The Alestle Vol. 74 No. 2

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thursday, 08.27.20




vol. 74 no. 2

The Student Voice Since 1960

SIUE admissions stay constant — mostly GABRIEL BRADY reporter

visiting Cougar Village. “I don’t understand how they’re really going to limit [guests] because I know people who have already had people from out of Housing over,” Baker said. “It’s just hard because I guess they can’t really tell, so I feel like it’s something that’s not necessarily going to work out the way they wish it would.” While Parking Services would know someone who doesn’t reside in Cougar Village is there, it would be difficult to tell where they are. However, an unauthorized person could also be discovered while RAs are doing rounds or if another resident reports it. Sidarous said residents who violate the policy will go through the standard discipline process in the Living Guide, the handbook of rules residents agree to when they register for on-campus housing. “[Residents who violate the policy] would go just through the accountability process within University Housing, or if you don’t follow policy, there are

SIUE’s enrollment staff is dealing with a problem that many colleges around the country are trying to address— keeping admissions numbers up during the COVID-19 pandemic. International students face a unique problem during this pandemic. Director of Graduate and International Admissions Jim Monahan said one of the biggest challenges for these students has been obtaining visas. “What we are seeing is definitely a drop in new students, and it’s definitely because of the pandemic. [International students] have been unable to get visas at U.S. embassies, because across the world, those embassies are closed,” Monahan said. “Those embassies are starting to reopen, but now it’s too late for those students to go through this process. So, a lot of international students have had to be deferred to next future semesters.” Although international students can still take classes online, there is still a risk there, according to Monahan. “If there is no visa, they can’t physically come here, and it’s hard to get a whole degree online … [and] there’s a risk there. Depending on where they are living, international students can’t really do synchronous classes,” Monahan said. “It’s hard to work around time zones.” Director of Undergraduate Admissions Todd Burrell said international enrollment may have been difficult to retain during the pandemic, but undergraduate and transfer enrollment haven’t faltered too much. “The pandemic has hit us a little bit, but our transfer population is still on track with last year’s, and we still get a few students from colleges like [Southwestern Illinois College and Lewis and Clark Community College] where there’s a good number of students who transfer to here,” Burrell said. “As for undergrad, our new student population is doing well. This summer, we saw a two percent increase [compared to last summer], and it was

see COUGAR VILLAGE on page 3

see ENROLLMENT on page 2

new year, new rules Housing guest policy baffles Cougar Village residents ALEX AULTMAN lifestyles editor

The updated guest policy is one of the most significant changes to University Housing this semester. With Cougar Village apartments spanning across 62 buildings, residents are wondering how it can be enforced on such a large scale. The new policy states residents may not have guests in their living spaces unless they are in same living community. In the residence halls, anybody entering the building must pass by a continuously-monitored front desk. Because Cougar Village consists of several buildings, it does not have a comparable check in point, making it harder to control who comes into the apartment buildings. “We’re considering Cougar Village one community, so the guest policy would mean that anyone who lives in Cougar Village could be in your living unit with you,” Director of University Housing Mallory Sidaro19us said. “If

Sophomore elementary education major Mitchell Deters of Teutopolis, Illinois, started the year as a desk manager at Woodland Hall by checking residents in on move-in day. Move-in “day” spanned over several days to ensure proper social distancing measures could be met. I Mackenzie Smith / The Alestle

someone is not a resident of Cougar Village, then they would not be permitted under the guest policy, so that aligns with our other four residence halls in terms of the community itself.” While there is no central point to control who is coming in or out of the apartments, University Housing is hoping to monitor this in other ways. Sidarous said this semester University Housing opted not to issue guest parking passes to residents. “One of the ways that we are [ensuring residents in Cougar Village follow the guest policy] is not issuing guest parking passes,” Sidarous said. “So primarily, that was how folks could host a guest or host a guest overnight, would be for them to get a parking pass.” This means when Parking Services is making their rounds, they will be able to check if a car has a parking pass to determine if the owner is a Cougar Village resident. Senior art history major Kait Baker, of Washington, Illinois, questioned whether checking parking passes will be enough to prevent non-residents from

Where to get tested for COVID-19, and what to expect ALEX AULTMAN lifestyles editor

SIUE, as well as many other locations in the area, is offering COVID-19 testing, each with different testing methods and requirements. SIUE announced last Thursday it would be offering free COVID-19 screening tests through Health Service beginning the first week of classes. Students can schedule an appointment online for a nasal swab test if they would like to confirm their status. They should receive results in 72 hours. Medical Chief Dr. Kelly Farroll said screening is only for peo-

ple who do not have symptoms and have not had direct contact with a case. “Currently the university is offering to faculty, staff and students a screening test. That means they are not having any symptoms and don’t believe they have encountered an exposure to COVID,” Farroll said. “If someone believes they are having symptoms or that they have had a close contact or exposure, then we are asking them to identify themselves differently so that the testing site would be different.” The CDC defines “close contact” as being within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. Those who believe


they have been exposed or are experiencing symptoms can make a Zoom appointment with Health Service to determine next steps and check if they have any additional medical issues to address. They are also required to fill out the self-reporting form online. Another location offering testing free of cost is Anderson Hospital in Maryville, Illinois. The drive-thru testing site is a few blocks away from the hospital in an old bank building Anderson owns. Director of Care Coordination and Specialized Nursing Services Andrea Burns said they are doing an oral swab test and can get results out in 24 to 48 hours.


“We are doing an oral swab there, so that swab is just like a strep throat swab,” Burns said. “We’re fortunate we have a machine in-house to read it so we’re able to get results out in about 24 to 48 hours back to the physician that ordered the test.” Those looking to get tested at Anderson only need a doctor’s referral and to schedule an appointment. There is no symptom or exposure requirement and the doctor who ordered the test will tell the patient their results. Burns said the CDC is unsure of the oral swab’s accuracy rates, but Burns said they show the same results as nasal swabs. “The CDC is still kind of

The Alestle

contesting accuracy rates of the point of care, the nasal and the oral swabs,” Burns said. “We’ve done several comparison swabs here and they have been a hundred percent, but overall I don’t know what they would say.” SIHF Healthcare also has multiple testing locations in the Metro East area. One of their fixed locations is in Wood River, Illinois. They also have mobile testing sites in Madison and St. Clair Counties. Those looking to get tested through SIHF need to go through a short phone screening process and can schedule an

see TESTING on page 2

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