L.A. River Studio SP.2013 USC Landscape Architecture
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Special Thanks to: Charles S. Dywer, Alison Lind, Erin Jones of Amy Corps of Engineers Los Angeles Office Los Angeles River Project Office | City of Los Angeles | Department of Public Works | Bureau of Engineering Final Review Jury Hadley Arnold (Aridlands), Peter Arnold (Aridlands), Linda Taalman (TaalmanKoch), Ira Artz (Tetratech), Charles Dywer (Army Corps), Brian Whelan (Army Corps), Takako Tajima, Frank Escher (Escher GuneWardena), Ben Feldman (Mia Lehrer & Associates), Kate Harvey (Osborn Architecture), Jennifer Samsom (LA Revitalization Corporation), Travis Langcore (USC), Megan Whalen (LA BOE)
CONTENT Introduction Student Work Samples Yushan Pang Folding Landscape, 6-11
Ah Ram Yang Controlled Edge Ecotone, 12-17
Gongzuo Zhao Rebirth of Urban River Bank, 18-23
Shimeng Ma
From Structure to River, 24-29
Ying Huan Weaving, 30-35
Zhuohan Yu Elegant Curve, 36-41
Zhehao Yu City Nest Regeneration, 42-47
Yan Hou
Sliding Ecotone, 48-53
Chuanchuan Tang Reassembling Ecologies, 54-59
Chen Song Home for THEM, 60-65
Bowen Qi
Textile System, 66-71
LOS ANGELES RIVER BOWTIE STUDIO Landscape Architecture 542B, 6 units // Spring 2013 Semester Studio Background The Army Corps is currently developing a strategic plan (ARBOR study) to modify the river channel in the Glendale Narrows area (the vegetated section of the river between approximately Griffith Park and the 110 freeway). This a landmark study for the river and is the most likely avenue to obtain the massive federal funding necessary to modify the river. Generally speaking, the Army Corps mandate and the ways in which this project could be funded, allow for the restoration of the river as an animal habitat, but not an urban “revitalization”. Program is limited to basic passive recreation, such as a top of bank bike path and bird watching, as if it was a natural feature (e.g. Everglades). Any designed elements should be austere and necessary for maintenance, flood protection, and habitat. In other words in the current funding and policy environment a “High Line” design approach to the LA River is unlikely. As part of the study the Army Corps and their consultants are developing viable typical sections for a modified River channel. These sections reflect concerns for cost, habitat creation, and flood protection. These initial sections were provided to the studio as reference material. In general, one section proposes a set of vegetated terraces and the other proposes a permanent geo-textile matt. Students were also provided with a schematic plan for modifications along the Bow Tie site (which is currently owned by CA State Park).
Studio Objective The studio seeks to design within these constraints. Students must more or less justify their designs based on the Army Corps mandate and concerns (flood protection, habitat, maintenance, and cost) while at the same time create an attractive design that provides multiple values, including creating designs that may support “shadow” programs – informal programs that while not allowable in the current policy framework are likely to occur regardless (as they do now) and may be supported by the city or Corps in the future.
Studio Structure To facilitate this exploration the studio was structured in the following way: • Each student was asked to create two to three typical sections (based on the ones provided by the Army Corps). Limited typical sections applied over long expanses would presumably greatly reduce the cost of implementation. • Between each section they must design transitions. In order to create a hydraulically viable design it is necessary that the profile and “roughness” of the river changes gradually. • They must intercept and treat the urban water coming out of three stormwater outfalls that flow into the river at the site. They must accommodate for high volume wetweather flows and highly polluted, lower volume dry-weather flows. • They must provide at least one vehicular access ramp, which is necessary for maintenance and safety in the river channel. They cannot otherwise generally provide direct access to the river water. • They must provide a maintenance road at the top of bank and they cannot (generally) provide pedestrian circulation below the half-way mark on the river channel. • All of these elements were to be integrated and treated as design opportunities. Based on this, students were required to create a master plan for the entire Bow Tie site and adjacent river channel and then focus on the detailed design of an area with two typical sections and a transition between them. The site was the state owned Bow Tie parcel.
Alexander Robinson August 2013
Folding Landscape Yushan Pang
1-1 Yushan Pang
Proposed Perspectives
Above: Proposed perspective showing the site in storm weather.
Above: Proposed perspective showing the site in sunny weather.
Above: Proposed perspective showing site design features.
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
1-2 Yushan Pang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
1-3 Yushan Pang
Proposed Key Programs & Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
1-4 Yushan Pang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections
1-5 Yushan pang
Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Controlled Edge Ecotone Ah Ram Yang
2-1 Ah Ram Yang
Proposed Perspective
Proposed perspective showing the river walk.
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
2-2 Ah Ram Yang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
2-3 Ah Ram Yang
Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
2-4 Ah Ram Yang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
3-1 Gongzuo Zhao
Proposed Perspectives
A. Proposed perspective at dawn view.
B. Proposed perspective at dusk view.
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
3-2 Gongzuo Zhao A. Physical Model of Proposed Design View (1).
B. Physical Model of Proposed Design View (2).
C. Physical Model of Proposed Design View (3).
D. Proposed Master Plan 20
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model & Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
3-3 Gongzuo Zhao
Above (Left): Sections and Corresponding Plan Views of Proposed Design. 22
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Above (Right): Orthographics of Proposed Site Design.
Planned Sections, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
From Structure to River Shimeng Ma
4-1 Shimeng Ma
Proposed Perspectives
A. Proposed perspective view (1).
B. Proposed perspective view (2). LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
4-2 Shimeng Ma
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
4-3 Shimeng Ma
Proposed Key Programs & Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
4-4 Shimeng Ma
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections
Note: Sections are NOT TO SCALE on this page.
4-5 Shimeng Ma
Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Weaving Ying Huan
5-1 Ying Huan
Proposed Perspectives
A. Proposed perspective view (1).
B. Proposed perspective view (2). LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
5-2 Ying Huan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
5-3 Huan Ying
Proposed Master Plan
A. Detailed Plan (Partial).
B. Partial Tiling Detail.
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
5-4 Ying Huan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Elegant Curve Zhuohan Yu
6-1 Zhuohan Yu
Proposed Perspectives
A. Proposed perspective sunny weather view.
B. Proposed perspective stormy weather view. LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
6-2 Zhuohan Yu
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
6-3 Zhuohan Yu
Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
6-4 Zhuohan Yu
Planned Sections
Left: Section reference. Above: Proposed sections and corresponding plan views. 40
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
6-5 Zhuohan Yu
Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
City Nest Regeneration Zhehao Yu
7-1 Zhehao Yu
Proposed Perspective
Proposed perspective of River Activities. LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
7-2 Zhehao Yu
Detailed Master Plan. 44
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Proposed Master Plan & Detailed Plan
Proposed Master Plan. LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
7-3 Zhehao Yu
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections
7-4 Zhehao Yu
Design Diagrams & Orthographics
A. Orthographical View of Proposed Design B. Site Materiality C. Flow Analysis
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Sliding Ecotone Yan Hou
8-1 Yan Hou
Proposed Perspective
Proposed perspective showing design’s topographic intervention.
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
8-2 Yan hou
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
8-3 Yan Hou
Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
8-4 Yan hou
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Reassembling Ecologies Chuanchuan Tang
9-1 Chuanchuan Tang
A. Proposed perspective view (1).
Proposed Perspectives
B. Proposed perspective view (2).
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
9-2 Chuan chuan Tang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
9-3 Chuanchuan Tang
Proposed Key Programs & Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
9-4 Chuanchuan Tang
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Home for THEM Chen Song
10-1 Chen Song
Proposed Perspective
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
10-2 Chen Song
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Physical Model of Proposed Design
10-3 Chen Song
Proposed Key Programs & Proposed Master Plan
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
10-4 Chen Song
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Planned Sections
10-5 Chen Song
Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Textile System Bowen Qi
11-1 Bowen Qi
Study Model
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
11-2 Bowen Qi
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Proposed Key Programs & Proposed Master Plan
11-3 Bowen Qi
Proposed Sections
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
11-4 Bowen Qi
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab
Detailed Plan, Design Diagrams & Orthographics
LA River Studio Spring 2013 USC Landscape Architecture Gradute Program - Landscape Morphology Lab