Issue 2

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Issue 2 October 2011

The Independent Voice of Abraham Lincoln High School | Council Bluffs, Iowa


Students, staff join in fight against breast cancer By Lauren Myers Entertainment Editor

Many Race for the Cure Participants gather in downtown Omaha to promote and support breast cancer awareness. Photo by Lauren Myers

Bright and early one October morning in downtown Omaha, streets were packed full of 19,500 participants in pink attire ready to support a cause which meant something to them in one way or another. Cheerleaders cheered on participants, news stations covered all of the action, stories could be heard from every direction and the atmosphere was filled with many emotions. It is the month of breast cancer awareness and another year for “Race for the Cure” , which is a run or walk race that participants can attend to help support the fight to end breast cancer by raising funds to help look for a cure. Distances of the race range from one mile to three miles. Participants of all ages can register to take part of the race either as an individual or in a team. One team that takes part in the race is a team put on by AL staff members. Since the team started taking part in the race there has been two team coordinators. “(Colleen) Somers used to run (the team),” Jessie Devereaux, team coordinator/ math teacher said. “ She had a bike race that runs the same week so she handed it off to me.” Even though Devereaux has been apart of the race for some time, there were many reasons for her decision to become apart of the team. “( It is ) my fourth or fifth year ( doing the race),” Devereaux said. “ I think it is for a good cause and it is

easy and enjoyable to do.” One student was taking part in race for the first time. The student feels that their race experience was fun and feels good they helped out the cause. “This is only my first year doing it,” Olivia Navarrette ‘14 said. “I decided to do it because I love running and it was for the cure. So I was all for it. My mom and I ran it together. We had a lot of fun and it felt good to help prevent and support breast cancer.” Being apart of the team at school is just more than wearing a race shirt and walking together side by side in the race. “It is more of a social event,” Devereaux said. “ Usually we meet here and carpool over. Since we don’t run (in the race), we go out and eat breakfast (before).” For another student, the race experience was a first too and it meant that they had a chance to help out both a cause and a group of people. “This is the first year I’ve done this, I do want to keep doing it though,” Lydia Navarrette ‘14 said. “I wanted to take place in the race because my mother asked and I thought it would be for a good cause. It feels good helping people out. I had fun going and I got Ihop after.” Both students and teachers took part of the race to help out a cause that means something to them in one way or another. Along the way each individual experienced how it feels to help out a cause which is close to many.

What’s Inside:

Page 4 Greetings From Denmark Echoes Foreign Correspondent Hunter Hiffernan writes from Denmark about her experiences studying abroad.

Page 12 Miguel Espinoza’s sports injury

Pages 6 and 7 Student fashion trends Echoes wants to know what your style is! Scan our QR code to visit our website and tell us what you love to wear or send us a picture of your personal style on our Facebook to be featured in our trends photo album. “Like” us on Facebook: “ALHS Echoes.”



Brittany Rupp | Editor in Chief


Cafeteria procedures raise complaints Longer lines, higher prices greet students By Jaidlyn Bookout Reporter With every lunch comes a lunch line. But where should you draw the line between being impatient and knowing that your lunch line is too long? Lunch for some people is known as a social hour or now commonly known as a place to wait in long lines for food. There are three lunch periods everyday for 22 minutes each. With hundreds of students trying to get food--and few lunch servers--lunch hour can be a hassle. “The lunch lines are flat out ridiculous. They’re super long and people need time to eat. Some kids don’t even eat because they don’t want to wait in line,” Emmali Greenwalt ‘14 said. For students who do eat school lunch, several different lines await their arrival when the bell goes


“Lunch lines are long in the beginning of the year. A lot of that has to do with the process of the sides, and some students don’t know exactly what they want or where to go, and not having their codes,” Jeff Novotny, assistant principal, said. “As the school year goes on the lines will move a lot faster. No matter how far along the school year is, every lunch line comes with line cutters. “It gets annoying when people cut,” Megan Figueroa ‘15 said. “Especially when upperclassmen walk right in front of the freshman. It happens all the time even if you’re the first one a big rush of people walk right in front of you.” According to Novotny, he is trying to address linecutting when he is on lunch duty. “I try to position myself somewhere in the line and I

Long lines in the cafeteria hinder students’ ability to get lunch in a timely manner and consume it in 22 minutes. Photo by Elizabeth Beck watch for it but I have two eyes and there’s 400 kids. Most kids do what they’re supposed to and get in line but you have that small portion of kids that think they’re better than everyone else and go right to the front,” Novotny said. According to Novotny, the students in first lunch were timed to see how long

it took from the time lunch starts to the last person to get through the line, it took only six minutes. Another thing students have been noticing is the change of how many items they are allowed to have on their tray. Due to government regulations students are now allowed to only have four items instead of five. There

has also been a change when it comes to lunch prices. Since the beginning of the school year students now have to pay $2.95 for their lunches. While no change in the food being served has been made. According to Ronda Buenta, Cafeteria Assistant Manager, lunch prices increased due to the economy.

As the school year continues many factors of school lunch may affect students. Lunch lines, lunch prices, or how much food you’ll get. Students are dealing with the raised prices and also the larger lines that come with a new year and administrators are working to ensure everything stays fair for every student.

Clubs, groups having budget issues Organizations fundraising more due to smaller budgets By Victoria Holcomb Reporter Keeping money in a bank may seem difficult to do, hard to keep track of, and the money may appear as if it has just disappeared from plain sight. In order for school clubs to keep money in sight, they need to have more than they are expected to spend. Many clubs and activities, have many things they need to pay for though with losing money, it makes it harder to keep it. Most of the time, fundraisers make it feel like you’re breaking your wallet with all the products and food you buy to help a child or friend out. Once students hit high school, the fundraisers turn into restaurants that are willing to pay 15% or 20% of all profit and workers are able to keep tips for each club participating, if they are willing to bus tables and refill drinks. Another simple fundraiser could be a car wash on a hot day. Each club always needs extra money

to help pay for the needs of the club. like equipment, decorations, traveling for trips and events. Any kind of fundraising is just the trick in doing so. One club that is also a co-curricular class is DECA, which teaches marketing and management for kids interested in the business world. Leadership and civil consciousness, is given back to the community through volunteering and charity work. And can be learned though the club. Their work leads students into competitions at district state, where they answer multiple choice questions, act out role plays dealing with business, and can earn their way to Nationals in Salt Lake City. For traveling accommodations to be thought through correctly, raising money needs to occur. If it doesn’t come from fundraising, the money comes from each member’s pocket, along with dues they are required to pay. These members will hold auctions, man concession stands, host

Student organizations are often times forced to get creative to raise money for events and activities they want to have. Photo by Hayley Hochstetler, Crimson and Blue

News Briefs • Wall Street Protest continues in front of New York Stock Exchange. Protesters are protesting against what they deem to be greed and corruption that threatened democracy and the “American Dream”. • Steve Jobs has died, he was the CEO of Apple. • High school students were found to be cheating and hiring other students to take the SAT for them. Six college students were arrested for accepting thousands of dollars to take the SAT for high school students in New York. Source: PBS NewsHour Extra

the winter dance, and make Valentine’s and Halloween cards to bring to the nursing homes. Marketing classes, works with learning about how to keep and manage money. “We get no money from the school whatsoever, so the kids have to earn all their own money to do everything or it comes out of their pocket,” Kristy Courter, business teacher and DECA sponsor, said. DECA is not the only club that needs money for funding. Student Council (StuCo) raises money through the Homecoming dance, blood drives, for community service projects to earn hours for college applications. Selling beads at football and basketball games, raises money. Student Council is made up of students that are elected to represent to the school by votes from the student body, with their honor and leadership. Just like the other clubs, due to a cut in funding they need to raise money so their community service and

school projects can occur. Homecoming is sponsored by the members of Student Council, they use fundraising and ticket sales, which were raised this year by five dollars for one and ten dollars for a couple, to raise money to put into the dance. DJ and decorations are paid for, through fundraising. “Homecoming is where student council gets most of the money used for the rest of the year, any money made is used and kept for payments needed for the rest of the year,” Jamie Smith ‘12 said. Club budgets are lowering, with each item paid for, and with no help coming from the school to fund their clubs. All events must be maintained with fundraising and in members in pocket money. Now, nothing is ever free, money is used all the time, learning how to manage and save it through a years time can be hard. Community service projects, are being done all throughout the community, to help schools and students raise money.

CB Fire Dept. offers reward The Council Bluffs Fire Department is looking for information regarding the suspected break-in and arson at 15 Connie Circle (near Lori Lane) in Council Bluffs. If you know any information, please contact the CB Fire Marshal at 712-328-4671, or the Arson Hotline at 1-800-532-1459. You may anonymously submit tips, and there is a reward offered with a maximum value of $25,000.



Brittany Rupp | Editor in Chief


Family-owned shops popping up across town Small businesses bringing a sense of community By Britteny Johnson Reporter

KP Style is owned and operated by Karyn Peadbody and Wade Perry on 1010 S. Main Street. Photo by Franscico Franco

While driving around Council Bluffs, one can find small, family-owned shops. On the outside, they might not seem much different, but on the inside, they are painted many colors, have different furniture to match the atmosphere, and have unique items for sale. A recent addition to the small stores is the “Sweet Stop” on 156 West Broadway. This shop is co-owned by sisters Laura Mendoza and Julie Lamb. Their store is a bakery with specialty cake and cupcakes. Before opening the “Sweet Stop”, Mendoza and Lamb would make cakes as a side hobby. Once they decided to open the shop, they went through the ups and downs of making the decision to start the business. “It has been really crazy and stressful, but it has been fun,” Mendoza said about opening the shop. “It seems very laid back

and comfortable,” Krystal Hopkins ‘14 said. Another privately owned shop is “KP Style” located at 1010 South Main Street Suite 800, owned by Karyn Peabody and Wade Perry. Peabody and Perry are hoping to expand the store later after their next business venture. At the moment, “KP Style” is a female clothing based store, but Perry and Peabody are planning on a men’s line early next year. “We also want to develop our own brand of clothing,” Perry said. Their next business venture happens to be a coffee shop and art gallery named “The Row.” Peabody and Perry are planning on opening near the end of October. Artists will be given space on the walls at different times, making “The Row” an ever changing place. Along with being a coffee shop and an art gallery, “The Row” has a stage set up for acoustic bands to come and share their music and talent. One last privately owned business is “Pink Poodle”, located at 633 Old Lincoln

Highway, Crescent, Iowa. “Pink Poodle” is owned by Doreen Mcneil. Mcneil worked at ‘Pink Poodle’ as a waitress since 1983. When the previous owner was ill and passed away, Mcneil was the executor and was told that while the estate was being settled that she was the one that the previous owner wanted to run the place, and once it was settles Mcneil bought the restaurant. Being in Crescent, there have been setbacks in clientele because of lack of routes to the ‘Pink Poodle’ caused by the flooding. Mcneil hopes the business will pick up again once 680 opens again. “I enjoy seeing people that come here as costumers, I enjoy working with the kids that come and go,” Mcneil said. Entrepreneurs are everywhere, on every corner, down every business street. One can look in a store and see a whole new place, or a cozy environment. Each of those privately owned stores have their own stories, so step inside and see an adventure.

“The Row” is currently being developed, however once it opens it will be both a coffee shop and an art gallery. Photo by Franscico Franco

Youth council offers voice for county teens By Jaidlyn Bookout Reporter Seeking to help youth, children, and families through different services, grants, and volunteering is the work of the Pottawattamie Youth Council, also known as PYC. PYC was established in 2007 and participates in the youth initiative through the Iowa Council of Foundations. PYC is part of a nationwide trend of young people making their voices heard in their communites through volunteering and service and other events. “I like to help our community and this is a way for me to give my input and also meet new people.

I’m looking forward to grant-making to support the youth and families in the community,” Hope Philbrick ‘14 said. Members of PYC take part in the grant-making process, learn about community issues, develop leadership skills, and meet many other young leaders. Members distribute around $38,000 annually to local organizations and groups. Last year, PYC went through the grant-making process two different times. PYC members help organizations like the Micah House and the Boys and Girls Club. “The organizations are very thankful and the families the organizations are helping are just so thankful because they can’t do some

of the things they do without that,” said Jessica Simons, PYC Coordinator. While PYC helps other people and the community, it has a positive effect on its members also. “I know more about my community now, and the nonprofit organizations where I can go to volunteer and help. It’s been really influential on me because I never wanted to volunteer and now I do,” Brittany Rupp ‘12 said. “ It helped me build connections within the Pottawattamie county.” Jennifer Olinde ‘12 said she doesn’t have a lot of time to help the community but this is her way to do it. She said it’ll make her a better person and it’s a really great thing to be involved in.

Students from PYC do a team building activity at the kick-off of the year on September 25. Photo by Brittany Rupp Iowa is the home of over 25 youth philanthropy programs. Iowa’s youth can really make a difference in

this community. At the end of the day, a little decision to help someone else can have a major impact.

“It’s exciting to see young people make those big decisions,” Simons said. “It’s pretty cool. ”

Resources help students express their political opinions By Ericka Davis Reporter With President Barack Obama’s four years of presidency soon ending, it’s time for another year of campaigns, debates, and political jabbing. We are now beginning to see TV ads beginning to dominate our commercials with each

candidate pointing at what they want to do with this country. Here at AL, there are many students who are and will be turning 18 that will be able to vote. But the question is: will they be looking forward or even consider voting for our next Commander in Chief? “I honestly don’t even care whether I get my vote in or not,“ Alexandria

Colglazier ‘12 said. A newly-turned 18 year old may feel overwhelmed as to how to deal with and sort through al the information that is being thrown at them from every media outlet. There are various resources to inform the young adults with the proper information they need about voting, such as “Rock The Vote”, a program from MTV, and the school club Junior Statesmen

of America, otherwise know as JSA. “Rock The Vote” was founded twenty years ago and has a mission to engage and build up political power for the young adults within our country. More young adults have registered in this organization than any other. It is dedicated to building political power and making politicians pay attention to youth and their opinions

once they’re in office. “Young people are one of the groups that vote the least, and they can make a big impact if they all vote,” Rob Kinney, JSA Advisor, said. When you vote when you’re 18 and give yourself the chance to vote, you can feel involved and have a good sense of what’s going on. When these young adults do not vote, they don’t have a reason to complain about

the newly elected president if they did not vote. When asking Kinney what are his thoughts about students not worrying about voting, he said, “I think it’s too bad and it’s a really nice thing to vote.” Students should be keeping their options open and available. Voting is a great start to getting your opinion voiced with the political world.


Erika Davis | Opinion Editor



Costumes or no costumes? By Joe Vrenick Reporter Halloween is upon us yet again. Yes, I’m talking about the holiday that allows kids to dress up as a scary ghost or their favorite Angry Bird (yes, there are now Angry Bird costumes), and go around their neighborhood getting candy at Mrs. Davis’ house across the street. And it’s not just kids who are dressing up in costumes, but also teenagers and adults as well. They probably won’t go trick or treating (which would be a little scary), but they go to party stores like Nobbies for costumes, or they’re rummaging through their closets trying to make a costume out of their average everyday clothing. .I personally think that there’s no problem with dressing up for Halloween. A lot of people that I know who are my age (or older) still do it for fun, so I thought I’d join in on it and I’ve not had regrets ever since. There are many upsides to dressing up, but there can be some downsides. One of the upsides that I’ve noticed, is that costumes can tell a little about a person’s interests. Because some companies like Marvel, Nintendo, and Disney make costumes for movies and video games, people will buy them and wear them because they were interested in that movie or video game. Another upside is costume parties. This is where friends get together, dress up, and have a good old fashioned party, Halloweenstyle. They tend to be very fun, but some times exclusive to certain people though, unless you know the person and he invites you over. There are also costume parties that the YMCA hosts every year, and some workplaces

By Blake Willadsen Reporter

like TD Ameritrade will allow anyone who wants to dress up do so on the day of Halloween. I know for certain that Applebee’s does this, but they are allowed to dress up in costumes for an entire week (except for cooks). If there is a way to get a costume ready for Halloween, I’d say go through your closet and find some spare clothes to use as

Back in grade school at the end of October, we were allowed to dress up in costumes for one day of the school year and all the teachers gave out free candy. You could be carefree and not be judged because you were wearing super hero tights. Man, those were the

days. Fact of the matter is, the effect of a sixteen year-old boy dressing up as Batman and asking his chemistry teacher for some candy is not nearly as cute as it used to be. Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year. Once October rolls around, you can expect haunted houses, scary stories, pumpkin carving, and of course... loads of candy. But the candy you acquired should be stolen from your little brother’s fresh stash, NOT from ringing on Mrs. Jones’ doorbell down the street. You don’t go out and create a ruckus by dressing up in

a homemade costume. That really shows that someone really has creativity, and can be original. If you can’t find anything in your closet that can be useful, go to a thrift store like Goodwill or The Salvation Army and look for some clothes there. You can find many different varieties of clothing to were you could mix and match clothes to get a costume. Overall, there is no problem with dressing up in costume for Halloween. I find it to be fun at times, and people in the Anime Club have the guts to somewhat dress up all the time if they please. I find no problem with it.

some silly costume you got from K-mart. Sure, your neighbors are glad there is candy in your bag instead of a carton of eggs. That’s still not a good excuse though. Dressing up for Halloween is not exactly outlawed, but there are certain unwritten rules that apply to every day life in high school. There are occasions where making a fool of yourself is acceptable, but Halloween costumes clearly cross a line. Now, there are two ways you can acquire a Halloween costume. One, you make it or two, you buy it from your friendly local retail store. If you are making a Halloween costume at this point in life then you need a new hobby or something because you have too much time on your hands. If you spend your hard earned cash on a costume, all you are doing is feeding the corporate bug. Don’t be that guy, bro. Save your cash up for something nice and useful. Don’t throw it away on something you’re gonna use once or twice for a few hours. Then there is the teen who thinks they can just use an old costume from years past. Something tells me wearing your Barbie outfit from sixth grade is going to gather the wrong kind of attention. Don’t let Halloween costumes add anymore unnecessary trouble to your life.Please don’t let this ruin your Halloween season. There are still plenty of other fun fall activities for you to participate in. Enjoy your football, candy corn, haunted houses, and caramel apples. Dressing up is still important for many people. Don’t get me wrong, wearing a costume is a very fun part of Halloween for kids. We aren’t exactly kids anymore though. Keep having fun, but please don’t cross the line, folks.

Thumbs Up • 3 Day Weekend • “Give it a Ponder” • Less cutting in lunch line with cafeteria staff guard • Cheaper gas • New iPhone • No PDA Zone by math hallway

Thumbs Down • False alarm for Kirn gas leak • People disrespecting school property • Poor parking jobs • Parent teacher conferences... sigh • New lunch trays

Student immersed in new culture By Hunter Hiffernan Foreign Correspndent

I believed a start in a new country was the beginning of a new life. In the end, I was right. I thought it would be harder leaving behind the people that mattered most to me in life, however, it was quite easy in a very difficult way. The night before my departure, I was all set to go,

though my emotions were everywhere. I was excited, happy, and anxious but most of all doubtful. Then again, I didn’t want to show it--I couldn’t let this opportunity of a lifetime slip away. So, I took it head on and the next day I said my goodbyes and got onto the airplane. The flight to Germany was eight hours long, I was served breakfast and lunch and watched movies the entire time, so I didn’t mind it so much. However, arriving in Germany is when something clicked for me and then I asked myself what the heck I was doing. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep in my own bed and be with my family but I couldn’t. I made the decision to go to another country for one year and this

was only the beginning. Finally arriving in Denmark, I couldn’t be certain of reality. It just wasn’t real for me but more as a dream. I never had imagined what it would be like being outside of a country and calling it home. I never realized what the cultural barriers between two countries only hours away from each other could have. Clearly, I was going to another country, jumping into a new culture and learning a different language. A new way of life was something I undeniably underestimated. Denmark is known on television to be one of the happiest countries in the world. However, when you are living in the country it’s a different story, at least to me.

I’ve been living here for two months and already know how to accept and live in the Danish culture. The food, transportation, schooling, language, laws and weather of the culture vary and are completely different than the American culture. The Danish food is divine, when you have the right meal. A lot of pasta is cooked, and there’s also sauces and bread. Denmark is famous for their bread; you rarely buy bread in a grocery store but a bakery, where they have every kind of bread you could imagine and more. Of course when you sit down to eat here, you have a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand every time, because that’s the European way. If you’re traveling to

Denmark, bring a rain coat. The Danish people I have met say, “yes it rains a little here and there.” I’ve come to realize they are so used to the rainy weather, they don’t know any better. It can be so nice one minute and the next it’s pouring down rain. It’s also never too cold but not ever hot. The weather is to me permanently chilly, which is something you get used to in a week. Owning a car is rare unless you are above 25 years old and owning two cars is even rarer. Every morning, I and most of the Danes, ride our bikes to school, even when it’s windy, raining or snowing. Unless, they take the city bus to the bus stop or walk. Some drive, however, they have to be 18 and older

• RIP Steve Jobs to do so and have a car, unlike America where a lot of teenagers drive. Being a foreign exchange student, change is what you become used to. It’s known to be easy for some and harder for others. For me, I miss the American ways; however, I love the higher respect and newly found freedoms. I’ve also come to know more of myself and how to become a more respectable person. The experience of being an exchange student isn’t only being an American ambassador but to find yourself and experience a different way of life. “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard



Staff Ed: Respect is key As the Echoes staff walked the hallways the past couple weeks of school, others have probably noticed just as much as we have that the students of AL have become excessively rude and disrespectful to both our peers and staff members. A large portion of students that walk these hallways lack common courtesy and the ability to keep profane words from leaving their mouths. Just sitting in class one can here and see exactly what is being said. It is not an uncommon thing to hear or see a student cuss at or even call their teacher an awful name, or even steal their property. Walking through the commons area also provides students with a new and oh so bright vocabulary. One can not make it through there without hearing the F-bomb dropped at least once, another word for poop being used to describe something, or someone being called gay (that means happy, for our readers who incorrectly use the term)

or a fag simply because of something they said. Not to mention all the pushing and shoving that has to take place because certain groups and cliques feel the need to not only express their intelligence with their bright and beautiful vocabulary but also stand smack in the center of the commons creating a roadblock, and even traffic jam. So let’s start with the basics. Respect--the idea that one honors ones wishes and treats them in a kind way. Not everyone in this school wants to hear your inability to wash your mouth out with soap, and guys, if you think that’s the way to get the girl, please think again. Secondly, some of us would like to get to class on time and not have to feel like we fight a battle just to get there. Some of us do come to school to learn. Thirdly, whether it be an administrator or a para- educator, they deserve the utmost respect. They are our superiors and are here to help us get somewhere in this life.

They have more knowledge and skill than we have, and as a student body, we should be willing pupils, even if we are not the biggest fan of them. The next time you think about cutting all the way to the front of the lunch line, or dropping that curse word, think about someone else other than yourself and your own pleasure. The next time you consider calling someone a name, think about how that could make them feel, and how you would feel if someone said that to you. Treat our teachers with respect because that is what they deserve. They do not deserve a smart-alec comment or even the finger. If everyone in this school just learned a little respect it would go so far. Instead of throwing an insult, throw a smile or compliment. Reach out to someone who needs help and be to others what you want them to be to you. The staff voted- For: 12 Against: 1

Is Sesame Street overdoing it? By Elizabeth Beck Graphics and Cartoons

“Sunny days, wishin’ the clouds away. I’m on my way to where the air is sweet.” The old familiar lyrics from a familiar children’s show that we know so well. However, recently the show has taken a turn for the worse. Many changes have been made to try to make sure that Sesame Street isn’t promoting the wrong ideas to children.With new points of view on certain controversial issues the producers of Sesame Street have decided that there are aspects of the show that suggest inappropriate messages for children. However, in attempting to fix the issue they have ruined several characters. For example, Oscar the Grouch has been moved out of his garbage can for fear that he promotes homelessness to children. Ernie and Bert now live in separate apartments because someone decided that it promotes homosexuality. At one point in time they went so far as to change Cookie Monster to Veggie Monster because they thought he was

promoting obesity to kids. Luckily, for Cookie Monster, ratings plummeted after they did. Cookie Monster has been re-instated to eating cookies. However, he now has a “more diverse palate.” Most people would never have even thought that those characters promoted the wrong morals if the ideas hadn’t been brought up. Most viewers are kids who probably don’t even understand the concepts that the producers are trying to shelter them from. Even those who used to watch the show would never look back on Oscar the Grouch and say that he made Sesame Street inappropriate for kids. How many homeless people will tell you that the reason they live on the streets was watching Oscar the Grouch live in a trash can on Sesame Street when they were kids? “I never would have guessed that Sesame Street promoted homelessness, homosexuality, or obesity. I just thought it was a fun show with fun characters. I think that if we tried to ban everything bad there wouldn’t be anything to watch,” said history teacher Robert Kinney. The interesting part about the show was all the different personalities they had in the same ‘neighborhood’. However, when you take away those traits, what you have leftover is, in essence, the same character over and over again. So, if they want to scrutinize every little thing, I guess you could say that what they are doing is promoting children to not have their own

personalities. When Sesame Street started in 1969, people were a lot more judgmental and strict about their morals. While they may not have had much of an issue with obesity back then they definitely did not approve of homosexuality or homelessness. Now, in 2011, when homosexuals have rights and we realize that people need help putting their lives back together so they can live under a roof again, we decide that these characters are promoting bad values. Is this twisted? In my opinion; yes.

Remember when you were young, and you got a box of colors? Your parents probably got out a sheet of paper and doodled a picture of a cat or a dog or some other animal. You were ecstatic with this new discovery: you probably also scribbled and doodled, and captivated as you were missed the paper and drew on the floor or walls or somewhere else you “weren’t allowed.” Your parents scolded you and said no, but you didn’t

understand. You were sharing your art with everyone you were telling stories with your scribbles, but it wasn’t allowed here. So why did your parents say “no”? It’s not like walls can’t be repainted, or you cant wash it off. Creativity has come under attack in a more serious way then ever in the Metro. Like your parents who said no to drawing on the walls Omaha has started charging aerosol artists with felony charges. Painting concrete, brick, or otherwise bland walls has become a criminal offense punishable with jail time. A wall that is weathered, broken, falling down, that would be deemed “unappealing” is considered atrocious when it has a picture painted on it. The stigma of all graffiti art representing urban decay or graffiti is ludicrous, much as saying every canvas oil painting is a tortured

soul. Graffiti is a distinct form of art that spans every continent and country. It’s different in every city and culture, and gang activity is not the common theme. I enjoy seeing artistic expression, legal or otherwise. Though I don’t condone the act of illegally trespassing and tagging walls, it seems more appealing to see the hard work of others on walls then senseless brandilism such as McDonald's and Budweiser ads. If you need proof of the beauty that can be conveyed on walls look at the art of famous artists such as Blake Le Rat, Banksy, Sheaperd Farey, Swoon, or Space Invader. Or turn your eyes


The Echoes Editors-in-Chief Brittany Rupp Danielle Peabody Section Editors Danielle Peabody Brittany Rupp Ericka Davis Lauren Myers Devon Jefferson Christian Schlater Photo Editor Christian Schlater Business Manager Emmalee Adams Ad Staff Arianne Boehme Photographers Franscico Franco Jessie Adkins Graphics and Cartoons Kevin Dickey Elizabeth Beck Copy Editors Melanie Krohn Brian Williams Ericka Davis Lauren Myers Reporters Blake Willadsen Victoria Holcomb Jessie Adkins Jaidlyn Bookout Joe Vrenick Suzanne Peterson Britteny Johnson Christina Rivera Foreign Correspondent Hunter Hiffernan Webmaster Brian Williams Adviser Gerry Appel

Cartoon by Elizabeth Beck

Recognizing art in metro area By Kevin Dickey Graphics and Cartoon

Erika Davis | Opinion Editor

Photo by Christian Schlater

to the streets of Omaha. In the words of Banksy “Some people become cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place.”

The Echoes is published by the newspaper staff of Abraham Lincoln High School, and exists to serve as an open forum for the students, faculty, administration and community. All state and federal laws regarding the publications of student materials shall apply, and the Echoes will not publish materials which also fall under the guidelines established by the Council Bluffs Public Schools system, and are deemed libelous, obscene, or a material and substantial disruption to normal classroom activities. The views expressed are not those of the Council Bluffs Public Schools, faculty, or administration. Any student, faculty, or staff member wishing to contribute materials will need to submit a letter to the editor within deadline restriction; however, final publications is at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor are encouraged, and must be 400 words or less in length and signed; letters will be printed as received. Every attempt will be made to verify the authenticity of the author, and no anonymous letters will be published. Advertising will not be accepted for all products or services that are illegal for minors to possess or utilize. Advertisers wishing to reserve publication space should call 712328-6481 ext. 425.

Member Publication



Danielle Peabody | Editor-in-Chief


Students express themselves through fashion Guy Trends

By Francisco Franco Photographer

Summer is gone, and now people have started to switch their fashion styles, guys, girls,teachers, everyone is changing it up. So many different trends are coming through the school, one could walk through the halls and see people wearing anything from athletic shorts to skinny jeans. Yet the high cost of clothing can also determine what and when one wears things. “The last time I got clothes my grandma spent around $800 and I occasionally check fashion trends to be kept up with the new shoes and whats in or out,” Mike Jones ‘12 said. “I’ve been into fashion since I was little, but I don’t have a favorite designer. I just do my own thing,” A lot of times, people think of school as a fashion show, spending massive amounts of money on clothes every year during back to school shopping. Or during the holiday months when everyone comes back from break sporting their new threads. Yet there are some that like to keep it laid back, and simple. Alex White’12 has more of a casual style. “I’m not really into fashion, I’m more casual. I try to be kept up with the trends, yet I don’t really have an inspiration to my fashion sense,”White ‘12. White represents more than just a style choice by a single individual, he is a part of a group of many that come to school in, shorts, high socks, t-shirts and hoodies, the majority of the things people are wearing incorporate sports in some

spectrum. Whether it be where they got it from, or if it just has the Nike swoosh on the front of the shirt. “I normally go to Dick’s Sporting Goods and Champs. I also have a lot of clothes so I don’t know how much I spend on clothes,” White said. On the other hand, there are students from all walks of life, and different activities that bring their own flare to trends. Or don’t even acknowledge them at all, just go with the flow of their own faucet tap. “I don’t really think of myself as fashionable I’m just into clothes, I’m not really into brands,” Evan Giles ‘13 said. “I just like what looks cool and I don’t really care what other people are wearing, I get my clothes at random places on the Internet and other random stores and whenever I do go I get them pretty cheap.” Whether one is simply looking for a bargain or actually looking to be super stylish there are plenty of stores and outlets to choose from. “It depends on how much I spend because I just kind of go out and get a couple of shirts and pants while watching the price, I get my clothes at different stores like Pac Sun, Urban Outfitters and my plain clothes at Hanes,” said Runyon. Even though there’s a trend for every thing, everybody does their own thing. Some people stay with the trends while others make their style their own, but that’s what makes trends unique. One doesn’t have to follow them and can make a trend on their own.There are millions of trends, but what matters is what each individual prefers.

Bri Harding ‘13 Nissa Rainey ‘12

Cody Ray ‘12 Danielle Russel ‘12 Emma Preston ‘14

Girl Trends By Christina Rivera Reporter

Mike Jones ‘12 Alex White ‘12

Evan Giles ‘13 Rudy Sherman ‘12

Connor Runyon ‘13

Do you have a passion for fashion? Whether it is standing out and making a bold statement or blending in, we all have a style that classifies us. From wearing high end designer clothes, to walking the runway with an edgy look, many may set the standards for the next “BIG” thing. Even when it means pulling off a sporty look or a causal, laid back one, the creation of new trends are happening by the second. A simple trip down the crowded halls and a parade of colors are seen, blinding one’s sensitive eyes. Accessories including bracelets and rings, even feathers in one’s hair, completes any girl’s outfit. Sometimes even a small piece of jewelry can make a difference and be of great value to someone. “The necklace my sister gave me with a clock inside it means a lot.” Emma Preston’14 said. Lately a lot of floral print has been making its way to shirts and dresses bringing out a much softer side to a girls look. Dresses are easy to put on in the morning and what girl doesn’t want that? After all, it takes forever to do hair and make-up, so a simple braid to the side works well with a floral dress. However, yoga pants have really become the new “hot” thing to wear while still keeping its comfortable feel.

“I try to be more laid back and dress up occasionally. Today I almost wore a dress. I did my hair and make-up, but then i saw this jacket and chose to wear it instead. I usually try to dress cute even when I dress comfortably. I still like to look cute. I wear short things to expose my lady legs,” Taylor Bright ’12 said. Whether it be dressy or casual, feeling comfy yet looking the part is what many girls aim for in the mornings before heading to school. Senior Alex Colglazier shares why she enjoys wearing yoga pants. “I think more girls should wear them because they show off your body,” Colglazier said. “ It gives you more confidence showing it off.” Many people think yoga pants are a great way to show off your body and give you the flirty edge that Victoria Secret promises. The many different colors and styles including leopard, zebra print, hearts, or simply plain with the Pink logo gives girls the option to express their individuality. They fit almost any one’s curves while making a good impression on the guys, extenuating your body’s natural curves. Anything from the comfortable style to the sporty look , girls use their style to impress. If one really takes time to think about it, the idea of fashion and wearing certain types of clothing are almost all linked to the perception of a person. After all, who doesn’t want to turn heads when they walk by with their style- licious trends?

Feature 8 Echoes Tag seminar project helps give back Danielle Peabody | Editor-in-Chief

Student promotes breast cancer awareness By Suzanne Peterson Christina Rivera Executive Reporter Reporter

Josalyn Gibler sports Race For The Cure t-shirt and shows “Week Of Pink” flyer in order to promote breast cancer awareness. Photo by Suzanne Peterson

Susan Goodman, (later Susan Goodman Komen) was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33, and 3 years later she died. Her younger sister Nancy Brinker, felt that Susan’s outcome would have been better if the patients knew more about cancer and the treatment. She made a promise to her sister saying she would do everything she could to help put an end to breast cancer. She fulfilled her promise, by founding the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Inspired by the idea to help make a change, Jocelyn Gibler ‘12 signed up for TAG seminar knowing she wanted to do a project. She spent hours planning, which consisted of; sewing pink ribbons/other prizes (which were used for raffle drawings) research, making emails and flyer’s, planning announcements and organizing. “My former pastor’s wife died from breast cancer two years ago, and my great grandmother had it,” Gibler said. “(Supporting breast

cancer) is important to me because the money (you donate can be used) for the people who can’t afford treatment.” The reason why Gibler spends lots of time and effort to help change is quite simple. “(I do this) just for the feeling that I helped find a cure to breast cancer, and make a difference in the community.” Not only does Gibler do a project to help end breast cancer she also put together a team consisting of teachers from A.L; such as Jessie Devereaux, Mary Filbert, Dawn Shafer, Mike McIntosh, and Shirley Hutchions. Together they participated in this race and helped donate money for a good cause. For a whole week, teachers and students wore pink to school and have showed involvement more than ever this year. Devereaux’s great grandmother had breast cancer and her mother has had a different form of cancer. Whether it be someone very dear to us or a complete stranger, we can all relate to how it feels when someone is ill. It’s important

to get involved and expand your knowledge about these life-threatening diseases, because the idea of its not happening to me is not true. It can happen to anyone. Being prepared is the best way to understand it. Walking a mile or two a day could help one prepare for either the 1K or 5 K. “I’ve started exercising (to prepare myself for the race) and I’m walking the 5K with my seven and five year old (kids) and my husband is running it,” Shafer said. The Race for the Cure was the held on October 2, where approximately 20,000 supporters ran/walked around the CenturyLink Center in Omaha. “More students are participating this year and its a positive thing.” Shafer said. “ I just think that understanding and knowing about it (is important) in being able to find a cure. We have all been affected by some type of cancer ans it’s affecting younger and younger women. (My message I want to get across is just) to be aware of (Breast Cancer), and the idea of its not going to happen to me because it can happen to anyone.”

AMP helps teens reach potential

Foster children gain sense of belonging By Suzanne Peterson Executive Reporter You make take a look around and say to yourself, ‘That person has it good, theres nothing wrong with them’. But in fact, you don’t know the half of it. Sitting around you right now could be someone who is bounced from one foster family to the next. Or someone who is adopted and has no contact with their siblings or real parents. They have many problems, and adults won’t let them be heard, or the other kids could never really understand some of the situations they’ve been through. According to online source, With AMP (Achieving Maximum Potentials) ,“a youth-driven, statewide group that a statewide group that seeks to unleash the full potential for personal growth among foster/ adoptive and kinship children in Iowa. AMP offers leadership opportunities, service learning projects, speaking opportunities, and

educational/ vocational assistance.” AMP also provides the life skills youth need to become self-sufficient, independent adults. AMP facilitator, Joni Griffin tells what this program is all about. “Elevate was started statewide 6 years ago. AMP ( achieving maximum potential) is the new name by youth vote in July 2011. The Council Bluffs Council was established in May of 2009. The purpose of AMP is to give youth an opportunity to advocate for themselves and other youth in the foster care system. AMP encourages youth “Voice”. Youth are the experts on their own story and their own lives. They know what they have experienced. They have the powerful ability to use their voice and use their journey to teach other about what is going well in the child welfare system and what is not. Youth can advocate insightfully for needs of youth.” “I have been a foster parent in the past. In addition

to AMP, I also provide Iowa Aftercare Services which is a service for teens aging out of foster care to support them in becoming successfully independent. In addition, I facilitate Iowa Youth Dream Teams. This is a service for teens in foster care, or any other teen who would benefit from the support of a “team” to guide them in creating action steps and a goal plan toward their dreams. I guess that I feel that this population of young people have so much to offer, and that I enjoy being a part of their lives and their striving for success.” “I hope that youth get a sense of belonging, and a sense that they are a part of something bigger than themselves. They come to AMP meetings and find that they are not alone, they are not the only one experiencing these common events. I hope they feel validated and stronger for being a part of something positive….in addition to having FUN!” Anyone ranging from the age 13 and older, who have currently in a foster family,

adoption family or biological kids whose parents have foster children are eligible to participate. “(I come to AMP because) I’m on foster care, and I want to get out of my foster home. Its hard to be a teenager in foster care, and AMP gives me a place to talk to others who are in the same boat, and to make new friends,” Shianne Harvey, an 8th grader at Treynor said. At meetings they do different activities, go on trips, and brainstorm ideas to have their voice be heard. “(My favorite memory was when we went to) Adventerland. It was fun and exciting,” Harvey said. Amp meetings are directed by a youth facilitator, 22 year old Jenna Oliver. “(I’m in AMP) because I want to help advocate for youth. I build trust with members of the group.” The AMP youth hope to become independent adults who can successfully educate others about the child welfare system and take an active role in making life better for themselves and others.

Members from AMP gather to brainstorm ideas for future projects. Photo by Suzanne Peterson


Entertainment H A L L O W EE N

Lauren Myers | Entertainment Editor


Students take part in Halloween excitement By Britteny Johnson Reporter

Customers are able try on many different costumes from a broad selection. Photo by Jessie Adkins

It’s that time of year again: Halloween. All the freaks are coming out, and so are the costumes, candy, scary movies, and spooky decorations. Walking into stores such as Walmart and Target, you can find all the supplies you need for a spooktacular Halloween. If you’re into dressing up for Halloween, there are aisles upon aisles of costumes to choose from. One can go as princesses, ballerinas, pirates, and different movie and game charac-

Haunted houses reviewed By Jessie Adkins Photographer

We all know it’s haunted house season when the creepy little girl comes on the radio and starts singing about ice cream. All over the school, students are talking about their favorite haunted houses, but what is it about haunted houses that people love so much? “It’s the adrenaline rush,” Austin Fitzpatrick ‘13 said. “It gets me pumped up.” There are a lot of things going on at haunted houses. You could encounter people running from chainsaw killers, pitch black hallways with more killers lurking in the dark, and haunted woods filled with crazed hillbillies.

While others are just there for the laughs. “I like hearing the people scream, it’s funny to see how they react,” Christian Knight ‘13 said. For every crazy chainsaw murderer, there are several teenagers screaming like toddlers. “It is freaking hilarious watching people get scared,” Julian Hennings ‘14 said. While there are many haunted house fans, there are some attractions more liked than others. “Definitely not the clowns,” Selena Hansen ‘14 said. You don’t even have to go into the haunted house to experience the terror. Outside of each attractions there are psychotic clowns, killer zombies and much more. So which haunted house is the best? There are some that have more than just one

attraction, such as Scary Acres, which has many different attractions that give thrill seekers more bone chilling options. “My favorite part is the haunted woods, because it’s longer than the others and there’s more space to run away if needed,” Fitzpatrick said. Other haunted houses focus more oh the theatrics and characters. “My favorite is Mystery Manor because I like the characteristics of the people, they are good actors; they are good at scaring people,” Alex Tague ‘15 said. From family fun at Vala’s to haunted houses like Scary Acres, Mystery Manor, or Haunted Hollow, there is bound to be something fun to do this Halloween.

ters. One could make up a costume of random clothes and crazy make-up. For example, Courtney Wilson ‘14 made up a lion tamer costume for her Halloween night adventure. This time of year, there are creepy movies galore! ABC Family is having their annual 13 Nights of Halloween starting October 19. One can watch a variety of Halloween-like movies such as “Beetlejuice”, “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (coincidentally played around Christmas as well), and “Edward Scissorhands”. “I love ‘Halloween’ the movie, because it’s re-

ally scary and the year the remake came out, it was on my birthday,” Amanda Ringberg ‘14 said of her favorite Halloween movie. Been having candy cravings? Those cravings will be satisfied during this holiday. Trick or treating is the process of going to neighbors’ doors and saying ‘Trick or Treat’ in order to receive candy. Trick or treating is perceived as an activity for young children, ask around and you just might find people at AL who still do. “I’ve been trick or treating since I was a little kid,” Wilson ‘14 said. Spiders,cobwebs, ghosts,

skeletons, fake blood, goo, and so many more decorations are being put up in and around houses to show Halloween spirit, and might just be a sign of good candy spots. If one wants to scare the kiddies on Halloween putting things that are motion activated are an absolute spook factor. One can usually hear which houses have the spooky motion activated decorations around. “I like that people go all out and make their houses super creepy,” Kaity Hammer ‘14 said. “You can never be too old for Halloween,” Ringberg said.

Haunting in the school Drama club puts on haunted house

Steve Mandelko goes over scripts with Drama Club members. Photo by Elizabeth Beck

By Victoria Holcomb Reporter The darkness is overwhelming, the sound of screams are dug into these aching walls, the echoing noise of a faint chain saw in the midst, and that damp, musty old feeling of walking through an asylum by yourself. Shrieks and shrills will be let out as you stumble over all the zombies, ghosts, vampires and werewolves that roam through these corridors at night. All the shrills and shrieking will come from the scared victims in which these people will find at all haunted houses. Halloween is the time for scaring; the AL Drama Club’s first victim shall be you. No one outgrows a haunted house just like they might not grow out of trickor-treating around neighborhoods filled with little goblins, fairies and Spidermen, all wanting to get their Halloween goodies to go home and devour. Along with at haunted houses, some scaredy cats get the shock of

their lives just by the little voices that talk to you even before they enter the maze of the crazy scary fun that awaits them. While those on the other end of the spectrum stand tall and don’t flinch once throughout the tunnels and doors of those old-looking houses. Scare and horrors will be found all through the school, in hallways, separate rooms and on the stage, during this year’s drama presentation. Props and voice will be used to scare the audience, using medical equipment, straight jackets, and chains will help bring the cast into character, along with makeup, and stretcher use. Directing viewers through, scenes, and stage rooms, and out through the back of the school, the actors have to memorize lines to repeat over and over again. One actor, Mitchell Myers ’12, has his own scene called “The Straps” and is to be strapped to a medical bed or some sort of chair or device, and to yell his lungs out at each victim that passes by to scare them. One student strongly an-

ticipates that the performance will have a strong turnout. “I hope so, we are going to work really hard, the scripts are awesome,” Rebecca Barker ‘14 said. Student run productions means a lot of extra work from all the actors and actresses, props to make and less help from your director. To bring the most scare, all actors much pitch in and help bring up it’s level. “We are trying to scare our audience, I know we are not really allowed to make you pee your pants scary, but we are allowed to scare you quite a bit,” Myers said. “But I believe it’s like a haunted house we are not really allowed to touch you”. With all the hard work, time and effort these actors are putting into the production, held on the weekend of Halloween, the time is just right for scaring people. Scaring is most prominent, during Halloween season. Haunted houses are very popular, and frequently visited during the months of October and September, as hoped the haunted house should be just as popular.


Lauren Myers | Entertainment Editor



Staff members create Fred Maher Award By Elizabeth Beck Cartoonist

Vice Principal Fred Maher has been working as a vice principal with students for 26 years. In those years he’s been an inspiration to students and coworkers alike. Before becoming a vice principal, he worked as a teacher for seven years. Recently, because of his dedication, special education teacher Kristi Waller and current principal of Tucker Career and College Center, Kyle Forney, created the Fred Maher Integrity Award. “I was surprised and somewhat taken aback. I wasn’t aware it was taking place,” Maher said. Forney and Waller had actually been planning on creating the award for a couple of years. However, because Forney was going to switch to principal of Tucker Center, they decided to do it last year. Of course pulling it together was very secretive, because they wanted it to be a surprise for Maher.

“I just put an e-mail out to the teachers and said ‘anything else’ and we went ahead and got a plaque,” Waller said. Forney and Waller presented the first ever Fred Maher Integrity Award to Brandon Stokes ‘11, at the 2011 Senior Awards night. The Senior Awards night is a night that seniors are awarded different awards and scholarships that they have achieved over the year. Seniors are recognized for different achievements that they’ve accumulated over their years in high school. “It’s a kind of conclusion to their achievements over the school years,” Maher said. The Fred Maher Integrity Award is mainly directed towards students who have an Individualized Education Plan. These students often face challenges such as visual impairments, learning difficulties, or have difficulties in specific subjects. These students often are forced to overcome

obstacles such as peer pressure in order to gain the education that they need. “We wanted to honor Mr. Maher and give those students a chance to achieve something,” Waller said. Maher cares deeply for the IEP students and does his best to help him with their challenges, trying to make sure that their school experience is as normal as possible. “I am concerned about them and hopeful they will make strides in the right direction. Some of our students do have special needs, but they are individuals just like everyone else,” Maher said. For students who receive the Fred Maher Integrity Award, the award recognizes the accomplishment of overcoming difficult obstacles that stand in the way of them and education. For Forney and Waller it was a way to recognize and honor Maher’s hard work for the Council Bluffs Community School District.

Fred Maher speaks with a student after school near the busses. Photo by Jessie Adkins

Students weigh in on ‘80s movie remakes By Joe Vrenick Reporter “Footloose”, “Conan: The Barbarian”, “Clash of the Titans”, “The Thing”, “Fright Night”, “Predator”, and “The Karate Kid.” What’s next? “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, “Chinatown”, “Fight Club”, “Pulp Fiction”? If you don’t know what the first five movies mentioned were, those were movies that Hollywood made big money on in the

1980s, and then were taken by new directors to introduce an entire generation to a certain movie in a whole new way. There’s been quite a few of them lately. But then again, not all of them are from the ‘80’s. There’s been remakes for pretty much everything from every decade that has had released movies, such as,“Clash of the Titans”, “War of the Worlds” and “Star Trek.” Sometimes, people don’t know why they remake a certain movie. Hollywood is just drawing mov-

ies out of a hat, and remaking whatever they can. People seem to have mixed thoughts about remakes being a good or bad thing. A good amount of people have said that Hollywood has lost ideas for a good script, so they need to start from scratch with something. Another handful say that Hollywood is being lazy, and can’t think of a good, fresh idea. “I think that there has not been a good remake,” Alan McLean Jr. ‘14 said.

“There’s just way too many.” But not all remakes have been a total bomb. Some have been a huge success. For example, “Star Trek” (2009). The film grabbed the attention of critics and the movie-goers. It had a really good story plot, art direction was outstanding, direction by J.J Abrahms was incredible. Over all, it made $385,680,447 worldwide, which means that an incredible handful of people went to see it. A lot people sometimes

tend to think that re-releases are a lot like remakes. Rereleases are just a movie that’s already been released into theaters, made huge bucks, and Hollywood, in hopes that it will make more money, puts it back into the theaters for the limit of two weeks. But Hollywood tends to make some minor changes to the movie, like adding unneeded 3-D like they did with the recently re-released “Lion King” and what Hollywood intends to do with the soon-to-be-re-released “Star

Wars” saga. “Some movies shouldn’t be re-released,” McLean said. “But if they were to re-release anything, comedy wise, I hope they re-release ‘Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey’.” But in the end, there will always be remakes. Hollywood is in need of the money. If they think it’ll make big bucks, then they’ll throw it out there for the world for the world to either enjoy or hate and to compare to the orginal

New music artists gain popularity among students By Devon Jefferson & Britteny Johnson Sports Editor & Reporter

No matter where one goes, they can always find familiarity in at least one thing: music. Some trends in music have been popping up and sticking around lately. Some low-key artists have been making a name for themselves in the music business. One artist like this is Mac Miller. Miller started off with another band before going solo and making it big. He interacts with his fans on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Miller also tries to make his music appeal to a wide variety of fans from people who are into ‘The Beatles’ and “Led Zeppelin’, to people who are into hip-hop. “I like that he’s (Mac) young, because his lyrics are about normal stuff,” Danielle

Russel ‘12 said. Wiz Kalifa is a rapper who has been around for years and has just recently become a huge success. Wiz’s first mix tape was released in 2005, leading up to his first full length album in 2006. After four years of going from label to label, with his second album, “Deal or No Deal,” Kalifa released his single “Black and Yellow” which became number one. Soon after releasing his first studio album “Rolling Papers”, which debuted at number two on US Billboard 200. In the summer of 2011 Kalifa was named BET Awards Best New Artist. Wiz Kalifa and his group of friends, which includes Mac Miller, make up the “Taylor Gang.” The name originated because of the groups’ love for wearing Chuck Taylors, a popular shoe brand. Also, if one is a fan of Kalifa, Miller, their

group of friends, then one could be classified as part of the “Taylor Gang.” “They are all about being yourself and doing what you want to do,” Carlos Rocha ‘14 said. Another popular group is Young Money. Young Money is a record label founded by Lil Wayne, it’s an imprint of Cash Money Records. Some familiar artists associated with Young Money are Nicki Minaj, Tyga, and Lil Wayne, of course. Nicki Minaj’s career started with three mixed tapes staring in 2007. Her real success started once she was signed into Young Money Entertainment. Her debut album “Pink Friday” was at the top of the Billboard 200. Minaj was the first female artist to be included on MTV’s Annual Hottest MC List, as well as the first female to top the Billboard Hot Rap Songs chart unaccompa-

nied since 2002. Michael Ray Nguyen Stevenson, more famously known as Tyga, which is an acronym for “Thank You God Always.” Tyga got his debut single “Coconut Juice,” featuring his cousin, popular artist Travie McCoy. Tyga’s debut album “No Introduction” dropped in June of 2008. Proceeding this album with mixtapes and collaborations with other artists and being nominated for a Grammy. Later this year Tyga plans to release his sophomore album “Careless World: Rise of the Last King.” Lil Wayne started his music career at the age of elven when he signed onto Cash Money Records. He went from B.G.’z, to Hot Boys within a few years, and went from Hot Boys to solo projects soon after. Lil Wayne’s most successful album “The Carter III” was proceeded with a Grammy, a

rock album gone wrong, and a prison sentence. While in prison Wayne released two albums and has landed himself a spot in the 2012 Guinness Book Of World Records for the record of the most US Hot 100 Hits by a rap artist with 64 hits between 1999 and 2010. A talked about band that has been making it’s mark is “Foster the People”. The band consists of Mark Foster, Mark Pontius, and Cubbie Fink. FTP is known for their song ‘Pumped Up Kicks’,

which reached number one on Billboards Alternative Songs chart, and number three on both the Rock Songs Charts and Billboard Hot 100. Their first album dropped earlier this year along with another single this summer “Helena Beat.” “Foster the People” is the musical entertainment for SNL alongside host Ben Stiller on October 8. Music is music and it is everywhere and these names are too. They have worked their way in, and seem to be sticking around.

Sports 11 Echoes Students get creative with sports Devon Jefferson | Sports Editor

Sepak takraw combines two sports into one

Sepak tekraw requires different types of moves than other more traditional sports, as demonstrated by Steven Monson ‘13. Photo By Franscico Franco

By Blake Willadsen Reporter Every day after school as everyone attempts to squeeze out of the parking lot all at once, something strange might catch your eye. A group of boys will be getting ready on the tennis courts for a game of Sepak Takraw. So what on earth is Sepak Takraw? “Think soccer with volleyball rules,” explains Steven Monson ‘13, one of the founding members of the Sepak Takraw group at AL . Sepak Takraw is played on a court with similar dimensions to a tennis court and a hollow ball that is about the size of a grapefruit. The object is to score the ball by serving it over the net and forcing

it to land on the floor on the opponents side of the net, much like volleyball. What makes it unique is that players are not allowed to use their hands in any way to hit the ball. This means players may use their feet, ankles, head, etc. to get the ball over the net. Every time the ball crosses the net your team is allowed one bounce. If the ball bounces again, the other team is rewarded a point. Sepak Takraw had its humble beginnings for Monson and company. Like most ideas teenagers come up with, the group discovered Sepak Takraw on the Internet. “A couple of my friends of mine showed me a video of it. So naturally, I showed my friend Steven Monson,”

co-founder Evan Giles ‘13 said. “He told me he’d seen it before and that is were the love of Sepak Takraw began.” Monson soon purchased a ball and Giles, Monson, Phil Dickinson ’13, and Joel Grimm ‘13 started playing around with it. Others soon followed and a couple weeks later up to 15 people have been in on the games after school. The group has had people on the tennis courts every day. As they continue to play, the game is becoming simpler. “We’ve actually started to make real plays,” Monson said. “I still have yet to get a back-flip. I’m working on that one.” Playing Sepak Takraw

can be unpredictable. The unique nature of the game is what makes it fun for the players. “I like how unusual it is. It puts so may sports together into one,” said Giles. “It’s a really fun and different thing to do. No one around here plays it.” The sport of Sepak Takraw is ancient (originating in the 11th century) and is very popular in Southeast Asia, but has slowly been growing in popularity in the United States. Beginning in the early ‘80s, the U.S. has since put together a national team and competed in all the major tournaments. The men’s team is currently 12 in the world rankings. Takraw looks to be the start of more than just

a hobby for the school as each week more and more students become interested. “We’re going to actually try and make it a (intramural) club,” Monson said. “Hopefully we can find a place to keep doing it (once tennis begins).” The group is planning to start an intramural club as soon as possible and has purchased enough equipment for multiple games to happen at once. For now, they are going to continue playing after school, and anyone interested in trying is welcome to join them after school on the tennis courts. Contact Evan Giles for a waiver and further updates if you are interested in joining or helping with sepak takraw. in planning or playing.

Fast Facts about Sepak Takraw • The earliest form of the game was recorded in China, however countries still argue over who actually created it. • It is one of the fastest growing sports in Asia and is said to be well on its way to becoming an Olympic sport. • The modern version is very competitive.

Philip Dickinson ‘13 stretches to kick the ball to the opposing side. Photo by Francisco Franco

Sports 12 Echoes Student stands out amongst others Devon Jefferson | Sports Editor

Injury hinders student’s sports participation

Photo by Christian Schlater

By Blake Willadsen Reporter A new tradition was started this year for the football team. Before every kickoff, the student section could be heard screaming the chant “ole ole ole ole, ole ole!” Those chants were meant to pump up football kicker and soccer star Miguel Espinoza ‘13 to bump another kick in the end-zone. Miguel’s unique talent was a joy to have on the football field this year because of very consistent play. In his first year of kicking for the Lynx, Espinoza took the starting job. “I always wanted to join football, but with work and soccer, I was focused elsewhere,” Espinoza said. “A lot of people wanted me to play and coach Kammrad talked to me about it. This was the right year so I decided to join and see how I liked it.” The transition to football was a good challenge for Espinoza after years of practice with a soccer ball. Learning to kick a football provided new challenges for the first year starter. “The shape of the ball is different and the football has different dynamics,” Espinoza said. “A soccer ball is rounded and a football you have to hit it in the right spot. You have to get used to the touch. At first it was a little hard, but after awhile I got

the hang of it.” Of course, If you talk to anyone who knows Miguel well, they will tell you he has always been dedicated to soccer. “I’m playing for OFC (Omaha Fútbol Club). We’ve been doing well,” Espinoza said. “We went to Dallas, TX and earned a ranking of 72nd in the nation. I can’t play until regionals in Wisconsin.” Espinoza football season was ended during the homecoming game against Des Moines North after tearing his ACL. The recovery should take 5-6 months and he is going turn his focus to getting better and ready to return to OFC . The Omaha Fútbol Club is planning on attending tournaments in Arizona, Florida, and Las Vegas, NV this season. “We are focusing on getting around the country so colleges can see us. We’ve had Creighton and Xavier watching us,” Espinoza said. The ACL injury should be a minor bump in the road for Espinoza who has big plans once he gets back to Soccer. “ I want to go to a Division 1 school and if I’m lucky, play beyond college. Playing D-1 is my main goal.” Espinoza is working hard to one day achieve that goal. He will not be playing football next year to focus more on soccer and he plans to attend Creighton prep his senior year to be a part of their program.

Miguel Espinoza ‘13 sleeps after a recent surgery. Photo By Christian Schlater

Espinoza ‘13 was a kicker on the football team Photo By Christian Schalter

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