wednesday, 07.22.20
The Student Voice Since 1960
Faculty Senate renews pressure for funding allocation change
The funding allocation for the SIU system has been brought under scrutiny by the SIUE Faculty Senate in the last few years, with pushes for change being reasserted in recent months. The Faculty Senate released a resolution asking that the Board of Trustees, chancellors and system president address funding disparities between SIUE and SIUC by July 31, and inform the Faculty Senate such discussions have taken place. According to the resolution, SIUC’s enrollment for Fall 2019 was 11,254 students, and SIUE’s was 13,061 students. Despite this, SIUC receives nearly twice as much funding as SIUE, a model which has been in place since 1975. SIUE Faculty Senate President Josie DeGroot said these numbers look more surprising when broken down. “Right now, with what we have in place, it seems like the Board is okay with SIUE students being worth $4,199, and non-medical SIUC students being worth $8,280. At least, that’s what their numbers say,” DeGroot said. Although the initial resolution was sent in March, DeGroot sent it again to her constituents on July 2 in preparation for the upcoming BOT meeting. At the BOT meeting, SIU System President Dan Mahony said there would be no change to the allocation system. “No changes in the next few months, and no changes in the next year,” Mahony said. “We hope to have [a strategic plan for the system] by the end of the fall semester, and that will
Learning and Relearning: Deportation plans dropped, but in the midst of relief comes more questions
Pharmaceutical sciences international graduate student Shaluah Vijeth resides at Cougar Village after COVID-19 forced many students to move off campus. Once again, international students saw their futures turn uncertain with fear of deportation earlier this month. Since then, the decision has been rescinded, but many questions still remain. I Dominick Oranika / The Alestle
through. How would they get home? A lot of the flights to some of those countries aren’t going,” Odom said. “I had students that were contacting me specifically from my master’s program to ask about our courses and what they could do.” After the policy was rescinded, Odom said students reached out with new concerns. “I actually had at least one of the students planning on going home, and so that student has asked if they could do the courses online this fall, if possible, find some courses to do online and come back in the spring. And we’re trying to do what we can to work with the student to help it to work out,” Odom said. Mary Weishaar, executive director of International Affairs at SIUE, said before COVID-19, international students were allowed to take one online course. “It’s a federal rule and it is coming out of Homeland Security, and they’re very restrictive on rules. And we have to report what every student is taking in … SEVIS, a tracking system, for lack of better words,” Weishaar said.
NICOLE BOYD copy editor
Many international students were worried about the future when it was announced earlier this month they would be deported if their classes moved online, but those worries have been alleviated as the policy was rescinded. The rescission, however, will still shape the future of international learning. Faculty Senate President of SIUC Marcus Odom spoke on behalf of international students at a recent SIU Board of Trustees meeting as part of his duties as faculty senate president. “There was just so much anxiety about the whole process, about what they were going to do, about if this did come
According to Weishaar, it is her understanding that universities will now have to individually report their plans for teaching in the fall to Homeland Security. “We’re still sorting out this new guidance, but my understanding is that each individual university will need to let Homeland Security know what their plan is for the fall, and that plan then will allow flexibility so that international students can take the courses that they need in order to move toward their degrees, regardless of the modality of teaching,” Weishaar said. Weishaar said while she has not spoken see INTERNATIONAL on page 2
see FUNDING on page 2
Students’ most pressing fall semester questions, answered DALTON BROWN copy editor
SIUE released its “Our Cougar Commitment” plan on June 30, detailing the guidelines students can expect to follow upon returning to campus. With the semester quickly approaching, administration hosted a virtual Q&A on July 17 to answer any questions students and their parents still had. Chancellor Randy Pembrook hosted the meeting, with a number of other administrators also fielding questions. These participants included Provost Denise Cobb, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jeffery Waple, Vice Chancellor for Administration Rich Walker, Student Body President Maddie Walters, Director of University Housing Mallory Sidarous, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management Scott Belobrajdic and more. For those who missed it, here are some of the main takeaways from last week’s event: @thealestle
While guests will not be permitted in University Housing after the start of the fall semester, students will be allowed two guests during move-in. Common spaces such as lounges and activity rooms in residence halls will be open, but some furniture has been removed to promote social distancing. Housing’s cancellation deadline has been extended to Aug. 1
dining •
Dining Services will be open. Face masks are required in all dining locations, but can be removed while eating. New dining options will be available for students, including a make-yourown-pizza concept, a new Starbucks location opening in the library and an outdoor grill concept. The MUC @thealestle
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Truck will also be operational. Only 20-30 people will be allowed in Center Court at one time. Signs will be placed on the floor to maintain social distancing when in line.
books mailed to them by filling out the textbook rental form on the Textbook Service website. Students using this option will be billed $10 for the first book and an additional $2 for each subsequent book.
Textbook rental Students will have three options for obtaining their fall textbooks: • From Aug. 3-17, students may preorder their textbooks through a form on the Textbook Service website. Students will then receive an email when their books have been compiled and can pick up their books outside Textbook Service. • Beginning Aug. 3, students may pick up their books themselves by entering Textbook Service and using the same process as past semesters. Students will be required to wear face coverings, and the amount of students allowed inside at a time will be limited. • Students may also have their textThe Alestle
Courses & registration •
Most changes to fall schedules will be finalized by July 24, and all students will receive an email with their finalized schedules, regardless of if there were changes made to their courses. Classes will continue following fall break, but most instruction will be in an online format to limit the amount of people returning to campus. For courses that will end prior to fall break, this will be indicated on students’ final schedules. Spaces are being set aside on campus for students who have a synchronous online class immediately prior to or see QUESTIONS on page 3 alestlelive.com