Luxury Hotels (summer 2018)

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1 I A C OV OU T OMPA ZI | LIMASSOL | 3107 | ΤEL : 7000 11 51 | +357 25 35 44 17

ISSUE MAY 2018 — MAY 2019



Ta n y a B u r g w i n




Greg Johnson Ta n y a B u r g w i n A n t h o n i a We l s h CREATIVE, STYLE, PREPRINT

“MACS Marketing” “Luxury Hotels Magazines”







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“MACS Marketing” “Luxury Hotels Magazines” CONTRIBUTORS

Ta n y a B u r g w i n A l e x a n d e r G av r i l i n PHOTOGRAPHY Parklane Hotel, Londa Beach Hotel, Columbia Beach Resort, Four Seasons Hotel, Casale Panayiotis Hotel, Atlantica Aeneas Resort and Spa, Adams Beach Hotel, Grecian Bay Hotel, Grecian Park Hotel, Capo Bay Hotel, Radisson Blu Hotel Larnaca, Aphrodite Hills Resort, Elysium Hotel, Anassa Beach Hotel, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Vaycheslav Mishin PUBLISHED by Luxury Hotels Magazine and MACS Marketing 4031, Limassol – Cyprus Tel: +357 99799399 Email:


















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Геммологическая лаборатория Сертифицированный оценщик бриллиантов Член интернациональной бриллиантовой биржи Центр по обработке бриллиантов

ЛУЧ Ш Е Е СООТ НОШЕНИЕ ЦЕ Н Ы И К АЧЕ С Т В А ВОЗ В РАТ НДС СРА ЗУ П РИ П О К У П К Е Poseidonos Ave, 79-80 Lighthouse, 8042 Pafos, Cyprus - Tel.: +357 26 811630, Fax: +357 26 934617 - -

/ ancient history /

THE FACTS AND MYTHS of Ancient Cyprus Cyprus is a large Island situated in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea in Europe. It is surrounded by Greece in the East, The Levant in the West, Egypt in the North, and Asia Minor in the South. The Island was occupied by the Assyrians, the Persians, the Egyptians, including the Crusaders, and the Venetians. The first presence of humans on the Copper rich Island was traced way back to 7000 BCE.


CCORDING to historians, a small group of settlers migrating from Palestine came to reside on the Island (3900 BCE). Due to the different uprisings and the war in the eastern region, the Mycenaean Greeks preferred to settle in the Island in the 12th century, and the locals assimilated the Greek culture, language, and religion. Achaean settlers from Argos founded the city of Kourion which is close to Limassol. The Island was conquered by Egypt, Persia, and was also invaded by the Greeks many centuries ago. Cyprus had ten kingdoms, and the conquerors had a high impact on the character and cultural heritage of Cypriots. There were different forms of dwarfs such as Pygmy hippos and dwarf elephants previously present in ancient Cyprus Island before the arrival of humans as evidenced by the archaeological findings of burnt bones stacked in the camps. The early humans in the Island lived in caves, and it was an agrarian community, and the first animals in the Island were cattle, pigs, sheep, dog, and goats, including wild animals such as deer and foxes. A toolkit discovered in the cave located at Akrotiri Peninsula is the oldest evidence of human presence in the Island. THE ERA OF CIVILIZATION IN CYPRUS The earliest signs of civilization came with the building of round houses by the settlers; hence the Neolithic period was marked by the erection of round houses, stone vessels with an economy that relied on animal husbandry, and lithic industry. Lots of stone vessels were discovered during the excavations conducted in the region.


Archaeologists also discovered water wells especially in the western part of the Island reputed as one of the oldest in the world. Life expectancy was pretty short with an average of 34 years, and there was a high rate of infant mortality. An earthquake in 3800 BC ruined the Neolithic culture, so an internal evolution began with the emergence of metalwork and the Chalcolithic period characterised by copper and stone civilization which was the Stone Age. The bronze era in Cyrus started around 2400 BC with the coming of settlers from Anatolia to the Island and this gradually led to a change in the economy and technological advancements. The middle bronze era witnessed a consistent and peaceful development, while the Cypro-Minoan Syllabary introduced literacy in Cyprus in the late bronze era. These are some of the facts surrounding ancient Cyprus millions of years ago, and it gives a clear insight on how the Island got its bearing and development through different stages of civilisation. • 2018 EDITION

/ places in Cyprus /

Myth about

The Berengaria Hotel

The Berengaria hotel spreads stupendously across the Troodos Mountains with great scenery of Prodromos village and surroundings in Cyprus, but it’s now a shadow of it's past glory. You would get some insights relating to why the hotel was left to rot, and the reasons it’s a tourist attraction even with the stories and myths that besiege the building.


HE HOTEL was established years ago in 1931 and played host to the high and mighty including royalties and other upper class individuals, by providing excellent entertainment services for the crème de ’la crème. However, the hotel was shut down in 1984 after 53 years of operation. Although the hotel stood the test of time for over five decades, its present state is a sorry sight to behold as the once grand edifice lies in waste and depreciation due to environmental factors. Berengaria Hotel is a tourist attraction no doubt but quite unsafe especially for people who aren’t familiar with the terrain. Local residents are inquisitive to know more about the hotel that served several reputable guests and see things for themselves first-hand; tourists also wish to get a glimpse of the magnificent building. The hotel has a reputation that precedes it as a haunted house and the myth has spread down family lines. Several stories about ghosts can be traced to the hotel all with a similar trait of the victims being killed there, and as such their ghosts lurk around the building seeking for vengeance. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BERENGARIA HOTEL The hotel got its name in honor of Queen Berengaria of Navarre, wife of King Richard1 of England. With such a colorful history that attracted diverse people from all walks of life, it’s difficult to keep people away. The present owner of the hotel ‘Michalis Ioannides’, is worried about safety especially for children since he stated that some parts of the building are dangerous. Precautionary measures were put in


place to forestall any unfortunate incidents but some visitors do not regard such warning signs. Do you wonder why a magnificent highly rated hotel came to a grinding halt? Well, it’s quite a mess. According to the story making the rounds, the owner of the Berengaria Hotel had three sons who inherited the property from their father. However, greed, and jealousy led to financial issues which tore them apart and it subsequently affected the business. None of the sons made good effort to ensure maintenance and proper management, so the hotel gradually went downhill. It’s not certain if the Berengaria hotel will rise again from its troubled past, but the locals in Prodromos village really miss the music from the dancing hall and other activities that made it a prestigious hotel in Cyprus. So, Berengaria Hotel is regarded as a tourist attraction by many due to its rich and conflicting history, and people desire to walk in the same halls and climb up the stairs where eminent royalties once stood.

x If you plan to visit

the hotel, stick to the precautionary signs because some parts of the building are not safe to walk through particularly at night. You may get the services of a tour guide who is familiar with the building to assist you or better still don’t wander there alone without company. • 2018 EDITION




21 A ND R E A KAR IOLOU | AGIO S ATH AN ASIOS | 4102 | LIM ASSOL | TEL: +357 25354424

/ beauty secrets /


to be always young and beautiful Every woman wants to look stunning and appealing no matter what her age is, so we decided to share with you some tips and tricks that might help you to always look perfect. Let’s take it step by step.

FACIAL CARE. Nourishing cream is a must-have product for the prevention of wrinkles, acne, and leaves your face feeling soft and glowing. For your face to get the maximum amount of nourishment and vitamins, put a layer of your favorite cream on your face, and cover it with a peel-off mask before going to bed, take it off in the morning. If you want to look younger, make a fringe, it’ll take 5 years off your age. HAIR CARE. If you have some grey hair and want to dye it, use a colour whose tone is a shade lighter than your hair to make it look more natural. Keratin therapy is also an effective way to make your hair look full of energy and shiny. Shaggy undone bob, pixie cut, ampedup layers, romantic waves, mid-length hair with flipped ends will make you look young and stylish. HANDS CARE. By all means, the hands are the first to give away your age. If the skin is well nourished, there is a light nail polish and you have bright accessories on the fingers and wrists, your hands will definitely look younger. Use a sunscreen cream in summer. It will protect your hands from premature ageing.


CLOTHES. For a more youthful look, avoid the trap of wearing teenage clothes, but rather go for outfits that compliment and accentuate your shape/figure. This type of clothes will help you hide excessive kilos and will highlight your femininity. Mind that the black colour will make your skin look yellow and will make all your wrinkles visible. A white light scarf, on the contrary, will make your face look fresher and younger. Sole-colored clothes and monochrome combinations will make your figure look slimmer. Try not to overuse the elements with complicated prints and bright multiple colours as they will destroy your proportions and make you seem bigger. Shoes are an indispensable part of your look. Choose the most comfortable shoes for your feet and foot profile and make everybody admire your legs on reasonably high heels.

MAKE-UP. There is no doubt, that make-up is the magic touch that conceals age. Use a liquid tone base to reach a perfect colour of your skin. The corrector and the sculptor will help you highlight the advantages and hide the drawbacks of your face. Wide-open eyes make any woman look younger. You can reach this effect by putting the shades with light-reflecting particles of the tone of your skin under the brows. Remember that very thin brows will make you look older. It goes without saying that only a happy woman with the smile on her face and the shining eyes will look beautiful and young. Enjoy your life and you will always be stunning! • 2018 EDITION

N I C O S I A 2 2, S t a s i k r a t o u s S t r e e t, Te l . 2 2 672 570 L I M A S S O L O l y m p i c R e s i d e n c e To w e r s - 3 5 3, 2 8 t h O c t o b e r S t r e e t M a x i m a B o u t i q u e s L t d - F r a n c h i s e e s M A X & C o. m a x a n d c o. c o m

/ villages /


DISCOVER THE BEAUTY AND HISTORIC SPOTS of the villages around Limassol

A trip around Limassol is a voyage back in time, into the history of the city and Cyprus itself. You’ll be able not only to see amazing villages with gorgeous views but also feel the taste of the culture of Cyprus. You won’t need a special agency to organize all these trips. Just take a car and enjoy the beauty of the island. Here are some wonderful places worth visiting.

AMATUS. The ruins of the ancient town are located 11 km from the center of Limassol. It is one of the most ancient towns on the Island, part of which has sunk below sea level, but the remainder part of it is still a sight to behold. Plenty of legends and historic names are connected with this place. For example, according to one legend, Ariadna, the daughter of the Cretan king Minos, helped Tesey to kill Minotaur. After that they fled to Cyprus and got married in Amatus. It was here that Ariadna died while delivering a baby and was buried in the grove, which the locals called Ariadna Forest. This story happened in the 9th century B. C. During the time of the Roman Empire Amatus became the capital of Cyprus, but attacks by the Arabs during war destroyed the town. While visiting the town, you can stroll along the ancient streets and square, taking in the marvel and treasures of the place. Some houses from the Hellenistic period stand till date. KOURION is situated on the way from Limassol to Pathos. It was one of the most powerful towns of Cyprus in the 1st century B. C. Founded by the Acheans, the town had an Apollo temple, marble fountains, and statues which were admired by traders who came to the Mediterranean region. In the 3rd century, the town was devastated by an earthquake. Nowadays, you can see a famous mosaic with Achilles in it, an ancient theatre, Eustoliy villa and the base of one of the most ancient churches of Cyprus.

SOTIRA. Don’t miss visiting a true Cypriot tavern called Mousikos here and sample local food and wine. It’s better to book a table beforehand as the place is always full. The place has its own 80 years history and its owners will be glad to tell you all about their culinary dynasty.


• 2018 EDITION

/ villages /


around Troodos OMODOS. This is a mountain village famous for its vine which is being produced from ancient times here. You’ll be able to try and buy a local vine in almost any house. It’s also a perfect place for the admirers of embroidery and goods made of glass. There is a house-museum with the Cypriot traditional interior, photos of the place and a unique village atmosphere of the place. Here you’ll be able to see an old vine press and try local bakery and unusual sweets.

The Troodos mountain range is the biggest on the Island, with mount Olympus being the highest point in the range and in Cyprus. This place is famous for its resorts and picturesque villages, ancient monasteries, churches and castles, some of them are included into the UNESCO heritage (e. g. St. Nicolas church, the Archangel Michael church, the church of the Transfiguration, etc.). Don’t miss visiting such worldwide famous monasteries and Kikkos, Trooditissa, the monastery of the Holy Cross, etc.

MOUTOULLAS is most famous for the UNESCO Heritage site, The Panagia tou Moutoullas church. The traditional Cyprus way of making bread using wooden planks is till observed in tis village, and it is quite a process, one you shouldn't miss if you get the chance to be in Moutoullas.

AGROS is situated in the eastern part of Troodos. The fragrant rose water is produced here. The place is also famous for its liqueur and brandy made of rose petals. This is a great place for those who adore meat as you’ll be able to buy the best in class lucanica, himerony, lonza and other types of smoked meat.

PLATRES is situated on the southern slope of the Olympus Mountain and it’s the starting point for all the walking tours to the picturesque waterfalls of Troodos. You can visit a trout farm and a Chocolate Workshop here or go to the nearest Trooditis monastery and see a wonder-working icon of Holy Mother which, according to the legend, was painted by Luke.

LEFKARA is, probably, one of the most famous Troodos villages. Thousands of tourists come here to admire and buy the products of local craftsmen: exquisite silver goods and fine lace. The cozy streets of the village, 18 wonderful churches and the assortment of cafes and restaurants will not leave you indifferent.

• 2018 EDITION


/ infrastructure /

The discovery of

Gas in Cyprus The discovery of natural gas in Cyprus came as a surprise to many, especially after suffering years of financial gloom. However, the tables have turned, and the Island has become one of the energy players in the Eastern Mediterranean. A lot of speculations regarding the volume of the gas found have spiked the interest of international energy companies. Several global energy conglomerates have already won drilling licenses to legally operate in Cyprus.


ATURAL GAS was discovered in Cyprus in 2011 by Noble Energy in the Aphrodite Field offshore of Cyprus. The reserve was estimated for about 5–8 trillion cubic feet of the natural gas, which has positively changed the economic fate of the country. In August 2015 Eni, an Italian owned energy conglomerate, found gas in the large Zohr field. As a result, the Government has taken serious measures to ensure that the potential of the natural gas resources is fully utilized. The Cypriot Government intends to award even more drilling licenses to global energy companies with the technical expertise that will explore the region in search of new mine fields. Nowadays, such outstanding international companies as Shell, Exxon Mobile, BP, ENI, and Total have already started the works. Thus, the


Mediterranean sea becomes a potentially big and important gas producing region. Cyprus, Israel and Greece are already planning to build a pipe system that will enable them to transport gas to Europe. THE ECONOMIC FATE OF CYPRUS NATURAL GAS Nowadays, Cyprus mainly depends on the imported oil in electricity production. According to the estimations of Energy Intelligence and German Marshall Fund one billion of cube meters of gas per year would be enough to cover Cyprus' needs, in such a way that the excess gas produced by the Island can be exported not only to Egypt but also in Europe. In such a way, by 2025 Cyprus, Israel, and Greece plan to build a pipe line from the fields of gas to Greece and Italy, which will have a positive influence on the economy of the Island. According to the estimations, the price of the project can reach 6 milliard Euro. It is of high importance for Cyprus to start monetizing the gas resources as soon as possible as it has a direct impact on the economy of the island which is still suffering. Limited import of Russian gas to Europe plays a favorable game for the Island and, as a result, Cyprus has received a strong support from Brussels and Washington in the development of mineral resources and building the infrastructure for gas transportation. Europe sees Cyprus as a new gas hub that will decrease the reliance on Russia and will reinforce energy security of the Mediterranean region. • 2018 EDITION

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/ mediterranean sea /


into the secrets of the most beautiful sea in the world The Mediterranean Sea is the birthplace of many great civilizations. It is a hub connecting Europe, Africa and the Middle East.


HE HISTORY of the Sea dates back to the 4th century B.C. when the Mesopotamian civilization appeared on its eastern shores. According to the research, two thousand years later there were the first signs of the Mycenaean civilization which is considered to be one of the earliest stages of development of the Ancient Greece. The biggest fame came to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at the time of the Roman Empire when it controlled almost the whole Mediterranean basin. At that time, the mail trade ways of the Italian merchants went through this sea. The Venetian merchants, who were the richest in Europe, had all the rights to call themselves owners of the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the biggest on the Planet and its size is about 2 500 000 km2. It washes the shores of twenty-two countries and can boast of about 550 types of fish, including 70 endemics. The Mediterranean waters are home to important commercial fishes such as tuna, mullet, mackerel, herring, etc. You may also find shellfish such as mussels, oysters and peapod shell (a specialty of this sea). The sea is also rich in such cephalopods as octopus, calamari and crustaceous of all types and sizes. Not very rich in phyto and zooplankton, the sea doesn’t really boast many big fishes. There is only one seal specie in the sea, but there are many dolphins, whales, cetaceans and turtles. The resorts of the Mediterranean are second to none. If you want to have a true luxury experience together with the celebrities, go to the French Cote d’Azure, Riviera or Italian Sardinia, or if you prefer a more economical but not less beautiful relaxation, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Egypt are the perfect spots for you.


Cyprus beaches all have the Blue flag and are considered to be the best place for any type of recreation. Families with children as well as young and older people will definitely find something interesting for themselves. Here is the overview of the best beaches of the island. GOLDEN COAST BEACH is covered with soft and fine golden sand. The sea bottom is rather shallow with a flat entrance into the sea which will be perfect for the families with children or those who are not very good at swimming. The beach also has the lounges for the most comfortable rest. THE PANTAHOU BEACH is more suitable for those who like noisy and active recreation. 1.5 km long beach is a perfect balance of an active fun and, at the same time, relaxation. THE CORAL BAY BEACH is considered to be the best beach of Paphos. It is the most visited beach of the western coast as well. This is a beloved place for the families with children. You can have a rest on a coral send of the beach, rent a water bike, enjoy other kinds of water entertainment or chill out in one of the cozy cafes. The beach is logistically very comfortable as you can arrive there even by public transport.

Choose the most attractive place for you and enjoy your time on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. • 2018 EDITION

Exclusive interview with owner of EDGE boutique Maria Vashiotou is one of the leading women in Cyprus’ social circle, and last year opened her very own boutique, EDGE Boutique. We wanted to know more about her inspiration and the choices she makes for the classy boutique that has something chic and lush for everyone.

Maria VASHIOTOU What inspired you to open a fashion boutique? Fashion has always been a part of my life and my world! Everything around us is fashion — ​The colours, the sceneries, our feelings and emotions… All those little things around us are the inspiration of our everyday moods. Besides, the way we feel is the way we dress! If you think about it, life is all about fashion! I am so happy that a dream came true and EDGE Boutique became a reality shared with all those supporters of the Boutique. What vision did you imagine when you opened the boutique? A vision of a completely new proposal in the field of modern fashion. Both my team and I personally, are very happy and proud of the boutique and the impressive response we experienced during the first months of its operations. Our feelings and emotions are mixed; On the one hand is the stress and the anxiety during the preparations all those months before the opening and then the great thrill when we faced the very positive response of the audience which surpassed all our expectations. It was then that my vision became a reality! How did you come about the name “EDGE”, for the boutique? The philosophy behind the name lies in the meaning of


word… EDGE. Fashion ultimately concerns each of us and it is up to us to find our own style and our “identity”, always through our personality.At the same time, the proposals we present combine classical, modern and even subversive but also bold choices, with the main goal of helping the consumersand our clients reach their… EDGE and extremes in terms of fashion and personal style, always in accordance with their personality. Where is the shop located, and why that location? The Boutique is located at Vashiotis Seafront. It is a prime Location with convenient, easy access and available parking, very comfortable and customer friendly. The shop oozes class and elegance from a glance, what can visitors expect to see inside the shop? At EDGE Boutique, international fashion meets luxury in a shopping experience that’s simply on another dimension.Every demands of a client will be met, in a luxurious and comfortable environment whose main purpose is to make the consumer have an unforgettable and unique experience! We also offer creative suggestions and choices for every occasion of both women’s and men’s fashion. Apart from clothes, the Boutique

presents unique collections of fashion accessories such as shoes, sunglasses, underwear, handbags and specially formulated makeup. Any particular fashion style or trend you think is the best or one that stands out? Fashion is for everyone, women and men, find your style and follow it 100% and you’ll find something that will help you along that path at EDGE. What are the marquee brands and collections that can be gotten from the shop? All our brands are marquee because they are carefully selected and hand picked. Our brands include Victoria Victoria Beckham, Italian brand Twinset Milano, DONDUP, Prabal Gurung, Derek Lam 10 Crosby, Philipp Plein Sport, Vera Wang, Pierre Balmain, and much more. How did you come about your brand and collection choices?

Do you hand pick them personally? Or just look out for trends? Some of the choices are personal picks from me, but I work closely with a team of professionals and we look at the trends en vogue, what went on during the fashion weeks in Paris, Milan, New York, and the others. How can you describe the style you promote at the EDGE boutique? A timeless style that naturally follows the new trends of fashion and everything in between; from modern to classical, the new elegant and luxurious styles of today’s fashion world, we are allcompassing. Any advice you’d like to give to upcoming girls who want to get into the fashion industry and business just as you have done successfully? Follow your dreams… Be creative. Be different, your own person and you’ll succeed! • 2018 EDITION

/ family fun /L I M A S S O L

MAKE YOUR STAY UNFORGETTABLE Open: 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM Price per person – ​30 Euro per 1 hour

Open: 10 A.M. – 5/6 P. M.  Jan-Feb closed. Price: from 14 Euro

SPARTI ROPE PARK Want to test your grit while having fun? Sporty Rope Park is a great place for the families with children who want to challenge themselves with a thrilling experience. The adults will be able to enjoy the fastest 60 km zipline in Europe and the children from 4 years old will have a wide range of rope walkways to choose from. It's a fantastic way to have a relaxing day with the family, while keeping shape, in the open air and enjoying the gorgeous nature the place has to offer. More information here:

Open: 8 A.M. – 8 P.M.


TWO WAVES CLUB If you want to find the place where there is summer all year through, Two Waves Surfing Club is that place. Come to enjoy a continuous wave, learn to slide on the board or just spend a fantastic time with your family, friends or colleagues. Tasty cocktails at the bar will make your mood even brighter and delicious food will help recharge your batteries after hours of fun surfing. The Club also organizes Birthdayspartiesandcorporateevents. More information here:

ADVENTURE MOUNTAIN PARK Located in the Troodos Mountains, the park will fascinate you with its beautiful nature and wide range of activities for kids and adults. No one will be bored here. You can play paintball, laser tag, orienteering, do rock climbing, enjoy ice skating, and archery in the park. The venue can also organize corporate games and events. After the active rest, you'll be able to replenish your energy with delectable dishes from the rich menu in the local restaurant, sit back and admire the beauty of nature as depicted in our Botanical Garden, or set up a little camp and recover splendidly. More information here: • 2018 EDITION

IN CYPRUS CYPRUS ON ICE If you are looking for winter in the summer, then Limassol should be your destination, and the On Ice skating ring should be your stop. Here you’ll have a great time with your family, kids, friends or colleagues. It will not only suit professionals and expert skaters, but also the novice looking to take their first steps towards coming a master glider, or just for fun. After the unforgettable moments on the ice, you may have a bite in one of the cafes of the shopping mall or even do some shopping. More information here:

Open: Mon. – ​Fri.: 8A.M. – 5P.M. Sat.: 9A.M. – 5P.M. Sun.: 10A.M. – 1P.M. Price: 4.5 Euro

Open: 11 A.M. — 9 P.M.

LIMASSOL CASTLE If you are a lover of history, and most especially the charm of the Medieval Age, then *the Limassol castle and its Medieval Museum of Cyprus will be a perfect place for you to visit. The current face of the castle dates back to the Ottoman period but the archeological findings state that it was built much earlier on the place of the first church of the island. The museum exhibits Medieval pottery, tombstones, silver, weapons, coins, etc. In addition, the castle offers a fantastic view of the city and sea.

LIMASSOL ZOO If you like animals and wish to spend time in the middle of nature, welcome to the only Cyprus Zoo which is located in Limassol. You’ll see about 90 species of animals that live there, will be able to organize a picnic in a special area or enjoy the meal in the African style café. It’s a perfect place for the whole family. More information here:

More information here: castle_en.html

Open: 9 A.M. — 7 P.M. Price: 5 Euro for adults, 2 Euro for kids

LIMASSOL MARINA It’s an exquisite mix of luxury residences, restaurants, shops and a full-service marina. It is a fantastic place where you can find whatever you fancy or the desires that fill your dreams; SPA, fitness, amazing views, splendid boat and yacht trips, a yacht school, beautiful beaches, etc. More information here:

Open: 24 hours

LIMASSOL OLD PORT The Old Port will help you feel the atmosphere of an ancient fishing port with a touch of history and romance. You’ll see the 19th century pier, enjoy the sea views from the old harbor, try delicious local food in one of the cozy restaurants. Upon your visit, you definitely shouldn't miss Molos, a multifunctional park that links the Olympian coast to the Limassol Marina. It's the perfect place to chill out, have a quiet time for two with your partner, or indulge yourself in the yummy local cuisine. More information here: • 2018 EDITION


/ fun for everyone /P A P H O S

Why look for fun when


Paphos is a west coast city on the island of Cyprus, and the capital of the District of Paphos. A city rich in history and culture, the Paphos of today is a perfect blend of the beautiful past and the exciting present that makes for a fun paradise for people and families of all types. Come and let fun find you and your family in Paphos… THE PAPHOS ZOO A visit to the Paphos zoo will definitely not leave you indifferent, with one of the largest collection of parrots and snakes in Europe, the zoo extends over an area of over 100,000 square metres. Opened in 2003, it is easily the largest and most diverse zoo in Cyprus and boasts a wide range of animals, from kangaroos, wallabies, to tigers and lions. It will be an exciting and unforgettable tour.

Check out the website for more information, or alternatively, call 26813852. Price range: €16.50/adult and €8.50/child (2–12 years).

APHRODITE WATERPARK Named after the goddess of love, you surely will fall in love with this super cool waterpark that packs over 10 high-speed water slides, a wae surge pool, a kids’ water area, multiple pools and a mazy lazy river. Anything sports, fun and water is available at the Aphrodite waterpark. Surrounded by a verdant and impressive natural environment, the waterpark also ensures you enjoy your stay in all security with secure lockers and lifeguards. Free Wi-Fi, music and facilities for the disabled makes sure you can share every moment, and no one is left out of the fun. The waterpark also hosts parties of all types. Visit and get more info, or book online and save more money! Email at for inquiries, or call +357 26913638


• 2018 EDITION

/ fun for everyone / THE KATO PAPHOS ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK Do you love medieval history and Greek mythology? Interested in the wonderful arts of the Byzantines and their unique buildings? Or are you just a history enthusiast who wants to have an experience of a lifetime? It is not for nothing this park is a UNESCO World Heritage site, come and see the beautiful and rich history this famous park has to offer. From the Tomb of the Kings to the Agora to the four lavish villas of Roman royalties, to the breathtaking Basilica of Panagia Limeniotissa, you’ll wish you were born in a different time. Entrance fee is just €4.50

Go to aspx for more information, or call +357 26306217

THE PETRA TOU ROMIOU Believed to be the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, there is nothing ordinary about this rock nor the wonderful scenery that surrounds it. It is a place of stories, myths and legends, and will thrill you. Don’t need any formalities to stop by, so what are you waiting for?! THE PAPHOS ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Everything in this museum comes from a time that is way before we were ever imagined to feature on this Earth, from Neolithic 1700 AD arts and crafts to the metal works and arts of the Middle Ages, you’ll develop an appreciation for those who lived before us and their contribution to civilization. The museum has five showrooms with artefacts from Kouklia, Polis, Lempa, Pomos, Salamiou, and many more sites. Call +357 26306215 for inquiry and bookings.

CORAL BAY BEACH If your holiday is incomplete without a visit and walks on the beach, then Paphos won’t disappoint you, all you need do is get to Coral Bay Resort where miles of wet sandy beach awaits to be explored. Whether you just want to sunbathe, or walk, or just enjoy the overwhelming view of the sea, you’ll lack for nothing. • 2018 EDITION


/ fashion /



Fashion that celebrates femininity We decided to create a place with the perfect compromise between price and top quality outfits by celebrated designers, because…



Want to be sexy? There is really no such thing as a sexy outfit. At ZephyR, we do chic, because the secret of sexy lies in dressing chic, and no one does chic like LAKBI. Chic stylish elegance is the perfect description for Lakbi designs, a brand that uses only the highest quality fabric, with unique, original cuts, meaning you never feel like you’re wearing everybody else. Each Lakbi outfit is tailored to emphasize individuality, and project confidence… if that isn’t sexy, what is? What is the secret to appealing style? Feel at home in your skin, and clothes. At ZephyR, we add home to fashion with BURVIN collections. A fusion of alluring traditional Belorussian designs to modern fashion results in unique outfits that celebrate your Belorussian heritage while keeping your look trendy.


Simple is the new sophisticated with BURVIN, evidenced by a high quality, elegant style that avoids bulky designs, with practical, seamless fit dresses that let your body do the talking, by oozing sexuality, culture and lush… appeal.


1. 3.

2. 4.

ALENA GORETSKAYA collections are everything you need to make power impressions without compromising your captivating individuality, a must-have for the confident, dynamic woman, and ZephyR has every Alena Goretskaya collection. Goretskaya’s attention to detail, using only the finest European fabric, to make natural, chic and refreshing dresses, stands out, from assertive office wears, to holiday garbs that inspire fun.


Want comfortable classy look, with a touch of fun? Look no further than PAPILIO FASHION HOUSE. It features haute couture dresses for the parties, soirées, and galas. Common to our selected brands is the celebration of femininity, and your individuality, with a smattering of home culture, to their designs, lets your outfit tell a proud, confident story about you and your heritage. At ZephyR, we insist on fashion that builds confidence, not just glamour. Our marquee brands are all about simplicity in design, elegance, and an alluring blend of high-quality European fabric, and bold, witty colours.

Lest we omit, our brands launch multiple collections every year, meaning you’re never stuck on repeat, with novelties to make you standout as refreshing, and always voguish. And Oh! Coming soon, a new high-in-demand linen collection, with beautifully crafted designs and handmade lace prints!! So come in, we’ll find something that celebrates you…


We also have and are always on the lookout for brands of equally strong feminine values, that promote our ever-growing culture of natural, high quality, trendsetting dresses. Other brands of our shop include Noche Mio, Alexander Bogdanov, the French line Kokomarina, Italian collection Landi, and more. • 2018 EDITION

/ store for superheros /

POW THE SHOP For the kid and fanatic in every one of us, that part of us that ran wild with imagination and untamed fun, that’s why we are here… Let it go POW!! Once again… BATMAN TRAVEL MUG When we are not smashing, we want to look cool, calm, and collected, especially when we are not home but we also want people to know we are here to turn the day around, save if possible. What better way to look the part than accessorizing your look with this Batman mug, a subliminal message that is sure to not go unnoticed. GRYFFINDOR T-SHIRTS/RICK AND MORTY T-SHIRTS Want to stand out amongst your friends, show where you heart lies? Then no better way than our endless range of tees, from the silent fortitude of Gryffindor to the witty and charming crazy of Rick and Morty, let everyone know who you are.

THE HULK FIST MUG Wake your body up with a smash, and let everybody know you are THE man, with this statement mug. We bet the kids will want to smash as well, but only daddy can smash now, because he is the guy life doesn’t want to mess with. This green power mug will make you stand out at the table, and everyone will take notice. Make your statement, leave a smashing impression. DEADPOOL FIGURINE Deadpool was a major hit, and how can you not love the smart mouth and quick hands of Wade Wilson??? Well, if you loved the first one you will love the second and others, as Deadpool is set to become a franchise in the MARVEL film universe. Why not start a collection? We’ve got Wade. So, what you waiting for, come and power up, at POW THE SHOP.

AYIA NAPA: 34 NISSI AVENUE, 5330 – TEL: +357 23816556

• 2018 EDITION

Do you ever feel like the days of your childhood were changed by a superhero or even a big bad villain? Those days of wild excitement and unbridled joy, running around saying “I am superman!!” or pounding your fists into the ground yelling “HUUULLLKK SMMAAASH”, there was even the magical, hopping on mama’s broom and running around thinking you’re Harry Potter. Some of us have moved on from those times, we are grown up now, have responsibilities, but why not take along the memory of those who taught you how to be a hero? Or share with your children those positive influences and same feelings of untamed joy that filled your days of innocence? Why not, you can make an investment that is sure to reap 100% profits along the line. That’s why we are here, the POW shop in Nissi Avenue, Ayia Napa, drop by and let’s wow you with these cute and statement figurines , bubbleheads , snapbacks , t-shirts, mugs, and a load of other swanky memorabilia of your favorite characters and heroes, and will set you, your friends, or loved ones apart. Are you a Harry Potter fan? Or you live in the MARVEL Universe, or no DC Universe? Or you live in a realm far away in the times of Kings and swords and dragons, and when the only true game was a GAME OF THRONES? Do you fly through the intergalactic space ways and draw your light saber picking your side in STAR WARS? We’ve got all that and more for you. Show your allegiance by picking from our wide range of outfits, or standout with your friends during games or when you all step out together to have a good time. You could even show off your invaluable collection and let your friends and kids (if any), be amazed, or you could trade that collection for a nifty sum on eBay, Amazon, pawn shops, auctions, you name it.


/ journey to the history /


around Limassol

KOURION (CURIUM), 18 KM FROM LIMASSOL Opening hours: Kourion or Curium (Latin) was an ancient city on the southwestern coast of Cyprus, the surrounding WINTER HOURS (16/9–15/4) Kouris River Valley being occupied from at least the Monday — ​ Ceramic Neolithic period (4500–3800 BCE) to the Sunday: present. The acropolis of Kourion, located 1.3 km 08.15–17.15; southwest of Episkopi and 18 km west of Limassol, SUMMER is located atop a limestone promontory nearly one HOURS hundred metres in height along the coast of Episkopi (16/4–15/9) Bay. The Kourion archaeological area lies within the Monday — ​ Akrotiri West Sovereign Base Area, part of the BritSunday: ish Overseas Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, but 8.15–19.45. managed by the Cyprus Department of Antiquity. Admission: Kourion is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site. €4.50 Kourion promontory, on which the acropolis Tel: of the ancient city-kingdom developed, occupies a +357 25934 250 dominant position on the coast. The most ancient remains in the ancient city are associated with settlements and tombs of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Legend has it that Kourion was founded by Argives in the 12th century B.C. Systematic excavations over decades have unearthed several archeological masterpieces: THE AGORA: The Roman Agora, built on the remains of an earlier public building, is a structure of the early 3rd century A.D. with additions dating to the Early Christian period. The Agora is surrounded on both sides by porticos with marble columns. An impressive public bath and a Nymphaeum, which supplied the city with water, occupy the NW side of the Agora. THE HOUSE OF ACHILLES: Only part of the building, situated at the NW end of Kourion near the old Paphos- Lemesos road, is preserved today. It is a Roman villa of the first half of the 4th century A.D. with a central peristyle court and rooms decorated with mosaic floors depicting popular stories. THE HOUSE OF THE GLADIATORS: This Roman house, dated to late 3rd century A.D., is a few metres east of the House of Achilles. Among the mosaics, one depicts a Gladiator combat scene, a rarity in Cyprus. THE THEATRE: Originally built in the 2nd century B.C. with 2nd and 3rd century A.D. additions and restorations, the curved auditorium accommodated around 3500 people. Today the theatre is used for cultural events. The other digs include The Baths and the Complex of Eustolios, the Early Christian Basilica, the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates, the Stadium and the Small Basilica.


KOLOSSI CASTLE Visiting Hours: Kolossi Castle is a former Crusader stronghold on the south-west edge of Kolossi village 14 km SUMMER: 16 Apr‑15 Sep: west of Limassol. When its ruler, Isaac Commenus 08.30–19.30 refused to assist the Crusaders, Richard the Lionall days. heart seized St. Hilarion, Buffavento and Kantara WINTER: Castles, while his cousin Guy de Lusignan cap16 Sep‑15 Apr: tured the Castle of Kyrenia and Isaac Commenus. 08.30–17.00 The English sold the castles to the Franks in 1191. all days. It held great strategic importance in the Middle Entrance Fee: Ages, and contained large facilities for the production €2.50 of sugar from the local sugarcane, one of Cyprus’s Tel: main exports in the period. The original castle +357 25 934 907 was possibly built in 1210 by the Frankish military. It served first as the Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar, and after the fall of Acre in 1291 for some years, the land of Kolossi was given by King Hugh I to the Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers). The present castle was built in 1454 by the Hospitallers under the Commander of Kolossi, Louis de Magnac, whose arms can be seen carved into the castle’s walls.

The castle today looks in good condition presenting an impressive square shape, with each of its four sides 16m long on the outside and 13.5m on the inside. The height of the castle is 21m. Considered to be impregnable, it proved so, surviving even earthquakes. The fertile land around it saw many vineyards come up and the area is also known for its sweet wine, Commandaria. At the wedding banquet after King Richard the Lionheart’s marriage to Berengaria of Navarre at nearby Limassol, he allegedly declared it to be the “wine of kings and the king of wines.” It has been produced in the region for millennia, and is thought to be the oldest continually-produced and named wine in the world, known for centuries as “Commandaria” after the Templars’ Grand Commandery there. Limassol continues to be its administrative base.

• 2018 EDITION

/ journey to the history /

Richard The Lion Heart Castle

THE CYPRUS WINE MUSEUM The Cyprus Wine Museum started operations in November 2004, after 6 years of restoring, expanding and decorating the 150 year old stone building. It is situated at the edge of the wineproducing countryside, in the village of Erimi on the old motorway of Limassol-Paphos, 10 minutes away from Limassol town centre. It is adjacent to the historical Kolossi Castle, which is historically connected to the production of Commandaria. By way of a specially designed audiovisual presentation, visitors will get to know the 5500-year wine culture of Cyprus from the birthplace of European Wine, Erimi. At the same time they will get an insight of the culture of Cyprus. The Cyprus Wine Museum will take you on a journey through the history of the island’s long winemaking tradition. The various stages of wine production and consumption — ​along with the various uses of wine — ​are shown through different presentations. Ancient jars and canisters, medieval drinking vessels, old documents and instruments illustrate the social, economic and symbolic aspects of wine production, whilst wine tasting is also available. Your transportation requirements for any of these or other visits can be met by any of the local Tour companies like 4VIPTour.

Operating Hours: Daily: 09:00–17:00 except on Public Holidays. Operating Period: All year round Entrance Fee: Adults: 4 Euro (5 Euro with wine tasting); Free for the children under the age of 12. Tel: +357 25 873 808 / 9; Fax: +357 25 821 718 Be advised that times and fees are subject to change without notice.

RICHARD THE LION HEART CASTLE Visiting Hours: The medieval Richard The Lion Heart Castle is The castle is situated near the old harbour in the heart of the open to the historical centre of Limassol city. As it appears public only on today, it is a structure rebuilt during the Turkish Fridays between domination (19th century). Close archeological 9am & 5pm. examination has revealed multiple overlays, so The Cyprus this castle has an extended history. Medieval MuThere are indications that an important seum is open all church, possibly the city’s first cathedral, was year round, but closed on public built first at the site. Over this came an Early holidays. Christian basilica (4–7th century CE), with a Operating Middle Byzantine monument (10th‑11th century Hours: CE) laid over the pair. Lusignan history says that Monday — ​ the original castle was erected by Guy de LusigFriday: nan in 1193, but this is not verifiable. The oldest 08.00–17.00 report on the existence of the Castle of Limassol Saturday: dates back to 1228 when Frederick II of Germany 09.00–17.00 and his supporters imprisoned the hostages Sunday: seized by Ibeline, the king regent of Cyprus. This 10:00–13:00 Castle seemed likely to be an ancient Byzantine Tel: Castle or one that took its place in the early +357 25 305 419 Frankish period. Even so, further examination is Entrance Fee: necessary to resolve Early Christian, Middle Byz€4.50, with variantine, Ottoman and Latin claims re the edifice. ous concessions. What is certain is that from erection until early 16th century, the castle was repeatedly attacked and damaged by the Genoese and Egyptian Mamluk as well as by earthquakes, alternating with restoration and reconstruction. The Ottomans captured Limassol and the castle in 1538; Bragadino, the Venetian governor of Cyprus, after recapturing the castle, demolished it in 1567–68. The Ottomans reacquired Cyprus in 1576 and the remnants of the castle were incorporated in a new and considerably strengthened Ottoman fort, completed in 1590. The underground chamber and the first floor were transformed into prison cells and used as such by the Ottomans till 1878 and the British till 1950. Richard the Lionheart married Princess Berengaria of Navarre in this castle in 1191 and crowned her Queen of England. The Castle houses the Cyprus Medieval Museum with its exhibits that include medieval pottery, tombstones, superb silver Byzantine era plates, weapons, crosses and coins. Cyprus’ historical progress, development, its economic, social and artistic evolution as well as the daily life of its people from the 3rd to the 18th century A.D., can be ascertained by the exhibits of this collection.

• 2018 EDITION


/ history and mystery /


A great Historical city in Cyprus

Paphos is a wonderful city located in the southwest coastal region of Cyprus. During ancient times two places were known as Paphos, they were Old Paphos and New Paphos.


urrently, the inhabited location is the New Paphos which is situated on the coast of Mediterranean. Paphos and its harbor have a rich historical as well as mythical background which has attracted the attention of archaeologists, historians along with tourists all around the world. Old Paphos have been famous since ancient times because of various myths and mysteries associated with Aphrodite. During the times of Greece and Roman, Paphos was the capital of the island. The City of Paphos sits proudly on the UNESCO official list of World Heritage Sites since 1980. Paphos has always been surrounded by a large number of mysteries as well as mythical facts. In fact, name of the city also has been associated with a large number of myths. It is believed that an ivory sculpture made by Pygmalion was brought into existence by the goddess Aphrodite, as Galatea. Paphos was the son of Pygmalion and Galatea. According to historians, Cinyras who was the son of Paphos, founded the city under his name.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK Archaeological Park of Paphos is located near the harbor of Paphos. This park is still under the process of excavation. This park constitutes of a large number of monuments as well as sites which belong to the Middle Ages. Out of many relics, the most memorable is the House of Dionysos (God of Wine), the House of Orpheus, four Roman Villas, the House of Aion as well as the House of Theseus with its mesmerizing mosaic floors. Along with this, under various excavations conducted by archaeologists Fortress of Saranta Kolones, the Hellenistic — ​Roman Theatre as well as Tombs of the Kings were discovered.

APHRODITE BIRTH PLACE This island has been associated with the Greek goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Aphrodite’s birth. Petra tou Romiou which is also known as the Aphrodite Birthplace in mythology has been a major tourist attraction since ancient times. According to a legend, Gaia or Mother Earth pushed her son Kronus to injure Uranus, his father, and in the heat of battle, Kronus removed his father’s testicles and tossed it into the sea. As per the local versions, when Uranus attempted to escape from Cronus, then his testicles and parts of the lower body fell into the sea. White foam emerged and a maiden arose from the sea which was later on called Aphrodite. The local myth holds that if someone circles the Aphrodite rock three times, while swimming, then he/she will be blessed of good luck, true love and beauty.


• 2018 EDITION

/ history and mystery /

PAPHOS HARBOR CASTLE Paphos Castle is located near to the harbor of Paphos. It was a Byzantine fort which was meant for providing protection to the harbor. It was destroyed by an earthquake, due to which in 1200s Franks rebuild it. Venetians once again broke it, later it was again refortified by Ottomans after they get control over it in 1570. Lastly, in the twentieth century British started using it as a warehouse for salt.

TOMBS OF THE KINGS Tombs of the Kings is amongst the most popular places in Paphos. It is located at a distance of around 2 km in the west direction of Paphos harbor. These tombs are underground and many of them are as old as fourth century BC. They have been carved out from solid rocks and are considered to be the burial place of aristocrats and senior officials of Paphos till third century AD. It gets its name from the grandness of these tombs, and in reality no king is buried there. This place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

BATH OF APHRODITE Another mythical place in Paphos is Bath of Aphrodite which is situated in the Akamas Peninsula. As per legend, it is believed that Aphrodite, goddess of love used to take bath in the lovely pools of this magnificent cave. This natural cave is surrounded by a huge tree of fig and has varied and rich natural flora, fauna and wildlife. The site is also believed to be where Aphrodite met her lover Adonis for the first time. These pools are associated with several myths, one of them being that if someone takes a bath in these pools his/her fertility will be reinstated. However, now no one is permitted to go into these natural pools.

• 2018 EDITION


/ infrastructure /


that are changing the landscape of Cyprus Cyprus is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe and in the world, if any proof was needed, recovering from a crippling nationwide financial crisis in just three years should be enough.


ITH A GDP growth of 3.9%, nominal GDP per capital peaking near €25,000, and a declining unemployment rate (11% in 2017), a country ranked 23rd in the world in the quality-of-life index, should probably be patting itself on the back, resting on its laurels and enjoying its status, but not the island of Cyprus. This ambitious Mediterranean island has no plans of slowing down, always looking for ways to improve on a land that is blessed by nature and honored throughout time with a rich history that continues to serve the island even today. Though the island ranks 29th in the world in the tourism sector, it is however ranked 1st in terms

of tourism infrastructure, despite tourism not being the major export or market of the island. Tourism is, however, carving out a very important place in the country’s image and economy due to the number of opportunities it brings to the country in terms of foreign investment. Every district and nearly every municipality in Cyprus boasts of a hotel, resort, or historic relic or ground, that will easily make its way to atleast the top 50 of any list that measures beauty or “must visit”. The municipalities and resort cities of Ayia Napa, Protaras, and Paralimni are no different, and with new marina projects for the neighbouring municipalities, the towns, as well as the island, are sure to get a big boost and a brand new avenue for more investment and growth.

AYIA NAPA MARINA This mega project got the green light in 2017 and has not looked back since then, with developers promising to deliver the first portion of the project by 2019. Over a kilometre of shoreline between the Makronissos beach and Ayia Thekla has been carved out for the project, with the engineers using state of the art technology to replace part of the sea with land. The project will cost over €200 million and will hold about 360berths, 240 dry docks and enough commercial and rentable space for investors. The landscape of the island is basically being changed by this mammoth project that promises nothing but profit and growth.

PROTARAS MARINA In January 2017, the town of Protaras welcomed the news and signing of their own marina project, with the constructions targeted to take a maximum of three years. The marina will be surrounded by houses, hotels, touristic infrastructure and commercial space while holding at least 300 vessels. The importance of the marinas for both towns will be considerable, both socially and economically, boosting the image and lux of the towns, while raking in investors and new markets, and for towns which have already established themselves as top destinations for tourists, these marquee projects will be the icing on their cake.


• 2018 EDITION

The magical joy of your favorite heros all just a shelf away. From the wizardly world of Harry Potter, Rivendell and the Lord of the Rings, Westeros and the Game of Thrones, to the heroic universe of Star Wars, and Spiderman... and even the fairytale lands of Disney, our unrivaled authentic shop has everything you need, from figurines to entire collections.

SHOP 1 20 Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Ayia Napa Centre of Ayia Napa nearby traffic lights Tel. +357-23725830 SHOP 2 Leoforos Xenodochion, Protaras. Opposite EDEM, Square Tel. +357-23831472

/ traditional table fare /


Cuisine, an unforgettable taste RELISH CYPRUS… LIVE EVERY FLAVOUR




Cypriot cuisine is as incredibly diverse as its multi-faceted history, with its own distinctive persona of soups, appetizers, main dishes along with delicacies and salads, desserts and traditional Cypriot coffee and other beverages brewed on the island. This is true of its alcoholic drinks as well!




Hot appetizers could include; Halloumi grill, a traditional Cypriot recipe which consists of grilled spongy brined cheese made from goat and sheep milk.

Lountza is a Cypriot delicacy of salted smoked pork loin that is marinated in red wine and smouldered with twigs and wood from aromatic trees or bushes.

Horiatiki salad is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, containing vegetables, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, red onions, protein from the feta and olives and olive oil, which is the main fat used.

Dolmades a stuffed vegetable dish made with fresh vine leaves, minced pork or beef, rice, tomatoes and some cinnamon or pepper seasoning. Mussels Skhara, half-boiled kiwi mussels with olive oil and lemon juice. Feta Saganaki, roasted Feta cheese with sesame crust, on chilli thyme honey.


Tsamarella is a crunchy treat from Cypriot traditional cooking which involves sun-roasting salted goat meat covered in dry oregano. It is usually served with wine or Zivania. Another savour-packed tasty dish is Chiromeri, a yummy Cypriot meal made with smoked pork ham doused in red wine. It is usually served as Mezedes. Originally served as an appetizer, Zalatina is made from the trotters of a pig, and could just end up being your main course. Snails may be slow, but they don’t waste time to impress the senses and taste buds when smoked or fried with onions and some seasoning.

Cypriot Grain Salad uses lots of exotic ingredients like deseeded pomegranate, currants, freekeh, at times, quinoa. Cypriot-style potato salads are also a big hit, when served with grilled fish, meat, or as part of a big spread. Lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, olives, capers, coriander leaves and finely sliced spring onions add a tang to the dish. The tomato salad uses sliced beefsteak tomatoes, local oregano or rigani which has a musky essence, halloumi, olive oil and vinegar. • 2018 EDITION


Souvla, large pieces of pork, lamb or chicken cooked on a long skewer over a charcoal barbecue, garnished with oregano, lemon and salt. Souvlaki is Souvla with smaller pieces of meat, grilled bread as an option, more garnishes and sauces as well as fried potatoes. For tourists, souvlaki may be made with meat such as lamb, beef, chicken and sometimes fish (especially swordfish) and typically stuffed into a pitta. Gyros is grilled meat slices instead of chunks, using different salads or dressings.


Sheftalia is a traditional Cypriot crépinette, a sausage without skin, using caul fat, or omentum, the membrane that surrounds the stomach of pig or lamb, to wrap the ingredients rather than sausage casing and grilled like a kebab. Kleftiko is a traditional lamb dish that’s prepared baked in a kiln and cooked for a minimum of 24 hours in the clay oven while it marinates in a mixture of lemon juice, and cinnamon. Stifado is a traditional and fragrant stew is made with rabbit (and sometimes beef) that’s simmered in wine, vinegar, onions, and popular Greek spices, like garlic and oregano.


Commandaria wine

Moussaka is a widely enjoyed casserole, baked in layers of eggplant and lamb, covered in béchamel sauce, a white sauce white sauce made with butter and flour cooked in milk. Loukanika, a meal of pork sausages soaked in red wine, seasoned with coriander and pepper.




The go-to Cypriot dessert is soutzoukos, a chewy delight made from grape juice; Palouzes, a jelly made out of grape juice; Glyko, preserves of almond, date, apricot, cherry, quince or grapes; Loukoumades, very sweet, small, Cyprus style doughnuts with honey, Kadeifi, Baklava and Galaktoboureko, very rich, sweet cakes made with honey and a plate of mixed fresh fruit.

Traditional Brandy and Zivania are most popular on the island, followed by beer Ouzo and Raki are also imbibed frequently. A real treat, however, will be to try out Cyprus’ finest, the legendary Commandaria wine, a sweet dessert wine that is the pride of Cyprus.

Trachanas soup is a staple and part of Cypriot tradition, an all year round soup. Trachanas are crumbly solid cakes prepared by processing soured goat's milk boiled with crushed wheat and salt, added to appropriate stock and heated to get a creamy porridge-like consistency. A handful of small cubes of halloumi cheese are added in the final stages, along with seasoning.



The most traditional fish is çipura, baked in outdoor beehive ovens with special lemon souse. Popular seafood dishes include calamari, cuttlefish, red mullet (parpouni/barbun), sea bass (lavraki/levrek), and Octopus is also favoured, but as grill or stifado (stew) with red wine, carrots, tomatoes, and onions. • 2018 EDITION

Coffee in Cyprus is an intricate part of the island’s culture, and this makes it a unique experience when compared to other parts of Europe. Made from freshly ground Brazillian coffee beans grown on the island, the brew is strong and heady, boiled to form a frothy cream known as “kaimaki” on the top. Most locals drink it in tiny demitasse cups with dissolved sugar (“glikis”) or medium sweet (“metrios”); a brave few drink it unsweetened (“sketos”).

If you are a fan of chicken, then be sure to try out Avgolemono, a classic soup with tender chicken, orzo (rice) pasta and a delicious bright lemon flavour. The chicken version of Avgolemono soup is preferred over beef and fish-base versions. Happen to be in Cyprus around Easter? Then you should stick around for our Easter special, the Magiritsa, a mouth-watering soup that is made from lamb offal and tripe. It is traditional to the Greek Orthodox churches as the meal that breaks the 40-day fasting period before Easter.


/ the festivals & important days /

June 2018


JUNE 2ND — ​3RD CYPRUS-RUSSIAN FESTIVAL: 14 events will span over 2 days, with over 1000 performers from both countries, to celebrate the bond between them and 12 years of progressive development. There will be a bicycle, and pram parades, art exhibitions, children’s activities, a moto parade and for the very first time, the festival will include a food court which will sample various recipes and delicacies to visitors. The famous Cypriot rock band MINUS ONE will be performing, alongside Julia Volkva from Russian duo t.A.T.u, The COOP band, Marina Zervou, and other big names. You don’t want to miss out. Location: Municipal Garden, Limassol JUNE 15TH — ​17TH CYPRUS RALLY: Once again the Cyprus Rally will bring a rush of adrenaline, as the rising stars of motorsport do battle on the island. Having held in Cyprus since 1970, track returned to the ERC calendar in 2014 after a 15-year absence. The tarmac/gravel track will surely give the drivers a run for their money. Location: Troodos, Limassol‑2018 JUNE 22ND — ​24TH SHAKESPEAREAN NIGHTS: Come and see Cyprus amaze, with a tribute to one of the greatest ever writers, William Shakespeare. Location: Kourion Ampitheatre, Limassol

July 2018


JULY 14TH — ​THE KEO OPEN GOLF EVENT: This annual golf tournament hosted by the Cyprus Gold Federation is open to both members and non-members, and will feature a first, second, and third place winner. Registration fees are levied at €1 and €35 for members and non-members respectively, and the deadline for registration is the 7th of July. JULY —KOUMANDARIA FESTIVAL: Come and join Cyprus to celebrate the oldest named wine in the world, in the beautiful and history-filled city of Limassol. The 14 villages of the Koumandaria region all come together to showcase the art of making the oldest wine


in the world. The Commandaria museum in Zoopigi village will be a good place to start, to know the history behind this legendary “wine of Kings and the king of wines” as named by King Richard the Lionheart in 1191. Location: All of Cyprus, and Limassol. JULY — ​AMATHUSIA FESTIVAL: A free for all festival patronized by the Ministry of Education and Culture and showcases one of the great relics from the city’s past and the great sanctuary of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Expect a plethora of artists, bands, dance groups, and string quartets, from all over Cyprus and Europe. Location: Agora ruins, Amathus. For more information, AgiosTychonas Community Board: +357 2532 3567 JULY 20TH — ​JULY 22ND THE AFROBANANA FESTIVAL: Awarded an EFFE, as one of the most prestigious festivals in Europe, the Afrobanana festival showcases local artists and talents in music, and other arts. Local cuisine, food and art stalls, camping and other outdoor activities will all feature over the duration of the festival. The event is one of the biggest music festivals in Cyprus. Location: Kornos forest, Larnaca.

August 2018


AUGUST 8TH — ​AUGUST 15TH FEAST OF THE DORMITION OF THE THEOKOTOS: This national holiday is celebrated to mark the death of Mary of Theotokos, mother of God. Originally a celebration by the Orthodox churches, the day festival has become synonymous to the whole island. Location: Kiti village, Larnaca For more Information, call +357 24422233 AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER LIMASSOL WINE FESTIVAL: This 10-day long annual event of evening fun and frolic in August and September is open to one and all. 15,000+ visitors come to the Festival, pay an entry fee, and drink as much free wine as they wish. Transportation from other major cities is free. Local transportation can be made available by 4VIPTour. The site is dominated by the 7m tall ‘The Vraga Man’, a Cypriot winegrower. Festivities include traditional music, bouzouki, singing, dancing, Cypriot food priced cheaply, fireworks displays and treading of the grapes. Location: Limassol Municipal Gardens

AUGUST 31ST APHRODITE OPERA FESTIVAL: Another of the great Cyprus festivals is the Opera, often featuring an international cast. Set around Paphos Castle by the harbour, this is the highlight of the year for some people. Some years this event can fall in August so do check the calendar to see when it is being held. As always, 4VIPTour is on call for transportation. Location: Paphos

September 2018


SEPTEMBER 2ND APHRODITE FESTIVAL: The Aphrodite festival spills into the month of September, and delivers more awesome opera performances. Location: Medieval Castle, Paphos For more information, call: +357 26822218 SEPTEMBER 8TH — ​SUNDAY 9TH CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL: This mega showcase of Cypriot cuisine and some of the more traditional and cultural ties between the various cuisines in Cyprus, from the Mediterranean to the Far East. Hosted by the Interior Minister of Cyprus, the event is sure to be a delectable mouthful. SEPTEMBER 27TH — ​SEPTEMBER 30THAGIA NAPA FESTIVAL: The first ever of its kind took place in1985 and since then the Agia Napa festival hasn’t looked back. One of the most famous resorts of the island hosts one the most anticipated annual event of the year, which usually takes advantage of the World Tourism Day to make a mega event that highlights the tradition and culture of the people of Ayia Napa and Cyprus. A great time is guaranteed and you won’t leave without feeling the warmth and legendary Filoxenia!!of the people. Location: Ayia Napa, Famagusta For more Information, call: +357 23816307

October 2018


OCTOBER 1ST — ​INDEPENDENCE DAY: This day in the year 1960, was the day Cyprus became an independent, democratic, sovereign state. A day of pride and liberation, a large military parade, followed by a unique open ceremony at the President’s Palace, takes • 2018 EDITION

/ the festivals & important days / place. After a brutal war which lasted over three years, the EOKA finally forced the hand of the British and a cease-fire in 1960 ultimately meant it was time to give the people what they craved most, freedom. At the stroke of midnight on the 1st of October 1960, the deed was done, an agreement between Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, made Cyprus an independent country, with the heroic Archbishop Makarios III becoming the first ever President of the island. SEPTEMBER — ​OCTOBER KYPRIA FESTIVAL: This annual festival under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Culture, unites the wonderful talents of local Cypriot dance, music, theatre and art, with those from Greece and other countries to showcase beauty in the arts. The festival is held through all major towns of the island. To know more, call: +357 22800985 OCTOBER 17TH — ​NOVEMBER LARNACA BIENNALE: The district of Larnaca will, for the first time ever host the inaugural Fine Arts Biennale. The one of a kind event and first ever in Cyprus will bring together artists from all over the world as they exhibit their art to the people of Cyprus and the world, in a city whose rich history and culture is as old as time. Come and witness art take life. Location: Municipal Gallery, Larnaca Pierides Museum, Larnaca House of Arts and Literature, Larnaca OCTOBER 23RD — ​GREEK NATIONAL DAY/OCHI DAY: The Greek national day is celebrated as well in Cyprus, also known as the Ochi Day, it celebrates the ironclad will of Greek Prime Minister Loannis Metaxas who held his ground against Italian dictator Mussolini, in 1940 when the dictator demanded that he grant passage to the incoming Axis forces of Italy or face war. The answer of the Prime Minister was an emphatic and legendary “Ochi!” This led to a subsequent attack by Italy and a heroic defence of the Pindus mountain by Hellenic forces. Grand parades always take place, by the military and students, and most public buildings are decorated with the Greek flag.

November 2018 NOVEMBER- WINE MONTH: The Cyprus Tourism Organization (CTO) has declared the month of November as the wine month this 2018 and is welcoming all lovers of wine, connoisseurs and enthusiasts to join this month-long festival that will detail the history of wine in Cyprus. Using “Wine Routes”, the CTO has traced out seven routes through the Cypriot countryside, with signposts on designated locations, where visitors can go in and experience everything wine. • 2018 EDITION

SEPTEMBER 18TH OLYMPUSMAN TRIATHLON: This endurance and limittesting event is a must for every true triathlete or anyone looking to push their physical limits to the edge and find a new gear in themselves. Starting from Paphos and ending at 1952 metres above sea level on the Olympus peak in the Troodos Mountains, the event starts with swimming, then biking, followed by a 2600m climb, before an off-road marathon to the finish. Think you got what it takes? NOVEMBER 30TH THE PREVENTIVE CANCER CHARITY AUCTION: MACS Marketing in conjunction with the Europa Donna Breast Cancer Charity will host a one of a kind special event dedicated to the fight against the leading cause of death amongst Cypriot women, breast cancer. Come and show your support to this noble cause and enjoy some of the best Cyprus has to offer, with a red carpet event, a unique auction sale, and a chance to win a whole load of special prizes. Join us in saying NO! to cancer. For more information, e-mail:

December 2018


DECEMBER 25TH — ​C HRISTMAS DAY: The day Christ was born into the world. This is probably the most important day on the Cyprus Orthodox calendar. You do not want to miss the lights, the carols, and the church services.

January 2019


JANUARY 1ST — ​NEW YEAR’S DAY: In Cyprus, the bearer of gifts is Ayios Vasilis, and comes on New Year’s Eve, instead of Christmas Eve. Fireworks light up the sky at the stroke of midnight, as everyone wishes ‘Kali Khronia’ (Happy New Year), with a delicious special tribute to Saint Basil just after midnight. JANUARY 6TH EPIPHANY: A holiday that is also celebrated globally, Epiphany is the honouring of two events in the life of the Saviour Jesus Christ; the visit of the three wise men, and the baptism of Jesus Christ by St. John the Baptist. It is marked by a special mass in all the cathedrals of Cypriot towns, followed by a procession by the sea to mark the baptism, where a Bishop will throw a Holy Cross into the waters, and the young men of the gathering will dive in to retrieve it. Locations: Limassol: Agia Napa Church — ​ Limassol, the old port.

Larnaka: AgiosLazaros Church — ​Larnaka marina. Paphos: Theoskepasti Church — ​ Paphos harbour. Polis: Agios Andreas Church — ​Latsi fishing shelter.Agia Napa: Agia Napa Church — ​Agia Napa harbour.

February 2019 FEBRUARY 14TH VALENTINE’S DAY: A celebration that transcends culture and religion, Valentine’s Day has become synonymous with love but really did start out as a day to recognize the honourable acts of Saint Valentine of Rome who secretly wed soldiers who were banned from getting married, until he was martyred for the act. In the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer associated the day with love and from then on the day became more popular as a day to celebrate lovers and the island of Cyprus is no different. Experience a deeper and more passionate day with the special packages resorts, hotels, and restaurants always have in store for the truly romantic.

March 2019 MARCH 10TH THE LIMASSOL CARNIVAL: The Limassol Carnival takes centre stage for the people of Cyprus. The flashy and spectacular event begins 10–12 days before the lent period, and is partly a celebration in honour of the Greek god Dionysos. It is divided into two weeks; the Meat week which brings the King of the Carnival to the city of Limassol with lots of dancing and music, then the Cheese week, during which only dairy products are eaten by the population to honour the coming of Lent. The last day of the carnival is marked by the Grand Parade throughout the city. Location: Limassol

April 2019 APRIL 1ST — ​GREEK CYPRIOT NATIONAL DAY: This day in 1986 saw the birth of the EOKA, under the leadership of Archbishop Makarios III and General George Grivas, and their four-year fight against the British for Cypriot independence and union (enosis) with Greece. The clash will ultimately lead to Cypriot independence in 1960. APRIL 26TH — ​APRIL 29TH — ​PASCHA/EASTER: Easter is a time of great festivity in Cyprus and is celebrated in a very traditional fashion that makes it all the more memorable. The 40-day lent period is followed by Good Friday on the 26th of April. At the stroke of midnight, on Sunday 28th, the traditional openair mass will hold in all churches throughout the island, followed by the feasting on Magiritsa, before the day itself, where roast lamb, merrymaking and joy will be the order of the day. www.public


/ beauty line /

SISLEY’S FINEST, BROUGHT TO YOU BY BEAUTY LINE The count Hubert d’Ornano and wife Countess Isabelle d’Ornano are one of the oldest names in the perfume industry, their dream was to share beauty in a natural way, through scents.


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• 2018 EDITION


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• 2018 EDITION


/ latest trends / Man Total Look: Off – White

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• 2018 EDITION

/ latest trends / Man Total Look: Dondup

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/ rural life /P A P H O S

Around Paphos:

THE VILLAGES The island of Cyprus is divided into five districts, with each of them having a cluster of villages and communities around the main cities. We run down some of the villages around Paphos.

AGIA VARVARA The community of Agia Varvara Paphos is located just right of the Ezousa river and stands at 95m above sea level. Findings suggest that the village was inhabited around the Middle Bronze Age. Within the village, are numerous stone mills, an old mansion, and two churches dedicated to Agia Varvara.

VILLAGE KOUKLIA is a fascinating village and significant for archeologists seeking new sites to dig.

ARGAKA Standing some 90 metres above sea level in the Chrysochous valley, the community of Argaka is split into Kato Argaka which hinges on the road between Polis and Nicosia, and Pano Argaka which is more retracted and is the more traditional of the two. The Chapels of Agia Varvara and St. George, stand within the community, as well as the churches of the apostles Peter and Paul. KOUKLIA One of the most popular villages in Paphos, Kuoklia is built on the ruins of another village, one which was the hu of the ancient Paphos kingdom, PaloPaphos. Some of the greatest discovery from the Middle, Bronze and Iron ages and the Byzantines period, have been made in Kouklia. The village has a snake park and is the location of the Agios Nikolaos church, the Panagia Faneromeni church and an Archaeological Museum. DROUSHIA Located at the highest point of the Laona valley, Droushia is a true Cyprus village, retaining the stone buildings that characterise Cypriot architecture of old, and has a breathtaking view of the Troodos Mountains. The monastery of Agios Georgios Nikoxilitisis located in the community, alongside the Agios Epifanos which stands in the middle of the village. AMARGETI The site of the discovery of many artefacts pointing to the 3rd-century Hellenistic period, and 4th-century Roman period, makes Amargeti a very interesting village. The village also has a heroes monument which honours fallen sons such as Athanasius George, Socrates, Eyaggegyol.


• 2018 EDITION


/ rural life /

LASA A close neighbour to Fyti, this village has a recorded population not up to 150 inhabitants, after the death rate of the elderly increased and exodus into the urban areas by youths took most its population, but the village still pushes on, driven by agriculture. AGIA MARINOUDA Bordered by the communes of Achelia, Marathounda and Koloni, Agia Marinouda is a 5-minute drive from Paphos and stands on a hill. The community church is built on the ruins of an older church and is dedicated to the Agia Marina.


KRITOU TERRA Originally known as Kritou, the village has been around since the Byzantine period. It neighbours the communes of Droushia, Kathikas and Arodes. Built in the 19th century, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Panagia Chyseleousa is the main church of the community. There are also 15 chapels dotted around the village, including a Frank-Byzantine church from the 15th century, dedicated to the Agia Katerini.



FYTI Known as the “weaving centre” of Paphos, the village of Fyti is another one the Cypriot villages that have remained true to Cypriot traditional ways in terms of architecture, and has earned a category A tourist village designation. Many churches are within the community, but what the village is most famous for is Fithkiotika, a type of decorative weave produced in the region. POLIS CHRYSOCHOUS With a population of just over 2000 inhabitants, Polis is the smallest municipality in Cyprus, and also one of the well-known places. The municipality boasts an archaeological museum and the famous “Baths of Aphrodite”.


Built in the 19th century, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Panagia Chyseleousa is the main church of the community. PEYIA

PEYIA Another one of those villages that have grown to become a municipality, Peyia has a population of over 10,000 inhabitants and stands 15-kilometres away from Paphos. Home to the famous Coral Bay Resort, the inhabitants live off tourism, livestock, and agriculture.The community is also renowned for its banana production. POMOS A village next to the sea, Pomos is an exciting agricultural community which is blessed with an incredibly natural and verdant beauty, with part of its natural life being hinged to the Paphos forest. The community is northeast of Paphos and is home to the Panagia Chrysopateritissa, a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is also the location of a cave believed to be a dragon cave.


• 2018 EDITION


/ basking in the sun /


Ayia Napa, Protaras and Paralimni

Ayia Napa has been blessed with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Both the west and east coast extend beautifully into the magnificent sea that washes the entire area. It is well known for its blue flag beaches and one of the most fun party destinations. VRISI BEACH Known as Sunrise beach, Protaras beach, the Flamingo beach, or the Golden Bay beach, Vrisi is the most popular beach in the Protaras area. It is a natural expanse of sand which does not have any distinct markers. There is a wooden boardwalk that stretches at the backside of the coast making it comfortable to move from one area to another.The waters of the beach are not very deep, which makes it ideal for family time and the children. GREEN BAY BEACH Very close to Paralimni is the breathtaking Green Bay beach which is named after the abundant scrubs and trees that used to prosper in the area. Standing dead in the centre of the Protaras and Ayia Napa beaches, the waters of this amazing place are crystal clear and have become a hit with snorkelers. It is located near the southern side of a headland which has cloves nearby. FIG TREE (BAY) BEACH Named after the fig trees that used to grow in that area, Fig Tree beach lies next to a rocky cove, and now has only a single fig tree standing next to it. It is quite popular among tourists for its breathtaking natural and scenic beauty. It has all kinds of water games to entertain adults as well as children. On the northern corner of the coast, it has a small islet that maintains the calmness of the sea. This beach is well connected with roads and faces huge traffic during both the summer and winter. It has the status of the blue flag that is why the sands of the beach are clean.

PANATAHOU BEACH This beach is the most recognised inthe Ayia Napa region which is located on the western coast of the harbour. Originally known as Panatahou, in Cyprus, the beach is, however, known by many other names; Limanaki beach, Beach of Ayia Napa, Greko or Kryo Nero beach and Harborbeach, depending on which tour guide you use and which direction of the beach you are starting from. It is a long stretching of sand which extends in the eastern direction for about more than one kilometre. It has the basic tourist facilities and during afternoon gets windy and welcomes bigger waves. VATHIAGONIA BEACH Also known as Sandy Bay beach, the sand is protected by an inlet that doesn’t have many stones, and at the mouth of the bay lies a spot of beautiful white sand that is furnished with sun beds and fun spots. This beach is quite deep and therefore the favourite for people who prefer a quieter time. Its rocky headlands serve as a wonderful spot for getting the magnificent views of coastal Ayia Napa.

NISSI BEACH Stretching around three kilometresto the West, Nissi beach is another one of Ayia Napa’s top locations. The name “Nissi”in Greek means“Small Island”, and the beach possesses a small islet which is linked by means of a wide mass of sand that divides the beach into two portions. One of the portions has sheltered andshallow sea waters, which makes it thefavourite among children. The beach is properly equipped for water sports and fun, boasting banana rides, windsurfing, jet biking, bungy jumping, and more. The classy beach is also dotted with a number of bars, cafes, and restaurants for tourists and visitors.

PROTARAS AND PARALIMNI AREA Protarasresort is a human-made tourist resort which has been constructed on the land near Paralimni village. It is amongst some of the favourite tourist spots for visitors from around the world due to its scenic and natural sea beaches. Some of its popular beaches are on the list below;


• 2018 EDITION

/ place of interest /


fun born from nature

With one of the most breathtaking viewpoints, you’ll ever have the pleasure of looking out from, Cape Greko is the premier national park in Cyprus.


aken from the Italian name for ‘Greek’, Cape Greko is a national park under the protection and control of the Ministry of Interior and is a non-stop verdant haven with jaw-dropping scenery, incredible trails, mind blowing clear turquoise waters that go as far as Famagusta Bay, and a larger than life broadcasting station, among other wonderful attractions. Stretching out from the south side of Famagusta into the municipality of Ayia Napa, the park rests in between the resorts of Ayia Napa and Protaras, and is surrounded by an abundance of verdant and splendid natural features such as sea caves, a beach, and other spectacular sites. There are seven key landmarks in the park that steal your awe from the beautiful verdant nature; CYCLOPS CAVE; the closest point of the park to the district of Famagusta, the cave is 1.5km from Konnos beach, and is said to be the cave in which Odysseus and his men were trapped in, and had to face the gigantic cyclops. A smooth enjoyable walk from Konnos beach to the cave will be worth it. KONNOS BEACH; this secluded beach is not only quiet and romantic, it has the picturesque view, with its beautiful golden sand, and clear waters. For a quiet time with a loved ones or family, this is the spot. AGIOI ANARGRYOI CHAPEL; Built upon a cliff overseeing the serene clear waters, this chapel dedicated to the brothers Cosmas and Damianos who are said to have miraculously healed people who came to them, without pay. The chapel stands on a hermit cave, the subject of a few amazing myths. The steps of the chapel lead down to a part of the sea were it is believed Holy Water runs. KAMAKA TOU KORAKA; one of the manifestations of nature’s masterstroke, this humoungous rock

• 2018 EDITION

arch, carved by time and nature, stands at the mouth of the cape, and stands at atleast 50ft tall, a true beauty of nature. CAPE GREKO VIEWPOINT; reaching out into the sea, this impressive large rock mass offers one of the most breathtaking views in all of Cyprus. SEA CAVES; These caves are sure afoot and can be explored at low tide, or for those who don’t mind a swim. Going as for as 240ft. some of the caves are passages into cliffs, and can only be accessed from the sea. It is also the spot for adrenaline junkies who go on cliff jumping and diving sprees. Right next to the caves, on land, is the Cape Greko environmental centre, which houses aquariums and showrooms that highlight and exhibit the beautiful marine life of the cape. Award-winning architecture and all the splendor of marine life in one place is bound to blow your mind (in the most pleasurable sense, of course) MONACHUS MONACHUS ARCH; this is the side of the park closest to Ayia Napa, and is also known as the “love bridge”. Another stroke of nature gone beautiful, the natural arch stretches into the clear turquoise waters around the cape, and is believed that kissing in the middle of the arch while making a wish, will make it come true. THOUGHT THE FUN WAS DONE? NOOO… The Cape Greko National Park boasts nine amazing and scenic trails that will definitely bring out the outdoor love in you and everyone. Explore trails that are part of enchanting myth, such as the Aphrodite trail which leads to the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, or walk along a part of the European Long Distance E4 trail that spans from Cyprus to Gibraltar. Visit Cape Greko, and let nature entertain you.


/ villages /A Y I A


Slow down and get a taste of

RURAL LIFE IN CYPRUS There are many ways to experience the beauty of rural Cyprus around the areas of Ayia Napa and Protaras. Enjoy one of the many cultural, religious, cycling, or hiking routes, explore the many churches and historical monuments or simply take in the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the villages. Villages in this area are collectively known as the Kokkinochoria, or “red soil villages”, due to the red soil in which potatoes and kolokasi (Cyprus’ famous root vegetable) are grown. DERYNEIA Deryneia is a predominantly agricultural area located 11 km north of Ayia Napa. It is known for its produce production and is Cyprus’ largest producer of strawberries. The village celebrates this every two years with its Strawberry Festival. Deryneia has three important churches: Agios Georgios, Agia Marina, and a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Panagia). You can learn a lot about the history of Cyprus at Deryneia’s two historical centres. The Folk Art Museum displays a collection of historical agricultural tools and equipment used by traditional farming families. There is also the Open Air Traditional Folk Art Museum which showcases traditional professions such as tailoring, blacksmithing, and fishing. You can also visit the Cultural Centre of Occupied Ammochostos (Famagusta), which was created to hold presentations in response to the “Cyprus Dispute” following the Turkish invasions of 1974. From here, you can see the occupied city of Ammochostos. There is also a small photo exhibit and a handicraft market. PARALIMNI This small township became the administrative centre of the district following the Turkish occupation of Ammochostos. It is located 7 km from Ayia Napa and is built on the shores of a shallow lake. At its centre stands a large modern two-aisled 13th-century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary alongside an older stone church. The bustling village has many restaurants, cafes, bakeries and bars. The surrounding countryside has rich red soil and is known for growing potatoes. You will also notice hundreds of windmills dotting the hills; these were initially used to draw water but have mostly been replaced by modern pumps. Check out the Folkloric Museum which gives visitors a glimpse of the traditions, art and everyday tools of historic rural life. If you travel to the east toward the sea, you can relax at Trinity or Kapparis Beach. SOTIRA Sotira is located 12 km west of Ayia Napa and has a population of just over 5,500. The village is named after Jesus Soter (saviour) and celebrates Soter’s Metamorphosis every August 6th. Sotira was an important village during the Byzantine era and still contains five impressive Byzantine churches: Agios Mamas, Panagia Chordakion, Agios Georgios Chordakion, and Agios Theodoros. Other


DERYNEIA Village celebrates this every two years with its Strawberry Festival

PARALIMNI | The large modern two-aisled 13th century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary

SOTIRA | The medieval Church of Ayios Georgios Chortakion

churches and chapels also exist, including the church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour (13th — ​16th century) in the centre of the village. The main industries in Sotira are agriculture and livestock, most notablykolokasi cultivation. In addition to the many churches, Sotira tourists can also enjoy the Ecclesiastical Museum or Poseidon Beach on its southern coast.


• 2018 EDITION


/ villages /

LIOPETRI Liopetri is located 15 km west of Ayia Napa. Like the other Kokkinochoria, it benefits from the rich red soil to produce its main crop — ​potato. Liopetri is also known for its pomegranate and fig production and its basket weaving tradition. Liopetri is historically significant due to the Battle of Liopetri (between the Cypriots and British) in 1958. The barn at Liopetri is now a Greek Cypriot national monument called the Akhyronas Barn Museum. Other interesting sites include traditional mud and brick houses, the 15th-century church of Agios Andronikos (which includes remnants of murals) and the 16th-century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

AVGOROU | Ethnographic Museum

Akhyronas Barn Museum

Frenaros village

AVGOROU The village of Avgorou, situated about 23 km northwest of Ayia Napa, was named after the baths of King Evagoras — ​the king of the Ancient city of Salamis. There are many interesting Byzantine and Post Byzantine churches. The main church is dedicated to the Saints Peter and Paul. Other notable churches include the chapels of Agios Georgios and Agios Georgios Teratsiotis. There are two important religious festivals each year: the Feast of Apostolos Peter and Paul to honour the saints and the Feast of Agios Kendeas Monastery. Avgorou also features an Ethnographic Museum located in an old two-storey house, which depicts the historic daily life of villagers. Potato is the most famous agricultural product and is celebrated with a Potato Festival each July. FRENAROS The village of Frenaros is located about 16 km northwest of Ayia Napa and is named after the Lusignan monks that lived in the nearby monastery of Panagia of Hortakion. Frenaros is one of Cyprus’ main watermelon growing areas and celebrates each July with its Watermelon Festival. Frenaros has many small Byzantine churches, such as Archangelos Michael and Agios Andronikos, which date to the 12th century. There is an annual religious festival on September 6th to celebrate Archangelos Michael, where residents and visitors partake in traditional festivities. The 15th-century church of Agia Marina is also worth seeing and contains some interesting frescoes.

MEMORIAL PANAGIA TRACHIAS church’s structure symbolizes the first church that was erected during this time, which was a tent.

Agios Demetrios church

• 2018 EDITION

ACHNA Just west of Frenaros, you will find the village of Achna. The Achna Dam, completed in 1988, is an area that is visited by many migrating birds and holds water that is used mainly for agricultural purposes. Achna also has a large church — ​the Memorial Panagia Trachias Church — ​dedicated to refugees and missing persons from the Turkish Invasions. This church’s structure symbolizes the first church that was erected during this time, which was a tent. Other points of interest include an animal park and a speedway. VRYSOULES Vrysoules is located beside the British Bases of Saint Nicholas, at the border of the Kokkinochoria and the plain of Mesaoria. There are a few notable churches here, the main one being Agios Demetrios in the centre of the village. Built in late 1970th, it is a three-aisle vaulted basilica containing icons of St. Georgiou, the Virgin Mary, along with smaller icons of the resurrection and birth of Christ, silver chalice, Bibles, and a silver cross. The church celebrates St. Demetrios on October 26. There is also a small 15th‑16th century chapel to the north.


Spectrum Boutique Residences The Spectrum offers the epitome of five-star luxury living, with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean and the city of Limassol. This development is as extraordinary as its location, opposite the St Raphael Marina and Resort. Each apartment is finished to exacting specifications, with exclusive facilities and services on-site to meet every demand of contemporary living.

Hillcrest Residences

Imperial Residences

Viewpoint Hills

Located in prime suburbs of Limassol, and within easy access to city’s golden mile, Hillcrest Residences are modern and luxurious homes offering potential buyers a unique Mediterranean lifestyle in lush, green surroundings; private swimming pools, gardens, quality specifications and gated entrances for added privacy and security.

Conjuring a sense of Mediterranean elegance, the Imperial Residences — a hamlet of opulent homes, offer a refreshing sense of luxury, complimented by the Venus Rock Beachfront Golf Resort’s unparalleled beauty. Nestled on an elevated site, commanding sweeping coastal and golf course views, the privileged owners of these luxury villas will reap the rewards of world-class facilities at one of Europe’s largest golf integrated and spa resorts.

Viewpoint Hills will set a new precedent for luxury living in Cyprus. A brand new development comprising boutique-style residences, this new level of opulence is located in the sought-after suburb of Peyia in the city of Pafos with sweeping views of the alluring waters of the Mediterranean.

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/ hotel / P A R K L A N E


Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa To create the leading international upscale resort in Cyprus, where guests love to stay, experiencing personalised attentive services and enjoying exciting cuisine. Our associates, inspired by pride and supported by a high calibre training program will deliver quality, friendly service. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Luxury LOCATION Parklane is located on extensive grounds by the beach and it is 15 kilometers away from the cosmopolitan town of Limassol, which is the second largest city of Cyprus and it is the main tourist and business centre on the island. FACTS Currently under construction — opening in Autumn 2018 Number of Guest Rooms: 274 including 52 suites Parkfit POOL & GYM • Kalloni Spa • Kids Facilities • Meetings and Events Facilities • 7 restaurants and 3 bars • 3 Swimming Pools



URROUNDED by 100,000 square meters (approximately 25 acres) of landscaped parkland, the resort welcomes guests with a picturesque lane that snakes through a verdant grove of evergreen olive, citrus, and palm trees — setting the mood for the serene experience that awaits. Three swimming pools (one filled with seawater) glisten in front of the main building, surrounded by cabanas, waterbeds, and lounge areas for outdoor dining and drinks. The perfect seaside getaway is completed with a special all-day facility for children, a luxurious spa area, a vast ballroom, conference facilities, seven restaurants, three bars and a 300-meter-long sandy beach. The facilities are open throughout the year for work or pleasure to both guests and the general puЬlic. Designed bу The Harrods Interiors, the resort and its facilities embody а refined interpretation of Cypriot landscape and culture, with а focus on local history and the ancient perfumery of Pyrgos. The resort's restaurants comprise а vibrant kaleidoscope

of culinary and visual experiences, set to satisfy even the most discerning and cosmopolitan guests. THE PRINCESS AND THE PIRATE KIDS’ PARK Adventure and all-day fun awaits in this unique 3,000-square-meter children’s facility featuring a twolevel, 400-square-meter themed castle, a pool with a multi-activity pirate’s ship and water slide, a buffet restaurant, and an outdoor playground. Specially trained staff is present to organise activities and games for children from 3 to 12 years old, and a crèche facility is available for babies up to 3 years old at an extra charge. CONTACT Address: 11 Giannou Kranidioti Street, Limassol, 4534, Cyprus Tel: + 357 25862000 E-mail: Web:


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PARK SUITE THREE BEDROOM, PARK VIEW AND PRIVATE POOL | Discreet and yet always ready to fulfil every request, our associates are trained to deliver the highest standards of service and guest experience.

ACCOMMODATION The guest rooms have been thoughtfully furnished with natural materials in earthy and soothing tones. Furnishings of walnut and ash wood, accented with soft fabrics and carpets, evoke а sense of Mediterranean simplicity and heartwarming hospitality. The contemporary decor is balanced bу traditional details, such as handmade lace elements. Southfacing rooms and suites offer spectacular views of the Mediterranean.

PREMIUM GUESTROOM, SEA VIEW | FEATURES: Bath, Private Balcony, Shower. AMENITIES: Air Conditioning, In-room safe, Phone, Flat Screen Television, Mini bar, Signature Luxury Collection Bed.

CONFERENCE AND EVENTS FACILITIES At Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Limassol, we have professional conference facilities to meet every requirement for corporate events and meetings. Our conference facilities include spacious meeting rooms and the Parklane diamond ballroom which can be divided into two sections and cater for up to 600 persons for dinner on round tables, with room to dance. KALLONI SPA With 3,000 square meters of facilities, our superior spa features a unique thalassotherapy program consisting two outdoor and three indoor thalassotherapy treatment pools, as well as 12 treatment rooms and three suites, two of which include Russian banya. Relax and allow yourself to be pampered with Kalloni’s beauty and wellness treatments, inspired by the healing powers of the sea.


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/ hotel /L O N D A


LONDA BEACH HOTEL where the lucid brightness of the outdoor swimming pool recedes mellifluously to blend with the distant horizon

The Londa: Limassol's Boutique Hotel The Londa Beach Hotel’s 5 star service is based on personalised service, be it on holiday or business; knowing your name and tastes, listening and attending to your every desire. It is unique to Limassol as a boutique hotel, devoted to fastidious detail in each of its 68 rooms and suites. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 star superior LOCATION Nestled on the beach, this business oriented Germasogeia hotel is 8.5 km along Agia Paraskevi from Limassol town centre and five km from Dasoudi, Amathus and Galatex Beaches. It is about 65 km from both Larnaca and Paphos International Airports. FACTS 68 Spacious Rooms and Suites • Private Beach • Outdoor Swimming Pool • CAPRICE Restaurant, Bar and Lounge • Full-service Spa • Free WiFi & Free Wired High-speed Internet • Minibars & Room Service • VIP Room Upgrade • Check-in Time 2 pm, Check-out Time 11 am.



BOUTIQUE HOTEL may be small, but it exudes individuality, producing a heady ambiance that helps it in providing personalised service. The Londa Beach Hotel lives up to its name as the unique boutique hotel of Limassol because, we, at Londa realise that some luxury travellers are individualistic and enjoy the compact size and enveloping atmosphere of a hotel that has a familiar independent, informal and friendly attitude in a lively atmosphere. We can accommodate intimate weddings, parties and events at Caprice Restaurant, be attentive to business meetings in our conference suites, and respond to personal requests. Our Hotel is also a favourite for romantics: a poolside bottle of wine or cocktail, sea breezes on the balcony, aromatic flowers in the garden, a special dinner at Caprice Restaurant and perhaps the Elite Honeymoon Suite!

Now that you know how we acquired our reputation in Cyprus, we would like to emphasise that the most important factor is maintaining our character through our staff. The majority of the department heads have worked here for more than 20 years and seven members of the team have over 30 years at the Londa. We, therefore, have had the advantage of really getting to know most of our visitors to build lasting relationships with them. In turn, we are equally happy with our high number of loyal guests, who regularly return to enjoy another Cyprus holiday with us, because, for them, Londa Beach Hotel is the best. And our innumerable Awards prove so. CONTACT US Address: 72 Georgiou A Street Potamos Germasogeia, Limassol 4048, Cyprus Tel: +357 25 865 555


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DELUXE SEA VIEW ROOM | Spacious open plan bedroom with bathroom & private balcony (37 m2). This superb hotel room will make your holidays in Limassol very special, helping you enjoy your time in Cyprus.

CAPRICE RESTAURANT, LOUNGE & POOL BAR | Caprice Restaurant is a stylish Mediterranean venue for the best Italian food, set by the sea in idyllic ambiance. The adjacent Lounge Bar and Terrace with the summer season Pool Bar are vignettes of our signature boutique concept

BUSINESS IN CYPRUS Londa Beach Hotel is perfectly located for conferences, seminars and corporate events in Limassol, the commercial hub of Cyprus. We are close to the city centre for outings, restaurants and bars, yet far enough to foster the intuitive feeling that business will take precedence in your conferences, seminars and meetings. Cyprus’ focal location between Europe and the Middle East can facilitate a cross-border meeting of minds. Londa, an easy drive from Larnaca and Paphos airports and all other towns is thus a comfortable venue for both local and international organisations. At Londa we promote an inspirationally different approach to business that invariably involves conferences, meetings, seminars and presentations. We believe that our boutique style is ideally suited to provide that vitally important air of privacy. The renowned spa in our boutique hotel is fully equipped to get you to unwind. As with all aspects of Londa service, it’s the people that make the difference; with seven permanent Spa therapists trained to the highest levels, you can rely on continuity in your treatments


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/ hotel /C O L U M B I A


THE COLUMBIA BEACH RESORT boasts twelve separate low rise buildings, situated around an impressive eighty metre lagoon pool and is a prime example of local architecture and craftsmanship.

Columbia Beach Resort The exclusive Columbia Beach Resort is tucked away on the south coast of Cyprus, set in virgin countryside and sits at the centre of the quiet two kilometre Pissouri Blue Flag beach, sheltered within the Bay of Pissouri. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 star Luxury Deluxe LOCATION 38 km West of Limassol, 40 South of Paphos and 105 km West of Larnaka. 15 km Southeast of Paphos international airport. FACTS Columbia Beach Resort launched as 5* superior resort on Pissouri Bay in 2003. 95 spacious suites, designed to surpass international standards of 5* luxury. Set within luscious gardens and ample cobbled walkways. To be expanded to 169 multipurpose suites over 75,000 m2. Multiple award winner in various categories, including a 7* award.



HE AWARD WINNING all-suite Columbia Beach Resort has an idyllic charm with its low-rise, distinctively Cypriot, architecture. Lovingly restored roof tiles, graceful arches and shutters on the windows reflect the inn of a traditional Cypriot village. Located in the secluded Bay of Pissouri on the southern coast of Cyprus, this colours of the landscape and the dramatic cliffs that frame this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Using local stone, wooden features and creative planting, the Beach Resort sits harmoniously in its surroundings, a clever mix of old and new. The low rise Resort follows the natural incline of the landscape so that most suites have a spectacular view. IMMERSE YOURSELF Take a dive into our palm-fringed 80 metre-long lagoon pool. Then swim into the heated indoor pool to the heart of Hébe Spa and relish the exercise, even in winter. Water falls softly from the lagoon pool to a shallow children‘s pool with a pretty terrace area perfect for families.

NATURE´S PARADISE Walk in the grounds of the Columbia Beach Resort and enjoy lush gardens and paved paths shaded by bougainvillea jasmine and olive trees. The heavenly herbs and citrus trees are also used in the Resort’s kitchens. And the stunning view across the bay to the cliffs of Cape Aspro never fails to take your breath away. The position of the Columbia Beach Resort on a spectacular two kilometre Blue Flag beach and the dense vegetation in the valleys behind the bay is especially magical. Native flora, the flowers and plants that grow in this part of the island, the white cliffs of Cape Aspro to the east of the bay, the vineyards and orchards create a very secluded setting for the Columbia Beach Resort. CONTACT US Address: Pissouri Bay, POB 54042, 3779 Limassol, Cyprus Tel: +357 25 833 000 E-mail:


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EXECUTIVE SUITE, SEA VIEW | Clear panoramic views of Pissouri Bay from Columbia Beach Resort. Located just steps away from the Mediterranean, these secluded suites offer the ultimate in luxury and décor with King, Queen or twin beds, a large seating area, writing desk and a large marble bathroom with separate shower facilities.

SUMPTUOUS SURROUNDINGS The Beach Resort suites are all furnished with elegance and attention to detail. Hand-woven fabrics and tasteful wooden furniture in our 5 star Luxury Resort in Cyprus have been chosen in colours to reflect the landscape and Mediterranean Sea. Cool stone floors and ceiling fans keep the rooms cool in summer. Pure luxury comes with the exclusive skin care and bath accessories, the way we prepare your room at night, and much more besides. Specially selected suites are also available on request – for connecting suites, suites suitable for wheelchair users or a suite with an open fireplace.

You deserve nothing but the best during your luxury spa holiday! For your treatment we use only the most exclusive spa products from leading brand Elemis, so that every inch of your body is pampered with only the most luxurious ingredients.

Hotel Awards


is a multiple award winner since 2008

• 2008, 2011 and 2012: Cyprus’ Leading Spa Resort. • 2009: Mediterranean Leading Spa Resort. • 2012 – 2013: Best Spa Hotel in International Hotel Awards. • 2013: Best International Spa for a Romantic Getaway in Spa Traveller Awards. • 2013, 2014: World Travel Award as Cyprus’ Leading Resort. • 2016: Awarded Seal of Excellence in 7* Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Awards, Hotels & Resort Sector, October 15, 2016.


• 2018 EDITION

APOLLO TAVERN International specialities along with the best in local cuisine are available in both our lunch and dinner menus. Do try the famous Cyprus Meze, at our Columbia Resort, with it's vast array of small dishes influenced by Eastern Mediterranean cuisine and recipes unique to every chef.


/ hotel /F O U R


Experience impeccable world-class service at the Four Seasons Hotel, Limassol

The Four Seasons Hotel The prestigious five-star Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol is the epitome of opulence and style, combining impeccable facilities with world class hospitality and service. Three award-winning restaurants and the exclusive Shiseido Spa reinforce its dedication to the concept of true luxury. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 star Deluxe LOCATION • Eastern Limassol, approximately midway between Larnaca and Paphos airports (60 km by car) • A few minutes drive from the city centre FACTS • Opening Year 1993 (full renovation 2016) • 6 Floors, 302 Rooms/604 Beds • 3 Rooms for Disabled Guests • Interconnecting Rooms & Suites • 5 Restaurants • 5 Bars • 2 Event rooms • 2 Private conference rooms • Shiseido SPA treatments • Aromatherapy treatments • Full epilation • 2 Outdoor swimming pools • Indoor Heated Pool • Sauna, Steam Room & ICE Room • Gymnasium



ITH TECHNOLOGY opening new vistas to ethereal yet absolute luxury, The Four Seasons Hotel undertook targeted, in-depth research into the trends and details of elite living leading to a major renovation, completed in May 2016. Showcasing its new concept, it reopened with an immediately discernible redefined look, feel and functionality, combined with the passion and personal involvement that are the emblems of the Four Seasons family business. Throughout the hotel, luxury has developed into sophistication, and aesthetics has evolved into finesse. To define the ambiance in every area, carefully chosen lighting creates the perfect mood, while implemented new technology takes guest comfort to a higher, more stylish level. The ambiance that personifies The Four Seasons begins in the lobby, where the reception area has been recreated to offer a more personalised welcome. Furnishing, décor and artistic light fixtures are based on slimmer lines and delicate designs for

a liberating, relaxing effect; minimalistic on the one hand, yet seemingly fulsome on the other. BOUTIQUES The latest in fashion has been brought to your doorstep! High street fashion names have been put together in the classy setting of the in-house exclusive boutiques at the Four Seasons, featuring more designer collections than ever before, with top names such as Valentino, Missoni, Agnona, Jitrois, Yves Salomon, Philipp Plein, Blugirl by Blumarine and Camilla among others. Accessories are aplenty too, from Valentino Garavani, Philipp Plein, Laurent Gandini; Yvone Christa handmade bijoux, Jeni handmade leather bangles, Gianvito Rossi as well as Gina Shoes. CONTACT Address: Ag. Tychonas, 3313 Limassol, Cyprus Tel: +357 25 858 000


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VISTA TERRACE | Relax in casual comfort, admiring the panoramic view of the deep blue Mediterranean whilst sipping a long cool drink and chatting with friends. Throughout summer treat yourself to delicious Sushi, fresh Oysters and Shisha!

Besides the Hotel Chapel, the Four Seasons Hotel pier provides another excellent location for your ceremony!

WEDDINGS, RECEPTION, HONEYMOON St George’s Chapel at the Hotel, though based on traditional Orthodox design, also offers a unique setting for Anglican or Civil wedding ceremonies and blessings, with bench seating for around 10 people and space for a further 25 seats in front. Wedding receptions can be arranged on the lawns in front of the chapel after the ceremony. Wedding dinners can follow in one of the many private function areas. The Hotel can host wedding receptions of up to 2,500 people and dinners up to 250 persons. If you would like a British package wedding, the main Tour Operators from UK featuring Wedding Packages are Argo / Cyplon / Olympic / Planet Holidays / Sovereign / Thomson. Bands can be organised to suit all musical tastes, florists for any arrangement from bouquets to floral themes, skillful international beauticians and makeup artists to give you that flawless finish, hair stylists, photographers and video professionals to make your day a memorable one. EXCLUSIVE SHISEIDO SPA at the Four Seasons Hotel. Revitalise your body and mind whilst being pampered by their expert consultants. Your experience in the Hotel's Shiseido Spa will be embellished with a high degree of personal attention designed to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, whilst easing away your stress and fatigue.


• 2018 EDITION


/ hotel /C A S A L E


A WELCOMING, TRADITIONAL VILLAGE, cascading down the mountainside, inviting guests to experience a tangible past now revived in a proud, Cypriot community

Casale Panayiotis: Discover village life in Cyprus The mountain spa retreat of Casale Panayiotis is a luxury hideaway in the Troodos mountains of Cyprus. Each meticulously restored studio or suite located throughout Kalopanayiotis village has been lavishly furnished, with three restaurants and a heavenly on-site spa. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Luxury Hotel LOCATION Casale Panayiotis is just 50 minutes from Nicosia, 60 minutes from Limassol by car. FACILITIES Fitness/Spa Locker Rooms • Spa/ Wellness Packages • Foot Bath • Spa Lounge/Relaxation Area • Steam Room • Spa Facilities • Body Wrap Body Scrub • Body Treatments • Pedicure • Manicure • Waxing Services • Facial Treatments • Beauty Services• Open-air Bath • Hot Tub/Jacuzzi • Massage • Sauna • Free Parking • Free WiFi • Bars • Restaurants • Cycling • Hiking • Library • Terrace • Garden • Private Check-in/Check-out


« It was not my intention to start a business; it was to revive a village.»


OHN PAPADOURIS spent decades working abroad only to return to his disappearing and neglected village in Cyprus. After raising funds and investing his own money, he’s driving a restoration project to preserve a culture and connection with the past in his mountain village, Kalopanayiotis. Unlike any other hotel in the world, guests at Casale Panayiotis are truly immersed in the village’s aura, with most rooms enjoying glorious mountain views or private courtyard gardens. The three restaurants serve fresh, delectable dishes, sourced from the local area as far as possible, with views that mark you for life. A full breakfast is served each morning. The award-winning Myrianthousa Spa is one-of-akind, with its hydrotherapy pool, thermal suite, snow cabin, Rhassoul mud and seven treatment rooms, including a luxurious couple’s suite with private outdoor whirlpool. The spa is terraced into the side of the

mountain, surrounded by fruit trees and bathed in sunlight, with tranquil views across the gurgling stream. Casale Panayiotis is all about union with the local community. Guests are encouraged to tour the village, have coffee with the locals, or visit the exquisitely frescoed Byzantine monastery and chat with priests. There are stretches of timeless nature to explore on walking trails or mountain bikes. Visits to local cottage industries or walks around the hotel’s working orchards are negotiable. Nearby attractions include Kykko Monastery and Trooditissa Monastery, as well as mountain adventure parks. Fishing, rock-climbing, abseiling and skiing are also accessible. CONTACT US Address: Markou Drakou 80, 2862 Kalopanayiotis, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22 952444 Email:


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EMBEDDED THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE | Each of our guest rooms and suites were once part of village homes, now all lovingly restored to retain their original character and charm, whilst showcasing a uniquely Cypriot luxury finish. Choose a room or suite from one of our eight houses below.

OUR TREATMENTS | Our Mediterranean-inspired Temple Spa treatments capture the health benefits of the region's botanical treasures, known for their positive effects on the body, skin and complexion.

MYRIANTHOUSE SPA As an ancient spa village, where natural sulphurspring water trickles year-round from nearby springs, Kalopanayiotis has drawn pilgrims and visitors for thousands of years to bathe in the therapeutic waters, providing a natural healing retreat for the ancient Greeks, Venetians and Ottomans. Our Myrianthousa Spa allows guests to continue this ancient tradition, to discover this natural wonder and tranquillity of the mountains for themselves, and to experience the pilgrims’ journey of inner calm and harmony. Our spa facilities include indoor and outdoor private whirlpools, luxury treatment rooms, sauna, ice mist, herbal steam room, snow cabin, tropical rain, foot baths, hydrotherapy pool, a hydromassage bath which can be filled with local Sulphur-spring water, and a Rhassoul mud cabin. Wellbeing seekers can enhance their relaxation experience with yoga and meditation with views across the valley to the 11th century fresco-adorned Byzantine monastery. Relax with a thermal sequencing journey of sauna, mint ice mist, herbal steam room, snow cabin, tropical rain and foot baths. All spa treatments and products are based on local ingredients and Mediterranean plants.


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/ hotel /A T L A N T I C A


Atlantica Aeneas Resort and Spa At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort and Spa, you can experience one of the largest swimming pools on the island that comes complete with fountains and whirlpool baths; what's more is the white sands and crystal clear waters of Nissi Beach that are just a 90 meter walk away. Overall, this recently renovated resort has an impressive range of facilities in exclusive surroundings. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa is perfectly located close to the popular resort of Ayia Napa. Larnaca International Airport: 45 km – It takes around 50 minutes to get to the hotel and you can expect to pay around €50 each way in a taxi. If you’re thinking about taking a taxi, there’s a taxi station straight outside the arrivals lounge. FACTS & FACILITIES • Nissi Beach: 150 meters across the Hotel • Offering a wide selection of rooms providing excellent standards of accommodation.



TLANTICA AENEAS RESORT & SPA is perfectly located close to the popular resort of Ayia Napa which lies on the south east corner of Cyprus. Ayia Napa boasts 14 blue flag beaches across its 8 kilometre coastline and with sandy beaches it makes it the perfect resort to want to visit. Come day or night the resort centre of Ayia Napa is 2.5km away from the hotel and has enough variety to keep everyone entertained whether you want coffee shops during the day or nightlife in the evening. OUTDOOR POOL At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, you can experience one of the largest swimming pools on the island that comes complete with fountains and whirlpool baths; what's more is the white sands and crystal clear waters of Nissi Beach that are just a 90 meter walk away. Overall, this recently renovated resort has an impressive range of facilities in exclusive surroundings.

INDOOR POOL The indoor swimming pool at Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa is the perfect sanctuary for guests seeking relaxation and calmness. Swimming is a fantastic exercise to strengthen and tone muscles as well as increase fitness without putting pressure on your joints. For guests who simply want to relax, step up in the Jacuzzi where you can sit back and unwind while relieving your muscles. TENNIS COURTS Featuring Tennis Courts with floodlights, for guests who wish to practise their tennis backhand while on holiday. CONTACT Address: P.O. Box 30 476, 5344 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: +357 23724000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras

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«LAVINIA» RESTAURANT | Every day there's a delicious and varied buffet to be discovered with clear sections making it easy to choose. Live cooking stations are always a popular choice and the odd theme night adds some international flavours. You'll find a section for babies and a kids buffet that the little ones can help themselves to.

FAMILY 4 PREMIUM SWIM-UP ROOM WITH PARTITION | King size bed, extra sofa beds, bath or shower, private direct dial telephone, fully stocked mini-bar (upon request), electronic safe box, Colour TV (local & satellite reception), Free Wi-Fi Connection, welcome amenities.

The Spa is available to hotel guests wishing to book Spa Treatments.

AENEAS SPA Set in the grounds of the Five Star Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, the Aeneas Spa has been designed to give guests a true feeling of Cyprus, allowing the opportunity to indulge in the delight of high quality treatments at this famous resort. The Spa is exclusively using the world famed Phytomer & Guinot product ranges for facial and body treatments and high quality products are used for nails. With seven treatment rooms and the signature treatment, Sea of Tranquillity (involving steam room, sauna and flotation pool), there is a delightful mix of pampering and also treatments directly aimed to benefit the health. The dedicated team of professionals is there to assist clients, providing treatments which eradicate the stresses of everyday life, whilst also providing aftercare to carry on the regimen once the therapy is completed.

Ayia Napa and Protaras

WEDDINGS When you’re jetting off in search of sunshine it’s fair to say you’ll want to spend a good deal of time lounging in it before tying the knot. At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, you can enjoy one of the largest pools in Cyprus that comes complete with whirlpool baths, bridges and fountains. Our personalised service will ensure your day is treated with care from the minute you make your first contact with us right through until you're celebrating the moment you tied the knot. If you are not sure what to expect from your wedding day or have everything sorted in your diary, your dedicated wedding planner can offer recommendations or simply put all of your plans in to practice. We pride ourselves in a dedicated and professional expert service, leaving you relaxed to enjoy your special moment.

Special Packages are available for one and two days, also for gifts and weddings.

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/ hotel /A D A M S


THE ADAMS BEACH HOTEL AND DELUXE WING is the ideal choice for your visit to Cyprus for its enviable location, unbeatable facilities, great service and value.

Adams Beach Hotel The Adams Beach Hotel and Adams Beach Deluxe Wing (Aults Only – Over 16 y.o.), in Ayia Napa, Cyprus command a superb aspect, as they are located on the spectacular beach at Nissi Bay with its fine white sand and turquoise waters. To add to this, we also have our own secluded cove for our guests to enjoy! OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Situated on the breathtaking Nissi bay known for its fine white sandy beach and shallow, turquoise waters, the Adams Beach Hotel has a long-established tradition of providing top accommodation and service to holiday makers from around the world. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 435 Hotels has main building, Bungalows, and Deluxe wing Number of outdoor Pools: 5 Indoor Pool: 1, Children's Pool: 1 Last Hotel Partial Rennovation: 2015/2016/2017



UR RESORT is located around 2.5km from the hustle centre of Ayia Napa where there is of course, both lively nightlife at the local clubs and pubs but also family activities such as the large permanent fun fair and numerous local festivals. There are also many cultural attractions such as the peaceful 15th Century Monastery, 'Thalassa' Marine Museum, picturesque harbour where boat trips to the sea caves and around Cape Greco can be taken. Also close by is the Waterworld waterpark and Ayia Thekla with its stone carved underground church. Right outside our hotel, a coastal path runs all the way to Ayia Napa centre or in the other direction along the shoreline towards Makronisos and Ayia Thekla – just right for that leisurely after-dinner stroll. Lounge on a sunbed by the pool before enjoying a drink at our swim-up Vitaminas Pool Bar or if you feel like taking a break from the glorious sunshine, how about a swim in our indoor swimming pool?

As the evening draws in, experience the stunning view of the sunsets here in Cyprus, from the comfort of your own balcony before dining in one of our variety of restaurants. For a special treat, you may choose to dine at our exclusive roof top Glasshouse Lounge Restaurant or enjoy the best of sushi and other Japanese delicacies at our Socci Sushi Bar whilst sampling a delicious cocktail or two! At the Adams Beach Hotel, we have a tradition of welcoming our guests with the best of Cypriot hospitality and we aim to do all we can to ensure your stay with us is as enjoyable as possible so that you will want to return again and again. CONTACT Address: Nissi Avenue P.O. Box 30029 5340 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23840000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras

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Summer is the most beautiful time of the year for a party and Cyprus is renowned for its particularly long sundrenched summers. The gentle, sparkling waters of the Mediterranean Sea are just a few footsteps away. Our wonderful venues and experienced staff are on hand to ensure your wedding day flows just as you have planned, leaving you relaxed and free to enjoy your special day.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

WELLNESS Whether spa enthusiasts or unaware of such pleasures, a world of fitness, health and beauty is waiting to be experienced. At our Olympic Health Centre you can choose from a full range of exceptional treatments; massages, facial treatments and body care therapies which include full-body, neck and shoulder relief, hot stone, deep tissue and reflexology.

OLYMPIC HEALTH CLUB AND SPA | in addition to the large indoor pool and Hi-tech Gym, you will find our Spa facilities which include, sauna (private), treatment rooms, where the fragrance of essential oils surrounds you and soft candlelight has an instant calming effect.

Hotel Awards

YOUR DREAM WEDDING We know that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and should always be a special one. We guarantee only one wedding per day so that each couple's special day, remains just theirs! The most important moment of a wedding day is the ceremony. At Adams Beach Hotel we have three wedding venues, each with its own character: For a traditional religious ceremony, we have the bijou St.Andrew's chapel with whitewashed walls and courtyard with views over Nissi Bay. We also have our Beach Gazebo venue for civil ceremonies located at the edge of the hotel's grounds overlooking the beach. Our secluded and intimate Garden venue is situated amongst palms, hibiscus and typical Mediterranean plants and is ideal for both civil and religious ceremonies.

AWARDS 2016 • Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence 2016

AWARDS 2015 • Proven Quality 2015 by Thomas Cook Group • Cypriot Hotel Awards • Trip Advisor Bravo! Adams Beach hotel rated "excellent" by 494 travellers

↳ Ayia Napa and Protaras

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/ hotel /G R E C I A N


Along with our 3 restaurants, coffee shop, bars, spa and wellness center the Grecian Bay is renowned for its pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. We will ensure that your stay with us will be truly memorable.

Grecian Bay Hotel This luxury five star hotel is situated on the most beautiful sandy beach in Cyprus with breathtaking views of the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex offers a world of amenities together with exceptional service and friendly staff. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Situated directly on the beach, within 40 minutes drive from Larnaca Airport and 10 minutes walk from the village of Ayia Napa. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 271 • Outdoor & Children’s Swimming Pools • Indoor Swimming Pool • Grecian Health Club: Fully equipped Gym • Jacuzzi • Sauna • Massage • Steam Bath • 3 Floodlit Tennis Courts • Squash Court • Golf Driving Range 125m • Table Tennis • Pool Table • Games Room • Water sports at the beach (extra charge)



ITH MORE than 30,000 sq meters of space the Grecian Bay Hotel has a lot to offer to its customers. From relaxing under the sun on the beach to exercising on the brand new tennis courts or taking romantic walks within the gardens while the kids are entertained in the kids club, these are some of the many activities one can relish. BEACH Life's a beach when you are given full access from the hotel to the Mediterranean seafront. Our beach attendants will make sure you will have the perfect service for umbrellas, chaise lounges, towels, gourmet food and beverages. OUTDOOR POOL The Grecian Bay pool is surrounded by sun lounge pillows, large gardens with secret pathways,

while pool service is available for gourmet bitings and beverages, refreshing towels and a life guard on duty. Guests have full access to pool chairs, which are on a first-come, first-serve basis. SPORTS – 3 brand new, state of the art floodlit tennis courts. Tennis instructor available on request. – Located next to the outdoor pool, the squash court is constructed with the best European standards. – We all deserve to relax and get pampered by visiting the Sauna and Steam room. CONTACT Address: Kryou Nerou 32, P.O. Box 30006 5340 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23842000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras

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FISHERMAN'S HUT | Our Fisherman’s Hut Tavern will definitely be one of the highlights of your holiday. This open air tavern, situated on the beach offers an excellent quality of fresh fish specialties, either for lunch or for a splendid romantic evening out.

ACCOMMODATION Each of our 277 guest rooms, suites and bungalows are designed to offer you the best in luxury and elegance. There is free high speed Wi-Fi in every room as well as Wi-Fi access throughout the entire resort.

DELUXE SUITE | 50 square metres • Mini bar • Twin or Double beds • Private safe • Air Conditioning / Central Heating • Direct dial telephone • Balcony • Radio • Wi-Fi Free of charge • Hair dryer • Satellite Plasma TV • Turndown service

Hotel Awards

THE SPA AND WELLNESS CENTER at the Grecian Bay Hotel is a dedication to the art of relaxation and escapism, a place where you can leave behind the stress and monotony of your daily life and experience tranquility, harmony and inner peace. We offer you a “personal” time and space that is dedicated to revitalizing your body, mind and soul.

We thank you for your ongoing support and for choosing us as one of your favorite hotels worldwide. Year after year, the Grecian Bay Hotel has been awarded with an extensive variety of awards from prestigious organizations including: • Tripadvisor Award • Thomas Cook Award • First Choice Award • Gulet Award • Biblio Globus Award • Energy Management Systems Award

Ayia Napa and Protaras

WEDDINGS With breathtaking views of the Mediterranean, on one of the island's most privileged settings, the Grecian Bay Hotel will ensure that your special day will be full of romantic memories. Our wealth of experience will guarantee these memories will last a lifetime. Planning your wedding in Cyprus and at the Grecian Bay Hotel is very simple and enjoyable. Let us do all the wedding planning for you whilst you enjoy luxury accommodation, a peaceful and relaxing environment and the magnificent Mediterranean through the eyes of Konnos Bay and Cape Greco.

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/ hotel /G R E C I A N


The five star Grecian Park Hotel is situated at Cape Greco with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean and adjacent to the national park.

Grecian Park Hotel The Grecian Park is a luxury complex with many things to do complete with a fitness area, spa & wellness centre, 4 bars, 4 restaurants, tennis courts, a children's playground and a mini-club for children aged 4–12, during July and August. You will never have to venture outside of the complex. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The five star Grecian Park Hotel is situated adjacent to the National Park of Cape Greco with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. Ayia Napa is a 5 minute drive away and Larnaca Airport a 45 minute drive. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 238 • Outdoor lagoon type and childrens' swimming pools • Spa • Health & Beauty Centre • Watersports at the beach • Gym • indoor swimming pool • Two floodlit tennis courts



LL ROOMS AND SUITES are furnished for today’s traveler. The hotel boasts 3 restaurants, a coffee shop and 3 bars including our UMI Japanese & Sushi Bar restaurant, our Ravioli's Italian Restaurant and our exotic cliff bar. Boasting one of the best spa hotels in Cyprus the Spa & Wellness Centre including a fitness gym will leave you revamped and rejuvenated. Water sports are available at the beach along with a beach kiosk which is open daily, offering refreshments and snacks. Grecian Park Hotel is a luxury complex which offers a wealth of amenities and services. Whether you are booking in advance or last minute holidays, Grecian Park is surely the place to be. BEACH Konnos Bay is the beach located below the hotel. Voted as one of the top beaches on the island, it is a sure delight for beach goers and the best place to spend your beach holidays. Sunbeds and umbrellas

are available at Konnos Bay along with our hotel's kiosk which serves snacks and refreshments. OUTDOOR POOL Our lagoon style outdoor pool is a splash of coolness whilst enjoying the summer heat! Our pool attendants will ensure that your sunbeds and umbrellas are ready for you and of course, our pool bar will be able to compliment your day with refreshments and snacks. Pool towels can be collected by the Olympus Health Club reception. Our pool/beach towels and our sunbeds and umbrellas are offered free of charge to our hotel guests. CONTACT Address: 81, Konnos Street, Protaras P.O. Box 33498 5314 Paralimni, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23844000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras

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CLIFF BAR | Our exotic outdoor chill-out bar open daily until the late evening hours. Specialty cocktails and breathtaking views. Live DJ during the summer months playing chill out beats. You will feel as if you are in another world!

ACCOMMODATION All rooms and suites are furnished to meet the expectations of today's demanding traveler. Air-conditioning, private WC, private balcony, bath/shower, satellite flat screen TV, hairdryer, mini-bar, direct dial telephone, free wi-fi, private safe and coffee & tea making facilities are some of the features which distinguish the Grecian Park Hotel as one of the best Hotels in Cyprus.

PRESIDENTIAL SUITE SEA VIEW | 42 square metres • King size bed • Built in Jacuzzi in bath • Separate sitting area • Air Conditioning / Central Heating • Private balcony • Wi-Fi Free of charge • Satellite Plasma TV • Mini bar

Hotel Awards

SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE | Our mission is to make you feel more beautiful and more relaxed. At our Hotel Spa, we provide only the best in professional treatments and products, all of which are individually prescribed to suit your specific needs. Try one of our holistic experiences that will make a real difference to your life.

We thank you for your ongoing support and for choosing us as one of your favorite hotels worldwide. • Certificate of Excellence 2016 • TripAdvisor Choice 2016 • Certificate of Excellence 2015 • Proven Quality 2015 • HolidayCheck 2015 • TripAdvisor Choice 2015 • HolidayCheck 2014 • Certificate of Excellence 2014 • TripAdvisor Choice 2014 • Award • TuV Nord Award

Ayia Napa and Protaras

WEDDINGS With breathtaking views of the Mediterranean and with one of the island's most privileged settings, the Grecian Park Hotel, will ensure that your special day will be full of romantic and beautiful memories, wedding wishes and dreams to last a lifetime. The Grecian Park Hotel offers the experience and dedication you deserve to make your wedding in paradise come true. The island of Cyprus otherwise known as Aphrodite's island, boasts one of the most romantic settings.

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/ hotel /C A P O


"Good life is the pursuit of happiness" — ARISTOTLE

Capo Bay Hotel Combining the ultimate in design and hospitality! Capo Bay Hotel Cyprus is quite simply, the best beach hotel to stay in Protaras, Cyprus. Exceptionally located in the heart of Protaras and a step away from the award winning blue flag Fig Tree Bay. Don’t forget to breathe in the sea air! OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Capo Bay hotel is situated right on the beach but is in the centre of Protaras, within a short walking distance from shops, banks and traditional Cypriot tavernas. Located on the famous Fig Tree Bay, you will experience perhaps the most beautiful sandy beach and crystal clear waters of any Cyprus location – a blue flag awarded beach. Protaras is a one hour drive from Larnaka International Airport and a ten minute drive from Paralimni and Ayia Napa – 8 kms from either in each direction. FACTS Rooms and Suites: 225



HE CAPO BAY HOTEL in Protaras, Cyprus is exceptionally located in the heart of Protaras. Modern features and amenities blend in with traditional excellence in service and holiday accommodation Capo Bay Beach Hotel has earned an enviable reputation with travelers to Cyprus for its style and attention to detail within the guest accommodation and for its quality of service. Whichever type of room you choose to stay in, you will appreciate the overall tone of elegance, combined with all the modern comfort you would expect from a beach hotel in Protaras. Our hotel is an ideal destination for a relaxing holiday in, Cyprus. It has a superb choice of facilities, including two outdoor swimming pools, scuba diving centre, a supervised kids club and a modern spa resort offering aromatherapy, massages, facials and body treatments. Capo Bay Hotel is the perfect choice from a variety of beach hotels in Protaras,

as it is very close to the picturesque rocky Cape Greko, where the deep turquoise waters are famous amongst scuba divers. Due to its position, Capo Bay Hotel is one of the few hotels in Protaras which combines the beach with a central location. A short stroll will allow you to enjoy the full center of Protaras with a wide selection of shops and tavernas on your doorstep! Its excellent location, wide choice of daily activities, dining venues and the pleasant surroundings makes Capo Bay Hotel the best choice, if you are looking for a contemporary beach hotel in Protaras, Cyprus. Please note that pets are not allowed at the hotel. CONTACT Address: Iasonos 2, P.O.Box 33115, 5311 Paralimni, Protaras, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23831101 Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras

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CUCINA ITALIAN RESTAURANT | What we eat is constantly evolving and changing! Cucina Italian Restaurant offers high quality Italian Cuisine which is characterized by its simplicity, with pure taste of the ingredients since most dishes are comprised from only four to eight ingredients. At Cucina we rely primarily on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation.

EXECUTIVE SUITE | The Capo Bay hotel offers one executive sea view suite with an open plan master bedroom, offering amazing views of the blue flag awarded Fig Tree Bay and connecting to a twin bedded room.

ACCOMMODATION If you are looking for modern, comfortable hotel rooms in Cyprus, then Capo Bay Hotel Protaras is the ideal destination. We have 225 elegantly designed rooms that are fully air conditioned and offer bathrooms with whirlpool or jet, satellite flat screen TV, Free Wi-Fi internet connection, direct dial telephone connection, mini bar, hair dryer, safe deposit box, tea and coffee making facilities and private balcony. Capo Bay Hotel Protaras has the rooms and suites to suit the needs of the most discerning guests. Capo Bay is perhaps unrivalled for the marvelous views many of the hotel rooms offer. Our hotel rooms offer such luxuries as whirlpool or jet in the bathroom, balconies, views over the resort, the sea, or the lovely gardens surrounding the Capo Bay Hotel. A hotel room at Capo Bay, with so many facilities will leave you wanting to come back each year for a holiday. ONEIRO SPA CENTER | At Oneiro Spa Resort which is considered one of the best of Protaras Spa Hub's - we have partnered and exclusively make use of the leading luxury SPA and Skincare brand ELEMIS. A variety of treatments to hydrate, remineralise, smooth and soften your skin, taking you to a new level of relaxation. We have integrated health and wellness into an urbane environment.

Ayia Napa and Protaras

• 2018 EDITION



Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca The Radisson Blu Larnaca, welcomes you to Cyprus’s sparkling southern shore. Strategically set in the city centre facing the sea port, this upper-upscale hotel provides easy access to both Larnaca’s modern and ancient culture as well as its thriving port industry. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 star LOCATION Port Side, Larnaca City Centre 9km from Larnaca Airport HOTEL FEATURES 106 Rooms & Suites • Room sizes of 35m² to 56m² • Eco Friendly Linen & Pillow Menus • Simmons Signature Beds • 49’’ – 55’’ LED Mirroring TVs • Nespresso Coffee Machines • USB Charging Stations | The Skybar • Rooftop Gin & Sushi Bar | AquaBlu • Lofty 5th Floor Outdoor Pool | Harbor Blu & Blu Lounge • Delicious dining options throughout the day | Meeting Rooms & Business Centre • 16th Floor Event Facilities • Interactive Digital Media | Direct Access to Q Blu Plaza • Free High Speed WiFi • Free Covered Parking



ITUATED on the southern coast of Cyprus, Larnaca is the island nation’s 3rd-largest city and held to be its oldest. The Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca sits just 2 kilometres from the gorgeous Mediterranean beach within the city centre. The hotel also boasts a strategic location across from the main sea port and the Larnaca waterfront, which are important to the city’s role as the nation’s 2nd largest port. The hotel features 106 well-appointed rooms and suites, in five distinct room categories. For your ultimate comfort, modern in-room amenities include: Free high-speed Internet access, 49’’ – 55’’ LED mirroring TVs, tea and coffee making facilities by Nespresso and pillow menu by Cocomat, for selected room types. You can enjoy a delicious meal in the privacy of your room with 24-hour room service or visit the on-site restaurant and bar to socialize with friends and colleagues. Stay active during your stay, by visiting the modern fitness room and outdoor pool, and take time to unwind at the property’s wellness centre, which offers a Jacuzzi, a steam room and relaxation centre. The hotel’s meeting and events facilities span 401 square meters, the “Scala” conference room on the 16th floor, makes it the perfect venue for any meeting, event or social occasion.

ROOMS & RESTAURANTS Enjoy gorgeous views of the Larnaca Bay from all of the hotel’s rooms beautifully designed with light, earth tone colours and wooden furnishings. All rooms aim for optimal comfort and mirror the warm atmosphere of the city and culture. The ultimate culinary experience awaits you at our Signature “Sky Bar” on the 16th floor, featuring a unique Gin bar & Sushi restaurant, to be enjoyed alongside breath-taking panoramic views of Larnaca. Try the delicious Super Breakfast at “Harbor Blu” restaurant, on the 5th floor each morning, for tasty selections to get you fuelled up for the day. “Harbor Blu” can also cater buffet style for any events.

CONTACT Address: Atlantidon 2 6058 Larnaca, Cyprus Tel: +357 24 505 800 Fax: +357 24 505 815 Email: Web:


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BLU LOUNGE | Indulge in delightful Mediterranean snacks and a delicious drink at this sophisticated cosmopolitan bar. With a laid back ambiance, the Blu Lounge bar is the ideal spot to unwind.

RADISSON BLU LARNACA | The best choice for business and leisure stays in Larnaca’s cosmopolitan city

SERVICES Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca is a high-tech, sleek, upscale, sixteen story hotel, unlike no other in Cyprus. Offering first class accommodation, Radisson’s philosophy and Yes I Can TM attitude of service, ensures you a comfortable stay. The outdoor swimming pool is open daily during the summer season and is the ideal spot to sip mouth-watering cocktails while soaking in the summer sun alongside spectacular views of the city. The Fitness and wellness centre, allows you to maintain your daily routine or relax after a busy day, by unwinding in a tranquil environment featuring a sauna and steam room. Whether you need a refreshing beverage during the day, a little drink during a break or a soothing nightcap to round off your evening, we have just the spot for you. In addition to excellent dining, we also offer bars for all moods and needs. Whether you need a refreshing beverage during the day, a little drink during a break or a soothing nightcap to round off your evening, we have just the spot for you.


• 2018 EDITION


/ hotel /A P H R O D I T E


CONTEMPORARY, ELEGANT and set in an area steeped with Cypriot culture, mythology and tradition, the hotel is a lifestyle haven for devotees of luxury and comfort and the first Resort hotel of its kind in Cyprus.

Aphrodite Hills Resort Nestled in the hills above Paphos, The Aphrodite Hills Resort offers incredible luxury experiences like no other. The resort combines the five-star Aphrodite Hills Hotel by Atlantica, The Retreat spa, a tennis academy and an 18-hole championship golf course with spectacular surroundings and a fascinating history. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The Resort is situated on two plateaux separated by a ravine, 300 metres high and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. FACTS • 290 rooms and suites • The Mediterranean’s finest 578-acre integrated sports and leisure resort. • Outstanding 18-hole championship Golf Course with Golf Academy and Golf Clubhouse. • Award-winning Spa with 27 treatment rooms. • World-class Tennis Academy including 9 championship tennis courts.



HOOSE from our Hotel or our large and stylish hotel rooms and suites finished to an exacting high standard. Each room is packed with lots of extras like in room Internet Access, Satellite TV and Bathrobes (charges may apply for certain items). Choose from Sea View, Pool or Garden View Rooms, Golf & Sea View Rooms, Swim-up Family Rooms. Upgrade to one of our Luxury Suites and you can also choose from Private Pools or Outdoor Jacuzzi.

PERFECT FAMILY HOLIDAYS At Aphrodite Hills Resort, we know that if your kids enjoy their holiday then you will too. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to entertain kids of all ages. Little ones will be invited to join in with treasure hunts and themed days at Sensatori’s Play House. It’s right next door to a super-sized sandy play area, filled with slides, climbing frames, and a zip-wire. Our always popular Kids Club for 3–12 year olds.

PAMPERING AND WELLNESS The award-winning Spa offers a variety of Treatments & Packages in collaboration with the leading luxury skincare and spa brand ‘ELEMIS’. Life can be stressful sometimes, which is why you look forward to your holiday. At Aphrodite Hills Resort our Retreat Spa ensures that you can unwind and relax whilst enjoying the rest of your holiday. The Retreat Spa is located on an elevated part of the Resort above the Mediterranean Sea, with spectacular views from our outdoor infinity pool. Our expert team of therapists await you with the ultimate in top-to-toe pampering for the mind, body and soul. CONTACT Address: 1, Aphrodite Avenue, 8509 Kouklia, Paphos, Cyprus Tel: +357 26 829000 Fax: +357 26 829001 Web:


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The diverse range of first-class facilities offer something to suit each and every visitor

For a truly magnificent wedding Aphrodite Hills Resort is simply second to none. The unique and enchanting St. Catherine’s Chapel is situated adjacent to the Village Square and is a blissful setting for the perfect wedding or christening.

Hotel Awards Cypriot Hotel Awards – Recommended Property of Paphos for 2015 Best Resort Hotel, Cyprus Best Golf Resort, Cyprus Best Golf Resort, Europe Best International Golf Resort


• 2018 EDITION

WEDDINGS Beside the glittering Mediterranean sea – overlooking the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty – the Aphrodite Hills Hotel by Atlantica naturally embodies the essence of love and romance, making it an exceptional location for your dream wedding. Whether your celebration is an intimate affair or a grand spectacle, there is a wide variety of stunning ceremony and reception venues available to suit your own ideas for a perfect wedding day. With a wide selection of exquisite Restaurants, bars and lounges within the the Aphrodite Hills Hotel and Aphrodite Hills Resort as well as cascading outdoor and indoor pools, there is no shortage of tasteful locations and options for both your ceremony and reception. APHRODITE HILLS GOLF Aphrodite Hills is home to a number of integrated facilities, again for the pleasure and use of all guests at the Resort. Facilities include the majestic and visually spectacular 18-hole championship-standard Golf Course, with 3-hole Golf Academy that caters for all ages and abilities.


/ hotel /E L Y S I U M VISIT THE HOTEL’S GROUNDS and you will soon be drawn to the landscaped gardens with direct access to the Tombs of the Kings. The scents of jasmine, citrus, olive trees and an array of shrubs and flowers fill the air, settling in the outdoor amphitheatre, where stepped seats provide views of the sunset, while a lavender-lined path beyond leads you to the sea.

Elysium The Elysium enjoys uninterrupted views of the Mediterranean Sea and has been sensitively designed in a palatial style primarily influenced by the Byzantine era. The cultural references of its architecture evoke the rich history of Cyprus and combine elements from Greek, Roman, Medieval and Venetian times. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The Elysium is situated on the beach, in the historical heartland of the ancient city of Paphos. The hotel is only 10 minutes away from the picturesque harbour of Paphos, 25 minutes from Paphos centre, and 90 minutes from Larnaca international airport. FACTS Voltage: 240 Volts Guest elevators: 4 Floors: 3 Credit cards: all major cards are accepted Room service: 24 hours Wireless internet access (with the hotel’s compliments)



LYSIUM, a heavenly experience on earth — ​a place of delight and eternal bliss, where unique experiences impress you again and again… Adjacent to one of the most renowned archaeological sites, the Tombs of the Kings, the hotel indicates that in ancient times this was considered a headland of significance, valued for its spectacular views of the sun setting into the sea. Designed along palatial lines, the Elysium invites you to enjoy unforgettable moments in an environment of ultimate serenity with uninterrupted views of the sea. Surrounded by extensive landscaped gardens with water features, pools, an amphitheatre and its own sandy cove, it extends a feeling of wellbeing and indulgence. Every detail is an example of artistic and insightful craftsmanship, incorporating stone, marble and timber features that enhance furnishings reminiscent of local history and heritage. The moment the Elysium comes into view, you will note its sturdy drawbridge through a medieval arch, leading you to

the inspiring colonnaded reception area. Images of the past come to mind, from the days of Byzantine prosperity to Greek, Roman, Medieval and Venetian glory. A tour of the hotel is a journey of exploration. Take in the warmth of muted earth colours and allow yourself to wander, as you detect intricate mosaics and impressive arches and columns. HOTEL SHOPS A souvenir shop, a boutique, a jewellery shop, a hairdressing salon, ESPA rituals, a diving centre and a florist. Booking of cruises and general information are available within the hotel property. CONTACT Address: Queen Verenikis Street P.O. Box 60701, 8107 Paphos, Cyprus Tel: + 357 2684 4444 E-mail: Web:


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Your visit to Paphos is a complete experience: outstanding location, cultural interest and culinary excellence combined

A wedding at the Elysium is the ultimate event; it is the beginning of a new life together with your partner making this venue the perfect location for getting married in Cyprus.

Hotel Awards

• Elysium has been selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 3 new best hotels of the world on 7/7/02.

• Elysium has been recognised with the Award of "The Best Leisure Project in Europe" on 18/11/02, an award given once every four years by the European Leisure Property Forum. • Elysium has been awarded another accolade — ​a nomination for "Best Leisure Hotel" at the annual MIPIM exhibition, the largest real estate exhibition in the world. Over 600 hotels were considered and Elysium was amongst the three final nominees along with two other highly prestigious properties: Chicago Sofitel for "Best Business Hotel" and the Paris Hyatt for "The Best Hotel".


• 2018 EDITION

LEISURE FACILITIES The irresistible free-form outdoor pool is the focal point of the hotel’s gardens and has been imaginatively designed on many levels around a hydro-massage rotunda pool in the centre. For the more energetic, two floodlit tennis courts and scuba diving courses for all levels are on offer, as well as a high-tech gym, aerobics and Pilates studios — ​all with private instructors. If relaxation and pampering are what you have in mind, the Opium Health Spa with ESPA treatments will deliver all you could ever hope for. Those who appreciate culture will enjoy the live performances staged at the Orpheus amphitheatre. In between, enjoy a game of chess while children explore the indoor kids’ club and amusement centre, or splash around in the shaded children’s outdoor pool, with a waterslide and adjacent playground. A CHARMING ROTUNDA WITH HYDROPOOL highlights the sparkling multi-level swimming pool. Venture down to the beach, and you will discover the shoreline pedestrian path that winds its way right down to Paphos harbour.


/ hotel /A N A S S A

ANASSA HOTEL Outstanding five star seaside hotel in Paphos with exceptional service and all the luxury facilities needed for idyllic family beach holidays in Cyprus.

Anassa Beach Hotel The “Queen” of Mediterranean living, Anassa combines majestic flair, gracious service and a refined joie de vivre. Its seductive regal hillside retreat is a vision of sparkling elegance: the epitome of Mediterranean living at its sublime and stylish best. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 star superior LOCATION Nestled on the beach, this Neo Chorio hotel is within 3 mi (5 km) of Latchi Harbour, Baths of Aphrodite, and Aphrodite Nature Trail. HOTEL FEATURES Catch some rays at the beach or spend the day relaxing at Anassa Hotel's full-service spa. Then enjoy a meal at one of the hotel's 4 restaurants. ACCOMMODATION Main building hosting 166 rooms and suites – all have balconies and some studios and suites feature their own pool or whirlpool – including 4 luxurious villas designed for guests.



UALITY PERMEATES every corner of the Resort, from the multi-award winning Thalassa Spa and Explorers Children’s Club, to the RYA-certified Sailing Centre and PADI Five Star Gold Palm Dive Centre. Traditional charm exudes from The Village Square and Byzantine chapel, while four culinary gems offer a world of gastronomic indulgence. Anassa’s meandering grounds and secluded beach are punctuated by graceful spaces and hideaway places where intuitive care is personalised to perfection: an inspiring retreat for those who appreciate life’s quintessential pleasures. Conceived by legendary Parisian interior designer Joelle Pleot and brought to life by our trusted local artisans, the renovations cap an incredible 20 and 30-year respective collaboration between Thanos Hotels and this very special design team. The results beautifully unify tradition and modernity, effortlessly enhancing Anassa’s elegant ‘at-home’

design and sublimely stylish surrounds. A blend of luxurious silks and linens in pretty maritime blues and soft subtle creams create an atmosphere of cool comfort and welcoming warmth. Custom-made oak furnishings showcase the enviable skills of local craftsmen, produced using traditional techniques handed down through generations. Together, they exude a beach-chic apartment vibe that displays contemporary Mediterranean styling at its elegant, understated best. We look forward to welcoming you to experience the quintessential flair of Anassa’s new-look rooms, suites and residences for yourself. CONTACT Address: P.O. Box 66006 8830 Polis, Cyprus Tel: + 357 26888000 E-mail: Web:


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HELIOS | Our stylish fine-dining restaurant, complete with harpist, pianist, outdoor sea-view terrace (with olive trees), and private dining enclaves. Serves contemporary French-Mediterranean á la carte and daily changing table d'hôte menus.

ANASSA: the Ultimate Mediterannean Retreat

FAMILIES Here at Anassa, we go to great lengths to create a family friendly environment that extends to every experience we offer. Our award-winning Kids Clubs take babies from 4 months old, while thoughtful touches like early restaurant sittings and junior sports camps, lessons and spa treatments ensure the wee ones are always front of mind. WEDDINGS Pledge together forever on the Isle of Love: the romantic realm of Aphrodite herself. From whimsical to traditional, intimate to lavish, decide your dream day and leave the myth-inspired magic to us…

Surrounded by lush vegetation and direct access to the beach, this 5 star hotel is truly the perfect retreat for couples and families looking for relaxed beach holidays.

Hotel Awards


The editors of Condé Nast Traveller have ranked Anassa’s Thalassa Spa as the Most Consistent High Performer in the world. Condé Nast Traveller also praises the consistently high level of service at Anassa, noting that the rooms are ‘reliably lovely’ and the food ‘reliably delicious.’ ‘The healing bubble doesn’t burst when you emerge’ from the spa, say the editors, but continues to envelop you throughout your stay. This recognition follows three Condé Nast Traveller Readers’ Awards in 2016: No. 3 ‘Best Overseas Hotel in Europe, Turkey, & Russia,’ No. 27 ‘The World’s Top 100,’ and No. 5 ‘Best Overseas Spa.’Anassa is also included on the magazine’s Gold List for 2017.


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MEET Creative spaces include three adaptable meeting rooms, a traditional village square and chapel, while our expert team is on hand to craft every experience to perfection. THE HOTEL ALSO BOAST AN AWARD-WINNING ROMAN-STYLED DELUXE SPA with thalassotherapy, a seawater pool, an indoor pool, 18 treatment rooms where you can enjoy facial and body therapies or massages, a fitness and wellness centre and a make-up and hair salon.


/ hotel /C O R A L


CORAL BEACH HOTEL AND RESORT has a large outdoor pool complex with a swimming pool and sun terrace next to the private harbour, furnished with sun loungers and shades.

Coral Beach Hotel & Resort The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort in Paphos, Cyprus, is situated on 500 meters of natural sandy beach with its own private harbor. This unique resort combines the traditional Cypriot décor of white walls and authentic woodwork with the modern amenities expected of a five star resort. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION It is close to the town of Paphos, 25 minutes from Paphos International Airport and 150km from Larnaca International Airport. Stay on this road for about 6km. At the second round about take the left exit, joining another dual carriageway. Follow this road through traffic lights and crossroads towards Coral Bay. After about 11km you shall see a sign for Coral Bay Village. FACTS Rooms and Suites: 422 All rooms feature free WiFi and 24-hour room service. For a bit of entertainment, LCD TVs come with satellite channels. Restaurants: 6



OCATED on the beautiful and popular Coral Bay with views across the landscaped gardens and beach, this luxury hotel is all about service, relaxation and enjoyment in this stunning part of the world. With plenty of historic sites in nearby Paphos to explore, plus a number of different dining options and leisure facilities including children’s pools and waterslides, the Coral Beach Hotel and Resort is ideal for guests looking for a great range of on-site facilities and dining options. From the harbour you can book day cruises and boat trip around the Akamas peninsula and the western coast. There is also an activity pool with water slides and a further pool for children. Further leisure facilities and activities include a Spa, 4 floodlit tennis courts, a squash court, a fitness gym, a games room, snooker and pool tables, a children's playroom (for the kids club) and an Art & Craft centre with workshops where guests can try all sorts of crafts.

Social and dining venues include 6 restaurants with indoor and outdoor dining, a Taverna by the harbour, a lounge bar with terraces overlooking Coral Bay, a nightclub, a pool-side bar and a beach bar. The Coral restaurant is open for breakfasts which are served buffet style whilst the Calipso is open in the evenings for set menus and buffets of international dishes. There is also an Italian restaurant, an elegant restaurant serving nuevo cuisine, a garden restaurant and; the Molos restaurant (summer only) set on the waterfront specialising in fresh fish. Amenities and services available to guests include 24 hour reception and free WiFi throughout. CONTACT Address: P.O.Box 62874, CY-8099 Paphos Tel: + 357 26881000 E-mail: Web:


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WHATEVER DREAM WEDDING a couple has imagined, they are sure to find it in Cyprus, the island of love. The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort is the perfect location and theperfect island.

All weddings are unique and special in their own way, whether big lavish celebrations, or small intimate gatherings.

Hotel Awards


We are delighted to announce that the Coral Beach Hotel & Resort has been voted among the top 5 hotels in Cyprus for Russian holidaymakers in Cyprus in 2015. It has also been voted number 96 worldwide, by Lighthouse Research, acting on behalf of TopHotels of Russia. This ranking is based on a year-long survey sample of Russian tourists and tour operators.


• 2018 EDITION

WEDDINGS The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort is chosen by many for the most important day of their life; their wedding. Set in an outstanding location, on a stunning coastline overlooking the beautiful views of the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean, it has been a popular choice for wedding couples for many years. The resort offers magical locations for Wedding Ceremonies, Drinks and Dinner Receptions, all with breathtaking panoramic views of the sea and stunning Paphos sunsets. Private terraces, a Deck, an Amphitheatre, a picturesque harbour, a traditional Taverna and private gardens are some of the perfect locations for your special day and some spectacular places for some truly memorable wedding photos. The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort has been honoured to host weddings for many wonderful couples, often recommended to marry here from former couples, whose wedding dreams were not only met but exceeded. ESTHISIS, THE HEALTH AND BEAUTY SPA of the Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus. Esthisis is the Greek Word for Senses, meaning that at Esthisis all therapies and treatments aim to enhance your senses and feeling of wellbeing.



Shopping centre in Ayia Napa

37 Nissi Avenue 5330, Ayia Napa

+357 23 725040


• 2018 EDITION


/ древняя история /

Мифы и легенды о древнем Кипре Кипр — ​большой остров, который находится в восточной части Средиземного моря, определяющего контуры Европы. С запада к нему примыкает акватория Греции, с востока — ​ Ливан; к югу от него находится Египет, а к северо-востоку — ​Малая Азия.


ТОТ стратегически важный в военном отношении клочок суши поочередно завоевывали ассирийцы, персы, египтяне. В более поздний период к нему проявляли интерес крестоносцы и купцы Венецианской республики. Впервые остров с богатыми залежами меди был заселен людьми около 9000 лет назад. По мнению историков, на остров около 3900 г. до н. э. мигрировала небольшая группа выходцев из Палестины. Древние греки, жившие в эпоху Микенской цивилизации, сочли возможным поселиться здесь только в XII веке до н. э. — ​так давала о себе знать бесконечная череда восстаний и войн в этом расположенном от них на восток регионе. Местные жители в скором времени ассимилировались среди эллинов, а их культура, язык и религия стали общим достоянием Греции античного периода. Ахейские переселенцы из Аргоса основали город Курион, который находился неподалеку от современного Лимассола. Позднее на острове появились новые захватчики — ​египтяне и персы. Впоследствии греки сумели вернуть Кипр, важнейший плацдарм Средиземноморья. На острове насчитывалось 10 полисов — ​городов-государств. И каждое из нашествий завоевателей оставляло неизгладимый след в характере и культурном наследии киприотов. Обнаруженные археологами на месте раскопок остатки обожженных костей, неопровержимо доказывают, что до прихода сюда людей Древний Кипр населяли карликовые формы гиппопотамов и слонов. Первые жители находили себе природные жилища — ​пещеры. Их уже можно было считать земледельческой общиной. Первыми одомашненными животными были коровы, свиньи овцы, собаки, козы и даже такие считающиеся до сих пор дикими животные, как олени и лисы. Обнаруженные в пещере на полуострове Акротири орудия труда — ​наиболее древнее доказательство присутствия людей на Кипре в отдаленную от нас эпоху. ЭПОХА РАСЦВЕТА И ЗАКАТА ВЕЛИЧАЙШИХ ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИЙ НА КИПРЕ Первая миграционная волна принесла с собой умение строить дома характерной круглой формы. Эпоха неолита ознаменовала переход к совершенно другому типу возведения жилищ — ​c выпрямленными стенками — ​и изготовлению каменных сосудов. В жизненном укладе стал доминировать


Средняя продолжительность жизни была невысокой — ​в среднем 34 года — ​ при высоких показателях детской смертности. патриархат, а в натуральном хозяйстве — ​животноводство с использованием усовершенствованием каменных орудий труда. Во время проведения раскопок часто обнаруживают их огромное количество. Археологи также выявили древние колодцы. Особенно много их находится в западной части страны. Они считаются одними из старейших в мире. Землетрясение в 3800-м году до н. э. разрушило неолитическую культуру. Развитие возобновилось только в эпоху энеолита и с появлением технологий обработки металлов. В этот заключительный период каменного века сосуществовали как медные, так и каменные орудия труда. Верхние хронологические рамки Бронзового века на Кипре приходятся примерно на 2400 гг. до н. э., когда на острове появились переселенцы из Анатолии, что привело к внедрению ряда технологических усовершенствований и развитию натурального хозяйства. Средний период характеризуется длительностью мирного сосуществования и поступательностью развития. В поздний бронзовый век была изобретена кипро-минойская слоговая азбука — ​один из древнейших видов письменности. • 2018 EDITION




The gorgeous east coast of Cyprus certainly boasts some of the very beaches on the island, but it’s not just about lazing by the sandy shores. When it comes to family fun, peel yourselves away from the sun lounger and make your way to one of the most talked about spots in Cyprus: WaterWorld Themed Waterpark. It’s one of the biggest themed waterparks in the whole world- an impressive feat to say the least. You can spend the whole day without getting bored, with more than 30 waterslides and attractions for the whole family to enjoy! WaterWorld Themed Waterpark in Ayia Napa has won heaps of awards, rated one of the best waterparks in Europe! It was recently rated number 3 among best waterparks in Europe ranked by TripAdvisor and came in at number 18 in the world.







THEA VIP SUITE Waterworld Themed Waterpark Ayia Napa is taking quality and service to an even higher level with the opening of the exclusive THEA VIP SUITE in the centre of Waterworld overlooking Poseidon's Wave Pool in a fully equipped area with private sundeck, loungers and whirlpool. Pamper yourself in the luxurious THEA VIP Suite, boasting Mediterranean design and features for ultimate comfort with panoramic views of the award winning WaterWorld Themed Waterpark, with floor to ceiling glass doors. Thea VIP suite for your WaterWorld visit will automatically give you access to all WaterWorld rides and attractions and a fast pass to all the rides that require a tube or a mat. A private host will ensure you have a comfortable stay throughout the day. Thea Suite, includes a wide selection of dishes and desserts for an additional price. For Bookings email or call 00357 99950400

/ достопримечательности /

Загадка отеля Berengaria Отель Berengaria уютно раскинулся на склонах гор Троодос. Отсюда открывается прекрасный вид на великолепные пейзажи, окружающие кипрскую деревушку Продромос. Увы, теперь он лишь может красоваться в тени былой славы. Вам расскажут, почему отель был брошен на произвол судьбы. Несмотря на это, он по-прежнему достоин внимания туристов и считается самой что ни на есть загадочной достопримечательностью этой части острова, учитывая удивительные и захватывающие дух истории, связанные с этим таинственным зданием.


ТЕЛЬ был построен много лет тому назад, в 1931 году. Здесь останавливались известные личности и титулованные лица: члены королевских семей и другие представители высшего сословия. Им предоставляли более чем отменный сервис, достойный тех, кого по праву называют сливками общества. Тем не менее, отель был закрыт в 1984 году после 53 лет непрерывной работы. Хотя отель и выдержал испытание временем, поддерживая на протяжении более пяти десятилетий свое реноме настоящего королевского дворца, в котором глаза разбегаются от роскоши, его нынешнее состояние — ​жалкое и удручающее зрелище, поскольку этот некогда великолепнейший архитектурный шедевр ныне полностью заброшен, а горные ветры и другие природные факторы стремятся сравнять его с землей. Отель Berengaria — ​пусть и туристическая достопримечательность, но довольно опасная, особенно для тех, кто плохо знаком с рельефом местности. Местные жители довольно любознательны: они хотят побольше узнать об этом загадочном, манящем к себе месте, где отдыхали столь достопочтенные люди, и увидеть все своими глазами. Туристы тоже не прочь взглянуть на это здание и попытаться разгадать его загадку. Считается, что в отеле живут привидения, связанные кровными узами. Немало рассказов о местных привидениях заканчивается тем, что в стенах отеля обнаруживают случайно забредших путников, которые умерли при загадочных обстоятельствах, а потом уже их души, скрываясь среди руин на территории комплекса, начинают досаждать живым и пытаются удовлетворить жажду мести. ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ ФАКТЫ ОБ ОТЕЛЕ BERENGARIA Отель назвали в честь королевы Беренгарии Наваррской, жены английского короля Ричарда I. Красивое название, занимательная история, взятая из седой глубины Средних веков — ​это место было обречено привлекать людей из различных слоев общества. Нынешний владелец отеля Михалис Иоаннидес обеспокоен вопросами безопасности этого места для туристов, особенно для детей, учитывая, по его словам, аварийное состояние некоторых участков здания. Для предотвращения несчастных случаев были предприняты профилактические меры, но некоторые посетители не относятся


с должной серьезностью к предупреждающим знакам. Вам интересно узнать, почему грандиозный отель, в который вложили столько денег, пришел в упадок? О, это запутанная история, которая попрежнему ждет разгадки. По слухам, которыми так любят делиться местные жители, владелец отеля Berengaria имел трех сыновей, которые и унаследовали его имущество. Однако жадность и зависть отпрысков привели к финансовым проблемам, которые сделали их непримиримыми врагами и привели к дроблению бизнеса, отчего состояние дел только ухудшилось. Ни один из сыновей не попытался по-настоящему разобраться с финансовыми проблемами и вывести управление гостиницей на должный уровень. Именно поэтому дела отеля и пошли неуклонно вниз. Неизвестно, реконструируют ли в будущем отель Berengaria, оставив в прошлом все проблемы и годы забвения, но жители Продромоса искренне скучают как по доносившейся из танцевального зала музыке, так и другим развлечениям на территории этого престижнейшего кипрского отеля.

x Как видим, многие считают отель Berengaria достопримечательностью из-за его богатой и неоднозначной истории: люди хотят пройтись по в тем же залам и подняться по тем же лестницам, по которым когда-то ходили особы королевской крови. Если вы планируете посетить отель, придерживайтесь указаний на предупреждающих знаках, так как некоторые участки небезопасны для посещения, особенно ночью. Вы можете воспользоваться услугами гида, который хорошо знает здание, чтобы в случае чего помочь Вам или, что еще лучше, составит компанию, чтобы Вы не блуждали в одиночестве.

• 2018 EDITION

/ cемейные развлечения /

СДЕЛАЙТЕ ОТДЫХ НЕЗАБЫВАЕМЫМ Часы работы: с 9:00 до 23:00 Стоимость входа: €30

Часы работы: с 10:00 до 18:00. Закрыт в январе и феврале. Стоимость входа: от €14

ВЕРЕВОЧНЫЙ ПАРК SPARTI Не пропустите это место, если собираетесь незабываемо провести время. Sparty Rope Park — ​ отличное заведение для тех семей с детьми, которым нравятся захватывающие приключения. Взрослые получат море удовольствия от самого быстрого в Европе 60-километрового зиплайна — ​ спуска на стальном канате. Дети от 4 лет смогут воспользоваться канатными маршрутами различных уровней сложности. Это фантастическая возможность отдохнуть, занимаясь спортом вместе со своей семьей на свежем воздухе и наслаждаясь изумительными по красоте пейзажами. Сайт:

Часы работы: с 08:00 до 20:00


КЛУБ TWO WAVES Посетив сeрфинговый клуб Two Waves, Вы сделаете правильный выбор, если стремились найти место, где лето длится круглый год. Приходите сюда, чтобы насладиться нескончаемыми волнами, научиться скользить на серфборде по морской глади или просто отлично провести время с семьей, друзьями или коллегами. Оригинальные коктейли с незабываемым вкусом, которые подают в здешнем баре, зажгут в Вашем сердце веселье, а изысканные блюда помогут восстановить запас энергии после многочасового серфинга. Клуб также помогает в организации корпоративов, дружеских вечеринок и дней рождения. Сайт:

ADVENTURE MOUNTAIN PARK Расположенный среди гор Троодос парк покорит Вас красотами природы и разнообразием развлечений для детей и взрослых. Здесь невозможно надоесть друг другу. Вы можете сыграть в пейнтбол, сыграть в лазертаг, посоревноваться в ориентировании на местности, заняться скалолазанием, покататься на коньках и даже пострелять из лука. Заведение также помогает в организации корпоративных мероприятий и игр. После подвижных развлечений на свежем воздухе Вы можете пополнить свою энергию в местном ресторанчике с помощью подаваемых здесь изысканных блюд, любуясь красотами расположенных неподалеку ботанических садов. Или, если захотите, отдохнуть рядышком в кемпинге. Сайт: • 2018 EDITION

НА КИПРЕ КИПР НА ЛЬДУ Если Вы ищете зимний уголок в раскалившемся от жары Лимассоле, посетите каток. Здесь Вы отлично проведете время с семьей, детьми, друзьями или коллегами. Ледяная площадка по всем параметрам устроит как профессионалов, так и тех, кто только учится кататься. В памяти останутся незабываемые моменты о проведенном на льду времени. Вы также сможете перекусить в одном из кафе торгового центра или даже заняться приятным шопингом. Сайт:

Часы работы: Пн – ​Пт с 08:00 до 17:00; Сб. – с 09:00 до 17:00; Вс. – с 10:00 до 13:00. Билет: €4,5

Часы работы: с 11:00 до 21:00

ЗАМОК В ЛИМАССОЛЕ Если Вам нравится история, и Вы были бы не прочь окунуться в атмосферу Средневековья, замок Лимассола и Кипрский музей Средневековья — ​именно то, что нужно для экскурсии. Нынешний облик замок приобрел в период владычества Османской империи, но археологические находки доказывают, что он был построен значительно раньше — ​ на месте первой христианской церкви острова. Экспозиция музея включает в себя средневековую керамику, надгробные плиты, серебряные изделия, оружие, монеты и пр. Не стоит забывать и о великолепных панорамах города и моря, которые открываются посетителям замка. Сайт: www.limassolmunicipal.

ЛИМАССОЛЬСКИЙ ЗООПАРК Если Вы любите животных и желаете провести время на лоне природы, добро пожаловать в единственный на Кипре зоопарк, находящийся в Лимассоле! Вы увидите около 90 видов живущих здесь животных, сможете организовать пикник на специально отведенной территории или пообедать в кафе, интерьер которого декорирован в африканском стиле. Зоопарк Лимассола — ​ превосходное место отдыха для всей семьи! Сайт:

Часы работы: с 09:00 до 17:00. Стоимость входа: для взрослых €5, для детей €2 евро.

ЛИМАССОЛ МАРИНА Это изысканное сочетание роскошных номеров, ресторанов, магазинов и одновременно шлюпочная гавань, где предоставляются самые разнообразные услуги высочайшего класса. Здесь есть все, о чем только можно мечтать: SPA, фитнес-центры, великолепная панорама, экскурсии и путешествия на шлюпках и яхтах, школа будущих яхтсменов, прекрасные пляжи и пр. Сайт:

Работает круглосуточно

СТАРЫЙ ПОРТ ЛИМАССОЛА Это место позволит ощутить атмосферу античного рыбацкого порта, с нотками романтического флера и тоски по его славному прошлому. Вы увидите пирс XIX в., насладитесь морской панорамой, которая открывается из бухты. При посещении порта не пропустите ​набережную Молос, которая соединяет Олимпийское побережье с гаванью Лимассола. Это прекрасное место, чтобы спрятаться от дневного зноя, развлечься и насладиться деликатесами. Сайт: • 2018 EDITION


/ места паломничества / МОНАСТЫРЬ МАХЕРА Монастырь Махера, посвященный Деве Марии, расположен в 40 км от Никосии, столицы Кипра. Монастырское здание венчают изумительные по красоте купол и черепичная крыша. Внутреннее убранство украшено канделябрами, настенными фресками и иконостасом, центральное место в котором занимает икона Девы Марии.

Церкви и монастыри в Лимассоле и Никосии Республика Кипр может гордиться разнообразием и количеством религиозных памятников — ​ церквей и монастырей в Лимассоле и столице страны — ​Никосии. Киприоты — ​православные христиане. С молоком матери они впитывают благоговение перед святыми местами и церквями. Вам поведают о церквях и монастырях вокруг этих двух городов, а также расскажут о чудесах, свидетелями которых они стали за долгие столетия своего существования.


ЕМАЛОЕ количество преимущественно православных церквей на Кипре, воздвигнутых в честь Девы Марии или определенного святого. Православной церковью признается семь следующих таинств: Крещение, Евхаристия, Миропомазание, Покаяние, Венчание, Соборование и Рукоположение. Считается, что произошедшие в церквях чудеса — ​результат приверженности парафиян догматам веры и искренность их веры, а также праведности священников.

МОНАСТЫРЬ СВЯТОГО ГЕОРГИЯ АЛАМАНУ Монастырь был построен много столетий тому назад в византийском стиле. В настоящее время это женский православный монастырь. Он находится между деревнями Пентакомо и Монагрули в районе Лимассола. Монастырь Святого Георгия Аламану назван так в честь одного из самых известных почитаемых святых на Кипре.

АРМЯНСКИЕ ЦЕРКВИ И МОНАСТЫРИ Армянские церкви и монастыри расположенных в северной части столицы — ​Никосии. Это одни из самых значимых исторических мест города. В состав этого, как считают многие, шедевра зодчества входят школы, епископальное правление Армянской церкви, монастырские подворья и внушительное древнее сооружение, со всех сторон окруженное забором.


• 2018 EDITION

/ места паломничества / ЦЕРКОВЬ СВЯТОГО ИОАННА В НИКОСИИ Церковь святого Иоанна — ​одна из старейших в Никосии. Ранее комплекс функционировал в качестве монастыря, но в XVIII веке был превращен в церковь.

Кафедральный собор святого Иоанна, Никосия

КАФЕДРАЛЬНЫЙ СОБОР СВЯТОГО ИОАННА, НИКОСИЯ Воистину, от архитектурных изысков кафедрального собора святого Иоанна захватывает дух. Ранее это был православный монастырь. Только в XVIII веке он стал кафедральным собором. Его внешние очертания впечатляют меньше, чем внутреннее убранство, которое было нарочно спроектировано так, чтобы оставить неизгладимое впечатление на вошедшего. РУССКАЯ ПРАВОСЛАВНАЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ, ЛИМАССОЛ Русская православная церковь святого Николая является основной, соборной, для русскоязычной общины острова. Конструкция храмового комплекса предусматривает огромное внутреннее помещение, гостевой дом для путников и колокольню, чтобы предупредить прихожан о начале службы.

Русская православная церковь, Лимассол

КАФЕДРАЛЬНЫЙ СОБОР СВЯТОГО ПАВЛА, НИКОСИЯ Кафедральный собор расположен в центральной части Никосии — ​с толицы Кипра, привлекая внимание туристов из многих уголков мира, людей различных цивилизаций и культур. Англиканская церковь отличается веротерпимостью и радостно приветствует новых жителей Никосии, независимо от их прежнего вероисповедания. ЦЕРКОВЬ ПАНАГИИ В ФАНЕРОМЕНЕ, НИКОСИЯ Эта посвященная Богородице церковь была построена в 1792 году с использованием эклектики византийского и средневекового латинского стилей. Она находится на площади Фанеромени, на которую выходят несколько зданий в стиле неоклассицизма: среди них мраморный мавзолей и библиотека Фанеромени. Это наибольший в столице храмовый комплекс. Церкви известны чудеса исцеления и божественного провидения, что только укрепляет преданность парафиян, особенно веру в заступничество Девы Марии и святых церкви. Настоящее чудо приписывается Святой Марине, которая представившись т. н. гостевым врачом, получила разрешение участвовать в операции, спасшей жизнь маленького мальчика-киприота по имени Андреа Вассилиу. Находящийся на Кипре череп Иоанна Златоуста также чудесным образом исцелил двух прихожан: частично парализованного 16-летнего мальчика и женщина с переломом позвоночника вследствие автокатастрофы. Учитывая все вышеперечисленное, неудивительно, что киприоты настолько искренне поклоняются своим религиозным святыням, верят в церковные постулаты и особо почитают Деву Марию и местных святых. • 2018 EDITION

Кафедральный собор святого Павла, Никосия

Церковь Панагии в Фанеромене, Никосия


/ деревни /


КАЛЕЙДОСКОП ВОЛШЕБНЫХ МЕСТ Путешествие по окрестностям Лимассола — ​это, прежде всего, погружение в историю. Вы сможете полюбоваться обворожительными пейзажами окраин столицы острова. От них невозможно оторвать свой взгляд! Не менее приятной станет возможность соприкоснуться с культурой Кипра. Совсем необязательно обращаться в специальное турбюро для организации экскурсии. Просто возьмите машину напрокат и наслаждайтесь красотами Кипра! АМАТУС. Руины античного города находятся в 11 км от центральной части Лимассола. Это один из наиболее древних городов-полисов на острове. Частично его поглотило море. Но оставшаяся часть заслуживает посещения. Множество преданий и славных в прошлом имен связано с этим местом. Например, как гласит одна из легенд, дочь критского царя Миноса Ариадна помогла Тесею убить Минотавра. Впоследствии они бежали на Кипр и поженились в Аматусе. Именно здесь она, умерев во время родов, и была похоронена в роще, которую местные называют не иначе как Лес Ариадны. Это произошло в IX в. до н. э. В римскую эпоху Аматус стал столицей Кипра. Впоследствии вторжение арабов подорвало благополучие города: они не оставили здесь камня на камне. Посетив этот удивительный город, Вы сможете прогуляться по античным улочкам и площадям, а также увидеть сокровища дворца. В городе сохранилось несколько зданий Эллинистического периода. Их видно с вершины горы. Здесь также доступны для посещения два Акрополя с синхронными по времени захоронениями. КУРИОН — один из наиболее могущественных полисов в I в. до н. э., находится на пути из Лимассола в Пафос. Он был основан ахейцами. Они даже возвели здесь храм Аполлону, построили мраморные фонтаны и установили непревзойденные по красоте и реалистичности изображения статуи. Шедеврами искусства и архитектуры той эпохи восхищались посещавшие город купцы, о чем сохранилось немало исторических свидетельств. В III в. город до основания был разрушен землетрясением. В наши дни здесь можно увидеть чудом сохранившиеся мозаику с изображением Ахиллеса, античный театр, дом Евстолия и фундамент одной из самых древнейших церквей Кипра. СОТИРА. Не упустите возможность побывать в самой настоящей кипрской таверне под названием «Моузикос». Обязательно отведайте там местного вина с чудесным букетом и бархатистым послевкусием, а также перекусите местными деликатесами. Лучше заранее заказывать столик, так как место довольно популярно и никогда не простаивает. Заведению больше 80 лет. Его владельцы будут рады рассказать Вам фамильные предания о становлении их кулинарной династии.


• 2018 EDITION

/ деревни /


в район Троодоса

ОМОДОС. Эта горная деревушка известна своим виноделием, которым здесь занимаются с античных времен. В деревушке можно купить и попробовать местное вино почти в каждом доме. Для любителей вышивки и стеклоделия Омодос рискует стать центром паломничества. Здесь расположен доммузей народной архитектуры Кипра, в котором можно увидеть традиционный интерьер, интересные фотографии и сполна прочувствовать атмосферу этого уникального места. Обязательно взгляните на старинный пресс для переработки винограда, попробуйте местную выпечку и необычные сладости.

Горная цепь Троодос — ​самая длинная на острове. Наивысшая ее точка — ​гора Олимп. Это довольно известное место, ассоциирующееся с первоклассными курортами и встречающимися на пути живописными деревеньками, древними монастырями, церквями и замками. Некоторые из них имеют охранный статус под эгидой ЮНЕСКО. Не упустите возможность посетить такие известные в православном мире монастыри, как Киккос, Троодитисса, монастырь Честного Креста Господня и т. д.

МУТУЛЛА прославилась на весь мир культовым сооружением, имеющим статус объекта всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — ​церковью Всесвятой Богородицы. Вы сможете увидеть собственными глазами настенные росписи XIII в. В деревне до сих пор придерживаются интересной традиции изготавливать деревянные формы для выпечки хлеба.

АГРОС расположен в восточной части Троодоса. Здесь производится душистая розовая вода. Микрорегион известен также своими ликерами и бренди, настоянными на лепестках роз. Это райское местечко для мясоедов: именно в Агросе можно купить лучшие луканицу, химерон, лонзу и другие разновидности копченого мяса.

ПЛАТРЕС. Деревушка раскинулась на южном склоне горы Олимпос. Это отправная точка всех пеших маршрутов к живописным водопадам Троодоса. Вы можете посетить форелевое хозяйство и шоколадную фабрику либо пройтись до находящегося неподалеку монастыря Троодитисса и увидеть чудотворную икону Богородицы, которая, согласно легенде, была написана самим евангелистом Лукой.

ЛЕФКАРА, вероятно, известна куда большему числу туристов по сравнению с остальными населенными пунктами Троодоса. Тысячи и тысячи их приходят сюда, чтобы полюбоваться изделиями мастеров народных ремесел: изысканными серебряными украшениями и кружевами. Уютные улочки деревни, 18 церквей, различные кафе и рестораны никого не оставят равнодушными. • 2018 EDITION


/ закон и право /

Постоянное проживание и гражданство Кипра КАТЕГОРИИ РАЗРЕШЕНИЙ НА ВРЕМЕННОЕ ПРЕБЫВАНИЕ НА КИПРЕ • Эти категории присваиваются прибывшим из третьих стран гражданам / подданным, планирующим оставаться здесь длительное либо непродолжительное время. КАТЕГОРИИ КРАТКОСРОЧНОГО ПРЕБЫВАНИЯ — ​ТУРИСТИЧЕСКАЯ ВИЗА ДЛЯ ВРЕМЕННОГО ПРЕБЫВАНИЯ НА ОСТРОВЕ (НА БЛАНКЕ РОЗОВОГО ЦВЕТА) •В ыдается гражданам третьих стран, планирующим оставаться здесь на срок более 3 месяцев; •В ыдается гражданам/подданным третьих стран, заключившим брак с гражданами Республики Кипр, а также их детям (до 18 лет) от предыдущих браков; •В ыдается гражданам / подданным третьих стран, обратившихся относительно получения вида на жительство. ВИД НА ПОСТОЯННОЕ ЖИТЕЛЬСТВО ДЛЯ ГРАЖДАН ЕС И ЧЛЕНОВ ИХ СЕМЕЙ, ЯВЛЯЮЩИХСЯ / НЕ ЯВЛЯЮЩИХСЯ ГРАЖДАНАМИ ЕС (НА БЛАНКЕ ЖЕЛТОГО ЦВЕТА) •Г раждане ЕС, прибывшие на остров для осуществления трудовой деятельности либо проживания сроком более 3 месяцев, обязаны пройти процедуру регистрации соответствующими органами Республики Кипр. КАТЕГОРИИ ДОЛГОСРОЧНЫХ ВИЗ •К атегория F: Выдается лицам, имеющим стабильный ежегодный доход, которым они вправе распоряжаться свободно и по своему усмотрению. При этом он должен быть достаточно высоким, чтобы такое лицо имело возможность позволить себе достойное проживание на острове, не занимаясь бизнесом, торговлей или профессиональной трудовой деятельностью; • Категория E: Выдается лицам, которым предложили постоянное трудоустройство в Республике, и при этом они не создают конкуренцию местным рабочим кадрам; • Положение 6(2): Новая ускоренная процедура для получения разрешения на въезд соискателям из третьих стран, имеющим намерения инвестировать в экономику Республики Кипр (Положение 6(2)). А также иные следующие категории: • Категория A: Выдается лицам, имеющим намерение работать в качестве самозанятых на территории Республики в сфере сельского хозяйства, выращивания КРС, аквакульутуры либо птицеводства;


• Категория B: Выдается лицам, имеющим намерение работать в качестве самозанятых на территории Республики на горнодобывающих предприятиях при условии, что у них есть весомая доля в их уставном капитале, а также они вправе распоряжаться им свободно и по своему усмотрению; • Категория C: Выдается лицам, имеющим намерение работать в качестве самозанятых на территории Республики в сфере торговли или осуществлять независимую профессиональную деятельность; • Категория D: Выдается лицам, имеющим намерение работать на территории Республики в области науки, имея при этом научные степени и звания, либо осуществлять независимую профессиональную деятельность при наличии соответствующей квалификации. РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ НА ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЕ ТРУДОВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ • Выдача разрешений на временное проживание для граждан и подданных третьих стран, желающих трудоустроиться на территории Кипра в международных компаниях. ГРАЖДАНСТВО РЕСПУБЛИКИ КИПР • Натурализация инвесторов согласно Инвестиционной программе; • Натурализация после 7 лет постоянного проживания; • Приобретение гражданства после вступления в брак с гражданином / гражданкой Республики Кипр.

x Для получения более под-

робной информации о том, как получить долгосрочную визу, краткосрочные визы на бланках розового или желтого цветов, а также стать гражданином Республики Кипр, пожалуйста, обращайтесь в наш офис по указанным ниже контактам. Компания I.N.DailyServe LTD Телефоны: +357 99460922 Email: or Мы с удовольствием ответим на все имеющиеся у Вас вопросы. • 2018 EDITION


/ safe business /


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/ средиземное море /


в манящую своими секретами морскую пучину Средиземноморье — ​колыбель великих цивилизаций. Это связующее звено между Европой, Африкой и Ближним Востоком.


СТОРИЯ региона берет свое начало с появлением Месопотамской цивилизации, прослеживаясь с IV века до н. э. Согласно полученным историческим свидетельствам, два тысячелетия спустя зародилась Минойская цивилизация, один из ранних этапов великой Эллады античных времен. Во времена расцвета Римской империи, контролировавшей большую часть акватории моря, к региону было приковано внимание всех государств Старого Света. Он стал эпицентром всех великих событий, предшествовавших христианской эпохе. В те времена основным торговым маршрутом для купцов из Италии был именно средиземноморский морской. Венецианцы, самые богатые предприниматели в Европе, по праву считались чуть ли не собственниками Средиземного моря. Средиземное море — ​одно из наибольших на нашей планете. Площадь его акватории составляет 2 500 000 км2. Берега двадцати двух стран омываются его водами. Ихтиофауна насчитывает 550 видов рыб, 70 из них — ​эндемики. Это родной дом для таких ценных промысловых видов рыб, как тунец, кефаль, макрель, сельдь и т. д. Здесь также водятся мидии, устрицы и другие моллюски. Только здесь можно найти морского финика. Воды Средиземного моря изобилуют головоногими — ​осьминогами, кальмарами — ​а также ракообразными всех форм и размеров. Поскольку фито- и зоопланктона не очень много, в море не водятся огромные по размерам рыбы. Впрочем, здесь можно встретить дельфинов, китов, кашалотов и черепах. Курорты Средиземного моря восхитительны. Если Вы хотите роскошно отдохнуть по соседству с мировыми звездами, отправляйтесь на Лазурный Берег во Франции, Ривьеру или принадлежащий Италии остров Сардиния. Если предпочтителен более бюджетный, но не менее великолепный отдых, Кипр, Греция и Турция со всем восточносредиземноморским радушием ждут Вас к себе в гости.


Все пляжи Кипра отмечены международной наградой «голубой флаг». Считается, что они идеально подходят для любого типа отдыха. Семьи с детьми, пожилые пары и молодежь — ​обязательно найдут для себя что-нибудь интересное. ПЛЯЖ «ЗОЛОТОЙ БЕРЕГ» устлан мелким, мягким, золотистого цвета песком. Море достаточно мелководное, с пологим спуском к линии прибоя. Это идеальные условия для семей с детьми и тех, кто не очень хорошо плавает. К пляжу примыкают комфортабельные лаунж-зоны, чтобы сделать Ваш отдых незабываемым! ПЛЯЖ «ПАНТАХУ» наиболее всего подойдет тем, кто любит активный и слегка шумный отдых. Это 1,5 км длиной песчаной линии, на всем протяжении которой можно встретить идеальное сочетание подвижного веселья и релаксации. ПЛЯЖ «КОРАЛОВЫЙ ЗАЛИВ» считается лучшим в Пафосе. Это наиболее посещаемый пляж западной части острова. Его обожают семейные пары с детьми. Вы можете как нежиться на песке кораллового оттенка, так и взять напрокат водный мотоцикл или выбрать другие развлечения по своему усмотрению. Уютные кафе манят своей прохладой. С точки зрения логистики пляж очень удобен, поскольку до него можно добраться даже на общественном транспорте.

Выберите то место, которое Вам больше всего понравилось, и проведите там время! Побережье Средиземного моря просто-таки создано для райского наслаждения! • 2018 EDITION

6 K R I O U N E R O U S T R . , S H O P 4 , AY I A N A P A – C Y P R U S +357 2 3 7245 65, +357 2 3 7245 6 6 /// E- M A I L : B RI L L I A N CE _ J E W EL L ERY@ H OT M A I L .CO M L ANIEL JE WELLERYSHOP

/ отель /L O N D A

ПЛЯЖНЫЙ ОТЕЛЬ LONDA: место, где прозрачная яркость бассейна смешивается с красотой вечернего заката

Londa: бутик-отель в Лимассоле Роскошный сервис нашего отеля основан на индивидуальном подходе. Неважно, что стало причиной вашего визита: мы узнаем вашу любимую музыку, как вас зовут, что вы любите на завтрак и сделаем все, чтобы каждое ваше желание исполнилось. Это единственный в Лимассоле бутик-отель, чье желание быть всегда лучшим проявляется даже в мельчайших деталях. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ 5 star

МЕСТОРАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ Этот отель, ориентированный на деловых людей, расположен на пляже Гермасойи — ​одного из районов Лимассола. Это всего восемь с половиной километров до АйяПараскеви и пять километров до пляжей Дасуди, Аматус и Галатекс. Расстояние от международных аэпортов Ларнаки и Пафоса — ​ 65 километров.

ФАКТЫ • 68 просторных номеров • частный пляж • открытый бассейн • бар & лаунж-зона • ресторан Caprice • Спа-центр • бесплатный wi-fi и доступ к высокоскоростному интернету • минибар в каждом номере • обслуживание номеров • обновленные VIP-номера



ТОТ НЕБОЛЬШОЙ ОТЕЛЬ знаменит своим умением создавать атмосферу пьянящего комфорта для каждого гостя. Индивидуальный подход в каждой мелочи — ​ это фирменный стиль бутик-отеля Londa. Мы понимаем, что для VIP-путешественника его уникальные привычки и пристрастия всегда будут стоять на первом месте. Компактные размеры отеля помогают нам создать дружескую, теплую и камерную атмосферу, чтобы каждый почувствовал себя как дома. Это отличное место для проведения интимной церемонии бракосочетания, вечеринки «для своих» или небольшого приема. Мы учтем каждое пожелание по оформлению конференц-зала. Наш отель — ​любимое место ценителей романтических встреч, для которых созданы все условия: хотите вечер возле бассейна с коктейлем или бутылкой вина? Насладиться лаской морского бриза на террасе или расслабиться среди цветочных ароматов нашего сада после шикарного ужина в

ресторане Caprice? А еще у нас есть шикарный номер для медового месяца! Мы бережем репутацию отеля, которую зарабатывали долгие годы. Многие начальники департаментов отеля уже 20 лет работают в семье Londa, а семь из ниx уже больше 30 лет. Их постоянство и преданность своей работе дает нам возможность с каждым годом лучше узнавать своих постоянных гостей и улучшать качество обслуживания. Это одна из причин, по которой каждый, кто однажды посетил наш отель, возвращается к нам, чтобы провести еще один незабываемый отпуск. И множество наград, которые получил бутик-отель Londa, доказывают, что мы на правильном пути! НАШИ КОНТАКТЫ: Адрес: 72 Georgiou A Street Potamos Germasogeia, Limassol 4048, Cyprus Тел. +357 25 865 555

• 2018 EDITION


/ отель /

ЛЮКС С ВИДОМ НА МОРЕ | Вас ждет просторный — ​60 квадратных метров — ​номер со свободной планировкой и собственным балконом, который превратит отпуск в Лимассоле в незабываемое событие.

РЕСТОРАН CAPRICE — ​это стильное заведение в лучших традициях Средиземноморья, расположенное на самом берегу моря, славится своей итальянской кухней и шикарными видами на бескрайние морские просторы. Рядом с ним расположился лаунж-бар и открытая терраса с сезонным пляжным баром — ​виньетки бутик-концепции отеля.

БИЗНЕС НА КИПРЕ Бутик-отель Londa — ​это, пожалуй, лучшее место для проведения конференций и корпоративных мероприятий в Лимассоле, сердце деловой жизни Кипра. Отель расположен достаточно близко от центра города и достаточно далеко от баров и ресторанов, чтобы не отвлекаться от совещаний и семинаров. Кипр расположен между Европой и Ближним Востоком — ​это удобно для тех, кому нужна встреча представителей бизнес-сообществ этих регионов на нейтральной территории. Тот факт, что отель расположен очень близко от всеx городов Кипра и аэропортов Ларнаки и Пафоса, превращает его в идеальное место для встречи с местными бизнесменами и представителями международных организаций. Организация и проведение конференций, семинаров и презентаций — ​специализация бутик-отеля Londa. Многолетний опыт работы в этой сфере позволяет нам считать, что наш отель идеально подходит для тех, кто ищет комфортное и уединенное место для важной встречи и серьезного разговора. Приглашаем всех в Спа-центр, в котором есть все, чтобы помочь вам расслабиться. Опытная команда центра, состоящая из семи профессионалов, долгие годы работающих в команде отеля Londa, найдут именно те процедуры, которые подходят вам лучше всего.

• 2018 EDITION


MIRANDA KERR los ANgElEs, MARch 2017 MAREllA.coM NIcosIA 15, MNAsIADou stREEt t +357 22 671 138

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