In the old times they painted watercolor paintings on the parchment from the bleached skin, on the thin plates done from ivory, which is used for the miniatures now, or on the flaxen bleached cloths and considerably later watercolor paintings are done on the paper. Now watercolor paintings are done as a rule only on the paper. From the XIV century ancient paper was made of fibers of flax and quality of watercolor paintings were rather high. From beginning of the 17th century for the production of paper for watercolor, they began to use cotton, which had no so good standard as line, and the quality of paper for watercolors had changed for worse. Now we have a lot of types of paper for watercolors. Nowdays paper is made not only of cotton and flax, but also from such materials as a wood of coniferous trees and straw. But flax and cotton nevertheless remain the most valuable materials for watercolor paintings. Many types of paper consists of plant cellulose tissue, gypsum, spar, chalk, kaolin, aqueous alumina, white lead, and also for masking paper’s yellow blue color they add ultramarine and the Berlin blue. Paper pulp is connected together by meal paste, starch, animal glue and rosin. In the old times they used exceptionally meal paste, which is the most resembling material for watercolor paintings. Nowadays they use more frequently gelatin. The paper, pasted by gelatin, rapidly blooms and covers with spots under the effect of the dampness. A lot of chemical substances are used now for the paper producing and it frequently makes negative influence on its covering. Watercolor painting needs a good quality paper. Paper that is produced of wood and straw rapidly turns into brown or black in the light; that is why it is not completely suitable for watercolor paintings. Cotton paper has no this negative feature but it is not possible to wash it and scrape, so paint doesn’t lay down smoothly on watercolor paintings. The only suitable by paper for the watercolor painting appears the flaxen paper, which has irreproachable whiteness. There must not be any chemical substances, and it must not rapidly suck. On this paper the paint lies down smoothly and it became bright very fast, it is also possible to wash paper off and to scrape it. The tracks of the fat can stay on the paper's surface, which prevents the distribution of paint. So before starting to paint with watercolors, the surface of paper should be washed in the distilled water with several drops of ammonium hydroxide. If a good flaxen paper is tuned a little yellow it can be