Non 12 Step Programs With Holistic Approach
Non-12 Step traditions are parting ways for an alternative type of healing referred to as Holistic rehabilitation. The holistic approach is based on the entire individual as a single entity. This encompasses the spirit, mind and physical body. The approach is based on a traditional and non-traditional methodology. Traditional steps would include individual, group and family sessions as well as traditional medicines to assist the individual in the rehabilitation process. Nontraditional steps would include things like: meditation, yoga, tai-chi, acupuncture, hypnotism, reiki massage and alternative medicine options such as vitamins and supplements. Very popular in both areas are physical exercise and nutritional supplements.
Most commonly known as Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12-step programs are based on a set of guiding principles that is largely faith based with a 'higher power' to assist you in the ultimate goal of sobriety. The process of recovery includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual to focus on. The 12step programs are based on largely based on treating substance abuse and dependency on the disease model. This places the focus of addiction on the disease itself opposed of a choice by the individual who suffers.
Holistic programs are based on a different set of guiding principles. Treatment options are guided by the individual as a whole entity. Individualism is key in this principle as no two people are the same, no two treatment modalities are the same. The holistic approach provides a treatment with both conditions being addressed with equal importance as a whole. Only by treating the underlying issues and the specific addiction will the individual be able to start the process of recovery. Holistic programs implement a mindfulness meditation and group to facilitate the ability to learn coping mechanisms. As with most things simply being aware is the first step to effectively using these techniques and coping skills which are taught through mindfulness preparation. The holistic approach allows the individual to learn how the mind works and increases their awareness so that they might be able to see unhealthy behaviors in their lives.
Holistic modalities are based on a belief system that the individual has the ability to change and is ultimately the only one responsible for their own path of recovery. This is gained through self-exploration and self-discovery and creates a new ideology and new way of life. Holistic beliefs are set on the idea that the mind, spirit and body are connected and to have peace one must be healthy in all areas of their life. This focus on the entire person as an individual, instead of treating the addiction, is what separates traditional recovery from holistic recovery.