ÂťCSR 2012 Communication on Progress
CSR Report 2012 Communication on Progress ALECTIA A/S Teknikerbyen 34 2830 Virum Denmark +45 88 191 000 CVR-nr.: 22 27 89 16 alectia.com info@alectia.com
Table of contents CEO statement
Sustainabilty and progress
The clients we serve - selected projects
Client satisfaction
The company we want to be
Environmental footprint
Supply chain and anti-corruption
The society we are a part of
CEO statement p\4
A sustainable future has no final destination. It
positive and significant difference between
is a vision which demands continued develop-
today and tomorrow.
ment and adaption. It is a vision based on an
We must understand and act upon our
understanding and acceptance of the fact that
own contributions, responsibilities and ob-
we cannot build the future on past paradigms.
jectives in order to understand and assist our
It is a vision based on maintaining a balance
customers and collaborators in their contribu-
between the environment, people and the
tions, responsibilities and objectives. This is
where we challenge ourselves, our customers
At ALECTIA, sustainability is a fundamental part of our approach to all our actions. Whether they concern the projects we imple-
and our society. I wish you a happy reading of our COP report for 2012.
ment for our customers around the world, our employees’ possibilities for development, or our cooperation with the society around us. Sustainability should be a foundation for possibilities, innovation and competitive
Jesper Mailind
advantages. That vision requires us to use our
passion, expertise and integrity to make a
Sustainability and progress Our CSR quest focuses on making sustainabi-
At ALECTIA, we take our social responsibi-
lity a central driver of our development and our lity very seriously and work ambitiously on project solutions as well as on uniting relevant
continuing the development of a sustainable
Global Compact principles with our daily work
as advisors to a broad range of companies in well-defined industries and sectors. Our commitment is based on a funda-
Masterminding sustainable progress is our vision statement. We try to act it out externally by developing sustainable solutions
mental respect for internationally recognised
for our customers and internally by working
principles on human rights, the environment,
social-mindedly with our local community, our
and anti-corruption, as expressed by the UN
business partners, our employees, and our use
Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles of nature’s ressources. Yet, we are only at the on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The
beginning of our quest and know that we can
UNGPs concern not only the social bottom line
do even better.
but also the environmental and economic bottom lines. Embedding the UNGPs into our current
This report will account for our journey along the path of our vision. It will outline concrete internal initiatives implemented
management systems ensures that we continue
during the current reporting period and the
to demonstrate our respect for human rights as
management-related procedures introduced.
well as our commitment to ensuring environ-
The report also outlines some of the activities
mental and economic sustainability in align-
and procedures we intend to implement the
ment with international expectations.
coming years.
Our CSR focuses on making sustainability a central driver of our development and our project solutions.
The clients we serve p\6
As consultants, we can make a great difference to our customers and the society we are part of. Sustainability is not the decisive perspective in all the contexts we act within, but as far as possible we have made an obligation to prescribe solutions from a sustainability perspective while simultaneously fulfilling the economic goals of the project. On the following pages you will find a selection of our 2012 projects.
Selected projects p\7
In cooperation with Henning Larsen Architects and SLA ALECTIA is helping Novo Nordisk build a new energy-efficient headquarters in Bagsværd, Denmark. The buildings will feature low energy consumption with the aid of sensors, light and ventilation, and will meet the 2015 energy requirements for new buildings.
With a new waterworks east of Ringkøbing (Denmark), the utility company Ringkøbing-Skjern Forsyning is setting new standards and testing new solutions with a focus on drinking water and supply security. ALECTIA has based the design of the new Lambæk Waterworks on experiences from the food industry, which for many years has worked with strict requirements to ensure food quality.
Aabenraa municipality (Denmark), the utility company Arwos and Aabenraa Harbor have entered into a partner-ship in order to advise Aabenraa city on a a number of interdisciplinary climate proofing projects. ALECTIA is facilitating the project of climate proofing the municipality - from risk assessment to conceptual design. On basis of maps, analyses and surveys, Aabenraa municipality, Arwos and Aabenraa Harbor are now going to select the areas to be climate proofed.
ALECTIA and SEAS/NVE are full-service consultants on the energy renovation of a number of properties and schools in Faxe Municipality, Denmark. This includes executing energy-saving initiatives such as installing solar cells, isolating the buildings and installing geothermal energy facilities. The initiatives have helped the municipality to save costs and reduce the annual CO2 emission.
Danish Crown is building a new hightech cattle slaughterhouse close to the Danish town of Holsted. The slaughterhouse is designed and planned in accordance with modern methods and leading-edge technologies. The primary focus is on quality assurance and energy-optimization. ALECTIA is consultant to the building owner on this project, which is the biggest single investment in the cattle sector ever made.
One of Russia’s large meat producers is expanding its slaughterhouse facilities. ALECTIA is responsible for the design and tendering of an efficient wastewater treatment plant which makes use of technologies for energy recovery.
Allerød Municipality (Denmark) is building a new clubhouse in a climate friendly design for the ambitious local football club AFK. The clubhouse is built in low energy class 2015 and will integrate solutions such as green roofs and utilization of rainwater and solar energy. ALECTIA is consultant to the building owner during the whole project, from development of ideas to inspection of the building process.
Odense Municipality’s vision is for Odense to become the most sustainable city in Denmark. First step is to develop a new sustainable neighborhood in a 45 hectare land area in Bellinge south of Odense. The goal is to create an attractive neighborhood where sustainability is incorporated in all phases. ALECTIA is consulting the municipality on the LAR planning and the land development on part of the first phase in the southwestern corner of the area.
The good working environment at Alfa Laval in Kolding in Denmark was acknowledged with an occupational health and safety certification in January 2012. The certification is a proof that the company works strategically with the occupational health and safety. A process has taken place prior to the certification including review of the occupational health and safety of the company, construction and implementation of a health and safety management system. ALECTIA has provided consultancy in the last part of the process.
ALECTIA has inspected 38 of Billund Municipality’s buildings for the toxin PCB. PCB was detected in six buildings; however, all the values were below the recommended limits of the Danish National Board of Health of 300 ng/m3 air. In that way, the concentrations do not represent a risk to the municipal employees, but if the municipality decides to renovate in the future, it is important be careful.
ALECTIA has won several assignments for the Danish Nature Agency in connection with the national mapping of groundwater i Denmark. Groundwater mappings are used for determining the distribution and protection of aquifers in Denmark and form the basis for planning efforts in areas of particular importance to our drinking water. The assignments for the Danish Nature Agency primarily involve completion of groundwater mappings, including detail mapping of geology, hydrology and groundwater chemistry etc., and integrated comparisons of the data.
ALECTIA is participating as a business partner in a 4-year research project called HyGEM to improve the mapping of groundwater and groundwater resources. Denmark is leading in the field of groundwater mapping, and our participation in HyGEM allows us to apply the latest research-based knowledge to our groundwater consulting services.
Efficient use and re-use of water is vital to a brewery’s success. With the right management and technology, the savings potential is massive - both financially and in regard to protecting the environment. ALECTIA has helped a 4 million hectolitre brewery in Latin America minimise its water consumption. Through simple but efficient means the brewery is able to save approximately 0,5 million tons of water per year.
ALECTIA is bulding the largest energy building in Denmark, Navitas Park, in Aarhus. It is an independent objective of the project that the building will be an international �lighthouse� for energy savings and the use of leadingedge energy technologies. Among other things the building will constructed in energy class 1.
Client satisfaction p\14
Satisfied customers who view us as a valua-
in accordance with our commitment to Global
ble partner is an essential condition for the
Compact always to inspire and suggest soluti-
progress and growth we desire as a company
ons that contribute to sustainability.
as well as for the professional and personal
We will continuously seek to improve our
development we want to deliver as a business. Our annual client satisfaction survey con-
service in order to make sure that we maintain and expand our position as trusted advisors
ducted in 2012 documents that we continue to
and herby supports our clients in fulfilling
operate above our target.
their business objectives.
An increasing number of our projects contain sustainability perspectives. A client’s strategy in to sustainability is out of our control, but it is our obligation as consultants and
Scale 1-5
General satisfaction
Contribution to client sustainability
The company we want to be Employee satisfaction
ALECTIA is a people business, and our emplo-
Working in an interdisciplinary approach to
yees, their competences and motivation is the
consultancy and operating on an international
core of our unique offering. It is our ambition
level, it is natural that we should value and
to make sure that our employees always work
encourage diversity at ALECTIA. Our concept
in a healthy environment and are given the
of diversity is about understanding and em-
best conditions for personal and professional
bracing the fact that each individual is unique
and acknowledging the value of our differences
We conduct annual surveys to document
whether they be along dimensions of race and
the level of employee satisfaction. In 2010, the
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-
survey had a response rate above 80 per cent.
economic status, age, physical abilities, religi-
In 2012, we replaced our usual employee sa-
ous or political beliefs etc. It comes down to
tisfaction survey with a survey on Well-being,
exploring these differences in a safe, positive,
Energy, and Productivity (WEP), which saw a
and nurturing environment.
participation rate of 91 %.
In our employee satisfaction surveys, we therefore also look into issues of discrimination
Project Well-being, Energy, Productivity (WEP)
and harassment. Happily, our latest employee
The logic of the Project Well-being, Energy,
satisfaction survey from 2011 showed very few
and Productivity (WEP) is that by helping our
incidents. However, even one incident is one
employees improving their experience of well-
too many, and the numbers revealed a need for
being and energy, we also help strengthen their
open dialogue on the issue and a discussion of
productivity and hereby also the company’s
what comprises discrimination and harassment
productivity. Amongst other things, the sur-
veys made in the project have shown us that
In recent years, we have reinforced our
ALECTIA's employees have a huge interest in
policy on the issue and made a call for action
changing their nutrition and exercise habbits.
to both management teams and employees.
From 2013 onwards, we will merge our
We have a clear anti-harassment policy which
annual employee satisfaction survey with the
encourages colleagues to react if they witness
well-being survey to get an on-going documen-
discrimination, harassment or bullying and
tation and performance benchmark focusing on
outlines the steps they may take and who they
satisfaction and welfare among our employees
can go to in such cases. We are not and will ne-
measured on a range of essential parameters.
ver be a company that accepts a culture involving discrimination or bulling.
Environmental footprint p\16
Energy management group
Server virtualisation and Microsoft Lync
In 2011, ALECTIA signed a curve-breaker agre-
We have implemented a new server infrastruc-
ement with Go’ Energi, an independent public
ture and gone from traditional servers to server
organisation whose activities have now been
virtualisation to reduce our carbon footprint.
taken over by the Danish Energy Agency. The
A large solar cell panel established by our les-
agreement was to reduce our heating and elec-
sor on the roof of our Virum headquarters in
tricity consumption by 5 % by 2014 compared
2012 also supplies us with enough CO2–neutral
to our consumption in 2011.
power to cover the energy consumption for
To achieve this objective, we have estab-
servers. Additionally, we have signed an agre-
lished an energy management group in the
ement with Carbonfund.org about replanting
company. The energy management is manageri-
trees in third world countries corresponding to
ally rooted with the CFO, while an energy ma-
69,2 tonnes of CO2 equivalents.
nager takes care of the day-to-day management.
In 2012, we installed video conference
Every local office has furthermore appointed
equipment (Microsoft Lync) at all workplaces
an energy ambassador. The energy manager
and in selected meeting rooms at ALECTIA. All
is tasked with keeping a general overview of
employees have received training in using the
our energy consumption and, in collaboration
equipment, which makes the company more
with the energy ambassadors, with inspiring
independent of physical distances. In that way,
ALECTIA’s employees to save energy as well as
we may draw on all our competencies across
proposing energy-saving initiatives to the ma-
regions and international borders more easily
nagement. In recent years, several small- and
and effectively, and we achieve a more efficient
large-scale initiatives have been implemented
use of time plus less transportation and CO2
to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions at
strain. To further reduce the costs of transporta-
tion and CO2 emissions, we have created a carpooling portal on the Intranet where employees can coordinate car-driving between regions.
Other environment-friendly initiatives
Waste separation
We have also achieved significant savings on
All workstations are equipped with trashcans
electricity and paper consumption by changing
with build-in separation between paper and
our printing systems – we have installed prin-
other kinds of waste. All copy rooms allow for
ters with energy-saving features, reduced the
further separation between paper, cardboard
number of printers from 97 in 2009 to 27 and
and other waste. Electronics are collected and
implemented Follow Me, a system by which
sorted in the IT department, and batteries are
copies are not printed until employees enter a
collected at the reception desks.
pincode on a printer, thus reducing paper wa-
All paper purchased is Swan labelled (a
ste. Similarly, we have made efforts to influen-
Nordic eco-label), and kitchen paper and toilet
ce company behaviour by urging employees to
paper is produced from recycled paper. All
save and reuse paper when possible and switch forms of soap and cleaning articles are ecoprinters back into sleep mode after use. Consequently, our total paper consumption for 2012 was down to 3,3 mill. A4 copies compared to at least 4,7 mill. in 2009. In 2013, we plan to install movement sensors in four basement archive rooms to achieve expected savings of about 5,300 kWh annually. Furthermore, the coffee machines will be supplied with notes which clearly inform employees about the function of the on/ off timers to avoid that they be switched off.
Carbon accounting
In the current reporting period, we achieved
A separate carbon accounting for ALECTIA
a reduction of 33,5 % in Scope 2 emissions
for 2012 has been completed. The accounting
compared to 2011 and a reduction of 39 %
gives an overview of the company’s greenhouse
in MWh/full-time staff, among other things.
gas emissions (GHG emissions). The carbon
However, a lack of data for 2012 means that
accounting is an important part of our energy
the company’s Scope 1 emissions relating to
management and helps us identify concrete ini- energy consumption for vehicles and mileage tatives to reduce our own energy consumption
reimbursement as well as emissions relating
and appertaining GHG emissions.
to plane and business trips in Scope 3 are not
The carbon accounting is based on ”The
included in the present accounting. These will
Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) Initiative” (Re-
be included in future accountings, as well as
vised Edition, 2004) – the corporate reporting
kWh/employee and tCO2e/employee.
standard of the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the most widespread accounting system for registering GHG emissions. The carbon accounting reports ALECTIA’s emissions at three levels, or scopes. Scope 1 reports on our own energy consumption, e.g. gas and oil consumption as well as energy consumption for company vehicles and according to mileage reimbursements. Scope 2 reports on the use of electricity and district heating in owned or rented buildings. Scope 3 contains reporting on indirect emissions linked to goods and services, including plane and business trips.
Key figures - GHG emissions (tCO2e) Category
Diesel vehicle (average)
Petrol vehicle (average)
Scope 1 Transportation
Petrol vehicle (average)
Scope 1 total
District heating Denmark
Electricity Denmark 125%
Scope 2
Electricity, renewable onsite Scope 2 total
0 582
Scope 3 Waste Waste, incinerated
Consumption of products Water, land (UK)
Scope 3 total
Percentage change Performance indicator Total emissions per full-time employee
Scope 1 Transport: Actual and estimated use of fossil fuels by the company’s vehicles (owned, rented, leased) and from reported km allowances. There are no data for 2012. Scope 2 Electricity: Actual or estimated use of electricity in owned or rented premises/buildings, including the proportion of electricity consumed e.g. for heating common areas. District heating/cooling: actual or estimated proportion of energy consumed (kWh) in owned or rented premises/buildings. Energy from solar cells is included in the consumption at Virum headquarters for 2012. This consumption is calculated as causing zero CO2 emissions but is included to obtain the total energy consumption. Scope 3 Water: water consumption has been included for the four sites. Waste: waste is reported either in kg divided into different waste fractions or by treatment method (recycling, energy recovery, landfill). At the present time, only data on food waste are available.
Supply chain and anti-corruption p\20
In the future, we will work intently with
In 2013, we will revise and sharpen our policy
Responsible Supply Chain Management to
and guiding tools as a consequence of our
make sure that we uphold our commitment
increasing international engagement to make
both to our vision of being a sustainable
sure that we continue to uphold important anti-
company and to integrating a strong CSR ma-
corruption principles.
nagement throughout our business enterprise, including in our activities with customers and suppliers. It is an important part of our efforts to support the upholding of a fundamental respect for internationally recognised principles on human rights, the environment and anticorruption as promoted by the UN. We take anti-corruption seriously and have formulated a policy based on Danish legislation concerning the nature, receipt and payment of bribes. The policy outlines the precautions we want our employees to take in distinguishing between acceptable gifts in connection with occasions like anniversaries, retirements, etc. on the one hand and bribes on the other. When in doubt, employees are urged to consult with their immediate superior to avoid involvement in issues relating to corruption, money laundering, etc.
The society we are a part of External collaborations
PhD program
As our most important resources are emplo-
With our PhD program, we aim to have a yearly
yees with significant competences and updated
average of four industrial PhD students col-
knowledge, we give high priority to maintai-
laborating with ALECTIA. The objective of the
ning a close connection to research and edu-
program is to heighten the knowledge level
cational environments. Hence, we continue to
in ALECITA A/S in the competence areas that
invest in our extensive PhD program with the
form the basis for the company's existence.
purpose of contributing new knowledge within
Up to now, 10 PhD degrees have been
our core areas of expertise. At the same time,
completed, and 3 employees are currently
we engage in a series of professional and trade-
working on PhD projects. The ALECTIA Fou-
related organisations, participating actively in
ndation considers the PhD program to be vital
relevant political and professional discussions
for the continued development of ALECTIA as
and projects, as we wish to be a proactive part-
a knowledge-based company.
ner to society. The greatest contributions we can make
PhD projects at ALECTIA concluded in recent
to creating a sustainable future is through our
influence as consultants, and we aim to positi-
2007-2010: “Strengthening of reinforced
vely affect agendas within our areas of exper-
concrete structures with externally bonded
tise. We believe that our expertise can play a
composite materials,” MSc Engineering Fedja
significant role in a number of collaborations,
and it is our ambition to expand our network and influence among businesses as well as edu- 2006-2010: “Building integrated passive vencational and NGO environments.
tilation systems,” MSc Engineering Christian Anker Hviid. 2006-2010: “Quantitative hydrological effects of urbanization and stormwater infiltration in Copenhagen, Denmark,” Hydrogeologist Jan Jeppesen. 2006-2011: “Simulation-based support for integrated design of new, low-energy office constructions,” MSc Engineering Steffen Petersen. 2008-2011: “Models for Dynamic Windloads around Buildings,” MSc Engineering Jens Johansson.
Present PhD projects
2009-2013: “Integration of working environ-
Through the years, the ALECTIA Foundation
ment knowledge in design processes,� MSc
has supported a variety of projects at schools,
Engineering Lene Bjerg Hall-Andersen.
high schools, and higher educational institutions in order to strengthen young people's inte-
2011-2014: "Optimal hospital design," MSc
rest in the natural sciences and technology. The
Engineering Malene Kirstine Holst.
Foundation has also supported various Danish science and engineering institutions and orga-
2011-2014: "Stability of thin shells," MSc Engi-
nisations including the Experimentarium, the
neering Bjarke Laustsen.
Danish Science Communication organisation, and the establishment of an alumni network at the Technical University of Denmark. Our external sponsoring is currently limited, as the Foundation is considering how best to use grant money to support the educational environment and initiatives to strengthen the reputation of Danish engineering activities in Denmark and abroad in the future. Our objective is two-fold, as we wish to strengthen our commitment to the development of society as well as our own business: by supporting the development of the art of engineering we also strengthen the conditions for the continued development of competencies at ALECTIA.