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In conclusion, the manifesto principles derive from a series of concepts and deliberations that have previously been utilised, but as separate entities. However, for there to be harmony between the conceptualising, physicalising and future proofing of place identity; these principles must be combined as part of a defining framework.

It is the human qualities of perception and phenomenological understanding, as stated in the concept of ‘Notification’, that ultimately prolong the identity of both place and architecture. If the architect is seen to not engage with these when pursuing a project, then how can the public be expected to accept and integrate it into a unified fabric? It is evident that having complete public control is not necessarily a fair reflection of what is right for the development of identity. Neither can it be neglected by an architect in an attempt to prove they understand the principles of place.


However, regarding the material symbolism of place, it is the architects perspective that offers both the appropriation and development of material meaning with respect to individual environments and spacial formation. If this is forgotten, then ‘place identity’ could become synonymous with a total dependency on the past. This is why recognising identity as a past, present and future supposition will resist the detriments of universal design, embedding architecture with relatable significance. As a result, the proposed manifesto considers identity a device that will both support and be supported by form and fabric.

Although the manifesto does not provide one definitive device that can be applied to place, it does demonstrate the particularities that come with assimilating identity with form. If a universal template were to be found, this could be considered paradoxical to the notion of negating generic design, as this in itself would be generic.

As a form of praxis, this will continue to influence future design choices via the inclusion of the progressive influence of identity. It is therefore a guide which acknowledges the importance of continuing definitive qualities; allowing the relationship between place identity and the respective architecture to be re-connected.

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