+45 31 20 71 44
Absalonsgade 3, 1658 KBH V
Design strengths
Plant design
Ecological research
Graphic communication + visual
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Healing Communities through Healing Land (2025). Handbook on Planning with Youth: Methods and Tools for Participatory Spatial Planning
Healing Communities Through Healing Land: What the South Park Youth Vision Project teaches us about social and ecological justice (2025) … but, who are we building for? Edited by Building Diversity
I am an American-Chilean-Honduran landscape architect, plant specialist and researcher whose design ethic centers environmental and spatial justice. I am passionate about bridging design with community engagement, environmental research, and visual storytelling for social and ecological restoration. Practicing with an ethics of care, I strongly believe that healing land is directly tied to healing communities and cultivating placemaking. I am currently practicing at SLA where I work on international revitalization projects, using ecological research to create strategies and plant designs for regenerative ecosystems that reflect the local landscape, strengthen biodiversity, and create spaces of belonging for all species. With a nature-based approach, I collaborate with biologists and ecologists to leverage the transformational properties of natural systems to increase our cities’ resilience to climate impacts and with my artistic abilities, I graphically conceptualize sustainable futures and communicate stories from the land.
Current affiliations
SLA, DK September 2023 - Present Landscape architect and Plant Specialist
University of Copenhagen, DK October 2023 - Present INTERSECT Research Fellow
Tierra Media Project, US May 2020 - Present Co-founder
Queers for Liberation, DK January 2024 - Present Activist & Community organizer
Building Diversity, DK October 2023 - Present Member
SCAPE, NY January 2023 - July 2023
Junior Landscape Designer
Gehl Architects, DK August 2021 - March 2022
Landscape Architect Fellow
University of Washington Masters Degree, Landscape Architecture Graduated 2021
University of California, Berkeley Graduated 2017
San Francisco State University Graduated 2016
Summer [IN]STITUTE in Environmental Design Field Of Study [IN]LAND Landscape Architecture Program
Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities