Alessio Bertotti
reel breakdown / support material link : http :// vimeo . com / bertotti / showreel - 2012
February 2 0 1 2
Realistic human face for a teaser In the second year of the course in CG that I am attending, we have created a short animation movie - like a teaser trailer - for the final project. It has been made - as a work group - in a team of five people: we realized the storyboarding, the animatic, the footage and all the CG. The assignment required the making of a short movie with a photorealistic character, composited with live action. In the team I’m currently occupying the position of supervisor and my work is centered on the coordination of all the components as well as the audio-video editing and the creation of the main
LOVE TRUCK Set extension sequence At the end of every module we were required to take an exam to prove the aquired skills. This is the one of the compositing module, in which it is possible to see the tracking with two different softwares, Nuke and Matchmover, and the compositing of 3D objects with their relative render passes and 2D cards. These elements are also integrated in the scene with the rotoscoping of some parts of the footage. This video shows one of the main purposes that were established on the beginning: compositing set extension with a particular attention to mix it with the colours of the original movie in a natural way.
March 2012
character face. For this face I started from the pictures of the actor Michael Fassbender. Then, I have modeled it in Maya and made the UV with UVLayout, the sculpting in Mudbox, the texturing in Photoshop, the lighting and shading in Maya with Mental ray; I have also applyed various hair systems to the model and rigged the face, using the blend shapes tecnique. I created the render passes and composited them. In the reel is possible to see a quick animation with a lip sync, and the various part of the work like a breakdown.
1. screenshot of a final scene of the face
2. node tree of the compositing
Alessio Bertotti
October 2 0 1 1
Dynamics for an advertising style shot In this academic exercise we need to copy an advertising, using Maya dynamics and composite it. I used particles system with dynamics effects and sprites with a pre rendered image. The main ball was mod-
eled and shaded with MentalRay, with the integration of both particles and fluid simulations. The main part of this work was the compositing in Nuke.
3. dynamic simulations using particle systems with sprite
July 2011
From the concept to the render The final project of the first year was a full CG short animated story. I was the supervisor of a group of three people and we started from the storyboarding and the concept drawings. The story is about a bad and noisy airplane - representing the human technology - disturbing the peace of a beautiful sunny day, destroing clouds with shapes of animals that represent the nature. At the end the clouds merge toghether in a dark stormy
one, with a shape of a giant bear that destroys the airplane, bringing back the quiet. During the production, I made the airplane, based on a redesign of the english WWII one. I have modeled, rigged and shaded with it Maya, textured it in Photoshop and after I worked on the lighting, rendering and compositing parts. Compositing was made in Nuke, with various render passes from MentalRay.
4. conceptual sketch of the airplane