Reverse Engineering ( Lamp )

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Reverse Engineering Part 2

Joan Alejo Xavi Prat GB1 ELISAVA

Our re-­‐design is based on the replacement of the base. We want to replace the three pieces that form the base and the arm of the lamp, one piece more complex that performs the same funcJon. SeparaJng the piece in three parts is achieved by minimizing packaging space. These parts need a liOle assembly using two screws when you mounJng the lamp. The user needs a minimum of knowledge to mount the lamp. Is important that the new design occupy the minimum space as possible when it is not mounted

Re-­‐design Base

The new idea of the base and arm lamp are based in the tripod or three feet. A tripod is a portable three-­‐legged frame, used as a plaPorm for supporJng the weight and maintaining the stability of some other object. A tripod provides stability against downward forces, horizontal forces and moments about the verJcal axis. The posiJoning of the three feet away from the verJcal centre allows the tripod beOer leverage for resisJng lateral forces. Uses only a one part and you don’t need to assembly any parts with screws. Using a tripod you have a big surface of area using less material, and you have a more stable lamp. You can graduate the height using this telescopic bars,. This new part is more technology and sophisJcate than de old base, because this part uses a three telescopic bars, and need more materials than the older base, for example, aluminum, steel or plasJc.



The goal of the redesign is to improve the funcJonality or usage that can be done about the previous design.

Descrip6on and func6on:

The tripod is a device that stabilizes an object. It has three telescopic legs and on top is where will be the lamp. The central part is an extensible verJcal bar locking mechanism is by a thread.


The tripod has a central body with three legs to stabilize the lamp

Material :

The verJcal bar in the center and the three legs are aluminum. The threads of pressure and support are central high-­‐density polyethylene. Finally the rubber legs are made of rubber, in parJcular EVA.

The new base change the lamp appearance, it looks more modern and robust. The base now is a tripod, we eliminate parts of the lamp, three old parts now is a only one part. The tripod provides stability against downward forces, horizontal forces and moments about the verJcal axis This new part is more expensive and need more manufacturing than the old base. It uses a more materials than the old lamp, aluminum and plasJc. It represents that the cost increases considerably , and the price of the lamp . Now is not a cheap and basic product of IKEA, this lamp is the more quality than the older. We can use the old packaging because the tripod doesn’t occupy more space.

New product

These re-­‐design of the base increments the cost of the all lamp, because this new base is more technologic, sophisJcated and uses more materials so it needs more manufacturer. The old lamp costs only 3€, these 3€ represents the cost of the light, because la old base was very simple and very cheap. Now the new base represents a important cost the total of the lamp. Tripod LAGRA Work lamp 7,50€

We esJmate that this tripod base costs around 4 Euros, because we compare different prices of photograph pocket tripods.

3.50 Euros 4.50 Euros 4.99 Euros

The final price of the lamp may be about 7.5 euros, counJng the manufacturing process and cost of the tripod but also improves quality.

(Poster) Pass the bar inside and to fix with the help of another piece. Re-­‐design The goal of the redesign is to improve the funcJonality or usage that can be done about the previous design.

You can graduate the height using the telescope bars



-­‐ The new idea of the base and arm lamp are based in the tripod or three feet. -­‐ The tripod is a device that stabilizes an object. It has three telescopic legs and on top is where will be the lamp. The central part is an extensible verJcal bar locking mechanism is by a thread. -­‐ This new part is more expensive and need more manufacturing than the old base. More materials.

-­‐ Now is not a cheap and basic product of IKEA, this lamp is the more quality than the older.

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