WITCHCRAFT MISCONCEPTIONS DISPELLED pages 4 & 5 thursday, 02.20.20
The Student Voice Since 1960
SIU BOT freezes tuition and fees, hears public comments on funding allocation JENNIFER GOECKNER managing editor
The SIU Board of Trustees approved a number of measures at their first meetings of the year and heard public comments from members of the SIUE community on the current funding allocation. At the Board of Trustees’ meeting on Feb. 12, the board approved a proposal to freeze tuition and fees across all SIU-system campuses. According to Board Chair Phil Gilbert, the decision to freeze tuition and fees was aimed at attracting more students to both campuses and Illinois as a whole. “When Governor Pritzker visited both the Carbondale campus to announce the release of the funds for the communication building and the Edwardsville campus to announce the release of the funds for the health science building, Governor Pritzker consistently emphasized affordability as the key to attracting more students to Illinois public universities,” Gilbert said during the public portion of the executive meeting on Feb. 11. At SIUE, all new, full-time undergraduate students will pay $9,123 in tuition per semester for 15 credit hours, and all domestic graduate students will be charged $8,155.20 per semester for 12 credit hours.
Kasey Hohlt, Graduate Assistant for CSDI and Ed Hightower, Vice Chair reminisce during the break between speakers. I Dominick Oranika / The Alestle
Tuition will also stay the same at the School of Dental Medicine and the School of Pharmacy. Dental medicine students will pay an annual tuition of $29,998, and pharmacy students will pay an annual tuition of $24,096. All students at the under-
graduate, graduate or professional level will continue to pay a general student fee of $103.20 per credit hour for the 2020-21 academic year. At both Wednesday and Thursday’s meetings, the Board heard public comments from SIUE faculty and staff about the
current SIU-system funding allocation. Kim Archer, a professor in the Department of Music, spoke at Wednesday’s meeting about how long the current allocation has been in place and argued for this issue to be readdressed. “I just celebrated my 47th birthday, and I say that because
about the time that I was born, your predecessors on this board implemented a funding allocation between Edwardsville and Carbondale,” Archer said. “That was 1975, 45 years ago.” BOT on page 2
Dining Services prepares for upcoming Conductor of Stanford Prison Experiment changes to Chick-fil-A, Auntie Anne’s Video Chats with SIUE Students GABRIEL BRADY reporter
The MUC Starbucks renovations are not the only changes students will see coming to Dining Services: Chick-fil-A and Auntie Anne’s will soon be seeing changes as well. Dining Services has been preparing changes for a long time, and the Starbucks renovations were the first step, according to Director of Dining Services Dennis Wobbe. “We had to do renovations, but we held off for a while so we could investigate this master plan for the entire building,” Wobbe said. Chick-fil-A is expected to become a hybrid model, combining elements of SIUE’s current express version and a full-service operation. The menu will expand to include ice cream and milkshakes, according to Wobbe. Wobbe also said the renovated Chickfil-A might offer mobile ordering. “You’ll place the mobile order, and it’ll have our new expanded menu,” Wobbe said.
“You might also see an increased speed in service due to some of the changes, like adding more grills,” Wobbe said. The plans for the Auntie Anne’s, however, are more tentative as of right now, but according to Wobbe, are definitely on the way. The uncertainty comes from the cost of construction and other factors like brands that Auntie Anne’s is associated with. “Auntie Anne’s is a focused brand, which is part of a larger company that has Moe’s, Cinnabon and some others,” Wobbe said. Some of these brands, however, bring opportunities. “There were a couple ideas, but one was, maybe with the same amount of labor and space, we could add a Cinnabon, but we’re still looking at those options right now,” Wobbe said. Another reason for the uncertainties is the issue of SIUE paying for the renovations. “In purchasing, there’s a lot of rules. It hasn’t gone out to bid yet, and then there’s DINING on page 3
Being able to ask a well-known psychologist any question in the world is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This chance came to SIUE’s campus on Tuesday, Feb. 18, when the SIUE Psychology Club set up a live video chat with Philip Zimbardo, who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment, one of the most controversial psychological experiments of the twentieth century. The 50th anniversary of the Stanford Prison Experiment will be in 2021. The experiment was supposed to last for two weeks but ended after only six days. Some prisoners broke down in the middle of the experiment within the first few days and left early. Zimbardo’s experiment exposed the power struggle between prisoners and their guards, showing the prisoners’ vulnerability and obedience to the guards, who became more sadistic. Zimbardo and the guards took on authoritative roles and subjected prisoners to psychological torture, refusing to let prisoners leave when they wanted to.
The Alestle
According to junior psychology major and president of Psychology Club Mario Diaz, of Edwardsville, this event has been in discussion since the fall semester. “Initially, we wanted to have Dr. Philip Zimbardo physically at one of our events,” Diaz said. “There was back and forth communication between Zimbardo’s assistants and me. We settled for the one-hour question-and-answer interview. We were more than happy to have that because even having the opportunity to talk to him was amazing.” According to Lisa Wood, a senior psychology major and the treasurer of Psychology Club from Edwardsville, there was anticipation of a huge turnout. “We sent the flier out to all of the psychology professors to promote the event,” Wood said. “Edwardsville High School’s psychology club heard about it and wanted to come.” Despite interest from outside groups, the interview with Zimbardo was exclusively for SIUE students. Senior psychology major and Psychology Club’s Vice ZIMBARDO on page 3