Alestle Vol. 69 No. 27

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Goshen Market stays fresh for winter page 4

thursday, 02.16.17

Softball runs through season opener page 7

alton — east st. louis — edwardsville

vol. LXIX no. XXVII

Students to see tuition, fees increase TRENT STUART Alestle Reporter

The Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees approved multiple changes for SIUE including a 5 percent tuition increase, sidewalk and housing repairs as well as fee changes in its meeting in the Meridian Ballroom Thursday. Chancellor Randy Pembrook proposed the changes to the board, which included a $420 tuition increase for incoming undergraduate students. Current students’ tuition is locked in and will not be affected by the decision. The tuition rate for incoming freshman taking 15 credit hours will be $8,772 due to the increase. “It would leave us still in a position of second lowest in terms of our undergraduate cost structure out of public universi-

ties in the state of Illinois,” Pembrook said. Along with the tuition increase, SIUE will be attempting to reduce its confusing Alternate Tuition Programs by providing all undergraduate domestic students with the same tuition rate as in-state students. The change will also be used to recruit out-ofstate students to Illinois for college without having to deal with the Alternate Tuition Programs. International students and

Ermatinger shares ideas on access, success, enrichment With the open forums coming to a close, James W. Ermatinger, interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Illinois Springfield, was the last to share his candidacy on the points he would improve upon if he becomes the new provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Ermatinger earned his doctorate degree at Indiana University, and he also served as the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, as well as a professor of history at UIS. His interviews were Feb. 13 and Feb. 14, and like the previous open forums, one was held in the Mississippi/Illinois Room, one at the School of Dental Medicine and one at the East St. Louis Center to allow everyone the opportunity to hear each candidate speak. Ermatinger stated three areas where he saw opportunities at SIUE during his open forum. The first area Ermatinger wants to work on is access of the university in regards to students. With that, he wants to encourage the university to implement dual-credit opportunities, look at affordable tuition and also look at appealing to students in the 150mile market radius. “Looking at access, I see there are opportunities that really can work in the benefit of our students” Ermatinger said. “When I was at [Southeast Missouri State University], we saw that when a student just took one class at the campus, they were more than likely to go there after their senior year.” Ermatinger said the FAFSA filing deadline rolling back from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1 could give SIUE the advantage of giving incoming students an earlier idea of what

crease for graduate students and a 3 percent increase for the School of Dental Medicine. The additional fees students have to pay will also increase 2.5 percent next semester. According to Pembrook, most fee changes will fall between a 2 to 3 percent RANDY PEMBROOK increase. SIUE Chancellor U ni v e rs i t y Housing, they are qualified for an Alternate Dining Services, the athletics fee, Tuition Rate. facilities fee and information techThe school will additionally nology fee all fall under this catbe seeing a 4 percent tuition in- egory. Each of these fees will in-

It would leave us still in a position of second lowest in terms of our undergraduate cost structure out of public universities in the state of Illinois.

Provost search continues


out-of-state graduate students will still have to pay a 2.5 percent surcharge on the in-state rate unless

tuition will cost them. “Students will feel connected and want to be at the institution because they know ahead of time what [tuition] might be,” Ermatinger said. Every candidate seemed to be interested in implementing some form of online component to the university. Ermatinger said he realizes there is some unease that comes with the proposal. “University of Illinois Springfield has about one-third of its students online, and the nice thing about online is that we use it as a way to boost campus enrollment,” Ermatinger said. The candidate wants to start similar online programs at SIUE and give out-of-state benefits. The last two parts of access are graduate and transfer students. “With graduate students, we have to look at high-impact professional programs, areas that students are interested in and where we know that there is the potential for earning potentials, and that students would be able to see the benefits of that,” Ermatinger said. When it comes to transfer students, Ermatinger proposed the idea of offering the price of tuition from two years prior if a student is transferring as a sophmore to better appeal to that group of students. The second area Ermatinger would focus on would be student success. “Retention and graduation are not going to see a dramatic shift, but as far as I’m concerned for provost, one of the things I would try to do it make sure our academic advising center and student success center goes out to the colleges and makes sure they know what services they have and encourage faculty and students to take advantage of them,” Ermatinger said.

crease around 2 to 3 percent in the upcoming school year. However, the student welfare and activity fee will be seeing a significant increase of 21.3 percent, raising it from $119.60 to $145.05. Although many fees will be increasing, the textbook rental fee will be decreasing from $510 to $489. The decrease offsets the information technology fee increase. Some programs will also see price changes when the school year starts in the fall. The board approved a 15 percent surcharge for students going into the School of Business as well as a one-time $525 charge for students minoring in business. Pembrook said this cost structure has worked successfully for SIUC, so it should have similar results at SIUE. TRUSTEE | pg. 2

Celebrating black history Taste of Africa features food from Morrocco, traditional dances

Drummers from the African theatrical performing group Addlife! World, based out of St. Louis, keep rhythm during a show Feb. 9, in the Goshen Lounge. The performance was a part of a number of cultural activities taking place this month to celebrate and educate about black history hosted by the Campus Activities Board. Next week’s events include: • Black Art Showcase at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20, in the Meridian Ballroom • A screening of the film “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the Missouri Room • The History of Diversity and Inclusion at SIUE at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, in the Goshen Lounge • Black Business Expo at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in the Goshen Lounge | Jenna Stephan / Alestle

PROVOST | pg. 2

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News in brief

School of Business awarded reaccreditation

SIUE’s School of Business accounting and business programs were recently awarded reaccreditation, which recognizes quality business programs, by the Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business. Accreditation has been earned by less than 5 percent of the world’s business schools and Interim Dean of the School of Business Tim Schoenecker said he was excited about the accreditation and attributed it to hard work. “We are extremely pleased that the AACSB has extended our accreditation in both business and accounting for the maximum fiveyear period,” Schoenecker said in a press release Feb. 13. “This decision affirms our commitment to provide the highest quality business education possible. We are also grateful for the excellent advice that our peer review team provided during their visit. Enacting their recommendations will aid us in continuously improving our academic programs.”

Speech language pathologist practice opens in Metro East area

Speech language pathologist Maggie Block has started her practice Metro East Inc., offering individualized therapy for clients in the Edwardsville area after a meeting with students in St. Louis. Block’s practice will analyze and investigate language patterns in efforts to help prevent disorders associated with speech. According to Block, she enjoys what she does and wants to be able to help those suffering from speech disorders. “I truly love to work with the struggling reader, including individuals with dyslexia,” Block said in a press release Feb. 6. For more information, visit

SIUE Alumna starts beauty supply business Breon Green, 2010 alumna of the SIUE business school with a focus on economics and finance, recently opened her own beauty supply business, “Divine Immanence LLC,” in Maryville. Green said she has always had an interest in hair-care products, especially those geared toward men and women of color. “I regularly get my hair braided, but there were no places that performed that service in the Edwardsville-Glen Carbon-Maryville area,” Green said in a press release Feb. 14. “The same was true for businesses that offer hair extensions. I realized this was an unmet need in the local market and an exclusive niche that I could fill.” For more information on Divine Immanence LLC, call the store at (618) 205-1115 or visit at 23 Executive Plaza Court in Maryville. Store hours are Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

thursday, 02.16.17

Dungeons & Dragons, Hands for Life clubs approved for Student Senate consideration TRENT STUART Alestle Reporter

Representatives from the Dungeons & Dragons and Hands for Life clubs approached the Student Organization Advisory Board at its meeting Friday to take the next step in becoming recognized organizations on campus. Both were recommended by acclimation and will move on for Student Senate approval. Junior psychology major Devyn Fones, of Carlinville, described Dungeons & Dragons as a tabletop role playing game involving players who work through real-life situations played out in a fantasy world. Fones said he wants to create an area where members can de-stress at the end of the week with weekly club meetings while playing the game. “We also want to meet new people, create diversity within our group and just have a good time, mostly,” Fones said. Fones said there are six to seven people interested in the club so far, but they plan on finding more members around campus and the local area to expand the group. They plan on hanging fliers to advertise their new club in buildings on campus as well as a local game store that also hosts Dungeons & Dragons games, just in case any interested students pass through the store. Organization Relations Officer Chase Tiffany said the Dungeons & Dragons Club will join the other special interest groups for people who may not be interested in joining other orga-

nizations, such as fraternities or sororities. Tiffany compared the Dungeons & Dragons Club to the Smash Society of SIUE, a club for Super Smash Bros. players that was approved two years ago, in the sense that it will find its niche population of interested members on campus. Hands for Life was the other organization recommended by acclimation by the SOAB. Senior engineering major Ahmed El

arm, to receive a functioning 3-D printed hand for a fraction of the price of a prosthetic hand. “Some kids do not have the money to buy the real hands that cost up to even $10,000. [The 3-D printed] hands averagely cost $50-$100,” Deeb said. Deeb said the hands do not function exactly as well as the prosthetic hands, but they do allow the user to grip and carry objects, which can still make a big difference for the children.

Senior French, Spanish double major and Organization Relations Officer Chase Tiffany, of Robinson, expresses his excitement during SIUE’s Student Organization Advisory Board meeting Feb. 10. | Sam Kitchen / Alestle

Deeb, of Cairo, Egypt, has already been involved in starting a chapter in Egypt, and he thinks it will be a good thing to bring to SIUE. The organization is a cheaper method for people, mainly children, who are missing a hand or

Hands for Life would be a part of a bigger off campus organization called Enable. Deeb said Enable often gets donations, and once Hands for Life becomes recognized, they should be able to receive some of these donations to use for the projects. Deeb also

plans to raise money for the organization through fundraisers. The process of producing a 3-D printed hand starts with measuring the recipient’s dimensions. The dimensions are then put into a data spreadsheet, provided by Enable, so the members know exactly what to print. The parts are then connected, and the hand is delivered. Tiffany said Hands for Life should provide an opportunity for engineering students to get experience with using a 3-D printer as well as making students aware that 3-D printing is available on campus. “I think this is another opportunity for people who maybe want to do things with 3-D printing, especially because we do have printing on campus, and people don’t realize that,” Tiffany said. Now that both organizations were recommended by the SOAB, they have to be approved by the Student Senate before officially becoming an organization on campus. “I think that both will be successful, and I’m interested to see exactly how it goes the next few years,” Tiffany said. The next SOAB meeting will be held 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in Room 1202 of the Student Success Center. Contact TRENT STUART Call 650-3527 Tweet @tstuart_alestle Email

Final provost candidate presents open forum PROVOST | from cover

The last area Ermatinger would focus on would be the enrichment of students. For the faculty and staff, he would look at scholarly enhancement and professional development. For students, he would give more undergraduate research opportunities, as well as focus on professional relationships. He also recognized that the university should provide the public with

life long learning and maintain relevancy in the public eye. Interim IT Director Michael Pulley said that Ermatinger’s idea of if giving undergraduate students more research options appealed to him. “I have been to all of the [open forums] so far, and I’ve served on the staff senate, so I’ve gotten to meet each of the candidates,” Pulley said. “Out of the three male candidates, he offered more breath in detail.” Pulley said from a student

standpoint, a mid-semester class change option and giving students an out was also appealing to him. This would save students money and would give them the option to move further towards a degree. “On the enrichment side, I’m a big supporter of professional development and it sounded like he also supported that,” Pulley said. “Giving research options to undergraduate students is a big deal and will help with retaining students as well as giving them

opportunities.” Ermatinger linked professional relationships with students, faculty, and staff, and said that these should carry on after graduation. Pulley said that this is sometimes the difference between getting or not getting a job. At this time, all open forums have been held. Surveys can be submitted to the the search committee, and then they will propose their recommendation to Chancellor Randy Pembrook, who will make the final decision.

Trustees up tuition, fees TRUSTEE | from cover

For the nursing program, the fee will be increased from $242 to $320, which is a significant change to cover the cost of an upgraded training program for nursing students. The School of Pharmacy’s clinical program fee of $200, a new fee for School of Pharmacy students, was approved at the meeting as well. It will be used to cover the cost for students to continue to use 30 clinical sites and the program used to assign students to them. However, despite the clinical fee, the School of Pharmacy’s tuition will not be raised. Additionally, out-of-state students will now pay the same as in-state students if they apply for the alternate tuition program in the School of Pharmacy. “We are very much attuned to the situation in pharmacy. There are a number of pharmacy schools that are growing, so the

competition is more intense for students so we think that rate will help keep us competitive,” Pembrook said. In addition to the tuition and fee changes, some maintenance projects were approved during the meeting. Interim Vice Chancellor for Administration Rich Walker approached the board to seek approval for the first phase of replacing the sidewalks around campus. The first phase will cost $600,000, and subsequent phases will be brought to the board for consideration in the future. “This is a project that is overdue and badly needed,” Walker said. The first phase will address the core of campus. The multiphase project is expected to last several years and will be funded through deferred maintenance funds. The board also approved Walker’s request to increase the budget for a contract to replace

SIU System President Randy Dunn speaks during a Board of Trustees meeting, March 24, 2016 on the Edwardsville campus. | Alestle file photo

the flooring material on the 400 side of Cougar Village for single-student apartments. The original budget was $1.2 million, and it is now $1,393,409. The floors for the apartments for family housing in Cougar Village were replaced last summer, and the budget for the single-student apartment floor replacement is being increased to cover the

possible unexpected problems that may arise. The floors should be replaced before school starts back up in the fall. The Board of Trustees will meet again Thursday, April 6, in Carbondale. Contact TRENT STUART Call 650-3527 Tweet @tstuart_alestle Email

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thursday, 02.16.17

Trump kept Flynn for weeks after learning he’d lied about Russia contacts ANITA KUMAR

McClatchy Washington Bureau



A caller reported she interrupted a subject burglarizing her vehicle in Lot 10. The suspect fled the area in a silver Ford Focus, Illinois registered vehicle E656759. Glen Carbon PD stopped the vehicle and detained the suspect. SIUE PD responded to Glen Carbon PD’s traffic stop and arrested Jordan C. Jefferson (22 years old, 3117 Bent Water Place, St. Charles) for burglary to motor vehicle. Jefferson was transported to the SIUE PD station where he was fingerprinted, photographed, processed and taken to Madison County Jail on a felony hold at 11:46 p.m. The vehicle was towed from a residence in Glen Carbon.

Officers responded to 420 Cougar Village for an active fire alarm. The alarm was activated by an electric heater and was restored. University Housing was notified. There was no smoke, fire or damage.

While investigating a motor vehicle burglary, officers advised there was a second vehicle, Missouri registered vehicle 5CK759, that also appeared to have been burglarized. Officers met with the owner of the second vehicle who advised his backpack had been stolen from his vehicle.

02.12.17 A RAVE expired safety timer alert was received by SIUE PD. Officers were unable to make contact via telephone. Officers responded to the location on the map. The student called the police department back to state that she thought she deactivated the timer. Officers contacted the student and verified she was OK. An officer issued a state citation to Richard Apollon for operating an uninsured motor vehicle on Whiteside Road at Circle Drive. The officer also issued a written warning for disobeying a stop sign. O’Fallon PD advised they had arrested Pierre K. Mosby (26 years old, 1014 Briggs St., Edwardsville) on a failure to appear and DUI warrant. Officers responded to O’Fallon PD, took custody of Mosby and transported him to SIUE PD where he was processed and released after posting $1,000 cash bond. Officers responded to the Student Fitness Center to retreive a found pocket knife.

An officer issued a state citation to Annmarie Gamboa-Reynolds for speeding 60 mph in a 45 mph zone on South University Drive at Stadium Drive.

02.10.17 Officers responded to 518 Cougar Village for an active fire alarm. University Housing was notified. The alarm was activated by cooking was a restored. There was no smoke, fire or damage. An officer took a walk-in report from a student regarding harrassment through social media. An officer issued a written warning for one headlight and no rear registration light. The offense occured on University Park at the National Corn to Ethenol Research Center.

02.09.17 A female subject reported a male subject, 5-foot-6 through 5-foot-9 and dressed in all black, approached her between Peck Hall and the Lovejoy Library and attempted to take her backpack from her. The suspect was unsuccessful and fled toward Lot A. The female subject called from Dunham Hall approximately 10 minutes after the incident. Officers checked the area for the suspect with negative results. An officer met with a subject at the Vadalabene Center and took a report of an incident between Illinois registered 1749495B and a deer on South University Drive on University Park Drive. The accident occured earlier in the evening. An officer collected a wallet that was left in Dunham Hall 2009. Dispatch made contact with the owner and they requested to meet with an officer at a later time at the commons to collect the wallet.

For nearly three weeks, President Donald Trump knew his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had lied to top administration officials, including the vice president, about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States, but he kept Flynn on as a pivotal member of his team. During that time, Flynn briefed Trump on global issues, sat in on phone conversations Trump held with a variety of world leaders, helped craft foreign-policy as a trio of allies — the prime ministers of Britain, Japan and Canada — visited Washington, and helped formulate the response Saturday to a North Korea ballistic missile launch. He was seated in the front row at a news conference Trump held with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday. But between that news conference Monday afternoon and 10 p.m., Trump “lost trust” in Flynn over his lying about his contacts with Russian officials and what White House press secretary Sean Spicer called “a host of other issues” and demanded Flynn’s resignation. On Tuesday, Spicer declined to say what those other issues might have been, and he did not explain why it took the president more than two weeks to determine that Flynn was no longer worthy of being trusted. “I’m not going to get into the specifics of what the president’s thinking was, but I will just say ... that it was an evolving and eroding process,” Spicer said. He did not mention that Trump’s decision to fire Flynn came less than two hours after the Washington Post published a story detailing that the Justice Department had warned the White House that Flynn had mischaracterized his conversations with the Russian ambassador, whose phones are routinely tapped. The Justice Department warning said that contrary to Flynn’s account, the two men did discuss sanctions that former President Barack Obama had imposed on Russia Dec. 29, 2016 to punish Russia for its alleged efforts to influence the outcome of November’s presidential election. The FBI is investigating Flynn’s contacts with Russia and questioned him last month, according to news reports.

Democrats in Congress, who called for a bipartisan investigation, quickly questioned why Trump delayed taking action. “If anyone in the White House knew about Flynn’s vulnerability and chose not to act, they exercised inexcusably poor judgment that put the security of our country at enormous risk,” Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee said. Flynn defended himself in an interview with The Daily Caller. He insisted he broke no rules in his talks with the Russian ambassador, but was concerned about leaks of classified information. “I haven’t been fighting back because I’m not that kind of guy,” the publication quoted Flynn as saying. “I’m behind the scenes. I’ve always been behind the scenes. But this is ridiculous. It’s so out of control. I’ve become an international celebrity for all the wrong reasons.” Even Republicans acknowledged that more information was needed. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested the Senate Intelligence Committee, already examining Russian involvement in the November election, could take a look at the Flynn situation as well. “They have the broad jurisdiction to do it and any questions as to why the president did what he did ought to be directed the White House,” McConnell said. Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said “there are a number of unanswered questions that need to be answered.” Trump has long been criticized for his admiring comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin and his ties to that country. The president has said he would consider lifting the sanctions imposed against Russia over its 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Earlier this month, the White House loosened financial sanctions against Russia’s powerful security agency that the Obama administration had imposed as punishment for Russia’s meddling in November’s presidential election and for the Crimea annexation. Tuesday, Spicer offered new information about what the White House knew and when in a raucous briefing for reporters in which nearly every question dealt with Flynn’s firing. Spicer said Flynn had faced tough questioning from

White House officials about his conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. After that, Spicer, on Jan. 13, and Vice President Mike Pence, on Jan. 15, told reporters that Flynn and the ambassador did not speak about sanctions. Spicer said Flynn and Kislyak had exchanged text messages and phone calls on Dec. 25, 2016 and Dec. 28, 2016 in part to arrange a subsequent phone conversation between Trump and Putin. “I talked to Gen. Flynn yesterday, and the conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to the new U.S. sanctions against Russia or the expulsion of diplomats,” Pence said on Fox News. The Justice Department notified the White House counsel’s office on Jan. 26 that Flynn had misled the vice president, Spicer said. Spicer tried to blame the Justice Department for waiting until after Trump was president to warn him about the discrepancies between what the FBI had overheard and what Flynn had told Pence. “I think the first question should be, where was the Department of Justice in this? They were aware of this,” Spicer said. White House counsel Donald McGahn briefed Trump and a small group of his senior advisers, Spicer said. But McGahn determined that Flynn had done nothing illegal. “When the president heard the information as presented by White House counsel, he instinctively thought that Gen. Flynn did not do anything wrong and the White House counsel’s review corroborated that,” Spicer said. The next several days were filled with activity. On Jan. 27, Trump signed an executive order blocking the entry into the United States of citizens of seven Muslim nations, setting off chaos at U.S. airports, triggering a weekend of demonstrations from coast to coast, and sending lawyers to courthouses in a half dozen locations for restraining orders blocking the order from taking effect. On Jan. 30, Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she declared that the Justice Department would not defend the travel ban executive order in court. Yates also had delivered the warning about Flynn’s conversations to the White House four days earlier, according to the Post. READ MORE WIRE STORIES AT ALESTLELIVE.COM

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contact the editor: 650-3527 thursday, 02.16.17

Goshen Market adapts to winter season KEEGAN GAUWITZ Alestle Reporter Edwardsville’s Land of Goshen Community Market looks to expand its usual summer service as the advent of a new winter market gives Metro East citizens an opportunity to purchase fresh produce even in the winter season. The market will be open from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 18, Saturday, March 18 and Saturday, April 15 in the basement of the Newsong Fellowship Church. Edwardsville native Jamie Henderson and his wife, Sharon, founded the market in 1997, following a trip to Madison, Wis., where they visited the Dane County Market. Impressed by the impact of the market in Madison, the couple returned to Edwardsville with the inspiration to bring the community together, according to Board of Tomatoes secretary and SIUE English professor Jessica DeSpain. In the two decades that followed, the Goshen Market and the Board of Tomatoes that oversees it have accomplished just that. “The idea for the Goshen Market was to create a place where the community could gather around local food and to revitalize the town, which at the time, really needed it — now not so much,” DeSpain said. “The Goshen Market has played a big role in that and also to support

The Goshen Winter Market advertises with a window display on Main Street in downtown Edwardsville.

the local agriculture and just in the last year we have changed things around a lot.” The market has become a vital part of Edwardsville summers as a way to connect farmers, artists and local consumers. With up to 70 vendors selling produce, arts and crafts, the event allows vendors from a 100-mile radius an opportunity to get involved. This year, the Board of Tomatoes has introduced a winter market that will run through April. There are still regulations set in place for the winter market. The main difference is the location and limits on how many

vendors the space can hold, according to DeSpain. The winter market is held on the third Saturday of each month, which included Dec. 17, 2016, Jan. 21 and will include Feb. 18, March 18 and April 15, all at the same church location, which is across the street from the original market expansion lot. According to DeSpain, 17 vendors have filled all available spots. In the summer market, there are typically about 70 vendors, but there have been as many as 84. Vendors’ goods will make up specific categories: “From the Garden” refers to produce, “From

the Cottage Kitchen” pertains to salsas and other homemade items that abide by FDA regulations, and “From the Studio” includes

| Lashai Spencer / Alestle

with the community more directly,” DeSpain said. Despain said her focus on sustainability relates to her up-

The idea for the Goshen Market was to create a place where the community could gather around local food and to revitalize the town. JESSICA DeSPAIN

Board of Tomatoes secretary

The Goshen Winter Market features 17 vendors offering a variety of goods, from fresh produce to art. | Photo via Facebook

soaps, artwork and crafts, according to DeSpain. Additionally, the board is at the forefront of other programs focused on the benefit of local food as well. The market offers events such as Know your Grower Day in June, where attendees can have the chance to tour several of the local farms involved in the fresh produce section of the market. “We have added the winter market, and we also established a foundation to help support local food movements in the region. That involves dealing with food deserts and after-school programs for kids, lots of different things,” DeSpain said. DeSpain also said her association with the market began in part with the courses she instructs at SIUE. “I first got involved because one of the classes I teach on food sustainability and literature involves service learning. I wanted to be able to connect my course

bringing. “I grew up on a farm, for starters, in northwest Illinois, but it was a corn and soybean farm more than a local farm,” DeSpain said. Her passion for farming continues through her work with the market and her encouragement towards students becoming better educated in local sustainability and cultivation. For more information, visit, or follow the organization on Facebook. The next market will take place from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Feb. 18, in the basement of Newsong Fellowship Church. Miranda Lintzenich contributed to this report.


Contact KEEGAN GAUWITZ Call 650-3527 Tweet @kgauwitzalestle Email

thursday, 02.16.17

page 5

One dress, five women: comedy production hits Dunham Hall this weekend KIAH EARL Alestle Reporter A comedy about five bridesmaids hiding from a bride that none of them really like, “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress,” tells the story of five identically dressed women as they talk, laugh, argue, cry and console one another — eventually becoming friends. The play, by Alan Ball, is the first mainstage show of the spring semester, which opened Wednesday night. The production features six student actors and will run nightly at 7:30 p.m. until Saturday, Feb. 18, with a matinee show at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19. Set in Knoxville, Tenn., “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” showcases a group of women that discover aspects of themselves within each other while hiding in the childhood bedroom of the bride that audience members never get to see. Director and performance professor Peter Cocuzza said he hopes the audience leaves the theater entertained and informed that the theater is an on-campus option for a delightful evening. Cocuzza, who has directed more than 30 SIUE productions,

said this production has been enjoyable to watch as the actors, actresses and crew grow and improve as they perform. “Directing is an extension of the classroom in many ways,” Cocuzza said. “It is especially exciting when the students truly discover something about their characters and/or themselves as actors and the light bulb goes off.” Sophomore theater performance and sociology major Taylor Kelly, of Mascoutah, plays Frances, one of the bridesmaids who is a naïve and sheltered religious girl. This is not Kelly’s first show, but according to her, each show brings new challenges and rewards. “It’s about having fun while exploring who your character is and understanding that character,” Kelly said. Although this show is considered a comedy, Kelly said she hopes audience members are inspired by the women’s relatable lives in the play. “It’s about being inclusive,” Kelly said. “The show proves that no matter where you come from, who you are or what you believe, it is possible for you to interact and even bond with people who

Left, Monica Buschor, Emily Schneider, Taylor Kelly and Kayla Bush run through scenes in preparation of their upcoming play, “5 Women Wearing the Same Dress,” Feb. 9, in Dunham Hall. | Allison Gregory / Alestle

aren’t like you.” General admission to the show is free for SIUE students, $12 for adults and $10 for faculty, staff, seniors and non-SIUE students. Auditions for future productions are open to all students who have an interest in theater

arts. The next Summer Showbiz season audition is on Friday, Feb. 24, and will be casting for Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” “The Addams Family” and the musical “Working.” Cocuzza said he encourages those who are interested to become crew members or audition for upcoming shows.

For more information, visit or email Contact KIAH EARL Call 650-3527 Tweet @kearl_alestle Email

Hip-hop’s conflicting relationship with the Grammys KENDRA MARTIN Alestle Reporter The Grammys and the hiphop community have always had a shaky relationship. From the boycott in 1989 because of hip-hop not being televised to hip-hop being recognized with the “Best Rap Album” category in 1995 to today, hip-hop and the Grammys don’t always mix well, but there is a reason for the disconnect between the award show and the hip-hop community. One of the most recent incidents that took the hip-hop community by storm was at the 2014 awards when they announced Macklemore and Ryan Lewis won “Best Rap Album.” Macklemore was up against exceptional albums like Drake’s “Nothing Was the Same,” Jay-Z’s “Magna Carta Holy Grail,” Kanye West’s “Yeezus” and Kendrick Lamar’s “good kid, M.A.A.d City.”

Before the winner was announced, many people assumed Lamar would take it, as his album was a commercial success, had been critically acclaimed and has been classified as a modern-day classic by many people. But still, Macklemore was the one who took the Grammy that year. Now, I am not saying Macklemore didn’t deserve it nor am I saying “The Heist” was a bad album. That album was huge, but I think it is unfair to judge an album that is supposed to be the best strictly off of sales and mainstream success. By definition, best means “of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality,” according to, and Lamar’s album had all of that. It exceeded people’s expectations and caused a major shift in the hip-hop culture as artists began to follow in his footsteps, structuring their album as audio movies.

For example, there would not be a “My Krazy Life” by YG or “Under Pressure” by Logic if it weren’t for “good kid, m.A.A.d City.” Lamar’s album had such a huge impact that it was almost an insult to the hip-hop community that Macklemore won. The Grammys committee bases its criteria off sales, chart performance and impact — so even after four years, I am still confused as to how Kendrick Lamar did not win in 2013 when he had everything they were looking for. One of the many things I have criticized the Grammys for as a whole is that it is obviously based off the sales of a particular album, and I think that is quite unfair. Just because an album sold a particular amount of units does not mean it was necessarily the best album of that year. However, I think it is odd people still get upset about who is or isn’t nominated, as well as

the ones who win or don’t win. For example, this year, ScHoolboy Q was nominated for “Best Rap Album,” for “Blank Face LP,” which is an accomplishment. On the other hand, he was up against DJ Khaled’s “Major Key,” De La Soul’s “and the Anonymous Nobody,” Kanye’s “The Life of Pablo,” Drake’s “Views” and the winner of the category, Chance the Rapper’s “Coloring Book.” Now, I am a ScHoolboy Q fan. “Blank Face LP” was my favorite hip-hop album from 2016, and I think it was the best and most consistent album of that category, but I knew he would not win. It was either going to go to Chance, Drake or Kanye because they were the most popular figures and sold the most of that entire category. Truthfully, I think ScHoolboy Q also knew he wouldn’t win. So, was he snubbed? In my opinion, yes, but the Grammys have been like this for years and it

was not shocking that he lost. I don’t think the Grammys are going to change anytime soon. It has developed a system that has clearly worked for them and after 59 years, it is silly to think they are going to change in efforts to properly represent hip-hop. They don’t care about representing the best rap albums. They only care about the sales, and I just learned to accept it. The hip-hop community has to stop searching for this white validation that clearly isn’t going to come. Only we can properly represent our culture to the best of our ability, so could that mean starting our own Grammys? Maybe, but first we need to stop looking to the Grammys to be the voice of our culture. Contact KENDRA MARTIN Call 650-3527 Tweet @kmartin_alestle Email

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contact the editor: 650-3527

thursday, 02.16.17



Get your name in the paper without the court date.

alton — east st. louis — edwardsville

CAITLIN LALLY editor-in-chief

KENDRA MARTIN managing editor

Oscar Micheaux

CHLOE SMITH lifestyles editor KYLE STEPP sports editor

CHLOE RICE opinion editor

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MADISON O’BRIEN online editor

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ALLISON GREGORY multimedia editor Do you know those not taught to you?

| Illustration by Nicolle Patton / Alestle

Black Heritage: More than what’s in textbooks Everyone knows when Black Heritage Month is and the names of leaders who fought against segregation and they should know that the color of your skin shouldn’t define who you are or what your future holds. We at the Alestle believe everyone should educate themselves on AfricanAmerican heritage that may not be taught in classes, because at the end of the day it is all of our history.

ALESTLE STAFF EDITORIAL Black Heritage Month is about recognizing history doesn’t apply to just one race, that “White History Month” jokes take away from the issue. Also, black history shouldn’t just be highlighted for one month and then brushed under the rug. While some like to create lines of division between what is one group’s history versus another’s, it’s important to recognize that history belongs to everyone and

our stories are intertwined to an inseparable degree. The start of the black historical revolution began with the foundation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909. Then, in 1926, a man named Carter G. Woodson started “Negro History Week,” according to the History Channel. In addition, AfricanAmerican leaders should be talked about more often. While Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Harriet Tubman are essential leaders in history, if we don’t expand our knowledge, we will miss out on learning about the influence other great leaders also had. It is important to highlight other figures that contributed to equal rights, such as Maya Angelou, most widely known for her poetry. She also helped orchestrate marches with MLK and was very passionate about the civil rights movement. Katherine Dunham was a famous dancer and civil rights

activist throughout her whole life. In 1992, she went on a 47day hunger strike to protest a U.S. policy that sent Haitian refugees back to Haiti and said she was embarrassed to be an American, but most people on campus only know her name because a building was named after her. Another figure who isn’t mentioned often enough is Ruby Bridges. She was the first African-American student to transfer to a white school during desegregation in New Orleans in spring of 1960. She was only 6 years old, and was one of six students who participated in the initial integration process. Four of the students dropped out, leaving her and one other student. Bridges was greeted with racial comments from faculty, staff, students and parents at William Frantz Elementary. Several parents took their children out of school for some time immediately following her enrollment. Crowds that

gathered outside the school when she showed up were so infuriated that Bridges was escorted by federal marshals. Many people have no extensive knowledge of the thousands of brave souls who took it upon themselves to make a difference in the world because we aren’t taught it. We should be learning from all of our history, not dividing it. We should not be separating black history from white history — or any other race’s history. The separation implies that they are not crucial segments of our country’s collective history. Students should put more effort into attending Black Heritage Month events. Even if you don’t directly identify with African-American culture, it’s impossible to separate it from the fabric of our country’s history. A full look at the Campus Activities Board’s BHM calendar can be found at READ MORE STAFF EDITORIALS AT ALESTLELIVE.COM.

Standing up for beliefs despite backlash Nearly everyone has an opinion on political and social policies. Most times it is acceptable to agree to disagree, but this is never the case when the other person’s opinion is blatantly racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory. Being a bystander of discrimination puts you at fault just as much as the person doing the act. Therefore, standing up for injustice is important.

TAYLOR FLEIG Alestle Reporter Recently, many people have been praising the use of pacifism. This is ideal in a world where everyone agrees to be tolerant and respectful, but that is simply not the case. Showing disapproval

of what is unacceptable is more important than staying silent. Lately, some people have called participants in rallies or political activism names to mock them. Taking time out of the day to show disapproval of the government — a system that works to serve us, the people — is not over-sensitive; if anything, it is brave. Rather, people getting upset over the fact that others are using their First Amendment right of free speech are sensitive. A controversial Twitter post provoked reactions from people on both sides of the issue. It showed a political disagreement in a harmonious, loving way that promoted the idea that people who disagree completely should forget their differences and come together as one. However, this is not effective.

The post was a young man in a “#Meninist” shirt, red hat with Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” written on it and an American flag, standing next to a young woman holding a rainbow flag, which signifies her support of the LGBT+ community, while wearing a shirt that says “Nasty Woman,” a popular phrase was coined when President Donald Trump called Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman” during a debate. We have been told as a society that we need to forget our differences, but that can be a hinderance when it comes to social policies that affect us. Accepting the current norm is accepting what others believe rather than challenging them to

think independently. It is fine to have differing opinions. However, when you accept an opinion that promotes racism or sexism and do not challenge it, you are normalizing that behavior. Do not let people who do not share your values make you feel as if yours are not valid. Advocating for what you believe is essential to create the change that you want to accomplish. When you witness something done that you feel is unacceptable, challenge it and voice your opinion.

Contact TAYLOR FLEIG Call 650-3527 Tweet @tfleig_alestle Email



BRIDGET CHRISTNER BREANN SPERANEO copy editors NICOLLE PATTON editorial cartoonist LAUREN LOWE graphics manager

NICHOLAS AGADI advertising manager


TAMMY MERRETT program director Have a comment? Let us know! The Alestle Campus Box 1167 Edwardsville, Ill. 62026-1167 Letters to the Editor Policy: The editors, staff and publishers of the Alestle believe in the free exchange of ideas, concerns and opinions and will publish as many letters as possible. Letters may be submitted at the Alestle office: Morris University Center, Room 2022 e-mail at All hard copy letters should be typed and double-spaced. Letters should be no longer than 500 words. Include phone number, signature, class rank and major. We reserve the right to edit letters for grammar and content. Care will be taken to ensure that the letter’s message is not lost or altered. Letters to the editor will not be printed anonymously except under extreme circumstances. We reserve the right to reject letters.

The name Alestle is an acronym derived from the names of the three campus locations of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville:  Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville. The Alestle is published on Thursdays in print and on Tuesdays online during the fall and spring semesters. A print edition is available every other Wednesdays during summer semesters. For more information, call 618-650-3528. For advertising, email

contact the editor: 650-3527 thursday, 02.16.17



Softball season off to perfect start

KYLE STEPP Alestle Sports Editor

The Cougar softball team opened their 2017 season with five straight wins at the Mardi Gras Classic Feb 10-12, in Monroe, La. Among its five wins, SIUE’s senior pitcher Haley Chambers-Book set the school record for career strikeouts with 748. Chambers-Book broke the record previously set by Erika Taylor in 2011 with 737. On the first day of the tournament the Cougars played the Northwestern State University of Louisiana Lady Demons and the Grambling State University Tigers. The Cougars punished both teams at the plate, scoring 14 runs on 14 hits. Freshman infielder Kalei Kaneshiro made her first SIUE start at third base. Kaneshiro hit a solo homerun against the Lady Demons. Senior infielder Allison Smiley led the Cougars with three hits while four other players recorded two hits each on the day. After a quiet 4-1 win over Northwestern, SIUE’s bats were hot as they scored 10 runs over two innings against Grambling. Junior pitcher Ashley Koziol and Chambers-Book both recorded 11 strikeouts, and Koziol held a no-hitter against Grambling into the fifth inning. On the second day of play, the Cougars picked up their third and fourth wins of the season with a 4-1 contest against the Prairie View A&M University Panthers and a 2-1 win against University of Louisiana at Monroe Warhawks. Chambers-Book broke the record in the Cougars’ game against the hosting Warhawks, and Head Coach Sandy Mont-

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Southeast Miss. 12-16 10-17 E. Kentucky 8-18 Austin-Peay 11-17 Tenn. Tech Jacksonville St. 16-12 Morehead St. 13-12 5-22 SIUE 13-13 Eastern Ill. 18-10 UT Martin 18-5 Belmont 13-13 Murray St. 15-11 Tenn. St.


7-6 3-9 4-8 7-6 8-5 9-3 0-13 5-8 8-5 12-1 7-5 6-7


Junior catcher Tess Eby steps up to the plate in the Cougars’ 2015-2016 regular season.

gomery said Chambers-Book is already showing signs of being a high-caliber player early in the year. “Without question, [Chambers-Book] is going to be, if not already, better than she was. This is what I expected. She is a competitor. She loves to win and loves to play. She is relentless when it comes to a highly-competitive game,” Montgomery said. Against the Warhawks, the teams held each other scoreless into the tenth inning. Per the tiebreaker rule, the Cougars started the inning with junior catcher Tess Eby on second base. Junior infielder Haley Adrian moved Eby to third on a sacrifice bunt, and Smiley brought Eby home

with a single into left. Smiley advanced to third on a double by Kaneshiro, and she reached home on a single by senior infielder Sarah Lopesilvero. The Cougars rallied on the final day of the Mardi Gras Classic to keep their perfect record. SIUE headed into the final inning against the Sam Houston State University Bearkats facing a 5-3 deficit. Redshirt freshman infielder Zoe Schafer and freshman outfielder Reagan Curtis started the seventh inning with singles, and crossed home plate on a two-run double from Smiley. The Cougars would continue the inning, scoring six more runs and facing four Bearkat

| Alestle File Photo

pitchers. Chambers-Book added two RBI’s on a two-run double in her second plate appearance of the inning. Montgomery told athletics the rally win shows the effort and determination from her team. “I really like our resiliency and that we played a full game,” Montgomery said. The softball team’s next appearance will be during the Auburn tournament Feb. 17-19, in Auburn, Ala. The Cougars start home play Friday, March 17, against the University of Toledo. Contact KYLE STEPP Call 650-3527 Tweet @kstepp_alestle Email


Southeast Miss. 12-14 6-7 9-16 6-6 E. Kentucky 12-13 6-6 Austin-Peay 10-16 7-6 Tenn. Tech Jacksonville St. 11-14 4-9 18-7 8-4 Morehead St. 10-16 6-7 SIUE 8-17 4-9 Eastern Ill. 9-17 6-7 UT Martin 21-5 13-0 Belmont 14-11 6-6 Murray St. 9-14 4-9 Tenn. St.



Chattanooga Appalachian St. The Citadel Davidson Gardner-Webb Campbell SIUE VMI

7-9 13-2 2-10 4-13 7-9 9-6 4-11 2-11

5-2 7-0 1-5 0-6 3-4 5-1 4-3 1-5

SIUE drops back-to-back OVC games ZEKE TORRES Alestle Reporter With only three games remaining in the regular season, the Cougars continue to struggle to break their losing streak. In their most recent games, the Cougars lost to the Southeast Missouri State University Redhawks Feb. 9, by a score of 71-67 at the Vadalabene Center, which was then followed by an 80-73 loss to the University of Tennessee at Martin Skyhawks Feb. 11. The Cougars hoped to avenge an earlier loss in the season to the Redhawks. SIUE started off strong, reaching a lead of 184, as senior guard Burak Eslik and junior forward Jalen Henry each scored nine points in the first five minutes, and both finished in the double digits. Henry would finish with 22 points, and Eslik would finish with 16. Head Coach Jon Harris said he was happy with how his team was controlling the game’s tempo. “I was very happy with how we started the game. Jalen was strong down low, and Burak made a lot of outside shots. We made their defense adjust,” Harris said. The Redhawks did make adjustments as they got Henry into early foul trouble and switched to

a zone which better guarded the perimeter, holding SIUE’s field goal percentage to 40 percent. The Redhawks’ changes were crucial as they tied the game at 32 at halftime and ultimately won, leading by as much as 15 points. The Cougars valiantly fought and, and eventually cut the Redhawks’ lead to just four, but could not get any closer. The game looked too familiar to Harris. “This game was similar to when we traveled to their place. We lose on possession that our opponents handle better in crucial moments,” Harris said. The Cougars later hosted the OVC conference leaders, UT Martin, Feb. 9, at the Vadalabene Center. SIUE lost a close game to the Skyhawks 80-73. Eslik stayed hot from the previous game, leading the way with 25 points, including shooting six for 13 from the field, with four 3-pointers and nine points from the charity stripe. Harris said he loves how Eslik has been playing. “[Eslik] plays with a lot of energy and gives it his all. He doesn’t force anything, but lets the game come to him,” Harris said. Henry chipped in with 16

points and six boards, Simmons threw in 10 points, senior guard Josh White contributed nine points and freshman guard Christian Ellis scored five points, three assists. The Cougars played hard but went into the second half trailing 39-36. Starting the second, the Skyhawks kept the lead and held it the entire second half of the game. The Skyhawks led the entire second half, but the Cougars closed the gap to 69-67 off a pair a free throws made from Henry with a little over two minutes. Even after the loss, Harris said he is proud on how his team fought. “I commend our team on their consistent effort. They always give their best no matter what is happening. We played well, but lost to a good team,” Harris said. The Cougars will be in action at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, for a conference game against the Murray State University Racers in Murray, Ky. The game will be aired live on ESPNU. Contact ZEKE TORRES Call 650-3527 Tweet @ztorres_alestle Email

Freshman guard Christian Ellis (13) blocks a layup from Redhawks’ redshirt senior Trey Kellum (13) Feb. 9, during the 71-67 loss to Southeast Missouri State University in the Vadalabene Center. | Allison Gregory / Alestle



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By Jennifer Shepherd, The Lipstick Mystic Monday, Feb. 13 - Sunday, Feb. 19 , 2017

Aries: March 21 - April 19 The moon is opposite your sign, so take it easy. You have a lot going on, but things are gradually going to get better. Focus on taking good care of yourself and being kind to all the nice people who are supportive of you.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22 Your emotions are really intense, courtesy of the moon. Try to chill out. If your sweetheart is being annoying, find a way to laugh about it. If you need extra support, consider talking with a therapist, minister or close friend.

Libra: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23 Mars is offering some challenges, and this could affect your romantic relationship. You might be stressing out about work or money matters. Instead of dumping negativity on your honey, try to have some loving and open discussions with your sweetheart.

Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan.19 You’re focused on making some positive changes. Jupiter is inspiring you to find ways to get healthier and wealthier. You should avoid interacting with negative or depressed people who only drag you down. Surround yourself with supportive cheerleader types.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20 Your psychic side is being stimulated, thanks to Neptune. You need to trust your gut. If you meet someone on a blind date and things feel off, don’t risk a second date with that person. Or if you have a powerful dream, pay attention to the messages in it.

Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22 Two cranky planets are creating some delays or temporary setbacks. Be as patient as you can. You might have to put in some extra hours at work to complete all of your tasks. Or you could have a communication glitch while you are interacting with a close loved one.

Scorpio: Oct. 24 - Nov. 2 You’re going to have more fun with your honey this week as a friendly sun brings you good energy. Stage a romantic dinner out or attend a fun concert. Or cook something special for your honey at home and simply relax together.

Aquarius: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 You could discover that a friend, neighbor or co-worker has a crush on you. Maybe you haven’t paid much attention to this person. The sun says keep an open mind. Even if you hadn’t considered dating this person, give it a try.

Gemini: May 21 - June 21 You’ll enjoy some fun banter with someone as Mercury increases your powers of communication. You could find yourself flirting with a coworker or neighbor. Or you might bump into a former flame and have some sassy dialogue with that person.

Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 The sun will be moving opposite your sign for several weeks, and this means you’ll be introspective. Do some meditating. Write in a journal. Vent your spleen in a blog. Get stuff off your chest and focus on healing and renewal.

Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 You could be attracted to two people at once. Maybe you’re still attracted to a former flame, and you’re considering getting back together with him or her. Or maybe you’ve met someone recently and are enjoying a good flirt. Venus says go for it.

Pisces: Feb. 19 - March 20 The sun will be in your sign for several weeks, and this marks your yearly personal new year. It’s a great time to make a fresh start, let go of bad habits and release negative relationships from your life. You’ll find it easier to achieve major life goals.

Jennifer Shepherd, the Lipstick Mystic®, is an astrologer and syndicated columnist with over 2 million readers. For mystical fun and psychic insights visit

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