Alejandro fuentes portfolio 2018

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FactumFlag(ship) [Investigations on Models (II)] Sab Giorgio Maggiore Island, Venice refubrisement and transformation of an old Venice Ferri Design Studio 8 prof. Soriano (2017) in collaboration with Ismael López and Pablo Mera 2017 The client´s assignment was the restoration adjustment of an old sailing school building in the San Giorgio Maggiore’s Island in Venice. The client is a contemporary art producer and an expert in restoration and conservation in the cultural and architectural heritage. It requires a space where to work with their self-developed technology as well as a venue where these processes are able to be exhibited. The venetian reality of a sinking death is conspicuous. That reality thrives an investigation towards the naval industry and the possibilities this discipline is able to contribute to architecture. It is decided then, previous client’s agreement, to refurbish and transform an old venetian ferry which purpose was the drive along the lagoon. The objective is to treat the old device as a given foundation and to treat the addition as an artistic installation. The proposal is not just the refurbishment of the old vessel to both work and exhibit company’s new technology, but to create a floating advertisement with a fixed tour inside the artistic spots of the city, in addition to an artistic residence programme as a sustainable tourism pilot project. The new flagship is organised in three levels: the superstructure, where three glass fibre deformed spheres house the dry program; the deck, that it is itself warped to host the public and leisure program; and bellow deck, set aside for the private activities of the company.



estructura de barras para plataformas

escaleras secretas

maquinas de Factum

estructura de trabajar/exhibir

estructura de socializar


nudo de 8 barras


doble hélice de dos ejes

espacios de inmersión


sala de reuniones/ comunicación secreta

FLAG(ship seción 1:30

San Marcos



Peggy Gugenheim F

Embarcadero dentro del barco para góndolas

juego de pistones para la horizontalidad

aleta estabilidad

Bed and Breakfast

Cercha metálica parametrizada

nudo as de guía

pieles interiores, clima y luz controlada

capsula de sueño

estructura de dormir

San Giorgio Maggiore

Peggy Gugenheim F




San Marcos


Embarcadero dentro del barco para gรณndolas sala de reuniones/ comunicaciรณn secreta


juego d

䔀氀攀洀攀渀琀漀猀 挀漀渀猀琀爀甀挀琀椀瘀漀猀㨀  瘀椀猀琀愀 攀砀瀀氀漀琀愀搀愀


Vistas conjunto: situación de atraque en San Giorgio maggiore, Italia 45° 25’’ 41’’ N, 12° 20’ 37’’ O


[CalienteTempladoFrío] botanischen Garten der Universität Wien am Belvedere desing of the new Greenhouse for the botanical garden of UniWien Großes Entwerfen prof. Felipe Riola in colaboration with Ismael López and Jorge Herrero 2017 There is a request from the University of Vienna to crush, rethink and build up a new Greenhouse for their botanical garden. The old building is neither functional enough The nor appealing to fulfill the divulgative duty the organization wishes for the facility. The idea arise from the concept of disposing both public and private program around the greenhouses like an old cloister. The different functions and its requirements are matched with the thermodynamic requirements of the climates aimed to recreate. At the same time, the trees that are gonna be grown inside are studied as geometrical generators for the building: ther maximum radios are set in the floorplan organizing with tangencies the premises and the height of the trees seet how deep that part of the building is buried. To complement the generation of the floorplan, a double-skin in-between the rooms and the climates is developed: it consists in two glasses that contain an automatic storage system in which the small plants will be raised; this breeding shelves will be transported and controlled in the manipulation room; this robot has a minimum turn radius that combined with the trees generates the floorplan. The strategy is to bury the building in the ground so to avoid the relation with an environment that has nothing to do with the proyect. The difference of height in-between one part of the site and the other makes posible the private access at ground level from the streed facade while the main entrance is made from a slipway-promenade that buries into the ground from the garden. From the street we see just a concrete fence with some foothills from which two domes emerge. The small dome is for the cold climate and the higher one for the warm and template one. These last two are just divided by a plastic courtain to allow heat transfers from the warm one to the template one, acting the first one as a heater. From the visitors perspective, the tour starts in the outside gardens, where the paths will lead them gently to the cupolas. In between the bigger one and a grass hill, the path enters to the cavern through a ramp. Once inside, the hall allows the visitors to go to the main visit through the three climates or to the auditorium. In the cold climate, another ramp emerges to allow visitors to exit the building.

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[Publi Space Science] Arsenal in Wien intervention over the public space in the new tech campus for TU Wien GroĂ&#x;es Entwerfen prof. Bob Martens 2016 Grid. The purpose of this proposal is to join and sew together individual objekts throughout different elements where the programme is held. The aim is the physical consolidation of the new campus, reflecting the state of the technology developed and being developed by the new inhabitants, while creating a visually homogenous space without relinquishing the singularity of the surroundings. Organized by a three-dimensional rigid mesh where the program is implemented, creating a new hierarchy of public spaces in both horizontal and vertical planes. This grid is broken only by characteristic circumstances that require a fracture in the continuous arrange of the plaza. The first step taken in the intervention is the regularization of the site creating a podium, elevated 4 meters from the main access street level. After this, dark concrete walls are built up to contain the earth creating the cavity of the parking; this would be known as the tectonic part of the intervention. The platform is afterwards, regularized with the squared grid previous mentioned and in the corners of these squares, prefabricated concrete foundations are set, and they will work both as hosts of the "super" structure and the led illumination. In the northern part of the site the "super " structure is implemented. The structure is made of tubulars steel pipes and consists on two elements: a knod, symmetrical in the three directions of the cartesian space, and the circular section bars. A third piece is implemented to this puzzle, a cover to the exterior part of the knod that will serve as the container of the modular facades. The structure creates a 4-storey building with roughly 800 square meters per floor. The floors are made by decking concrete plate. The vertical communications are solved by two tenser hanged staircases and two elevators. The facades are modular, and are made either by practical and non-practical windows and sandwich panels the ones that are blind. On the outsider plane, metallic wires tense and tide the knots one with the other so the structure is braced.The program inside this structure is planned considering the requirements of the existing functional plans carried out in the inside of the buildings, whether they are noxious to the crowds and the length of the activities themselves. This same constructive system is used to create the communication billboards, the suspended lighting of the square and possible kiosks. This last paragraph explains the esthereotomic part of the proposal. Combining these elements, a sense of visual homogenization without relinquishing each’s singularity is sought. Targeting the reclamation of the public identity of the spaces through representability and public image, we are creating an icon, a landmark within the neighbourhood and a cultural beacon for the city.

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[CociNatura] Isla de las Palomas in Cádiz interventions developed in the context of a new gastronomic experience Design Studio 6 prof. Blanca Lleó 2015 Wind. The place: Las Palomas Island, southern point of continental Europe, the place where the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea joint. The project’s target is to build the seed of a gastronomic experience based on the sites peculiarities. The wind is the most important natural element in this island. The wind is such a determinant element that even defines whether the island is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. To understand the real effect of wind in this land, several written testimonies were taken into account: scientific ones to see what products the experience could offer and literary ones to understand the effect of wind in people. Los aires difíciles, a book written by Almudena Grandes in 2002, is the base for several architectonical experiences developed by the meaning of the author’s words. After this, spots were selected in the island making small restaurants related with specific kinds of dishes: the garden, the seafood garden, the aviary and the Arabic tent. These four places transform a lunch into a journey, making every meal course a site. The first step would be the garden. Given the corrosive state of the soil of the island, we take the flower pot as a unity of a grid that will cover the sites extension. The garden is surrounded by a high fence that will protect from the wind and also create noises when it crashes to it. The fundamental piece of the intervention would be the first step: the aviary. This element is conceived as an artefact: an opaque box, completely covered by loose strings that will crash between each other with the move of the wind. The experience is complemented by skylights on the ceiling, that they will just let the commensal look the exterior through them, making more evident that the served products come from the sky and the wind.

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[cociNatura] artefact developed in the context of a new gastronomic product Design Studio 6 prof. Blanca Lleó 2015 Turbines. This experimental project is developed in the following context: copying the 1972 performance of Gordon Matta Clark titled “Fresh Air Cart”. In this performance, in the context of an upcoming nuclear word, the artist places ourselves in a distopian future in which fresh unpolluted air is something people buy as we do now with bottled water. Following Matta Clark´s mental process, a very traditional ambulant spanish recipe is taken and transformed: los churros. Exploring the recipe as a code, a gap was found in which our input could be implemented: the change of flavour. This dish is based on a very simple mixture that catches its flavour when it is fried, so by changing the oil, we change the flavour. The requirements of the device, such as its portability, made a never seen system developed: as it had to be something small enough to be transport arround, but at the same time, it had to contain as many deep fryers as types of churros were going to be sold. The proximity of this fryers one next to the other and the fear of the smokes and flavours to be mixed inbetween fryers made the perfect excuse to borrow the turbine technology from the airplanes industry, transforming it into a chimeny, in combination with a system of regulation in the expel of the smoke. In the end, we have a artefact that looks like a funfair attraction with giagantic dfferent sizes chimenies raising to the sky that expel in a controlled way rings of smell and flavour.

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[obraGRUESA*obraFina] Philadelpia College of Art constructive project based on a Kahn’s non-built project Studio Building Construction 3 prof. Araujo in colaboration with Elia Ruiz and Carlos Villar Villalobos 2015 Loading-walls. The objective of this constructive project is to build a non-build project thought with tecniques of the past and see how it would be built nowadays. The original project made by Kahn was based in several towers where he pilled very tall and wide drawing rooms that were coped with thick loading walls of brick. In orther to bring this project to the 21st century, this massive loading walls were substitute by floor-to-ceiling metallic trusses that will act in the same way as the brick ones. In order to give the building the same apereance that the one Kahn thought, three kinds of panelling walls were prescrived: clipped steel panels, prefabricated concrete GRC panels and a bioclimatic curtain wall. The construction method was based in Renzo Piano’s Whitney’s expansion. In the end, the building is first a metallic structre were, instead of having colums, we have trussed walls and a skin that covers the building both indoor and outdoor. In order to get this kind of structure, the chosen knodes have to be strongest as possinle, but always using a system of screwed. This knodes will come prefabricated always from factory and constist in the colum, tubular trying to get the ideal section, with recieved plates welded to the profile. It is in these plates were the beams and diagonals will be screwed. To this structues, the panelling closings are attached, giving the building a feeling of overweight seeked by Kahn in the original project.

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[entreDosTierras] Barrio de Lourdes, Madrid development of an urban project in a depressed and aged neighbourhood in Madrid Urban Project, Urbanism 3 prof. Roldán in colaboration with Anna S. Sanchez, Rebeca Martínez Carro and Guillermo López de Madariaga 2016 Topography. The objective of this urban project is the development of an extension of a already existing neighbourhood made in Madrid in the 60’s. This neighbourhood has a hidden interest due to the participation of very important architects of the time such as Sáenz de Oiza. There are three branches of the intervention: the first one is the exaltatoin or refubrishment of the existing buildings, due to the value of its design despite the cheapness of its construction; the second inicitative is the tunelling of the highway, frontier and wall of the southern part of the neighbourhoood, solving the problem of noise and dirtyness, allowing growth on a site on the south of the settlement and the design and organization of this new extension specifing the typologies of buildings, always addapted to the problems diagnosed on the old part, making this new development main part of the solution; to sum up, the third branch is the design in detail of a public space inside the new hood, including a semi-pedestrian street, a public square that includes the intervention to the big park working as an entrance. This last part is an experimentation following theoretical ideas based on the writings made by Rem Koolhaas in the las decades combined with the principles of the bio-urbanism, such as the assumption of the facades of the surounding buildings as fundamental part and also, space of intervention concerning the building of the public space. Concerning the horizontal surface, the whole site is concieved as earth, looking to achieve the permeability erased by the modern city, letting the water flow to the ground; over this surface, the different paths are drawn, such as a asphalt pavement for the cars or granite pieces following the pedestrian circulations; this elements, added to others, create a palimpsest were one path goes over the other making a clear statement on who is the king of the street. The topography is also very important since the site is not flat at all. Terraces are built making flat platforms in front of the businesses, sizing them depending on the program the venues will have. This project is, in the end, a statement to see what could happen if archtiects and urban planners would work in the public space as they do with buildings, so we could stop thinking about the public space as the “space in between”.

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[Desde el interior al exterior] Parque Móvil Ministerial in Madrid renovations in an old industrial historical building into an asset for the city Design Studio 5 prof. Maroto in colaboration with Anna S. Sanchez and Nitzan Zibermann 2015 Cars. The place chosen to be renvated is the so to call, “parque móvil del estado”. Built just after the war, this building was concived both as a parking and factory for the cars own by the government. Since that time, the city gorwth has absorve this building, leaving it as a giagantic piece of unused space inside the center of Madrid. The building in its current state is ugly and drags down the area, right now is more an inconvinience than an asset, but in the evaluation, the structure of the building emerges as its biggest advantage. The project wants to use this building, concieved as a factory for cars as a new centre were companies and technical universities come togehter to design the new spanish car, providing every lab necessary for that, since the design to the manufacturing. The needs by this people will create a massive kickoff for the social life ot the neighbourhoood. The intervention develops as follows: the structure gets rid of facades and ceilings leaving it completly naked, in orther to present it to the city. The strategy to house it is based on the development of modular boxes, made buy a thin light-weighted steel structure covered by wood on the inside and alluminium panels on the outside, following the construction of a car itself. The inside structure is general and the facades are developed as a catalogue that are attached to this general box. The structure is used as a three dimensional grid in which this boxes are located. The comunication in between boxes will be made by bridges, making the user concive the spaces as boxes in a mesh. In the empty spaces of the structure, massive flowerpots are hanged to house threes that will overpass the struture itself. Over the concrete structure, a light steal one is designed to support paths that tour inbetween the three’s goblets in circular paths. The project is both an experiment in the spatial organization and in the constructive processes. The way the modules are design, build in factory and mounted on the site was the main part of the developing of the project. In conclusion,

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[Vacaciones en la España caduca] Hotel paste*transformation in Oropesa del Mar implantation of Jacobsen’s icocnic Copenhaguen Skycraper in the context of the spanish real-state crisis. Design Studio 4 prof. Ruiz Cabrero 2014 Copy*Paste*Transform. The story behind this project is a sacarstic critic of the way develepments had been carried away in the spanish coast during the years befor the Copy*Paste* 2008 economic crisis. The story is as follows, as business developer asks you to copy Jacobsen’s SAS hotel in Marina d’Or, icon of the speculation of those years. After choosing the spot and implementing the building, your client suddenliy changes his mind, and asks you to transform that building into a residential one with a commertial program on the base. The architectural strategies are mainly two: balconies and housing typologies. On the one hand, the facade, design for the rainy conditions of Scandinavia is removed, and isntead of it, the strucutre is stressed to its limits by adding big balconies, which extend the ceilings to bring the outdoor space indoor and to protect from the sun and the heating. Moreover, the limit of extension is just reached west and in the north, the floors are barely extended. On the other hand, the typologies developed can be clasified into one, two and three floor apartments. The combination of this two strategies creates a building with rythmic facade of huge cantilevers. On the base, the tectonic appereance is changed by removing everything except the struture, ceilings and cores of comunication, changing this view more like the one developed in the rest of the tower. A comercial area is developed in the ground floor, implementing the concept of two-facades, corridor stores, creating activity to the street and to the interior square, covered by the tower.

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[Vacaciones en la EspaĂąa caduca] AVE Station in the Monegros Desert implantation of a highspeed train station in a desert for a music festival Design Studio 4 prof. Ruiz Cabrero 2014 Sand. There is a desert in AragĂłn, half way between Madrid and Barcelona, that no one cares about except in summer, when a music festival invades this land for a couple of weeks. The only element that breaks the wilderness of the landscape is the railways of the AVE (Spanish High Speed Train). The idea in this project is to take advantage of the precence of this infrastructure and making a splitting in the railways and a minimal station for the attendance to the festival to step out in summer. The approach is to take advantage of the situation of the railways, in an artificial mountain over the level of the land, to make a station digged into the railway platform. The acessing platforms to the trains will be podiums made of the kind of stone of the sourroundings and their cover will be steel squared umbrellas, so thin that will not be able to be precieved in the distance and with a shape made in a way they will collect the water from the few rains this land will get. In conclusion,

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[Principia Arquitectonica] artist center in Porto, Portugal develpoment of an complex to artists as a complement to SIza’s School of Architecture Design Studio 3 prof. Campo-Baeza 2014 Podium. The first noticing thing is that we are facing a complex site. Located in Porto, Portugal, the site has a very difficult topography, being the transition between the mountain were the university area lies and the Duoro. This project perfectly combines the virtues of a single space building with the advantages of individually oriented areas. It stablishes a dialogue with the pre-existent Siza’s School of Architecture and Douro’s riverside by cutting into the ground a white podium and creating a plaza that faced the spectacular panorama. A smart scheme was developed where several beam boxes, containing the private spaces, hanged from a double layer wall, which houses both the installations and the communication cores in-between. This rational organization created an astonishing space where Douro’s panorama was filtered by the light brought in trough skylights. These skylights emerge as big white boxes in the rooftop, organizing the outdoor space in a way that exhibitions can be arranged when the good weather allows. This same space created in the rooftop is copied in the ground floor were stairs coming from the street lead the way into a promenade that bring us down showing us the different parts of the building. The first thing we see when emerging from the roof is the working area were the six arts are being developed inside its glass boxes. Then, the common areas of the dormitories, where also creative processes are being developed. Little by little, in-between these scenes, the main space is glimpsed. When the staircase finally takes ground, we are facing a very big longitudinal space, with natural light coming from the sky in between the upper boxes with a great curtain wall facing the panorama. Beneath this boxes, curtains will allow to divide the space into small auditoriums, exhibition areas, containing the necessary equipment in the equipped walls on the sides.

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[Vacaciones en el mar] Termas in Mallorca implantation of a termal complex in the Mountains of Alcudia Design Studio 2 prof. Arnuncio 2013 Water. The purpose of this project is the implementation of a thermal complex in the mountaisn nearby the nothern coast of Mallora. The approach follows the steps previously taken by Alejandro de la Sota and John Utzon in both their projects in the island. In this reinterpretation of these Master’s work, in combination with the traditional constructive ways of the island, a building made of thick masonry walls that help the building to integrate both with the souroundings and the annexed constructions. These walls are placed parallel, creating rectangular chambers to host the programme of the spa. This programme is a reinterpretation of the Caracala Termas, reduced in size, but not in transition not in meaning. These chambers, different in sizes and light, are covered by brick vaults, using the traditional catalonian system. The holes openned in the main wall facade are in relation with the pool and the kind of experience developed inside. The tour finishes with a half covered pool that leads you through swim to the outside and the views to the coast

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[Vacaciones en el mar] summer Houses in Mallorca complex of temporary residences in the Beaches of Alcudia Design Studio 2 prof. Arnuncio 2013 Stonework. There is a project in the 60’s made by the spanish master Alejandro de la Sota in which he developed summer houses in front of the coast of Alcudia. In this project he experimented with the idea of the “patio” house and the opened spaces and its relation to the windflow. Almost 50 years later, this project is revisited, studied and modernized to contemporary standards; using the concept of the “matbuilding” developed in the Free University of Berlin, these patio houses are implemented as a carpet in the field, adjusting each one to the topografy, like landed elements. In this imposed grid, some sites are occupied and some others not, depending on its possibilities of having views. Every patio house is developed inbetween a stonework fence that defines a rectangle space. The house grows attached to the nothern part of the rectangle leaving the southern side as a garden. In between this living core, other patios are implemented garanteing light to the rooms. A flat ceiling covers this core and gives a perfect terrace facing the sea.

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contact: (+43)665 6521599 (+34) 618602108 2018 2017

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