Alexandra Burgos-Thorsen work samples

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Desert Farm Exhibition

Regenerative imaginaries in the Abu Dhabi desert

A collection of collages, photographs, hand drawings, and Midjourney-images of speculative desert ecologies

Role: Designer, plant strategist, lead illustrator

Social + Ecological Methods Repository

Lecture for SLA method and design circle

A repository of social-ecological design methods and alternative ways of conceptualizing nature

Role: Planting designer and R&D Officer


savanna test plot
riparian test plot

Tierra Media Exhibition

Making space for latine/x/a/o voices in search of new relationships with the land

Video and collage exhibition of Tierra Media at the 2022 Landscape Architecture Foundation Leadership symposium

Role: Tierra Media Project co-founder, video editor, collage maker

On Healing

Stories from BIPOC landscape architecture students

A collection of photographs and essays published in Extents (2021)

Role: Lead Editor, interviewer, photographer

Dubai Creek

Resilient planting strategy

Artistic approach to conveying biodiversity and planting schemes to decision-makers via collages and illustrations

Role: Planting designer, storytelling lead

This lush, multi-story planting character zone acts as a natural buffer, blending functionality with playfulness and discovery with a mix of native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, creating a dynamic and layered composition. Tall canopy trees provide dappled shade and contribute to a comfortable microclimate, while the understory is densely vegetated enhancing biodiversity and visual richness

Harbour gardens

Thoughtfully designed transition zones, this semi dense planting approach enhances ecological richness while maintaining visual permeability to evoke a calm, residential park vibe. The trees provide gentle shading and structure but are spaced enough for visibility, while the groundcovers and shrubs contribute texture, seasonal interest, and biodiversity at eye level

Roadside planting

Moving away from row planting, this character zone instead embraces a naturalistic style to enchance visual depth, provide shade, and soften the hardscape. This will accompany busy streets with layered trees and shrubs to act as a ecological barrier between car traffic and human and non-human activity

Conceptual Plant Matrix

This resilient palette is intended to be a plaza style planting typology that provides shade in gathering spaces and big open parks. It’s a blend between urban and open forest with big trees and groundcovers. The native trees can be in planters or in pavement.

Plaza grove
Barari forest

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