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Thursday, March 24, 2022 Vol. 75 No. 23
Federal investigation launched on SIUE racism incident GABRIEL BRADY managing editor
A federal agency has opened two investigations into the racism and hazing experienced by sophomore construction major Arluan Van Hook months after the university concluded its internal investigation. In October 2021, Van Hook filed an official complaint with SIUE regarding racist and homophobic slurs that fraternity members used against him during what he alleged was a fraternity hazing ritual earlier that year. Van Hook alleged that the Kappa Sigma fraternity at SIUE had held a hazing ceremony in Spring of 2021 which included racist and homophobic slurs directed at himself, as well as other new initiates of Kappa Sigma. His complaint to the university was filed on Oct. 17. Van Hook met with Student Affairs and other administrators on Nov. 18 as part of the investigation. At the same time, Van Hook’s mother visited campus with a sign reading, “Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Waple, shame on you,” about a month after the initial complaint was filed and led an impromptu protest starting on the Quad that moved into Rendleman Hall. There, Van Hook and both of his parents attempted to meet then-Chancellor Randy Pembrook. However, when they were informed he was not in the office, they met with Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Jessica Harris. Over winter break, the results of SIUE’s internal investigation were released. Over the winter break, the results of SIUE’s investigation were released.
Department of Education opens investigation into SIUE
Van Hook said the university’s response to the complaint and the results of the investigation led him to reporting the incident to the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. Specifically, he said he felt Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jeffrey Waple was a figure who showed a large amount of bias during the investigation. “Everything that has been done, that Jeffrey Waple has produced as his doing, was all recommended by me and my family and the legal counsel,” Van Hook said. “He’s shown his bias this whole time in the investigation, and even in the report [of the investigation’s results] he showed his bias.” Van Hook said he felt Waple’s bias in the way the investigation was conducted. Specifically, Van Hook said the investigation was hidden from the public by Waple. “Jeffrey Waple kept this under wraps. It wasn’t until students saw my mom in the Quad talking about this that the university issued those emails we all saw about the investigation happening,” Van Hook said. “Why did it take the Black Faculty and Staff to release a statement to create change and momentum for my investigation?” Shortly after the results of the inves-
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Arluan Van Hook attends the Black Student Union protest about racist messages in Woodland Hall, he directs students to the Chancellor’s Office in Rendleman Hall, which he says will more effectively create change. | Alex Aultman / The Alestle
tigation were released, Waple said he understood why some students were unsatisfied with the way the investigation was conducted. He said he feels investigations are a place for continuous improvement for the university. “As I say to students, every experience was a learning experience and a learning moment. And so, we’ve learned a lot,” Waple said. The first email notifying the campus community of the investigation was on Nov. 19, which was the day after Van Hook’s parents protested on the Quad, and hours after the faculty and staff constituency statement were released. Van Hook filed two complaints with the U.S. Department of Education on Nov. 16. The first complaint alleges that the university handled the investigation inadequately, and the second alleges that Van Hook was retaliated against by the fraternity when they removed him from Kappa Sigma after he filed his first complaint. Van Hook received an email on Feb. 14, from the Office of Civil Rights saying they would investigate his complaints. The Department of Education website confirms the agency is investigating racial discrimination and retaliation at SIUE.
Results of SIUE’s investigation show hazing did occur
Reisa Van Hook, Arluan’s mother, remembers the meeting with members of SIUE’s administration about the results of the Student Affairs and Title IX office investigations. “We had our final meeting, and they came to the conclusion that the hazing allegation was no longer an allegation, but it was a fact that [Kappa Sigma] had done that to my son,” Reisa Van Hook said. SIUE had conducted two investigations into what Arluan Van Hook experienced. The hazing was investigated through Student Affairs. Meanwhile, the
investigation into racial and homophobic of hazing students in 2018. Their hazing slurs was conducted by the SIUE Office was known as “The Gates,” whereas SIof Equal Opportunity, ACCESS and Ti- UE’s Kappa Sigma fraternity refers to it as tle IX. Both investigations concluded over “The 12 Gates of Bologna.” GSU’s Kapwinter break. pa Sigma’s hazing consisted of taking stuThe specific wording of the document dents to an unspecified location and bewith the results of the hazing, which came ing taken through 12 rooms, or “gates.” from the office of Student Affairs, details After this, some students reported being the “12 Gates of Bologna” event. It is the beaten into unconsciousness and others fraternity’s initiation ceremony, and, ac- being thrown to the ground. cording to Arluan Van Hook, is the hazing The SIUE Student Affairs report ritual he experienced. recommended placing Kappa Sigma on The report stated that the “12 Gates” disciplinary probation through the end incident was not sanctioned by the nation- of the spring semester, and the fraternity al fraternity, and that the SIUE chapter is required to submit a plan for delivering leaders had been told the 12 Gates of Boby their national adlogna in a new manvisor not to hold the ner. The plan will event in the manner have to meet approvthat it was delivered. al from the national Instead, the chapter chapter advisor and president and pledge Waple’s office. educator told the new Reisa and Armembers, “Rememluan Van Hook said ber the thing that they were both takdidn’t happen tonight en aback by these is only a Kappa Sigma results. Specificalthing, so keep that to ly, Reisa Van Hook ourselves. Not even said it felt like the nationals.” students who had As a result, Stuhazed her son were dent Affairs decided not being properly to charge the fraternireprimanded. ty with hazing under “[Waple] did the Student Conduct the most minute Code. thing, which was The document put [Kappa Sigma] does not call for an on probation,” Reisa end to the ritual Van Hook said. “He at SIUE, however, didn’t even think it which is what Reisa was serious enough and Arluan Van Hook to suspend anyone, said they wanted. Inlet alone any legal stead, the document action for what hapincludes a request that pened.” Jeffrey Waple Kappa Sigma change Arluan Van Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs the way they present Hook said SIUE’s the ritual. responses to issues According to The George-Anne at of race have been subpar overall, and not Georgia Southern University, the Kappa see INVESTIGATION on page 2 Sigma fraternity at GSU was found guilty
From the date that we were made aware of all this in October, to the day the investigations both ended … for both of those to be conducted in a month is at a priority pace. We did it in a month, and they were done thoroughly.”
@Online Editor Alestle
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