MCP Denmark - 3rd Round

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Application Booklet

The letter from the MCPc Hej, brave individual! It's a pleasure for me to open the possibility to have a new President for this magical en�ty, where I've spent almost a year and a half of my life and I would s�ll do for many years. If you are applying to be the next MCP, make sure that it is because you feel it inside by knowing the huge poten�al it has and because you feel ready to make real the dreams of every single member in the organiza�on. I must let you know that this is not the en�ty it was one year ago. AIESEC in Denmark is now ready to go to the next level a�er showing how it can grow con�nuously and implement new ways of management, being able to be an en�ty able to give GCPs to the rest of the network. And remember, a plan is a dream with a deadline and concrete ac�on steps, so... Are you ready to take the #DanishDynamite to the next level? Juan Manuel Marfil | MCP 18.19

About Denmark Denmark is one of the Scandinavian countries that are united by the Welfare State, very similar languages and shared values. Being the smallest country that once was ruling them all, Denmark cherishes the exis�ng hate-love rela�onship today. You might know Denmark for LEGO, for windmills, pharmaceu�cals, or hygge, Copenhagen, its capital, is a vibrant city where everyone rides the bike, enjoys long summer nights outdoors, and where old red bricks meet modern Nordic architecture in perfect harmony. Danish poli�cs is shaped by many poli�cal par�es that tradi�onally separate in two blocks, but that is slightly shaken. Since years, the populists are able to shape the agenda. Though na�onal roman�cism in the past, especially a�er 1864, had helped to build the welfare we have today through unity. Denmark was the most equal country in the world in 2015 and among the top five greenest countries in 2016. We have con�nuously liberated rights for homo- and bisexuals and single parents. The first cons�tu�on from 1849 was the most progressive in Europe at that time.

AIESEC in Denmark

AIESEC in Denmark | Founding En�ty AIESEC in CBS | Founding LC During the past terms, we have struggled with declining exchange performance, a fast ou�lux of new members, and confusion about the product focus. But the curve has changed! As many western countries, also AIESEC in Denmark might struggle with defining its relevance in today’s society. Nonetheless, our plenary is certain about why our increased efforts are important. Our current focuses are iGT, oGV and oGE supported by an MC of six people and an OD Model implemented for the first �me in this en�ty throughout this term (18.19). Furthermore, one LC runs iGV. The cons�tuents of AIESEC in Denmark are the LCs, represented by their LCPs in the Board of Directors. The hierarchy is flat and involvement high, similarly to the general working Danish culture. Currently, we have 3 na�onal conferences Al�us, For�us, Ci�us), together with an EB Summit every January and several func�onal En�ty Visits /Func�onal Mee�ngs during the term.

Local Committees in Denmark Aalborg

Aarhus Horsens Copenhagen Odense

Copenhagen is one of the ci�es with the highest standard of living. Unfortunately, that also a�racts a lot of people and the housing market can be a real struggle. Once se�led, the many parks, cafés, lakes and channels, and cultural ac�vi�es give plenty of opportuni�es for gathering new thoughts and energy. The office is located in an entrepreneurial office building. While being the most expensive city, Copenhagen gives a strategic proximity to business, social and public sector. The LC that is furthest away, Aalborg, can be reached with a 4-hour train ride. Since hostels in Denmark are expensive, not to men�on hotels, our na�onal conferences and summits happen at (high) schools where we sleep on own air ma�resses. Carrying the dream of AIESEC, results will come through challenges that will make us grow as an en�ty and as a team.

Conference Timeline ALTIUS March


CITIUS October


MC Life


Term Dates 1 August 2019 - 31 July 2020

Office Hours Subject to MCPe’s decision

Working Time 37,5 hours/week

Finance Holidays Weekends are free, with the excep�on of planned conferences, summits, mee�ng or team days. You will have 25 days holidays to be split throughout the term (dates are subject to the approval by the MCPe according to MC ac�vi�es).

Salary of the MC equals ≈8500DKK/month a�er taxes (1138 EUR). It is enough to maintain a decent standard of living, including housing and transport costs. Each MC member will get a one-�me compensa�on for the transi�on month July of 4000DKK before taxes. MC members from outside of Copenhagen will get a reloca�on support of maximum 1500DKK (Subject to the provided


Bring enough pocket money to bridge the first weeks. You must cover possible VISA and work-permit expenses yourself. Interna�onal applicants for MC shall prove (e.g. le�er from the Danish Embassy or reference to paragraph in the law) the legality of their stay in Denmark both in terms of visa and working permit for the en�re period of their term. Be prepared to start the VISA process immediately a�er selec�on. Health insurance is free in Denmark, but you must have an interna�onal travel insurance for the en�re term. Housing is not provided. The MCc will assist with housing search, but you should start looking soon a�er the selec�on. During the transi�on, the MCe may be hosted by the MCc.

Transition & Team Forming The transi�on will start right a�er the selec�on of the MCPe, being supported in order to select the best MCVPe's. Expect 5-10 hrs/week for this from June. The individual transi�on should be finalized by mid-end June and will happen virtually or in person in Copenhagen. Expect to get some responsibili�es soon a�er the start of the transition. MC2MC transi�on and first team days will happen in Copenhagen during the full-�me transi�on month July. Reloca�on to Copenhagen must happen this month. Depending on the �meline with IC, the full-�me transi�on might start mid/end June! (In order to ensure the transi�on, team forma�on and/or planning before IC.) This will be communicated con�nuously a�er the team selec�on and it will be up to the MCPe. The planning �meline will depend on the global adjustments but expect to commence to plan the MC direc�on during May-June. Remember to apply for VISA (if you need it) and working permit, start looking for accommoda�on from end-May or June, and start arranging logis�cal details around the possible reloca�on immediately a�er the team selec�on.




Representa�on to the global plenary

Represent AIESEC at relevant events and in media.

Act as the chair of the Board of Directors.

A�endance at Interna�onal and Regional Legisla�ve Mee�ngs.

Be the contact person for alumni, the Board of Trustees and the Board of Founda�on.

Func�on as a link between the MC and BoD.

Fulfilling global and regional membership criteria. En�ty representa�on and parttaking in decision-making. Contribu�on to the fulfillment of interna�onal and regional goals and projects.

Ac�vely shape the image of AIESEC.


Guide the Sub-Commi�ee chairs in their du�es. Ensure full membership of all local en��es. Oversee the implementa�on and structuring of compendium.

MC & LCP MANAGEMENT MC team and NST selec�on. JD crea�on and review of the MCVPs. Coaching, tracking, training, and leading both the MC and the LCPs.

STRATEGIC PLANNING & DIRECTION Se�ng the overall strategic direc�on of the en�ty under the scru�ny of the BoD. Alignment of na�onal and local direc�on to the global and regional organiza�onal plan. Downscaling interna�onal and regional ini�a�ves AIESEC 2020 implementa�on. Organizing and facilita�ng na�onal and local planning while ensuring alignment and co-crea�on. Tracking the progress towards the plan. MC Budget crea�on and fulfillment.

AIESEC IN DENMARK PLENARY Ensure transparency, relevance, and connec�on. Deliver conferences and seminars.

Election Process All steps are mandatory for the elec�on process. Late or incomplete submissions result in the exclusion of the elec�on process. Applicants will be guided through the process step by step. In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to ask the Elec�on Manager via

February 26 | 23:59h GTM+1 Applica�ons are closed

February 13 Applica�ons are open

March 4-6 | Virtual Q&A Answering Ques�ons

March 7 MCP Elec�ons

March 1-5 | External Assessment March 1-3 | Virtual Q&A Recep�on of Ques�ons

Election Speech and Questioning Procedures for MCP candidates (Extracted from Na�onal Compendium) 6.3.1. The following procedures shall be ins�tuted prior to the ballot for the elec�on of the Member Commi�ee President: a. Each candidate shall be given the opportunity to address the Associa�on in the General for a period of ten (10) minutes. Interna�onal Candidates who are not present must send a video of equivalent �me to be played to the Associa�on in the General Mee�ng. b. The report of the Board of Trustees will be presented to the Associa�on in the General Mee�ng as outlined in sec�on 5.3. c. Each candidate shall receive ques�ons from the Associa�on in the General Mee�ng for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes to a maximum of one (1) hour. Interna�onal Candidates who are not present, must be online via Skype or equivalent virtual communica�on program with video to par�cipate in the Ques�on and Answer process. d. All candidates, including non-present Interna�onal Candidates via Skype or equivalent virtual communica�on program, shall jointly receive ques�ons from the Associa�on in General Mee�ng for a period of thirty (30) minutes, if internet condi�ons allow. e. Each candidate shall be given the opportunity to address the Associa�on in General Mee�ng for a period of four (4) minutes. Interna�onal Candidates who are not present may have a video played or deliver their final speech via Skype or equivalent virtual communication program. f. There is no requirement that the procedures specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the above sec�on occur in the same day as the ballot.

Application Package 1. Execu�ve Summary + Video

4. CEO University

A one (1) PDF page as a summary of your en�re applica�on + VIDEO link. (Video speech of up to 7 mins).

Take the "CEO University: Achieving 100% Legal and Sustainable AIESEC" on the AIESEC Hub and include a screenshot a�er you finish it.

2. CV Maximum one (1) PDF page to create your CV. You can include educa�on, working experience, other experiences & skills... Remember to include the informa�on that is relevant to the role you are applying for.

5. Blank Paper Challenge

3. The MCP Ques�onnaire

6. Signed Release

This file may not exceed 13 pages, including a cover page (not mandatory)

To permit the distribu�on of their applica�on within AIESEC Denmark. h�ps://

How are you gonna make AIESEC in Denmark be relevant for Danish Society? Challenge everything.

Application Package

7. Personality Test

8. Endorsement Le�ers

- MBTI (1 page, a�ached a PDF screenshot of the result. Feel free to comment on the results as a second page. Not mandatory)

Three endorsement le�ers required.

www.16personali� - 123 Work Values (1 page, a�ached a PDF screenshot of the result. Feel free to comment on the results as a second page. Not mandatory) h � p s : // w w w. 1 2 3 te s t . c o m /d i s cpersonality-test/

- One of someone you have lead. - One of who has lead you. - One from your home en�ty, by LCP or higher. (Can be combined with one of the other requirements). External endorsements are valid. Must be in English, signed, and provide contact informa�on for reference checks.

9. For interna�onal applicants: proof of VISA and work-permit eligibility. - IMPORTANT: for any non-Danish applicant without already exis�ng permanent residence and work permit. - Provide with one PDF file with proof of your eligibility for a VISA/residence- and work permit in Denmark for minimum one year. - Interna�onal applicants for the MC shall prove (e.g. le�er from the Danish Embassy or reference to the paragraph in the law) the legality of their stay in Denmark both in terms of visa and working permit for the en�re period of their term. - Ensure to inves�gate your condi�on thoroughly. Ask if in doubt!

Additional Notes In your CV, remember to include as minimum: 1. Full Name 2. Member/Local Commi�ee 3. Email Address 4. Phone number 5. Date of Birth 6. Address 7. Na�onality 8. Skype ID 9. Level of Studies & Degree (Please specify if you are a graduate) 10. Languages spoken and rated with the ABC System

You can create your own design (graphic style and color usage). All ques�ons should be answered in the language you are asked in! If you have any ques�ons concerning the applica�ons or the applica�on process please contact the Elec�on Manager ( Send all these documents in a zipped file (.zip) with the name of: ‘’FirstName_LastName_MCP1920_applica�on’’ to the Elec�on Manager Alejandro Montaña Sola at (MCVP TM& OD 18.19) before the deadline! DDL to submit the applica�on: 26.2.2019 at 23.59h (GMT+1). Applica�ons received at 00:00h or later won't be accepted. You will receive an email for confirming your applica�on once you have successfully sent it.

Are you ready to shine?


Maximum 13 pages including the cover page. If you need to create any kind of materials, just add the link.

The person behind the application 1) What should we know about you? (You can also speak about your personal values) You can complement the informa�on by using any model you know (if you want). 2) What Competencies have you developed so far in AIESEC and which ones do you want to keep on developing?

You as MCP

AIESEC Context 5) What is the relevance of AIESEC in Denmark in the regional and global context? What is its (poten�al and actual) strategic role? What can we contribute with the best/most? (You can base your explana�on on the RoadMap, Goals as a Region...) .

AIESEC in Denmark 6) How do you envision the evolu�on, relevance, and future of the OD Model in the En�ty?

3) Why MCP of AIESEC in Denmark? 4) Describe yourself as a leader (your style and quali�es) supported by concrete examples. What are your challenges and shortcomings as a leader? How would you envision yourself working together with the BoD? You can complement the informa�on by using any model you know (if you want).

7) Explain how do you envision and what strategies will help you to have a financially sustainable MC term in order to have profit in your MC budget by the end of your term (Be as financially concrete as possible [Number of MCVPs, number of X, future of the Youth Speak Forum, BoF investments, Solidarity Corps, Fundraising, Pricing Model, focus products...]).

(Answer this ques�on if you don't understand Danish) 8) How do you plan to make sure AIESEC in Denmark is present and takes the most of the external events taking into considera�on that most of them are in Danish? (Answer this ques�on if you fully understand Danish) 8) What is your plan to cover the possible bo�lenecks that appear because of having less than 50% Danish members in the En�ty? 9) What are your vision and main projects to focus on during your term? Where do you see AIESEC in Denmark by the end of 2020? (Be as specific as possible. This will help the En�ty to understand the direc�on you want to take and compare it with the current direc�on. It will also help you to know which will be your ba�les throughout your term) 10) What are the next steps in each of the Exchange products AIESEC in Denmark is running and what is your plan in order to grow disrup�vely (OGX, ICX)? (be as specific as possible: focus products, markets, IR, process �me, partnerships, pricing, allocated HR, conversion rate, peaks...)

11) Design the campaign of the Black Friday 2019 (Make sure you are following the Blue Book, you have a pricing strategy, you know the focus products, you have a plan to onboard LCs, you have a �meline...). For this campaign, it is required a minimum of 1 (one) designed picture (poster, Social Media post...). Make sure you describe in detail your strategy and the synergies needed 12) Create an R&R strategy for the whole term (taking into considera�on KPIs, �meline, awards, distribu�on among the LCs, financial investments...). 13) Describe what is the current status of AIESEC in Denmark and describe what does it mean for you to take the En�ty to the "next level" (be as concrete as possible, use examples, use numbers, name strategies...).

TIPS Start well on �me. Late or incomplete submissions lead to the exclusion of the applica�on process. Be precise and brief, but do not give sloppy answers. Check your spelling and grammar. Do your research, show data, and cri�cal thinking. Be crea�ve. Be authen�c.

Choose your endorsements wisely. Submit separate PDF files compiled in one ZIP. Double check the criteria and required parts.

Contacts | LC LCP Aalborg


| Erin Cara Jalk

LCP Aarhus


| Alexej Perunov



| William Nielsen

LCP Odense


| Tudor Nae



| Viktória Šimšíková



| Robert Leerink

Contacts | MC



| Juan Manuel Marfil



| Aditya Tarale



| Daria Bu�u



| Alejandro Montaña Sola

MCVP PD & iGT Sales


| Agnes Agada

MCVP Finance


| Dagan Steinke


AIESEC in Denmark | h�ps:// AIESEC in Denmark Knowledge Hub | h�ps:// Compendium | h�ps:// Roadmap | h�ps:// Roadmap Tracker | Global Exchange Tracker | MC Impulsum Ini�al Plan | h�ps:// OD Model | h�ps:// Global TM Dashboard | AIESEC Hub Dashboard | Team Standards Checklist | h�ps://


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