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In his designs for communal housing, Le Corbusier incorporated the spatial and psychological impacts of color. He added textures and a xed pieces to cramped spaces, opened up gloomy corners to natural light, and awoke both the senses of the individual and the community as a whole. He contributed value to the neighborhood. Le Corbusier also employed the color to great e ect within the Unité d'Habitation: di erent shades distinguish the apartment entrance doors, di erent color aspects de ne the tall cabinets and kitchens, and some of the kitchen cabinets look to be made of di erent types of wood. Both colors Le Corbusier most likely utilized six colors on the Unité's exterior and interior. Bright colors are frequently used as accents in Le Corbusier's post-war architecture. The raw concrete, or "Béton Brut," also contributes signi cantly to the color scheme. Le Corbusier produced one of his most signi cant and well-known structures in terms of color with the Unité d'Habitation.