculty, or administration. Any student, faculty, or staff member wishing to contribute materials will need to submit a letter to the editor within deadline restriction; however, final publications is at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor are encouraged, and must be 400 words or less in length and signed; letters will be printed as received. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of the author, and no anonymous letters will be published. Advertising will not be accepted for all products or services that are illegal for minors to possess or utilize. Advertisers wishing to reserve publication space should call 712328-6481 ext. 425.

Member Publication


Kevin Dickey | Design Editor



Unrequited love A look into the friend zone By Emmalee& Adams

Arianne Boehme

MTV has filmed it, Taylor Swift has sang it, and countless teenagers have experienced it. The friend Zone, as defined by, means “To fail to impress a woman you’re attracted to, usually initiated by the woman saying, “You’re such a good friend.” Usually associated with long days of suffering and watching your love interest hop from one bad relationship to another.” Sound familiar? High school has given teenagers a start for relationship, first loves, and co-ed friendships. Along with these relationships and friendships, there has also been a “no man’s land”, which no one wants to be in. In some cases, though, landing in the Friend Zone is unavoidable, but there is a way to get out of it. “Normally I give hints, if [the girl] responds back, then I express how I feel,” Miguel Espinoza ‘13 said. If the hints dropped aren’t picked up, one can wonder if there is ever a time to just give up and remain friends. If the relationship isn’t meant to be then one may find it more beneficial to end the pursuit. “Yes, whenever [the girl] gets the hints, but they don’t care,” Espinoza said. Sometimes, the friend zone is inevitable. Whether one confesses his or her feelings, or is forced to let the desired one go,honestly may be the best policy in most cases. Both sides have it uncomfortable though. Even the person on the other end of it, the “friendzoner”, can find it just

as stressful. Not only does one have to tell his or her friend that the “friendzoner” doesn’t feel the same, and the friendship could potentially be ruined. “[I feel] worried that I’m going to lose my friend,” said Samantha Adams, English teacher. Adams also believes that the “friendzoner” should be honest when trying to get out of t h e sticky situation. “I’m honest [about my feelings] because I don’t want to lose a friend,” Adams said. Some good things however, can come from the friend zone. Sometimes the friendship can be a good base for a relationship. The friend zone can help to jump start a relationship without having to worry about the get-to-know-you stage. “Yes, [a relationship can develop from friendship]. It’s good to know each other first,” Adams said. The friend zone can be a very complicated and undesirable place to be in. No matter which end one is on. As one can see, not only can the friend zone be hurtful to the person in the friend zone, it can be just as horrible for the “friendzoner” as well. If someone is lucky a relationship can blossom, or if someone is unlucky, a friendship could be ruined. No matter what end of the friend zone one may be on, it seems to be a common theme to be honest and confess true feelings.

“Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” -Washington Irving


Danielle Peabody | Editor-in-Chief



Photo Illustration by Shannon Holmes

Divorce affects more than just the living arrangments By Christina Rivera Reporter

Divorce is often a difficult time for people who are separating because they can no longer see eye to eye. They come to the conclusion they are better off going their separate ways, but in most cases it may have more of an affect on the kids than on the parents. How do parents tell their children that their marriage isn’t working out and they have filed for a divorce? It takes a while for children to understand and process the idea of their parents’ divorce. They wonder how will their lives change, why are their mom

and dad getting a divorce, and most importantly, how will it all work out in the end? The first step is to break the news to the family. Alissia Tallant ‘15 remembers when her parents did just that. “(My parents) sat my brother and I on the couch and said it was better if they weren’t together.” Tallant said. “I wanted to cry, but I know they were doing it for the better of us.” There are a lot of emotions that can run through a person and sometimes expressing those feelings doesn’t do any harm. At 6 years old, Hannah

Goldapp ’13 remembers sitting on the stairs with her mom, crying. “My life completely turned around. We moved

stable, at around 50% for first-time marriages. With each marriage thereafter the percentage increases. Half of the children born

(to Council Bluffs and) my dad isn’t in the picture,” Goldapp said. Whether it be bursting out in tears or feeling alone, millions of other people are experiencing the same situation. According to Divorce Guide, for the past decade divorce has remained

this year to parents who are married will see their parents divorce before they turn 18, according to the article written Patrick Fagan, Ph.D. and Robert Rector at Many may say that the hardest part in a marriage is getting it to work and agreeing. When

“My life completely turned around. It has more of an effect on kids than people realize.” - Hannah Goldapp ‘13

parents can no longer seem to do just that, their marriage fails. Going to counseling before getting the divorce may be helpful, “because it has more of an affect on kids than people realize,” Goldapp said. Even the smaller things such as spending time with both parents can become a hard task if they are no longer together. For Tallant, something as simple as asking permission to do something is challenging because of their different opinions and views. “It became difficult to talk to them,” Tallant said. “At first it was, but now that I’m older and it’s easier to

connect with them.” Why is it then that these two people, who are so different from each other now, get married in the first place? Some say for love, some say they found their best friend, and others say because they were meant to be. Whatever the answer may be, marriage is a special bond between two people and just like everything else it can collapse. The memories of the proposal and the wedding day stay in the past and one can start a new life being single again. It isn’t the easiest process, but in the long run many couples beleive it is whatever makes two people the happiest.

Student Spotlight: Trevor Anderson creative, motivated From private to public school, Anderson suceeds By Suzanne Peterson Executive Reporter

Sketching his work, Trevor Anderson works away in art Photo by: Elizabeth Beck

After spending his first two years of high school at Creighton Prep, Trevor Anderson moved, and ended up at A.L. when his stepdad received a job in Council Bluffs. When he first started at A.L, Anderson was worried he wouldn’t learn anything, with a change from a private school to a public school, but he enjoys the freedom of wearing what he pleases and has learned a lot about religion, ethics, philosophy, and morals. Anderson’s intrests consists of ice skating, (which he does about three times a month) and watching comedy movies. “I like Robin Williams movies. It’s not really crude humor. It’s more family humor,” Anderson said. Anderson also enjoys

politics and news, where he likes being informed about what’s going on in the world. He is also involved in JSA--Junior Statesmen of America (a club for students who are interested in news, politics, government, foreign affairs, law and education, where they attended related conference and events), and the literature club. “I just like reading books. Not really books, mainly articles about sociology, and news articles,” Anderson said. A good friend of Anderson, Aurora Owens ‘13, had gym with him first trimester. “He was hanging with some people I was friends with,” Owens said. “He’s pretty funny, he’s a ginger, and pretty intelligent. He’s pretty nerdy, and I’m nerdy sometimes; and we both like current events. I could

definitely see him going to a fancy college.” In three words, Owens described Anderson as creative, motivated, and intellectual. “We’re part of the same club (JSA). We discuss current issues, and things that have to do with politics.” Different from many students, Anderson doesn’t have a lot of animosity. “There’s not a lot I dislike honestly. I’d just say I dislike watching sports. I don’t like watching football, it’s boring.” In his free time, Anderson likes to catch up with his friends that go to Millard, where he lived most of his life, or to the Old Market, where they walk around and visit the shops. His favorite shop is Ashley’s, because of all the festive decor. “I’d say Trevor is

fashionable, pretentious, and a good listener,” Julia Hetrick ‘13 said, another friend of Anderson. “I like his sense of style, and it’s easy to get along with him. He also has a lot of money. In five years from now, I could see Trevor as America’s Next Top Model. I’m just kidding! I could see him going to Harvard, getting his doctorate, or being a fashion designer.” When Anderson grows up, he hopes to be a psychologist. “I’m interested in people, it makes good money, and it helps (people),” Anderson said. He also would like to attend a college in Chicago, where they have a student exchange program. Changing scenes from one of the top private schools to a public school, Anderson has transitioned quickly with his unique style, creativity, and his academic achievements.



Lauren Myers | Entertainment Editor


“How to woo your Valentine” The Echoes guide to winning their hearts

By Danielle Peabody Editor-in-Chief


Know your target.


Consult your list.

Take notes on your target.

Get a Motorcycle.

Make her fall in love.

Consult your friends.

Do the hair flip.

Obtain Number. Photos by Kristine Swanson

If you fail:


Find another target

The Echoes staff is not responsible for any broken hearts or dislike that may arise. No motorcycles, guitars, or hearts were injured in the production of this how-to.

The Golden Globes : on the road to the Oscars By Joe Vrenick Reporter

It’s finally here. Hollywood is ready to take that sweet road to the Oscars. But before they get there, there’s one particular award show that is standing in their way. The Golden Globes. Yes, the awards show that not only is big for movies, but TV shows as well. The first part we look at are the nominees for the two “Best Picture” categories (they are split between Drama and Musical or Comedy) and we think who got left out. This year, The Hollywood Foreign Press, producers of the Golden Globes, left out two really big movies out of the “Best Picture - Drama” category. One of them being “Drive.” “Drive,” starring Ryan Gossling (who is nominated for two Golden Globes

this year) received a lot of attention from critics, and audiences. It is on the Top Lists for Critics Choice, it ranked 204 on’s Top 250 Best Movies list, and it had also won the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival. It was on the list for being put into that category, but they can only nominate five movies for the spot, so “Drive” is out of the picture for The Golden Globes, but it has the potential to get into one of the ten Best Picture slots for the Oscars. The other movie that was on the list but wasn’t nominated was the biggest hit of the year, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.” This is the last of the Harry Potter franchise, and Warner Bros. ended it with a bang. It was the most successful movie of the year and it helped make Daniel Radcliffe the Entertainer of

the Year by “Entertainment Weekly”. But the same problem with “Drive,” there can only be five spots, it might have to wait for the Oscars. The last thing that we look at are the winners. Everyone thinks about the people and movies that win The Golden Globe! On Sunday, January 15, The winners were announced. For the Best Pictures, “The Descendants” won for Best Picture (Drama) and “The Artist” won Best Picture (Musical or Comedy). Martin Scorsese won Best Director for “Hugo”. Woody Allen won Best Original Screenplay for “Midnight in Paris”. George Clooney won Best Actor in a Drama (“The Descendants”) and Meryl Streep won Best Actress in a Drama (“The Iron Lady”). Jean Dujardin won for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy (“The Artist”), and Michelle Williams

won Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy (“My Week With Marilyn”). The first step on the road

to the Oscars has been taken. We can only wait for that one big step into the Academy Awards to come in March.

George Clooney starred in the “The Descendants” which received best picture. Photo Courtesy of MCT Campus


Lauren Myers | Entertainment Editor



Actors, crew, directors begin journey to May 17 By Victoria Holcomb Reporter

Steve Mandelko teaches a drama course in which many student actors gain skills that may be used in plays and musicals. Photo by Jessie Atkins

Talking, breathing and thinking exactly as your character--an actor’s job (hopefully) becomes easier with each passing day. Living up to the long set of expectations set by directors, and designing sets is all part of being an actor. On the other hand, the director’s role--making sure the show comes together as he or she has pictured it, motivating the students to work hard and memorize lines--is something every director needs to be able to do. Along with making sure the script is understood, as well as figuring out placement, are just a few things that a director has on his to do list during rehearsals. “Producing theater and

watching the actors grow and own it by the night of the show. It’s a great feeling when you know your creating something a lot of people will see,” Steve Mandelko, Drama and English teacher, said. Plays, even at a high school level, require a lot of work behind the curtain. Directors acquire the help through the tech class, and with drama courses and students that are willing to help. Mandelko’s tech class is starting to build the set for the backdrop, and any other props they might need to use throughout this year’s musical. During the auditions for the musical, each actor was asked to sing a 16 measure song of their choosing that they were very comfortable singing. After their solos, actors were asked to read a short monologue “in

character”. Before the auditions started they explain each character in detail so the actor could match his or her voice actions and personality to fit one. As for casting the musical, Lynne Boyd, choir teacher, and Mandelko, do not use pre-casting, which basically promises a certain part to an individual. Although after the auditions, the directors need to take time to think about who they wanted to be in what role. “I’m going to read the script and listen to the music,” Seamus St. Clair ‘13 said about preparing for the musical. Rehearsals start at the start of March and go through opening night. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”, will be presented May 17-19 at 7:00pm in the AL auditorium. Ticket prices are to be announced.

Teen friendly versions of Disney movies gaining interest By Joe Vrenick Reporter

A long time ago, in a year not so far, far away, we were all kids. Kids who would get ready to go to bed and listen to their parents tell them a bed time story. These stories included Snow White, Red Riding hood, Peter Pan, Pinocchio and other fairy tales. Everyone loved

them. People even loved the cute little Disney cartoons that they made of those beloved fairy tales. Today, Hollywood is in need of some money, and they are running a little low on ideas for the major movies that really get critics’ attention. So major studios have hired screenwriters to take everyone’s favorite fairytale stories and make them modern, darker and what Hollywood calls “teen-friendly.” “I personally like the

movies that they made that were all darker like the new ‘Alice in Wonderland,’” Jade Thomas ‘15 said. “I thought it was a good twist on the story, it was really cool, and darker.” The “teen friendly” fairy tale movies began with the release of 2010’s “Alice in Wonderland” and 2011’s “Red Riding Hood” which stared Amanda Seyfried. Now for this new year, Hollywood has decided to release three “Teen Friendly” versions of Snow


White. The first one is being released in March, and it’s called “Mirror, Mirror”. The second one is being released in the summer, and that is called “Snow White and the Huntsman” which has stirred some hype. The third one, which has not had its release date set at the moment, is just plain and simply called, “Snow White.” Snow White is not the only fairytale that’s being made into a modernized, “teen friendly” movie.

Directors Gris Grimly, Mark Gustafson, and Adam Parrish King, with the help of producer Guillermo del Toro, are taking on Pinocchio in a darker version of the classic tale, which will be released sometime in either 2013 or 2014. Rumors have started to spread around that there are going to be two modernized movies about Cinderella. Hollywood will potentially release those in 2013 and early 2014. And in late 2013, we get “Peter Pan

Begins”, starring Channing Tatum from “Dear John.” “I want to see ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’,” Mimi Dollen ‘14, said, “because I’m sick of the old, Disney version of Snow White, and this new version looks a lot better.” While we all still debate on which was better, the cartoons or the new “teen friendly” versions, many students agree that we still love the stories that based off of these cartoons and movies.


Blake Willadsen | Sports editor


Hitting the mats

Wrestlers strive for victory with few breaks


By Suzanne Peterson Executive Reporter restling may come off as a sport that may seem negative to some, but to the wrestlers, it’s about gaining respect, strength, and perseverance. “When you go out there, you think about how you’re going to win and how you’re going to beat them; not about physical contact,” third year wrestler, Jordan Peterson ‘13 said. Staying in shape, cutting weight and playing it smart, are some of the key aspects of being a wrestler. “I do wrestling to win,” Jordan Easton said, a fifth year wrestler in the 120 weight class. “(The hardest part) is cutting weight. I usually cheat and don’t eat at all.” According to the public school review, “Wrestling often boosts teens’ practices of intense physical exercise and dietary restriction, leading to incredibly dangerous physical consequences. As wrestlers are forced to either gain or lose weight in order to compete in their desired weight class, many wrestlers engage in restrictive dieting that often involves severe caloric deprivation paired with an excessive pattern of cardio exercise to quickly, and dangerously, burn off body fat and weight.” “I think (wrestling) could be unhealthy,” school nurse Marilyn Knauss said. It’s not (unhealthy) if you follow certain guidelines: clean mats, take care of skin issues. The cutting weight part, consider it unhealthy. Sometimes (cutting weight) can be a good thing, but

watch what you eat,” Eli Rankin ’15 has done wrestling for four years. About three days before a meet, he doesn’t eat or drink liquids, but does wrestling to help him prepare for other sports. At four years of wrestling, Basil Foot ‘13 does wrestling for the feeling of achievement and winning. Foot believes that wrestling is one of the hardest sports, with all the mental and physical strength. With many benefits, teens’ competition

“I used to make myself throw up just so I could make weight. Cutting weight (is the hardest part). You can’t eat as much as you want, and sometimes you can’t eat at all.” Jordan Peterson ‘13 in sports must balance their athleticism with potential dangers. A overly intense focus on the goal--winning--can serve as a hurdle, that could push some to a dangerous edge. “I used to make myself throw up just so I could make weight,” Peterson said. “Cutting weight (is the hardest part). You can’t eat as much as you want, and sometimes you can’t eat at all.” “While the weight-gain and loss practices of wrestling are often considered to be a more

Tip top you don’t stop Offseason athletes hit the gym By Blake Willadsen Reporter “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” This phrase can be found in the hallways on the back of this year’s football shirt. Countless hours go in the weight room and on the court as spring and fall sports are working hard to prepare for their respective seasons. To those not involved in athletics, getting started working this early might not make sense. When your opponents are working harder than you during the winter and spring, then they will already have a head start. “I believe football is a year-round sport. There is no off-season,” Austin Russell ‘13 said. “This is where games are won.” While others are lounging around at home, some of AL’s athletes are taking the initiative to hit the courts, Gym, and weight room. “The preparation in the offseason helps us build confidence in each other,” Russell said. “It helps knowing the person next to you is putting the time in at the weight room.” The soccer team and baseball are already meeting twice a week for open gyms in the evening. Russell and others are attending morning lifting workouts before class to get a step ahead. Lifting weights and improving agility, speed, and power are the focus of offseason lifting to allow more time to improve on technical aspect of the game during the

regular season. “Offseason conditioning gives athletes preparation to get their bodies ready to acclimate themselves into the sport they participate in,” coach Justin Kammrad said. “In track there is only 20 days before the first competition so preparation is very important, whether it’s running on your own or other conditioning.” Even during the coldest time of the year the track team is gearing up for this season by getting in runs. New coach Alan Jenkins and Kammrad are starting a rewards program for athletes willing to volunteer time to prepare on their own. “They are working out and lifting weights, but most of them are still in basketball so that is keeping them in shape,” Kammrad said. Some athletes are trying to get an edge by trying protein and other mass gainer supplements. When trying these it is important they consult a coach or physician to ensure they will get the optimum benefits. “Supplements make you less sore so you can hit the weight room harder and more times a week. It builds more muscle,” Russell said. “I look at the grams of protein per serving and usually talk to Coach (Chris) Moore.” Athletes who stay involved in other sports keep fit for most of the year. Those who are in swimming and basketball are staying prepared for what’s next on the schedule. Whether it’s working with your teammates or hitting the weights on your own the Lynx are attempting to get faster and stronger every day.

drastic example of the dangers of athletics, any teen who feels suppressed by the pressures of competition may choose to engage in practices that can be harmful in order to win and encounter athletic success,” public school review said. Knauss recommends keeping a consistent diet throughout the whole year. Getting rid of salt will help, and look several days ahead to lose weight, not the last second. While wrestlers are cutting down, some football players are building muscle, by drinking protein shakes to bulk up. For many people trying to get in shape consists of working out and dieting. But for those who are trying to bulk up quickly or shape up, protein shakes are part of daily workout. Protein drinks are being advertised as a way to boost fitness, and marketing targets from body builders to teenagers. “I drink protein shakes right after I work out,” Alec Maher ‘12 said. “I drink it because it doesn’t make me sore after my workout.” With staying in shape, there is also a price, some costlier than others. “I pay around $100 every few months,” Cory Monson ‘15 said. “I drink it five times a week, mainly once or twice a day. It makes me bigger and stronger, (and it doesn’t taste good so) I suck it up.” With teenagers trying to cut weight, and others trying to gain weight or build muscle up, doing so in a unhealthy way could affect one’s health. If one wants to lose weight properly, the best way to do so is for one to consult with a parent, dietitian, doctor, or follow the guidelines.



Devon Jefferson | Sports editor



Tebow mania takes over nation Students weigh in on Denver Broncos QB

By Blake Willadsen Reporter


e’ve all seen it. Whether it be walking down the hallway only to be blocked by a few Tebowers, to the countless news stories, and even your Facebook newsfeed, Tebow Mania has struck the hearts of many. Tim Tebow, the quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has made quite a name for himself after winning the Heisman and a national title in high school, all while becoming a pop culture icon. He prides himself on a strong moral foundation and is a preacher of Christian values. After a successful career at the University of Florida, Tebow was drafted 25th overall in the NFL draft by the Denver Broncos. This brought up some controversy among Broncos fans as they already had a productive

quarterback and Tebow’s style of play didn’t fit into their offense. Tebow’s resilience is what has made his career such a whirlwind of a story. He wasn’t supposed to be a first round draft pick, he wasn’t supposed to be a starting quarterback, he wasn’t supposed to lead his team to the playoffs. “He’s a great model,” Josh Cross ‘13 said. “He’s very religious and a nice guy. I believe he has a good vibe on other people and makes everyone happy. He inspires so many.” Tebow has made a fan out of casual football fans as well. Tebow’s heartthrob effect has women of the nation in awe. “One day my dad told me ‘I give you permission to marry Tim Tebow,’ and I looked him up,” Allie Moats ‘14 said. “Some people are chicken to show their beliefs. He is courageous enough to

show his beliefs.” As soon as there are the passionate fans surely will follow the Tebow haters. Criticism has been a constant with Tim Tebow throughout his career and once he joined the ranks of the NFL the critics brought significantly more attention to him. “Tim is the most overrated football player since the invention of the sport,” Brice Johnson ‘12 said. “I don’t like Tebow because his belief that God is the reason the Broncos & Gators succeed.” Thanks to the controversy and endless attention being paid to Tim Tebow, it looks like he’s here to stay for awhile. He has become a pop culture icon and has not even won the Super Bowl...yet. Who knows what is next for Mr. Tebow? For an expanded version for this story, visit Tim Tebow has drawn many fans with his national title and his strong moral and Christian values. Photo Courtsey MCT Campus

Kirn student suiting up for Lady Lancers By Brittany Rupp Editor-in-Chief Hockey. One of those sports that can be overlooked, and overshadowed by the other big sports. However with Council Bluffs’ neighboring city having the Omaha Lancers, a United States Hockey League team, and the University Nebraska of Omaha Mavericks, the hype for hockey is growing loud and proud. This sport is slowly but surely growing, and reaching the youth. The Lancers have a youth team. Aly Sorenson, an 8th grader at Kirn Middle school, is part of one of these minor league teams. “I play left wing for the Lady Junior Lancers,” Sorenson said. “Since I was little I had admired the Lancers, along with the rest of my family.” The USHL has 16 different teams in the league with three of the residing in Iowa and one in Nebraska. The Dubuque Fighting Saints, Waterloo Aly Sorrenson, number 15, plays left wing for the Lady Lancers. Submitted photo

Blackhawks, and the Des Moines Buccaneers dominate the Iowa portion while the Omaha Lancers are the only Nebraska team. Hockey is a branch of from lacrosse. Many of the rules that are in lacrosse apply to hockey minus the ice. The team has six players, consisting of two wingers, a center, two defensemen and a goaltender. The center moves the puck down the ice while the wings, which are either right or left, move and stay close to the center and wait to take the puck and score. Defensemen are the defense before the goaltender. Sorenson has been surrounded by hockey since she was a little kid and has always had the sport in her life. With her dad playing in an adult league, and also having her little brother play, she has left her a lot of time spent at the rinks. About two years ago she’s says she caught what could really be called the “hockey bug”.

“I got my first pair of skates when I was about five, but I only started playing in October of 2010,” Sorenson said. Sorenson dedicates a large amount of time to her team but somehow she manages to balance school with play. She is actively involved in Fellowship of Christian Students, History Day, her church, show choir, band, and when she’s not racing up and down the ice she plays roller hockey during the summer months. She spends about three nights a week at a rink in West Omaha or Fremont for two hours running skating drills skill practices and strategy drills, and once a month she gives an entire weekend to the passion of playing Hockey. She does this all year long. “I have to sacrifice a lot, but the time spent with my team is the best,” Sorenson said. “Hockey is unique. Not every girl you meet plays hockey. We are the few and the proud.”

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