Health promotion connection

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September 2013

Health Promotion Connection Conexiones para la Promoción de la Salud Connexion pour la Promotion de la Santé The monthly publication of ISECN, the IUHPE Student and Early Career Network/La publicación mensual de la ISECN, la Red de Estudiantes y Jóvenes Profesionales de la UIPES / La publication mensuelle de ISECN, le Réseau des étudiants et jeunes professionnels de l'UIPES

Dear ISECN Readers,

Inside this issue:

A big welcome to our new members– it was incredible to meet you at the IUHPE World Conference last month! This month we bring you some perspectives from those who attended the 21st IUHPE world conference (from members around the globe); book reviews in French and Spanish, and updates on resources and publications.

ISECN at the 2013 IUHPE World Conference Contributions from multiple ISECN members


Diálogos entre arte, ciencia y antropología por Alejandro Valencia-Tobón


Welcome to a new season!

Perspective d’une étudiante dans la rédaction et l’édition d’un guide d’aide à l’action franco-québécois par Marie-Claude Tremblay





Emily Fisher, ISECN Global Chair

Health Promotion Meetings & Conferences By Marie Grimm


New Publications/Nouvelles Publications


ISECN at the 2013 IUHPE World Conference Pattaya, Thailand Conference Reflections from Emily Fisher The 21st IUHPE conference was a wonderful opportunity to not only network and meet new ISECN members, but also to learn about health from a different perspective. For me, the strongest image I took away was the idea of the community as a sort of social immunity system– something that could (and should) be protective for everyone. I hope to see that idea strengthened and used in a global sense, so that we can all be that for each other, but also locally in our respective disciplines. I really hope to see you at the next conference! If you missed this one (or even if you have not), please keep reading this issue for some diverse perspectives of some of our ISECN members’ conference experiences.  

Visit the ISECN webpage for details on ISECN’s activity at the conference: iuhpe-conference-in-thailand-2013/ Visit the conference archive for some videos from each day, the final programme, and the final conference report: http://

Conference Reflections from Puspa Raj Pant The 21st IUHPE conference on Health Promotion offered a unique platform for dialogue on various dimensions of health and health promotion between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers from all over the world. It contributed in a unique manner to the development of equity and social justice across the globe. The inaugural plenary addresses by the pioneers of health promotion were inspiring; especially Prof Prawase Wasi and Prof Anne Mills’ presentations as they explained the achievements in the past and challenges for the future. Such presentations from these pioneers were full of lessons to young researchers like me. The efforts of Nepal in the field of community mobilisation for mother and child health were Participants at the ISECN information and networking session, August, 2013

Continued in blue box on next page...

Page 2 ISECN at the 2013 IUHPE World Conference… especially addressed by Prof Anne Mills, the Deputy Director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). I was happy to learn about the success story of community mobilisation in Nepal. It was also a coincidence that I am now in the field to do similar activities for injury prevention in rural Nepal. I found that the plenary, sub-plenaries, oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops and symposia were arranged very well for the duration of three days. Sub-plenaries were grouped according to different sub-themes of the conference. The Ottawa Charter of Health Promotion was the most frequently referred to document during the entire conference. Relevance of the conference: This conference was very good place to present my work and discuss the current issues and challenges on safety and health promotion with various academics and delegates from around the world. I also had an opportunity to learn about and compare the challenges and opportunities with reference to Nepal. I was one of the only 4 Nepalese presenters at the conference; two of us were from the universities in the UK, one each was from Tribhuvan University and Swiss Red Cross in Nepal. The other presentations from Nepal were on Maternal Child Health, Gender & Violence, and Community Mobilisation for health. Networking with other Nepali delegates at the conference was also a good experience. I had two oral presentations and two posters in the conference on two separate days (26th and 28th of August). The PechaKucha style of presentation was a new and very interesting to me where I presented about the Social Mobilisation for Child Injury Prevention in Nepal. My other presentation was on Qualitative Findings about the Perception of Child Injuries in Nepal. This was a presentation from my PhD research. To me the biggest objective of attending this conference was to share my work in Nepal and to share my research interests with the researchers at the global forum. This has helped broaden my knowledge and establishing networks with professionals for future health promotion activities in Nepal. I received very good comments and appreciation in both presentations especially from the researchers from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Thailand, and ISECNers. I believe I have been successful in achieving my objectives in these regards. There was also an opportunity to meet with ISECN members from across the world and to share experiences. Thanks to Emily and Hope for arranging such a wonderful meeting. This is an incredible conference full of wonderful resources which have helped to broaden my knowledge horizon. I have listed a number of points below:  Great opportunity to present my work in an international forum of academics and professional.  Got my first experience in oral presentations at the world conference.  Got opportunities to gather knowledge on research concept and methodology, systematic reviews, article publication in international journals during different sessions and workshops which would be helpful in my academic life.  I realized that although a reasonable numbers of researches are working in Nepal, only a few papers were presented from Nepal in such an international forum.  The international community has great interest to support and collaborate on health promotion research activities in Nepal. Puspa Raj Pant, PhD Research Associate, Centre for Child and Adolescent Health University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol ( Visiting fellow: School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol Conference Reflections from Marie-Claude Tremblay I had the chance to see a lot of interesting communications at the conference. But one of the things that stuck me was the innovative nature of the Thai public health infrastructure as presented in many communications. In fact, the Thai health strategy is based on a triadic model involving three kinds of actors and components: knowledge (research), public policy (government) and social movement (NGO, medias, health professionals). I think that the inclusion of this last component in the triad is really the key to move from data to action.

Photo courtesy of IUHPE conference organizers (facebook page)

September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 3 ISECN at the 2013 IUHPE World Conference… Conference Reflections from Torill Bull Hi ISECNers! Here is a brief travel report from the 21st IUHPE World Conference in Pattaya – more specifically from the Wednesday morning plenary, which really made a deep impression on me. In this plenary there were three presentations taking various perspectives on Health in All Policies – each very different from the others, and each giving a valuable perspective on the role of policies in promoting the health of populations. The first presentation was given by Taru Koivisto, Director of Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. She presented on how Finland had developed an increasingly comprehensive and multi-sectoral approach to health, during a process lasting over decades. I found her story encouraging and an inspiration to other nations – comprehensive policies for health are built step by step. The important lessons are 1) begin, and 2) continue ☺ The second presentation was very different. Dr. Jose Vargas Vidot from Puerto Rico gave a passionate call for the urgency in providing the basic prerequisites for health to all people, including peace. (In response to his passionate activist message, the chair of the plenary dubbed him “The Indiana Jones of health promotion”!) On Facebook that day I posted the following quotes from Dr.Vargas Vidot, which really touched my heart: "Many people have lost the passion of inserting themselves in the risky world of taking position" "A health promoter is never, ever neutral" “Let us combat the globalization of nonsense”

Photo courtesy of conference organizers

The third presentation was different still. Dr. Dasho Karma Ura from Bhutan, President of the Centre for Bhutan Studies and one of the key architects behind the Gross National Happiness approach, talked about how Bhutan had established Gross National Happiness as an indicator to track how the nation was doing, rather than the more common, economically oriented Gross National Product. The amazing thing is that Bhutan actually builds its public policies around the results from the Gross National Happiness surveys, which reveal which parts of the population (and environment) are suffering from lower wellbeing. In addition to talking about the importance of living well, dying well, social empathy, creativity, holism and other beautiful concepts, Dr.Karmo Ura shared the following opinion which resonated deeply with me: "The motivation of a good leader is compassion, and the most vital knowledge is of suffering" All in all this morning plenary left me encouraged and with a greater passion and dedication to health promotion – and with an increased conviction that health in all policies is not at all a theoretic construct far removed from how people live their lives. Cheers, Torill Bull, University of Bergen, Norway Conference Reflections from Ankur Singh As I headed from India to Thailand to attend the IUHPE World Conference I was recollecting all my lectures and understanding of Health Promotion and its overall role in addressing the Social Inequity. I was looking forward to listening to the experts in the field as I am relatively a new addition to the field of Health Promotion. However, the place, the ambience and the delegates at the Conference made me feel so comfortable that I never thought this was the first IUHPE Conference I was attending. The Scientific Programme was rich in its content and design along with a wide international representation highlighting the rise in collective consensus for health promotion as a logical answer to address the rising health inequity between and within countries. One of the most interesting sessions which I attended during the Conference was the Symposium entitled "Towards a recognition of Health Promotion as a Specific Research Domain" where the speaker critiqued the Ottawa Charter and there was also a talk on the Salutogenic Model of Health in Health Promotion. This session very interesting and the Closing Plenary was quite inspirational with the respective speech from the three awardees especially Dr. Don Eliseo Lucero-Prisno III who motivated and directed the role of youth and young researchers in health promotion. The ISECN meeting was certainly one of the best networking events during the Conference and I got an opportunity to make some great friends. Kind regards, Ankur MSc Dental Public Health Research Associate, Health Promotion and Tobacco Control Public Health Foundation of India September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 4 Diálogos entre arte, ciencia y antropología Por Alejandro Valencia-Tobón

PhD candidate in Social Anthropology with Visual Media School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Los insectos han habitado este planeta tierra por millones de años. Por más que muchos quieran lo contrario, el efecto que los insectos han tenido sobre nuestras vidas es incuestionable. Así como la dimensión biológica de estos animales es ampliamente estudiada, también se ha explorado la relación insecto-humano no solamente desde disciplinas como la antropología y la historia—sólo por mencionar algunas—, sino desde el cine y otras manifestaciones del arte. Dicha interacción no sólo afecta la salud, sino necesariamente la política, la economía y la cultura. Es de mi particular interés, entonces, hablar sobre dos textos que abordan estos temas y que me han sorprendido gratamente por ofrecer un balance justo entre las dimensiones antropológicas, biológicas y estéticas alrededor del mundo de los insectos. Estas tres perspectivas son, en mi opinión, fundamentales para enriquecer la noción clásica de ‘promoción y prevención en salud’ alrededor de enfermedades de transmisión vectorial (i.e malaria, dengue, Chagas, leishmaniosis). Imagine un insecto: ¿qué viene a su mente? Esta es una de las formas en las que Hugh Raffles llama nuestra atención y nos conecta a un mundo fantástico de seres que no sólo comen nuestra comida y duermen junto a nosotros, sino que son símbolos de pestes y enfermedades. Con el objetivo de comprender diversas prácticas humanas en relación con estos animales, Raffles propone un viaje entre categorías como ‘belleza’, ‘muerte’, ‘evolución’ o ‘pesadillas’. Dentro de este análisis biocultural de la interacción insecto-humano, en la sección ‘Fiebre/sueño’ se hace referencia explícita a las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. Raffles invita a superar los límites de los sentidos y certezas aprendidas para entender otros mundos a nuestro alrededor. Con este libro llego a pensar que aunque el hombre ha tendido a expresar el poder que, se supone, tenemos sobre la naturaleza, los insectos nos controlan. Las punzantes picaduras de los mosquitos, por ejemplo, siempre nos recordarán quienes siguen Insectopedia. ganando la batalla. Como el autor lo expresa, en zonas brutalmente atacadas por estos Raffles H. Insectopedia. New York: Pantheon insectos “todos se enferman. No importa que en el área alrededor se hayan talado los bosques, como los folletos de salud insisten. Tampoco importa que cada casa tenga su propio Books; 2010. e-book. número escrito a mano sobre la puerta que confirma que ha sido fumigada con DDT. Todos se enferman, algunos peor que otros, los más débiles —los niños y los ancianos—, como siempre, son los que se encuentran en peor estado” (Raffles , 2010.: 100. Traducción personal). Mosquito. En un recuento histórico a través de sueños y pesadillas, Richard Jones explora no sólo la dimensión biológica, sino política, cultural, antropológica, publicitaria y hasta cinematográfica de este animal que, aunque por su tamaño pareciera ser indefenso, ha causado tantos problemas como la mente humana pueda imaginar. Estos ‘chupa sangre’ viajan desde novelas de vampiros hasta los laboratorios científicos como agentes portadores de un mal al que la humanidad no podrá escapar. Para ser un libro ligero que puede ser incluso llevado en el bolsillo de una chaqueta, Mosquito contiene un resumen concienzudo de los principales hechos, cifras y material gráfico asociado a este insecto y al contexto de enfermedades como la malaria y el dengue.

Jones, R. Mosquito. London: Reaktion Books; 2012.

Finalmente, puedo decir que en un mundo tremendamente politizado, donde pareciera que las ciencias sociales y el arte no tuviesen cabida en el diseño de campañas en promoción y prevención de salud (o que en el mejor de los casos sólo se incluyen de un modo utilitarista, para prestar el servicio de ‘comunicar’ un saber/conocimiento pre-producido por la ‘ciencia’), es bien importante considerar visiones más holísticas sobre los problemas causados por insectos vectores. Insectopedia y Mosquito son apuestas valientes para dialogar entre arte, ciencia y antropología. September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 5 INTERVENTIONS DE PRÉVENTION ET DE PROMOTION DE LA SANTÉ POUR LES AÎNÉS : MODÈLE ÉCOLOGIQUE Perspective d’une étudiante dans la rédaction et l’édition d’un guide d’aide à l’action franco -québécois par Marie-Claude Tremblay Prenant racine dans une multitude de facteurs et de contingences, le vieillissement de la population est un phénomène important qui touche la plupart des sociétés industrialisées. Cette situation pose un défi majeur pour les systèmes de santé de ces pays, qui doivent faire face à une demande de services accrue en raison de l’augmentation de la prévalence et de l’incidence des maladies chroniques, de la co-morbidité, de la perte d’autonomie, etc. Reconnaissant l’importance de ces tendances sociodémographiques et appréhendant leurs conséquences sanitaires et sociales, les chercheurs ont produit de nombreux traités sur le vieillissement et sur les problématiques qui le caractérisent. Toutefois, la majorité des ouvrages produits sur ce sujet abordent principalement les interventions pour dépister et traiter les personnes âgées aux prises avec des problèmes de santé spécifiques, laissant pour compte un vaste pan du continuum de soins, soit la prévention des maladies et la promotion du maintien de la santé et du bien-être de l’ensemble des aînés. Reconnaissant là une lacune, ce guide d’aide à l’action vise à présenter une approche populationnelle de prévention et de promotion de la santé des aînés basée sur une vision écologique de la santé et de ses déterminants. L’approche écologique, qui constitue le cœur de l’ouvrage, s’appuie sur une vision large des déterminants de santé qui met l’accent sur les interactions complexes entre l’individu et son environnement. Ce faisant, elle promeut l’utilisation d’un ensemble d’interventions ciblant autant l’individu directement que son environnement social, organisationnel, communautaire, politique. Ce guide présente les différentes dimensions de cette nouvelle approche et les modèles possibles d’intervention à l’égard des aînés reposant sur cette vision particulière des déterminants de la santé. Il offre de nombreux exemples d’interventions, de programmes et de politiques tirés d’expériences françaises et québécoises qui peuvent s’insérer au sein d’une approche écologique de prévention et promotion de la santé auprès des aînés. Il propose également quelques pistes pour évaluer des programmes inspirés de ce modèle. Perspective d’une étudiante dans la rédaction et l’édition de ce guide Au printemps 2010, par le fruit de plusieurs hasards, j’ai été invitée à me joindre à une équipe de coopération francoquébécoise travaillant sur le thème du vieillissement et impliquant l’Université de Montréal, l’Université de Sherbrooke, le Centre de santé et de services sociaux Cavendish à Montréal et l’Institut national de prévention et d’éducation à la santé, en France. Cette équipe de partenaires s’est formée dans le cadre des appels à projets de la Commission permanente de coopération franco-québécoise, coordonnée par le ministère des relations internationales (MRI), le Consulat général de France à Québec et le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes. Un des projets phares de ce partenariat s’est bien vite articulé autour de la rédaction et l’édition d’un guide d’aide à l’action en regard de l’approche écologique, guide auquel j’ai été invité à collaborer. L’expérience de collaboration auquel j’ai pris part s’est révélée particulièrement intéressante, mobilisant différents acteurs des milieux à la fois académiques, de la pratique et institutionnel, qui ont du traduire leur savoir respectif (experts, professionnels, expérientiels) dans un langage commun pour travailler ensemble. De fait, le guide prend pour assise principale une approche théorique, l’approche écologique, et vise à l’expliquer, la simplifier et l’exemplifier de façon à ce qu’elle puisse être utilisée concrètement dans l’action par un public de professionnels. De plus, l’ouvrage s’adjoint la difficulté de confronter et de réconcilier à la fois les expériences et les perspectives Française et Québécoise, ce qui ne fût pas une mince tâche étant donné les différences sociales, culturelles et politiques de ces deux sociétés. D’ailleurs, en raison d’appartenance culturelle différentes, les différents auteurs ont du s’ajuster et faire consensus sur divers points, notamment les termes utilisés et leur référent, et même la syntaxe. En somme, en plus de cette expérience fructueuse de mise en commun des savoirs, prendre part à ce partenariat a été enrichissant parce que cela m’a donné l’occasion d’être impliquée pour la première fois dans le processus d’édition d’un livre, d’en connaître les différentes étapes, ainsi que le travail minutieux qui sous-tend chacune d’entre elles.

September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 6 Resources/Ressources/Recursos

This is a blended training program for young researchers on health research and scientific communication. EV4GH coaches “Emerging Voices” to participate actively in international conferences and to raise their voice in the scientific debate. Two previous EV4GH editions were organized and a third one is ongoing. In 2010 EV4GH was linked to the First Global Symposium of Health Systems Research in Montreux, and in 2012 to the Second Global Symposium in Beijing. EV4GH 2013 is currently ongoing and linked to the AIDS in Africa Conference (ICASA). For all information about previous editions you may contact the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp ( – website: EV 2014 Consortium The Symposium Executive Committee will again create opportunities for and support young researchers to stage their work at the symposium. For the EV4GH 2014 track an Emerging Voices consortium was established: The Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp (ITM), Belgium; The University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa; University of the Western Cape (UWC), Cape Town, South Africa; Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC), Beijing, China; The Institute of Public Health (IPHIndia), Bengaluru, India EV 2014 Track What is the EV4GH training? The full EV4GH 2014 track consists of: 1) E-coaching and distance learning in preparation of a face-to-face training (May-Sept 2014) 2) Face-to-face training: scientific presentation and communication skills coaching using innovative formats, and content training (Cape Town, 15 Sept -5 Oct 2014) 3) Young researchers pre-conference (Cape Town, 27-28 Sept 2014) 4) Participation in the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (Cape Town, 30 Sept-3 Oct 2014) 5) Wrap-up, towards publication, and field visits to the South African health system (Cape Town, 4-5 Oct 2014) 6) Distance coaching towards a publication in the scientific literature. Objectives EV 2014 • To facilitate participation of young health professionals and researchers in a public conference; • To introduce young health professionals and researchers to the South-Afric an health system; • To introduce and advance young health professionals and researchers’ content knowledge about global health governance, health systems research and other related topics; • To enhance young health professionals and researchers’ writing and presentation skills towards publication (peer-reviewed publications, social media, blogs…) presentation • To involve Alumni Emerging Voices in capacity building and national and international partnerships. Applications EV 2014 Who can apply? We are looking for young researchers, health professionals, decision or policy-makers or practitioners born on or after 1 January 1974. The suitable applicant must have at least one of the following: - A Master’s degree in health or a health-related field - Be enrolled in a doctoral-level programme in health or a health-related field - At least two year work or research experience in public health or development - Two references EV4GH is in English. Participants thus need a fair command of English to participate. If you fit this profile and you can participate in the EV training including a full three week period in Cape Town from 15 September until 5 October 2014, you are invited to apply. For further information, follow us on and other social media channels.

September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 7 Health Promotion Meetings and Conferences November 2013 6th European Public Health Conference: Health in Europe—are we there yet? Learning from the past, building for the future Date: November 13-16, 2013 Location: Brussels, Belgium The European Public Health Conference aims to contribute to the improvement of public health in Europe by offering a means for exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health and health services research as well as public health training and education in Europe. Website:

The 15th Conference on Social and Community Psychology Date: November 20-21, 2013 Location: Bergen, Norway The conference languages are Norwegian and English. Website: Open Forum for Quality Improvement (QI) in Public Health Date: November 20-21, 2013 Location: Memphis, Tennessee, USA Website:

December 2013 National Sex Ed Conference 2013 Date: December 11-13, 2013 Location: Meadowlands, New Jersey, USA The CFLE’s award-winning National Sex Ed Conference is the premier place for sexuality educators to network and learn. It is open to health educators, community educators, teachers, professors, nurses, social workers, counsellors, therapists, scholars… if you teach sex ed, this is the conference for you! Website:

January 2014 Work, Health, and Well-Being: Integrating Wellness and Occupational Health and Safety in the Workplace Date: January 27-29, 2014 Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA This comprehensive program is designed to help participants make the business case for integrated workplace health and safety and to provide strategies which enhance workforce health and well-being. Website:

For a complete listing of worldwide opportunities regularly posted by Marie Josefine Grimm, visit Email Marie ( if YOU have an opportunity to share! September 2013/ Septembre 2013/Septiembre 2013

Page 8 New Publications/Nouvelles Publications Santé 2020. Une stratégie et un cadre politique européens pour le 21e siècle En 2012, le Comité régional de l’OMS pour l’Europe a approuvé Santé 2020 sous deux formats d’ailleurs réunis dans cette publication. La version courte de Santé 2020 présente aux responsables politiques européens ses principaux principes et ses valeurs essentielles, et prodigue d’importants conseils stratégiques en vue d’appuyer l’action pour la santé et le bien-être. La version longue fournit davantage de détails en matière de bases factuelles et de pratiques. Disponible à cette adresse : La recherche pour la couverture sanitaire universelle. Rapport sur la santé dans le monde 2013 En décembre 2012, une résolution des Nations Unies encourageait les gouvernements à offrir à leur population une couverture sanitaire universelle. Ce rapport de l’OMS souligne l’importance de la recherche pour répondre à un large éventail de questions sur les moyens nécessaires à la couverture sanitaire universelle. Disponible à cette adresse : What makes us sick? What Makes Us Sick? is the latest report to emerge from the CMA's health care transformation initiative, a broad-ranging, multiyear plan to modernize and improve Canada's health care system. Another report released earlier this year provided guidance for physicians on how to address health inequities relating to the social determinants of health within their own practices. Link to PDF: Les soins de santé au Canada. Qu’est-ce qui nous rend malades ? Au cours de l’hiver et du printemps 2013, l’Association médicale canadienne (AMC) a mené des consultations afin de connaître le point de vue des Canadiens sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé. Les participants en ont cité quatre principaux : le revenu, le logement, l’alimentation et la sécurité alimentaire, ainsi que le développement de la petite enfance. L’AMC recommande 12 domaines d’action, parmi lesquels mettre à l’essai l’approche du revenu annuel garanti, adopter l’approche « Priorité au logement » pour les gens ayant une maladie chronique causant l’itinérance, et assurer que tous les Canadiens ont accès aux médicaments qui leur sont nécessaires. Disponible à cette adresse :

ISECN Monthly Editorial Team Africa (AFRO) Regional Editor: Editor-in-Chief: Gabriel Oguda: Emily Fisher: Europe (EURO) Regional Editor: Associate Editor and EURO Regional Editor: Olin Oldeide: Peter Delobelle: Latin America (LA) Regional Editor: French Language Editor: Mariana Sanmartino: Marie-Claude Tremblay: South East Asia (SEARB) Regional Editor: Global Perspectives Editor: Gamal Saleh: Angelina Wilson: South West Pacific (SWP) Regional Editor: Professional Development Editor: Jeannette Pastor: Sidney Ortun Flament: NARO Regional Editor (U.S.A.): Technical Development Coordinator Sarah Schwaller: Marie Josefine Grimm: NARO Regional Editor (Canada): Megan Kirk: Health Promotion Connection, September 2013/ Conexiones para la Promoción de la Salud, Septembre 2013/ Connexion pour la Promotion de la Santé, Septiembre 2013

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