The Aleste: Volume 66, No. 11

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

METRO EAST DRINKS: BOOZE Look inside to find the top six staff-picked bars in the area! Pages 6-8

Volume 66, No. 11

Chicago-area professor researches college promiscuity, gender roles Many college students have likely conducted their own, amateur research regarding their one night stands, but a professor from the University of Illinois in Chicago is looking at hook ups academically. Students inevitably have an opinion on sexual promiscuity, and, according to UIC sociology professor and department head Barbara Risman, these opinions vary based on gender and membership in college subcultures. Risman has conducted research on dating and sexuality in college, and came to SIUE Tuesday, Oct. 29 to present her latest research examining whether college campus culture is more accepting of men’s hookups than women’s. Risman began the lecture with her own definition of a hookup, saying that the precise meaning of a hookup is kept deliberately ambiguous. She said scholars think this helps men by making them appear more successful sexually than they actually are and women by protecting their reputations. “My particular definition for this hooking up, for this conversation, is sex before conversation,” Risman said. “That is, not casual sex after going out to dinner and a movie, but rather, some kind of sexual exchange that exists before a date.

Double standard of hooking up

It’s often at a party setting, almost always after some alcohol has been drunk.” Sociologists’ preliminary research on college hookups found that about 75 percent of students report hooking up at least once in college. Risman also found in discussions with students that most felt there was a huge double standard in campus culture. Yet Risman’s research did not find a double standard amongst the majority of students at various colleges. In her study, she asked students to agree or disagree with the statement, “If men hook up or have sex with lots of people, I respect them less.” Risman then asked the exact same statement but with women replaced with men. Of the 24,131 students asked, about 50 percent said they would lose respect for men and women equally, and about 25 percent said they would not lose respect for either. About 10 percent said they would lose respect for women but not men, and slightly more held a the reverse view, that they would lose respect for men but not women. Comparing male and female respondents to the survey, women were more likely to lose respect for both men and women, and almost no women had a double standard. For men,

Barbara Risman’s research was the result of surveying 24,131 students from various colleges in the U.S. who had taken a sociology class. They were asked if they agree or disagree with the following statement:

If men/women hook up or have sex with lots of people, I respect them less.

41 63 70 58

percent of men surveyed said they would respect men less

percent of men surveyed said they would respect women less

| pg. 2

percent of women surveyed said they would respect men less

percent of women surveyed said they would respect women less

Postseason protest


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2 // The Alestle

Friday, Nov. 1 SG meeting preview ALESTLE STAFF REPORT Faculty Senate President Susan Yager will speak Friday at the Student Government meeting about a draft of the “Policy on Use of Social Media for Instruction.” The policy is an attempt to set guidelines for the proper use of social media for students and faculty regarding coursework. Yager will answer any questions from the Student Senate and hear any suggestions it may have for the draft. In other business, SG will hear three travel requests: The In-

terVarsity Christian Fellowship will request $600 to travel to a chapter focus week; the College of Psychiatric & Neurologic Pharmacists will request $600 to travel to the CPNP National Convention; and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists will request $600 to travel to the ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting. SG will review the constitutions of three student organizations: Big Brother Big Sisters program at SIUE, Visual Arts Ministries at SIUE and Fashion Moguls in the Making.

Also, the Campus Crusade for Christ will ask SG to approve its name change to “Cru.” SG will introduce Senate Bill 14-09-03, “Establishment of Marketing and Communications Committee.” An open forum will follow for anyone who wishes to address SG. The meeting is at 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1 in the Goshen Lounge of the Morris University Center. Alestle News can be reached at or 650-3527. Follow @TheAlestle.

Thursday, October 31, 2013 HOOKING UP | from pg.1

22 percent held a double standard. Risman said she was personally surprised at the difference between her initial study and the actual data, though she has a hypothesis about the inconsistency. “Researchers who work for consumer groups will tell you they do research on opinion leaders and figure they’re the ones they have to measure because what the opinion leaders do or think will seep out to seem as if it’s the whole culture,” Risman said. “So particularly on campuses with strong Greek and sports cultures, those are the men who are likely to have a double standard. Those are the public opinion leaders. Even if only 22 percent of men have double standards, but they’re the ones at the top of the campus hierarchy.” While her research showed a connection between men in Greek organizations or varsity sports and believing in a double standard, little correlation existed between women in Greek organizations or sports. According to Risman, research has found that women in college sports are more likely to hold liberal views toward gender than men. However, women who lived in Greek housing were more likely to disrespect men but not women. Risman also found that the 8 percent of non-heterosexual respondents to her survey were less likely to hold a double standard. She said this was likely because they already held a sexual identity outside the norm, making them less judgmental of other’s sexual choices. In addition to finding that

membership in campus groups can predict opinions, Risman said her research led to other conclusions. She has seen opinions on gender issues between men and women converging over time, though they are still distinct. Most importantly, Risman said she learned that endorsing gender equality is not the same as endorsing sexual revolution. “We have to think of gender egalitarianism as a different question than how people think about sexual liberation. Now, I’m just old enough to have mixed those up in my mind because they sort of happened at the same time — the sexual liberation movement and the women’s movement — and they were intertwined,” Risman said. Senior psychology major Kaylin James, of Granite City, said she was really glad to have Risman speak at SIUE. “It was an absolute honor to be able to have her at our university,” James said. “She is a huge name in gender and sexuality research so it’s absolutely wonderful to hear her speak and even be in the same room.” Risman has co-authored the article “From Sex Roles to Gender Structure” with SIUE sociology professor Georgiann Davis. Her lecture was part of a series of lectures for SIUE’s women’s studies program. The next will be at 12 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8 in Peck Hall, room 1405. Katie Donnelly of Microfinancing Partners in Africa, will present a lecture titled “Women, Poverty and Microfinancing in Africa.” Ben Ostermeier can be reached at or 650-3527.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

An officer stopped Moses A. Adesola for expired registration and arrested him for possession of cannabis and driving with a suspended license. Adesola was taken to the police department for photographing, fingerprinting and processing. He was issued citations for expired registration and driving with a suspended license. Adesola was released with a notice to appear.

Officers and an ambulance responded to a call from the front desk of Prairie Hall. A male subject was located in his vehicle extremely intoxicated, refused transport and was escorted to his room. The subject will be charged with illegal consumption of alcohol at a later time. An officer issued a citation to Ashley M. Race for illegal transportation of alcohol as the driver and citations to Rigo Hamlin and Helena Marie for illegal transportation of alcohol as the passengers while parked in a vehicle on the Prairie Hall Lot. An officer checked Prairie Hall Lot for a report of an older male subject pacing in the parking lot. The officer located the subject in Evergreen Hall Lot and the sub-

ject advised the officer he was doing cardiac exercises.

An officer arrested Christian A. Pratt for illegal consumption of alcohol stemming from an incident on Oct. 26, 2013. He was fingerprinted, photographed, processed and released with a notice to appear. An officer issued a citation to Sam J. Douglas for no insurance and a written warning issued for speeding 38 mph in a 25 mph speed zone. The offense occurred on North Circle Drive at Northwest Entrance Drive.

Officers checked Lot E2 at the East St. Louis campus for a report of a male wearing pajamas pulling on door handles. The officer located the subject, a charter student who was sent to retrieve something from a vehicle, but could not locate the correct vehicle. An officer responded to Bluff Hall with reference to a suspicious bag. The officer advised that the bag contained two pipes, a small amount of marijuana and another unknown substance.

The Alestle // 3


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4 // The Alestle

Thursday, October 31, 2013

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Staff Editorial: Shut Westboro up with silence Counter-protests, attention only encourage them The Westboro Baptist Church held a protest amongst Cardinals fans near Busch Stadium at two World Series games, holding signs reading “God Hates Fags,” “Fag MLB” and others, accusing American society and Major League Baseball of their sinful acceptance of homosexuality. Westboro claims Cardinals and Red Sox fans’ sins led to the 2011 Joplin, Mo. tornado and the Boston Marathon bombings. Aside from initial reports on the planned protest, thankfully, the media has published few reports on the actual protest. Hopefully, they have realized giving Westboro attention only fuels their spite and will lead to further protests and displays of hatred. With no actual affiliation with any Baptist congregation,

the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, most of them being members of the same extended family living in Topeka, Kans., have received a lot of media attention. Westboro is known for their major protests and threats to protest at funerals of soldiers who served and died in Iraq or Afghanistan, gay youth Matthew Shepard, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings, victims of the Boston Marathon bombings and many more. They have also carried inflammatory signs and stomped on American flags at other high profile events, such as concerts and football games. All of their actions are desperate cries for attention so they can spread their hateful message against gays across America.

The church was founded in 1955 and has only started conducting protests since the 1990s, after Westboro realized their signs against gays could get them attention. Westboro patriarch Fred Phelps even said in 1994 that the negative responses they receive are proof of their righteousness. The Washington Post reported that prominent church member Shirley Phelps-Roper said in the last hours of the last days, Jesus said his chosen will be “hated by all men.” Many of Westboro’s protests have been met by far larger counter-protests by locals, including last weekend’s Cardinals games. At many funerals, including the Sandy Hook service, activists and biker gangs have formed human walls to prevent Westboro members

from getting to the families. While we should do what we can to protect the innocent, counter-protests and confrontations will only make Westboro feel more entrenched and fuel their warped views. Though counter-protests and presentations of gay pride towards Westboro members may give us some emotional release, no amount of strife will make them change their views. Instead, we should turn the other cheek and ignore them altogether. Treat them like a whiny toddler who wants a cookie. Let them whine for a while and do not acknowledge them. Westboro will realize their message isn’t getting out and will just go away on their own.

Gruesome Halloween pranks put people at risk Time to pull out your buckets of fake blood, your chain saw, your plastic skulls and your most gruesome pranks of the year.

Brianne Harris Copy editor But to what end? To pull a practical joke on friends, neighbors and coworkers is one thing. However, some of these pranks go too far and can make Halloween an evening of violence and trickery rather than a night of innocent fun and treats, going beyond the macabre and becoming potentially dangerous. For example, a residence in

Mustang, Okla. has already been visited by police and emergency personnel recently due to 911 calls from frightened neighbors and passers-by who were understandably frantic at the sight of two very convincing corpses in the driveway, one of which had apparently been trapped under a garage door. The pranksters even went as far as spattering fake blood on the garage door. While the person responsible for this prank defends it as simply being funny, the reactions caused by his stunt are potentially harmful. The call made to 911 over what amounted to two life-like scarecrows could have called emergency personnel away from someone whose 911 call was

made for a real emergency. Drivers of emergency vehicles may expect children walking around on Halloween night, yet may not on other nights. In this case, a phony crime scene might cause a real one to appear. Another concern about these pranks is that oftentimes things go wrong, and even the best-laid plans can lead to unplanned disaster. This year, as reported by the New York Daily News, a 16-year-old named Jordan Morlan from Kentucky accidentally hung and killed himself with a decorative Halloween noose that hung in his front yard in an attempt to play a trick on his little sister. College students should be especially careful of such

happenings at Halloween parties, where excessive amounts of alcohol and childish pranks gone terribly wrong can prove to be a lethal combination. Do not pressure other students to follow through with a prank that you could see as being potentially harmful. Not all Halloween pranks and decorations are potential hazards, but before people put them out, they should consider the possible reactions. If your prank, costume or decorations can possibly harm someone, maybe they really aren’t worth having this Halloween.

Have a comment? Let us know! #+4* :8 '4 + 3'/2 $.+ 2+892+ '36:8 5= *<'7*8;/22+ 22

Should we ignore the Westboro Baptist Church? Answer our poll at!



Questions or comments regarding this section? Contact the Lifestyles Editor at 650-3527 or

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Alestle // 5

Lory Theater Saved from near demolition now excites audiences with talented staff The Lory Theater in Highland, recently restored by new owners Justin and Hillary McLaughlin, is a historic landmark that proves the theatergoing experience is about more than just movies. According to Justin McLaughlin, the theater had been purchased from Kerasotes by AMC and was set to be torn down so the company could build a multiplex theater near the Highland Wal-Mart. After hearing the theater would be closing, he and his wife made plans to buy and restore the Lory. Through the support of city leaders and the community, the McLaughlins were able to meet the unexpected demands of the renovation process and reopen the theater. “We came to a couple movies here and I was looking around this place going, ‘No way, this place is trashed, but I know how to do all this. I know how to fix this,’” Justin McLaughlin said. “I really thought I would know how to do it. Before we knew it, we made one inquiry as to the cost. Within 24 hours, we were sitting in City Hall with the mayor, city manager and building commissioner.” Its staff sets this theater apart from any other because only at the Lory will local audiences be treated with themed improv skits performed by the staff before each show, and sometimes these skits are personalized for a particular audience member. Employees Tom Henricks, of Highland, senior anthropology and theater major Jackie Coleman, of Belleville, and freshman Spanish major Courtney Talbert, of St. Jacob, are among 10 hands-on staff members who engage moviegoers in a more personable way. “Sometimes somebody’s like, ‘Oh, it’s his birthday today,’ so we try to incorporate that somehow,” Talbert said. Henricks said this has happened on many occasions, and the staff is quick to change a planned skit for spontaneous special events. “They think they’re doing one [skit] and then, two minutes before, a birthday comes up,” Henricks said. “They immediately get their heads together [and] come up with a new skit to involve that particular person.”

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Talbert, a music minor, and Coleman said they both enjoy this mix of theater performance and film because it allows them to get relevant experience outside of school. “Most of us are theater actors, including myself, and so we get to be creative,” Coleman said. “Sometimes we sing and sometimes we pretend to be the characters.” The Lory’s historical design means it has an old-fashioned ticket booth, where Henricks fulfills his promise to the McLaughlins to be “the greatest guy in the ticket booth.” “When we get real busy, that’s where I go, and I have a ball with it,” Henricks said. “Typically, for children’s movies, I think I become like a grandfather


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figure and sometimes they’re enamored with this guy in the booth.” Restoring this classic theater and staffing it with talented people was a task filled with obstacles. Justin McLaughlin said the renovations did not come together the way they had hoped; only one of the two screens was operable, which would not sustain enough revenue for the theater to stay open. “It became very obvious very quickly after just a couple months of analysis that without the second screen there is no way we would have made it. At that point our resources were all tapped out,” Justin McLaughlin said. “We saw a lot of other theaters across the country doing Kickstarter cam-

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paigns to raise digital projector money, so we thought we would give that a try. Not only was that successful, it was immensely successful.” Justin McLaughlin said the motivation behind the community’s support is how much the people of Highland value the downtown area. Highland’s landmarks help draw business to other mom-and-pop shops in the town square. “If you think about other small downtown areas, they get the Wal-Mart effect and then the downtown businesses all close,” Justin McLaughlin said. “The city is taking great steps to prevent that from happening.” If the Lory’s staff and history are not enough of a crowd-

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pleaser, the very reasonable prices for movie tickets and beverages, close proximity to campus and its annual events are sure to sell audiences. Coming soon to the theater is “The Ender’s Game” on Nov. 1, “Thor” on Nov. 8 and the second installment of “The Hunger Games” on Nov. 22. For big blockbuster films, Justin McLaughlin said they premiere them a day early, usually at 8 or 9 p.m. instead of midnight, so everyone can see the film and be home in time for a weekday bedtime. For more information about what is coming up at the Lory Theater can be found online at

6 // The Alestle

Thursday, October 31, 2013

METRO EAST DRINKS: The Alestle staff visited six bars in the metro east. We reviewed each bar, giving a score out of 100, which was based on criteria including amenities, service and how long it took to order, noise level, atmosphere, parking, food, drink

strength, drink variety, drink specials and overall experience. Scores were determined by each staff member’s happiness. If the bar was too noisy, depending on circumstance, it would get a low score in the noise level

category because that would not make the reviewer happy. If the wait for a drink was short, it would get a high score in the service category because that would make the reviewer happy.


STAGGER INN You’re bound to see someone you know — a Student Government senator, someone from class, maybe even your professor — at Stagger Inn in downtown Edwardsville. It has a history of being the staple college bar where students have been spending their Friday and Saturday nights since the 70s, and times haven’t changed much. The bar is still packed on the weekends with a crowd that comes for the cheap drinks and stays for the live music and laid-back company. You can usually find a table to relax at and enjoy a drink among friends. When musical performances take place Thursday through Saturday, you’re likely to find people dancing on the makeshift dance floor in front of the stage, but typically Stagger is full of groups of friends or strangers laughing and socializing or playing shuffleboard. Even on Wednesdays and Sundays —

not your typical drinking nights —Stagger stays busy with its open mic nights. Patrons get the chance to see and hear the local talent perform, or even give it a try themselves, if they’re brave enough. During the day, Stagger offers more than your typical bar food. With a pretty impressive menu, Stagger is worth visiting even if it’s too early for a drink. And for the nights it’s not, the kitchen stays open, offering a variety of satisfying fried foods. If you’re under 21, Stagger is open to the public during the day, and on Wednesday and Sunday nights, everyone is welcome to enjoy the open mic performances. Those performances don’t require a cover charge, but when some of the more wellknown musicians set foot on stage, it will require a few bucks. If you want to be surrounded by college students enjoying ridiculously cheap drink specials, take a trip to Stagger and see the best Edwardsville has to offer.


Amenities: Amenities are listed below and the more available meant a higher score. Available seating Live Music Outdoor patio TVs

Dance floor ATM

Price: Included in prices was the cover charge, if any, drink and food prices. $$$$ = pricey $$$ = moderately pricey $$ = not bad $ = cheap


10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10

Thursday, October 31, 2013



SCORE: 90 Global Brew Tap House & Lounge is an excellent bar to visit if you’re looking to have relaxing conversations with friends, cheer for your favorite sports team or to enjoy both exotic and domestic beers. Global Brew is only 10 minutes from campus, located above Wasabi Sushi Bar, and has a convenient parking lot right out front. You must be 21 or older to enter at any time, but there are never cover charges or fees. Global Brew has clung strictly to beer; they do not offer any wines or spirits. However, the always-changing beer menu exhibits so many opportunities to try something new and unique at the strength you desire from beer, ale and cider. This bar functions like a restaurant with waitservice and an extensive beer menu that contains dozens of beers at any

The Alestle // 7

10 10 10 10 10 10 6 8 10 10

If you want a change of scene from the nightclubs, Wild Country in Collinsville is the perfect place to visit. It has everything a club needs, including a dance floor, seats and tables for resting or eating, quieter places for conversation, live music, a patio, pool tables, food, drinks and a crowd that simply wants to dance and have fun. Wild Country is definitely a hot spot for those who enjoy peoplewatching. Both men and women put on country attire and aim to impress with their enthusiasm and precise footwork. The dancing, personality, dress and live music make a unique entertainment experience. Not only is this a one-stop shop for a fun weekend night out, but it also

GLOBAL BREW TAP HOUSE & LOUNGE given time, both domestic and international. You can find this menu displayed on large chalkboards throughout the bar or on Global Brew’s Smartphone app, “TapHunter.” They also do not serve food at this bar, but bowls of pretzels and Chex Mix are available. Customers at Global Brew can choose a seat at the bar, a high-top table, a large, broken-in, leather couch at the lounging area or a seat on the patio. We recommend asking the server or bartender about trivia nights and live music, which are offered throughout the month. You can even track the beers that you’ve tried by logging them into Global Brew’s website If you’re ready to chill out with a few friends and some exceptional beer, Global Brew has just the environment for you.

feels safer than most clubs. A girl can come out with friends and dance without worrying about a strange man grinding on her. Wild Country is open to ages 18 or older. There is a slightly higher cover charge for those under 21, but the cover charge, in general, is very reasonable. The staff is friendly and quick at pouring drinks, but the only drawback is their weak drinks for the price and low variety since there are no signature drinks. Even if you aren’t a country music fan, Wild Country plays a variety of music on Saturday nights, entertains in more ways than one and offers an alternative to standard college clubs.




9 10 10 10 10 2 10 9 10 10

| Photo via Google Maps

8 // The Alestle




SCORE: 83 It seems as though Bull & Bear Grill & Bar is trying to make Wednesday the new Thirsty Thursday, and they’re actually giving it a run for its money. With the great drink deals, affordable food and laid-back atmosphere, it is a great place to kick back and celebrate the middle of the week. The DJ plays good music, mixing today’s top 40 hits with some oldies but goodies. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, answering questions you may have about drinks and food alike. A downside is the crowd. It can get pretty packed, so getting around will be a chore.

10 7 8 10 7 10 7 8 7 10





10 8 7 9 9 7 7 8 8 8



When it comes to local bars, Fast Eddie’s Bon Air in Alton isn’t exactly close for SIUE students. Regardless, experiencing Fast Eddie’s is something every SIUE student should do at least once. There’s a reason Fast Eddie’s is hugely popular in the metro east. It’s the kind of place where you’ll find yourself talking t0 strangers at neighboring tables. You may even buy them a drink, or vice versa. But it’s a bar that isn’t for everyone. On the weekends, Fast Eddie’s is packed from wall to wall. It can be difficult to find seating, and get your drinks in a timely manner. If you’re hungry, there are a few popcorn machines where you can get a free snack. If that doesn’t satisfy you, Fast Eddie’s does serve food. On the menu are hamburgers, brats,

kabobs, shrimp and french fries. All of the food is affordable, but the wait for your food will take longer than it took you to find seats and a drinks. Once you settle in, though, you’ll start to take in the atmosphere. You’ll likely have to shout over the other guests to have a conversation, and to make things louder, Fast Eddie’s often has live music in the patio section. The patio section, by the way, is actually on the road next to the bar. Fast Eddie’s purchased the road and built an “outdoor” section. It isn’t fully enclosed, and smoking is allowed in this area. The indoor area is separated and smoke free. The patio is heated and stays warm even in the colder months. Despite the noise and the waiting, Fast Eddie’s is a good time. It may be a place you go only once, but you’ll remember it as long as you live.




It’s not the prettiest of establishments but that can be ignored when the atmosphere and prices are factored in. If you want to watch a game, there are multiple TVs on one side of the place, separating it from the rowdier bar side. Don’t go to listen to a game since the noise levels won’t allow you to hear the announcer, and don’t go to dance, since there is not a designated dance floor. Most of the dancing will have to be from your seat. The prices definitely beat any other place you’ll go, and with it just a mile from campus you will not regret the Hump Day treat.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


9 8 7 8 8 9 8 7 10 9

SCORE: 81 LAURIE’S PLACE Laurie’s Place in Edwardsville provides an alternative to the club atmosphere of Big Daddy’s and the open-mic nights of Stagger Inn. Laurie’s has a front bar and a back bar, but it is the back bar where most of the action happens, especially on weekends. There is plenty of seating at the back bar but it can quickly fill up. However, there is an outdoor patio accessible through the back bar with additional seating. Laurie’s often gets busy enough that sitting down becomes an afterthought. If you can make your way through the crowd to the bar, you can get your drinks quickly enough. There are drink specials every day.

Generally, different beers are on special Sunday through Thursday, and hard liquor and shots are on special Thursday through Saturday. There’s a deal for Natural Light pints and pitchers every day of the week as well. Laurie’s often hosts live music, in both the front and back bars. In the back, the artists range from DJs to classic rock cover bands to local favorite Aaron Kamm and the One Drops. Students should venture just a little further down Main Street and visit Laurie’s more often for the relaxed atmosphere and a bar that provides something for everyone with its beer and liquor specials, live music and indoor and outdoor areas.

| Photo via Google Maps



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Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Alestle // 9

Men’s soccer /77496/ "8(8, 6(0, 6(+1,< :(37:/11, 4<41( ,386(1


Oct. 23 results 6(0, 4<41( # /77496/ "8(8, ,386(1 60(37(7 0!$+%7 3+/(3( :(37:/11, Oct. 26 results :(37:/11, ,386(1 60(37(7 .7.+! 6(0, 6(+1,< Oct. 28 results 6(1 !4),687 ,386(1 60 # Oct. 29 results :(37:/11, /57*42) Schedule for Nov. 2 /77496/ "8(8, (8 6(+1,< 4!-14)++% !2 Schedule for Nov. 3 6(0, (8 $ ,386(1 60(37(7 (8 4<41( Schedule for Nov. 5 6(+1,< (8 (78,63 11/34/7


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Women’s soccer fifth in OVC despite overall record 1, putting them in fifth place in the conference. On Friday, the Cougars lost a close match to Southeast Missouri (8-5-3 overall, 6-1-2 OVC) in Cape Girardeau. In the 75th minute, SEMO forward Storm French received a through ball and took a shot, which sophomore goalkeeper Jennifer Pelley could not stop, giving the Redhawks a lead they would keep for the rest of the game.

The Cougars were shut out despite taking 13 total shots in the game. Freshman forward Kayla Delgado led the team with four shots, two of which were on goal. Pelley had three saves for the Cougars. Head Coach Derek Burton said the players were strong throughout the game, but with where they are in the season, one mental blunder can be the difference between a win and a loss.

“We were a little bit unlucky on Friday not to score early, because we definitely had some chances. We had some balls cleared off the line,” Burton said. “Towards the end of the conference season, the margin of error is really small, and we had one lapse and it cost us a goal.” Burton said after the game, the team talked about finishing and scoring early. He said the

Women’s soccer

The SIUE women’s soccer team went 1-1 this weekend, losing Friday to Southeast Missouri and beating UT Martin, the top team in the Ohio Valley Conference, Sunday. The Cougars have the most overall wins of any OVC team with a record of 11-4-3, but have a conference record of 5-3-

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Volleyball avenges loss to Austin Peay in straight sets

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The SIUE women’s volleyball team maintained its .500 record in Ohio Valley Conference play this weekend by defeating Austin Peay, leader of the OVC West division at the time, on Friday, but losing to Murray State Sunday. The Cougars are now 5-5 in the OVC, with an overall record of 9-14. Senior outside hitter Cori Harris, one of the team’s leaders, said the Cougars were extremely excited to get the victory over Austin Peay, but it may have

Oct. 25 results ,12438 (78,63 ,389*0< 46,.,(+ "8(8, #,33 #,*. .32(%!12 )11.30) $# (68/3 (78,63 11/34/7 966(< "8(8, (*0743:/11, "8(8, Oct. 27 results ,12438 46,.,(+ "8(8, 978/3 ,(< (*0743:/11, "8(8, "498.,(78 /77496/ 11/34/7 !02)(78,63 ,389*0< #,33 #,*.

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the match in straight sets. They won the first two sets 25-22 and 29-27, without giving Austin Peay a chance in the third set and won it 25-13. Head Coach Leah Johnson said the dominating third set was caused by the Cougars’ lack of mistakes. “We limited our errors even more than we had been,” Johnson said. “We put a lot of pressure on them from the service line. Cori Harris had a great string of serving runs. Even if they weren’t all aces, Murray State really struggled to return her serve aggressively. We got a lot of free balls out of it. On our side of the net, we didn’t give them

We came off a big high on Friday ... and then the next day we didn’t come out strong ... 46/ (66/7

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| pg.11

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affected their play Saturday. “I think we were at polar opposites this weekend,” Harris said. “We came off a big high on Friday, after beating Austin Peay, and then the next day we didn’t come out strong in the beginning, and ended up losing to one of the teams that we felt we should have beat.” On Friday, SIUE faced an Austin Peay team that had beaten the Cougars 3-1 less than a week prior to this match. The Cougars, playing away from the Vadalabene Center, got their revenge by taking

a point to find life again by making attack errors or mishandling the ball. We really played clean in that run.” The middle blockers led the team on offense, with senior Kelsey Augustine and sophomore Kristen Torre, who had a .545 kill percentage, getting 13 kills apiece. Harris and junior defensive specialist Chelsea Colclasure helped the team from the service line, serving up three aces each, while freshman setter Mallory Mangun led the team in assists with 39. | pg.11

10 // The Alestle

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Blues score late, make up loss to Jets DAN O’NEILL

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MCT)

Nashville Predators goalie Pekka Rinne stops a shot by the St. Louis Blues’ Alexander Steen in the first period at Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Thursday, Oct. 3. The Blues won 4-2.  | Photo by Christian Gooden/St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MCT)

Let’s face it, it’s been a tough few days. Missouri couldn’t hold a lead ... Rams couldn’t score from the 1 ... Cardinals lost twice at home ... If it wasn’t for obstruction, we wouldn’t have any luck at all. And sure enough, the act of impeding progress came to the rescue again. This time, Alex Steen and the Blues took advantage to beat the Winnipeg Jets 3-2 on Tuesday in front of 15,287 at Scottrade Center. With the score tied 2-2 and two minutes, 13 seconds to play, Winnipeg’s Tobias Enstrom was penalized for interference — hockey’s version of obstruction. The Blues went on a power play and defenseman Jay Bouwmeester slid a pass to the red-hot Steen. The veteran forward scored with 59.4 seconds remaining to secure the victory. The goal was Steen’s NHL-leading 11th, a backhand shot that hit the post and caromed in off goaltender Ondrej Pavelec. Steen has 11 goals on 31 shots. The next best scorer, Alex Ovechkin, has 10 goals on 78 shots. “It’s everywhere on the ice right now where he’s good,” Steen’s linemate, T.J. Oshie said. “It’s fun to play with a guy like that.” That said, it was Oshie who drew the penalty and battled to keep possession in the zone on the decisive play. So as far as Steen’s concerned, it’s right back at ya, fella. “Obviously you’ve got to talk about Osh on that play too,” Steen, who has a career best goal-scoring streak of five games, said. “First to draw the penalty and to get the puck stopped in their zone so that we have a chance to get it back. “Thanks to Osh that we got in that situation. That’s the way he’s been playing. He’s been playing really well.” With the victory, the Blues completed the initial 10-game segment of a new season with a 7-1-2 mark. They also avenged their most perplexing performance of that segment, an overtime-shootout loss at Winnipeg on Oct. 18. On that occasion, the Blues carried a 3-1 lead into the deep stages of the game and had the Jets under their thumb. But Winnipeg scored twice with less than seven minutes remaining, then won the subsequent shootout. Instead of an “A” for outstanding, the Blues took an “incomplete” grade to contemplate during a retreat in Charleston, S.C. For coach Ken Hitchcock, that night was a prime example of what happens in the NHL when a team has control and takes its foot off the gas. “I think for us to get to the next level, that’s where we want to get to, we want to contest every puck, offensively and defensively,” Hitchcock said. “We show real flashes of that. We’ll do it for 40 minutes, and then we’ll just kind of play.” On this night, control was a little less obvious. There were both flashes and contested pucks. There also were

disruptive penalties and selfdestructive moments — such as the second short-handed goal the Blues have allowed in two games. The game also included the Blues losing a lead in the third period, just like before. But this time, the Blues didn’t “just kind of play.” They just kind of won. “I think [Kevin Shattenkirk] said something right before we were walking out for the third period here tonight,” Oshie said. “That was a tough one [earlier in Winnipeg] to give up with the week off, having that taste in your mouth. But it was good to get the win this time in regulation.” The Blues outshot the visitors 10-4 in the first period and got the first goal. The play developed with Shattenkirk head-manning a pass to Ryan Reeves. The burly right-winger moved across the Winnipeg line and fired. Pavelec put his blocker on the shot but deflected it to Brenden Morrow on the left side. Morrow buried the rebound for his second goal and a 1-0 lead with 13:24 still to play. Moments later, Morrow was an accomplice in a penalty spree that gave the Jets a two-man advantage. Derek Roy picked up an interference penalty while Morrow took exception to a hit on Alex Pietrangelo. Both Blues forwards went to the box. Winnipeg took advantage late in the power play, as Blake Wheeler whacked a rebound into an open side. The score was 1-1 with 8:40 to play, and the circumstances had Hitchcock befuddled. “What turned the momentum of the game around was the 5-on-3,” Hitchcock said. “We were playing great. We were rolling four lines and everybody was in the game and then ... they got momentum off of being able to play their players on that 5on-3. That changed the game completely around.” During the next two periods, the dominant team was less obvious. Meanwhile, Blues netminder Jaroslav Halak came to the forefront, making several outstanding saves. One of the most important came with 54 seconds remaining in the second, as Wheeler broke in alone. With the last 20 minutes up for grabs, the Blues reached first. Less than five minutes into the final stanza, Oshie made a terrific play to get Pavelec’s attention, then slid a pass to Pietrangelo. The defenseman rifled his second goal of the season into the top of the net, and the Blues led 2-1. But with 9:33 remaining, and the Blues on a power play, Oshie lost the puck at the blue line to Andrew Ladd. The Winnipeg captain outmaneuvered Oshie down the ice and slid the puck to Bryan Little, who converted the shorthanded chance to tie things 2-2. With less than five minutes to play, Halak made a clutch save on Michael Frolik. Then came the penalty to Enstrom and, with help from the Obstruction Fairy, Steen delivered. Alestle Sports can be reached at or 650-3524. Follow @TheAlestleSport.

Thursday, October 31, 2013 WSOC | from pg.9

team used this advice on Sunday, when it played against UT Martin (9-8-1 overall, 7-2 OVC). “We talked about learning from Friday’s game that even one momentary lapse can cost a game,” Burton said. “We also talked about how we needed to take at least one of our scoring chances and put it away. We did that on Sunday, and I think that gave us a boost to keep plugging away.”

watch, and that was encouraging. We got an early goal and were able to absorb a lot of the pressure. It was a lot of hard work and team work.” The Cougars defense stood strong against the high-powered UT Martin offense, and helped Pelley get her seventh shutout of the season. Pelley had a seasonhigh nine saves in the game and said she goes out for every game on the same mission to win. “I want to be solid back there for my team, and obviously I want to win. Our

... The margin of error is really small, and we had one lapse and it cost us a goal. Derek Burton

Women’s soccer head coach

On Sunday, the Cougars traveled to Martin, Tenn. to face UT Martin. The Cougars came out strong in the first half and were rewarded with a goal in the 10th minute. Senior forward Erin DiGiovanni collected a cross from graduate student forward Tory Pitts, and hit a shot into the back of the net for her third goal of the year. Pitts got her fourth assist in OVC play, giving her the conference lead in assists. Burton said the team put forth a fantastic effort against a tough opponent. It was exactly what was needed given the situation they were dealing with, Burton said. “I thought the team responded well in their level of effort and competitiveness to really bounce back against a top team in the conference, on their home field, when they were set to win and clinch the regular season title,” Burton said. “We didn’t let that happen on our VOL | from pg.9

Defensively, the Cougars had 57 digs in the match, and were led by Colclasure and Mangun, who had 20 digs and 10 digs, respectively. Johnson was thrilled with the Cougars’ effort in the Austin Peay match, and was glad they were able to beat them on home territory. “It was great to knock off the previous division leader in our league, to set them back and open that spot up,” Johnson said. “On their home court, it was really fun to get a payback win for that loss at our place. I was very pleased with the way the team opened the weekend so strong.” On Saturday, the Cougars played Murray State, a team they had already beaten on Oct. 18, 3-1. The Cougars could not repeat that performance and lost 0-3. After a close first set finished 24-26, and Cougars lost the second set 16-25, before losing another close set 2527 to end the match. Johnson said the team was surprised to see how enthusiastic Murray State was, and believed that may have led to the Cougars’ downfall. “I felt like we were dialed in on the match, but we had a hard time getting our wheels turning from the beginning, and I thought Murray came out very hungry,” Johnson said. “I think we were a bit surprised to see how eager they were to play hard. We shouldn’t have been, but I think it did happen early in the game. It was a little too late when we were trying to make

defensive communication was better, which made it a lot easier to be effective,” Pelley said. “The little pieces are finally coming together.” The Cougars play their last game before the OVC conference tournament at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3 at Eastern Illinois. Burton said the team will attempt to win the game by maintaining a high level of consistency, as it has throughout the season. “We have to keep going the same way with the level of intensity and focus we had in Sunday’s game and for the most part on Friday,” Burton said. “We have to maintain a high level of focus and make sure our level of competition is there. We have to do what we do best and carry that over into our last regular season game.” Ben Levin can be reached at or 650-3524.

our run at the end of the sets.” On offense, Harris led the team with 13 kills and a kill percentage of .375. Colclasure led the Cougars’ defense with 17 digs in the match. The Cougars play at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1 against Southeast Missouri at the Vadalabene Center. The match marks the team’s first of five straight home games. Harris said the team is pumped to have so many home games in a row, and expects the team to take advantage of them. “I think they will all be pretty challenging. We are playing a lot of great teams at home, but that’s the great part about it. They are at home, and we have that advantage,” Harris said. “We should really capitalize on that, and make sure we do what we need to do. We don’t have to worry about long bus trips. We can just play relaxed with our fans cheering us on.” The upcoming string of home games is the longest of the season for the Cougars. Harris said the team enjoys having the home crowd’s support, but added that the team has found other ways to get excited for games, home or away. “We love our fans, but we also know that we have to be able to create that energy ourselves,” Harris said. “Those fans are gone at away games, so we’ve been working on our court energy no matter where we play. Hopefully, it will just give us that extra boost with our home fans there.” Ben Levin can be reached at or 650-3524.

The Alestle // 11

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