thursday, 04.16.20
vol. 73 no. 27
The Student Voice Since 1960
News in brief
construction booms in solitude
SIUE continues refund discussions
| Dominick Oranika / The Alestle Parking Lot A, normally filled with cars, is now monopolized by construction equipment. While much of campus seems to be at a standstill, some construction projects, like that of Founders Hall, are moving full steam ahead. READ ABOUT CONSTRUCTION ON PAGE 2
The Alestle provides inside look at lives of high-risk individuals ISOBEL ABBOTT-DETHROW reporter
Nobody is safe from the novel coronavirus. As anybody can catch this deadly virus, it is more important than ever to keep those who are at high risk from getting sick. COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the country, and states continue to enforce stricter guidelines on the lockdown. However, for people at high risk for catching the virus, they have been steps ahead, with many reporting they have not been leaving their homes at all. The CDC defines high-risk individuals as people who have
compromised immune systems. This includes diabetics, asthmatics, HIV patients, those with heart disease and citizens above the age of 65. Webster University student Amber Kelso, of Webster Groves, Missouri, has Type I diabetes, putting her at high risk for severe complications related to COVID-19. According to EndocrineWeb, the virus can defunction diabetics’ immune response and damage the circula-
tory system, making COVID-19 more dangerous for these individuals. Kelso is self-quarantining with her boyfriend, who is also at high risk as an asthmatic. Kelso and her boyfriend have developed their own routine when it comes to obtaining groceries. “The one time I went out to get groceries, I took
my shoes off at the front door, sanitized all my groceries and immediately took a shower,” Kelso said. “Once [the pandemic] got worse, I decided to not leave the house for anything at all. I’ve been using a grocery delivery service and sanitize them once we get them.” According to Kelso, she has a friend pick up her medication and drop it off, and the pharmacy sanitizes the medication before handing it to her friend. SIUE sophomore biology and anthropology major Kelsi Mann, of Macomb, Illinois, has endometriosis. Mann had a see HIGH RISK on page 2
Virtual programs bring campus life into students’ homes DAMIAN MORRIS reporter
The Clothesline Project is a popular event on campus, but since campus is closed, PEACe decided to do the event via Zoom with help from the Macoupin Art Collective. I Alestle File Photo @thealestle
photo from Mouse’s Wrestling Adventures
With all on-campus events being canceled, many campus organizations are offering virtual ways to stay involved. Prevention Education and Advocacy Center Coordinator Samantha Dickens said they have already been hosting projects and have more events coming soon. Dickens said since the Macoupin Art Collective had already planned to be on campus for the annual Clothesline Project event, they went ahead and did it through Zoom on Wednesday, April 1. She said the Macoupin Art Collective went through two
different T-shirt tutorials and had a round table discussion, also through Zoom. The discussion was held with Lisa Thompson-Gibson, counselor and coordinator for outreach and prevention initiatives for SIUE Counseling Services, and Call for Help Sexual Assault Victims’ Care Unit counselor and SIUE alumna Mandy Montayne. Dickens said this event will be made available online for students who couldn’t be there, and the videos will be posted sometime this month. “We did it through Zoom because I wanted to record everything and then splice the video
On Wednesday, the Chancellor’s Council meeting centered around the topic that’s been on the minds of students, faculty and staff alike: refunds. According to Doug McIlhagga, executive director for University Marketing and Communications, the meeting discussed a wide range of topics, including refunds of student fees that go towards parking, course fees, the Morris University Center and the Student Fitness Center. McIlhagga said such discussions have been ongoing among both SIUE leadership and the SIU system as a whole. He said they are seeking a resolution soon within the system. SIUE had previously announced partial refunds on housing and meal plans. The Alestle will continue to update as more information arises.
SG overcomes campaign restrictions DAMIAN MORRIS reporter
When one asks new members of the Student Government executive branch their goals for their terms, each SG member is guaranteed to give a unique answer. Junior business administration major Jacob Graham, of Paris, Illinois, who is currently SG president, will step into the role of SIUE student trustee on July 1. As trustee, Graham will work with the board to navigate system-wide issues, such as funding allocation, the introduction of a new president and shared services. “What made me run for [student trustee] was just the ability to try to make an impact, not only on the SIUE level, but on the SIU system level,” Graham said. “Not only did I think that was great, but also running for trustee instead of running for president or a different position, gave somebody else the opportunity to hold those positions and have that experience.” Graham said throughout all this, he doesn’t want to lose sight of the people he’s representing. “One thing that I wanted to specifically do was to be very visible to faculty, staff
see PROGRAMS on page 2
The Alestle
see SG on page 3