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THE student voice since 1960
Thursday, January 18, 2024 Vol. 77 No. 16
City, church, citizens locked in debate over warming location for people without housing DYLAN HEMBROUGH editor-in-chief Opening their doors to people without housing in the dead of winter brought Edwardsville’s First Baptist Church both praise and criticism — enough that the local government stepped in. First Baptist is hosting an Overnight Warming Location, also known as the “OWL,” to provide shelter for people experiencing homelessness from the bitter cold of the Midwestern winter. However, a number of policies and opinions have drawn attention to the service as of late. The City of Edwardsville imposed a fine on First Baptist, and several residents in the area have expressed their concerns about people without housing using a facility near a school.
From a policy standpoint, the controversy stems from the parameters of the special use permit. Michelle Babb, secretary of the Glen-Ed Ministerial Alliance, said First Baptist was granted a special use permit “to operate as a church” in 1969. “While overnight warming shelter/ location is not specifically listed [as an approved activity], the city considers such a use to be similar or consistent with a hotel use, adult and child daycare, assisted living or group assembly,” a Jan. 13 press release from the city said. Additionally, a Nov. 27 letter from City Attorney Jeff Berkbigler to Drew Patton, senior pastor at First Baptist, said the original permit was not sufficient to cover the activities associated with an overnight warming center. “The operation of an overnight
warming shelter at the location exceeds the permission of the original special use permit as it is an increase in use with different conditions involving overnight stays at the location that were not considered in the original application,” Berkbigler wrote. Babb said the equating of a warming center to a hotel is inaccurate, and that the organization maintains its position that it is operating as a church. “It’s going to open every night that the overnight low temperature is forecast to be 20 or below,” Babb said. “We’re talking 10 to 20 nights, which is not quite like a hotel. [It] functions more like an emergency service. It’s going to be activated unpredictably. It’s not going to be announced at the beginning of the season how often it’s going to be open.” The city wrote in its Jan. 13 press release that it had been in contact with the organizers of the warming center for quite some time. “City officials have been communicating for months with the organizers of an overnight warming location at 534 St. Louis Street to help them navigate zoning processes that would apply to many property uses in that zoning district,” according to the Jan. 13 press release. In addition, City Administrator Kevin Head offered to dismiss the $700 application fee if a certain deadline was met, according to the press release. In regards to communication between First Baptist and the city about the special use permit, Babb said First Baptist has been very aware of the requests to submit an application, and that it was a conscious decision not to apply. “Yes, the City has been consistently
telling us to do that, and we have been consistently and repeatedly deciding not to do it,” Babb said. “It’s not defiance, it’s that we don’t think we need it. What they’re asking for the special use permit for is because of the type of people coming in. It’s not a different activity.”
Babb said the idea for the warming location stemmed from community members wanting to provide for people experiencing homelessness in their community. “Most of the churches are tired of thoughts and prayers and handing out coats when it’s five degrees. That just seems very frustrating and insufficient,” Babb said. “We had a guy who had been attending First Baptist … He got caught out in that arctic freeze around Christmas Eve of 2022, got frostbite of both feet and has had bilateral amputations.” Babb said the First Baptist congregation voted to allow the use of their space as a warming location in late October. Almost immediately, complaints came from several in the neighborhood. Warming center volunteer Sabrina Trupia said the complaints stem from negative perceptions of people without housing. “[The complaints are] that we’re bringing in bad elements from other parts of Madison County, that in the morning, they are concerned about their children walking to school and meeting unsavory characters,” Trupia said. “Never mind that the county jail is very close to here, and there are actually registered sex offenders all around this area too.” Avie Schoeneberg used an overnight
the OWL controversy — a timeline — Oct. 26 – The Glen-Ed Ministerial Alliance hosts a meeting to discuss plans for the Overnight Warming Location at First Baptist Church. The City of Edwardsville provides a special use permit application for the warming center to be approved. Nov. 13 – The deadline to submit the special use permit application passes, as well as the city’s offer to waive the application fee. Nov. 27 – City Attorney Jeff Berkbigler sends First Baptist Minister Drew Patton a letter specifying the details of a special use permit and outlining the $750 fine per violation. Dec. 18 – First Baptist activates the warming center for the second time this winter. Dec. 19 – The city sends First Baptist Church a cease-and-desist letter for operating the warming center without a special use permit, signed by City Planner Steve Stricklan. The letter says a special use permit application can be submitted by Dec. 29 for inclusion in a Feb. 24 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. Dec. 29 – The deadline mentioned in the cease-and-desist letter passes. Jan. 11 – The city says the warming center operators notified them of their decision not to apply for a special use permit. Jan. 13 – The city issues a press release clarifying its position on the controversy. Jan. 16 – The city issues another press release rescinding its citation and affirming support for the warming center and other humanitarian efforts. The hearing scheduled for Jan. 18 is cancelled.
see OWL on page 2
Former SG president resigns from senator position due to scheduling conflicts have to take to graduate on time — or whatever the scenario may be — sometimes, the requirements for your duties as Graduate Senator Rahmat Salau has a senator can’t be kept due to a change in resigned from her post due to her class your schedule from semester to semester,” schedule not permitting her attendance at Jess said. “It happens every year.” Jess said he worked with Salau to Senate meetings. Salau was Student Government president last academic year, when try and find a schedule that would work the Senate expanded to better represent so she could remain a senator, but there was no plausible way to do so. Jess said student constituencies. “One of the requirements of being Student Government will sorely miss on the Senate is being able to attend any Salau’s knowledge base, especially since she served as president the meetings, because our votes matyear prior. ter,” Salau said. “My class sched“I’ve asked her questions ule doesn’t allow me to attend about my job personally, as a senSenate meetings, because I have a ator,” Jess said. “It’s a weird thing class that runs on Mondays from 6 — she was my president when I to 9:30 [p.m.].” was a senator, and now I’m her vice Salau said this scheduling conflict only occurred after the Rahmat Salau president. It’s a bit of a flip of the positions, but I’ve always held Rahcancellation of one of her classes, after which she had to work out a new mat with lots of respect.” Jess also said Salau’s experience as schedule to take the necessary classes for president gave her a unique perspective as her program. “When I registered for classes, that a senator. “I’m the supervisor, if you will, of the conflict wasn’t there,” Salau said. “That was just the only class I could take to still senators in the Senate, and I lead the Senmeet my business analytics specialization ate meetings, but nobody on [the Executive Board] actually votes,” Jess said. “It’s within the school.” Vice President Jared Jess said most only the Senate, and having that amount semester transitions bring unforeseen of knowledge that she holds on the Senate to talk about big discussion pieces scheduling conflicts with them. “Depending on what classes students during the meetings that she may be
DYLAN HEMBROUGH editor-in-chief
the most knowledgeable … in the whole room because of things that she got done as president.” Jess said he credits Salau as one of the driving forces behind last year’s Senate expansion, an initiative Salau said is probably her proudest moment in Student Government. “When I go into the office as a senator, I’m so happy to see that there’s a diverse body of senators,” Salau said. “I think that all that time that was spent really led to fruitful conversations that have made the Senate less polarized, because in the past … a lot of decisions were made because of political friendships or stuff like that.” Salau said these “political friendships” often led to close-minded cliques that hampered progress in Student Government. “[They were] based on personal experiences or demographic, usually towards one certain side very heavily,” Salau said. “But now, when I listen to conversations in the Senate, I notice there are huge groups of different people having diverse thoughts, thinking about different topics from different perspectives and in different ways. I really hope that that never dies out.” Salau said her career as a graduate senator has mostly focused on col-
laboration with the senators for international students and the Career Development Center. “A huge percentage of grad students are also international students,” Salau said. “One of those issues was international students mentioning that like when they attend career fairs, a lot of those companies present at career fairs are not willing to hire international students.” Jess said he will likely open the position for graduate senator once he knows which other senator positions will be opened up so they can all be dealt with at the same time. “It’s every year, but I’m basically waiting until all the kinks get worked out from break,” Jess said. “We’ve had a senator that has moved up to [the] Executive Board, we’ve had two senators graduate … so we’ve got a handful of Senate seats that are either open now or potentially going to be open.” Salau said she would consider running for Senate again when the next election cycle comes around later this semester. “I think I’ll just see how this semester goes for me,” Salau said. “I still very much love Student Government, I love the discussions we have [and] I love being like a voice for the student body. I would definitely consider rejoining Student Government if my schedule allows.”