The Alestle Vol. 73 No. 32

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wednesday, 06.10.20

Protesting police brutality in Edwardsville, other cities



For the past three weeks, many across the nation have been breaking out their art supplies, Black Lives Matter banners and megaphones in protest of the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. Alton, Illinois, kicked off the Metro East’s protests on Friday, May 29, followed by a demonstration in Belleville, Illinois, the next day. Since then, many smaller protests have been held in Alton. Supporters of the movement gathered in front of the Madison County Courthouse in Edwardsville on May 31 and on Saturday.

Within these three small cities, many protesters echoed similar sentiments, one being fates similar to Floyd’s are not new. Osiris Tucker, Belleville resident and native of East St. Louis, showed up at St. Clair County Courthouse on May 30 in a T-shirt he had first worn six years ago. “I’m wearing a T-shirt that says on the front ‘I can’t breathe,’ and, on the back, it says ‘Hands up. Don’t shoot,’” Tucker said. “These T-shirts were created in honor of Eric Garner, who was choked to death by police in New York on July 17, [2014]. So, because George Floyd suffered a very similar fate, we thought it would be very appropriate to use the same T-shirt in honor of his memory as well.” Robyne O’Mara, of Godfrey, Illinois, attended a protest in Alton on May 29, and also protested in 2017 when former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley was acquitted of the first-degree mur-

State rep. uses pay raise for greater good ISOBEL ABBOTT-DETHROW reporter

Illinois Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville) recently pledged to donate her pay raise to two local organizations: SIUE’s Cougar Cupboard and the Edwardsville branch of I Support the Girls. Both organizations have benefited Edwardsville and surrounding communities by conducting and participating in donation drives; Cougar Cupboard is known for its food pantry and I Support the Girls collects fem-

inine hygiene products and bras for women in need. Stuart said she chose to donate her raise money to these two organizations because of their positive impact on the community and how she resonated with them. “I wanted to make sure that I was supporting groups that were supporting people negatively impacted by COVID-19,” Stuart said. “I’ve always been really impressed by the work that both Cougar Cupboard and I Support the Girls have done.”


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vol. 73 no. 32

The Student Voice Since 1960

history repeats itself

MADISON LAMMERT editor-in-chief


see STUART on page 8

der of Anthony Lamar Smith. “Just after I had retired, there was the Stockley decision in St. Louis,” O’Mara said. “A cop shot a man in cold blood and got away with it, and I joined the ... 40 nights of protesting. Jason Stockley was not the only cop to do this. He is one of thousands of cops that think that black lives are expendable, and it’s a joke to them — they think it’s a joke.”

justice & restructuring Tucker said the main reason he attended the protest in Belleville was to fight for justice for Floyd. “Justice would be the imprisonment of officer Derek Chauvin and the other three officers,” Tucker said. “Those who are responsible for taking his life have to spend the next quarter [of a] century behind bars because they’ve proven they’re not able to perform the duties that they swore to perform the way they are supposed to be performed, and,

Top: A protester makes a play off the movie “Straight Outta Compton,” changing the wording to express how many have lost patience with lack of change. I Dominick Oranika / The Alestle Bottom: Hundreds of community members gathered outside the Madison County Courthouse on Saturday to protest police brutality. Here, protesters raise their fists in solidarity with the speaker. I Madison Lammert / The Alestle

as a result, a man — flat down on his face, on his stomach, with his hands behind his back being restrained by four police officers — lost his life.”

Since May 31, the date of the Belleville protest, Chauvin was charged with second-degree mursee PROTESTS on page 2

Fall on-campus operations recommendations presented GABRIEL BRADY reporter

On Monday’s town hall meeting held via Zoom, the Academic Continuity Task Force announced five possible courses of action for SIUE during the fall semester. The meeting was dominated primarily by Chancellor Randy Pembrook, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Denise Cobb and Honors Program Director Eric Ruckh, as the three discussed plans for the 2020-21 academic year. Many


other members of SIUE’s administration joined the meeting for comments throughout, including Vice Chancellor for Administration Rich Walker and Director of Health Service Riane Greenwalt. The purpose of the meeting was for Ruckh, who is co-chair of the Academic Continuity Task Force, to explain what the task force thinks would be best for the coming semesters, which is what the group was formed to do. “In these decisions, we have always been guided by some basic principles. We try to focus on

The Alestle

safety regarding the coronavirus, but we also know that providing a quality education is important,” Ruckh said. “Some people will be unhappy with our choices. I recognize that, [fellow task force cochair Josie DeGroot] recognizes that, the task force as a whole recognizes that and the chancellor recognizes that. We will not satisfy all of you.” The bulk of the meeting consisted of Ruckh explaining the five main recommendations the

see FALL on page 3

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