The Alestle Vol. 71 No. 17

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The Windy City comes to Dunham Hall


Men’s Basketball wins first home game page 7

vol. LXXI no. XVII

alton — east st. louis — edwardsville

thursday 11.08.18

Board of trustees to hold special meeting Friday RYAN BIERI editor-in-chief

Students line up outside the Meridian Ballroom at SIUE, waiting to vote on Tuesday Nov. 6. 384 ballots were cast on election day, with another 490 from early voting, as reported by the College Democrats of SIUE. This location was open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. | Tyler Pletsch / The Alestle

Democrats sweep state elections RYAN BIERI editor-in-chief

(D-Godfrey) — all of whom also retained their seats. Rachelle Aud Crowe beat out Edwardsville Mayor Hal Patton for a seat in the State Senate 56th district by a 16.6 percent, 12,905 vote margin. Earlier this year, Patton was lambasted when it was revealed he had dressed in blackface for Halloween. A total of 384 ballots were cast at SIUE on election day, and the College Democrats of SIUE posted on Facebook Tuesday that 490 people early voted at SIUE, as opposed to 90 in the last midterm election. SIUE students weren’t just voting on campus either, some of them were working on getting

While the “blue wave” might not have washed over the federal government, Illinois has turned decidedly Democrat. J.B Pritzker defeated incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner, with Rauner’s concession coming before 8 p.m. Across the ballot, Democrats took every state-level position. Jessie White will return as secretary of state, Kwame Raoul will be our next attorney general, Susan Mendoza will be comptroller and Michael Frerichs will be treasurer. “Voting is an act of optimism that the levers of our Democracy still work. You embody that optimism. You light the beacon fire on the hill of history that signals from one generation to another that these are the things that we stand and fight for,” Pritzker said in his victory speech. Democrats also did J.B. Pritzker well locally. Illinois Governer-elect Incumbent Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville) has once again defeated others to vote. Sophomore mass communiDwight Kay in a race for the 112th district by 9.8 percent of cations major Ben Wells, of Colthe vote. Stuart, who was previ- linsville, Illinois, said he spent his ously a mathematics instructor at afternoon canvassing for Crowe SIUE, originally unseated Kay in in Cougar Village, before waiting outside the SIUE polling area 2016. Stuart actively campaigned with other canvassers as the polls using her ties to SIUE, even closed. Incumbent Jerry Costello going so far as to have one of her signs say, “Fair funding for (D-Smithton) also won re-election. SIUE.” While most of the local State She was one of the four state representatives pushing for leg- Congress seats went to Demoislation earlier this year, along crats, Republican Jason Plummer with Jay Hoffman (D-Swansea), won a seat in the 56th Senate disLaToya Greenwood (D-East trict over Democrat Brian Stout. “It’s been a long campaign, St. Louis) and Monica Bristow

“Voting is an act

especially having a baby along the way. We have worked hard and I thank all of you for coming out. … We will continue to work hard to ensure we get what we deserve down here,” Plummer said at the Madison County Republican election results party Tuesday night. At the federal level, Republicans swept the Metro East house spots for Illinois, with Rodney Davis winning the 13th district, Mike Bost the 12th and John Shimkus the 15th. Bost’s race was highly contentious, and brought President Donald Trump to Carbondale, Illinois, Oct. 27, and Vice President Mike Pence to O’Fallon, Illinois, in July. Additionally, the proposition to make Madison County a “gun sanctuary city” passed with 67,351 voters approving of the measure and 33,160 voting no. In Missouri, Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill lost her seat to Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley. Additionally, medical marijuana was legalized in Missouri with the passing of Amendment 2, which allows patients to grow their own plants and includes a 4 percent tax on cannabis sales. In national races, Republicans increased their control of the Senate, while Democrats flipped control of the House. Republican Ted Cruz won his highly contested Senate race against Beto O’Rourke, but Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was replaced by Democrat Tony Evers.

of optimism that the levers of our Democracy still work.



650-3530 @ryan_alestle


The board of trustees will meet Friday in Carbondale to discuss the replacement process for SIUC’s chancellor as well as choose a firm to search for a permanent SIU System President. Despite the passing of former SIUC Chancellor Carlo Montemagno nearly a month ago, the board is not beginning the search for a permanent replacement until the system president position is filled with a permanent leader. In an email sent to the SIUC community upon the announcement of the Nov. 9 special meeting, Interim SIU System President J. Kevin Dorsey said the timeline for the chancellor search had to be directly linked to the search for the president. “It would be difficult to attract a chancellor without a permanent president in place, so the board’s first priority after the interim chancellor appointment must remain a presidential search,”

Dorsey said. The board will be discussing the interim chancellor selection process at the meeting, according to the meeting’s agenda, in addition to giving Dorsey the ability to fill some of the SIUC chancellor duties in the meantime. As a part of his message, Dorsey also touched on the reorganization plan Montemagno originally proposed and said the SIUC community “must go forward.” “As I’ve talked with so many of you over these last two weeks, I’ve heard your call to continue moving forward. I am confident that we can do so deliberately and collaboratively,” Dorsey said. The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday in the large dining room of the Stone Center in Carbondale. The next regular meeting will be held Dec. 13 at Carbondale.


650-3530 @ryan_alestle

A seventh year graduate student majoring in sustainability, Kevin Greer (middle, standing) reviews a handout detailing a proposed minor hike in student fees. | Jakob Ruffner / The Alestle

Student Government reviews fees and announces new clubs At the Student Government meeting in Student Success Center room 1203 on Nov. 5, Graduate senator Kevin Greer spoke on the fee review commission and the upcoming 2.9 percent raise of student fees. “The chancellor challenged us to stay under [a] 3 percent fee increase; we’re ninth-lowest student fees out of anybody, tuition included, out of all Illinois state universities. We want to keep [tuition] affordable. So, for the annual year 2018-19 we changed the way in which we calculate mandatory student fees. Fees are now set per credit hour, which is different from, maybe, say, seniors being different from freshman as far as credit hours … So, the current general fee is $100.30

The Alestle

per credit hour, and now it’s going to be $103.20 [at a] 2.9 percent increase,” Greer said. Adam Aldabe, organization relations officer for Student Government, announced two new organizations coming to campus and the name change of the Couture Models on campus. “There are two new organizations: drone club — that’s with drones — and quiz bowl of SIUE, which is like a jeopardy team … There’s also a name change. There’s a modeling club called Couture Models and they have changed their name to Confident, Unique, Talented & Elegant,” Aldabe said. On Tuesday, The Alestle will have the full breakdown of the SG meeting.

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thursday, 11.08.18


alestle RYAN BIERI editor-in-chief

MIRANDA LINTZENICH managing editor BRIDGET CHRISTNER lifestyles editor

HANNAH MILLER sports editor KAIT BAKER opinion editor


JAKOB RUFFNER photographer ANNA GASKIN BROOKE HILL copy editors JOANN WEAVER graphics manager CLAIRE FUESTING CRISHAWNA NASH DELENA STOKES office secretaries ANGIE TROUT office manager TAMMY MERRETT program director Have a comment? Let us know! The w Campus Box 1167 Edwardsville, Ill. 62026-1167 Letters to the Editor Policy: The editors, staff and publishers of the Alestle believe in the free exchange of ideas, concerns and opinions and will publish as many letters as possible. Letters may be submitted at the Alestle office: Morris University Center, Room 2022 e-mail at All hard copy letters should be typed and double-spaced. Letters should be no longer than 500 words. Include phone number, signature, class rank and major. We reserve the right to edit letters for grammar and content. Care will be taken to ensure that the letter’s message is not lost or altered. Letters to the editor will not be printed anonymously except under extreme circumstances. We reserve the right to reject letters.

The name Alestle is an acronym derived from the names of the three campus locations of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville:  Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville. The Alestle is published on Thursdays in print and on Tuesdays online during the fall and spring semesters. A print edition is available every other Wednesday during summer semesters. For more information, call 618-650-3528. For advertising, email

An art installation at the Rock was set up for Suicide Awareness Prevention on Nov. 5. Dozens of ownerless shoes were placed, symbolizing those lost to suicide in the student population at SIUE and across the country. | Jakob Ruffner / The Alestle

Kimmel Center to reassign desk spaces for organizations DARIAN STEVENSON reporter

The Kimmel Student Involvement Center is the focal point of student involvement and campus life at SIUE. They provide spaces for student organizations to meet, collaborate and come together. However, with more than 300 student organizations at SIUE, spaces are not first come, first served as some might think. Sarah Laux, associate director of the Kimmel Student Involvement Center, said the student organization applications for spaces are evaluated before deciding which clubs and organizations will be able to occupy a space. “Students complete the application, then [the student organization advisory board], which is a part of student government, will rank and assess the applications and go from there,” Laux said. Student organizations are notified about space availability through email and will have

a chance to apply for a space in November. Organizations that receive the spaces get them for a full calendar year, but have to reapply once the calendar year has ended. The Kimmel center has a total of 37 desk spaces and 25 locker spaces for organizations to utilize, along with mailboxes for those who do not have either. To keep spaces, there are some requirements that have to be met. “If an organization is not in a good standing for whatever reason or they haven’t been logging an average of five hours a week, which is part of the agreement for having desk space, then that is something [the student organization advisory board] will take into consideration on whether to assign them another desk space or if the organization loses their space,” Laux said. The student organization advisory board will have two meetings in the month of November where they will go over applications, using a scoring rubric to decide which organizations will get a space. In December, the or-

ganizations are notified if they are given a new space or get to keep their space for the next calendar year. Seth Feddersen, junior mechanical engineering student and president of Make a Wish, from St. Clair, Missouri, said the space has been beneficial for his organization. “We have our money box and all of our decorations here, and I’ll even come in to study when I’m not in class,” Feddersen said. “Having this space, [members of Make a Wish] know where all of our stuff is and we’re not trying to run around and find different things that we need because everything we need is here.” Erin Caveney, sophomore biology student and a member of Delta Phi Epsilon, from Litchfield, Illinois, said having the space has made it easier for her and her sorority to come together. “Before [Delta Phi Epsilon] had the space, we just had to hope our schedules worked out to where we can meet, but having the space has made it easier,”

Caveney said. Caveney said they utilize the space for multiple reasons. “We use [the space] for studying, and if we need to get in contact with a specific girl [in Delta Phi Epsilon] we’ll leave something at the desk or if we just need to store something,” Caveney said. Laux said the spaces are a good use for student organizations. “It provides a space for organizations to come together, whether it’s for their own organizations or to collaborate with other organizations. Many students utilize the space for social purposes and you’ll see them in [the Kimmel] talking, collaborating and using the space as meeting spaces or a place to put their supplies for events,” Laux said. “It’s just a great way for student organizations to stay organized and to feel a sense of community.” The deadline for applications for a desk space in the Kimmel Student Involvement Center close Nov. 8 at 4 pm.

Fourteen teams participate in Quiz Bowl on Nov. 7 MADISON LAMMERT reporter

On Wednesday, Nov. 7, teams went head-to-head at the annual Quiz Bowl, hosted by Campus Activities Board. SIUE’s Quiz Bowl is based on the National Academic Quiz Tournament’s competition structure. However, CAB has made a few changes to make it better suited to campus. “We modify the rules a little bit and make it simpler,” senior biology major and global issues and topics chair of CAB Laureal Ward, of Chicago, said. “We don’t follow the NAQT’s rules to a T.” These changes include extending the time limit teams have to answer questions from three to five seconds. Additionally, bonus questions are typically worth 15 points, but CAB has modified it to 10 points. Other than these changes,

the Quiz Bowl follows the standard format in which an individual from each team takes turns answering designated questions. If the individual gets the question right, they can answer three bonus questions with the assistance of their team, but if they get the question wrong, the opposing team can steal. =The questions are supplied by the NAQT and vary in subjects ranging from history to pop culture. “People are from different backgrounds, so they have knowledge of different things,” Ward said. “That is just what helps the team as a unit to be able to debate the questions of if one person knows it, then they will buzz in.” This diversity of backgrounds is what the Little Mamas, a Quiz Bowl team, consider their strength. “This will be a huge advan-

tage for our team because we all know different things,” sophomore social work major and Little Mamas team member Ariecia Richardson, of Chicago, said. “We have so many different creative minds in our group that if one person doesn’t know something, the next person will most definitely know it.” As a member of CAB’s recreational committee, Richardson sees the importance of getting involved on campus through activities such as the Quiz Bowl. “For me I feel like it’s important because it really helps your college experience as a whole,” Richardson said. “I feel like anybody should be a part of an organization or a part of the events that are held because it gives you a chance to make memories and to meet people.” Richardson’s teammate, senior psychology major Moriliat Ibrahim, of Chicago, said

Wednesday night will provide her with some much-needed time with her friends as they enjoy the snacks, drinks and the competition. “I think it will help us to have more quality time together because we are all in our 20s accomplishing things and we don’t have enough time to spend quality time as a group, sometimes even separately,” Ibrahim said. In addition to making memories with friends and connecting with new people, prize money gives the competitors extra incentive to participate. The winning team was awarded $300, second place received $200 and third walked away with $100. There were also attendance prizes including keychains and gift cards. “I think it does [make it special] knowing that we were able to put something together in a certain amount of time,” Ward said.

thursday, 11.08.18

Sophomore mechanical engineering student Miles Cantrall from Springfield, Illinois and sophomore undeclared major Jason Swick from Quincy, Illinois, observing the facial hair on sophomore criminal justice student Zach Smith from Quincy, Illinois. | Jakob Ruffner / The Alestle

Beards for Boots draws support for SIUE veterans TYLER PLETSCH reporter

Beards for Boots aims to raise awareness for military service members at SIUE in a hair-raising competition hosted by the Student Veterans of America. The event, which started in 2017, lasts the duration of November. The goal is for participants to take part in no-shave November. SVA hopes to gain the attention for all the men and women on campus who are active, retired or planning to swear into the U.S. military. “My family has a strong military background and I wanted to help give back. I decided to help put this on, in hopes of making this an annual event,” Kaeli Goodwin, the event coordinator and el-

ementary education major from Mascoutah, Illinois, said. The 41 participants will grow out the best beard or mustache they can, while going head to head each week on a knockout bracket. “The reason I decided to join the SVA and also help out with this event is to try to get other veterans to come over and ask about us. We have a large community of veterans at SIUE, many of them are older than most students. For us, being in a class at 28 or 29 years old, you feel out of place. We are here to connect them with people with like experiences,” freshman CMIS major Nathan Peery, of Edwardsville, said. Participants were required to sign up by Nov. 1, pay a $5 entry fee and have a photo taken of their clean-shaven face.

Correction: In the Nov. 1 issue, The Alestle printed the article, “A guide to the Midterm Election, the ins and outs of what’s on the Nov. 6 ballot.” The Alestle stated Andrew Reinking was running in the Regional Superintendent of Schools for Region 41 unopposed. Robert Werden ran for the Republican party and was elected for the position on Nov. 6.

“I decided to participate this year to help raise money and to promote the SVA. I was in the Navy from 1978 to 1984, so I like to help anyway I can. I would most likely participate again next year,” Institutional Research and Studies director Phillip Brown said. Judging will be held every Monday in the Goshen Lounge from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Each participant must show up to be judged and take a weekly progress photo. The winner will be able to keep their beard, while losers must shave theirs off. The next judging day will be Monday, Nov. 12 for week two results. You can learn more about the SVA at SIUE in Veteran’s Services located in Rendleman Hall Room 1309, or visit www.siue. edu/veterans.

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An officer took a report of possible tampering with vehicle while parked in Lot East St. Louis Lot E2. An officer responded to an active fire alarm in the Science West Building. The officer was advised the Fire Supervisory Alarm was activated possibly from the wet weather. No fire, no smoke, no damage. An officer responded to an active carbon monoxide Alarm at 425 Cougar Lake Dr. Officer advised the alarm was activated from the resident pushing the test button. There was no fire, no smoke, no damage. An officer responded to an active fire alarm at 419 Cougar Lake Dr. The officer was advised the alarm was from an unknown cause. There was no fire, no smoke, no damage. Civil citations were issued to Rachael A. Lalich for possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia. A verbal warning also issued to Lalich for speeding.

A state citation was issued to Jalynn V. Manning for improper use of an electronic communication device. A citation was issued for failure to yield to pedestrian.

11.03.18 An officer responded to a loud noise complaint call at 521 Cougar Lake Dr. Officer advised resident to turn the music down and resident complied.

11.05.18 An officer responded to a suspicious odor call at Bluff Hall. Officer advised they were unable to locate any odor. An officer responded to a suspicious person call at the Student Success Center regarding a male subject looking for a place to sleep. An officer responded to a call at Prairie Hall regarding a male subject verbally threatening other subjects. The subject was removed from the residence hall.



contact the editor: 650-3527 thursday, 11.08.18

SIUE Theater and Dance presents: Theater and Dance presents:


Senior theater and dance major Zora Vredeveld (left), of Alton, Illinois, who plays lead character Roxie Hart, and sophomore theater and dance major Kayla Bush (right), of La Grange, Illinois, who plays Matron “Mama” Morton in “Chicago,” practice their lines during rehearsal at Dunham Hall Theater. | Bre Booker / The Alestle

Students bring ‘All That Jazz’ to Dunham Hall MADISON LAMMERT reporter After roughly 10 weeks of rehearsals, the cast of “Chicago” is finally taking the stage this week, with a five-day run from Wednesday to Sunday. For director Marc Schapman, “Chicago” stands out from all of the other shows that he’s directed at SIUE since he began directing here in 2007, as it is filled with complex choreography. “When you do any other type of musical, usually there’s one or two really big show-stopping numbers, but with this show there’s dance number after dance number,” Schapman said. Because of this, Schapman

has worked very closely with Kristin Best Kinscherff, the show’s choreographer, and junior assistant choreographer and URCA assistant Kristen Ahring. Recognizing how taxing learning the choreography can be to the student actors, Schapman took a slightly different rehearsal approach, starting with short rehearsals before moving into the standard four-hour ones. This allowed Best Kinscherff to gradually introduce the choreography. “If anybody knew any of these students at the beginning of the semester to now, they would be super impressed with the amount of improvement that all of them have shown,” Schapman said.

The fame of the show poses a unique dilemma: preconceived notions from both the cast and the audience. Despite this, SIUE has worked to discover its own vision for the musical. Hints of Bob Fosse’s version will be seen in Dunham, such as costuming alluding to the 1920s setting. Some entirely new metal elements are present, like the covered pit designed to add to the jailhouse feel. Schapman has also hosted conversations with each of the actors to aid them in discovering and implementing their own visions of their characters. The actors were also encouraged to look to the script to get

to know their characters, a process that has helped senior musical theater major Zora Vredeveld, of Alton, Illinois, who plays the show’s lead, Roxie Hart. “Through the script and everything, I’ve found [Roxie] to be almost child-like in her impulsiveness,” Vredeveld said. “With anything she sees, she’s like ‘that’s what I want and I’m going to get it,’ and that’s something I admire but I also think is her downfall.” Tickets can be purchased in the box office inside Dunham Hall room 1042b. It’s open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m.4:30 p.m., or by calling the box office at 618-650-2774. Tickets are free for students, and $12 for SIUE faculty, staff, senior citizens

Starring: Zora Vredeveld as Roxie Hart

Sydney Martin Velma Kelly



Trey Ball Billy Flynn


Kayla Bush Matron “Mama” Morton

and non-SIUE students. Other adult tickets are $15. Wednesday through Saturday’s shows are at 7:30 p.m. and there is a matinee on Sunday at 2 p.m. Best Kinscherff recommends purchasing tickets quickly, as there is the possibility of selling out. “It’s a fun show [but also] a monster show for our students to take on, and they’re doing well,” Best Kinscherff said. “They have been the utmost professional and I think we are going to give the audience a really professional-quality show.” MADISON LAMMERT 650-3527 @madison_alestle

Jason McAdams as Amos Hart

thursday, 11.08.18

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‘League of Legends’ season eight world finals were historic TREVOR OLIVER reporter The “League of Legends” season eight world championship finals were hosted in South Korea on Nov. 3, and China’s Invictus Gaming absolutely smashed Europe’s Fnatic. This world championship was absolutely historic. It featured the fastest final of all time, the first time a Chinese team won the finals, the first time a North American team competed in the semi-finals and the first time in seven years that a western team competed in the finals. In the fastest world final of all time, IG beat Fnatic in only 85:33 of actual gameplay time — the second fastest was SKT vs Royal Never Give Up in 89:26 back in 2013. Outside of the historic game time, it was also the first time since the season one finals way back in 2011 that a western team has competed in the finals. In season one, Fnatic won the championship, so this was their second time competing in the finals. This year also marks the first time a Chinese team has won the world championship. In season two, a Taiwanese team won and since season three, only Korean teams have won the championship. A long-running reign is finally over and teams outside of Korea are finally starting to shine. In the best-of-five game series, IG looked beautiful. Their

macro play — the team’s overarching plays, such as transitions, map pressure, tower kills and objective pressure — was phenomenal and every decision was calculated and well-done. Fnatic had good micro play and good individual mechanics (barring some questionable top lane plays), but IG out-performed them in every way. IG dominated Fnatic. Fnatic didn’t necessarily play horribly, but some questionable roams and team compositions led to their downfall. Picking an all attack damage team in game one really hindered them and they went down from there. Song “Rookie” Eui-jin, the star player of IG, was the shining performer of this entire world championship. In every game, he was a blessing to watch. This isn’t to undermine Yu “JackeyLove” Wen-Bo, IG’s attack damage carry and Kang “TheShy” Seunglok, IG’s top laner. Those two put on a wonderful show, and JackeyLove’s Kai’Sa in game three was terrifying. IG’s other members, jungler Gao “Ning” Zhen-Ning and support Wang “Baolan” Liu-Yi, set up so many plays to help the team. Baolan’s roaming on Alistar and overall game sense was destructive. Ning’s gangs on Gragas helped set up TheShy in game two to help him dominate and carry the game. Fnatic’s top laner, Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau, didn’t shine too

The lights go down as play begins before a large crowd at the “League of Legends” World Championship at Staples Center in Los Angeles on Oct. 29, 2016. | Luis Sinco/ Los Angeles Times

well on Urgot in games one and two. During game three, Fnatic subbed him out for Paul “sOAZ” Boyer, long-time top laner for Fnatic, and his Urgot play was significantly less underwhelming. However, this wasn’t enough for them to stop IG. Martin “Rekkles” Larsson, Fnatic’s attack damage carry, tried his heart out to carry to no

avail. In each game, he had the fewest deaths, but Fnatic could not capitalize on this. Regardless of Fnatic’s performance, the world should be proud of them. They are the first western team to make it that far in the world championship and they truly tried their hardest. IG overall just played better. This world championship

was phenomenal and full of surprises. With how great North America’s Cloud 9 and Europe’s Fnatic played, next year’s world championship is sure to be just as exciting as this year’s. TREVOR OLIVER 650-3527 @toliver_alestle

SIUE Alumni drop new EP on Nov. 9 Starwolf to have upcoming show in STL MIRANDA LINTZENICH managing editor “Don’t stop. Don’t stop”…. listening to Starwolf ’s music. If you’re a fan of retro-space, funk music, Starwolf is the band you’ve been looking for. With

chill techno tones mixed with an upbeat bass line, the sounds they put out are refreshing compared to what plays on the radio. Their electric synth soundtracks take you straight back to the ‘80s. The local band took the BMI stage at LouFest 2017, and The

Alestle covered the memorable performance. The members themselves are a St. Louis-based trio, two of whom graduated from SIUE. Chris Rhein, of Belleville, Illinois, and Tim Moore, of Springfield, Illinois, are both

Members of Starwolf pose for a photo to promote the upcoming release of their new EP, “Ti Amo, Stargazer,” set to drop on Nov. 9. | photo via the members of Starwolf

SIUE alumni. The third member is Max Sauer, of Springfield, Illinois. Always willing to support former students, we have been listening to their music in The Alestle office for the past year. The band’s first two songs, “Mysterious Love” which was released in 2016, followed by “Promised Land,” in 2017, were both recorded in Atlanta with Jason Kingsland. The songs have a unique sound that is incomparable to anything in mainstream music today. If one absolutely has to compare them to any other bands, Starwolf could pass for a slower, funkier version of Huey Lewis and the News, Genesis, Duran Duran or even “Life on Mars” era David Bowie. Of course, they aren’t an exact replica of any of these bands — their sound is completely their own. Listen to them and decide if you agree. The best part about Starwolf being an up-and-coming band is they are currently working on new music. Since the festival last year, they have been writing and planning for their new EP, “Ti Amo, Stargazer.” The EP itself has six tracks, and from the sound of it, it will

be big. The music is just as synthpop as before, but they have more variety than their previous singles. Starwolf is branching out just enough for their songs to be different while still being consistent with the sound they’ve branded themselves with, which is important when building a fan base. They have already released their main song with a rad music video, “Ti Amo, Stargazer,” which can be found at Like the song says, take a chance with them and listen — you won’t be disappointed. The EP officially drops on Friday, Nov. 9, and the band will play at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room on Friday, Nov. 23 with the Old Souls Revival and The Free Years. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. Starwolf officially starts at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door and can be purchased at MIRANDA LINTZENICH 650-3527 @mlintz_alestle



share your thoughts at 650-3527

thursday, 11.08.18

What’s your response to the bombs sent to politicians in the mail?

“I think it’s kind of ridiculous. They’re ready to do harm, so no matter how you think about the person, they’re trying to take a life.” Jack Fitzgerald Freshman finance major from Chicago

“I think it’s ridiculous. We need to get this figured out.” DeVonte Winters-Taylor Junior mass communications major from Springfield, Illinois

“I’m surprised about what’s happening … It’s something new we have to be worried about, and care about.”

Krystel Perea Sophomore mechanical engineering major from Arequipa, Peru

“I think it’s pretty unfortunate. We’re being violent now, with how people are showing their hatred towards others. I’m not really sure what we can do.” Lamonya Smith Sophomore undecided major from Belleville, Illinois

“It’s very repetitive of history, in a way. It’s a backpedaling on how we need to recheck the postal service and how they need to slow down a little bit.” Celia Roark Junior social work major from Marion, Illinois

“These people are nuts, it’s crazy. The way that they [the far right on social media] are calling false flags is crazy stuff.” Dakota Koller Junior business administration major from Chicago

alestle view

Voting is a right and no one should stand in the way of it In Georgia, 53,000 voter registrations were put on hold, and 70 percent of those were for African-American voters. In North Dakota, a law requiring voters to show proof of residence affected Native Americans’ rights to vote. Because they live on reservations, they use P.O. boxes instead of residential addresses. In North Carolina, nearly 20 percent of early voting locations were closed due to legislation that required them to be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. — a requirement they could not meet. In Arizona, multiple Navajo chapters ran out of ballots. These problems prevented people

from voting, and all events were enacted by Republicans targeting minorities. Democracy is a beautiful thing, but sadly it can easily be compromised by politicians looking out for their own interests. We live in a time and age where we are given access to political information, so there is no reason that anyone of voting age should be prevented from doing so within this nation. Voting is our civic duty, yet it is still so flawed. It is something that needs to be fixed so that everyone has an equal ability to vote fairly without biased laws standing in their way.

Biased laws and voter suppression impede on people’s rights and only benefit the officials implementing it to try to keep themselves in power. We need to raise awareness of this and speak up to make sure that everyone can exercise their right to vote. Being proactive is better than waiting for it to hit home, because once it does, it is too late and the people around you will be affected. Don’t wait for it to happen. Speak out against these actions and be aware of legislation here locally that could do the same, so that if it comes up, something can be done about it.

Letter to the Editor: Edwardsville’s Halloween Parade vs Veteran’s Day Parade JULIE KOONCE

I was born and raised in Edwardsville and have lived here for most of my life. I grew up building and riding in floats with my friend’s family in the Halloween Parade each year. Then, I was blessed enough to help run the parade when I worked for the Chamber of Commerce for three years in college. I also grew up in a military family. My grandfather served during WWII in the U.S. Army. My father served during the Vietnam War in the U.S. Army. My brother spoke for years about joining, and 11 days after 9/11, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served during the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. I then met my husband in 2011 and he’s a USAF Iraq veteran. My father-in-law is a USAF vet and served during the Vietnam War as well. I say all of this to bring some context to the disappointment I feel with the community I grew up in. I attended the Halloween parade last year and saw people come out in droves to attend. I think the estimate is usually 20,000 in attendance each year. People get out early and line the

streets with their chairs and blankets to save seats and show up two hours in advance to see the 100+- year-old parade. A short 12 days later, my family and I attended the Veteran’s Day Parade. The amount of people that attended the parade was staggerin in a bad way. There were no chairs or blankets lining the streets in the morning and 30 minutes prior to the parade there was still barely anyone there to view the parade. Part of me sees this as a disappointment in the community. That we take more pride in dressing up our kids and taking them to see ghouls and goblins at Halloween instead of taking them to show pride in our military, thanks in our military, support for our military. Am I wrong? Please tell me I’m wrong! And then I did something. I googled the Edwardsville Veteran’s Day parade and I couldn’t find anything. I found information on Veteran’s Day parades for other communities, but couldn’t find anything for Edwardsville. After a little more digging, eureka! I found a posting on the

City of Edwardsville’s website. On their events page, there it was clearly written, “Edwardsville Veteran’s Day Parade, Sunday Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. For more information visit the American Legion’s website.” I then went to the American Legion’s website and, again, couldn’t find anything. Why would I expect people to show up to something they know nothing about? Maybe it’s not a disappointment in my community then. Maybe, instead, it’s a disappointment in the organizers of the Edwardsville Veteran’s Day parade. So to the City of Edwardsville and to the American Legion Post 199: please honor our military by promoting this event as it should be promoted. A flyer simply will not work. Promote on social media, your websites, billboards, newspapers and yes… the old standby … flyers. And, to my community, please bring your chairs and blankets and line the streets to show support .of our veterans! My family and I will see you there!

“I think it’s really barbaric. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on or what you believe in, but violence is never an answer to any problem. If people are worried about a divide, we’re more divided than ever and that doesn’t help.” Bel da Silva Senior vocal performance major from Manchester, Missouri

“It’s scary because you can’t trust your own mail now. It’s clearly a targeted event so it seems like it could be easier to solve.” Rachel Roady Accounting graduate student from St. Charles, Illinois

Dunkin’ will be a slam dunk at SIUE TREVOR OLIVER reporter

“America runs on Dunkin’,” and soon, SIUE students will run on it, too. I cannot contain my excitement with the recent news that a Dunkin’ will be built on campus soon. Dunkin’ donuts are amazing, plus, another place for coffee on campus has me thrilled. The nearest Dunkin’ location is in Troy, Illinois, roughly 10 miles from campus. For some students coming from a different direction, that location may be out of their way. Now that a Dunkin’ is being added to campus, a craving will be quenched. Whether students want coffee or a nice donut for breakfast, having the option to grab either is great. There’s not a lot of variety for breakfast on campus currently, so having another place to turn to for food in the morning is necessary. Another business on campus also opens up more jobs, giving SIUE students more job opportunites on the campus. Dunkin’, which will be in Lovejoy Library, will bring more traffic to the library, which is a great thing. Students cramming in the library will have quick access to food and coffee, which is a necessity for crazy study sessions. It’s closer for students coming from Peck, Alumni or Founder’s Hall. Starbucks and Kaldi’s are just in the MUC, but having something closer is fantastic. It will likely cause the other locationsto be less crowded because students will flock to a new location to grab a coffee. Dunkin’ is a huge company and their website states that Dunkin’ has roughly 11,300 stores worldwide. With those numbers, people would have to love it. Another place on campus that provides good coffee will not only help SIUE students, but could also bring more students to campus.

contact the editor: 650-3527 thursday, 11.08.18



Men’s basketball downs Kentucky State in home opener Cougars fight for a 80-61 preseason win against DII Thorobreds BRE BOOKER multimedia editor

Senior guard Daniel Kinchen prepares for a three-point shot during men’s basketball’s home-opener against Kentucky State on Friday. | Bre Booker / The Alestle

Men’s basketball defeated Division II Kentucky State 80-61 during their first game of the season at the Vadalabene Center on Friday. “The guys worked together won both ends of the floor. I just told them 18 assists and 18 turnovers I think are really good numbers for an exhibition this early in the year. They did a pretty good job of ball control. Kentucky State’s an athletic team, they play pretty hard on defense,” Head Coach Jon Harris said. Junior forward Brandon Jackson was the Cougars’ highest scorer of the night with 17 points and six rebounds. Junior guard Tyresse Williford tailed him in points with 16 for the night. Freshman guard Cameron Williams had 16 points and eight rebounds, junior guard Christian Ellis had seven assists and five points and senior guard Daniel Kinchen came in to score six points. “We definitely have good chemistry. There are things we need to work on, but we’re moving towards those goals,” Jackson said. “I just want to come out and play hard every night and help the next person.” Friday was Williford’s first game with the team, but that didn’t keep him from having a strong performance.

“It’s nothing new; it’s just with a new team. I knew the expectations coming in. Coach Harris always tells me to just be a leader, play the game and just help the next guy next to me,” Williford said. Junior forward Anselm Uzuegbunem had 11 points and 10 rebounds against the Thorobreds. “He’s a load — he didn’t shoot the ball well. He’s actually a really good shot-maker,” Harris said. “He’s a calm presence, he doesn’t get too high, doesn’t get too low. He does a pretty good job competing on both sides of the floor.” Harris hopes to keep the atmosphere of the next home games as lively as their home opener was. “We’re excited for where we’re at. It’s a great turn of events from a year ago where we were on the road so much from November to December,” Harris said. “Our student section was tremendous. I don’t think we had that many kids at a game ever, so that was great to see.” The Cougars fell to University of the Pacific Tuesday night with a final score of 65-74. Despite a strong comeback after the first half, which left the team down 21-40, the team could not come together for a win against the Powercats. Men’s basketball faces up against Winthrop University for their next game at 7 p.m. Saturday in the Vadalabene Center.

Men’s soccer takes double loss, Wrestling uses inter-team Red and Black season ends in MAC quarterfinal matches to prepare for upcoming season MADISON LAMMERT reporter

Men’s soccer’s 2-0 loss on Saturday against Bowling Green seeded them fifth in the Mid-American Conference tournament. This placed extreme importance on Tuesday’s tournament match against fourth-seeded Akron. Had they won Saturday, the Cougars would have seeded second and been guaranteed a spot in Friday’s semifinal game. Due to Saturday’s results, the Cougars had to win Tuesday in order to advance past the Mid-American quarterfinals. “We are disappointed,” Head Coach Mario Sanchez said of Saturday’s loss. “We started off really well in conference. Our first two games we had a win and a tie and we were first place and then, unfortunately, we’ve hit a rough patch and we’ve lost three in a row. ” The course of Saturday’s game changed when the Falcons scored a goal from a corner kick with only 13 seconds left in the first half. “It was a goal that we gave up on a set piece and we’ve been trying to improve and make sure that this doesn’t happen again,” senior midfielder Greg Solawa said. This late goal added extra

pressure to the Cougars to turn it around in the second half. The second goal came at 48:42 when the Falcons shot off the goal post and landed the ball in the net. The Cougars followed this setback by taking more risks and changing their formation to be more focused on the back line. “At that point in the game I was pretty frustrated because the game wasn’t going our way,” redshirt senior midfielder Keegan McHugh said. “The game ended up becoming very open, which lead to a lot of counterattacks and changes in possession, but our mentality in that moment was just trying to get back into the game.” For Sanchez, this aggressive playing came too late in the game. He stressed the importance of starting Tuesday’s game off strong. While a goal by Solawa at 17:11 tied up Tuesday’s quarterfinal match, it was not enough to secure the win. The Cougar’s last game ended with a 2-1 loss, making their overall season record 9-5-4. “We think that it’s been a great season for us,” Solawa said. “Every game we’ve always given ourselves a chance to get a result.” This marks the second time in six years that the Cougars have not advanced to the MAC semifinal.

JAKOB RUFFNER photograhper

Saturday afternoon, SIUE’s wrestling team matched up against each other in a Red and Black match. The team was divided in two, then pitted against each other as a learning opportunity before their season starts. “This year I feel like we have a lot of depth. We were looking to see who would be the starter in a couple different weight classes. We have a number of freshmen, so this is their first time with a college,” Head Coach Jeremy Spates said. The team has a tough season ahead, hosting only four of their 22 meets at the Vadalabene Center. “I’m looking forward to the Kent State matches and the Iowa State match. Also, our tournament we have here [at SIUE],” 197-pound senior Christian DuLaney said. The Cougar Clash Tournament will be held Dec. 2 at the Vadalabene Center and will feature Army, Chattanooga, Arizona State, Cleveland State, Kent State and Wisconsin. Apart from their newly instituted Red and Black match, the team hired a new assistant coach for the season. University

of Missouri graduate and 2016 MAC wrestling champion Barlow McGhee now fills the trifecta of SIUE wrestling coaches alongside Spates and fellow assistant coach Eric Grajales. McGhee’s shift from active wrestling to a coaching position has gone well, but he said he’s certainly had to adjust to it. “I had to take a step back and become a student to the sport again. I think I like being on this side more, strictly because of weight cutting,” McGhee said. Coming on as an assistant coach was something McGhee had been looking forward to for

a while. “I’ve always wanted to be a coach so I think I fell in the right position,” McGhee said. Saturday’s matches came out consistently close, which showed that each player put up a good fight. “I was happy to see a lot of offense in tonight’s matches. We preach to them: if you wanna win matches, you have to go out and find ways to score,” Spates said. Now with their first round of matches out of the way, the Cougars will face off against Indiana at Edwardsville’s Jon Davis Center on Friday.

197-pound freshman Sergio Villalobos (top) takes down 184-pound freshman Austin Andres (bottom) in the Cougars’ inter-team Red and Black match Saturday. | Jakob Ruffner / The Alestle

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thursday, 11.08.18




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