For a number of musicians (2009)

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For A Number of Musicians

A T Hunter

Edinburgh, April 2010

Programme Note For A Number of Musicians was written in Edinburgh, in April 2010. The length of each performance is to be decided by the musicians. They may start and end anywhere as appropriate in each performance situation. Events may be played in any order and repeated up to five times. In this way, the piece may last anywhere from ten seconds to two hours, depending on the wishes of the ensemble. The piece is not to be conducted, and each part is to be played by a single musician. Each musician is provided with her/his own part in the form of a single sheet and a copy of the event list. When called upon to participate in an event, a musician may choose from any of the events on her/his own page. Each musician may perform each of their events as often as they like, when called upon to participate. The required performers are to begin each event together using visual cues as necessary. The player who is to give the cue to start the event is bolded in the score. (This is only a suggestion for ease of rehearsal. If another performer can more effectively cue the event they may do so, keeping in mind that the cueing duties should be as evenly distributed as possible.) The next event may begin once the sound from the previous event has cleared the room. Notated rests are intended as suggestions, but can be roughly measured as crotchet = one second. Each sound is to be very soft and completely without vibrato. Musicians may be placed anywhere in the performance space, using maximum eye contact as a guide. The string notation includes bow placement (MSP – molto sul ponticello, N – normale, ST – sul tasto, etc.) and pressure (single arrow – lightest pressure, solid arrow – heaviest pressure, with two and three lines indicating intermediate pressures). The brass notation includes tongue placement, with a closed box indicates normal placement and an open box indicates an arched tongue touching the front teeth. The piece may be performed with anywhere from three to twenty-one musicians. If fewer than twenty-one musicians are present, the remaining letters are to be evenly distributed between those present. The method of distribution is to be decided by the ensemble. Maximum Instrument list:

Event List 1. A, F, T

33. A, E, H, J

2. M, N, R, S

34. A, B, D, H

3. C. D, O

35. A, C, F, H

4. D, H, L

36. J, K, L

5. E, F, G P, S, T

37. A, C, D, I

6. B, E, I, R

38. F, R, S, U

7. B, E, J, S

39. M, N, O, T, U

8. G, K, T

40. C, E, Q, R, T, U

9. H, I, J, K, L

41. I, M, P, Q

10. P, Q, S, U

42. E, I, M, P, Q

11. F, Q

43. C, D, I, M, P, Q

12. F, P, Q

44. A, B, S

13. F, G, Q, R, U

45. A, B, F, S

14. E, F, G, H

46. A, B, G, R, S

15. E, F, G, H, L

47. P, Q, S, T

16. C, D, H, L

48. C, H, K, L

17. A, C, D, H, L

49. K, L, T

18. H, K, L

50. K, L, T, U

19. I, J, K

51. A, B, N, O

20. I, J, T, U

52. F, K, L, T, U

21. J, P, Q, S

53. E, H, L

22. J, N, O, Q, R, S

54. H, R, S

23. N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U

55. A, M

24. N, O, R, U

56. A, M, Q

25. K, L, N, O, R, U

57. A, M, Q, T

26. H, K, N, O, R, U

58. B, M, P

27. A, B, H, K, N, O, R

59. A, B, M, N, O

28. A, G, M, P, Q

60. A, C, Q, S

29. B, C, D, E

61. A, I, J, R, S

30. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, M

62. B, F, G, H, I, J, L

31. E, F, G, M, S, U

63. B, F, G, H, I, J, L

32. F, G, M

64. B, F, G, H, I, J, L

65. B, F, H, I, J, L 66. G, H, I, J, L 67. G, H, I, K, T 68. P, Q, U 69. P, Q, U 70. P, Q, T, U 71. N, T, U 72. M, Q 73. D, H, L 74. K, L, S, T, U 75. H, I, K, N, O 76. H, I, K, N, O 77. H, I, J, K, N, O 78. H, J, K, N, T 79. F, G, H, I, J 80. F, G, H, I, J 81. F, G, H, I, J, K 82. G, H, J 83. F, H, I, J 84. F, G, H, I, J 85. H, K, L, T, U 86. H, K, L 87. I, J, K, L 88. H, L 89. I, J, T, U 90. A, G, H 91. B, C, F, M, P, Q 92. B, R, S 93. A, B, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, Q, T 94. G, M, N, S, U 95. F, G, K, L, S

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