Your guide to the Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards
of the best responsible trips Green wash or green warrior?
and the winners are...
Can you get it right in the credit crunch? www.responsibletravel.com Holidays that respect destinations and local people
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THE AWARDS 28 30 34 38 42
48 52 58 64 70 76 80 84 90
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
| Overall Winner | Best Destination | Best Personal Contribution | Best Volunteering Organisation | Best for Conservation of Endangered Species or Protected Area | Best for Conservation of Cultural Heritage | Best Large Hotel/Accommodation | Best Small Hotel/Accommodation | Best in a Mountain Environment | Best in a Marine Environment | Best Low Carbon Transport & Technology | Best Cruise or Ferry Operator | Best for Poverty Reduction | Best Tour Operator
| Can responsible tourism beat the credit crunch?
12 | r:travel news 16 | How to spot a greenwasher 18 | 20 top responsible holidays 27 | Where the winners are 94 | How the awards are judged 98 | The trip that changed my life Managing Director | Graeme Gourlay Editor | Roger Fulton Art Editor | Bonnie Coupland Advertising | Jim Walker Printed by | Woodford Litho, Witham, Essex Published by | Circle Publishing
One Victoria Villas, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2GW. Tel: 020 8332 2709, www.circlepublishing.net. Registration number 3090618. All right reserved
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r:travel | 3
| WELCOME | and destroy local culture. So they are taking measures to attract the right kind of tourism that will help their natural and cultural heritage to flourish and be a sustainable source of income and pleasure for future generations, rather than packing a resort to the max.
NEW FOR 2008 The Awards never stand still, and this year we launch a new Responsible Cruise or Ferry Operator Award. This award recognises that while aviation has been subjected to scrutiny for some time now, cruise operators have slipped below the radar. We created this Award to set the bar for responsible cruise and ferry operators and hope that – as in other categories – it will be raised year after year as operators compete to make the best environmental and social impact both on board and in their destinations. To find out what all the fuss is about, and to join us in congratulating the winners, dive in to our Awards section packed full of features and interviews with this year’s winners – but don’t blame us if you’ve booked
It’s wonderful to be back again with our second issue of r:travel, and the chance to celebrate all the amazing achievements of the winners of our Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards 2008 – the most competitive of their kind in the world. The aim of the Awards is to inspire tourists and the travel industry by showcasing what it is possible to accomplish through responsible tourism.
SINCE responsibletravel.com launched in 2001, we’ve found that telling the stories
a holiday before you reach the back page! For more information on the Awards
behind our holidays, how they help conserve
and how they are judged, and to read about
natural habitats and benefit local people, is
winners past and present, head over to www.
an incredibly powerful way to create change.
The Responsible Tourism Awards enable us
We would like to finish with a huge thank
to pick the most innovative, replicable and
you to our Awards partners, Geographical
groundbreaking stories in responsible tourism
magazine and World Travel Market who
and share them with the world.
have been with us from the beginning, and
I believe that since responsibletravel.com
Telegraph Travel and BBC World News who
founded the Awards in 2004, responsible
we welcome on board this year. Our thanks
tourism has finally come of age. No
go also to our headline sponsor, Virgin
longer just a specialist niche for diehard
Holidays, all our category sponsors, and our
environmentalists and human rights activists,
expert judging panel. With their support,
consumers now recognise that to travel with
the Responsible Tourism Awards has become
respect for local people and the environment
the most competitive and prestigious awards
gives you an experience that is more real,
scheme of its kind in the world.
more authentic and more enjoyable!
Here’s to the next five years!
Our Awards provide the proof as this year we received more than 1900 nominations for fantastic responsible holidays from members of the public, nearly three times the response five years ago. At the same time, destinations are waking
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up to the fact that they need to be choosy
when it comes to tourism; that tourism – if
Managing director,
managed badly – can drain natural resources
© Maison de la France / Phovoir
Enjoy eco-friendly holidays in France!
A relaxing and natural spa break in the Loire Valley.
© Huttopia
/Auvergne © Claire Poney nature
© Manoir de Restigné
Nièvre © Gîte de France
For responsible tourism offers and bookings visit www.franceguide.com/nature
Stay at the Restigné manor hotel s bio spa from 102,5 per person for 2 nights A family break in Auvergne in the Claire Poney bio farm. air in the h es fr of th ea br Make your own bread and jam. A ral park in Massif Central natu anda Gîte. Stay in a tipi from 10 per an authentic WWF P person per night ek we 1 r fo le op pe From 260 for 4
Huttop ia campsite in the Rambouillet forest near Paris. Rent a roulotte from 158 for 4 people for 2 nights
What will an economic downturn mean for responsible tourism, often perceived as the ‘organic food’ of the travel industry – better for you, but it’ll cost you more? Pia Muzaffar Dawson finds out
about the impact of the credit crunch on
region,’ he said. ‘These countries are not
travel and tourism. Some industry pundits
only recognising the
insist that everything is ‘business as usual’,
development potential
but others are predicting a bout of
of travel and tourism
and therefore
But leading figures on the responsible
investing heavily in
side of tourism are more upbeat, predicting
new infrastructure
that an economic downturn may prove
and facilities, but
an opportunity to develop and promote
their citizens are
sustainable travel – with a growing UK trend
also seeing rapid
towards holidaying at home.
economic growth boost
The World Travel & Tourism Council
their incomes beyond the
(WTTC) predicted in January that the UK
level where international travel becomes both
travel industry would only be ‘moderately
a feasible and desired option.’
impacted’ by the effects of the global
Indeed, some sources suggest that UK
economic downturn. WTTC president
holidaymakers are not changing their travel
Jean-Claude Baumgarten admitted
habits as a result of the credit crunch. Earlier
challenges, but was positive about continued
this year market research carried out by TNS
development in tourism worldwide. ‘Tourism
Travel & Tourism found that only seven per
growth has been particularly rapid in
cent of British adults would allow the credit
developing countries with the fastest average
crunch to influence their holiday decisions.
growth in tourism arrivals in the Middle East
Almost one fifth still planned to take at least
6 | r:travel
two holidays this year. Tom Costley from TNS said: ‘This data highlights a number of trends that suggest the UK holiday market appears to be resilient in the face of the economic downturn.’ So, what does this all mean for responsible travel? Most of those participating in the TNS survey said they would be taking their holidays within the UK and Ireland. There are hints that economic insecurity may actually be encouraging British travellers to follow the recommendations of many environmental organisations: cut down on flights and holidays abroad. Last month it was reported that British skiers are turning away from more costly
North American skiing holidays, preferring to take their winter breaks within Europe. Bookings to Europe have increased by up to 20 per cent despite those holidays becoming slightly more
industry. County councillor Peter Jones said: ‘With the credit crunch, the uncertainty of foreign travel and the weakness of the pound against foreign currencies, the idea of a three-day break is much more attractive. ‘In some respects people are not going
expensive, compared
for a week abroad but instead choosing
with the same time
two- to three-day holidays. We’ve noticed
last year.
a considerable increase in short-stay visits
The chief executive of VisitScotland, Philip Riddle, sees great potential for promoting local tourism as Brits save their money by taking fewer trips overseas.
where people come to cycle, to walk and enjoy the countryside and to visit some of the many attractions.’ Justin Francis, co-founder of responsibletravel.com believes that as well as offering a richer, more authentic, more
He says people are nervous
thoughtful experience for tourists, taking
about the implications of the global
a more local and responsible approach to
economic crisis. ‘I think one of
travel is actually a way in which
the things that will arise from that
holidaymakers can save money.
nervousness will be people considering staying closer to home for holidays. It’s a good time to capitalise on that.’ The tiny English county of Rutland is also enjoying the benefits to its tourism
‘A myth has developed around the relative costs of travelling responsibly. This has been fuelled by the ethical sectors of other industries such as organic food. The truth is, it doesn’t cost more to stay in locally-run
r:travel | 7
| are about changes in management rather than about philanthropy. Established firms already use their “responsible” approach to build customer loyalty. ‘Responsible Tourism also enhances the experience – a responsible tourism experience is a better experience; and as consumers take shorter or fewer holidays they will want to get more out of them.’ Ashley Toft, managing director of this year’s Responsible Tourism Awards Best Tour Operator winner Explore, which runs small-group adventure holidays around the world, has not yet seen any impact on their
benefits of the forward-thinking approach. ‘It’s untrue that responsible tourism cannot help companies to achieve a good financial tourism is the new way forward, yet many
of the country they are visiting, is right up
simply shy away from it with something
there as a spending priority. And our kind of
approaching embarrassment,’ she said.
trip is not in four or five-star hotels. Getting
lose their conscience in the credit crunch.’ At the recent ABTA Convention she pointed to the logic of improving energy efficiency while global fuel prices are on the rise, saying that ‘with rising commodity prices, smart businesses are concerned about recycling and cutting waste. ‘At a time when the “thrift agenda” is
cost more to use local guides. In fact, it costs
dominating the news, we all need to work
considerably less to do all these things.’
together to keep sustainable travel and the
‘We’re all looking for something a bit more real, more authentic. Once the myth has
environment front of mind,’ she added. Harold Goodwin, director of the
been exploded that tourists only want cheap
International Centre for Responsible Tourism
holidays in the sun, the demand will increase
expects responsible tourism to be part of the
and the responsible tourism movement will
strategy for survival of a significant part of
grow very significantly.’
the industry. ‘Responsible tourism is a form
Just as travellers may find that
of non-price competition – attractive in a
belt-tightening and sustainable living go
recession,’ he said. ‘Responsible Tourism is
hand in hand, those in the travel trade are
not primarily about money. Many of the
also being encouraged to take the worsening
most interesting and successful initiatives
economic situation as a chance to embrace responsible tourism. Echoing calls within the finance sector for significant restructuring according to a long-term vision, Fiona Jeffery, chairman of the World Travel Market, has called for tourism businesses to consider the financial
8 | r:travel
‘And for many people, having an adventure that gets them right under the skin
Hurdle also urges travel companies ‘not to
eat in locally-run restaurants and it doesn’t
like the way we do it, at least,’ he notes.
return. Making a profit from responsible
Travel Foundation chief executive Sue
accommodation, it doesn’t cost more to
sales. ‘That gives me confidence that people
good value is part of the whole ethos of this kind of travel.’
Pia Muzaffar Dawson is a writer for www.responsibletravelnews.com
Explore the Isle of
Kayaking within sight of giant basking sharks; scrambling up sheer rocky cliffs and towering stacks and taking death defying leaps into the Irish Sea. To say that Keirron Tastagh has an active and exciting life on the Isle of Man would be an understatement. But this isn’t just a hobby, this is what Keirron does for a living and he loves every single adrenalin fuelled minute of it. If you’d like to experience more of Keirron’s adventures on the Isle of Man, simply visit our website.
Discover island living at www.Visit Isle of Man.com
How to be a responsible traveller What is responsible travel – and why is it better for you, for your hosts and the planet? Here’s a reminder… RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL doesn’t sound exciting – if anything it sounds a bit onerous. Surely holidays are meant to be fun? Sadly, it’s a popular misconception that responsible travel is not about fun – that it’s travel for the woolly socks and lentils
BEFORE YOU BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY Cut the carbon – plan your route to minimise emissions. Travel by train and public transport where possible, and try to cut back on internal flights. If you can’t avoid flying, offset your emissions. Ask to see the tour operator’s policy for responsible tourism. All
brigade. And if your idea of a fun holiday is
responsibletravel.com members have to have one. Make sure it explains how
roasting on a crowded beach, getting tanked
they minimise environmental impacts and support the local economy.
up on cheap wine or lager, and laying siege to some corner of a concrete Costa, then no,
Beware greenwashing (see page 14) – quiz your hotel/accommodation to see if it really is eco-friendly.
responsible tourism is not about your kind of fun. But if you get your kicks from exploring the world – or even our own little bit of it – then this is for you. It’s a deeper way of travelling that brings you closer to local people’s lives, traditions, and cultures; and is about re-learning how to truly experience nature. It suits life’s adventurers who want real travel not faceless resorts.
BEFORE YOU TRAVEL Read up on local cultures and learn a few words of the local language – showing respect earns you respect Remove all excess packaging – waste disposal is difficult in remote places and developing countries Find out if there are useful gifts that you could pack for your hosts, local people or schools. www.stuffyourrucksack.com can help on this (see page 98) Ask your tour operator whether there are local conservation or social projects that you could visit on your trip, and how you could support them
It just takes a little more thought – all tourism has an impact on its destinations; the responsible bit is ensuring that the positive outweighs the negative. Responsible travel
WHILE ON HOLIDAY Hire a local guide – you’ll discover more about local culture and lives, and they will earn an income
respects and benefits the host communities
Buy local produce – rather than imported products
and environment. It’s less intrusive, but more
Do not buy products made from endangered species, hard woods or ancient artefacts
satisfying. You get a bit more out, but you also give a little something back. The travel industry has enabled us to visit many of the world’s most beautiful places, but the way in which the industry has operated has changed many of those places for the worst. Most of the profit has gone to large corporations rather than
Respect local cultures, traditions and holy places – if in doubt ask advice or don’t visit Use public transport, hire a bike or walk when convenient – it’s a great way to meet local people on their terms Use water sparingly – it’s very precious in many countries and tourists tend to use far more than local people Cultivate the habit of asking questions – rather than the Western habit of knowing the answers
local businesses; the environment has been damaged; and the tastes and demands of the
visitors have pushed host cultures aside.
Give your tour operator or hotel feedback about your holiday, including suggestions on
Responsible tourism is not about being
reducing environmental impacts and increasing benefits to local communities.
po-faced: who wants to be a part of that?
Share your experience – you will find independent holiday reviews from travellers on
Neither is it an A-Z of guilt trips. But it is
many responsibletravel.com holidays.
about an industry growing up and taking its responsibilities seriously. Isn’t it time you played your part?
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| R : T R AV E L
Even more responsible… RESPONSIBLETRAVEL.COM has set up a new business to business website providing up-to-date and relevant news on responsible tourism. The website, Responsible Travel News, also provides advice for responsible tourism businesses via its resources section which gives guidance on best practices, a directory of responsible tourism organisations and a forum where members can talk to each other about issues that are important to them. In addition, a jobs section will cover all
When a billion butterflies beat their wings…
sectors of the responsible tourism industry, with the aim of becoming the place to go for people looking to work in the industry in the UK or overseas. The blog is regularly updated with contributors ranging from
A MONARCH butterfly biosphere reserve
the 16th century but abandoned by the
in Mexico, wooden churches in Slovakia’s
1940s, are now regarded as the abodes of
Carpathian mountains, modernist housing
ancestors and are revered as sacred sites
at responsibletravel.com, says: ‘We want
estates in Berlin, sacred forests in Kenya and
and, as such, are maintained by councils of
Responsible Travel News to be a place
the volcanic island of Surtsey in Iceland are
elders. The site is inscribed as bearing unique
where all of us involved in tourism,
among 27 new sites added to UNESCO’s
testimony to a cultural tradition and for its
whether industry, media or education,
World Heritage List in 2008.
direct link to a living tradition.
who care passionately about travel,
Altogether, 19 cultural sites and eight
Surtsey is a new island formed by volcanic
Cornwall to California. Kristina Roe, communications manager
conservation and sustainable development
natural sites were inscribed at the World
eruptions in 1963-67. It has been legally
can come together to ask questions and
Heritage Committee’s meeting in summer,
protected from its birth and provides the
get answers, have a rant or rave, and make
bringing the total to 878 sites – 679 cultural,
world with a pristine natural laboratory.
contact with others in the industry who
174 natural and 25 mixed – in 145 countries.
Free from human interference, Surtsey has
may have valuable experiences to share.
Papua New Guinea, San Marino, Saudi
produced long-term information on the
Arabia and Vanuatu had sites added for
colonisation process of new land by plant
of us who believe we need to reinvent
the first time.
and animal life.
tourism and that responsible travel is the
Meanwhile, the World Heritage Centre
The 56,259 hectare biosphere lies within
‘It’s an exciting time right now for those
future of the tourism industry, so we hope
has been awarded the 2008 World Tourism
rugged forested mountains about 100 km
you’ll find it a useful resource that helps
Award in recognition of its ‘outstanding
northwest of Mexico City. Every autumn,
us shape this future. We’d love to hear
guidance, support and encouragement to 185
millions, perhaps a billion, butterflies from
your thoughts and suggestions.’
countries around the world by establishing
wide areas of North America return to the site
and monitoring 878 World Heritage sites’
to winter. Clustering on small areas of the
and its ‘outstanding accomplishments in the
forest reserve, they colour its trees orange and
travel industry.’
literally bend branches under their collective
Among the new sites The Mijikenda Kaya
weight. When they take flight, they fill the
Forests in Kenya consist of 11 separate forest
sky and make a sound like light rain with the
sites spread over some 200 km along the
beating of their wings. The sight has been
coast containing the remains of numerous
hailed as ‘a superlative natural phenomenon’.
fortified villages, known as kayas, of the Mijikenda people. The kayas, created from
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A full list of the new sites can be found on whc.unesco.org/en/news/453
| R : T R AV E L
Latin America tops ethical travel list FOUR SOUTH American countries, one from central America, three from eastern Europe and two from Africa make up the 2008 Top Ten Best Ethical Destinations in the developing world, according to a report by US-based website Ethical Traveler. The list, compiled from a study of 70 of the world’s developing nations, evaluates each country in three categories – environmental protection, social welfare and human rights – to help tourists plan their travel. The results, says Ethical Traveler, identifies countries
A number of sources were used to measure
that are ‘actively improving the state of their
the human rights and civil liberties enjoyed
people and environment.’
by citizens of each country, including
towards improving known situations and the preservation of basic human rights for all.’ Not a single Asian country made it into the
Amnesty International, Reporters Without
Top 10. Runaway development, human rights
a very high level of overall environmental
Borders and the Freedom in the World 2007
abuses, and a lack of strong environmental
health, excellent water resources, biodiversity,
Report from Freedom House. Estonia and
policy kept them all off the list this year,
air quality, and sustainable energy.
Bulgaria stood out in this ranking, with Chile
according to the report.
and Costa Rica also receiving the highest
● Ethical Traveler is a project of the Earth
possible score.
Island Institute, based in San Francisco.
Costa Rica scored particularly well, with
Croatia, with its large percentage of protected eco-regions, was another top performer, as was Argentina (above right),
Reporters Without Borders found
with outstanding water quality and
Argentina to have a very high level of
The winners, in alphabetical
sustainable forestry practices.
freedom of the press, with Nicaragua
order, are:
close behind.
Argentina, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa
One telling aspect in the report’s social welfare category is the mortality rate of
‘Every country has human rights issues,’
young children. Bolivia and South Africa
says the report’s co-author, Ethical Traveler’s
had the lowest rates of infant mortality of
executive director Jeff Greenwald. ‘But it was
the Top 10.
important for us to see efforts being made
Rica, Croatia, Estonia, Namibia, Nicaragua, South Africa. To learn more about Ethical Traveler, visit www.ethicaltraveler.org
Chamonix makes the green running THE FRENCH ski resort of Chamonix has achieved the prestigious environmental ISO 14001 certification after eight months of concerted effort. This award is an acknowledgement that the resort conforms to environmental laws and regulations and is actively working to reduce its effect on the environment. All the partners of the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Tourist Office, under a system of environmental management, undertook to respect the legal requirements of environmental matters. Together, they are working to achieve a lower environmental impact and motivate visitors to Chamonix to do the same. Bernard Prud’Homme, director of the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Tourist Office, said: ‘We aim to be a real force for implementing the development of sustainable tourism.’
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| R : T R AV E L
Pope calls for sustainable tourism IN AN address marking World Tourism Day 2008, Pope Benedict XVI urged tourists to respect the environment and the cultures they visit.
The train takes the strain
Reflecting his reputation as the ‘green pope’, he argued for a more responsible attitude towards the exploitation of natural
BOOKING TRENDS show that Brits are
followed by Brussels, Paris, the Spanish region
resources. In addition, he stressed the need
looking for alternatives to travelling by
of Catalonia, Chamonix in France and finally
for social tourism, which ‘promotes the
road and air. Instead of worrying about fuel
Tuscany. The booking trends for 2009 are
participation of the weakest classes and can
charge concerns and the credit crunch, Brits
currently indicating that rail journeys further
be a valid instrument to combat poverty
are rediscovering the romance, ease and
afield are proving the most popular, with
and frailty.
environmentally-friendly nature of rail travel.
three rail journeys in America and Canada
Travelsphere, the UK’s leading escorted
‘Experience teaches that the responsible
featuring in the top six, and journeys in
management of creation is, or should be, a
tour operator, reports that 2008 has seen a
the far east occupying second and sixth
part of a healthy economy and sustainable
marked increase in rail holidays, and predicts
positions respectively.
tourism. On the contrary, the improper use of
that 2009 will herald a new era in train travel. European destinations have been the most
Travelsphere’s most popular rail journey in 2009, a Canadian Rockies adventure with
nature and the abuse inflicted on the culture of local peoples also harms tourism.’
popular, with five out of the six bestselling
Alaska Cruise, is outselling 2008’s winner,
rail holidays all taking place in Europe and
‘Lake Garda by Train’, by ten to one. There
solar panels on the roof of the Vatican’s Paul
involving no air travel.
are indications that customers who tried a
VI auditorium. Once working, the project
shorter European break in 2008 now want to
engineers estimate that in about two weeks
have taken holidaymakers to Lake Garda
experience a longer trip in 2009.
they will save 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
in Italy. Morocco comes second, closely
The most popular rail holidays in 2008
Ecotourism boost for Ethiopia THE US IS hoping to use ecotourism as a way to help lift Ethiopia out of poverty. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will work with local agencies in the country to create a five-year programme which will help to protect natural resources and cultural heritage sites and improve the livelihoods and quality of life of local communities. The plan is part of the USAID Global Sustainable Tourism Alliance, which is using tourism development to reduce poverty, stimulate economic growth, promote natural resource stewardship, and conserve biodiversity. In Ethiopia, the Alliance will focus on creating job opportunities, respecting social-cultural values and heritage, and protecting the environment. ‘There is no time to waste for Ethiopia to take advantage of its vast tourism potential. The time is now to prioritise Ethiopia’s travel and tourism industry, to improve tourism and infrastructures, and to protect the nation’s natural resources,’ said US ambassador to Ethiopia, Donald Yamamoto.
14 | r:travel
Last month work began on installing 2,700
As more and more companies rush to promote their eco-credentials, how does the responsible-minded consumer tell if their claims are real or little more than greenwashing? Kristina Roe finds that sometimes it’s all in the spin cycle…
way without substantial evidence to back up
a pioneering role in credible responsible
new black’ are a regular staple in everything
those claims.
tourism ventures. But we are also seeing a rise
Without doubt, consumers have cottoned
Rightly so, tourism is one of many
in others jumping on the green bandwagon.
industries that have come under scrutiny
Hotels for example, have come under fire
on to the importance of ‘going green’. This,
over greenwashing. For example, ‘ecotourism’
– it is no longer considered sufficient to ask
in turn, has led to companies launching
is one label often misappropriated by
guests to re-use their towels.
green products, green initiatives and
companies who operate in a natural
green marketing. Although this trend is
environment but are doing little or nothing
customers and damaging for the responsible
undoubtedly headed in the right direction, a
to conserve habitats and species by working
tourism movement, Francis welcomes the
lot of that marketing, whether well-meant or
with local people.
fact that travel companies are beginning to
just hot air, ends up as ‘greenwashing’ – that
Justin Francis, co-founder of
is when a company falsely claims to be acting
responsibletravel.com explains how
in an environmentally friendly or ethical
things have changed since the beginning of the century.
talk about green and ethical issues when eight years ago it was a very different picture. ‘Telling stories about themselves and responsible tourism should be welcomed
‘Eight years ago when responsibletravel. com was launched, we were the first company ever to use the term ‘responsible travel’ and many people in the travel industry thought
because ultimately this is the first step towards transparency. Yes, we need to ensure that there are measures in place to police such claims. However, I believe that we – and the media, especially – need to focus equally on those organisations that are saying
we were mad to use it
and doing nothing at all about responsible
in our company name
tourism as well as those who are beginning
– they predicted it
the process of change, albeit with possibly
would be a turn-off for
over-zealous claims.’
travellers; they thought people just wouldn’t care.’ The truth is actually quite the opposite nowadays.
Dozens of features have been published on the greenwashing of ecotourism, but a published list of those UK tourism businesses who still do not have responsible tourism
Responsible tourism is no longer just a niche.
policies or pursue responsible tourism
Companies throughout the travel industry,
practices, remains to be seen. Many cruise
from tour operator to airline, hotel to car
companies for example, still do not have
hire, even cruise ship, are coming round to
responsible tourism policies in place.
the idea that people do care and that ethics and business can and should mix. ‘On the plus side, we are seeing many more organisations and individuals take
16 | r:travel
But though greenwashing is misleading for
Some would argue that any attempt by companies to offer more responsible holidays is ‘tokenism’ if it involves a flight. Unquestionably, in order to meet the
from daily newspapers to travel brochures.
HOW TO TELL A GREEN WARRIOR FROM A GREENWASHER Here are ten questions travellers should ask of their tourism providers to sort the spin from the truth: 1. Ask the tour company or hotel if it has a written policy regarding responsible tourism – covering the environment and local people. If it’s not written down (‘yeah, yeah, we do all that stuff’) then it probably means they are not taking it seriously. 2. Ask them to describe the single contribution to conservation or the local community that they are most proud of. 3. Ask them how they measure their contribution to conservation and local communities. 4. Ask how many local people they employ, what percentage this is of the total, and whether any are in management positions. recommended emission reduction targets advised by the Intergovernmental Panel on
5. Ask them what they have specifically done to help protect the environment and support
Climate Change in October, the number of
conservation, and which local charities they work with.
UK flights per year needs to come down. As a result, we’re likely to see more interest in
6. Ask them what percentage of produce and services are sourced from within 25km of
holidaying closer to home and more use of
the accommodation.
alternative transport methods where possible. However, the fact remains that tourism is
7. Ask them how they treat waste water (coral and other wildlife is being destroyed by
a huge employer (one in 12 people according
Caribbean hotels pumping effluent out to sea), and how they heat their building (solar is
to WTO), particularly in the developing
better than firewood, which can cause deforestation).
world where it’s growing the fastest. If done properly and responsibly, tourism can be
8. Ask them what information and advice is provided to tourists about local cultures and
of considerable economic benefit to local
social customs.
communities and places a real value on local environments as well as cultural and
9. Ask them if they employ guides from the local community (local guides not only provide
natural heritage.
unmatched insights into local culture, but are also aware of dress or behaviour that might
For the average consumer, it’s possible to
cause offence among local people).
ask a few simple questions that will help sort out the eco-champion from the greenwasher.
10. Ask them for ideas on how you might get involved with local people and conservation in
‘What we really need is rebellious and curious
a worthwhile and rewarding way for you and the destination.
travellers seeking out the truths in travel. There are not, and will never be, any easy answers or absolutes in responsible tourism, but if there are better informed tourists making new choices about better travel then we’ve moved forwards,’ says Francis. ‘Many different local responsible and green tourism accreditation schemes have emerged in recent years to suit particular places or types of travel. Although the idea of a one-size-fits-all global accreditation scheme is tempting, I think in general – providing they are all up to a good standard – that these local schemes are the right way forwards as they acknowledge how different tourism and its impacts can be in different places.’
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Give your trip the r:t x factor From the value-for-money option of a self-catering eco-break in Yorkshire to the once-in-a-lifetime experiences of New Zealand, the Himalaya or Antarctica, here’s our pick of holidays that have the r:travel x factor
A relaxing stay in the countryside in a beautiful and unique
Experience the traditional culture and diverse eco-systems of a Thai
straw-bale holiday cottage
coastal fishing village. Join the locals for fishing, Thai cooking, and
r:t x factor Renewable energy, excellent train links, bicycles, organic
handicraft making. Enjoy a relaxing jungle hike, help villagers teach
sheets and towels, local shopping service
English to children or unwind watching a glorious beach sunset.
Cost £245-£280 per week (short breaks available)
r:t x factor Helps ensure sustainable livelihoods through tourism and
handicrafts development. Cost Five days with Andaman Discoveries at £260 per person, based on two people. Includes accommodation, meals, translator and
contribution to community fund. www.responsibletravel.com/andaman
Take a journey of the body and spirit as you travel through the foothills of the world’s highest mountains, taking the toy train to colonial Shimla, experiencing traditional life in the Chamba Valley and
visiting the holiest Sikh city of Amritsar. These mystical lands balanced
Stay at the award-winning eco-lodge Black Sheep Inn overlooking the
between physical and spiritual worlds look and feel very different to
Rio Toachi Canyon System – a day hiker’s paradise – and enjoy walking
the rest of India.
and horseback riding in deep canyons, patchwork sierra fields, high
r:t x factor In Dharamsala you will visit the Norbulingka Institute,
grasslands, cloudforest jungle and a 12,800ft volcanic crater-lake.
developed to train Tibetan refugees in skills needed to preserve the
r:t x factor Supports community development, including village
traditional arts and crafts of Tibet. Tour visits and donations help to
recycling, local learning centre and native-guide training. The lodge
support these traditional cultures.
features solar panels, composting toilets and roof-water collectors.
Cost 15 days (excluding Delhi) for £480, plus a local payment of
Cost Seven nights with Black Sheep Inn: $650 per person, based on
12,000 rupees (approx £140), with Intrepid.
double occupancy. Price includes transport from Quito to Chugchilan.
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| 20
Experience the best of Costa Rica and Panama on this family
This charming oak cabin sits on the lakeshore, in the midst of
crystal-clear waters with the stunning marine life and spending a few
beautiful forest, and provides a cosy, relaxing retreat with minimal
days helping at a turtle conservation sanctuary. Then, explore the
impact on the environment. Flora and fauna abound. Take out the
wildlife-rich rainforests and striking volcanoes. Finally, visit Panama
raft and listen to fish jumping and the frogs’ chorus or hop on the
City and see the world-famous Panama canal.
bikes and explore the pretty local villages.
r:t x factor Take part in turtle patrols – protecting nests and
r:t x factor Built from local timber and reclaimed materials, the
tagging leatherback and green turtles, and helping to preserve the
cabin, which sleeps four, is off-grid, so green alternative energies are
fragile ecosystem.
adventure. Explore beautiful Caribbean coastline, snorkelling in
used to provide warmth, heat and light. Hassle-free bike hire reduces
Cost Adult from £2,249, child from £1,999, for 15 days with The
emissions and helps the local rural economy.
Adventure Company, including flights, accommodation, entry fees,
Cost Seven nights from £400-£650, with CovertCabin
transport, some meals and the services of a group leader.
King Tut and the Pyramids, camels in souks, pharaohs’ tombs and
Wheatland Farm is managed for wildlife, especially Popehouse Moor, a
swimming and snorkelling in the warm waters of the Red Sea – an
site of special scientific interest, where Devon cattle maintain the culm
adventure for kids and parents alike! For hundreds of years Egypt has
grassland habitat of the rare Marsh Fritillary butterfly. Orchids, barn
wowed visitors with its wonders and this tour takes in the very best,
owls, dragonflies, badgers, bats and dormice thrive alongside three
including the Pyramids of Giza, Tutankhamun’s gold, the Valley of
eco-lodges and a barn conversion – and it’s your stay that makes the
the Kings and an unforgettable Nile journey on a felucca.
farm’s management viable. Solar hot water, renewable electricity,
r:t x factor You’re supporting the local economy by using local
bio-digesters for food waste, and recycling ensure a low-carbon diet.
leaders and guides, staying at different hotels and thus spreading the
And if you’re car free, you’ll be collected from the bus or train.
money across the country.
r:t x factor A low-carb holiday in a great family destination that
Cost Ten days with Explore, from £919-£999 per adult and from
benefits UK wildlife.
£839-£919 per child, including flights from UK. This trip can also be
Cost One week from £200 low season to £550 during the peak season.
booked without flights.
Short breaks are available.
» r:travel | 19
| 20
Get closer to nature, staying in three authentic tented Porini safari
Stay in a traditional cottage or farmhouse b&b in the tiny mountain
camps in wildlife conservancies owned by Maasai communities in
village of Decontra in the Majella National Park and enjoy a variety of
the Amboseli and Mara eco-systems and in the rhino conservancy at
self-guided and organised walks – through alpine meadows and beech
Ol Pejeta. Take night game drives and walks with Maasai warriors.
forests, to dramatic gorges and mountain-tops. Lavish daily packed
r:t x factor The Maasai community earn livelihoods from these
lunches include cheeses from Decontra’s shepherds, and vegetables,
conservancies which also help to preserve wildlife habitat.
honey and eggs sourced from village gardens.
Cost Seven days from £1,650 per person, inclusive of all services in
r:t x factor Help to support rural mountain communities in decline.
Kenya, with Gamewatchers.
Cost Seven nights, with Upland Escapes, from £645 per person,
including hire car (carbon neutral) and the services of a local manager. www.responsibletravel.com/abruzzo
10 A WILDLIFE JOURNEY FROM ANDES TO AMAZON IN PERU A spectacular journey down the cloudforested eastern slopes of the
Andes to the Amazon rainforest. Enjoy one of the best Amazon
Enjoy a snowy adventure 200km north of the Arctic Circle, in a
wildlife experiences on foot, by boat and in treetop canopies, seeing
seemingly limitless winter wilderness. With cross-country skiing,
oxbow lakes with giant otters, and macaw and tapir clay licks.
husky, reindeer and snowmobile safaris, you have all the ingredients
r:t x factor Eco-friendly lodges fully or part-owned by Peruvian
for a fabulous winter holiday.
charities benefit local indigenous Amazonian communities.
r:t x factor Tourism is now key to the Lapp economy especially with
Cost Six days with Tribes, £985pp based on twin share (ex flights).
increased mechanisation of traditional industries such as forestry.
The tour operator spreads the tourist spend as widely as possible by employing local activity providers and using a locally-owned hotel. Cost Seven nights from £1,375, with Activities Abroad.
This volunteer expedition will take you to a remote biodiversity hotspot of the Peru Amazon rainforest. As part of a small international team, you will live and work in the jungle together
with local biologists on an important wildlife survey concentrating
Climb Africa’s highest mountain by the quieter and less-demanding
on four icons of the Amazon: jaguars, pumas, parrots and peccaries.
Rongai Route. Stand on the roof of Africa! This is still a challenging
r:t x factor In working on this project you will aid efforts to protect
trek with a number of days at high altitude.
the area and develop sustainable management strategies.
r:t x factor Treatment of local staff is one of the major differences in
Cost £1,090, ex flights, with Biosphere Expeditions, from 7-19 Dec.
the operational standards offered by tour operators in Tanzania. In the
off season Exodus runs a project to improve the porters’ language skills and future employment prospects. Cost Ten-day trip with Exodus, including six days strenuous point-to-
point trekking, from £1,399, including flights.
A journey of discovery that explores the contrasting Maasai and
Kikuyu tribal cultures as well as Kenya’s spectacular game parks of the Maasai Mara and Great Rift Valley. r:t x factor Support for village schools, payment of school fees
and self-help projects contributes to the
Join a reef clean-up in the Egyptian Red Sea, with the aim of preserving
sustainability of local communities.
a unique ecosystem. blue o two runs these trips at a subsidised price in
Cost Seven days with Into Africa, from
an attempt to make ecotourism more accessible to the mass market.
£895-£995 per person
Evening seminars on reef conservation are conducted by in-house
marine biologist and dive guide Elke Bojanowski.
r:t x factor ‘Hayah’ Reef clean-up safaris aim to raise awareness, educate and encourage active participation in marine conservation. Cost Seven nights full-board on vessel, £549-£699 (season dependent) www.blueotwo.com/red_seaitineraries.cfm?itid=26
20 | r:travel
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| 20
This trek passes through the villages, forests and farmlands of
The far-flung island of South Georgia boasts one of the most dramatic
the Langtang area of Nepal, and offers the option of climbing
and starkly beautiful landscapes on the planet, but it is the wildlife
Kyimosshung peak (4,620m). You will see the 7,000m mountains of
that is truly overwhelming. The island supports vital breeding sites for
the Langtang region and, hopefully, the forest animal and birdlife.
albatross – species that have survived near-extinction in the past and
Time spent with village communities will be very important on this
that now face unsustainable mortality rates due to long-line fishing.
trek, and you are sure to be well received – the tour operator’s sister
r:t x factor Tour operator Peregrine works directly with the Australian
charity has supported school and health projects here.
Antarctic Division to get the Albatross ‘off the hook’, collecting
r:t x factor A chance to visit the school and health projects
donations from passengers onboard their voyages. Every penny goes to
supported by Community Action Nepal.
projects which benefit albatross.
Cost 18 days land-only, £1,045, with Community Action Treks.
Cost From £7,640 per person, twin share in a main deck cabin, for a
24-night expedition voyage, with Peregrine, departing 6 Nov 2009. www.responsibletravel.com/antarcticacruise
18 TOUR OF NEW ZEALAND An unforgettable trip to experience the stunning scenery, wildlife and
culture of the 2008 Responsible Tourism Awards’ best destination and
If you like hiking, but still appreciate a comfortable bed every night,
overall winner. Among the highlights: the Southern Alps, primeval
then the award-winning Kasbah du Toubkal in Imlil in Morocco’s High
rainforest of Stewart Island, and Lord of the Rings country around
Atlas is the ideal base for some great walks – and perfect for combining
Queenstown. Places you’ll stay in include Wilderness Lodge in Arthur’s
with a couple of days in Marrakech. The Kasbah is not a hotel in the
Pass, which was set up to show that ecotourism can contribute to the
traditional sense, it is more an extension of the hospitality that stems
economy and protect the environment through nature conservation.
from the home of the Berbers who run it. The location is only 40 miles
r:t x factor By carefully choosing operators, this trip enables
from Marrakech but the city seems a million miles away.
visitors to New Zealand to get up-close to the wildlife in its natural
r:t x factor Five per cent of Kasbah income funds local village
environment without causing any disturbance.
projects, including an ambulance and a communal incinerator.
Cost 19 days with Audley Travel, from £1,850pp (ex flights from UK).
Cost (ex flights) from £950 pp, for seven nights with Discover Ltd.
22 | r:travel
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S P O N S O R – V I R G I N H O L I D AY S
This year Virgin Holidays returns as the headline sponsor of the Responsible Tourism Awards 2008. These awards give companies and individuals valuable recognition for their efforts to make the travel industry greener, cleaner and more responsible. Started in 2004 by responsibletravel.com, the awards are managed in partnership with Telegraph Travel, World Travel Market, BBC World News and Geographical – the magazine of The Royal Geographical Society
VIRGIN HOLIDAYS is delighted to return
A sustainable focus is part of our company
as headline sponsor of the Responsible
values. Our supply chain’s sustainability
Tourism Awards 2008. It’s so encouraging
performance continues to be audited and the
to see our industry remaining committed
team has also been busy participating in a
to sustainability issues in our sector, and no
variety of community development projects
doubt this year’s winners will provide more
both at home and overseas. We became the
inspiration for us all. Twelve months on,
first long-haul tour operator to build an
responsible tourism remains firmly on the
automatic donation to the Travel Foundation
mainstream agenda where it should be.
into every holiday that we sell. Like the
We remain passionate about responsible
joined us in finding small ways to make a
the awards. Recognising those individuals
real difference.
and businesses that lead the way in this
the Virgin Travel Group with many
As our industry continues to experience
well-publicised trials, research projects and
well-publicised changes and shifts, it’s a
community initiatives, and I certainly look
particularly important time to keep the focus
forward to continuing on the road marked
on sustainable ways of travel and business.
‘progress’ by following his example here at
we have worked hard to embed sustainable principles into our professional DNA.
24 | r:travel
Richard also continues to lead us all in
arena for the future is incredibly important.
Since last year’s awards, as a company
team here, our customers have therefore
tourism and proud to be associated with
Virgin Holidays. Amanda Wills, managing director, Virgin Holidays
‘We at Virgin believe 100 per cent that we owe it to our customers and to our staff to ensure that our future economic growth is built on firm, ethically-sustainable business models. Businesses need to be bold and creative, to develop radical new products and find alternative ways of doing business. Since innovation and creativity are at the heart of the Virgin culture we feel that our group of businesses are well placed to take advantage of the opportunity this presents.’ Richard Branson, 2008
Sponsors of the Responsible Tourism Awards BEST TOUR OPERATOR A tour operator that acts responsibly towards the environment and local people. Sponsored by The Adventure Company
BEST SMALL HOTEL/ACCOMMODATION A hotel, lodge or other accommodation of fewer than 50 rooms that is run with the environment and needs of local people in mind.
BEST LARGE HOTEL/ ACCOMMODATION A hotel, lodge or other accommodation of more than 50 rooms that is run with the environment and needs of local people in mind. Sponsored by Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
BEST IN A MOUNTAIN ENVIRONMENT An organisation related to a mountain environment, such as an eco-friendly ski resort or a trip that contributes to the welfare of mountain porters. Sponsored by Exodus
BEST IN A MARINE ENVIRONMENT An organisation related to a beach or other marine environment, such as turtle conservation or a marine eco-tourism trip. Sponsored by Royal Caribbean
Sponsored by VisitBrighton
BEST LOW CARBON TRANSPORT & TECHNOLOGY An organisation or initiative that is developing or promoting low carbon transport or technology.
BEST DESTINATION A resort, village or an entire country that manages tourism well for the long-term benefit of tourists, conservation and local people. Sponsored by Conservation International
Sponsored by Maison de la France
A cruise or ferry operator that acts responsibly towards the environment and local people.
An organisation that acts to reduce poverty among communities.
Sponsored by the Passenger Shipping Association
Sponsored by PromPeru
BEST FOR CONSERVATION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES OR PROTECTED AREA A group or initiative working to conserve an endangered species or a protected area. Sponsored by South Australian Tourism
BEST FOR CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE A tourism organisation or initiative working to protect and promote cultural heritage.
BEST VOLUNTEERING ORGANISATION An organisation offering volunteering opportunities, such as the chance to work on conservation or social projects. Sponsored by Intrepid Travel
BEST PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION A person who has made an outstanding contribution to responsible tourism. Sponsored by Tourism Ireland
Sponsored by Jamaica Tourist Board
r:travel | 25
5#!3 0OINTS
16 5 21
38 11
12 24 9
20 13
35 22 17
7 19 38
4 3
25 26
14 15 23
36 29 10
37 6 34
WHERE THE WINNERS ARE… 1 Andaman Discoveries, Thailand Cultural Heritage p51
20 Safari Garden Hotel, The Gambia Small Hotel p60
2 blue o two, UK/Egypt Marine Environment p75
21 Holland America Line, USA Cruise/Ferry Operator p80
3 Blue Ventures, UK/Madagascar Volunteering p40
22 Hotel Sigiriya, Sri Lanka, Large Hotel p54
4 Boogie Pilgrim, Madagascar Tour Operator p92
23 Jane Ashton, UK Personal Contribution p34
5 Bouctouche, Canada Destination p33
24 Jungle Bay Resort & Spa, Dominica Poverty Reduction p87
6 Bugbugs, UK Low Carbon Transport p78
25 Kingfisher Bay Resort, Australia Large Hotel p52
7 Caiman Ecological Refuge, Brazil Protected Area/Species p46
26 New Zealand Destination/Overall Winner p28
8 Camps International, UK Volunteering p38
27 Nkwichi Lodge, Mozambique Small Hotel p58
9 Christopher James, Tobago Personal Contribution p36
28 Our Native Village, India Small Hotel p63
10 Cottage Lodge, UK Small Hotel p52
29 Peak District, UK Protected Area/Species p47
11 Community Action Treks, Nepal Mountain Environment p64
30 Scottish Seabird Centre, UK Marine Environment p74
12 Diana McIntyre-Pike, Jamaica Personal Contribution p35
31 Shakti Tours, India Mountain Environment p68
13 Ecoventura, Ecuador Marine Environment p70
32 Shigar Fort-Palace, Pakistan Cultural Heritage p48
14 Explore, UK Tour Operator p90
33 Stormsriver Adventures, South Africa Poverty Reduction p88
15 First Choice, UK Tour Operator p93
34 St Peter’s, Broadstairs, Kent, UK Destination p32
16 Foundation City Bikes, Denmark Low Carbon Transport p76
35 TCP, Sri Lanka Protected Area/Species p45
17 Frangipani Langkawi Resort, Malaysia Large Hotel p56
36 Ullswater Steamers, UK Cruise/Ferry Operator p83
18 Gambia is Good Project, The Gambia Poverty Reduction p84
37 Upland Escapes, UK Mountain Environment p66
19 Gamewatchers, Porini Camps, Kenya Protected Area/Species p42
38 Voluntours, South Africa Volunteering p41
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WINNER New Zealand
‘We’re changing the world – one visitor at a time’ This year’s overall winner celebrates a destination that is committed to developing responsible tourism on a countrywide scale – New Zealand IN NOVEMBER 2006 a director of one of
changes to the way his company operated in
enriched and with a different attitude to the
the world’s largest power companies visited
order to reduce its carbon emissions.
world, then we could, in a sense, say we are
New Zealand on holiday. Looking for an
‘If New Zealand’s South Island can do
changing the world one visitor at a time.’
opportunity to connect with nature and take a
renewable energy,’ he said, ‘then so can we.
break from the stresses of the corporate world,
We’ve got to stop building coal-fired
resorts have eco-hotels – but there aren’t that
he stayed at the Arthur’s Pass Wilderness
power stations.’
many wholly eco-countries. However New
Lodge owned by New Zealand ecologist Dr Gerry McSweeney.
In early 2007 this man’s company was
Many countries have eco-resorts, many
Zealand is setting its sights on becoming
involved in the corporate takeover of a utilities
just that, developing an ethos that feeds
operation that has led to the cancellation of
through every level of the country, into
McSweeney accompanied his guest on walks
eight proposed new coal-fired power stations,
every community, into every individual. ‘The
and canoe trips within the Arthur’s Pass
and a major commitment to environmentally
green image is so important for New Zealand
National Park and spent a great deal of time
friendly and sustainable energy production.
because it’s what a New Zealand holiday is all
During the three-day visit, Gerry
answering many questions that were thrown
While not everyone who visits New Zealand
about,’ says Hickton.
at him. When the time came to leave, the
is going to be in a position to make that
guest requested to meet Gerry McSweeney
kind of impact, Tourism New Zealand Chief
Damien O’Connor agrees, saying that the
again and told of the profound impact his
Executive George Hickton says the vision
environmental protection goals of the New
visit had had on the way he saw his place in
for tourism in his country should be for all
Zealand Tourism Strategy 2015 are recognition
the world. He told McSweeney the experience
visitors to experience something life-changing.
that for tourism to prosper and the benefits to
had inspired him to return home and make
28 | r:travel
‘If we could truly say that visitors go away
New Zealand’s Minister of Tourism
be shared, New Zealand and the tourism sector
‘Broadly speaking, kaitiakitanga is a concept of land stewardship that sees all things – trees, rivers, mountains, rocks – as part of an equal ecological web, and that every piece of this web has a spirit, and every spirit is a family member. This is starkly different to much Christian and Islamic theology which puts man above nature, and proposes that nature is here to serve mankind. This demands a certain respect and responsibility, and wise management’
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘NEW ZEALAND is our overall winner for proving that it is possible to develop a national strategy which uses tourism to help make better places to live and to visit. New Zealand has implemented many of the principles of the Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism in Destinations and demonstrated what national government can achieve – working with the private sector, local
must be sustainable.
operators can promote and benefit from.
communities and local government –
‘New Zealand is the first country in the
by harnessing tourism to benefit their
launched nine years ago has defined how
world to have a fully integrated quality and
people and their environment. If more
our country and our exports are viewed
environmental accreditation system,’
national governments followed their
worldwide,’ he says. ‘But the true potential of
says O’Connor.
example, tourism would make a much
‘The 100% Pure New Zealand brand
the industry will only be realised if we are a
This is how it works: as of August this year,
country with unique sustainability credentials.
all 2,100 or more Qualmark licensed operators
The government is committed to moving
will be required to meet minimum responsible
our country towards becoming the first truly
tourism standards in areas such as energy
sustainable nation in the world.’
efficiency, water conservation, greater use of
In a world where environmental concerns
more positive contribution around the world.’
For one regular visitor to New Zealand,
recycling, waste reduction and improved fuel
Qualmark Green embraces something very
are uppermost for many consumers it is
use. Those who exceed the minimum level
spiritual that is steeped in New Zealand’s
important to help visitors identify products
will be eligible to apply for Enviro-Bronze,
Maori culture.
that fit the bill. To that end, in March this
Enviro-Silver or Enviro-Gold rankings.
year the Minister of Tourism launched a new
‘New Zealand’s natural environment is
American adventure company operator and broadcaster Richard Bangs has been
environmental initiative that looks certain to
the main reason visitors come here,’ says
coming to New Zealand since the mid-1970s.
have a far-reaching impact. It might sound
George Hickton. ‘We also know that visitors
He says: ‘When I first came New Zealand was
a bit corporate, but Qualmark Green is a
are starting to expect things like recycling and
an environmental dark star, bent on felling
significant move. This enhancement to New
energy conservation. Making a difference,
forests, overfishing, and “unprotecting”. The
Zealand’s existing quality accreditation system
even a small one, in the environmental
Maori culture was in danger of collapse; there
for tourism businesses (Qualmark) is aimed
performance of every Qualmarked tourism
was more culture in a cup of yoghurt than in
at making environmental protection good
business will help New Zealand deliver on the
most Maori events.
business practice, and making it something
100% Pure New Zealand promise.
‘But as I kept returning over the years the
r:travel | 29
place kept getting better, and recently it seems
rivers, mountains, rocks - as part of an equal
that while the rest of the world has been
ecological web, and that every piece of this
digging a deeper hole for itself, NZ is building
web has a spirit, and every spirit is a family
a mountain of hope, and is a clear leader for
member. This is starkly different to much
sustainability. Much of that is due to a Maori
Christian and Islamic theology which puts
renaissance and their ancient concept of
man above nature, and proposes that
kaitiakitanga, which has enjoyed not just a
nature is here to serve mankind. This
resurgence, but is being baked into a national
demands a certain respect and responsibility,
ethos - even prime minister Helen Clark has
and wise management.
cited it, and she also announced that NZ
‘Anyway, the country is greener and cleaner
will be the first country in the world to be
than ever before, and is in many ways a model
carbon neutral.
for the rest of the world.’
‘Broadly speaking, kaitiakitanga is a concept of land stewardship that sees all things - trees,
www.newzealand.com www.tourismnewzealand.com
ALL-BLACKS TURNING ALL-GREEN The community: Kaikoura
and planning, then we will prosper, we will
been added, leading to an increase in bird
A mecca for whale-watching and dolphin
be sustainable and we will be a place where
life around the property. The rarest bird, the
swimming, this seaside town of around
people will continue to want to visit, to play,
bittern, is now seen frequently.
3,500 inhabitants, on the rugged east
to work and to live.’
coast of South Island, is only the second
Globe-certified. Other initiatives include a
The resort: Tahi Beach, North Island
Toward Zero Waste 2010 policy; and a Trees
Tahi is an ongoing development with the
The activity operator: Footprints Waipoua Twilight Encounter, North Island
for Travellers carbon emissions offsetting
ultimate aim of being a sustainable five-star
One of only two NZ experiences and
programme. Mayor Kevin Heays says that
boutique resort. The proposed buildings
82 global experiences to be featured in the
as well as appealing to environmentally-
will all be designed within their respective
Lonely Planet’s Code Green publication.
conscious visitors, the initiatives have
environments and use solar and wind power
Maori-owned and operated, it offers guided
been hugely beneficial to the community.
where possible. Some 45,000 native trees
cultural eco-tours through the Waipoua
Furthermore, he sees this as safeguarding the
have recently been planted in areas around
Forest, the largest area of ancient kauri forest
community’s future. ‘If we can ensure that
new wetlands, the beach, and road to
in New Zealand. The tours carry a strong
we are welcoming hosts, guardians of our
enhance the tranquility and privacy of the
environmental message, telling visitors
natural assets and innovative in our thinking
retreat. Two new large wetlands have also
about the destruction of the forests through
community in the world to become Green
30 | r:travel
Some of the most amazing places on Earth are also the most threatened. Conservation International (CI) is a global leader in biodiversity conservation and has over twenty years of ecotourism experience working in Latin/South America, Africa and Asia/Pacific regions. CI’s mission is to conserve the Earth’s living heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature. With 840 million people travelling each year and over 33,000 protected areas worldwide, ecotourism is a growing source of revenue for the management of protected areas, and the communities living within and around them. CI’s ecotourism programmes help forge a direct link between the economic benefits from ecotourism and the protection of biodiversity through ecotourism concessions in protected areas, ecotourism job creation, tourism business development support, and developing constituencies through strong partnerships with protected area managers, de-forestation and by possums. The operators
untreated timbers in natural colours so
the private sector, tourism ministries,
are strongly involved with the local
that they cannot be seen from the road or
community organizations and others.
community and schools, with one of their
the harbour.
aims being to create work and opportunities
for locals in this small community.
With thoughtful tourism policies, strategic planning, and community involvement, ecotourism development can help ensure
The conservation project: Project Kiwi, North Island
sustainable use of natural resources as well as
The eco-lodge: The Treehouse Backpackers Lodge, Northland
Project Kiwi is a community trust, run
who are their stewards.
by volunteers with the help of sponsors,
Owners Phil and Pauline Evans have run the
committed to restoring the kiwi population
iconic backpackers lodge for 17 years and
on the Kuaotunu Peninsula (some 15–20
from day one had a holistic view towards
minutes north of Whitianga). It is
running their business with minimum
estimated that the project has restored
impact on land and community. They have
about 400 kiwi. Project Kiwi has open days
planted 10,000 trees, restored two-thirds
over summer for visitors to go into the bush
of the property to bushland, and built the
and see the work.
cabins and wooden homestead using mainly
increase benefits for the local communities,
r:travel | 31
Two communities, an ocean apart, but which had both seen better days, have found innovative ways of using tourism to revive their fortunes – and their pride quick to dispel any thoughts of a doddery approach. ‘We’re helping people who don’t want to retire. We are giving them an opportunity to use skills and abilities they wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to use. But they have to do the job properly – we work to a very professional standard. We are stewards of our cultural heritage, and take a responsible approach. In the village itself, rundown properties have been spruced up as residents have taken renewed pride in showing off their village. ‘In the Victorian era Broadstairs was the place to be, and St Peter’s got forgotten,’ says Brian. ‘This has revived village pride.’ That pride has spread to the church, too. The churchyard is one of the longest in
HIGHLY COMMENDED St Peter’s, Broadstairs, Kent, UK
England and over past decades had become very overgrown. This has now been cleared, using young people on community service orders. ‘I wouldn’t say they enjoy it,’ adds
Village learns its history lesson
Brian. ‘It is their punishment. But they can see a benefit. And the probation service has been given a justice award for the scheme.’ Recently, the village has added three churchyard tours, including World War One and World War Two graves. The group has also won several tourism and heritage awards,
A LITTLE over 15 years ago, St Peter’s, a small
guides that they start an official village tour,
village on the fringes of Broadstairs, a famous
and began working on a route and a script
Victorian resort on the Kent coast, was
– which included three brief vignettes in
power, too. Tour organisers have been invited
described as a ‘backwater’.
which costumed characters would talk about
to share their experience as part of a training
an aspect of the village’s past, a concept
day for Kent clergy and lay leaders on
called ‘first person living history’.
encouraging tourists to visit churches.
Despite a history going back 1,000 years, predating its more illustrious neighbour, it was a bit frayed round the edges, with many properties looking rather uncared for. Around that time, in autumn 1994, Brian
The following March the St Peter’s Village
both local and national. Word of its success has reached a higher
St Peter’s Village Tours take place from May
Tour started. Numbers were strictly controlled
to September. Tours are free, but visitors are
– around eight to ten per group, but that year
invited to make donations which cover costs.
Sleightholm retired after a lifetime – 44 years
about 1,000 visitors took the tour, bringing a
Booking is essential.
– in banking. But he wasn’t ready to slip
welcome boost to the village economy.
quietly into old age. Spotting a notice at St
Since then, 16,000 people from all over
Peter’s Church saying that a group from the
the UK and the world have enjoyed the
Friends of Kent Churches wanted six people
living history of St Peter’s – and the costumed
‘ST PETER’S USES tourism to maintain and
to show them round St Peter’s, he put his
cameos are up to 14 in a leisurely two-hour
develop the community’s sense of place,
name forward – and spent the next week
walk. More than 100 volunteers – mostly
pride in its history and heritage – since 1995
mugging up on the church’s history.
retired folk – fill every role from booking
16,000 visitors have been guided on walks
to greeting, from actor to guide, from tour
showing that there is something of interest to
managers to refreshments.
discover wherever you care to look for it –
The visit went well, and at the end, Brian noticed that the group wanted to look round the village, too. He suggested to his fellow
32 | r:travel
If it all sounds a bit Dad’s Army, Brian is
beyond the more obvious tourist attractions.’
HIGHLY COMMENDED Bouctouche, Canada
The test-tube town comes of age TWENTY YEARS ago, Bouctouche was
sustainable tourism thinking in
expanded to include arts and crafts. Instead
slowly dying. A small, rural community on
Atlantic Canada.
of building a hotel, residents were helped
Canada’s New Brunswick coast, its economy
To visit Bouctouche today is to share in
and encouraged to create 120 bed & breakfast
had centred around fishing, an industry in
a coastal community and seascape that is a
rooms. Local entrepreneurs now provide
decline with the closure of two fish plants
testament to sound planning and continuing
canoe and bike rental, camping facilities
and the loss of 300 jobs.
stewardship. The marine environment is
and restaurants.
After much discussion among the
alive and healthy, the thriving oyster beds
Around 100,000 visitors a year now visit
community leaders, it was agreed that
are a major contributor to a $4 million
Bouctouche, a town of 2,500 inhabitants
tourism and, in particular, ecotourism might
industry in New Brunswick. The renowned
who share a true sense of place, in harmony
revive the town’s ailing fortunes. It had one
Acadian-themed tourism attraction, Le Pays
with culture, nature and environment.
special asset going for it – the Bouctouche
de la Sagouine, created in 1992 to celebrate
It’s a practical model that is now sharing
dune, an impressive 17km sand spit jutting
the culture and dialect of the early Acadian
throughout Canada the lessons it has learned.
out into the bay. But even this unique
settlers, sits like a jewel at the heart of the
habitat was suffering; abused by locals as
inner bay. A vast network of trails threads
of his home town: ‘In spite of her many
an off-roaders’ playground, many of the
visitors and residents alike through the
splendours, Bouctouche is not the greatest
shore-nesting birds and much of the dune
landscape – the dune protected yet accessible
town in the world, but it is the first, the only
vegetation were being destroyed.
via a boardwalk that leaves the fragile grasses
and the most beautiful Bouctouche.’
and habitats undisturbed.
But with the dune as its focal point, the
A local author, Antoine Maillet, has said
community drew up ambitious plans for
Several green initiatives include forest
a town rebuilt around ecotourism – and
management, a wind-power project, and a
in this living laboratory everything had
‘Thinking Green’ campaign involving 1,100
‘BOUCTOUCHE HAS demonstrated that
to be environmentally sustainable and
households in the Bouctouche challenge
tourism can be used to breath new life
economically viable.
– to find ten steps to reduce their ecological
into a community and its endangered
Despite one abortive plan to build a
footprint. Community involvement has been
Acadian culture. Over the past 12 years the
marina, which caused a mudwave that
Bouctouche’s greatest triumph. At every stage
community has come together to build a
engulfed local oyster beds, the community
the local people have been consulted and
thriving new economy based on sustainable
came together to create what has now been
their skills brought to bear. Volunteers helped
tourism following the collapse of its
hailed internationally as the ground zero of
build a farmers’ market, which has since
traditional livelihood, fishing.’
r:travel | 33
Champion of the mainstream One of two joint winners of this award, Jane Ashton believes passionately in bringing sustainability to the wider world of mainstream tourism part of an even bigger company, TUI Travel
strategy, People and the Environment, and
sustainable development Jane Ashton.
has encouraged the workforce from top brass
Jane has been championing the cause
down to get involved – one scheme has seen
of responsible travel at First Choice since
senior management working alongside a
2000, when she first pitched the business
needy community in Costa Rica, helping
case to her board – and found it surprisingly
it to set up an eco-tourism business. And
receptive. But her interest in such issues date
when a colleague visited the company’s
back to her university days in the 1980s. As a
first ClimateCare project – a hydro-electric
modern languages student, she spent time in
scheme in Zambia that provides clean energy
Germany’s Black Forest and saw the damage
to a village community – her blog was used
wrought by unsustainable tourism and the
to raise awareness among staff.
environmental impact of acid rain. IF ANY public perception lingers about
At First Choice, she pioneered their
– and one such individual is its head of
After joining First Choice in 1990, she had
The customer has been engaged, too, through the World Care Fund offset scheme,
holidays labelled responsible, ethical or eco,
roles in brand management, marketing and
and excursions to see Travel Foundation
it’s that they’re a bit specialist, a bit niche.
business development, but ‘after hours’ she
projects. ‘If sustainable development is not
was gradually compiling the sustainable case.
going to happen without our people getting
Travel and tourism still lags behind other retail sectors where organic, fair trade and
‘When I presented it, I expected
eco-friendly products are more evident
scepticism,’ says Jane. ‘Instead, I found I was
on the high street. Many of the current
pushing at an open door.’
examples of best practice are seen in smaller
Over the past eight years she has been a
involved, it’ll only really fly when our customers demand it,’ says Ashton. ‘As the UK moves towards a low-carbon economy, customers will become more
organisations, often steered by passionate
driving force for sustainable tourism, not
carbon-savvy and rightly cynical about
individuals who have given their life to
just within First Choice and now TUI, but
“green” claims. The majority will not forego
ensuring a better world.
within the whole mainstream UK industry.
their annual holiday abroad, but it will be
‘That’s always been my objective,’ she says.
important to show that air-inclusive holidays
when mainstream operators take on board
‘That’s what excites me.’ She helped get
are bringing real economic benefit to host
responsible principles and practices, it’s
tourism charity the Travel Foundation off
countries. Fuel costs will limit aviation
reassuring that some are responding to the
the ground and also the Federation of Tour
growth, probably more than legislation, and
challenge – and that there are some equally
Operators’ Responsible Tourism Committee
drive environmental efficiencies. This will
passionate individuals in the bigger firms.
– two organisations that help the industry to
lead to sustainable development becoming a
address sustainable tourism issues.
“business as usual” challenge as opposed to
But if the big breakthrough will only come
One such company is First Choice, now
the add-on it often still is.’
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘JANE HAS been successfully advocating the case for sustainable tourism in First Choice since the mid-1990s and has taken responsibility for securing change and providing leadership in First Choice, TUI Travel and across the large operator sector, demonstrated by the groundbreaking People and the Environment report and World Care Fund.’
34 | r:travel
JOINT WINNER Diana McIntyre-Pike, Jamaica
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘AN INNOVATOR and leader for many years in Jamaica, Diana has worked with communities to develop village stays and community experiences, and worked with the larger resorts and operators to market them. She has developed the Countrystyle Institute for Sustainable Tourism to provide training to communities in basic hospitality skills, entrepreneurship and environmental awareness.’
into the countryside. As founder of the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network, she has launched a string of organisations dedicated to giving travellers to Jamaica, and throughout the Caribbean, a more authentic experience while putting their tourism dollars into the hands of local people. While building up her family hotel, the Astra Country Inn in Mandeville, she’s opened a
Thunderbird is go! Few people have done more to help create an authentic travel experience in Jamaica than this passionate pioneer of community tourism
tourism training school, set up a Foundation for Sick Children, and won plaudits and support from both government and private sector bodies. Along the way she’s been married – to corporate banker Carey Pike – widowed and raised a family of her own, who are now
THIRTY-FIVE years ago, clutching a diploma
became so popular she had to run them five
following in her tourism footsteps. In Jamaica
in hotel management and catering,
days a week. Many of the guests also wanted
they call her ‘Thunderbird,’ a nickname she
21-year-old Diana McIntyre got a job as guest
to experience Jamaican cuisine, so she began
enjoys. ‘It’s because of my personality,’ she
relations director of the Holiday Inn Resort
recommending restaurants outside the hotel
laughs, ‘I’m always rushing around and I
in Jamaica.
as its own three restaurants did not offer
don’t give up.’
After three months, she noted that her guests were not relating – they were unhappy
Jamaican food.
Over the past five years Diana has
As a result of her initiative, the Holiday
established her most important project,
with the exclusively American atmosphere
Inn got lots of good publicity and became
the Community Tourism programme in
and were not experiencing the Jamaican
famous overnight as a friendly community
association with the International Institute
way of life. Embarrassed, she approached
hotel. Business boomed.
for Peace through Tourism. This has involved
the American general manager about setting
After one year, however, Diana was
48 villages in offering community experience
up a new guest activity, ‘the Jamaica Chit
carpeted by the general manager, reminded
tours and village stays. ‘My vision,’ she
Chat Session’, to introduce Jamaican culture,
who was paying her wages, and banned from
says, ‘was to create tailor-made packages for
heritage and lifestyle. Her boss told her she
recommending restaurants outside the hotel.
visitors wishing to have a diverse vacation,
was wasting her time. In his opinion, most
‘At this point, I knew that my time at
including outreach projects – which I
guests wanted to relax on the beach, drink
Holiday Inn had come to an end,’ says Diana.
marketed as “pick a project” and “adopt a
rum and get a tan. However, he gave Diana
‘I could not stay there and be able to offer
village”, whose citizens would be
the benefit of the doubt and the go-ahead.
only non-Jamaican food.’
encouraged to improve their economic and
Diana chose the hottest time of the day
Diana resigned but she had found her
social life building schools, libraries, youth
– between 11am and 2pm and invited
vocation. Ever since, she has championed
community representatives from all walks of
the cause of community tourism in
life. She threw in refreshments and waited…
Jamaica, campaigning to prise visitors
Sandals Resorts to sign up to her excursions.
Not only did guests turn up, but the sessions
out of the beachfront compounds and
This Thunderbird is all go.
clubs and so on.’ She even persuaded the world-famous
r:travel | 35
HIGHLY COMMENDED Chris James, Tobago
Tourism Ireland is responsible for marketing the island of Ireland overseas. As such, we have entered the responsible tourism market with one major marketing advantage. Ireland is green. This is why people choose to visit
Paradise found
us, and that is why we have taken a serious commitment to keeping it that way. We are listening to our visitors’ requests to preserve the natural and cultural heritage which is
IN 1994, after working
were producing vegetables in the wrong
uniquely ours. We are also taking our
for British Gas for 20
quantity and at the wrong time. Now the
tourism providers’ need for sustainability
years, Chris James did
hotels get what they want and the farmers
seriously too. And most crucially, we are all
what many only dream of
get a better price for what they grow.
too aware that responsible tourism in Ireland
doing. He took voluntary
The TFT has set up eight school gardens,
can play a major role in the fight to combat
redundancy, moved to
where pupils grow herbs and use the
climate change, and we are striving to lessen
the Caribbean island of
money to buy books. And it has launched a
our impact as urgently as possible.
Tobago and opened a bar… It was the best move he ever made. The bar-restaurant, called Bonkers, was followed by hotels and a villa development. In January
‘Sustainability for Accommodations’ scheme
Ireland has a rapidly growing number of
which assists hotels to reduce energy and
responsible tourism products. However,
water use, and cut waste.
sustaining our cultural heritage is an equally
The Tobago projects have worked so well
important feature of our responsible tourism
he starts work on a responsible luxury hotel
that Chris and his TFT colleagues were asked
products. Such as language holidays in our
with 200 rooms. This is intended to be as
to launch a regional project. ‘We’re working
Gaelic-speaking regions, or cookery courses
sustainable as possible – the plan includes
in the Dominican Republic, St Lucia and just
overlooking the very lakes where the
vegetable, fish and shrimp farms, and an
starting in Jamaica. ‘Everything’s worked,
ingredients are caught. All these are growing
organic spa, using locally-grown ingredients.
there’s been no negatives,’ says Chris, who
sectors in Irish tourism.
Chris didn’t plan to follow the responsible
was awarded the MBE for his environment
path – but it came naturally. ‘Living here you
and community work in Tobago.
We are honoured to be sponsoring the Responsible Tourism Award 2008 for Best
can’t help but be a naturalist,’ he says. ‘It’s the
‘Local people are getting the benefits, and
whole ambience – a good climate with plenty
tourists get a proper tourism experience, not
generous and friendly individuals who make
of water. We call it the capital of paradise.’
a conveyer belt one.’
up the face of Irish tourism as a whole.
Similarly, it is the wide range of individuals
out there working to make a real difference
In 2004, Chris’s ‘place in paradise’ was cemented when, inspired by a visit from the Travel Foundation – the charity set up to help
Personal Contribution. It is the welcoming,
in the world, who make up the face of
the tourist industry become more sustainable
international responsible tourism. We are
– he took on the role of regional director of
‘A HOTELIER and business leader enthusiastic
delighted not only to applaud them but also
the Travel Foundation Tobago (TFT), which
about responsible tourism, Chris was
to learn from them.
has initiated a number of projects to help
influential in getting the Adopt a Farmer
bring real benefits of tourism to islanders.
programme off the ground, managing to
The Adopt a Farm scheme has brought
get fishermen and farmers on the steering
together hoteliers and farmers. Previously,
committee. As honorary regional director of
neither was talking to the other, so farmers
Travel Foundation he has made a difference.’
36 | r:travel
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WINNER Camps International, UK
‘The year we feel most pride in has been one without profits’ Putting your money where your mouth is may sound like a clumsy old cliché but it sums up the decision taken by volunteering organisation Camps International when political unrest turned to violence in Kenya in January this year THIS YEAR’S Kenyan conflict was a bad
coming – and so, no income – the corporate
80,000-acre area of wilderness, including
time for the country’s tourism industry.
approach would be to lay off staff and
its indigenous people, within the Tsavo
Kenya’s biggest revenue earner, employing
mothball projects, in an attempt to salvage
ecosystem. It took a huge chunk of the
250,000 people directly and another 500,000
some profits. Instead the company chose to
company’s cash, but with the worst now over
indirectly, it took a huge hit. Many businesses
maintain local staffing levels and expand its
and volunteers returning, CI is now looking
closed or ran with 25-30 per cent occupancy
commitment to its projects – including the
to the future with renewed optimism.
during what should have been the height of
building of five schools and an orphanage
the season, putting the livelihoods of tens of
– as a long-term recovery solution. Most
feel most pride in has been one without
thousands of local people at risk.
notable has been a new commitment to
profits. But our sustainable projects cannot
the conservation and protection of an
be switched on and off. Maintaining our
At Camps International (CI), managing director Stu Phillips and his team faced some tough decisions. With no volunteers
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‘Ironically,’ says Phillips, ‘the year we can
commitment to the local people – 150
families – through retention rather than
‘HIGHLY COMMENDED in 2007, Camps
redundancy, was, in the short term, a costly
International has now integrated its
exercise. Nearly a year on, however, the
‘pledge to the planet’ into its business
in 2002, with a commitment to social
attendance and performance in the schools
plan and responded to the post-election
development and environmental protection.
we continued to build has soared, our staff
violence in Kenya – which resulted in
It promises a ‘responsible travel experience’
have managed to provide for their extended
radically reduced tourist numbers – by
for around 1,000 volunteers a year at one of
families, our partnerships with local suppliers
maintaining local staffing levels and
its 17 camps, most of which are in Kenya,
have sustained local industry and there is
expanding their commitment to Kenya
but also Tanzania and, from March, Borneo.
a palpable sense of pride that comes from
projects as a contribution to recovery’
Volunteers are drawn from three distinct groups: school parties, the 18-24 gap year
belonging to a team that has survived a crisis where more than 60 per cent of people live
community and career-break adults from 25
below the poverty line and few children
to 50. Here’s how it was for one volunteer,
demonstrated that the responsible business
have had access to education. With the
who spent a month at a camp in Kenya.
model works. ‘Other operators resorted to a
community also benefitting from clean
“slash and burn” mentality to protect their
drinking water and better sanitation for more
Lynn Buckle, 50, a social worker,
bottom line,’ adds Phillips. ‘But in Africa,
than 2,000 families, CI has handed its camp
from Southampton
you have to be there. If you walk away and
there over to the community so it can run it
‘I began every day serving porridge to
come back later, it’ll be gone. It took us five
as its own ecotourism business.
between 75 and 105 children aged under
without compromising its integrity.’ Moreover, CI’s experience has
years to build up the confidence of those
A healthcare programme in Muhaka has
six. We then worked on transforming a
communities. If we’d lost that, we’d have
eradicated a painful condition called jiggers
classroom, making desks, repositioning
lost the core of the business and all we stand
that had affected some 400 children in the
window frames, plastering, painting, moving
for. Moreover, we don’t have the comfort
past two years. In two other communities,
sand and stones, and levelling off a play area.
of making decisions just based on numbers.
new vegetable gardens and a nutritional
For us there’s always a tangible consequence,
education campaign have improved an
those in the village and the school. We all
when you regularly see not only the staff but
infant mortality rate of 10 per cent due to
worked together, pupils, people from the
their wives and children.’
malnutrition. Alternative livelihoods have
community, and project workers, laughing
been set up, including an elephant dung
and achieving together. At breaks, I played
impressive run over the past six years, being
paper-making enterprise, with the pilot
with the children; I taught them to play
shortlisted for a Responsible Tourism Award
scheme in Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary
noughts and crosses with a stick in the sand.
every year since the awards started. The
replicated in Tsavo and in Tanzania.
Camps International has had an
business has grown from the ground up,
The new wilderness conservation project
‘The work was real and appreciated by
‘The peace I felt at the camp was very calming and there was much time to talk to
its projects developed in partnership with
in Tsavo is a ten-year plan to protect
others and reflect. We all had our reasons
local communities. The flagship schemes
endangered species. Volunteer work will
for going, some life-changing, some to think
have been in Kenya, where, for example,
include sanctuary maintenance and censuses.
about their lives and goals.
CI completed a three-year development
‘Our commitment to what we do is core,’
‘On the second morning a child put her
programme to improve facilities at
says Phillips. ‘It’s not a by-product of tourism.’
hand in mine. She was four and I learned
Makongemni Primary School in an area
later that she was an orphan. That little girl, without knowing, made me feel very special. ‘I sang in the local church and the girls from the camp and I performed a couple of hymns in English for the congregation. We could not give them much but we could share our faith. On my last day I walked back from the school to the camp. It took me an hour as I kept stopping to talk to all the people who had become part of my life. ‘A part of my heart will always be in Kenya, and I’m going back next September. How could I have known the impact I’d have on others, and the impact others could have on me?’
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Blue Ventures Expeditions, UK/Madagascar
Mad for it
Two new projects have been launched in the past year. The first is a family planning project and weekly clinic in Andavadoaka,
coral, with new species discovered each year.
offering sexual health education and
Diving here is a real joy, and knowing you’re
contraception to the local community – work
doing something worthwhile heightens that.
that complements the Malagasy government’s
Now Blue Ventures’ marine conservation
commitment to curbing population growth,
A LOT of responsible tourism companies
project, that started with just one village, is
operate in some of the world’s poorest
gearing up to create more than 50 locally-
regions. A lot use voluntourists to work
managed reserves over the next five years.
is a carbon offset scheme for volunteers and
on and help fund vital community or
Set up in the fishing village of Andavadoaka,
staff that invests in fuel-efficient and solar
conservation projects. But few manage this
the current project has grown to encompass
stoves for the villages in the Velondriake
tricky job of balancing the needs of the
23 neighbouring villages forming a vast
network. These help reduce the requirement
community and the volunteer better than
network of community-run protected areas
for fuel wood and charcoal by up to 70 per
Blue Ventures Expeditions.
called Velondriake, spanning more than
cent. The ground-breaking project (www.
800 sq km, benefiting more than 10,000
bvco.org.uk) has been adopted by other
Madagascar in 2003, this UK company
people and protecting coral reefs, mangroves,
organisations as their chosen offset scheme.
has given paying volunteers the chance to
seagrass beds and other threatened habitats.
In the five years since it launched in
considered a vital step in fighting poverty. The second initiative established in March
Managing director Richard Nimmo
dive in the fourth largest continuous reef
The new African Development
system in the world – the Grand Recife de
Bank-funded programme will extend
about fisheries management and reef work.
Tulear – and make a real contribution to a
this network to take in most of the main
But that has an economic impact beyond
sustainable marine system. Along the way
fishing areas and promote the sustainable
conservation. Through working with the
Blue Ventures has won several major industry
development of traditional marine fisheries
community we were alerted to other issues.
prizes and got the highly commended nod
along more than 300km of coast.
at the Responsible Tourism Awards on three
Each year, around 140 paying volunteers
says: ‘When we started it was very much
‘The clinic project is helping villagers take greater control of their health and family
previous occasions – twice in the marine
head out to Madagascar to get involved in
size, allowing coastal communities to develop
category, and once for its volunteering.
research and education initiatives, and the
more sustainably. This will promote the
profits from their expeditions have helped
sustainable use of resources and conservation
conservation groups conducting research on
to fund vital community work, including
of the fragile marine systems these
Madagascar’s marine systems. The island’s
alternative livelihood schemes, a school
communities depend on for survival.’
southwest coast is home to some 380 species
scholarship programme and conservation
of reef fish and more than 160 species of
and SCUBA training for Malagasy nationals.
Blue Ventures is one of the few
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘SINCE BLUE VENTURES was Highly Commended in 2007, it has invested in fuel-efficient and solar stoves in Madagascar, offsetting the carbon emissions of the flights taken by staff and volunteers, and opened Andavadoaka’s first family planning clinic, offering sexual health education and contraception to the local community.’
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Voluntours, South Africa
The village people guides. The village has an eight-roomed lodge and a multi-purpose centre that was built by the local government in 2002. However, no training and support had been provided and so the tourist facilities were largely unused. Voluntours is their main tourist provider. ‘When we met the chief and discussed the tourism partnership the main difficulty was trying to explain how volunteer tourism differed from regular tourism,’ says Marnie. SOUTH AFRICA, 1952. Apartheid was at its
‘Our volunteers wanted to live and work in
Intrepid Travel operate small group
height. The small community of Mapoch
the community which was a bit of a
adventures and cultural trips in most corners
Ndebele Village was forcibly relocated after
mind-change. However, it works well now.’
of the globe and were Overall Winners of the
its ‘home’, on a farm in Pretoria, was declared
‘We started Voluntours as a way of
awards in 2006. Since our first day of
a ‘whites-only’ area. They ended up on land
combining my and Marnie’s passions,’
operations, almost 20 years ago, Responsible
about 40km north west of Pretoria. Today, it’s
adds Jeremy. ‘Marnie found her love doing
Travel has been at the heart of all that we do.
a 45-minute drive from the city; in those days
tourism development in the townships of
Wherever we go in the world, we travel in a
it was a three-day walk.
Soweto and Alexandria. I was involved in
way which respects and benefits local people,
Later, when independent homelands
establishing a food security programme in
their culture and the environment.
were created for the different ethnic groups
Malawi in 1997/8 where I first fell in love
in South Africa, Mapoch found itself in the
with development work.
middle of Bophuthatswana (a homeland for
‘We wanted to make responsible
This award is particularly meaningful to us as we see sustainable volunteering as a way travellers can make a real and personal
the Tswana people), while the Ndebele were
volunteering accessible to the average person.
difference to local communities. We have
relocated to their designated homeland east
You do not have to work for an NGO or give
received inspiring reports from our own
of Pretoria. Mapoch was left isolated.
two years of your life to UN Volunteers or
Intrepid Volunteering programs, both from
Peace Corps to give something back into
travellers and from the rural communities
in a round hole is now the location for
community development. Unfortunately, not
they are working in, so we know how
an extraordinary example of a small but
all volunteer organisations share our
powerful this cross-cultural work is.
effective grassroots voluntourism enterprise
bottom-up approach. We know of one that
– Voluntours – run by dedicated husband and
boasts of sending 700 volunteers a year. How
with companies who are involved in
wife team Jeremy and Marnie Stafford.
can that be responsible?’
grassroots community development and we
This poor, impoverished square peg
The volunteers – and there have been
In response to these concerns, Voluntours
Intrepid Travel is proud to be associated
applaud their efforts in this field. It’s
just 28 in the two years the project has been
launched its Code of Good Practice:
important that as travellers and travel
running – stay in and volunteer either in
Volunteering in South Africa last year.
operators that we do all that we can to spread
the village itself or within the surrounding
the word of sustainable tourism and actually
community, working in education, child care,
follow through on the intent. The world is an
building, music, sport, drama, arts and crafts,
amazing place and we hope to share it with
and small business developments.
‘VOLUNTOURS SHOWS what a small
many generations to come.
family-run business can contribute to
The village has about 270 inhabitants. Most houses have electricity but no running
the development of a marginalised and
water. Most get water from two communal
economically-poor community. By carefully
taps; only a few have a tap in their own yard.
harnessing the enthusiasm and skills of
Toilets are pit latrines.
volunteers, they have enabled the Ndebele
Voluntours co-founder Jeremy Stafford,
community at Mapoch to develop their
recalls: ‘We came in contact with the village
nursery and school, and a bicycle project to
in 2004 by researching a few old travel
improve their lives.’
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WINNER Gamewatchers Safaris and Porini Camps, Kenya
Into the wilds on an eco-safari Ecotourism has revived an area of Kenya that had been bled almost dry of plant and wildlife – by offering a small-scale, intimate safari experience that benefits the Maasai community IF YOU’VE never taken a Kenyan safari,
an interesting animal, such as a big cat, you’ll
over rough roads, giving more time for
imagine travelling in a nine-seater minibus
be quickly joined by other vehicles. You can’t
wildlife viewing.
for up to five hours over bad roads from
get out and walk and you can’t drive in the
Nairobi and again from park to park.
park after dark.
You’ll sleep in large safari camps and lodges with perhaps 60 to 100 other tourists. The game drives take place inside the parks
That’s the mass-market approach – and it’s not pretty. A Gamewatchers safari and Porini camp
The Porini Camps have between six to ten tents, and a maximum of 12 to 20 guests. Game drives take place in private wildlife conservancies as well as in the parks. In the conservancies there are no other tourist
and reserves with the same driver-guide who
is more than a little different. First, they use
vehicles and you can walk, escorted by
brought you from Nairobi.
light aircraft to fly guests from Nairobi and
Maasai warriors. There are night game drives,
between the parks. This reduces the travel
too. At each camp guests go on game drives
time and avoids long and arduous journeys
with a driver-guide who is based there and
Often you find the animals by following a herd of other vehicles; if you do come across
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so knows the local area better than some poor guy who’s driving clients round all the parks. As well as the driver-guide there’s also a Maasai spotter in the vehicle. The game drives are all done in open-sided 4x4 safari
‘We believe that this can serve as a model to be adapted in other parts of Kenya and throughout Africa. Our years of success have produced a track record that others have now taken note of ‘
vehicles, not minibuses. So which sounds better to you?
something about it.’ Not only did he want
community to establish the first Conservancy
The Gamewatchers/Porini model was the
to save the land, he was determined to
(Selenkay) on 13,000 acres of their land.
creation of Jake Grieves-Cook, who’d been
work with rural communities so they would
Following the success of Selenkay, in 2005
involved in the safari business in Kenya ever
benefit from the conservation of the wildlife
the 8,500-acre Ol Kinyei Conservancy was set
since the early 1970s.
and their habitat.
up in the Mara ecosystem, followed in 2006
By 1990, overgrazing had thinned out
He decided to apply the low-impact
by the 22,000-acre Olare Orok Conservancy.
the indigenous vegetation in the Mara
approach of eco-tourism which would
eco-system. Bushmeat hunting had killed
generate an income and economic benefits
conservancies was chosen by the Maasai who
or chased away much of the wildlife. ‘The
for the community. Although negotiations
then vacated it, setting it aside for wildlife.
degradation of the place had become so
with community elders proved tricky, in
Soon, each conservancy saw a significant
appalling,’ says Jake, ‘that I decided to do
1997 Jake signed an agreement with a Maasai
increase in wildlife numbers and a
The land which was to be used as
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The South Australian Tourism Commission is the official tourism organisation for the state
of South Australia. We actively promote our
regeneration of vegetation. At Selenkay,
‘THIS AWARD is for demonstrating that
destination in the UK and around the world,
elephants returned after a 20-year absence
a high-revenue, low-impact tourism
and endeavour to encourage environmentally
and in the Mara conservancies breeding
development approach can benefit the
responsible tourism experiences. South
cheetah took up residence.
local Maasai, enabling them, through
Australia is a premier wildlife destination,
developing conservancies and tourism
where you can see and experience wildlife
in Swahili), situated inside the conservancies,
in partnership with safari companies,
in the wild. Destinations such as Kangaroo
are exclusive, small eco-friendly tented
to create employment and community
Island, the Eyre Peninsula and the Flinders
affairs, comfortably furnished, lit with solar
income and conserve land for wildlife.’
Ranges, including Wilpena Pound, are some
Porini Camps (Porini means ‘into the wilds’
power, with water-saving safari showers and
of the key areas of South Australia that have
flush toilets. Their proud boast is that the entire camp could be completely dismantled,
an abundance of wildlife unique to Australia. ‘We believe that this can serve as a model
The protection of South Australia’s
and within a few hours you’d hardly know
to be adapted in other parts of Kenya and
flora and fauna is a key focus of the state
it had existed.
throughout Africa. Our years of success have
government with strategies such as ‘No
produced a track record that others in the
Species Loss’. This is a ten-year nature
manage and improve the conservancies,
industry have now taken note of and there
conservation strategy, which began in 2007,
pay the lease and tourist entry fees and pay
is a real momentum towards more operators
and at its core is the concept of biodiversity
salaries of the camp staff and the conservancy
setting up conservancies along similar lines.
and maintaining South Australia’s land,
rangers and workers. The camps and
We are involved in helping several others to
fresh water and marine ecosystems through
conservancies currently employ more than
set up similar conservancies and camps.’
community ownership and stewardship ,
The income from the camps is used to
100 members from the communities with
So is it the end of the mass-market safari?
ecological knowledge for decision makers and
take-home wages significantly higher than
Jake doubts it. ‘The existing mass safaris will
public, and understanding and adapting to
the national average. More than 500 Maasai
continue to attract those visitors who wish
the impacts of climate change.
families are directly benefiting as a result.
to have lower prices and who are happy
‘Our partnership with the local communities has made a significant contribution to improving conservation
is delighted to have this opportunity to
restaurants and swimming pools.
sponsor the Award for Best Conservation of
‘But it is encouraging that our guests
of the wildlife and habitat of these areas,’
contrast us favourably with the bigger
says Jake. ‘The members see the wildlife as
mass-market tourist facilities. They enjoy
a resource which belongs to them and are
seeing the wildlife without the presence of
enthusiastic about encouraging wildlife to
other tourist vehicles, and appreciate the
move into their conservancy. And because
quality of our Maasai guides. It’s altogether a
they are no longer dependent on livestock
more intimate contact with nature.’
to support their families, the vegetation and
grass cover has recovered.
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The South Australian Tourism Commission
with hotel-style accommodation, bars and
Endangered Species or Protected Area. www.southaustralia.com
HIGHLY COMMENDED Turtle Conservation Project, Sri Lanka
But TCP’s innovative approach has reached deeper than just saving the turtles. Income from the turtle-watch tourism has funded road improvements and built bus stops; it’s provided electricity, water and shelter; it’s established and maintained a library. TCP has also formed a local performing arts group and art school in Rekawa to preserve the local culture. A planned visitor centre will provide a stage for this local group – now 50-strong – to perform and generate additional income. The centre will also provide a sales outlet for community products, a restaurant and accommodation. The community has been involved and empowered as never before. Peter Richardson, founder of the Turtle Conservation Project, says: ‘The first night we came here we saw turtles – lots of turtles. But we also saw men working on the beach, drinking, kicking turtles up the beach and
Turning turtle
eating their eggs. ‘Despite that we fell in love with Rekawa and those people and the turtles which were part of their lives. We dreamt that, one day,
IT’S ONE of the most iconic images from
resources. Their solution: the introduction
the turtles in Rekawa would be safe and
nature: hundreds of marine turtle hatchlings
of community livelihood and infrastructure
protected in a way that would be good for
breaking out of their eggs and making the
development, projects to restore the
the turtles but also for the people whose lives
instinctive but perilous dash across an
environment and awareness programmes
depend on the turtles. And, today, that dream
open beach for the comparative sanctuary
such as a turtle night-watch ecotourism
has come true.’
of the shoreline.
scheme in Rekawa village.
And as if natural predators weren’t danger
Today, all the egg poachers, known as
enough, increasingly they have also had to
‘beach boys’ are employed as nest protectors
face a more ruthless enemy: poachers, who
and tourist guides. Alternative income
‘THE TURTLE Conservation Project is
steal the eggs before they’ve hatched and
schemes such as batik crafts, fish breeding,
recognised for its work with “poachers” and
slaughter the turtles for their meat.
coir mat production and farming have
its success in encouraging the “beach boys”
replaced the destructive practices, offering
to become turtle guides, enthusiastically
remarkable project has changed all that by
work, for example to the women divers who
contributing to the protection of the
working with the local community to create
used to be coral miners. Now the community
turtles’ nesting sites, proud of their new
livelihoods based on conserving the turtle
takes pride in its turtles – a turnaround that
status and their role in the conservation of
– and the area’s fragile marine ecosystem.
was highlighted by the BBC series Saving
the turtle.’
The Turtle Conservation Project (TCP)
Planet Earth, in which former Apprentice
But on one stretch of Sri Lankan coast a
was founded in 1993 by a group of young
contestant Saira Khan visited Rekawa to see
volunteers at Rekawa beach, a community
the work being done.
10km east of the south coast town of
She said: ‘The great thing is it’s not
Tangalla. Here, every nest of the five species
outsiders coming in and telling them they
of marine turtle – Loggerhead, Green,
are doing wrong. The conservationists have
Leatherback, Oliver and Hawksbill – that
actually understood the culture, understood
came ashore had been routinely raided every
the people and let them take ownership of
year since the 1970s.
their beach and their animals.’
But TCP realised the interdependency
The work has won TCP many awards and
that existed between coastal communities
accolades, and Rekawa has been declared as
such as the one at Rekawa and the coastal
Sri Lanka’s first marine turtle sanctuary.
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Caiman Ecological Refuge, Brazil
So good, you have to visit it twice…
the US and Europe), this is a wildlife paradise. Among other plentiful species are reptiles, amphibians, fish, caiman (naturally!) and – best avoided – African killer bees! ‘This is a wild area,’ shrugs Roberto. ‘Guests cannot just wander around freely, they have to have
THE PANTANAL: one of the last great
tourism, even Brazilians had barely scratched
unexplored wildernesses in the world, an
its surface; Roberto visited ecotourism
‘But it is a fantastic place. I love it. It has
immense basin with an area of more than
projects in Africa, Venezuela and Costa
the most beautiful sunsets in the world. And
210,000 square miles, straddling the borders
Rica, and returned to establish a complex of
it’s a place that has to be visited at least twice
of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.
lodges. He invited in scientists to research
– once in the wet season and once in the dry.’
It’s a region of incredible contrasts: during
three endangered species – the blue macaw,
good local guides.
As well as ecotourism, giving visitors the
the wet season the entire basin floods,
the jaguar and the blue-fronted parrot – and
chance to explore the Pantanal on foot, on
forming countless ponds and lagoons that
hosted conservation programmes.
bike, on horseback and in canoes, and to
teem with wildlife. In the dry season the
Macaw numbers have risen from 80 to
see, first-hand, some of the conservation
waters recede and the ground becomes dusty
400, ending poaching as other landowners
work, the ranch also gives guests a chance
and the vegetation patchy, and the wildlife
realised they could attract ecotourists to see
to experience the life of the Pantaneiros, the
congregates around the diminishing lakes.
the ‘symbol of the Pantanal’.
indigenous cowboys, who celebrate their
An ecosystem once abandoned to ‘the
Jaguars, considered a pest by ranchers
mosquitoes and the fishermen’, it is now,
because they killed their cattle, have also
thanks in large part to one man’s vision and
flourished – Roberto has around 45 on his
natural and cultural experience with just a
drive, a new frontier for ecotourism.
ranch alone. They, too, began to be viewed as
touch of adventure.
an asset, not a liability.
Brazilian Roberto Klabin founded Caiman Ecological Refuge in 1986, on a 130,000-acre
lifestyle every July in the Lasso Festival. Together they make for an unforgettable
His tourism model has been much-copied
tract of what he calls ‘transition’ land on the
in the Pantanal, and this, says Roberto, is a
edge of the Pantanal, between the basin and
measure of its success. ‘People love it, and I’m
‘THE REFUGE HAS engaged the community
the higher terrain. The land was once part of
doing a good job here, I think. But the most
in conservation and demonstrated that it is
his family’s Miranda Estancia Ranch; when
important thing is to have a habitat which is
possible to run cattle, pioneer ecotourism
it was parcelled up and divided among the
protected, which will not change. This model
and conserve the hyacinth macaw, jaguar
family in 1983, Roberto kept part of his share
can achieve that and become a sustainable
and the blue-fronted parrot in a Private
as a working ranch but decided to set aside
way to develop in the Pantanal.’
Reserve of Natural Patrimony on the ranch,
13,800 acres to create a private reserve. The Pantanal had no infrastructure for
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For visitors (and Caiman Ecological Refuge welcomes 2,000 annually, 70 per cent from
contributing to the sustainability of the Pantanal in harmony with nature.’
Peak District Environmental Quality Mark, UK
In peak condition
‘Through networking events people are coming together to trade and to share ideas and experiences and finding they are bound together by common ideals. It’s created an
IF YOU visit the Peak District, there’s a fair
new. But, lately, a new ‘evangelist’ has arrived
environmental community and thrown up
chance you’ll bump into Keira Knightley
to leave her mark – literally – on the
some great alliances and partnerships.’
– she’s already filmed two movies there, Pride
local community.
and Prejudice and The Duchess. And she’s not the only top actress enjoying
Faith Johnson came in four years ago,
Typical are Sandra Oates, of Cannon Croft b&b in Hope, and her local butcher, Watson’s
and has been a one-woman force behind the
Farm Shop. Sandra serves up Peak District
the stunning scenery and historic country
roll-out of the Peak District Environmental
conservation products for breakfast in the
houses such as Chatsworth or Haddon Hall
Quality Mark (EQM), a certification scheme
shape of lamb and cranberry sausages from
– Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson
which rewards businesses that put the
Watson’s own farm, which, to gain its EQM,
filmed The Other Boleyn Girl here, and the
environment high on their agenda. They can
has committed to keep 50 per cent of its
BBC brought in their cameras for a recent
use it to give themselves a marketing edge
woodland in good conservation condition.
version of Jane Eyre.
while conserving and enhancing the national
‘My guests are interested in where their food
park. It’s created a strong, recognisable brand
comes from,’ says Sandra. ‘When I explain
for the park.
about the EQM many of them choose the
It’s given a global stage to the natural beauty of a wonderful area in the heart of England. Unspoilt landscapes, unrivalled
However, says Faith, the benefits go
“conservation” option.’
walking, and activities from rock-climbing to
much deeper. ‘What’s been really amazing
A recent survey revealed that 81 per cent
cycling, paragliding to sailing, attract more
is the way the EQM has brought together a
of EQM businesses had trading links with two
than 10 million leisure visits to the region
community of like-minded people – from
or more other award holders. Altogether 75
each year.
farmers, who are often isolated in society, to
businesses have qualified for the EQM (‘and
shops, hotels and other businesses who can
it’s not just ticking boxes,’ says Faith. ‘Each
in existence since 1951, so thinking and
recognise their dependence on the farmers’
undergoes a rigorous annual audit’) but with
caring for the environment here is nothing
stewardship of the land.
around 3,000 businesses in the park, that’s
The Peak District National Park has been
just a fraction of the potential number that could qualify. ‘The problem is one of resources,’ says Faith. ‘At present there’s only me and we have a tiny budget, relying mostly on our website and word of mouth to spread the message.’ More funding has been applied for, but in the meantime, Faith’s work is attracting interest from other parks and local areas. ‘I feel like an evangelist,’ she adds. ‘In ten years time this approach will be normal. At the moment it seems new and a bit strange.’ www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/eqm
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘THE PEAK DISTRICT National Park has engaged farmers in tourism, encouraging them to network and learn from each other. It has established the Environmental Quality Mark which recognises those farmers who have made a contribution to the conservation of habitat and species; a marketing scheme that makes a difference.’
r:travel | 47
WINNER Shigar Fort-Palace Restoration project, Pakistan
It’s the fort that counts A restored 400-year-old fort is bringing enlightened tourism and economic benefit to a remote region of northern Pakistan IN THE DRAMATIC high-desert rugged
setting provides a gateway from which to
Khan Cultural Service, Pakistan, the Pakistani
mountains of the Karakoram in northern
explore some of the world’s most spectacular
affiliate of the Historic Cities Programme
Pakistan, stands a place of spiritual refuge and
mountain scenery. Here, where the
of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, based in
tremendous cultural significance.
magnificent Karakoram and Himalayan
Geneva, part of the Aga Khan Development
ranges meet, is the most extensively glaciated
Network. Funding is mainly by the Aga Khan,
opened in 2005, is part of a new form of
high-mountain terrain on the planet.
as well as donors from Norway, Switzerland,
cultural tourism in Pakistan that combines
This includes seven of the world’s
Japan and other countries. The programme
international accommodation and services
25 highest peaks, four of which exceed
has won various awards including six
with an intimate first-hand experience of the
8000m, including K-2, the second highest
UNESCO awards and the top Tourism for
unique architectural, cultural, and natural
peak in the world at 8611m.
Tomorrow awards.
The 400-year-old Shigar Fort-Palace, which
heritage of the Shigar Valley. Shigar Fort-Palace is located in the beautiful province of Baltistan, where its
48 | r:travel
The restoration and reuse of Shigar
Salman Beg, chief executive officer for
Fort-Palace is one of several ambitious
AKCSP, says: ‘The initiative is structured to
projects undertaken since 1991, by the Aga
preserve the natural setting, build on local
‘In the beginning there was some wariness about the re-use of Shigar Fort as an exclusive heritage resort; fears that it would turn into a place where all sorts of hedonistic pleasures would occur’
conventional wisdom accumulated over
beginning there was some wariness about the
centuries, revive traditional values that have
re-use of Shigar Fort as an exclusive heritage
anchored society and given it direction over
resort; fears that it would turn into a place
generations, while creating an economic
where wine would flow freely, where all sorts
resource based on cultural assets, that benefits
of hedonistic pleasures would occur, where
the poorest of the poor.’
there would be no respect for local cultural
Locals have first right of employment
conditions. After watching our operation
the scales get tilted in favour of managed
and 20 of the 22 workers were hired locally
for some time, in 2006 the religious leaders
development. Above all, communities and
and trained from scratch. Most supplies are
visited and pronounced that the fort was the
individuals have the wisdom to recognise
bought locally, and transportation for guests
pride of Baltistan and represented the culture
what is of benefit. Sincerity is earned through
is also provided by locals.
of Baltistan fully.’
long-term commitment; AKDN is in for
This is a remote and culturally
However, one of AKCSP’s proudest
the long-term. The restored heritage is an
conservative region, which has traditionally
achievements has been the launch of the
asset and a promise of hope for the Shigar
treated women and girls as second-class
Women’s Social Enterprise, to develop
community for the present and the future.’
citizens. Religious elders hold great sway
women’s working skills and capacities away
over a community that is spread over
from traditional fields such as health and
the conventional sense, adventurers,
20 settlements and has a population of
education. More than 60 women have
explorers, mountaineers and trekkers have
around 12,000 people in 1,500 households.
attended training modules, associated
long frequented the valley (since Martin
Working with The Shigar Town Management
with its various regional projects, enabling
Conway in the 1890s and the Duke of
Development Society (STMDS) – the main
them to participate in AKCSP survey and
Abruzzi in 1905 explored the area) on
community forum – AKCSP has nudged the
documentation work, social appraisals,
their way to the Baltoro Glacier. Many
community towards a more inclusive society
and computer mapping work. ‘In this
Shigar locals have been employed as
that values all its members, male and female.
conservative community that is indeed a
high-altitude porters and also associated
cause of celebration,’ says Salman.
with these expeditions.
‘Keeping the STMDS fully informed and an equal partner on all aspects has helped to nullify any resentment,’ says Salman. ‘In the
‘It is important to build trust and not to make haste. When tangible benefits flow
Although Shigar has not had tourism in
The opening of Shigar Fort has helped in bringing a new type of discerning visitor,
r:travel | 49
and foreign diplomats/NGO workers, who
like to come with their families or their
‘THE SENSITIVE restoration of this
colleagues to relax and enjoy a retreat.’
historic building and its development as
Guests can explore the settlements and
a hotel has placed the property once
locals are more than willing to exchange
again at the heart of the community as
salaams and a hello – the only obstacle to
a cultural and economic asset bringing
much more being a non-familiarity with
employment, microenterprise
English. But you can stroll down to the
opportunities, and social and cultural
bazaar and shop around for local specialities,
empowerment for men and women.’
such as Serpentinite stone. A short walk from Shigar Fort-Palace brings you to a number of heritage sites including
one who is sensitive and respectful towards
the restored 600-year-old Amburiq Mosque,
local cultural norms.
that has won a UNESCO award, or the ruins
Says Salman: ‘Our visitors are almost
of a Buddhist monastery. You can walk along
equally divided between the educated and
the Shigar Nullah (big stream) and watch a
informed Pakistani guests and their families,
local polo match, where one feels as much a participant as a spectator.
But what really grips you here is the peace and quiet, the awesome humbling majesty
THE AGA Khan Development Network is a group of development agencies with
of nature, a starlit night that allows the
mandates ranging from health and education to architecture, culture, microfinance,
Milky Way to be seen in its full splendour,
rural development, disaster reduction, the promotion of private-sector enterprise and
or a full moon lighting up the mountains of
the revitalisation of historic cities. It is dedicated to improving living conditions and
the Karakoram. Shigar Fort-Palace is a place
opportunities for the poor, without regard to their faith, origin or gender. The purpose of
of comfort at the end of the road, a sense
the Aga Khan Trust for Culture is the improvement of built environments in societies where
of balance and quiet, and something quite
Muslims have a significant presence.
beyond expectation.
50 | r:travel
HIGHLY COMMENDED Andaman Discoveries,
The Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), founded in 1955, is Jamaica’s national tourism agency and is headquartered in the capital city of Kingston. The Board is responsible for the
Old cool Thai
worldwide marketing and promotion of the uniqueness and diversity of destination JAMAICA. The JTB’s mandate has been to promote Jamaica as a preferred travel
DARUNEE PAKDEE, or Cha as her friends
community-based tourism villages in the
destination; identify new and emerging
call her, smiles as she welcomes the group of
region and exchanges have already begun.
consumer groups; cultivate new relationships
visitors to her village on the Andaman Coast,
In the past two years, community
with travel partners and disseminate timely
two-and-a-half hours north of Phuket. Ban
tourism has generated US$20,000 income
and useful marketing information to its
Talae Nok is a village of 67 homes situated
for villagers, while also funding orchid
offices and travel partners worldwide.
between the coral reefs and dense rainforests
conservation, a children’s centre and other
of Southern Thailand.
community projects.
Their visit is part of a community tourism
Anna, a visitor from the US, who spent five
The JTB is the most preferred point of contact for people travelling to Jamaica. Throughout the years, it has been recognised
project assisted by Andaman Discoveries,
days at Balan Tae Nok, said: ‘My time spent
for its leadership and outstanding service
continuing work that saw it win this category
here was amazing! We made soap, peeled
with accolades from industry and trade
at the 2007 Responsible Tourism Awards.
cashew nuts, tapped rubber trees, and wove
partners both regionally and internationally.
Most of Cha’s village was destroyed in
palm roofs. I also toured an animal rescue
All of JTB’s programmes are based on the
the 2004 tsunami, and, due to declining
centre, participated in activities with the
policies espoused in the 10-year Masterplan
fish stocks and mangrove destruction, she
children, and had a delicious Thai cookery
for Sustainable Tourism Development. One
was unable to return to her traditional
lesson! I ended by teaching English in the
of the pillars of this Masterplan is the
fishing lifestyle. With the development
Kuraburi High School. All the people I met
concept of responsible tourism and the JTB
of community tourism, however, both
made me feel welcome.’
encourages every effort, whether domestic or
young and old see the value of preserving
Thamrong Chompusri, director of
international to get more tourism ventures to
everyday Thai culture. ‘We are beginning to
Andaman Discoveries, added: ‘Community
function in a responsible fashion. Many of
understand how to connect tourism with our
tourism goes beyond enjoying a new culture
our own hotels and attractions have been
way of life, and share with people the natural
while supporting sustainable development –
recognized for their efforts in this regard. The
environment that we depend on for our
it’s also a great way to make lifelong friends.’
JTB is proud to sponsor the Best for
culture and livelihood,’ she explains.
Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the
Community members such as Cha offer
Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards.
homestays, eco-tours, and other activities
– allowing visitors to participate in a way of
‘This award recognises how Andaman is
life that so often eludes the casual tourist.
using tourism to benefit and empower the
Andaman Discoveries was founded in 2006
community – providing education, training,
and works as part of the North Andaman
and economic opportunities – and helping
Community Tourism Network, serving as a
it to share its culture through workshops for
bridge between local villages and the private
tourists to learn how to make handicrafts,
sector. Its goal is to develop a network of
cook and harvest cashews and rubber.’
r:travel | 51
L A R G E H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
WINNER Kingfisher Bay Resort, Fraser Island, Australia
The accidental eco-tourists Some eco-resorts rely on attracting the converted. And for one resort in an Australian World Heritage site, nature-based tourism is a way of life that can take the unwary and turn them into evangelists A 45-MINUTE fast catamaran ride from
It wasn’t always so, however. For
spa. Last year it welcomed more than 160,000
Australia’s Queensland coast brings you to
more than 100 years, until 1990, logging
one of the world’s natural wonders – Fraser
operations raided its forests, and from the
Island. This miraculous sand island – the
1950s until the 1970s, sand mining exploited
animal species, the resort is a birdwatcher’s
largest on the planet – presents a dazzling
its other great natural resource.
dream as there are 354 recorded bird species
landscape: long uninterrupted white beaches
Tourism first arrived here in the Sixties, but
visitors – including 100,000 day trippers. Surrounded by a wealth of plant and
on the island. Acid frogs, bats and sugar
are flanked by strikingly coloured sand cliffs,
it wasn’t until 20 years ago, that the island
gliders can be spotted at night. Dundonga
ancient rainforests grow in sand along the
got the resort it deserved, with the building
Creek, edged by mangroves, is a hot spot for
banks of fast-flowing, crystal-clear creeks and
of Kingfisher Bay Resort. Conceived as a
ranger-guided canoe tours.
it’s home to 100 freshwater dune lakes – some
nature-based ecotourism destination, it was
Kingfisher Bay itself is a paradise for
tea-coloured and others clear and blue – all
developed using visionary architecture and
boating, fishing, swimming, canoeing,
ringed by white sandy beaches.
local materials to blend with its surroundings.
beachcombing, bushwalking and four-wheel
Fraser Island’s World Heritage listing
The resort has 152 hotel rooms – all below
driving; or you can head out with a marine
ranks it with Australia’s Uluru, Kakadu and
the tree-line – more than 100 self-contained
ranger on the Great Sandy Strait in search of
the Great Barrier Reef. A precious part of
villas, a 174-bed Wilderness Lodge, three
dolphins, dugong and turtles.
Australia’s natural and cultural heritage, it is
restaurants, four bars and a shopping village,
protected for all to appreciate and enjoy.
four swimming pools, tennis courts and a
52 | r:travel
Resort activities are designed to allow guests to enjoy and, at the same time,
L A R G E H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID Kingfisher Bay wins this award for demonstrating that a large resort accommodating 60,000 guests a year and with 100,000 day visitors can have a low environmental impact, and for educating its guests about conservation, engaging positively with the indigenous people enabling them to share their culture and skilling them for employment.’
‘As they leave,’ says Jodi, ‘more than 50 per cent of guests tell us they have had a life-changing experience. They want to go back home and do something for the environment. Before they come, a lot of visitors still have this warm and fuzzy idea that they’re doing their bit for the environment simply by recycling in the home. It’s not until they arrive and immerse themselves in the environment that they start to realise how much more they can do – and some of it is fairly simple stuff.’ She adds: ‘What in effect Kingfisher Bay Resort has done has been to reinvent the wheel when it came to tourism on Fraser Island – offering more than just a base from which to explore the island, but also an opportunity to learn about the environment and reduce our impact upon it.’
learn about this very special island without
a holiday to bond with their kids, get to
impacting on the environment. Kingfisher
know their partner again and have a relaxing
about them? ‘That a day here is worth a week
Bay Resort’s expert interpretive rangers
time with good food and drink. It seems the
anywhere else in the world,’ says Jodi.
conduct daily tours of the island’s wilderness
‘responsible’ bit creeps up on them.
And the nicest thing anyone has ever said
and explain the natural and cultural history. Resort rangers also offer a daily range of nature walks, both in and around the resort,
to discover the abundant animal and bird life
Kingfisher Bay Resort is used as a case study for industry best practice – and among its many
and to help guests learn about the Australian
responsible and green initiatives are:
bush and how Aborigines and early European
● An energy efficiency programme, incorporating low energy bulbs and room key shut-off
settlers used it for both food and medicine.
systems, saves 855,000 kW hours of electricity per year.
So, given its reputation as a temple of
● Paper, glass, aluminium, tin and plastics are recycled.
ecotourism, you’d think the place would be
● An on-site worm farm turns sewage sludge, waste paper and kitchen preparation scraps
swarming with committed eco-worshippers,
into compost for a herb garden which supplies the resort kitchens.
desperate to prostrate themselves for a
● Through its Dhugamin Indigenous Employment Programme, Kingfisher trains and
‘low-impact, nature-based experience.’
employs young aboriginals.
But, incredibly, they’re more likely to have
● The resort has teamed up with researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast to
come to prostrate themselves besides one of
establish a Fraser Island Research and Education Centre, to study the island’s flora and fauna
the four swimming pools. Media manager
and the impact of tourism.
Jodi Clark says: ‘Our guest surveys show that
● One problem that’s not been solved is that environmental black hole: air-conditioning.
85 per cent are just on holiday – they arrive
‘When the resort was built,’ says Jodi Clark, ‘the villas were not fitted with air-conditioning
without knowing too much and are happy to
as an energy saving measure – however, over the years consumer expectations and market
go on a ranger-guided tour, but really want
demand has shifted – and they now have air-conditioning in the hotel (and some villas).’
r:travel | 53
L A R G E H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
HIGHLY COMMENDED Hotel Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
has been developed with villagers themselves, to take guests into the community. The hotel
Roar of the lion
buys eggs, vegetables and bread locally – and has persuaded 90 per cent of its suppliers to change their wrapping from plastic to more
Some hotels are born eco, others have eco
drastically cut. Laundry bags are made of
environmentally-friendly products. The
thrust upon them. One such place is the
cloth and shampoo is dispensed in ceramic
Hotel Sigiriya has also become renowned for
Hotel Sigiriya, a three-star resort at the foot
bottles. Even the use of plastic straws with
biodiversity conservation. Lectures and slide
of the majestic world heritage site of Sigiriya
drinks has been reduced; stewards offer them
shows are staged in a purpose-built eco-centre
(Lion Rock) in south-west Sri Lanka.
but tell guests about the hotel’s preference.
to educate guests about local fauna, flora and
The 79-roomed Hotel Sigiriya opened
Incandescent bulbs have been replaced
in 1971, way before the world had heard
with compact fluorescent ones, and card key
of responsible tourism or environmental
controls have been installed and fixed to the
management policies. Times change, and
air conditioners in each room.
by the late 1990s measures to minimise the
CEO Mr Srilal Miththapala says that
customs, and the hotel is the first in Sri Lanka to be named ‘bird-friendly’. The nearby Sigiriya Rock is said to have been the fifth-century citadel of a fugitive king. Now the hotel it gives its name to has
environmental impact of the hotel were
they haven’t embarked on costly hi-tech
become a green fortress in its own right.
starting to be introduced.
interventions – simply implemented basic,
But it was in 2005 that the Hotel Sigiriya
common sense ideas. ‘A lot of people don’t
had eco-greatness thrust upon it, with the
understand that it’s the small things that
launch of a massive ‘greening’ project.
matter,’ he explains, ‘but it all adds up.’
‘SIGIRIYA HAS retro-fitted the hotel
A reputable environment management
They calculate that current interventions
to increase its energy-efficiency and
consultant worked with the staff for 18
have reduced the hotel’s carbon footprint by
sustainability; it measures its performance
months, on a top-to-bottom environmental
24.82 million tons, while this is predicted to
as a management tool for continuous
makeover. In came initiatives to conserve
increase to 82.38 million tons, following the
improvement and shares that information
energy and water, reduce pollution,
installation this year of a bio-mass gasifier.
with others to encourage them to reduce
step up recycling, increase the use of
The benefits reach out into the wider
environmentally-friendly materials and
community, too. The hotel is helping locals
conserve the natural environment.
to grow gliricidia, a highly carbonaceous
Wastewater is now treated in a selfcontained biological sewage treatment plant and then used to water the garden, saving about 30,000 litres of water. Plastic use has been
plant used for the gasifier, thus providing another source of community income. At the same time, it has started campaigning for a polythene-free Sigiriya, and is carrying out awareness programmes and environmental clean-ups (shramadanas), with local schoolchildren. A hotel excursion – the village walk –
54 | r:travel
their own environmental impacts.’
res and p adventu u ro g ll orld a a whole w cept of sm m n o o c fr e e s th o ck. d ho a little ba y start. C s pioneere e r a e iv h v g e n re a th lo c p x e you ly from 7 years E ture wher responsib n g e res v in For over 2 d ll e a v n a a in tr ve y Adventu a d il h e m v d a e n F li a e Q b s have rience ekking olidays inary expe lking & tr Cycling h rd a o Q W a s tr r Q x u e o fe f T o teer Wildli y Q Volun riences Q m e o p n x o e r t l s a r A pse & Q Cultu urs Q Ecli o T TOURISM y r E o L t B is I S QH N O FOR RESP G A L ility F E H sustainab & m s ri FLYING T u o onsible T s in Resp offset rt e p x E Q wide ns carbon io s is cts world m e je t ro h p ig fl le Q All charitab ent ing local rt o p p u environm S e Q th n o t l impac Q Minima nscience with a co l e v ra T Q
01 9 0 9 9 4 4 084 O.UK .C EXPLORE
L A R G E H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
HIGHLY COMMENDED Frangipani Langkawi Resort & Spa, Malaysia
‘An island that runs on tourism’ CALLING YOURSELF ‘the greenest resort in
Global Hyatt Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, is one of the world’s premier hotel
Frangipani was proactive in getting
companies. The hotels owned, operated,
UNESCO Geopark status for Langkawi
managed or franchised by its subsidiaries
Island, and continues to work with others to
provide authentic hospitality to guests in 45
Resort & Spa set on a 400-metre stretch of
preserve the island’s ecosystem. Community
countries through a passionate commitment
soft, golden sand, on the holiday island of
links are strong – 80 per cent of the resort’s
to personalized service, cultural relevance,
Langkawi, Malaysia, makes with confidence.
workforce is local – and it works with local
and the environment. Global Hyatt
Environmental initiatives are part of the
schools in raising environmental awareness
subsidiaries own, operate, manage or
and raises funds for island-based charities.
franchise more than 365 hotels and resorts
Malaysia’ is a pretty big claim. But it’s one that the Frangipani Langkawi
‘business as usual’ equation for hotels looking for some sustainable progress. But in the two
Langkawi was a sleepy backwater until
worldwide under the Hyatt®, Hyatt
years that Frangipani has been open, it has
1987, when it was granted tax-free status.
Regency®, Hyatt ResortsTM, Grand Hyatt®,
implemented more than 100 green practices.
Today, it’s probably the second-busiest island
Park Hyatt®, Hyatt Place®, Hyatt
of Malaysia after Penang. Tourism is the island
Summerfield Suites® and AndazTM brands
rubbish going to landfill. Garden and kitchen
economy. Almost the whole population earns
with additional properties under
waste are composted to produce an organic
an income from it. Making as much of that
development on five continents. Global Hyatt
fertiliser for use in the organic vegetable
‘responsible’ is the aim of Frangipani.
Corporation is also the owner of Hyatt
Waste-sorting reduces the amount of
garden, which is producing food for the
‘While we can’t change the world, we
Vacation Ownership, Inc., operator of Hyatt
kitchens – and for exchange with other
can influence our immediate environment,’
Vacation Club®. The success of Global Hyatt
resorts. 100 per cent of other food is sourced
says resort manager Mark Suppiah. ‘We
is driven by the commitment and energy of
from local suppliers – and of that 40 per cent
accept that tourism has an impact on the
the approximately 90,000 men and women
is actually produced on the island. The resort
environment but are working towards
around the world who provide exceptional
also rears its own chickens and ducks.
managing those impacts. Our future is linked
service to hotel guests. From the U.S. and
to how we manage Langkawi’s natural assets.’
Canada, reservations for any Hyatt hotel
worldwide may be obtained by visiting www.
The 118-room resort buildings are designed so rainwater can be collected for toilet flushing and irrigation. Mature native
trees are planted to provide shade and reduce
the dependency on air conditioning; green
‘MORE THAN 80 per cent of Frangipani’s
cover helps prevent soil and sand erosion,
workforce is from the local island community
and the resort maintains its own wetland
and 40 per cent of its food is produced
area. Solar panels help reduce energy bills,
on the island. The resort also has a large
bikes are used to move around the resort
environmental management programme
instead of motor vehicles. It doesn’t keep
designed for continuous improvement,
good ideas to itself, either. Best practices are
extensively planting native trees and
shared with other hoteliers.
maintaining a wetland in the resort’
56 | r:travel
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S M A L L H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
WINNER Nkwichi Lodge/Manda Wilderness Project, Mozambique
help of the local community — has turned 120,000 hectares of lakeside land into a
One of Africa’s finest
community-owned conservation area. Through the MWP, community development programmes have so far built six primary schools, a maize mill, a maternity clinic
‘Luxury without the guilt’ is the phrase coined to describe the idyllic offering of this eco-lodge nestled in the unspoilt shoreline of Lake Niassa, Mozambique. It’s a description the lodge owners are proud of – for it shows them that they’ve got the balance just right
and given loans and training in sustainable practices for more than 700 farmers. The support of the local population has been pivotal. Nkwichi has been the main driving force behind the establishment of the Umoji Association, a legal body
LIKE ALL the best ideas, Nkwichi was born
about our goals and the impact this would
empowering 20,000 local people through
in the pub.
have on the local populations. Ancestors
their chiefs and elected representatives.
were consulted and offerings made in respect
Through the association, six communities
brother Paul were mulling over their futures
to the local traditions. The result was a formal
have received their land rights certificates
in a London pub. They kicked a few ideas
letter drawn up by the villagers stating their
from the government – the first and only
around, but by the end of the evening had
full support to the whole project. Armed with
communities in the country to have done
settled on an eco-tourism project in Africa.
this document, the project was born. The
this. The conservation area is included in
year was 1999.
these land titles.
In the mid-1990s Patrick Simkin and his
That was the easy bit. Two years were then spent training up in the skills needed to
In 2002, Nkwichi opened: the main lodge
Nkwichi only employs local people,
implement such a plan, looking for investors
building has a dining room raised high on
including 30 per cent women, two of whom
and for a site.
a platform providing views out over the
are managers. And by ensuring communities
lake. The fig-tree platform built among the
benefit from lodge business, tourism
worked with the UN High Commission for
enormous granite boulders on the lakeshore
continues to be seen as positive. Local choirs
Refugees in the repatriation of Mozambican
provides another popular spot for guests
come to the lodge to sing for guests – and
refugees at the end of the war in the early
to dine or relax. Seven stunning chalets
guests visit local villages for traditional dance
1990s. She had travelled extensively around
– accommodating just 14 guests – made from
ceremonies. Occasionally, a church service
Northern Mozambique and fallen in love
local thatch, wood and stone are hidden
will be interrupted for guests to introduce
with the untouched beauty of Lake Niassa
beneath the treeline and invisible from the
themselves and talk about the churches
(the Mozambique side of Lake Malawi).
lake. All power is solar and the kitchen cooks
where they come from.
One of the first investors, Lola Castro, had
‘I had been travelling around various
with ‘eco-stoves’ which use 70 per cent less
African countries looking for the ideal place
firewood. These stoves are made locally and
to carry out our dream, but without much
are also becoming popular with villagers.
luck,’ recalls Patrick. ‘I followed Lola’s advice,
‘To begin with, it was a bit trial and error,’
‘Luxury without the guilt is a great phrase – and true,’ says Patrick. And Mozambique’s tourism minister has said on Moz TV: ‘This is how lodges should
hired a boat for two weeks and travelled
admits Patrick, now the resident director.
be built in Mozambique – no, this is how
up the length of Lake Niassa, exploring the
‘While I had experience of managing lodges
they should be built in Africa!’
shore, looking for the ideal place to set this
in southern Africa, I had not actually built
project up.
one from scratch. Our first chalet actually
‘The whole area was perfect; untouched,
collapsed during construction, but we all
wild, beautiful and with a population that
learnt quickly and now have one of the most
was willing to participate in the protection of
imaginative designs of any African lodge.’
‘NKWICHI demonstrates what a small,
their natural resources.’
Guests can enjoy a wide variety of nature-
privately-owned, luxury eco-tourist
based activities, including exploring the
lodge can contribute through a $5 bed
the unique ‘Mchenga Nkwichi’ beach was
Niassa bush and snorkelling in the incredibly
night levy; and has been a driving force
discovered. ‘Mchenga Nkwichi’ literally
clear waters of the lake, which contains a
in the creation of the Umoji Association
means sand that squeaks or goes ‘Nkwichi’
greater variety of indigenous fish species
representing 20,000 local people through
when you drag your feet through the soft
– more than 1,000 – than any other lake in
their chiefs and elected representatives.
white sand.
the world.
One of the first, large community
But it was not until a year later that
‘Much of the time on this second trip,’
Funding from the lodge has contributed
associations in Mozambique, it has
says Patrick, ‘was spent sitting under a mango
to the Manda Wilderness Project (MWP),
enabled six communities to secure land
tree, discussing with chiefs and village elders
a charity which — with the support and
rights certificates from the government.’
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S M A L L H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
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S M A L L H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
HIGHLY COMMENDED Safari Garden Hotel, The Gambia
When the Wacky Races come to town THE SAFARI Garden Hotel in Banjul, The
partners have become the Association of
Gambia, is a model of responsible tourism. It
Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism (ASSET)
hosts courses on the subject, and is often full
and the Gambian National Olympic
of eco-minded travellers and right-thinking
Committee. The decisions are made here by
folk from VSO, the Peace Corps and assorted
some pretty wise Gambians who form the
universities and colleges.
Grant Allocation Committee.’
But once a year, in January, the hotel is
Safari was set up in 1997 by Geri Mitchell
the focus for an extraordinary event that
and Maurice Phillips and was the first hotel
sees 200 mostly old bangers – each costing
to sign up to the Gambia is Good project (see
no more than £100 – converge on this oasis
page 84) that assists local women growers. All
of sustainability after a 3,700-mile charity
27 staff are West African and all are employed
challenge that takes them through Europe
throughout the off season and given paid
and around the top edge of Africa, including
holidays. Local ‘bumsters’ are taken off the
a two-day crossing of the Sahara Desert.
street and trained as official guides, showing
The Plymouth-Dakar Challenge (which doesn’t start in Plymouth and doesn’t end
visitors the country’s bird and wildlife. Much work is now being done with
in Dakar either) is like a real-life Wacky
the villagers of Kartong, on the southern
Races (except without the race part, as the
Senegalese border, where Safari’s owners are
organisers take great pains to point out that
building Sandele, an upmarket eco-retreat
it’s a journey, not a race).
and learning centre in partnership with the
Conceived in 2003 as the cheese to the
local community. Geri explains: ‘Maurice
Paris-Dakar Rally’s corporate chalk, it’s now
and I had a dream of doing something in
in its seventh year, and between 20 December
tourism that puts the local people in the role
and 11 January three groups will set off from
of teacher or mentor rather than servant
Hyde Park, arriving two or three weeks later
or performer, and visitors in the role of
in Banjul, where Safari becomes their base.
participant rather than voyeur.
In Banjul, all drivers donate their vehicle
‘The centre will be based on the belief that
to be auctioned for charity. So far £600,000
we have a great deal to relearn from people
has been raised for Gambian groups, local
here – I have always been struck by the
sports development and small-scale tourism
saying, “When the white man came to Africa,
enterprises that benefit local communities.
he came in search of healing and learning…
Safari’s involvement began just before
he just didn’t know it!”’
the first event, in 2003, when one of the
drivers arrived in The Gambia on work and
happened to be staying at the hotel. Co-
60 | r:travel
owner Geri Mitchell says: ‘She asked if I could
give her a list of organisations who would
‘AN URBAN HOTEL in residential Fajara, the
like to have a vehicle given to them. I loved
Safari Garden Hotel stays open all year to
the inspiration behind the Challenge but had
ensure continuous employment and trains its
misgivings about how responsible it would
staff to become managers. The hotel enables
be to just give the vehicles away. I came up
visitors to engage with people from the local
with the suggestion that we should auction
community, pioneered the development
the vehicles and then let organisations make
of hotel guides, and demonstrates that it is
bids for the money. Since then, the project
possible to do well by doing good.’
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S M A L L H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
rooms will be fitted with photovoltaic cells and solar panels, and will enable guests to produce their own electricity by using a cycling machine in the bedroom. Christina is a passionate advocate of several New Forest sustainable tourism initiatives, including a tour bus and a car-free scheme that encourages guests to walk, ride or cycle. The most recent is the New Forest Transition Initiative – modelled on an idea which has been taken up by 100 communities in the UK – which aims to empower communities to tackle issues of climate change at local level. Along with seven other community leaders Christina founded a wider scheme for the New Forest and a local one in Brockenhurst. Christina though, is quick to stress that this is a community-owned scheme, calling herself ‘just a bossy cog in the wheel.’ ‘There are about 50 people involved, all of them brilliant,’ she says. ‘It’s about lots of small changes, and about communities taking control to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints. We’re trying to get solar panels on the school, church and church hall, to create community energy, and are teaching businesses how to reduce their impact.’ Tony Climpson, tourism and economic development officer at the New Forest District Council – and a winner at last year’s
‘It’s about lots of small changes’
Responsible Tourism Awards – adds: ‘Cottage Lodge has had a big impact in promoting car-free tourism, greening its operations and engaging closely with its community. It is hard to imagine how any business could have made a greater contribution to promoting the transition from traditional tourism activities to
WE’RE USED to reading about eco-lodges in
into a model of sustainability, and are inspiring
those that are needed to sustain a responsible
wild and exotic places, so it’s refreshing to find
others to follow their lead.
future for tourism in the New Forest.’
that a cosy b&b in the heart of Hampshire’s
Cottage Lodge has embraced energy
New Forest is trying to give the glamour set a
conservation, resulting in a 50 per cent
run for their money.
reduction in consumption. The lodge collects
and re-uses rainwater and has low energy
‘COTTAGE LODGE has shown how a small
Brockenhurst, looks about as traditional as
lightbulbs throughout. Cleaning is without
business can, in a relatively short period of
a New Forest pony. All beams, low ceilings
chemicals, using microfibres.
time, prove the value of sustainable initiatives
At first glance, Cottage Lodge, in
and knick knacks, the lodge was built in 1650
Christina serves local produce, on locally-
to the businesses, the environment, and the
from timber salvaged from an old ship built at
produced crockery. And planning permission
community of the New Forest. Cottage Lodge
nearby Bucklers Hard. Christina Simons and
has been given for a two-bedroom extension
and its proprietor Christina Simons have been
David Mascord have run it since 2004, and
which will be made from locally sourced
actively engaged since 2004 in proving that
while it’s only got 12 rooms – with another
wood, with recycled newspaper insulation and
sustainability works. Now only 40 per cent of
two planned – they have turned their tiny b&b
locally-sourced reclaimed roof tiles. The new
their guests arrive by car.’
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S M A L L H O T E L / A C C O M M O D AT I O N
HIGHLY COMMENDED Our Native Village, India
Re-connect with a simpler lifestyle AT ALMOST any resort hotel in the developing
every rooftop. After use, all water is recycled,
world, the chances are that guests will be
and the resort boasts India’s first fully natural
entertained by ‘tribal’ musicians and dancers.
swimming pool.
Hopefully, most of the time these will be
The entire complex has been built using
genuine artists, who may be professional, and
locally-sourced materials – the bricks were
may be drawn from the local community, but
even made on site. All perishable food
find in tourism a way to keep their cultural
comes from local suppliers. The 24 rooms
VisitBrighton is the official tourism
heritage alive. But one group are nearly
are decorated with six different forms of
organisation for the city of Brighton & Hove
always marginalised – the disabled.
traditional Indian art, painted by teams of
and is a division of the Brighton & Hove
tribal and rural artists, and the resort has
City Council.
With this in mind, a new 100 per cent
VisitBrighton includes the Visitor
eco-resort in Bangalore, India, showcases
replicated an ancient practice of Hero stones,
entertainers who are all blind. At Our Native
on which major battles are recorded. The
Information Centre, the call centre, a
Village, up to eight performers, supported by
gardens have been planted with more than
conference sales team and marketing team.
the Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, put
80 species of herbal and medicinal plants
Our main tool is our website www.
on weekly shows. They may not be perfect,
– and there are plans to increase this to 200.
visitbrighton.com where visitors can search
but they make the point and put a smile on
The holistic approach extends to guest
and book accommodation, find information
guests’ faces. So much so, that the initiative is
activities. Here as well as ayurvedic massage,
about restaurants, shopping and events in the
now spreading among other operators.
you can have your mind soothed or
city as well as download maps and get all the
pummelled in a soul spa, and enjoy bullock
latest news about what’s happening.
Our Native Village may have been open
We wanted to be involved with the
just two years, but operates on tried and
cart rides, kite flying, traditional Indian
trusted sustainable principles. More than 60
games – even milk a cow. The idea is to
Responsible Tourism Awards as the city is well
per cent of its electricity is generated on site
provide a respite from modern living, to
known for being green and was recently voted
from a mix of wind power, solar panels and
re-connect with a simpler lifestyle.
the most sustainable city in Britain. Apart
bio-gas plants that turned waste into energy. Up to 60 per cent of water is harvested from
‘This way of life was simple yet creative,
from the green spaces we have a lot of health
basic yet rich in experience, responsible yet
food shops and restaurants serving organic
footloose, earthy and yet exotic flavours,’
and local sourced food. As a compact city
says founder and managing director C B
there is no need to use a car and so we always
Ramkumar, who started Our Native Village
encourage people to walk or cycle their way
with his wife and 16 other friends and family.
around Brighton & Hove.
‘For all humans, without exception, our soul
We decided to sponsor the Best Small
is rooted in this simplicity.’
Accommodation category as we have a wide
variety of small hotels and guest houses. From stylish boutiques to uniquely themed, all the
properties have their own character and have
‘Our Native Village has shown that it is
led the way in responsible tourism.
possible for a local family with their friends
to develop an eco-resort that demonstrates how the principles of sustainability can be applied, highlighting the employment and micro-enterprise opportunities that tourism can bring to agricultural villages in India. It’s also maintaining local cultural traditions, and attracting visitors from urban Bangalore, enabling them to share in the rural culture.’
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WINNER Community Action Treks & Community Action Nepal, UK/Nepal
It’s the height of responsible tourism Trekkers go to the Himalaya for that once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and thanks to the vision of a British mountaineer, their presence has helped transform the lives of the porters who welcome them
EVEN FOR a humble trekker, walking in the
the Sherpa, who have done well out of the
Nepal, set up to channel surplus profits
Nepalese Himalaya is one of the most
mountaineering and trekking industry.
into community projects aimed specifically
awe-inspiring travel experiences planet Earth
Lower down were the porters of the middle
at meeting the needs of the middle hill
has to offer. Tread in the foothills of Everest
hill region who did the more backbreaking
people. This was basic stuff, such as primary
and the other great mountains that have
menial jobs of bringing in the supplies – but
education, and health posts, clean water,
caught Western travellers’ imagination for
despite the local Nepalese agents being well
and high altitude porter shelters and rescue
more than half a century and you’ll take
paid, that money wasn’t reaching the porters.
posts – but all were completed with the full
home memories that will last a lifetime.
In 1989, when the penny dropped, Scott
For mountaineers, the peaks of the
involvement of the communities themselves,
set up a co-operative: the porters were paid
who contributed 30 per cent of the project
Himalaya have long represented the
a fair wage, were properly equipped and fed,
costs, usually in the form of manpower.
ultimate climbing challenge. And one of the
and shelter was provided for the freezing
Himalayan greats is British climber Doug
nights. The formula proved successful and
bottle. Primary education has been followed
Scott. Scott has spent most of his adult life
Scott’s trekking expeditions prospered,
by secondary provision (with the ongoing
in the region and his amazing track record
with travellers enjoying a more rounded
funding of more teachers) and secondary has
includes the first British ascent of Everest in
experience because the porters were fully
been followed by vocational training and
1975 and more than 45 major Himalayan
engaged and talked enthusiastically about
adult literacy.
ascents, of which half have been first ascents.
their way of life, the terrain and their homes.
On his many expeditions Scott developed
But, of course, the genie was out of the
As CAT’s marketing man Robin Ashcroft
In 2001, the trekking business was
explains: ’If you give someone an education,
a great empathy with the Sherpa and the
revamped into Community Action Treks
you’ve got to give them an outlet. Education
other local Nepalese porters – and recognised
– catering for around 350 trekkers a year
breeds ambition, and ambition in a small
that there was a hierarchy. At the top were
– with a charitable arm, Community Action
community is unsettling. The only other
64 | r:travel
option is for them to go to the city – Kathmandu – which can’t support a massive rise in population. But the countryside can, and we’ve set up a number of vocational
future generations to meet their own needs. ‘CAT needs to ensure its employees are
people have as much to teach us about the
projects, such as turning Nepal’s plentiful
assisted whenever there is a downturn in
human condition as we, the outsider, have to
supply of nettles into a flax-like cloth.’
tourism. CAN similarly needs to develop
show them, if not more so.’
carefully and responsibly.
www.catreks.com, www.canepal.com
Similarly, with health, CAT/CAN has established six community health posts,
‘Generally we work on the principle that
and funds 16 nurses and medical supplies in
we are all on our separate journeys and none
the parts government resources don’t reach.
is more or less important than the other. It
With better pre-natal care, infant mortality
may at times seem that those with greater
has declined, and standards all round have
mobility and wealth are somehow more
‘CAT HAS set an example through its use
improved. Again, this feeds the need for
important than those who are more static
of tourism for the economic and cultural
education provision, and so on.
and poor, as in a remote village in Nepal. This
benefit of communities, its provision of
Talking about his work, Doug Scott says:
is wrong thinking, as everyone knows who
health and education services, and its
‘The material help we can bring to Nepal has
has spent time with the local hill people of
work with porters which has contributed
to be carefully channelled in a “sustainable”
the world. Only the visitors’ feelings of
to the development of the International
way, which means meeting the needs of the
self-importance will prevent them knowing
Porter Protection Group.’
present without compromising the ability of
one very obvious fact – that the local hill
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Escape to higher ground
and shops in rural communities. Usually no more than eight guests stay in a community at one time, and in each region an Upland Manager lives as part of the community, and can introduce guests to villagers, as ‘friends of friends’, keeping contact on a personal, less intrusive level. Upland doesn’t sell flight packages –
LIKE MANY a travel venture, Upland Escapes
was the best in the world, and yet how
instead, guests are encouraged to reach their
– a company offering walking holidays in
difficult it was to remain there due to limited
destinations by train – and in the past year
rural, upland Europe – was born out of its
opportunities for work. In many, we were
12 per cent chose this option.
founders’ own experiences.
welcomed into charming farmhouse B&Bs
Ed Granville, Dick Bayne and Laura Whinney had all worked in the travel industry since 1994 – sometimes together,
‘The inhabitants of the mountain regions
or village guesthouses where we were the
where we operate do not think of themselves
only guests.’
as disadvantaged – if anything quite the
The other epiphany took place at the end
opposite. Our aim is to help them remain
sometimes not – before deciding, in 2005, to
of a great day’s walk in 2004, when the three
living in the mountains they love,’ says Laura.
set up their own company offering the type
companions found themselves sitting at the
of holiday that they felt passionate about.
edge of a mountain village on a sun-warmed rock watching the sun go down. ‘We were
– and one trip in particular inspired their
happy and tired,’ recalls Laura. ‘The view
‘WORKING IN rural Europe, Upland
vision for holidays that could help revive
spread in front of us was a feast for the eyes,
Escapes has contributed to the protection
and preserve the traditional lifestyles of often
and our other senses were equally rewarded
of mountain village lifestyles that are being
remote mountain villages.
by the distant sound of goat-bells and the call
lost, generating income for communities
of a shepherd, and the smell of wild thyme
in marginal and struggling villages and
1,500-mile route from the toe of Italy, right
and curry plant growing nearby. We agreed
successfully encouraging their travellers
up the country’s mountainous spine to the
that our souls were singing, and this has since
to journey by rail, so reducing their
French border. They met some wonderful
become a phrase which defines the Upland
carbon footprint.’
people and explored magnificent mountain
Escapes experience.’
In their case it was walking in Europe
In 2002, Dick and Laura walked a
scenery. But, time after time, they came upon isolated villages in varying states of decline. ‘Some were almost ghost villages,’ says
Since 2005 Upland Escapes has taken around 400 walkers a year – of all ages and abilities – to Europe’s isolated mountain
Laura, ‘with the majority of houses empty
communities in France, Gran Canaria,
and roofless and just a handful of people
Slovenia, and, Italy. From next year,
still clinging to their traditional lifestyles.
Austria and Wales are added to the list of
In others there were more signs of life, with
destinations. Over the past two years more
children and dogs playing in the narrow,
than 250,000 euros has been paid directly
stepped alleys and people chatting at the
to family-run hotels and b&bs, restaurants
water fountain and tending their vegetables. ‘We heard repeatedly from local people how much they loved their villages, how the quality of the air and the water
66 | r:travel
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Shakti Tours, India
We believe passionately in the preservation and long-term sustainability of the world’s mountain environments. We take pride in
Mountain high
being the leading UK operator of worldwide walking and trekking holidays. By supporting this award Exodus hopes to inspire other operators into a similar commitment to the
IF YOU really want to leave the world
Volunteers also go into a local Kumaoni
behind, you can hardly do better than to seek
school to provide lessons in English and
out a tranquil spot in the Himalaya – 75 per
conservation; Shakti is committed to making
ethos of responsible tourism. For 34 years
cent of which is in India, a fact which comes
the region plastic-free, and local children
we’ve been running small group, low impact
as a surprise to many potential visitors.
regularly go out on litter patrols!
travel that benefits the local community.
On one of Shakti Tours’ Village
Shakti’s manager Gemma Hyde says:
world’s great mountain ranges. We were founded by travellers under an
We don’t just pay lip-service to responsible
Experiences, you get an intimate snapshot
‘After four years of operation we have not
tourism, we do it. Thousands of our
of day-to-day rural life in the Himalaya.
seen any negative social impact on the local
customers see our projects in operation all
Accompanied by local porters and guides,
communities who continue to lead their lives
around the world. Here are a few examples:
you walk between remote villages, and stay
without feeling intruded upon.’
NEPAL We have helped to re-house 40-50
in traditional village houses, which Shakti
Shakti’s success saw it highly commended
orphans through the building of the Nava
has spruced up to provide proper comfort
in the 2007 Responsible Tourism Awards, and
Kiran Orphanage.
without compromising their authenticity.
over the past year, the launch of its Ladakh
ETHIOPIA We are restoring the vision
operation has presented a new challenge.
of many people through the work at the
Kumaon in 2004 as The Village Walks. In
‘This region had already experienced tourism,
Gondar Eye Surgery.
2007 it started a similar concept in the former
but many that have gone before us have
INDIA We help finance work done to stem
Buddhist Kingdom of Sikkim in the Eastern
not worked with the local communities
the horrific poaching practices aimed at the
Himalaya. A third village experience was
and have contributed to the denigration
tigers of the Bandhavgarh National Park.
launched in 2008 in the far north of India, in
of local values,’ says Gemma. ‘We help the
• Best Tour Operator in Responsible Tourism
Ladakh – often referred to as ‘Little Tibet’.
communities we work with to be proud of
Awards 2004
what they have, and thus keen to show it.’
• we believe in establishing long-term
relationships with our overseas operators,
Shakti’s Village Experience was born in
Underscoring all the walks – and a stay at 360° Leti, Shakti’s four-room luxury lodge in Uttaranchal – is a commitment to tourism at
and developing partnerships that benefit all
its lightest and most sustainable. Shakti has
• we believe in paying our operators a fair
become accepted in the local communities.
price for a fair delivery of quality
Nearly all its 40 or so staff are local, most of
‘IN THE PAST YEAR Shakti has developed its
its food and materials are sourced locally, and
third village experience in the remote region
the homes that host visitors also benefit.
of Ladakh, demonstrating the replicability of
Shakti works closely with an organisation
their approach in an area which has
called The Leap, which sends volunteers
experienced tourism but where it has not
on six- to ten-week placements carrying
empowered communities nor enabled them
out conservation and environment work.
to share their culture.’
68 | r:travel
WINNER Ecoventura, Ecuador
Galapagos: survival of the fittest The Galapagos is high on many people’s ‘must-see’ list, but the islands’ own popularity puts them at risk. Dive magazine editor Simon Rogerson visited with a company determined to be part of the solution, not the problem THE GALAPAGOS Islands were once known to Spanish sailors as ‘Las Encantadas’, or the
found themselves drawn to these islands. Timeless as its appeal may be, Galapagos is
can the traveller enjoy the beauty of this place without contributing to its problems? I joined a cruise on the Ecoventura vessel Sky
bewitched islands. The local combination
a fragile place. The marine eco-system is just
of strong currents with light winds made
as vulnerable as those of the islands, which
Dancer, which takes groups of up to 20 on
the islands hard to locate: to the bewildered
famously provided Darwin with evidence
tours of the archipelago’s finest dive sites. It’s
sailors, it seemed as though the islands
for his theory of natural selection. But this
an experience aimed at diving purists, as you
themselves were moving, while they and
is a place where the footfalls of man can
eat and sleep on board, the boat acting as
their vessels were stationary.
cause destruction: introduced species such
hotel, restaurant and dive platform.
Today, the Galapagos experience can
as goats and rats have bred out of control,
Sky Dancer has one of the hardest-working
be just as intoxicating, especially from the
competing with vulnerable endemic species
crews I have seen. Every time we left the
underwater perspective. Gazing through
such as the various iguana and giant tortoise
boat, we were briefed on the environment
layers of nutrient-rich water, you may see
species. Meanwhile, the ever-growing human
and its inhabitants by a park ranger who
hammerhead sharks, giant manta rays,
population (mostly economic migration from
also accompanied us on dives and wildlife
dolphins and the biggest fish in the sea, the
the Ecuador mainland) has created a fishing
walks. Whether you’re in the water or on
spectacular whale shark. On land, marine
industry that threatens the archipelago’s
land, you’re never far from wildlife in the
iguanas bask next to sealions and the
spectacular marine life.
Galapagos, so it is important to understand
strangely out-of-place penguins that also
70 | r:travel
With the balance so delicately poised,
the environment in order to preserve it.
On a basic level, this can mean keeping to paths in order to avoid damaging lizard burrows, but when you’re underwater the barriers are less certain. Often, it’s simply a case of allowing sensitive creatures such as green turtles their natural space. Even hammerhead sharks don’t like being crowded, so to make the most of any encounter you have to move carefully through the water. Often, staying still is the best way to get close to a marine creature, relying on its natural curiosity to draw it closer. This is true of the sharks, rays and sealions of the Galapagos – start chasing anything and you end up looking at empty water before long. Different oceanic currents converge on Galapagos, each generating its own environmental conditions. In the main group of islands, you get cool water (ranging between 15ºC and 25ºC), and variable visibility. A typical reef may consist of a series of descending ridges of volcanic rock interspersed by ubiquitous clumps of greenish branching coral in which you may find seahorses, frogfish or blennies. Jacks and baitfish are common, their trailing schools broken by dive-bombing sealions or predatory tuna. Sail 100 miles north of the central islands and you reach the remote outposts of Darwin and Wolf, two natural rock towers rising up from the crashing waves. Around these islands, the temperature is dictated
Timeless as its appeal may be, Galapagos is a fragile place… With the balance so delicately poised, can the traveller enjoy its beauty without contributing to its problems?
by a warmer surface current, but it can also be fierce.
fish retreated into holes in the rock, but out
tactic in such circumstances is to remain on
in the blue there was a carnival of big fish,
the reef and let the rays become accustomed
and descended quickly to the top of the
led by a school of seven big eagle rays. Eagle
to your presence.
reef, hunkering behind a big rock to protect
rays have a timid disposition, but I was in
The best shark encounters took place at
myself from being swept off the reef. Unable
the company of some admirably restrained
Wolf and Darwin, where we could make out
to swim against the current, the smaller reef
divers, each of whom knew that the best
the shimmering outlines of hundreds of
At Wolf, I jumped off the Zodiac inflatable
r:travel | 71
sharks through the thermo cline. Occasionally, a hammerhead shark would
famous wanderers of the Eastern Pacific. Along with the other islands of the Eastern
cruise ships such as Sky Dancer, which journeys to the remotest and most vulnerable
break from the pack and speed over us,
Pacific, the Galapagos is seen as the last
parts of the archipelago. There are regular
tempting me to move into deeper water to
great shark hotspot, but it is under attack
seizures of dried fins in Galapagos, but far
photograph the sharks from below.
by fishermen supplying the Asian shark
more are thought to slip by the authorities.
Swimming out into the current, I looked up
fin trade. The shark-finners are supposedly
By the time they reach the mainland, they
to see the hammerheads approaching.
banned from the marine park encircling the
effectively become legal because there is no
There were sharks as far as I could see,
Galapagos, but their ships are often seen
proof they were taken in protected waters.
moving silently through the hazy water.
laying baited long lines within its borders.
In addition to the hammerheads there
With such a large area to patrol, the park
evolved as a result of its geographical
were groups of Galapagos sharks,
wardens rely heavily on information from
isolation, but in the modern world it is
The unique ecosystems of the Galapagos
subject to the same environmental
pressures as the rest of South America. Ecoventura recognises this, but it is
ECOVENTURA IS A family-owned company, which takes around 3,000 visitors to the
equally aware of the need to convince the
Galapagos each year. Tourism here is both part of the solution and part of the problem.
human population of the Galapagos that
Humans have, in the past, unwittingly brought alien species that compete with native plants
conservation is in their long-term interests.
and animals. The growing number of settlers migrating from the mainland of Ecuador has
It donates funds to a local initiative in which
put pressure on the fragile environment, emperilling the ecosystem. As a result, in 2007,
fishermen’s wives have set up an artisan’s
UNESCO declared Galapagos an ‘at risk’ World Heritage Site.
shop to provide an alternative source of
Since taking the decision to ‘green’ the company ten years ago, Ecoventura has become an industry leader. Among its initiatives is a carbon offset scheme whereby Ecoventura pays the offset amount upfront, without waiting for customers to ‘opt in’. Owner Santiago Dunn says: ‘Our goal has been to inspire others to also be part of the
income for fishing communities. In 2006, it banded with the World Wildlife Fund to establish the Galapagos Marine Biodiversity Fund with the objective
solution for the issues facing tourism in the Galapagos.’
of strengthening the local communities’
ability to manage natural resources
72 | r:travel
through environmental education and marine conservation. We at Royal Caribbean International know
After five heart-pounding days in the northern islands, Sky Dancer set off on the
we have a special responsibility to protect our
long chug back to the central archipelago,
marine ecosystems. Clean oceans are good for
stopping on the way to allow us to dive
the environment, good for our guests and
the remote sites along the northern side of
good for our business.
Isabella, the archipelago’s biggest island.
We have invested heavily in state-of-the-
Some of my final dives were to take place on
art management systems and treatment
this desolate coast, off a headland known
technologies, such as Advanced Wastewater
as Cabo Marshall, in the shadow of Wolf
Purification systems, to reduce our impact on
Volcano. As I descended, I saw a group of
the environment. In addition to meeting and
about 15 hammerheads swimming over the
often exceeding environmental regulations
volcanic rock, followed by two immense
through our Above and Beyond Compliance
schools of chevron barracuda, then a couple
policies, we monitor our activities to ensure
of manta rays! It’s this sort of rapid-fire action
high standards are strictly maintained.
that typifies the Galapagos at its best, a
We manage our business with a talented
snapshot of the ocean as it was a century ago,
team of professionals, who operate with a
before industrial-scale fishing took its toll.
philosophy of social responsibility, good
While the operators of Sky Dancer have done
corporate citizenship and environmental
all they can to minimise the vessel’s impact
‘THIS AWARD goes to Ecoventura for
protection. We are committed to timely,
on the environment, they allow outsiders to
contributing scholarships for education,
honest and forthright communications with
see for themselves just how much is at stake,
and developing microbusiness for local
our employees, guests, shareholders, suppliers
and why the Galapagos is still very much a
women, converting a fishing boat into a
and travel partners. And, we will continue to
cause worth fighting for.
restaurant and boutique providing
seek the counsel of experts.
alternative livelihoods for the wives of
We take our responsibility to the
fishermen. Ecoventura was also among
environment very seriously, and feel it’s
the first cruise operators to be
inextricably linked with our continued
independently environmentally audited.’
success as an industry-leading cruise line. This includes Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd operating the Ocean Fund which provides grants to support marine conservation organisations. Almost US$10 million has been awarded to date since the inception of the Ocean Fund.
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Scottish Seabird Centre, UK
Puffin, not huffin’ PERCHED ON a rocky outcrop at North
than 280,000 a year. Its success has been
Berwick Harbour, Scotland, overlooking
embraced by the community and in return
the islands of the Firth of Forth and sandy
the centre has become a true local amenity,
beaches of East Lothian, the Scottish Seabird
serving as a venue for the local cinema club
and development manager, says: ‘Thanks
Centre is unique in the world.
(the original cinema closed in the 70s) and
to a lot of hard work by our wonderful
the historic heart of the town, the harbour,
volunteers an encouraging start has been
and yet visitors can get right up-close without
has once again become a hub for local events,
made. However we recognise that bringing
disturbing them. Using solar-powered
including a Seafood Festival. Previously, the
tree mallow under control remains a huge
remote-controlled cameras located on the
harbour had become derelict and neglected
undertaking and will require substantial
islands, visitors can pan and zoom to see the
– the Seabird Centre has breathed new life
commitment and input for some years to
tiniest details (like the ID ring on a bird’s
into the area.
come. This will all be worth it if we can bring
These islands are teeming with wildlife,
foot) and observe thousands of nesting seabirds and marine mammals. The £3.2 million Seabird Centre, which
And one of its greatest achievements has been to halt the drastic decline in
back the delightful puffins to these islands.’ Other initiatives being backed by the
the local puffin population. Until 2006,
centre are a plan to make North Berwick
was opened in May 2000 by the Prince of
Craigleith Island was a major puffin colony,
Scotland’s first plastic bag-free town, and a
Wales, is an independent conservation and
but the spread of an invasive plant – tree
lobster hatchery to help increase the area’s
education charity dedicated to inspiring
mallow – introduced more than 300 years
lobster population, improving its long-term
people to appreciate and care for wildlife
ago by lighthouse keepers for medicinal
sustainability and benefiting struggling
and the environment. All proceeds are
purposes, and boosted in recent years by a
fishing communities throughout Fife and
reinvested in the work of the charity and the
milder climate, had formed a dense jungle
East Lothian.
centre relies on the help of all its volunteers,
preventing the puffins from using their
members and sponsors to survive.
burrows. With the population down from 30,000 nesting pairs in 1999, to fewer
Bass Rock – one of Sir David Attenborough’s
than 5,000 a year ago, the Seabird Centre
‘THE USE OF webcams and other innovative
12 wildlife wonders of the world – and the
launched SOS Puffin, recruiting more than
ideas has enabled a high volume of visitors
original idea for a small centre came from a
200 volunteers to clear the tree mallow and
to have a great experience of nature, while
local businessman and amateur birdwatcher
restore the habitat. This £230,000 project
organising 200 volunteers to remove invasive
and photographer, Bill Gardner. Original
is ongoing but already there is evidence of
tree mallow and enable the puffins to return
projections for annual visitor numbers were
puffins returning to their burrows.
to their nesting burrows on Craigleith has
Its inspiration was the gannets on the
60,000 – the centre is now attracting more
74 | r:travel
Charles Marshall, the centre’s fundraising
been a considerable achievement.’
The start of a new Red Sea WHEN JASON Strickland and Nathan Tyler
campaign – a global drive to monitor reef
been studying the oceanic white-tip shark
launched their Red Sea diving operation
degradation – accomplish rubbish collections
in the Red Sea since 2004, with the aim of
blue o two seven years ago they pretty much
and take part in presentations and seminars.
encouraging divers to get involved in shark
wanted to revolutionise the way liveaboards were run in the region. They wanted to do away with shoddy service, damaging reef dives and exploitation
‘Our aim,’ says Jason, ‘is to make our guests aware of the global problems in a local
conservation projects. ‘Over the past year we have worked hard
context and give them the opportunity to
to continue making a positive contribution to
help safeguard the future of our oceans.’
the marine environment,’ says Jason. ‘When
of local people. Instead they built their own
Blue o two dive guide Karin van Beeck,
fleet of three luxury boats, looked after their
who helped create the programme, adds:
I was a little nervous – do people really want
staff – even teaching them to read as well as
‘Our first trip sold out within a week – people
to go on holiday to work? But the response
dive – and looked after their clients (now up
really want to help. Now we are shouting
has been amazing.
to around 4,000 a year), teaching them about
about it in the hope more operators will
sustainability and conservation
follow our lead. The more people we can get
Red Sea and we will be dedicating one of our
helping to clear up the mess that tourism
vessels to reef clean-ups throughout January.
Last year their campaign to raise standards and environmental awareness was rewarded
leaves behind, the closer we are to the start of
with a win at the Responsible Tourism
a brand new Red Sea.’
Awards. Job done, then. Well, not quite. Winning the award last year has simply
Other initiatives developed over the past
we decided to start offering reef clean-ups,
‘Our aim is complete sustainability for the
‘What we have discovered is that this is just the beginning – the more you do, the more you realise what you can do. And with
year have been a proposal for a plastic bag
the support of the diving community, we
spurred blue o two on to spread their ‘best
ban in Hurghada, which it’s hoped will
really can make a difference.’
practice’ ideas among other dive operators
get the shore community thinking about
and give something back to the Red Sea. The
conservation and all things sustainable.
launch of their ‘the Red Sea…to dive for’
This is coupled with a push to encourage
campaign has received so much interest that
liveaboard operators to run efficient
‘RECOGNISED IN the 2007 awards,
they are now running regular reef clean-ups.
recycling schemes, using a new waste plant
blue o two has demonstrated how, by setting
to the south of the town. Blue o two is also
an example, a company can encourage others
the most damaged reefs and those facing
launching an education programme with a
to become sustainable operators, developing
the greatest danger. During the safari they
local orphanage charity. Back on the boats,
initiatives such as the marketing of reef
conduct scientific research, collecting data
the company has begun dive trips with
clean-ups, recycling and supporting
to support the Project Aware Coral Watch
marine biologist Elke Bojanowski, who has
education in a local orphanage.’
On these pioneering trips, guests visit
HIGHLY COMMENDED blue o two, UK/Egypt
r:travel | 75
WINNER City Bikes, Copenhagen, Denmark
On your free bike! The Danish capital, Copenhagen, has taken a misused symbol of the Sixties and turned it into a thriving scheme that’s helping tourists and locals alike to keep their carbon footprint down BACK IN the Sixties, in the hazy hippie
The White Bicycles scheme, immortalised in
from April to November. You deposit a
era, the Provos, a counterculture group in
a hit by the pop group Tomorrow, was abused
20DKK coin (about £2) and get your money
Amsterdam, painted 50 bicycles white and
and fizzled out. But its spirit didn’t die.
back when you return the bike to a rack. It’s
left them around the city for anyone to
In 1995 a free bike scheme, Fonden
like a supermarket trolley – but without the
use. The idea: you’d ride one to where you
Bycyklen, the Foundation City Bikes, was
wanted to go, then leave it for another needy
launched in Copenhagen, and this time it
citizen to use.
worked. Today, around 2,500 city bikes are
to shoppers to students to tourists. One was
placed in 110 racks around the old town
given to US President Bill Clinton when he
Alas, idealism wasn’t totally alive and well.
76 | r:travel
wonky wheels. Anyone can use them, from commuters
A GOOD MORNING Planning a visit to Copenhagen? Christian Christensen from City Bikes helps you make the most of a morning in the old town… ● Head for the tourist office opposite Tivoli – there is usually a good chance you can pick up a city bike from the rack there. ● Cycle to the opposite side of the harbour to Islands Brygge to join ‘the Vikings’, hardy souls taking an early-morning dip in the new aspirations. CO2 emissions here have been
harbour-basin pool at the waterfront.
reduced by 25 per cent in the past 15 years. And the lofty political ambition is to make
● Afterwards, warm yourself gently in the
the city the bike capital of the world by
morning sun before heading to a coffee
2015. Already one-third of all journeys in
house in Christianshavn for breakfast beside
Copenhagen are made by bike, and there are
the canal.
300 km of cycle paths. The city bike system embraces Copenhagen’s cycle culture and
● With luck your city bike will still be in the
Copenhagen has embraced the city bike.
rack where you left it. Venture out along the
Christian Christensen, one of two unpaid
harbour to Holmen to see the mix between
board members who run the foundation,
new housing estates and old military buildings
says: ‘When the scheme was introduced it
now being used variously as an architecture
was meant as a means of public transport
academy, music academy and film academy.
you could use from the station or bus stop
Stop off at the impressive new opera house.
to your work. It has never really worked that way on a big scale. So the philosophy today
● Hop on a harbour bus to Nyhavn,
is quite simple: with the city bike system
bringing your city bike with you. Pedal
we encourage people to cycle as a symbolic
through Nyhavn, past the old ships in the
contribution to making Copenhagen green.
canal, and cross the big square to the Queen’s
‘The system also has a “social profile”
palace Amalienborg.
since those who maintain the city bikes
‘HAVING AROUND 2,500 city bikes
are rehabilitees on a six-month training
● If you’re feeling fit, you could test your
available for free use by locals and
programme qualifying for a job.
endurance with a long ride to Østerbro at the
tourists demonstrates the scale and
‘Overall, Copenhageners feel these are
north end of the lakes and ride the bicycle
replicability of an initiative that reduces
their bicycles. They call or email us when
line alongside the lakes down to Vesterbro
the carbon footprint and promotes
they have seen one outside the city bike zone
at the south end. Don’t ride too fast, or you
exercise. The Foundation works with
(see map, above), and we fetch the bikes
won’t notice the swans, the mothers with their
Incita, skilling locals and enabling them
back. They are proud of them and see them
children, the joggers, the old people in their
to gain employment.’
as a part of the identity of Copenhagen. Still,’
wheelchairs, the pretty women smiling at you
he adds, ‘a lot of our bikes are vandalised.
or the other cyclists who overtake you – those
And around 25 per cent disappear every year.’
city bikes are a bit heavy…
visited Copenhagen in 1997, called, naturally
Plans are in place to upgrade the system
City Bike One! Similar free schemes operate
from spring 2010, with the new system
● In Vesterbro, ride through the narrow streets
in Denmark’s second city Aarhus and in
presented at an event to coincide with the
to Halmtorvet for a café lunch. Leave the bike
Helsinki, while swipe-card variations run in
UN climate conference in December 2009. ‘I
in the rack – you still haven’t shopped, and it’s
several European cities including Barcelona,
don’t think the delegates will ride the bikes
worth browsing the small, stylish and quirky
Paris and Vienna. Cambridge tried it with 300
though,’ says Christian. ‘December in
shops in the Latin Quarter behind “Strøget”.
bikes – all were stolen within 24 hours.
Denmark is dark, cold and wet!’
But first: enjoy your lunch!
Copenhagen is famous for its green
r:travel | 77
Getting it right is as easy as riding a bike A COLD, drizzly day in October may not
helping support workers – a project that’s still
have been the ideal time to sample the
supported by Bugbugs.
zero-carbon alternative to a London cab – the
Riders don’t just act as ferrymen for
pedicab – but it was an eye-opening way to
Londoners looking for the green option,
take in some familiar sights along the south
they are also guides, able to show tourists a
bank of the Thames.
different view of London. They are used for
These modern-day rickshaws might look a
corporate events, pr stunts and most carry
bit cumbersome, but in the hands of Bugbugs
advertising. ‘They are a fun way of injecting
managing director Friedel Schroder, getting
awareness about cycling and carbon-free
about is, well, as easy as riding a bike.
transport, while getting a feel for London,’
Maison de la France is the French Government
says Friedel. ‘Everyone who’s in it is really
Tourist Office and has been based in London
self-motivated and positive.’
since 1920.
Surprisingly light, they’re as manoeuvrable as a two-wheeler, and the perfect size for slipping between bollards to reach the parts of London four-wheeled vehicles can’t. Pedicabs appeared in London ten years
As yet, London’s 750 or so pedicabs –
It is the main point of contact for British
spread over 21 companies – are not governed
travellers to France and for UK tourism
by a black cab-style licensing system, and
professionals. France offers an exceptional variety of
ago, and Bugbugs is one of the original
currently operate a voluntary code. But they
pioneers. Operating a fleet of 60 pedicabs,
are working with Transport for London to
expansive landscapes. From the north to the
they have trained more than 800 riders,
develop a fair and appropriate licensing
south, east to west, 80 per cent of France is
enabling them to earn a living (average
scheme for this new ‘old’ form of transport.
countryside. Its 59 national and regional parks
around £200 a week, but sometimes as high
It must be said pedicabs are not universally
as £1,000) – and pay for studies or even
loved – London cabbies are not fans,
personal dreams.
and while Friedel says he respects and
make sure that visitors can enjoy France’s natural beauty responsibly. Environmental laws ensure that France’s
understands their reservations and need to
5,500 km of coastline are protected from
manager when he got hooked on the pedicab
protect their interests, he maintains that the
property developers. France is also one of the
idea, notes that among his riders he’s had
pedicab is a vehicle whose time has come.
key players in the Kyoto Treaty talks.
Friedel, who was working as a bank
It’s never been more eco-friendly to travel
a couple of professors earning extra cash
‘It wouldn’t have worked 20 years ago,
to fund expeditions to Peru and Siberia
when people were too into their cars. But it’s
to France from the UK, thanks to the
– and even a Conservative politician. He’s
right for now. We need something like this to
numerous ferry and train connections
also on nodding terms with London mayor
push people in a more green direction.’
between the two countries. Most notably,
Boris Johnson, himself a keen cyclist. Many
‘We really want to resolve the licensing
France can boast the TGV high-speed trains
riders have gone overseas to set up their
system,’ he adds. ‘It’s taken TfL a long time
which emit very low levels of carbon and
own pedicab operations in other cities. One
to get this through, but when it does, “best
connect the French regions and cities at
rider, fondly remembered as Ben, went to
practice” firms such as ours will win out over
speeds reaching 357mph!
Namibia, where he established a cycle charity
the cowboys who give pedicabs a bad name.’ www.bugbugs.com
Maison de la France will continue to support responsible travel to France, and is proud to sponsor the Best Low Carbon
Transport & Technology category in the
‘Over the past ten years Bugbugs has offered
Responsible Tourism Awards.
carbon-free transportation around central
London using state-of-the-art pedicabs, rickshaws or bugs and provided a route into employment for 800 people. In 2007 they carried 26,000 people, many of them tourists, an alternative to fossil-fuelled journeys.’
78 | r:travel
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Photo: Simon Rogerson
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WINNER Holland America Line, USA
Cruise Control A few eyebrows were raised at the inclusion of a Best Cruise or Ferry Operator category in this year’s Responsible Tourism Awards. Cruising does not have the best reputation when it comes to sustainable tourism. Indeed these floating cities have been accused of having a worse impact on global warming than planes. But progress is being made and this new category acknowledges the environmental strides being taken by one industry giant – and also celebrates a much smaller UK ferry operator whose roots go deep into its lakeland community CRUISING IS a rapidly growing sector of
businesses. According to Climate Care, a
every year. The Independence Of The Seas,
the holiday market. In 2007, a record 1.34
cruise liner such as Queen Mary 2 emits
for example, part of the Royal Caribbean
million Brits took a cruise, a figure expected
0.43kg of CO2 per passenger mile, compared
International fleet, carries more than 4,000
to reach 1.5 million this year. Meanwhile,
with 0.257kg for a long-haul flight. That
passengers, has a water park with a wave
nearly 42 million passenger ferry journeys
makes it greener to fly than to cruise.
machine, an ice rink and a boxing ring!
were taken between British ports and the
On a typical one-week voyage a cruise ship
continent, Ireland and British islands last year.
generates more than 50 tonnes of garbage
You might think that spending so much
and a million tonnes of grey (waste) water,
These vessels are substitute resorts – in effect, floating cities. There is much debate over what
time cocooned at sea would have a minimal
210,000 gallons of sewage and 35,000 gallons
economic benefit cruise ships bring to local
impact on the surrounding environments,
of oil-contaminated water. On average, cruise
destinations. Stopovers can be brief and the
local economies, people and cultures, but
ship passengers each account for 3.5kg of
estimated amount a cruise passenger will
cruise liners have a significant ecological
rubbish daily – compared with the 0.8kg each
spend on an island excursion is £40. Cruise
impact and generally bring limited economic
generated by local people on shore.
ships mostly stock up at their home port,
benefit to local communities and small
80 | r:travel
Newer and bigger ships are being built
making minimal purchases en route and
therefore the level of income that remains in
off all their engines and connect to the local
the local economy is minimal.
grid which uses clean hydro-electric power.
But cruise lines say that they are working
In 2007 this initiative reduced dockside
hard to minimise their environmental
emissions by 65 per cent, and that figure is
impact, and one, in particular, stands out:
expected to rise to 75 per cent in 2008.
Holland America Line (HAL). Take a Holland America cruise, and, at
Dave Kircher, of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, welcomed Holland America’s shore
some point you’ll probably see a presentation
power commitment at Seattle, saying: ‘We’ve
about the company’s environmental efforts.
not seen much willingness from other lines to
A stewardship video will take you behind the
approach us, but Holland America have really
scenes, in the galley and in the engine room,
stepped up to it and are leaders in this area.’
to see how black and grey water is processed,
Among other environmental initiatives are
to the garbage room to see how rubbish is
reduced fuel consumption, an experimental
sorted for recycling. It’s not sexy, but Holland
seawater scrubber system to reduce sulphur
America likes to show it off all the same.
dioxide and particulate matter emissions, an
In 2006, Holland America spent more than
advanced on-board water waste treatment
US$4.5 million and partnered with the Port
system, environmental officers on every ship,
of Seattle and local environmental groups
and a robust grassroots feedback scheme that
to install shore power facilities. Typically,
enables any crew member to suggest ways to
when a cruise ship is at berth, at least one
improve environmental management.
of the diesel engines is running which emits
A new Ship to Shelter programme in
It’s all part of a process, says Bill Morani, Holland America’s vice president of environmental management systems, that
pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen and
Seattle collects unneeded and reusable goods
makes good business sense as well as helping
sulphur, as well as greenhouse gases and
from the vessels, from bed linen to furniture,
the environment. ‘People say, “When did
particulates. Shore power in its Seattle home
cookware to toiletries, towels to TVs and
Holland America decide to go green?” But
port enables Holland America’s ships to turn
donates them to Seattle area charities.
it wasn’t a sudden decision; it’s something
r:travel | 81
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID ‘HOLLAND America Line has recognised that the industry has negative environmental impacts and is accepting responsibility for doing something about it. It has reduced dockside emissions by 20 per cent, developed and implemented an Avoiding Whale Strikes training programme, increased recycling by 50 per cent and introduced new scrubber technology.’
we’ve been doing for several years. Back in
with local communities, sponsoring arts and
tourism is not a niche that excludes some
June 2006 our environmental management
culture, including building an Alaska Native
sectors. To create real change in destinations
system was certified to ISO 14001 standards
Heritage Centre in Fairbanks. Native Alaskans
all sectors of the market need to embrace
[the environmental quality benchmark].
work as travel guides on Alaskan cruises to
responsible tourism – especially huge sectors
Part of that required us to set targets and
educate and entertain guests about the native
like the cruise industry. It is for this reason,
objectives. It took us a year and a half to get
culture, wildlife and flora. Holland America’s
plus the fact that I believe that the Awards
there, which is quite an accelerated pace and
computer training programme ‘Avoiding
can successfully encourage positive change,
we set aggressive targets.’
Whale Strikes’, developed in cooperation
that we’ve chosen to include this sector.’
Last year, Holland America’s fleet of 14
with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
‘We all impact the environment,’ says
ships carried more than 720,000 passengers
Administration’s National Marine Fisheries
Morani. ‘We need to identify the things we
on nearly 500 cruises to 314 ports of call in
Service, has been so successful that NOAA
do that cause that impact and come up with
97 countries, territories or dependencies.
is distributing it free to other maritime
control measures to reduce it. As an industry
‘Wherever we go,’ says Morani, ‘our goal is
industries and shipping companies.
we are figuring out how to do that, and share
to leave the place in as good a condition as when we find it.’ Around Alaska, it has improved its links
82 | r:travel
Commenting on the inclusion of the new
knowledge around so it won’t just benefit the
award, Justin Francis, managing director of
cruise industry but the entire maritime field.’
responsibletravel.com, says: ‘Responsible
HIGHLY COMMENDED Ullswater Steamers, UK
Ullswater takes it to the bridge As the Passenger Shipping Association (PSA) JUST FIVE miles off the M6 motorway in
and Pooley Bridge, and the company uses
celebrates its 50th year, it recognises the
Cumbria lies one of the most beautiful
local produce aboard and in its café, and
many challenges that lie ahead. Originally
spots in England – Ullswater. This gently
encourages environmental best practices
formed to represent the interests of shipping
curving eight-mile stretch of mirrored water,
among its suppliers, staff and customers. It
companies in response to the arrival of the
ringed by magnificent mountains, offers
also now sponsors the Tourist information
jet aircraft, today the association represents
breathtaking tranquility whether you’re
Centre in Pooley Bridge which had been
44 cruise brands and 16 ferry members who
striding the slopes above the water or taking
forced to close through lack of funds.
operate in the UK. As well as promoting the
a leisurely ride on it. Ullswater Steamers have been sailing on
The company is proud of its heritage – and the area’s associations with the likes
benefits of sea travel, it works with members on minimising the environmental impact.
this most beautiful of England’s lakes for
of Wordsworth, Sir Donald Campbell, A W
Passenger travel by sea provides great
almost 150 years, and its vessels remain the
Wainwright and links to Arthurian legend.
economic and social benefits. 1.5 million
perfect way to enjoy the area. Each year
History boards at its Pier House HQ reflect
Brits are expected to take a cruise in 2008,
nearly 200,000 visitors take a cruise aboard
these – and tour commentaries pass the
while nearly 42 million passenger ferry
one of the four beautifully maintained
history on to visitors.
journeys were taken between UK ports and
heritage boats – and with 10p from every
‘The company has worked quietly
the continent, Ireland and British islands
ticket donated to its Tourism & Conservation
behind the scenes for many, many years,’
Partnership, Ullswater Steamers has raised
says marketing manager Rachel Bell,
more than £20,000 over the past ten years
‘and we’re keen to involve visitors in our
of transport; however, the PSA and its
towards access and conservation projects in
environmental campaigns – we offer tips
members are aware of their environmental
the Ullswater Valley.
for tourists and have introduced divider
responsibilities and committed to addressing
bins on our boats to help them recycle.’
the issues so that we may all continue to
This year the company has stepped up its conservation work, adopting another
And she adds: ‘You don’t have to use up
last year. Shipping is one of the most efficient forms
enjoy the benefits. Huge strides have been
cause close to the area’s heart – the Save
air miles flying all over the world to find
taken in minimising the impact of shipping.
the Squirrels charity – running events, a
dramatic scenery. It’s right on our doorstep.’
There has been great investment in state-of-
photography competition and cruises to raise
the-art management systems and treatment
awareness of the need to preserve habitats of
technologies and members are committed to
eliminating pollution through improved
‘A PIONEER for sustainable tourism in the
environmental policies and by sharing
Steamers, says: ‘One of the key reasons
Lake District, they carry 196,000 people
best practice.
that people use our steamer service is our
a year. Ten years ago they introduced a
commitment to conservation, so helping to
visitor donation scheme with proceeds to
ensure that the habitats of red squirrels are
the Tourism & Conservation Partnership
preserved is another way we can show this.’
for projects in the Ullswater Valley; by
the threatened red squirrel. Jim Walker, chief executive of Ullswater
Efficiency measures and new technology
encouraging people to travel one way by
have helped the steamers reduce their energy
steamer and then walk or cycle back they
consumption and environmental impact
have helped to disperse visitors – and make
as they ply between Glenridding, Howton
them healthier.’
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WINNER Gambia is Good project, The Gambia
84 | r:travel
How Gambia eased its growing pains Poor rural farmers in The Gambia have been able to grab a sizeable share of the lucrative tourism market thanks to a project that has helped them meet the exacting demands of local hoteliers
glimpse of hippos and crocodile surfacing, and baboons playing on its banks.
THE GAMBIA is a well-established ‘winter
dividing residents into north or south bank
Though winter tourism is a major source
sun’ tourism destination. One of West Africa’s
inhabitants. Steamers can navigate the river
of business in The Gambia, attracting around
most peaceful nations, it’s a narrow lick of a
for 140 miles inland. For the first 80 miles, it’s
100,000 visitors a year, mostly from the UK
country, surrounded by Senegal on all sides
fringed with mangrove-covered banks, later
and Europe, it is virtually all package-tour
except for its 50 miles of Atlantic coastline.
giving way to red cliffs topped with green
trade, controlled by Western-owned big tour
vegetation. Dotted with ferries, fishermen
operators, airlines and hotels. Thus, most of
of life in The Gambia, stretching from the
in dugout canoes and cutters loaded with
the tourist money that should find its way
Atlantic Coast 186 miles into its interior,
groundnuts, the river offers the occasional
into the local economy instead leaks out
The Gambia River is a dominating feature
of the country. The big operators even get
a sizeable chunk of the tourists’ spending money because they arrange the excursions.
Ebrima Jawara, a grower from Daru Fodeba village, explains how being part of Gambia is
But in 2004 the Gambian community
Good has helped: ‘Quality seeds and training have helped me to achieve higher yields,
fought back. A collaboration between
a longer harvest period and good prices. Last year I bought one pack of tomato seeds for
Haygrove, a UK fruit and flower grower
600 dalasi [£12]. When I finished harvesting I had earned 22,000 dalasi [£450], which is at
which supplies major UK supermarkets, the
least three times what I would have got without Gambia is Good. Presently, I have an Irish
international charity Concern Universal and
potato plot in my garden and three nurseries of hybrid cabbage and tomatoes. Now, my
local groups in Gambia, found that farmers
dream is to increase my cultivated areas and earn more money.’
in Gambia were missing out on trade with
Jonsoba, a grower from Kambong village, adds: ‘I heard through GiG about a new cabbage variety and got some seeds. Two months later I harvested three bags of big and
high value tourist hotels and restaurants. At the same time that thousands of kilos
beautiful cabbage heads. I sold these to GiG for 2,800 dalasi [£58]. Before, I could not expect
of local produce were going to waste – often
to earn so much money. Next year I also plan to try out a new sweet pepper variety.’
not even making it beyond the garden gate
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In the past year Gambia is Good has diverted £34,000 of sales away from the importers and into the hands of the local, small-scale producers
It is a great honour for PromPeru to sponsor the Responsible Tourism Award for Best for Poverty Reduction. Peru’s own tourism industry acts as a tool to help combat poverty
– the businesses were importing truckloads
away from the importers and into the hands
as it is continuously aiding the improvement
of produce from Holland, France, Spain and
of the local, small-scale producers.
of the quality of life of the Peruvian by
even neighbouring Senegal. Although the hotels were willing to buy
A further innovation saw Gambia is
generating sustainable development and
Good link up with The Travel Foundation
income throughout the country. This helps to
high-quality Gambian produce they were put
to launch their own farmyard, which is used
consolidate a common identity and
off by unreliable local supply, inconsistent
to demonstrate best-practice and generate
strengthen commercial relations between
quality and shortages during peak periods.
additional income through production and
Peru and the rest of the world.
With £197,000 funding from DFID’s Business Linkages Challenge Fund, a fair trade horticultural company, Gambia is
tourism – so far more than 1,000 First Choice tourists have visited the farm on excursions. ‘Supplying the hotels was not easy in the
Tourism is the third highest earning industry in Peru, after mining and oil production. The UK is the largest European
Good, was set up to start to turn this around
beginning,’ admits Adama Bah, The Travel
market for visitors to Peru and during 2007
for the benefit of poor rural Gambian
Foundation programme co-ordinator. ‘A lot
the number of UK visitors to Peru increased
communities. Haygrove worked with local
of capacity building was needed to match
by 11 per cent and we would expect to see
subsistence growers to improve irrigation,
supply with demand. We ourselves import
similar growth figures for 2008.
grading of harvests, distribution and
from Senegal to meet any shortfall while we
marketing. Producers have been given access
are still building that capacity.’
promotion of exports and tourism for Peru,
to quality seeds, pesticides and fertilisers that
executes strategic policies to promote tourism
were not previously available. Over-produced
and Peruvian exports within international
items were replaced with in-demand ones such as courgettes and broccoli. Initially Gambia is Good worked with 30
growers but now works with 1,000, of which
that it is possible for 1,000 local growers,
most are businesses run by women.
90 per cent of them women, to produce
Hoteliers have welcomed the initiative
20 tonnes of vegetables and fruit in the
with open arms – 80 per cent are
tourism season to supply hotels and
participating and are now buying 20 tonnes
make a real contribution to reducing
of produce a month during the season. In the
poverty in The Gambia – this is a local
past year GiG has diverted £34,000 of sales
project of international significance.’
86 | r:travel
PromPeru, the commission for the
HIGHLY COMMENDED Jungle Bay Resort & Spa, Dominica
Island of hope JUNGLE BAY launched onto the Caribbean holiday scene in 2005 as a radical alternative to traditional Caribbean sun’n’sand resorts. The 55-acre boutique hotel is unique in many ways – not least of which is its founder, local-born businessman and developer Sam Raphael. It’s rare for upscale Caribbean properties to be developed and operated by local Caribbean people. The resort features 35 wooden cottages perched on stilts, in the midst of the rainforest. Amenities include an open-air restaurant, pool, spa, yoga centre and nature trail. And Dominica doesn’t fit the Caribbean profile. This relatively unknown rainforest island has almost no beaches, above-average rainfall, a rugged coastline and no direct flights from major destinations. The most radical departure, however, is Jungle Bay’s philosophy; that it is possible to develop and profitably run a luxury hotel that conserves the environment and creates jobs and
spa attendants, cooks, room attendants,
a garden and access to fresh water. But the
economic opportunity for the local population.
maintenance people and managers.
collapse of an entire industry required a new
Around the turn of the century, the
The story of the resort forms part of the
mind-set – and Jungle Bay provided it.
island’s economy came to a shuddering halt
experience for visitors who can also visit
with the demise of its subsidised agricultural
some of the many community projects
in the tourism industry in the Caribbean,’
trade, sending 8,000 small Dominican
Jungle Bay supports, including the House of
said Raphael. ’The Jungle Bay philosophy
banana farmers into bankruptcy.
Hope, a home for disabled orphans, which
is beginning to blossom. The real Jungle
will expand to house the elderly and battered
Bay story is that out of an unfortunate set
built over five years by large numbers of
women and their children. One unexpected
of circumstances, the Caribbean tourism
previously unskilled ex-banana farm workers
sideline was a decision by the staff to donate
industry might have a viable alternative
using discarded rocks and reclaimed timber.
ten per cent of their tips to help such projects.
to old practices, one which will be more
Jungle Bay filled part of that void. It was
Because tourism was new to the southeast
The success of the Jungle Bay model has
‘This is the beginning of a quiet revolution
sustainable in the long run.’
region of Dominica, Raphael and his wife
not gone unnoticed. The government is now
Glenda set up a local NGO, the South East
convinced that low impact tourism is key
Tourism Development Committee to lay the
to the future of Dominica, and Jungle Bay is
groundwork for its brand of ecotourism, such
seen as the ‘signature resort’.
‘JUNGLE BAY is a leader in responsible
as developing trails, and training guides.
Accepting a World Saver award earlier
tourism and poverty reduction in Dominica
this year, Sam Raphael said Jungle Bay was
– 85 per cent of the payroll goes to local
and fishermen have had a new market for
changing an entire community. This lush
employees, the resort supported the
their fresh organic produce, handicraft
island, more akin to a chunk of Costa Rica,
development of local enterprises to create
producers and heritage dancers have had a
doesn’t match the familiar poverty image of
employment and to supply organic produce,
venue for their trade and 60 villagers have
subsistence farming in a dry, dusty landscape
fish and craft production; and runs a House
been trained to host visitors as tour guides,
parched by drought. Most Dominicans have
of Hope for disabled children.’
Since Jungle Bay opened, small farmers
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Stormsriver Adventures, South Africa
company began in 1998, more than 500 local people have been trained as adventure guides. Many of them have since gone on to take up senior positions locally and abroad, working in Dubai, Bahrain and Europe as operations managers. In addition, the company has initiated, and is involved in a number of programmes within the communities. These include an empowerment catering company, Stormsriver Caterers, which supplies all catering supplies to Stormsriver Adventures. A school feeding programme, which supplies three meals a week to 200 children of Stormsriver West Primary School, has been sponsored by Stormsriver Adventures for the past four years. An animal welfare project involving the children and their pets helps to create a value system for about 150 youngsters, many of whom have very little. And about 1,800 free educational excursions are provided for children every year. All this has helped Stormsriver become the first – and so far, only – tourism company to achieve Fairtrade accreditation. Future projects to be supported include the Vegetable Door Project which aims to ensure that poor families become selfsufficient in basic vegetables; an HIV/AIDS awareness programme; and a community
A head for heights – and for business
recycling scheme. ‘Tourism has the potential to lift the poverty spiral,’ says Ashley. ‘Our operation has created a tourist-friendly environment which has in some way or another benefited the entire community. We are respected as a company that cares about the plight of
AFTER A 26-year stint in the pharmaceutical
forest floor. The scenery is spectacular and
our community and one which is always
industry, corporate high flyer Ashley
the bird life, in particular, is incredible.
prepared to assist. In turn, I believe that our
Wentworth figured it was time to give
The concept of guiding people through
community is starting to understand the
something back, time to make a tangible
the upper canopy of a rainforest originated
value of tourism.’
difference to poor communities and protect
in Costa Rica, where adventurous biologists
the environment.
devised new ways to access the forest canopy so they could conduct research on
eco-adventure company situated in a rural
its undiscovered ecosystem. The idea soon
‘STORMSRIVER only employs locally, all staff
village in the Tsitsikamma forest on South
developed into a breathtaking form of
have a profit share, pension and medical aid;
Africa’s east coast. Here around 30,000 guests
ecotourism, with local professional guides
the company employs 60 permanent staff,
a year can take part in a number of activities,
talking you through the forest ecology.
putting 400,000 euros into the local economy
The result was Stormsriver Adventures, an
including Africa’s first canopy tour.
Stormsriver’s policy has been to only
through salaries and local sourcing, they
employ from the local community, with
also support school feeding and HIV/AIDS
from one platform to another along a steel
all staff sharing in the profits and receiving
programmes – they have made a significant
cable suspended up to 30 metres above the
pension and medical benefits. Since the
reinvestment in their local community.’
The three-hour tour involves traversing
88 | r:travel
Nepalâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Mera Peak Expedition 6,476m 22 October â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 13 November 2009
Join Scope in the ancient kingdom of Nepal. Realise a dream and trek to 6,746 metres whilst raising vital funds for a great cause. For an information pack now: Call 0800 0191 200 Visit www.scope.org.uk/adventures Text Event Mera and name and address details to 60003* *Standard text message rates apply Scope is a registered charity
Quote ref: Travel
WINNER Explore, UK
It’s in the blood If you cut Explore, it will bleed responsible tourism. From its small beginnings 27 years ago, it has blended idealism, practical skills and an unquenchable thirst for authentic discovery into a simple and successful formula
EXPLORE HIT the road in 1981 thanks
the culture and appreciating the wildlife
to three travelling companions who had
without seeking to change them.
breathed travel, eaten travel and slept travel
Around 85 per cent of their tours use local
for as long as they could remember – among
guides, and 51 per cent are entirely local-led.
them Travers Cox, who left his Australian
This figure will rise to 63 per cent next year,
homestead as a teenager on the back of a
with Cuba, India, Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
rusty two-wheeler, and never looked back.
Oman and Algeria among countries going
They began Explore with two phones and
local tour leaders in 2006-07, and another
villages of northern Thailand on foot; a
159 in 2007-08.
Rajasthan desert safari by camel; south-west
90 | r:travel
exclusively local-led. Explore trained 249
a telex, offering just four trips – through the
But possibly the most radical innovation is
Turkey by bus and boat and down the Nile by
its new carbon offset pledge. For some time
felucca. Now the company offers 500
Explore has offset carbon emissions for all
adventures in 130 countries, including short
staff flights and encouraged its customers to
breaks, family tours, cycling and school tours.
follow suit through voluntary offsets. Since
But they’ve never strayed from the core
1 January 2008, however, Explore has included
concept that travel is best experienced in
in each tour cost a sum to be donated to
small groups, meeting people, learning about
projects that reduce global carbon emissions.
‘We have thought long and hard about the current environmental concerns and are convinced that carbon offsetting all customers’ flights is a step in the right direction’
It’s not an opt-in or an opt-out, it’s just there
company appointed a full-time responsible
on your bill – like it or lump it.
tourism manager.
‘We are the first large travel operator to
‘It’s been a natural progression for us,’ says
do this,’ says managing director Ashley Toft
Toft. ‘We’ve always worked with local people
– himself a former Explore tour leader, who
– that way a large part of customers’ money
has ‘grown up’ with the company. ‘This has
ends up in the local economy of the places
been no small decision as we expect to hand
we visit. And some of the projects we support
over a cheque for several hundred thousand
have come about through suggestions from
pounds each year. We have chosen our
local people themselves.
offsetting partner very carefully, as well as the specific projects our funding will help.’ He went on: ‘We have thought long
‘When we first started putting a name to these principles – responsible travel – we were greatly encouraged by the support of our
and hard about the current environmental
suppliers, their respect for us for promoting
concerns and are convinced that carbon
these issues and their willingness to engage
‘A LEADER in implementing responsible
offsetting all customers’ flights is a step in the
in the process. We ask a lot more of them
tourism principles for many years,
right direction. We’re taking a stand – there’s
in that everything we do is geared towards
Explore has been recognised for training
a lot of talk about these issues at government
responsibility and sustainability.
and employing local tour leaders,
level, but something needs to be done.’
‘The company was pioneering RT before
pushing its suppliers to deliver, investing
Explore has chosen Climate Care as
it was even being talked about and this get-
£300k into projects including energy-
its designated carbon offset partner, after
on-with-it spirit remains central to what we
efficient cooking stoves in Cambodia,
working with them for a number of years.
do and we enjoy it. The whole responsible
and most recently for appointing a
Explore will be supporting specific projects
approach runs through the company’s veins.’
full-time Responsible Tourism Manager.’
which either reduce emissions at source or
absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, including: funding a small paper factory in India that
uses sugar cane waste to power its machines; providing hundreds of energy-efficient
FOR MANY people, even in a credit-crunched world, having an adventure is right
cooking stoves in Cambodia; supporting
up there on their list of spending priorities. Londoner turned ‘Explorer’ Ian Murphy
clean development through hydro-electric
visited Egypt in search of his – and found it in the desert sands
power in China and continuing the reforestation of the Kibale Forest in Uganda. At home, in Farnborough, Hampshire, Explore has expanded its ‘greener office’
‘Nothing can beat night in the Egyptian desert. A camp fire blooms instantly from logs doused in petrol. Three Toyota Landcruisers are parked in a U-shape, and carpets hung around them to form a windbreak. “What’s for dinner, Mohamed?” we cry to our guide. “Fox,” Mohamed replies, right on cue. It turns out to be chicken cooked in silver foil.
scheme, including a cycle-to-work scheme,
Later, Mohamed teaches us to drum, beating out rhythms, which we ineptly imitate.
and joined Hampshire’s car-share scheme.
Mohamed then shows us dancing Bedouin-style. We try to swing our hips as sinuously as
It also set up a new five-figure investment
him. If the Bedouins are shocked, they hide it well.
partnership with The Gorilla Organisation
The day is just as good. After breakfast, we are toppling up the side of a seif or sword
and an Explore team donned gorilla suits to
dune. The trick is to find unbroken sand and move quickly. I leave Graham, a Canadian
take part in the Great Gorilla Run around the
engineer, floundering about near the bottom while I climb rapidly to a ridge. For half
City of London in September.
an hour, I am in dune heaven. Sitting at the summit, voices are coming up to me with
New long-term charitable projects include
stunning clarity from the encampment below. The dunes dazzle and shift as the sun rises
sponsoring girls through high school in
higher. It is the most calming sight. In my mind I save it up and bottle it. I know it’s going
Morocco, adopting an orphaned elephant in
to be the perfect antidote to rush-hour traffic jams and delayed Tube trains.
Sri Lanka, and it has joined Travel Operators
A few hours later we all go dune crazy. We are riding in the Landcruisers towards a lunch
for Tigers, an industry-wide campaign to
stop at Sitra oasis. Sometimes we descend slopes so steep it seems the jeep must overturn. But
support more responsible use of forest and
the noonday light has tricked us, and before we know it, we are racing up the opposite slope.
wilderness areas in India. And in October, the
We don’t know how we’ll adjust to normal life again. For us only the desert is enough.’
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HIGHLY COMMENDED Boogie Pilgrim, Madagascar
Born to boogie
her from the start. Near their three lodges – the newest of which, Mananara, was built in 2007 – they have built and supported three schools and health posts. They also hire and train local guides who often take tourists to their own villages. Boogie supports the conservation of Tsarasaotra Park, and its whale-watching MILLIONS OF years ago Madagascar, an
sustainable tourism offers one of the best
tours involve guests in research. In fact, many
island about the size of France, split from
hopes for achieving that.
of Boogie’s tour itineraries take travellers
mainland Africa. Like the fabled Lost World,
Sonja Ranarivelo was barely 20 years old
to see development work, such as projects
it has an almost mythological reputation,
when she created Boogie Pilgrim in 1988, but
involving children at risk. In 2002 it created
being home to more than 250,000 species, of
she has been an integral part of this process.
Go To Madagascar, an association of tour
which around 70 per cent are found nowhere
German-born, she came to Madagascar as a
operators, with the aim of raising awareness
else on the planet.
child and grew up surrounded by what she
and training in responsible tourism.
But despite its biological and cultural richness, Madagascar is also among the
calls ‘my beautiful island’. Respponsible tourism has not always been
Says Sonja: ‘The communities welcome visitors because they are proud to show their
world’s poorest countries, ranking 149th
an easy sell: not all communities share the
culture and way of living. We explain to
out of 175 on the UN’s poverty index. The
interest in conservation. ‘We are often seen
our guests that underdevelopment is just a
average Malagasy makes around one dollar
as potential “policemen” who disturb their
northern concept; they will see that most
a day, and 70 per cent of the population
everyday life,’ says Sonja. ‘It takes a lot of
Malagasy are happy people.’
suffers from malnutrition. And it’s not just
time and energy to change that and to get
the human population that is suffering. Every
their confidence and cooperation.’
year as much as a third of the country burns
For the past 20 years she and her Malagasy
and one per cent of its remaining forests is
husband Thierry have built Boogie Pilgrim
‘BOOGIE PILGRIM has demonstrated over
levelled, despite a slash-and-burn ban.
(named after a character in an Elton John
the past ten years the difference that tourism
song) into the leading inbound tour operator
can make to conservation and the livelihoods
forests and unique biodiversity is key to
in Madagascar. Now, it has three lodges and
of local communities through employment
the country’s economic development – and
a staff of ten, four of whom have been with
and local sourcing of goods and services.’
Conserving what remains of Madagascar’s
92 | r:travel
First, make the right choice
AT THE Adventure Company we recognise we are accountable for the way we affect the destinations and the local communities we travel to. For many years we have placed
IT’S EASY TO dismiss mainstream tourists as
understanding of local culture. Ticket books
more interested in flopping on a beach by a
sent out recommend buying locally-made
concrete Costa complex. And for most, how
souvenirs; First Choice Holiday Villages,
on trains, camels or boats, and stay with
much their holiday helps the environment
catering for around 100,000 tourists, feature
local families or in local guest houses. All our
or benefits the local community is not a
local handicrafts in their shops and stage
guides also live in the destination countries
primary motivation. But pitch it right, as First
weekly craft fairs for local craftspeople.
so you benefit from their knowledge and they
Choice is doing and you can encourage mass-
Travelife environmental audits – a
market to start making the right choice. First Choice customers have the option to
new common standard developed by the Federation of Tour Operators – have been
responsible travel at the heart of our business. During our tours you’ll travel like locals;
benefit from the money and skills which go, and stay, in the area. We are also committed to improve our
donate £1 per adult – and 50p per child – to
carried out in 270 hotels in the past 16
destinations’ infrastructures through the
the company’s World Care Fund, with First
months, identifying targets for water and
Adventure Company Foundation. Funds
Choice (now part of TUI Travel) matching
energy consumption, and energy-saving
donated by our passengers are put towards
them pound for pound. Eighty per cent of
initiatives are in place to make First Choice’s
carefully selected community projects. These
this fund goes to Climate Care to support
airline as fuel efficient as possible. These
are small grass-roots initiatives that really
environmental projects and 20 per cent goes
measures have saved about 34,000 tonnes of
make a difference such as building houses in
to The Travel Foundation, a charity caring for
CO2 in the past year – equivalent to taking
Sri Lanka, a community centre in Nepal and
local communities in holiday destinations.
10,000 family cars off the road for a year.
equipping schools in Morocco and Ecuador.
A third of customers makes a contribution;
Jane Ashton is now devising a responsible
Finally, if you decide to travel with us
that percentage dropped sharply when the
tourism strategy across the whole of TUI.
you’ll receive our responsible travel leaflet; a
company raised its initial 40p voluntary levy
‘Making the business case for responsible
simple travellers’ code, which helps you make
to £1.50, before settling on a pound, showing
tourism isn’t that hard,’ she says, ‘On the
a positive difference to the countries and
that while mainstream consumers ‘care’ they
environmental side it’s important to be
places you’re journeying through.
don’t care so much! ‘We’ve learnt how price-
sustainable. On the social side it makes the
sensitive the market is,’ admits Jane Ashton,
travel experience more meaningful.’
business in a way that respects and benefits
TUI’s head of sustainable development.
the destinations we travel to; without their
The World Care Fund was launched in
We are dedicated to managing our
environment and way of life the fascination
March 2007 and First Choice customers
of travel is lost.
raised more than £1 million in the first year.
‘FOR TEN YEARS First Choice has been
This year the fund has been rolled out across
quietly working to make its operations more
other TUI brands, and the company expects
sustainable, demonstrating what a large-
to raise up to £2.5 million for overseas
scale tour operator can achieve. It has put
projects – testament to the importance of
sustainability at the core of its business model
engaging mainstream spending power.
and transparently reported their progress in
Many resorts have set up a ‘sustainable excursion’ that offers customers a better
its People and Environment report; it has been a leader in the sector.’
r:travel | 93
The winning mentality What makes a winner? Harold Goodwin, professor of responsible tourism management at Leeds Metropolitan University, director of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism, and chair of the judges, talks r:travel through the selection and judging process for the Responsible Tourism Awards HOW ARE THE AWARDS JUDGED? The nominations for each category are sent to one of our Masters or PhD students in the International Centre for Responsible Tourism. They read through the nominations and do some basic research on them. As chair, I moderate that process and sometimes a nomination is moved to a more appropriate category. The top 15 or so are then sent questionnaires and the nominees asked to tell us what they have achieved on the social, economic and environmental aspects of responsible tourism. They are also asked to provide references, which we take up and give to the judges. Two judges work together on each category to select three or four nominees which they then present to the rest of the panel and make a recommendation. These are debated, drawing on judges’ knowledge and additional background provided by independent referees approached by me as chair. There is usually a keen debate but generally a consensus emerges, occasionally there is a vote.
toughest categories to win are probably
We are looking for the best practices in
tour operator, small hotels and personal
responsible tourism, for new approaches
contribution – some really good practice is
and examples that others can emulate; we
not even commended in these categories.
want to encourage change through the
In other categories, for example low carbon
awards. We also look for a track record and
transport & technology, cruise operators and
evidence of delivering social, economic and
volunteering, the competition is less stiff. But
Many of those recognised want to remain
environmental benefits to the communities
it’s growing; when we first included poverty
at the cutting edge; they take pride in
and their natural and cultural environments.
reduction the initiatives we were looking at
developing and implementing their policy.
were much weaker than they are today.
Anyone who has been a winner or been
highly commended previously has to explain what they have done since that’s new. Often,
nominations, compared to 1,700 last year.
And the standard rises every year – it was
Yes it has – we look for better and better
from those who did better than it did, and
much harder to win this year than it was
practice and the evidence to back up the
is likely to go on to be a winner. Others rest
back when the awards started in 2004. The
claims that the businesses are making.
back on their laurels and disappear. The
For a start, there were more than 1,900
94 | r:travel
a company which was highly commended one year will push hard to improve, learning
| HOW standards are rising and only the best can win or be commended.
Meet the judges HAROLD GOODWIN, chair of the
SUE HURDLE is the chief executive
judges, is professor of Responsible
of The Travel Foundation, the
Tourism Management at Leeds
government and industry-backed
demonstrating that a new approach works
Metropolitan University and director of the
sustainable tourism charity that helps the
– we want to see what the company is
International Centre for Responsible Tourism
UK travel industry to take effective action on
contributing itself or in the way it works
– a post-graduate research and training
sustainable tourism.
with suppliers and purchasers and, of course,
centre, where he runs an MSc in Responsible
the customers – but our focus is on what the
Tourism Management.
nominee has achieved and its sustainability.
director and a founder of bgb JUSTIN FRANCIS is founder and
DEBBIE HINDLE is the managing communications and has worked
managing director of online travel
on sustainable travel issues for organisations
directory responsibletravel.com,
ranging from tourist boards to NGOs. She is
founders and organisers of the Responsible
also a member of the United Nations World
Tourism Awards, and is a Trustee of The
Tourism Organisation’s Crisis Action Team.
Travel Foundation.
But small is not always beautiful. One of
KEITH RICHARDS is a barrister
the fundamental principles of responsible
FIONA JEFFERY is chairman of
tourism is that anyone involved in tourism
World Travel Market, and chairman/
can be more responsible. Some of the
founder of the international travel
and ABTA’s head of business development and consumer affairs. He is responsible for policy and strategy
large operators are beginning to make real
and tourism industry charity – Just a Drop,
work on corporate responsibility including
improvements; if they are the best in the
which aims to deliver clean water to more
sustainable development, holiday health and
category they should be rewarded. One of
than 1.1 billion children worldwide.
safety, and disability access issues.
the many mistakes ecotourism made was a refusal to engage with the mainstream, which
NEEL INAMDAR is the ecotourism
meant it ghettoised itself. We need to change
business advisor for Conservation
travel editor of the Telegraph Media
the mainstream industry.
International, and a liaison and advisor between private corporations and
non-governmental organisations.
Group, a position he has held for the past ten years. He is also the author of Last
Days In Cloud Cuckooland, which deals with the end of colonial rule in Africa.
Competition will continue to grow – we’ll
ANDREW COOPER is the director
also see more criticism of carbon offsetting
general of both the Federation
and concern about access to potable water for
of Tour Operators, and the
publisher of Geographical magazine
local communities.
International Federation of Tour Operators.
and runs Circle Publishing which also produces DIVE, Active, Business
IAN REYNOLDS was chief
Franchise, r:travel and Christian Aid News.
executive of the Association of British Travel Agents from 1994
Helping to raise awareness of responsible
until September 2005. Among his current
tourism in the industry and among
roles is director of NTP Limited, which
the executive director of the
consumers, recognising the achievement of
provides training throughout the travel
She currently oversees the International
responsible businesses, engaging the
Business Leaders Forum’s Youth Career
International Tourism Partnership.
Initiative, Digital Partnership, and
mainstream – it is very important that the awards are presented in the heart of the
TRICIA BARNETT is the director
International Tourism Partnership
international industry at World Travel Market
of Tourism Concern, the UK-based
and that they are announced on WTM World
charity that campaigns for ethical
Responsible Tourism Day – it is also
and fairly-traded tourism.
important that they are being emulated.
r:travel | 95
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r:travel | 97
as safe in my life as I was with the three men we met. One, Brahim, said to me: “While you are with us, I am your father.” And he meant it. I had this sudden realisation that I’d imposed another responsibility upon someone who already had a lot to deal with. ‘We got involved in the routine of this extraordinary journey that they make twice a year. I learnt an incredible patience and resilience. At one point we were caught in a sandstorm for 48 hours. We had no tents; we just had to hunker down. You had to totally shut your brain down. You can’t go anywhere; you can’t even open your eyes. ‘When we travelled, we’d get up at 2am. It’d be freezing cold and we’d walk in the dark for four hours, then ride for another ten. ‘Those people became pivotal to our lives. I’ve never seen them since, but every journey I take I feel they’re with me. Towards the end we found out they hadn’t originally planned to go to Timbuktu, but to their camp 200km north. They would keep the salt there until the summer when the price went up and
The road to Timbuktu For TV presenter Kate Humble – back on our screens last month in the BBC’s Autumn Watch series – a long-cherished dream to undertake a desert journey in Mali proved to be the inspiration for a simple, but effective new way that travellers can help third world communities
sell it then. But they were going to take us to Timbuktu – it was a matter of honour. However, we persuaded them to drop us at a small oasis settlement, where vehicles would come from Timbuktu every few days. While we waited we stayed with a local family and visited the local school where we offered to talk to the class. And one kid asked: “How long does it take to get to your country by
‘I HAD wanted to travel with the camel salt
caravan heading north. Amazingly, it turned
camel.” I said: “The sea is in the middle”
caravans to Timbuktu for ten years. I’m not
out that they were members of Shindouk’s
– but they didn’t know about the sea.
even sure where the idea came from – it was
extended family – but not as high in the
something I’d read, or heard or seen, that the
hierarchy, so when he asked if they would
world, and then it hit me: it would have
Berabish Tuareg carry salt from mines in the
take us on their journey the poor blokes had
been so easy to have brought one with me if
Sahara to Timbuktu to sell in the market.
no choice but to agree.
I had known how much difference it would
‘After a lot of research, I made contact
‘So began our five-week journey in the
‘The teacher asked if we had a map of the
have made to people there. That was the
with an American aid worker who said: “Just
desert. It was the most incredible experience.
catalyst for the idea that became my website
come here and see if it will work.” So in
It was the most time I spent with very
stuffyourrucksack.com. It’s become the thing
January 1999 my husband Ludo and I flew
traditional Muslim people, but I’ve never felt
that I’m proudest to be associated with.’
to Bamako, and then by bus and plane to Timbuktu, where this woman introduced us to a Berabish guide called Shindouk, who, basically, made it all happen. ‘We loaded up a vehicle with petrol, rice,
STUFFYOURRUCKSACK.COM Launched by Kate Humble last year, this is a website where travellers can help each other to give practical assistance to people
dates and nuts and set off into the desert
who have the least, but often give the most. It’s not about taking
in search of one of these caravans. But we
sweets and pens to encourage children to beg; nor is it about handing
broke down in the middle of nowhere and
out money. It’s about helping small, legitimate organisations that
were resigned to turning back when we saw a
get little or no help from their government or from NGOs.
98 | r:travel
A word from your sponsor. Congratulations.
As proud sponsors of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Responsible Tourism Awards we, like the many individuals and companies recognised for their efforts, are continually striving to make our business more sustainable for a greener, cleaner future. So on behalf of Virgin Holidays, congratulations to the winners. Through your efforts the whole world gets to reap the rewards. To find out more about our commitment to a more sustainable future visit virginholidays.com/responsible