| Clair Sollenberger / The Alestle Pride
13 week old Pepper stalks his prey, a bright pink and yellow cat toy. He’s adoptable at the Cheshire Grin Cat Cafe in St. Louis, MO, a rescue and non-profit.

brightens up a late summer weekend PAGE 4 New softball head coach hopes to build connections PAGE 8 the student voice since 1960alestleTHE Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Thursday, September 15, 2022 Vol. 76 No. 4
Record number of international students attend SIUE this semester PAGE 3 insidE: Alton
Springfield, IL — The Southern Il linois University System has received the 2022 Higher Education Excellence in Di versity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education.
The Esprit team posted on Face book that “twice seems unbelievable and incredibly unfair.”
LISA SCHENCKER Chicago Tribune / TNS
A debit card was found in the MUC.
A wallet was found in the Student Fitness Center.
Illinois children’s hospitals are coping with a surge of kids with respiratory illnesses, filling beds
The official, Ashley Thoele, deputy chief operating officer at the state health department, said that more kids are being admitted to hospitals, and the situation is “further compounded by workforce short ages at some hospitals.”
Allen was a member of Concor dia United Church of Christ in Bel leville. Church members posted their memorials on Facebook on Monday. “We love you, Emily, and shall always carry your light in our hearts,” wrote member Joanie Mier.
“That’s why it’s crucial kids be vacci nated against the flu and COVID-19 this year,” Cunningham said.
CHICAGO — Illinois children’s hos pitals are seeing a surge of kids with re spiratory illnesses, leaving some hunting for beds.“It’s skyrocketed since school start ed,” said Dr. John Cunningham, phy sician-in-chief at University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital, of the number of families seeking care at Comer. “This is the most challenging peri od we’ve experienced since March 2020.”
An SIUE freshman nursing student was killed in a car crash SundayUniversitymorning.leaders announced the death of Emily Allen, 18, of Bel leville, Illinois, on Monday. Allen was a first-year nursing major and honors student living in Woodland Hall, and a 2022 graduate of Belleville West High“MySchool.deepest sympathies to all who had the opportunity to know Emily as a family member, friend, student, roommate or cam pus community member, as we mourn the loss of so much prom ise,” said Chancellor James Minor in the campus announcement.
An officer responded to another report of a subject asking to buy textbooks in Alumni Hall.
Cunningham said. Many of the children admitted to Comer are staying for about two to four days, with a small number also needing treatment for infections and a very small number needing to be put on venti lators, he Comersaid.is
It’s not unusual for children’s hos pitals to see surges of sick kids each win ter, as illnesses such as the flu and RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, spread. But it’s rarer to get a big influx of children with respiratory illnesses in August and September, and, at some hospitals, it’s posing a particular challenge this year because of staffing shortages.
“To be recognized on behalf of our efforts as a system really compliments the work we have undertaken this past year to become an anti-racist organization that molds diversity, equity, and inclusion into our foundation. It also shines a light on the amazing faculty, staff and students who have led our efforts. This award is proof positive that their actions are mak ing a difference on our campuses and in our communities,” said SIU System Pres ident Dan INSIGHTMahony.Into Diversity magazine selected the SIU System for its proactive decision to promote and hire administra
“Last year at this time, Comer was getting about 63 requests a week from other hospitals to transfer children there,” said Jeff Murphy, vice president of wom en’s, children’s, and emergency services at University of Chicago Medicine. “Last week, it got 139. Over the last couple weeks, Comer has had to say no to about 20% of those requests, because it already has so many patients. Sometimes com munity hospitals say they have al ready tried four or five other hospitals before calling Comer.”
“Many of the kids have enterovi rus, which can be an upper respiratory or gastrointestinal infection, or rhinovirus, which is a type of enterovirus that affects the upper respiratory tract,” Cunning ham said. “Most children who catch the illnesses don’t get very sick and recover at home, experiencing cold-like symptoms. But some, including children with asthma, can become short of breath and have low oxygen levels, requiring hospitalization.”
This year, widespread staffing short ages have made it tough to find space, Belmonte said. Though hospitals may have enough physical beds for kids, if they don’t have enough nurses and other staff, they can’t necessarily fill all those beds. Staffing shortages are plaguing many industries, in cluding health care, which saw many work ers quit because of burnout from working through the pandemic.
said he expects to con tinue seeing children with the viruses through the fall and winter. Those cases may be on top of the kids who stream into the hospital for illnesses typically seen in the winter, such as RSV and the flu.
“The HEED Award process consists of a comprehensive and rigorous applica tion that includes questions relating to the recruitment and retention of students and employees — and best practices for both — leadership support for diversity, cam pus culture and climate, supplier diversity, and many other aspects of campus diversi ty and inclusion,” said Lenore Pearlstein, publisher of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. “We take a detailed approach to reviewing each application in deciding who will be named a HEED Award recip ient. Our standards are high, and we look for institutions where diversity and inclu sion are woven into the work being done every day across their campus.”
“Emily was dedicated and hard working with a healthy dose of silli ness, and she never left the ball field in clean clothes – ever,” the post read.
An officer responded to a report of a subject requesting to buy textbooks in Alumni Hall.
As a recipient of the annual HEED Award — a national honor recognizing U.S. colleges and universities that demon strate an outstanding commitment to di versity and inclusion – the SIU System will be featured as the only HEED Sys tem Award Winner in the country, along with 102 other college and university re cipients, in the November 2022 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine.
“It’s not that they don’t want to take them,” Cunningham said. “We’re all cop ing with trying to find space for each of these“Inchildren.”recentweeks, Advocate Children’s Hospital has had to transfer some inten sive care unit patients to other hospitals, and, sometimes, it has taken those patients from other facilities,” said Dr. Frank Bel monte, chief medical officer at Advocate Children’s Hospital, which has campuses in Park Ridge and Oak Lawn.
The crash occurred at approxi mately 3 a.m. on Interstate 44 near the Gateway Arch grounds, accord ing to the Belleville News-Democrat. Allen was driving a Toyota Corol la when it collided with two other cars, and at least one other person was critically injured. At least one of the cars involved was heading in the wrong direction, police said. The crash remains under investigation by St. LouisSIUEPolice.isoffering grief support through Counseling Services, lo cated with Health Service in the lower level of the Student Success Center, suite 0222. Call 618-6502842 for more information, or contact the mental health referral group Path at 618-268-1533 for off-campusFuneralcounseling.andremembrance ser vice announcements will be an nounced by the family and university as they are determined.
SIU receives Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award
also seeing an explosion in the number of requests from oth er hospitals to transfer sick children to Comer. Many community hospitals have closed their pediatric inpatient units in recent years, meaning they may try to transfer sick children elsewhere when they need hospitalization.
A passport was found in Lovejoy Library.
tors who better reflect the diversity of its students. Additional key factors included an accessible and affordable education on SIU Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses, focus on recruitment and re tention efforts of historically underrep resented and first generation students, diversity planning and accountability, diversity-themed fundraising campaigns, resources for LGBTQ+ faculty and stu dents, and multicultural branding and communication techniques such as the creation of an online Inclusive Language Guide, Conversations of Understanding, and the bold move of SIU System to offi cially adopt the designation of becoming an “anti-racist system.”
“Doctors aren’t totally sure what’s causing the spike. It’s possible many young kids are getting very ill now because they haven’t been exposed to the illnesses before because of isolation during COVID-19, or these may just be particularly nasty strains
There’s a particular strain that’s been causing problems in even numbered years for the last decade or so, with the exception of 2020 because everyone was so isolated, Comer doctors say.
Allen was an honors student, and had begun to participate in the hon ors program at SIUE in her first few weeks of college.
A wallet was stolen on the Alton campus.

JOHN CHARLES Southern Illinois University System
“We’re all recruiting for nursing and techs and all the other pieces that keep the puzzle together,” Belmonte said. “In children’s hospitals, the skill set is so spe cific, so the labor pool is much smaller to pullAdvocatefrom.” has some nurses work across multiple departments and has been trying to be creative in its recruitment strategies, he said. Comer has been able to maintain full staffing, Murphy said, thanks to a re cruitment initiative in November, as well as deciding to hire more nurses with asso ciate’s degrees rather than just bachelor’s degrees, he Cunninghamsaid.
“Comer is now seeing about 50% more kids than usual coming through its emergency department each day — a spike that doesn’t usually happen until winter,”
It may be a rough flu season this year. U.S. doctors typically look to Australia, which experiences its flu season earlier than the U.S., to see what the U.S. might expect. Australia had a bad flu season this year, and, on top of that, most people in the U.S. are no longer masking and tak ing the types of precautions that may have blunted other recent flu seasons.
alestlelive.comPAGE 2 Thursday, 09.15.22
Last week, a state health official sent a note to leaders of hospital groups in Il linois about the surge in hospitalizations among kids, saying, “Most (pediatric in tensive care units) in our state are already at or near full capacity, making interfacility transfers more difficult.”
“We didn’t anticipate this,” Belmonte said. “This summer’s been a pretty typical summer and then all of sudden, in the last two weeks, tons of kids with respiratory ill ness are coming into the ER.”
NEWS IN BRIEF Freshman nursing student killed in crash Sunday
“It is a tragic situation, a sad ness to mourn the loss of a friend, colleague and community member who had just begun to develop her promising gifts,” said Honors Pro gram Director Jessica Hutchins in an email to the honors students. “As a member of our local community, we know that many of you may have known Emily before your journeys aligned at SIUE. Some of you may have started to know Emily as a class mate. And for some of you, you may have never known Emily, but this brings to light our own experiences, fears and Allenconcerns.”alsowas a member of Il linois Esprit, a southern Illinois amateur fastpitch softball team that had already lost another player ear lier this year in a car accident. As a high school softball player, she batted .356 with a home run and 17 runs batted in, leading to her selection as Athlete of the Week in the Belleville News-Democrat in April. She was friends with Maddi Rodriguez, the other Esprit player who was killed in a crash in February.
of the sicknesses,” Cunningham said.
An officer responded to a woman in Prairie Hall who reported she was followed into the women’s bathroom by a man. The man had left by the time of the officer’s arrival.
An officer responded to a different woman who reported a man had approached her in the evening and asked personal questions and she felt threatened. The man was not on the scene when the officer arrived.
Ampomah said there’s an orientation for international stu dents, where they can meet new people and go over important immigrant regulations that stu dents must follow to maintain their“Westudies.also invite the campus community and different units to come and talk to the stu dents and organize resources for the students and we make sure that they transition smoothly,” Ampomah said. “They also get to kind of get all the support to let them know that we are here for them.”
“Admissions has been work ing really hard to recruit new stu dents,” Borowiak said. “I think there are some communities that have spread the word and helped us along with that.”
Mary Weishaar, executive director of international affairs, said she believes the COVID-19 pandemic has played a large role in the increased number of inter national students this year. She said with visa services being shut down, many prospective students weren’t able to attend SIUE.
alestlelive.com PAGE 3Thursday, 09.15.22
NICOLE BOYD opinion editor
The Small Business Development Cen ter is teaming up with Town and Country Bank to host a webinar on the Advantage Illinois program, which is intended to help women, veteran and minority-owned busi nesses in Illinois get loans.
For more information, visit the international affairs website.
Borowiak said the in crease in international student enrollment for this semes ter is likely largely related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
LIV KRAUS reporter
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and Pickerell wanted to col laborate on a session to go over new en hancements coming to the program and share that information with borrowers.
to let women, veteran and minority-owned businesses know about another resource available to them. He said he talks about the program every time he talks to people applying for a loan, and the fact that they don’t already know about it tells him that word isn’t out yet.
“They know that we’re go ing to be a second family to them and that’s welcoming,” Borowi ak said. “Coming from abroad and not having anyone here is sometimes overwhelming for students, but I think we’ve got a good counseling, support sys tem, health services, all of these offices that we have in place to help these students be successful is reallyBorowiakimportant.”said the Interna
“This program specifically having no program-related fees, having no sep arate application process, it’s a great way
for small business owners in that they’re a great, non-complicated way for small business owners to gain funding that they maybe simply would not be able to get,” PickerellPickerellsaid.said the webinar is going to cover the history of the program and how it works, and he is go ing to focus more on the process of what businesses must do.
Jo Ann DiMaggio May, director of the Illinois Small Business Development Center for the Metro East, said the we binar came about because they’ve been working as a state navigator for the Illinois
Weishaar said. “I think peo ple are leaving here and they’re going home and they’re telling their family and friends.”
SBDC to host webinar on resource for women, veteran, minority-owned businesses
Borowiak said the support that international affairs gives to students is a large part of what attracts them to SIUE.
Weishaar said SIUE’s strong programs and support ive staff and faculty encourages international students to attend the university.“Ithink word of mouth has really made a difference,”
“Itgives [a] better loan to value. It also gives a much better rate.
“Students just weren’t able to come and they wanted to come, so there’s sort of a pentup demand and now things have really opened up,” Weishaar said. “I think students are just trying to get their visas and wanting to come to study with us.”
SIUE welcomes record high number of international students
International student pro gramming advisor, John Am pomah, said the office of in ternational affairs provides students with the informa tion on COVID-19 vaccines and travel visasisteringdentstionalAmpomahaccommodations.saidtheinternaaffairsofficeassistsstuwithairportpickups,regforclasses,applyingforandotheraccommodations.“Wesendthemallthisinformation,helpguidethemthroughthisapplication,accommodation,everything,”Ampomahsaid.“Wekindofconnectandsendtheminformationevenbeforetheygethere.”BorowiaksaidthatthehigheradmissionscouldalsobearesultofSIUE’sgreatjobatpromotingandrecruiting.
“I want to make sure the program does not get a bad rap,” Pickerell said.
tional Hospitality Association does a lot to help international students acclimate to the new environment. She said the IHA welcomes students, gives them second hand items and offers homes for them to stay in over holiday“That’sbreaks.nice that they can do that and offer that support and environment, especially during the holidays when all of us Americans are spending it with our families here, at least they have someone to spend their time with,” Borowiak said.
The Office of International Affairs works with roughly 900 students over 600 different countries. This year’s international student orientation saw an increase of over 300 students from last year.

There’s just lots of great benefits,” Pickerell said.
Pickerell said the webinar is intended
“Women, veter ans, minorities that may not have neces sarily ever qualified for a loan, it gives them better loan to value. It also gives a much better rate. It doesn’t have that additional cost to it.
Lead Immigration Specialist Cheryl Borowiak, said there have been around 370 new interna tional students this fall, making it around 900 students total. She said most students come from India, Nepal and Nigeria.
“We have been really helping pro mote the Advantage Illinois program and getting more lenders and small businesses involved in the program, and just build ing the awareness of the participation loan program and all the benefits,” DiMaggio May said.DiMaggio May said the participa tion loan program with Advantage Illi nois helps financial institutions feel more secure in financing the borrower because they have commitment from the state to assist in covering a portion of the loan.
The Office of International Affairs welcomed roughly 900 students from 61 different coun tries this semester, achieving the highest number to date.
| Photo courtesy of Howard Ash
“[It] allows the business to get the operating capital and equipment or any of those things that they might need to start or grow their business,” DiMaggio May said.
Rob Pickerell Vice President and Commercial Banking Officer at Town and Country Bank
Borowiak said the office of international affairs helps an additional 250 students through Optional Practice Training (OPT), a program that helps individuals get ex perience in the workforce and maintain their visas.
“During the pandemic, stu dents weren’t able to come, visas were slowed at the US consulates around the world,” Borowiak said. “The backlog with the De partment of State issuing visas has caused this backlog of visas and so all of a sudden, I think we’re seeing a boost.”
“If you don’t get all the information and think as a customer,
‘All I [have to] do is just tell my banker what I want to do with this, they run it, approved, we’re done,’ and then some thing happens, will I want to tell 50 peo ple how bad my experience was?”
The Advantage Illinois program has two programs, one of which is Fund for the Advancement of Minority Enterprises for women, veteran and minority-owned businesses, according to Rob Pickerell, vice president and commercial banking officer of Town and Country Bank. Busi nesses can receive a loan of 50 percent or $400,000, whichever is less, at a fixed in terest rate for seven years. In contrast, the traditional Advantage Illinois program is open to anyone, and through it businesses can receive a loan of up to $1.5 million. He said there are no other programs like it of which he is aware.
“They’re offered a year, plus possibly two years if they’re in a STEM field, to be able to have the opportunity to work in the workforce,” Borowiak said. “We help them maintain their visa status, above and beyond the time that they’re here enrolled.”
The webinar will take place at noon Sept. 29. For more information, visit the SBDC website.
One of many perfermances at Alton Pride, the Porch Cafe covers many wellknown classic rock songs. | Dylan Hembrough / The Alestle
contact the lifestyles@alestlelive.comeditor:650-3527
“We’re providing information regard ing gender affirmation therapy, monkey pox vaccines, HIV medications, and then we also have a wheel where people can win prizes,” Murray said.
It’s delightful.”MattMurray, an SIUE P3 pharmacy student, said that they volunteered when the School of Pharmacy put out a request for representation at the event.
The orgnanization, Alton Pride, is dedicated to giving back to the local community. In addition to hosting Pride events, it has plans to set up a local teen suicide prevention line and a resource cen ter for any young people with questions or concerns.Hayley Horwath, a criminal justice major at SIUE from Eldorado, Illinois, said she was very excited to attend the Pride“Thisevent.is my first-ever Pride festi val. I’m hoping to see … the different kinds of merch, people’s beautiful out fits, and hopefully some drag queens,” HorwathHorwathsaid.said that she was impressed with what she had seen and was apprecia tive of the compliments she received on her outfit and gender-fluid flag.
Horwath also said that the mu sic was better than she expected, and that she recognized many of the songs played there. The entertainment line up for the festival included drag shows alternated with performances by Porch Cafè, Summer Osborne, Mz. Goldie and Bullseye

Michael Stoker, one of many ven dors present at the event, first started in the Pride vending business two years ago. Since then, they have traveled everywhere from Oklahoma to North Carolina sell ing Pride merchandise including rainbow flags, blankets and jewelry.
“I was on the board of directors for a nonprofit in Evansville, Indiana, and we set up a Pride there,” Stoker said. “It’s been nonstop since then.”
Stoker is already planning for next year’s Pride season, and that includes go ing beyond vending at Pride events.
Dozens of vendors line Belle Street during Alton Pride, most selling Pride focused items, including jewelry, clothing, handmade pottery, pins and flags.

| Dylan Hembrough The Alestle
Alton’s Belle Street covered in color for first Pride Fest
online edition Tuesday, Sept. 27 lifestyles alestlelive.comPAGE 4 Thursday, 09.15.22
“I think the School of Pharmacy offi cially [sponsored the stand], because they were asking students to volunteer for it,” MurrayMurraysaid.said that they were at the Pride festival to provide health information to the public on many quickly-changing sub jects relevant to the LGBTQ+ community.
The festival featured face painting, pet adoptions, vendors and live entertain ment on Sept. 10.
to November. They hope to add another tent in the near future and go online so they can sell Pride merchandise through out the Foryear.more information on the Alton Pride organization, visit its website.
“We’re looking to buy a previously set up website from a company that’s go
Belle Street was bustling with peo ple, celebrations and color as Alton Pride celebrated its first Pride festival in downtown Alton.
“I’mWomprats.someone who enjoys mu sic a lot,” Horwath said. “Having so many good songs I recognize performed so well really adds to the experience.
The Alestle will be on break next week, but will be back with our
One of the stand’s flyers said that, starting January 1, 2023, a new Illinois law will allow pharmacists to dispense HIV treatment without a physician’s or der. Another flyer presented background on the monkeypox virus and tips to mini mize exposure to it.
ing out of business, just because they’ve aged out, not because the business is bad,” Stoker said. “It’s a wholesale website and offers a Stokerlot.”said that they will do 73 Pride events this season, which runs from April
Guests then pass through a set of two doors to get into the backs of the space where the older cats are free-roaming and the kittens are in little safe areas. Upstairs is a larger open space where the older cats tend to hang out, play with toys, relax in sunbeams or interact with guests whom they deem worthy.
| Damian Morris / The Alestle
As a stressed and busy college student,
SIUE Alumnus Kendrick Smith performed with The Kendrick Smith Trio as the second act of the night at the annual Jazz and Wine festival in Alton that began five years ago and features a new lineup of jazz performers every year.

The cafe is extra special, as visitors can meet their future pet, with all but two of the cats being adoptable. The two cats

alestlelive.com PAGE 5Thursday, 09.15.22
an hour spent with kittens and friends was the perfect stress reliever. It was also great
The Cheshire Grin Cat Cafe in St. Louis is the perfect place for a stress-re lieving afternoon where you can enjoy a good coffee and hang out with the cutest cats and kittens.
Pepper Jack, a very social two year old cat hangs out in a sunbeam. The cats have access to many climbing areas and toys. | Clair Sollenberger / The Alestle
The festival opened with The Confulence, a group of Alton High School students, and closed out with headliners Mardra and Reggie Thomas, who were returning to their hometown for the first time in years.
The cafe, which also functions as a rescue, is a two-story corner building with a small cat-free cafe area where guests check in and order coffee and pastries. When guests first arrive, there is a waiv er you must sign in case a cat is in a bad mood and scratches. There are a couple of cats who are well-known to be more aggressive, so the cafe has given them pink collars for guests to stay a bit further away from them as they adjust to people.
who are permanent fixtures, Whiskey and Yuki, are the adorable residents of the cafe and were watching over the cafe area and kittens the day we visited.
FRANCESCA BOSTON lifestyles editor
It was one of my favorite things that I have done so far this year, and I would gladly pay the five-dollar reservation fee again to go back. The animals are well taken care of, having hundreds of places to hide, climb and play. Even though I do not have the space or money to support a cat right now, I know that in the future, I would like to go back and be able to meet my cat in a more relaxed space.
Jazz and Wine Festival brings businesses, local musicians together

REVIEW: Local rescue serving up great coffee and saving adorable kittens
to be able to support a local rescue and see the impact of it right in front of us.
The cafe is dedicated to their animals and has high standards for people hoping to adopt. There are no same-day adop tions as prospective pet parents must fill out an application and have a conversation with a staff member about the cat and their responsibilities. This is because the cafe wants to ensure that all of the cats end up with safe and lovingThefamilies.catsthat are taken in are usually ones at risk of being euthanized, or from other rescues who are low on space until they find their forever home. Displayed on their walls are pictures of hundreds of cats who have been adopted from the cafe.
| Damian Morris / The Alestle
covered in the past.
It is true that mental health is much more visible in the modern era. While it is professionally understood much better than it was just a few decades ago, mental health and disorders are still subject to misunderstanding by the general public and mass media.
NICOLE BOYD Online/Opinion Editor

The will be on break next week, will back with

advocacy. Even in 2022, mental health advocates often have to work against generations’ worth of walls built around a taboo subject.
As someone with diagnoses for both OCD and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), I have firsthand experience with everyday misrepresentation of mental illness. Hearing, “Just stop worrying,” or, “Don’t be so moody,” does not magically change inner brainThatfunctions.said,OCD, ADHD and depression are so “mainstream” that they get thrown around quite recklessly. There are plenty of psychological disorders that experience underrepresentation and misrepresentation in mass media, specifically in the movie realm. One of the most egregious misrepresentations of any disorder came with the 2016 M. Night Shyamalan movie “Split.”
What sets “Split” apart from more typical misrepresentation of mental illness is its antagonistic and heroic portrayals of the mentally ill in Crumb’s character and the character of Casey Cooke, respectively. Crumb’s status as the villain of the film is set from the beginning, and he does everything from kidnapping to cannibalism within the movie. He spares Cooke, however, after seeing her scars and declaring her “pure.” Glorification of mental illness is a discussion on its own, and one which the Alestle has
The general public typically understands mental illness in one of two ways, both of which are extreme misrepresentations of what mental illness really is.

Letters to the editor will not be printed anonymously except under extreme circumstances. We reserve the right to reject letters.

It is easy to write off such a character as “crazy,” but appealing to fear in an audience is a powerful decision, and one which often sticks around after the credits have rolled. “Split” is classified as a psychological thriller, one meant to elicit some sense of fear or dread in the viewer. That’s how money is made off these films, after Misrepresentationall. of mental illness is unethical enough, but the fact that it is often done for profit is sickening on another level. There are right and wrong ways to introduce the mental health discussion to the public, and profit tends to get in the way of accurate and responsible representation.
The editors, staff and publishers of The Alestle believe in the free exchange of ideas, concerns and opinions and will publish as many letters as possible.

Offi ce
DAMIAN MORRIS Multimedia Editor


KIRSTEN O’LOUGHLIN Graphics Manager NALUKALA Circulation Manager SEHIC Clerk TROUT Offi ce Manager
“Split” was incredibly offensive, not only to those with the portrayed illnesses, but also those in general mental health
Let us know! opinion@alestlelive.com Campus Box 1167 Edwardsville, IL. 62026-1167
our online edition Tuesday, Sept. 27
Cougar Controversies

Destroying period products is peak fragile masculinity
Now, because these bags and baskets are being destroyed, Facilities Management is having to buy multiple machines made of metal to withstand attempts at destruction or vandalism. For many students, this is extremely frustrating, because now our student fees are being used to buy unnecessary items, instead of improving mental health resources or dining options, because people are being childish about something that does not affect them at Ourall.statement on this is sim-
alestlelive.comPAGE 6
their gender.Itisonly four weeks into the school year and there have already been multiple reports of destroyed or missing baskets, which is not only disappointing that there are enough people on our campus who care so much about what other people’s bodies are like, but that we are seeing these issues carry over from last year. There have also been reports of anti-trans stickers, which means that these people are spending their money on these stickers and then taking time out of their day to intentionally spread hate. Not only is this a horrible act, but it also falls under a gender hate crime by both the Illinois State Constitution and
All hard copy letters should be typed and double-spaced. Letters should be no longer than 500 words. Include phone number, signature, class rank and major.
An already misunderstood disorder and stigmatized community do not deserve more unwarranted bad attention. Mental health advocacy has come a very long way in recent years – let’s not set that progress back.
Questions go up at 10 a.m. every Monday on Twitter: @TheAlestle
TAMMY MERRETT Program Director

The Alestle is published on Thursdays in print and on Tuesdays online during the fall and spring semesters. A print edition is available every other Wednesday during summer
Mental illness doesn’t equate to heroism or villainy
“Split” chronicles the struggles of Kevin Crumb, a character who hosts 24 separate identities which fight for control of his body. Crumb kidnaps three young girls, who are subjected to repeated abuse and attempt to free themselves by manipulating Crumb’s identities. At the end of the movie, Crumb reveals an identity who possesses superhuman strength.
Morris University Center, Room 0311 e-mail: opinion@alestlelive.com
Harmless menstruation products have caused irrational anger among cisgender men. Many of the baskets, products, bags and signs created by the Mensi Project have been thrown away or vandalized by anti-trans stickers in men’s bathrooms acrossSincecampus.2018, the Mensi Project has strived to provide menstruation products to students.
THE ALESTLE STAFF editorial board

ple: don’t be a jerk. It costs you nothing to just ignore it. Save your limited mental energy by walking away if it bothers you. If the mere existence of trans people bothers you enough to be hateful, take a step back and do someWeself-reflection.havebeen taught since we were younger that other people deserve to be treated with respect, no matter what. When a person goes out of their way to destroy university property, it says more about that person than it does about the object. The fact that these people are so insecure in their own masculinity that menstruation products in their space make them angry speaks more about them than it does anything else.

For emailadvertising,advertising@alestlelive.com.

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Pumpkin cream cold brew or pumpkin spice latte?

Letters may be submitted at The Alestle office:
67% 33%
The name Alestle is an acronym derived from the names of the three campus locations of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville.
On the one hand, more mainstream disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and ADHD have become so watered down that they have effectively lost meaning outside the psychiatric sphere. On the other hand, lesser-known disorders like dissociative identity disorder (DID) and schizophrenia are seen so rarely that they are deemed “crazy” by most.
GABRIEL BRADY Managing Editor

Forsemesters.moreinformation, call 618-650-3528.
SIUE code of conduct, meaning that if a student is caught vandalizing with anti-trans stickers they could be charged with a hate crime and expelled from school
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Thursday, 09.15.22
FRANCESCA BOSTON Lifestyles Editor
Since the passing of Illinois HB 0641, which requires all state universities to provide menstruation projects in all bathrooms, they have helped provide them to all students— no matter
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“I couldn’t be happier and proud er of the results,” Albertsen said. “We came out with a lot of wins, so it was a strongAlbertsenshowing.”said they had a good show ing in singles and doubles all weekend.
Adam Albertsen, head coach, said the squad had a good showing for their first Albertsenevent. said it was nice to get out there to compete against new competitors this past weekend.
Jordan Schifano, two-time All-OVC returner, dominated the singles courts as well, finishing 3-0.
For their first practice on Sept. 6, Sor den said he plans on seeing the team skill outlook for the upcoming season.
Collegiate Coaching Career
Education: Bachelor’s in manage ment and entrepreneurship from Buena Vista University in 1995
Sept. 17, 6 p.m. SIUE Evansvilleat Sept. 18, 1 p.m. SIUE at Southeast Missouri MEN’S SOCCER Upcoming WOMEN’S SOCCER
He said as the team walks into confer ence play once spring season begins, they plan to be at their best status.
The Cougars won 17 matches while going undefeated against Bradley and Eastern
Started his collegiate coaching career at at Coe College where he oversaw three All-American pitchers, four Iowa Conference Pitchers of the year and seven NCAA All-Region pitchers. While at Michigan State, Sorden spent five seasons coaching until the Spartans improved their stats. While there, the team held a 2.38 earned run average and average a 1.11 WHIP in the 350 innings played. When he was coaching for Indiana State, the Hoosiers gained six All-Big Ten picks, four NFCA All-Region honorees and 42 Academic All-Big Ten slections over the 2014-2017 period he was there.
“It is my goal to be in the top three in the conference every year and will al ways be on the hunt in the Ohio Valley Conference tournament for the automatic qualifier,” Sorden said.
Zeremenko, assistant coach, said she was excited about the hir ing of coach Sorden due to his amount of experience at multiple levels in the collegiate world.

“The number one thing we need to do is come together as a team and as a fam ily,” Sorden said. “When you play unself ishly, good things are going to happen.”
Tennis returners and newcomers play big in recent Cougar invite
Sorden said he wants to build team relationships like they’re a family, so they can expect good results on the field.
| Photo courtesy of Campus Athletics
Zeremenko said the expectation for the team is to compete for an OVC cham pionship along with a national champion ship for the upcoming season.
The returning Ohio Valley Confer ence player of the year, Jill Lambrechts, completed her weekend 3-0 in singles play.
Sept. 24, 7 p.m. Belmont Sept.Edwardsvilleat27,6p.m.MemphisatEdwardsville Sept. 22, 7 p.m. SIUE Sept.Lindenwoodat25,2p.m.EasternIllinoisatEdwardsville Sept. 27, 6 p.m. Memphis Edwardsvilleat Sept. 25, 2 p.m. Eastern Illinois at Edwardsville
He said his other goal is to have the team in an NCAA regional on a regularGiorgianabasis.
Hometown: Lone Tree, Iowa
“ThisIllinois.isthe strongest team I have had from top to bottom,” Albertsen said. “I think what could set this team apart from past years is our depth and strength
team competitive within the Ohio Valley Conference for the near future.
in doubles.”Hesaid his focus for the fall is making sure the team improves so their minor er rors can be fixed.
“You know our veterans and returners bring experience, steadiness and calm to our team from years of experience,” Albert sen said. “What I love from our four new comers is that they bring this extra spark to our team.”Albertsen said he likes the mixture of traits the younger athletes provide to the team along with the veterans.
Sorden said when they commit to their team process, the wins are going to happen.“Establishing the culture and coming together as a collective group with a united vision is the number one thing that I want to establish this year,” Sorden said.
edition Tuesday, Sept. 27 contact the 650-3527sports@alestlelive.comeditor: sports alestlelive.com Thursday, 09.15.22PAGE 8
“We are going to use the fall to train and clean up some little technique areas and some strategy,” Albertsen said.
“With fall season it’s all about growing and just preparing for a stretch run, so it’s a good start for it being our first event,” Albertsen said.
The Alestle will be on break next week, but will be back with our on line
“What we want to do is make sure that we can identify what all of our unique abilities are and we’re going to put those together to win games,” Sorden said.
New softball head coach hopes to bring success to Cougar squad by building strong connections
He said he is striving to make the
“It’s just good to see that our old er class was playing at such a high level,” AlbertsenAlbertsensaid.said he likes where the team is at from an early standpoint in the year. He said the team can get better over time with newcomers and veterans meshing in doubles sets.
Sorden said because he is a midwest ern guy from Iowa, a lot of his friends are happy that he is a little closer so they can watch some softball games.
The women’s softball team wel comes new head coach Ben Sorden, who has a long and experienced resume withSordensoftball. said he was elated when he found out he was hired to coach the softball team. He said SIUE was one of the schools that he viewed as a potential landing spot while looking to become a head“Itcoach.was because of the facilities, geo graphic region as well as it sits in the mid dle of my recruiting footprint,” Sorden said. “I started as a student assistant when I was in college back in 1993.”
Sorden joins the fold
Ben Sorden
She said that Sorden is good at build ing relationships and working with team connections.“Ithink him being able to come in, help with some team bonding, team chem istry and helping them grow as individuals can elevate us,” Zeremenko said.
“He brings a lot of different good qualities that I think this program needs and it is a good change of pace,” Zeremenko said.
“It is a cool plan when you have tons of steady experience along with emotion and passion on the court that it’s a perfect mix right now,” Albertsen said.
He said the group has a supportive en vironment while playing on the court and off the“Theycourt.are an awesome group, they get along and support each other on and off the court,” Albertsen said.” It is truly a family.”Albertsen said he wants to use the fall season to help grow the team for the future.