[basics] Instructional Material for Art Faculty By Alexandra Novik
Humanities are the creative and intellectual expressions of each of us in the moment of inspiration. In other words is joy of being alive. The humanities offer a safe heaven, a quiet harbor where we can moor our vessels and, at least for a time, confirm who we are. Each of us is more than a gender, an age, an address, an occupation. Each of us are thoughts, expressed or not, the capacity to be moved, the need to laugh or cry, longing for things just beyond our reach. The humanities gives us the ideas to stimulate our intellect, musical sounds to excite our passions and knowledge which we can use to create something beautiful and inspiring. Humanities provide us as well as teach us moments of critical thoughts and aesthetic pleasure. In other words humanities are Techniques for living for the people who wants to do more with their life. The key to richer life is to be as open minded as possible. “We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane”. -Kurt Vonnegut
The recourses of the humanities are unlimited, but all too often our wants are meager. In the economic world you can’t always be rich by choice, but in the world of humanities you can be “poor” by choice. The pleasure that beauty inspires in us is called aesthetic. The humanities can be enjoyed for both theirs aesthetic and communicative functions. Learning to distinguish one from another is an important part of critical thinking. “The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating”