LN Nov/Dec 2011 Issue #46

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LN is for Living



v/ D Bi ec m iss on u th e # ly 46

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year No

The All New

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"She could have used look4usincyprus.com's new property section to point her in the right direction"

Welcome Dear Readers,

Xmas is around the corner already. As we get set for another year of festivities LN Magazine is looking forward to bringing you a bumper edition of things to do, make, eat and places to dine out, shop and of course drink and be merry! As we keep hearing that Cyprus is hitting a recession and the gloomists keep reinforcing this with their doom and gloom attitude to life, LN Magazine has a more optimistic outlook. Not only is Cyprus on the way to discovering Oil and gas, but Gold deposits have been found in Anglisedes, Larnaca. This could make Cyprus a very rich European country. Lets hope everyone doesn't start getting out their shovels and spades, but at least there may be a brighter future over the horizon. No matter what the outlook LN Magazine is still here to bring you all the latest developments with gossip on health, fashion, beauty, events, food and drink and of course we now have our new business & finance section with all the latest news from CIBA and the hottest property news from our newest contributor Antonis Loizou. Plus we have a great property section for you in case any of you are using the slump in the market to snap up a bargain. Of course the team would like to wish all our readers and advertisers a very Merry Xmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year!! Enjoy.






LARNACA NEWS Edition 46 - Press Office Registry No. N3529 Mailing Address: Larnaca News, PO Box 42537, 6500 Larnaca Cyprus Publishing Editor: Anthi Andreou 96 600 760 info@larnacanews.com Editor: Alex Andreou 96 600 729 editor@larnacanews.com Advertising & Business Development: Elli Kasparis 96 600 726 elli@nomasiamedia.com Rowena Tavern 96 600 728 rowena@nomasiamedia.com Contributors: Alex Andreou, Anthi Andreou, Elsa Meserlian, George Troullias, Margarita Drosopoulou, Antonis Loizou, Tara Pierce and CIBA. Event Photography: Christine Constantine and Anthi Andreou Distribution: George Kasparis 96 600 772 NEXT ISSUE — January 2011. Deadline for the January/February issue is 28th December Please contact our team for rates, availability and copy deadlines. All original material in this publication is the property of Larnaca News Š 2007-2011 and may not be reproduced without permission. Whilst we make every effort possible to confirm the authenticity of services and/or products advertised and that any information contained in the advertisements is accurate, complete, true and not misleading, LN accepts no responsibility for the content of any advertisement. All complaints should be addressed therefore direct to the advertiser. Furthermore Larnaca News accepts no responsibility for any comments or opinions made in any article or advertisement. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author, or advertiser as the case may be, and do not necessarily represent those of LN (Cyprus). All rights reserved.

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A Merry Xmas & r Happy New Yea m! from the LN Tea


Front Cover Nov/Dec 56 LN Magazine

The All New


For Living



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FRBimontchissue # EE ly 46

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

LN Magazine I 5

Food For Thought St Helena's Angels

" "

In Baghdad this Christmas there’s no room at the inn. In fact it’s worse than that – there’s no inn.” So runs the opening line of the Christmas Pastoral Letter for the congregation of St Helena’s Anglican Church Larnaca this year.

St Helena’s is the local community representing a worldwide Anglican Communion that includes the Church of England, the Church in Wales and the Episcopalian Church in America. Cyprus is part of the Anglican Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East. There are Anglican churches in all the main towns, throughout the whole island of Cyprus, and St Helena’s Larnaca is opposite the old hospital near the bus stops in the centre of town.

The church also offers an evening service on the first Sunday of each month at 6.30, and is open during the week on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am until 12pm. There are people around the church at these times but primarily the idea is to provide a quiet space where people can come to reflect, perhaps light a candle or pray, or just find respite. In addition we have a range of special services for occasions such as harvest festival or Remembrance Sunday, as well as the main Christian festivals such as Christmas, which we are in the process of putting together a programme of spirituality events for these times during Lent. There is also a luncheon Club, open to all, which meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Membership costs €5 and each meal is also €5. There has been Anglican worship in Larnaca for over a hundred years. This reflects the history of the town as the main port of Cyprus and the location of foreign embassies and trade delegations in years gone by. The original St Helena’s was demolished to make way for a more modern development in the 1980s, and though it may no longer look very church-like architecturally, it certainly tries to be church-like in every other way. It provides opportunity for prayer and reflection on the big issues of the day, and the big questions of the human condition. It tries to build a sense of community and belonging, and it looks for opportunities for service. It is a place where people can learn more about the Christian faith in a nonthreatening environment.

It has a cosmopolitan congregation that meets each Sunday for worship and a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am. Typically there will be long time residents, visitors to the island and seasonal ex-pats from around the world present. The style of worship is Anglican, but we make an effort to present our services in a way that will enable people from many shades and traditions to find something recognisable and worthwhile. Coffee is served after the service in the courtyard and firsttime visitors usually remark on the friendliness and An important aspect of the Anglican Church is that it is welcoming attitudes of the local congregation. worldwide even though each church is firmly rooted in its

St Helena’s Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf Christmas and Pre-Christmas Event Calender Wednesdays 30 November, 7 December and 14 December: For Advent a series of Bible studies on the theme: the first Christmas, what really happened? In the Upper Room from 3pm to 4.30pm. Sunday 4 December: Christingle service at 6.30pm followed by Christmas Fayre with hot food and mulled wine. Email: info@sainthelenaschurch.com Website: www.sainthelenaschurch.com Office Tel: 00357 24 626824 Chaplains Tel: 00357 24 651327 Chaplains Mob: 00357 99 658147

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18 December: The Sunday Evening service will be a service of Lessons and Carols at 6.30pm. 24 December: First Communion of Christmas service in the late evening. 25 December: Christmas Day there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am.

locality. We are part of a wider diocese, the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, which stretches from Cyprus through the Arabian Peninsula as far as Yemen, including at least ten different political jurisdictions. These connections give our congregation a valuable sense of being part of our wider community, and opportunities to know personally people who are living and working in what are at the moment, and have been throughout the ages, some of the most significant places in human history. At the moment, St Helena’s has a very personal link with these places through its chaplain, because in addition to being the chaplain I also have a role in the wider diocese, which means I travel to other countries and can bring back first hand accounts of life there. Hence the first line of our Christmas newsletter. A few weeks ago I was in Baghdad. Our church there, St George’s, is situated in one of the most bombed areas of a city which still looks, and to an extent acts like, a war zone. Security is huge. We were accompanied from the airport by pick-up trucks filled with armed guards, veering around the road from the airport to the church to avoid being too easy a target. Concrete barriers and barbed wire are everywhere, even around the church compound. Four of our guards there were killed relatively recently in a drive-by shooting. Vigilance is needed at all times.

capacity congregation meets each week numbering several hundred, demonstrating what it means to hang on to hope in a hopeless situation. The people there are, in a sense, members of our family and even here in Larnaca we have a special relationship with them and will be remembering them in our prayers this Christmas. ●

In the compound itself the church runs a clinic. We employ four doctors and three dentists serving the local population, Christian or not. We are about to open a newly built primary school for 150 children. Every Sunday our food distribution programme gives out 500 food parcels to people for whom this is a lifeline. The church congregation has suffered huge loss of life during the last few years, but still a "

"Help It's Xmas"

With Christmas just around the corner we are all too aware of the cost of all the festivities that take place during this special time of year with the ever rising cost of food and drinks, the parties and presents to go to and buy, as well as the dresses and decorations for that festive look and feel. In such a time of joyous occasion, where friends and family get together to share in the fun and frolics of the Christmas celebrations can you imagine for one moment what it must be like for people who are in need.

There are people with very low income and financial hardships, the elderly and retired with the burden of ever increasing costs of living, single parents, people who are experiencing personal, family or relationship problems, adults and children who are of poor physical and mental health and the list goes on and on. All these people and more are in serious need of help and support. At this time of

year, Christmas can be a time that is especially difficult for them, but we can actually help create an enjoyable atmosphere for them over the Christmas period and long after it has finished. Help is available; support can be found. There are people who will listen and there are people who care. There are organisations that exist in the public domain for all of us to access and contribute to. No matter how small a donation, it can really help to make a positive difference to another person’s life. We can all be part of a support mechanism by making donations, providing voluntary work, helping out at different charity organisations and churches to aid them in their support efforts. We can drop in food and clothing parcels, hand in any unwanted items, go along and support different organised events and fund raisers and be a part of something wonderful. LN LN Magazine I 7

Cyprus Support Groups " TLC Appeal - http://www.tlcappeal.org – info@tlcappeal. org – Help sick children in Hospitals in Cyprus and the UK with donations to buy teddy bears for them to cuddle. Teddies for Loving Care Appeal or TLC Appeal provide teddies or soft toys to A&E units where the staff feel that a teddy to cuddle will help alleviate distress, which will assist them in their urgent work. United Nations Children’s Emergency Funds – Countries in crisis, emergency assistance, funding appeals and donor updates. Worldwide contact Tel: +(30) 210 72 55 555 Cyprus Red Cross – The Cyprus Red Cross relies for its existence and operation on the help of more than 8000 dedicated people who contribute their time and effort on a voluntary basis in providing humanitarian and other services, including money collections necessary for carrying out the work and fulfilling the mission of the C.R.C. Cyprus Red Cross Street, 2063 Strovolos Nicosia. “If you have a few hours to spare, why not work with us as a volunteer?” Tel: 22 666 955 Cyprus Social Welfare Services – family counselling and support services, pubic assistance for the elderly and persons of disabilities, prevention/handling of violence, child protection, day care centres, allowances. 23 – 25 Piliou, 6301 Larnaca Cyprus – Tel: 24 800 101 St Helena’s Church – Donations, food parcels, clothing and unwanted items, voluntary help, quiet meditation, someone to talk to and reduced price luncheon club. Tel: Office 24 626 824, Chaplain 24 651 327, 99 658 147. Cyprus Samaritans - has been operating in Cyprus for over 12 years. We are a registered charity, who seek to alleviate human misery, sadness, loneliness, despair and depression by listening to those who feel they have no one else to turn to, and no one who would understand or accept them. Part of Befrienders International, Cyprus Samaritans, offers emotional support to anyone who may need it. Their telephone ‘listening’ service is available throughout Cyprus operating 365 days a year. We also offer an e-mail service, and an opportunity to talk to a Samaritan in person, at our listening centre in Paphos. Our experienced volunteers will give you all the time and space you need, in total confidence, to talk about anything that is worrying you. Whatever the problem is, you will be treated with respect and sensitivity. We do not give advice, but we can help you to explore your options and provide information that may be useful to you. Contact Cyprus Samaritans Tel: 77-77-72-67 (6pm to 10pm). Extended hours from Jan 2nd (4pm to Midnight) E-mail: confidential@cyprussamaritans.org Web: www.cyprussamaritans.org LN Magazine I 9


With the upcoming elections for the new Mayor of Larnaca taking place near Christmas, LN has decided to see just what lies in store for us as residents of Larnaca in the coming New Year. To do this we took time out to interview two of those eager to take the Larnaca Mayor chair and we also made sure to get some time in with the current Mayor of Larnaca Andreas Moyseos whose term is rapidly coming to an end, but hasn’t quite ended yet.

A TIme Well Spent Andreas Moyseos


Interview by LN's Elli Kasparis & Ani Bogosian Wriiten by Elsa Merselian

ndreas Moyseos is the Mayor who will probably always be remembered for the new airport that was built during his term, which he called “An ornament decorating the whole of Cyprus, especially Larnaca”. Mayor Moyseos has been in the Town Hall for a long time and has overseen

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many of the standing developments. This includes the modernisation of the road networks, which is ongoing, the soon to come multilevel car park, the Marina project to be signed within this year, construction of the 3 squares, and the improvement of public transport, which has attracted the reluctant locals.

Optimistic projects to come include the development of Giannaki Christodolides road, which has a bad traffic issue at the G.S.Z side T-Junction of the road. It is expected to soon have a roundabout, which will organise the flow of traffic better; two new multilevel car parks down town, expected to modernise the Saturday fruit market and relieve commuters’ parking problems; and finally the long awaited Larnaca Marina project, which the Mayor described as being in its final stages. When asked what he would have changed during his term, he told LN that he was honoured to work with a great team with “few quarrels” within his council. He admitted to working eighteen hour days, which were tiresome, and that there is a

limit to what aspirations one has and what is realistically possible to achieve. “It is a matter of subjective opinion”, he said, but reassured LN that he has put his best and honest effort into all of his work. Although all these are things to be proud of, there is still a common impression that more could have been done during his time in office. The Mayor shares this opinion and commented saying “Larnaca has not developed as much as other cities”. However he concluded his statement by announcing, “It’s generally admitted that the next 5 years are the prosper years for Larnaca” therefore maintaining the belief in what he called “the most beautiful and comfortable city in Cyprus”. ●

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A Mayor In The Making Andreas Louroutziatis


Interview by LN's Elli Kasparis & Elsa Merselian Wriiten by Elsa Merselian

he decision to run for Mayor was not made over night for Mr. Louroutziatis. His ambition finally came to fruition during this year’s Mayor election when he decided to run. “I put my candidacy forward with a bit of romanticism”, he said when he explained to LN his love for Larnaca and aspiration to “turn Larnaca into a modern City”.

Mr. Lourousziatis was the managing director of EBEX, a family owned local business, which manufactures paper products and has been involved politically within the city as a volunteer. Through these experiences he has learned the

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conventional paradigm expressed amongst locals and citizens in Larnaca, and other cities alike, that Larnaca has fallen behind in terms of development. “We are living within the constraints we build for ourselves”, he commented about the situation, pinpointing that the delays in development were due to a lack of due diligence in the developmental project proposals and a passive acceptance of the situation as it is. According to his research he showed LN that Larnaca has put forward 9 proposals for developmental projects alongside the 27 from Nicosia, 44 from Limassol and 34 from Paphos. "It is not a matter of lack of funding", he explained, but rather a matter of a lack of mature proposals. "There is no conspiracy from the central government to keep Larnaca behind", he explained. Thus the concept that Larnaca is a victim of some wrongdoing must be changed first, and that energy redirected into positive activism and volunteerism. As a businessman, he wants to confront the current economic crisis by attracting consumers back to the commercial centre in Larnaca, and holding events to promote sales within the city is essential to do this. He gave an example of conducting a Christmas market in Ermou Square during the

holiday season, or holding a campaign where all the retailers in the area provide local products, which will boost sales of local manufacturers and retailers. These could be easily achieved as sponsors are very keen and volunteers feel honoured when asked to help their city. He mentioned to LN a story he read in Bill Clinton’s Memoirs, where, when he was the governor of Arkansas, the former US President travelled miles out of the state to speak to the heads of Coca Cola in an attempt to convince them to move operations into his state. He eventually succeeded, resulting in bringing more employment opportunities to his state. Mr. Louroutziatis plans to do the same, starting with Luk Oil, whose main operations are in Larnaca, but have their head office located in Nicosia. "The first thing I will do as Mayor, is book an appointment with Luk Oil, and ask them: what is it going to take to bring you to Larnaca?" It is this, the pride of the city, which Mr. Louroutziatis wants to promote. He spoke of the establishment of local identity through dialogue with youths, and “dialogue with sensitivity” with the various communities that currently reside together. He associated this to the philosophy

advocated by the European Union for more power to local government, which is closer to the citizen than governance at national level; having a more inclusive society would help in issues of social integration. “We have to admit Larnaca is a very foreigner friendly City”, and he is very optimistic about keeping it that way. Volunteerism is another issue he has emphasised the importance of to LN. Alongside his experiences and contacts that will help him, he mentioned the importance of involving the younger generation. To do this, he will need to gain their trust by being “genuine”. A campaigner asked him recently, “can you convince me to vote for you right here and right now?” Mr Louroutziatis said that to convince someone is “a very difficult thing to do actually.” He simply “spoke with honesty” in reply to the youngster's question. Mr Louroutziatis’ plan of action involves writing out clearly realistic goals and working on achieving them one by one. He also mentioned in his plans some reoccurring demands by the Town Hall such as a local Public University and the dismantlement of the oil refineries for further development plans. ●

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Speaking For The People Nikos Kleanthos Interview by LN's Elli Kasparis & Ani Bogosian Wriiten by Elsa Merselian


r. Kleanthous has been he denied, saying he had chosen the path himself, and did not try to pressure his own children into it, speaking for Larnaca’s although he is proud of their decision to follow in his footsteps. people within central He told LN, “I know the problems of Larnaca very government for the last well.” He mentioned various issues including a passive discourse rather than a proactive one, parliamentary term. which will help evolvement. “Complaining is not bad, as long as you use it to improve yourself”, he When asked during the parliamentary elections commented. With this matter he also mentioned a more pragmatic dialogue with youths. “Youths if he would be interested in local government, he are not interested in politics; not just in Cyprus, but everywhere. They have to see we are fighting had not shown interest, yet only one day after the for their well being.” He intends to promote this by having more frequent dialogues to enhance political results of parliament Mr. Kleanthous decided to run involvement in younger generations. for mayor due to the persistence of supporters who There was a large emphasis on the cooperation of central government to be able to push forward were disappointed with the results. “It didn’t interest developmental matters. Mr. Kleanthous humbly mentioned that he is a fighter who has not let me as things had stood”, he explained to LN. “But personal or political consequences come in the way of his battles in the past. “I was able to push my in politics you must never say never.” He expressed efforts for Larnaca forward in the past because I had an influential position in government, as Mayor I will that he bears a very large responsibility for his peers need help”. On his agenda he has developmental and expansion projects, as well as an emphasis to who have chosen to believe in him, which he feels keep daily civilian problems to a minimum. will help him in his persistence to achieve the best Some of the issues he took personal interest in pursuing for his city when in parliament included for Larnaca. the development of Stratigou Timaya Avenue. The central government were reluctant at first to give The former member of Parliament practices law in the €1.5 million required for the improvements of his private firm, which inspired his two children to what now has become a modern and commercial join him, making it a family establishment. When road. “I spent 4 months going to the finance ministry asked if his own father had encouraged him in law and various other governmental divisions, but 16 I LN Magazine

eventually it all paid off”. Another was the transformation of the Larnaca shooting range into an Olympic level shooting range able to hold international events. When speaking to banks about future developmental plans lately, however, he was told that until the oil refineries are dismantled there is little investment interest in the city’s development. Thus two projects he expressed urgency for are the Marina project and the disassembling of the oil refineries. When discussing matters of social integration, Mr. Kleanthous expressed that the matter should certainly be addressed further. He identified that there are many asylum seekers as well as European Nationals in the City as it is one of the most hospitable cities in Cyprus. These groups should be targeted and heard so as to meet their needs and assist their integration and maintain civil society. “If you expect me to know about these issues, I apologize but I don’t. I hope these groups will have unions to represent them so we can communicate with them to resolve issues they have.” On matters of the financial crisis, Mr. Kleanthous identified that the situation is not as bad in Cyprus as other European countries, but strict financial restructuring is essential to get rid of bad policies such as “double pensions”. He expressed solidarity in such critical times and patience for them to pass.●

LN Magazine I 17

Business News - Just Opened! Paris Kyri Boutique

Bookends Moves

Paris Boutique

Simoulla Well known as a promotor of Tiffany wedding dresses with 28yrs experience in the clothing industry - it's a shop not to be missed.

Women's high street clothing brands at non high street prices. Grab yourself a bargain at British Clothing Stores in Larnaca

Tina & Chris have now moved near the AEK Bingo on Dhekalia road with lots of new stock available.


Husband and wife, Marilyn and John, are the new ladlords with their pet pooch mascot Chester! I hear Chesters does a great Sunday Roast!

Dog-E-Cutz is Mobile British Clothing Stores How to Get Featured in LN's Open For Business page Are you opening a new business, renovating or moving premises? Let the LN know and get FEATURED in the next issue! Simply send in a photo of your business together with caption information and all of your important contact details to the LN Editor. Reserve your spot early as space is limited. Please note that although this is a completely free service priority is given to our advertising clients. Contact us on Email: editor@larnacanews.com or Tel the office on +357 96600760

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Dog -E-Cutz is here to groom and prune your pouches on the go!

The Tudor Inn Re-Opens

And It's Business As Usual ...

This month has seen a surge in new business launches. Even though LN doubled the space allocated to New Businesses we still had to turn some of you entrepreneurs away. If you are moving premises, setting up a new business or expanding and opening a new branch give us a call and get featured. But remember space is limited so call us early and don't be disappointed.

Wendy has re-opend the Tudor Inn situated just off Piale Pasha, Makenzy. Wendy is serving up good 'ole' home made baking.and does a great soup. Ideal for a winter lunch!

TerriMo Re-opens

It's business as usual at TerriMo's in Pervolia. Terri is now back from a summer break and full of Christmas Spirit.

Family Pets

Pets are a passion for Chris - with special species and all other pet items & acessories, next to Mazinas flower creations at St. Lazarus church.

Christofias Officially Opens Oroklini Town Hall LN Magazine I 19

Business News - Events

Larnaca Babes at Ktima DSC Ride In Cyprus Celebrate 1st Year Anniversary Dhekalia Saddle Club in Cyprus located next to the SBA Police station have just celebrated their 1st yr aniverasry. After a long military history Sue Mantovani now runs DSC Ride in Cyprus as a civilian club open to everyone. Its aim is to improve equestrianism in Cyprus in a fun & friendly environment. Regardless of your level of horse riding experience a wealth of knowledge can be tapped into, to help with casual or regular riding lessons, technical improvement, livery for your horses and hacking. Huge outdoor school, cross country course, show jumps, polo field and even a saloon bar!

A Charity fashion show was held at Ktima Mackenzie on 20th October 2011. The fashion show was in aid of Make a Wish foundation and the The Paraplegics of Cyprus charities. The main sponsors of the event who gave generously to the charity fund were fotomegorgeous.com, Andrew Carter of the De Vere Group & GMAP accounting, Larnaca. Others who sponsored their services included The Cutting House and Bobbi Brown who provided hair and make up. Eurofreight provided transport of the dresses to and from the event. A variety of dresses both evening and bridal were modelled on the catwalk, all supplied by Cinderella's. Charisma and Anthi's genuine Swarovski Jewellery provided complimentary jewellery for the models to wear and Celebrate In Style provided decorations for the event. â‚Ź830 was raised for the Charities on the night.

personal achievements that she rattled off, she was also as passionate about the Slimming World healthy eating option plans and how much she owed to the help and support received from her Slimming World consultant Bridgette and the other ladies in her Dhekelia group. I wish I could have picked them all as every woman I listened to was a winner in my book. Well done Ladies!

LN Picks Woman of the Year! One of the hardest things I've been asked to do is be a judge for the Final of the Slimming World Woman of the Year awards 2011. Every woman that stood before me in the competition had already won their regional final and each woman was as inspirational as the next. However it was Kerry Probert that stood out with the panel, apart from the fantastic 20 I LN Magazine

donated to charity. The Fashion show after party was held at Preserve Bar in Larnaca. Check out our website www.larnacanews. com for all the photos of the event.

Designer Launched At Ktima Fashion Designer Elena Aristotle has now opened a studio/ showroom in Larnaca. You will now be able to visit Elena in her new studio and take advantage of her exclusive Atelier services with the option of having your own custom dress made just for you. Elena launched her Fall/Winter collection at an invitation-only fashion show at Ktima Mackenzie. The show was organised and supported by Irini Fantousi of IF Model & Event Management Agency and F-Figure web magazine. The proceeds of the show were

Cessac Christmas Fayre CESSAC - Church of England Soldiers Sailors and Airman Club. The forces favourite charity held their 2011 annual Christmas fayre on Saturday 15th of October and yet again it proved to be another great scorching day out for all who attended. Many shops and small hold traders of the island participated in the Christmas market with TLC, Tender Loving Care - Ă‚ teddies for children to cuddle in hospitals, Breast Cancer and the Poppy Appeal all raising money for their given charities. On the base in Dhekelia village centre is where you will find the CESSAC complex located on the waterfront on the Northern shore of the wide sweeping Larnaka Bay, some 15km North East of the costal town of Larnaca and 20km West of Ayia Napa. LN Magazine I 21

Business Feature Marketing in a Recession or Economic Downturn Businesses in Cyprus are feeling the effects of a strained economy. Consumer spending and consumer confidence are both weakening so what can you as a business do about it? Many businesses, especially in Cyprus, seem to think that with less money coming in, they should be cutting back on their marketing budgets and some are even cutting out marketing altogether. According to many distinguished organisations and institutes, including Harvard Business School and The Chartered Institute of Marketing, this is a big mistake. Don’t cut your marketing budget altogether; use it more effectively. Firstly, market research is actually now more important than ever. Consumer spending is not stopping, but it is changing and you need to know what your customers are thinking now more than ever. Customers will negotiate harder at point of sale, search for more durable goods, trade down and buy less. This means that trusted brands are valued highly. In Cyprus the economic troubles tend to make us let go of the extravagances. Advertising images of adventure and individualism are outshone by scenes of family and home as we tend towards staying in and keeping in contact with family and friends. Tailor your advertising towards your customers’ changing attitudes. Your marketing has to be much more efficient when the economy is seen to be in decline. Your luxuries have to become the one luxury your customer can afford or the one luxury they deserve, rather than an expendable extravagance. It is proven through decades of marketing campaigns and their consequent studies that brands that continue, increase or refocus their advertising campaigns during a recession, while their competitors cut back, can improve their share of the market and return on investment at a lower 22 I LN Magazine

cost than normal. Many more people read their favourite magazines, browse the internet at home, watch TV and listen to the radio during these times, so they are good mediums for marketing to your customers. If you really have to lower your marketing budget don’t cut it completely; go from a 1 minute to a 30 second TV ad; go from a 30 second to a 15 second radio spot; or go from a full page to a half page magazine advert. Whatever you do, don’t cut all the way back, maintain a presence and reassure your customers that your brand is still there and is capable of getting through hard times. As an example, have you ever heard of a company called Post Cereals? Probably not, but even if you have, what you’ll find surprising is that in the late twenties Post and Kellogg’s were leading the breakfast cereal market. When the well known Great Depression of the 1930s hit, they chose opposite marketing strategies with drastically different results. While Post cut back heavily on their advertising, Kellogg’s continued theirs and even pushed their new product ‘Rice Krispies’, and by 1933 Kellogg’s profits had increased by nearly 30%, becoming what it is today, the industry’s dominant player. Kellogg’s isn’t the only example either. Chrysler introduced Plymouth as a new low-priced brand during the Great Depression and overtook Ford as the country’s second biggest auto maker in 1933, the iPod was launched in the 2001 recession, just after the September 11 attacks, selling over 100 million iPods by early 2007, and in 2008 Hyundai advertised their new Hyundai Assurance Program, which let customers return their cars if they lost their jobs in what were definitely uncertain economic times. While your business or brand may not be as big as Apple, Kellogg’s or Hyundai, the moral of their stories is that while their competitors cut back, they persevered. They carried on marketing their products and brands and when the economy righted again, they were far ahead of their closest competitors, and you can be too. Don’t be afraid of the state of the economy, use it to your advantage and come through it stronger than ever before.

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Go Global!


Antonis Loizou Writes: Building Amnesty Extended

t appears that the Government has decided to extend the Building Amnesty date by a further 6 months, from 7/10/2011 to 7/4/2012 (the new law is expected to be approved very soon).


original/approved building plans (i.e. basement converted to living areas, covered verandah, garage etc.) and 10% external extension. Similarly for the building amnesty, the 10% is split up 5% within the original covered area and 5% as an extension.

The period that the law was originally approved on 4/2011, just before the summer holidays, the Electricity Station explosion and the other events, it seems that the attention of the public has been drawn in directions away from the Building Amnesty. For this reason and up to the end of September (7 days before the deadline) only 2500 applications were submitted notwithstanding the 120,000 non title issued properties.

What is also quite surprising is the cooperation of the civil servants, especially those at the Ministry of Interior. They give clear, over the phone answers and we get the feeling that the whole procedure will be lenient, giving applicants the benefit of the doubt. Remember also that if you have no title or the developer is not cooperating, you can submit an application as a purchaser by attaching your stamped sales contract (copy).

What one must do now, is to fill in the form which declares one’s intention to use the amnesty provisions. For our part filling in the form is straight forward and in addition the form must be accompanied by photos of the property (of a certain size) on which the date that the photo was taken must be recorded. In addition the person submitting the application must sign the form and α sworn statement at the District Court as to its correctness. The new proposal for the extension until 7/4/2012 abolishes the court statement (it takes 1 minute) so the procedure becomes even simpler.

The major issue for the planning/building amnesty is the added building density, but there are other items to note such as the height, floor numbers, uncompleted infrastructure, distance from boundaries etc., etc. It is important to note that the Ministry of Interior announced that the various estates agents (legal and illegal) who “guarantee” issue of titles are misleading and should be treated with care. In our opinion filling the applications of interest should not cost more than €500-€1000 depending on distance and extent of the illegalities. If one is to provide photos and other information and you need the help of a technician, it should not cost you more than €500. If you do not know how to go about it or the procedure for it, you can apply to ETEK to appoint a technician to help out – always having pre-agreed the fees.

The forms can be downloaded from the Ministry of Interior website (www.moi.gov.cy) or the Town Planning website (www.tph.moi.gov.cy) and submit the same to the District Town Planning Department or District Officer. What is important to note is that even if you are not sure if you are/not covered by the amnesty provisions, submit a form just in case (if you have a title; unless it is a serious illegality in which case we wouldn’t bother). Bear in mind that there are two forms, one regarding the Building Amnesty (where the extension without a permit does not exceed 10% of the approved plan) and one regarding the Planning Amnesty (where the extension is more than 10% up to 30%). Remember that the total allowed under the planning amnesty is 30% increase in density, out of which 20% must be within the

Mr Antonis Loizou FRICS, the Managing Partner of Antonis Loizou & Associates

Now there is time and we do not believe that the Government will allow for another extension. Also bear in mind that if you pay the compensation within the first 12 months you will have a 20% discount and for buildings with some age, you get a further discount depending on the age. There is all sorts of confusion what items the amnesty covers, including items unrelated to the amnesty. We read all sorts of articles which are unrelated, such as mortgages. This is another procedure altogether. The amnesty covers excessive building density, whilst other laws cover mortgages.● LN Magazine I 25

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Type: 3 Bedroom Detached house in Ayia Thekla, just minutes to the beach Info: Private pool Price: €260,000 Ref: HD3-2801-ATH-PR

LN Magazine I 29

Have Your Say A Letter To The Editor Dear Editor, I was wondering if you could find out for my wife and I what we need to do to retire in Cyprus and what documents we need to give and who we need to give them to. It all seems a bit daunting... Thanks, Tom and Sarah

CIBA Writes: Immigration Permit F: for the Retired and Wealthy

The Cyprus Immigration Laws of 1972 created a series of so-called “Immigration Permits” which would enable foreigners (mainly Greek and British at that time) to live and work or to enjoy their retirement in Cyprus. When becoming a full member of the European Union these Immigration Permits continued to exist and were recognised and accepted by Brussels as the “National Residence or Working Permits of Cyprus”. The Immigration Permit - Category A is available for people who want to invest and work in the agriculture sector (farming, cattle, fish or bird breeding). Category B is for people who want to invest in the mining industry and category C for people, who want to work as self-employed in a trade or profession, provided they have the necessary professional permit. In these three categories there is a minimum required level of investment. The Immigration Permit – Category D is for persons who intend to work as self-employed in a profession or science for which there is demand in Cyprus.

30 I LN Magazine

The Immigration Permit – Category E is for persons who have been offered a permanent employment which will not create undue local competition on the labour market. This permit is very suitable and widely used for staff of International Business and Shipping Companies. Finally there is the Immigration Permit – Category F, on which we want to elaborate in this article. This permit was created initially to enable British citizens to spend their old age in Cyprus, preferably buy a property and have their UK pension paid directly into their Cyprus bank account. It is not limited to British citizens however, neither to pensioners. The text of the 1972 Law refers to “persons who possess and have fully and freely at their disposal a secured annual income, high enough to give them a decent living in Cyprus, without having to engage in any business, trade or profession”. The minimum of this “secured annual income” was, a long time ago, set at €9.568,00 per year for a single applicant, plus an additional €4.613,22 per year for each dependent. However the relevant law states that the Immigration Control Board may demand additional amounts as necessary. We have been informed that preparations are underway to increase these minimum amounts, because everyone will agree that a couple, husband and wife, can hardly enjoy a decent living in Cyprus with an annual income of €14.181,22 per year - or €1.181,77 per month. Therefore, each application is judged individually on its merits. An old couple, who have their own small house, no cleaning woman and no dependents, may be accepted with the annual income stated above. A not so old couple, living in an impressive mountain villa, owning 3 cars and employing a driver, a housekeeper and a gardener will not be considered serious if they show a “secured annual income” of €14.181,22. Normal logic prevails here, we would say: the secured annual income should be sufficient to finance the adopted lifestyle of the applicants. What is considered to be a “secured annual income”? A secured annual income is any income which the beneficiary will automatically receive without having to make an extra effort. First of all: an old age pension (that was in fact what was initially referred to). If such a pension is over

Immigration Branch of the Police. After verifying that the application is complete and all necessary documents have been submitted, the District Immigration Police will be asked to investigate the applicant(s) and issue a report. They may call the applicant(s) in for an interview (which they usually do). Next, the Ministry of Interior will ask the District Office under which the applicant resorts to investigate the application and to draft a report as well. Some District Offices always invite the applicant(s) for an interview; others do this on a random basis. When the application is received by the responsible Immigration Officer in Nicosia together with the above reports, he/she will write a final recommendation to the Immigration Control Committee. The application is finally approved (or rejected) and signed by the Minister of Interior, based on the recommendations of the Immigration Control Committee. This whole procedure may take up to 12 months and the applicants have to make sure to continue to renew their existing Resident Permit if it would expire during this time. Property buyers: The Council of Ministers has instructed the Civil Registry and Migration Department to process applications for an Immigration Permit F submitted by Third Country Nationals who purchase a private residence at a minimum cost of €350.000 with priority and to look upon these applications in a positive way. This does not mean however that the applicant(s) do not have to comply with the other conditions mentioned above. Applicants who are abroad: Applicants who are still living abroad may submit an application directly (or through a Cyprus lawyer’s office) to the Civil Registry and Migration Department as described above, or through the Consular Services of the Republic of Cyprus in their home country. Remarks The Immigration Permit F is valid for residence in the Republic of Cyprus only. However; holders of such a permit can easily obtain travel visa (Schengen and other) from the relevant consular services in Cyprus. If and when Cyprus becomes a Schengen member, holders of an Immigration Permit will be allowed to travel visa-free within the Schengen area. An Immigration Permit will only be cancelled if the holder(s) acquire(s) permanent residence abroad or in case of absence from Cyprus for a consecutive period of 2 years Thank you to CIBA for their help in answering our readers' questions in such detail -The Editor

LN Magazine I 31


the above mentioned amount, and the pensioners have their own property, they should have no problem in obtaining an Immigration Permit Category F. Other forms of secured income are considered as well. For example: ► Rental income from properties in Cyprus or abroad. ►Interests from bank deposits or bonds issued by prime companies in Cyprus or abroad. ►Dividends from shares in Cyprus or foreign companies of good standing and reputation. ►Income from a trust: wealthy individuals could move their properties, investments and cash into an offshore trust which could provide the settlers with a fixed monthly income in return. ►A combination of the above. Documents to be submitted: To apply for an Immigration Permit F the following documents need to be submitted: 1. Application form M67 – completed and signed (available on the website of the Civil Registry and Migration Department www.moi.gov.cy/crmd). 2. Copy of a valid passport with a remaining validity of at least 2 years. 3. Copy of a valid temporary residence permit (if the applicant is already residing in Cyprus) 4. Most recent statement(s) of bank account(s) – originals. 5. Income declaration from sources other than employment plus proof thereof with original documents. 6. Title deeds of ownership of a property suitable to accommodate the applicant and his family. If the title deeds have not been issued yet, a true copy of the purchase agreement and proof of payments are needed. Or a true copy of a rental agreement for premises suitable to accommodate the applicant and his family and proof of payment of rents. 7. Copy of a medical insurance policy covering in and out of clinic treatments for the applicant and his/her family and automatically renewable. 8. Clean criminal record certificate (which can be issued by the Cyprus Police if the applicant resides in Cyprus since more than 6 months – if issued in the home country of the applicant the certificate has to be certified by diplomatic means and accompanied by a certified translation, for example by PIO. 9. Marriage Certificate – certified by diplomatic means and with a certified translation in Greek or English (for example by PIO) if not issued in Cyprus. 10. 2 Passport photographs. 11. Fee: €119,60 to be paid upon approval of the application. Procedure: The application form together with the above mentioned documents have to be submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia directly or through the District Aliens and

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U3A Club Larnaca Talk About Music


ust like any other U3A organisation worldwide, U3A-Larnaca is a gathering of retired folk who form Groups sharing a common interest. Within a short time after our inaugural meeting in December 2006, we had activated Groups in a wide variety of subjects from rambling, music, digital photography, books, ballroom dancing and philosophy. There are also the ‘functions’ where we all get together over a meal, drinks and entertainment. This group is open to all, including you, and was named ‘the Epicureans’ after the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus. In March 2007 I started a Group called About Music. The concept was based on what we call ‘classical music’ and gave a chance to follow the history of music going back to the origins of homosapiens and slowly developing as different civilisations rose and fell on the earth. For example, instruments that first saw the light of day in India cropped up in the middle-east and eventually found their way to Europe. Although music has always been made by mankind there is sparse evidence of its earliest forms and a great uncertainty as to what it sounded like. In my opinion the biggest milestone came about the year 1000 when an Italian monk called Guido Arezzo devised a system of writing music down. And guess what? It is the same system that we use all over the world today – five lines and a lot of dots! In the About Music Series we continued with the musical development in Europe and followed its course through the Renaissance, the Baroque Classical, Romantic and Nationalist eras until we moved to the more modern concepts at the dawn of the 20th century. Other themes were naturally included, with an in-depth look and listen to the well known greats: Beethoven, Brahms, etc., and the nationalist groups such as the Scandinavians, Russians [and Soviets] Germanic [of course] as well as forays into Italian, French and English music.

by Tony Denne

Music is of course very much alive and around us, particularly here in Cyprus, where the concerts of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra have been a part of my life for the past 11 years. Therefore in About Music we pay close attention to forthcoming concerts and endeavour to hold a preview of the music to be performed, which has proven to be a magical and interesting challenge. Why else would one be examining the music of say, Juan Arriaga (1806-1826), who died a few days before his 21st birthday and yet composed operas and an amazing symphony, which we heard performed in 2007. I was unaware of his music and researching his life and works was a rewarding discovery for me and for the rest of the Group. A mention must be made of the concerts of the wonderful Youth Orchestra as well, who have inspired a close look at Mahler (they gave a thrilling performance of his 1st symphony in September). As well as significant opera and ballet, we have also examined some topics which may cause a pause: Female composers (how many can you name?); interpreters (Sir Charles Mackerras, Maria Callas); film music; and once, the strains of the rock group Emerson, Lake & Palmer, (but they were playing a piece by Mussorgsky). This is the longest running Group in U3A-Larnaca and is now in its 10th series with no end in sight. The world of music is universal and never ending in its fascination. More details of U3A-Larnaca can be found on our website www.u3alarnaca.com where the Newsletter contains details, if you wish, on how to join About Music or any of the other Groups available. Get in contact via our website where all of our contact details can be found. We look forward to seeing some of you very soon! LN Magazine I 35

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LARNAKA MUNICIPALITY: DIARY OF EVENTS NOVEMBER 2011 MUSIC - Friday 2 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KYPRIA 2011 Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra “With Youthful Passion” Concert with international participation and with works by P. I. Tchaikovsky & G. Mahler Soloist: Melina Harrer-Kanthou (violin) Director / Conductor: Ayis Ioannides Admission: €12 & €7 (students, soldiers, pensioners) EXHIBITION - Sept 9, 2011 – Jan 9, 2012 LARNAKA MUNICIPAL GALLERY EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS Art exhibition “Mediterranean” Nikos Kouroussis: “Time-Matter-Space” Lia Lapithi: “3 Sea Routes” Operating hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Admission free MUSIC - Tuesday 1 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEUR’S ARTISTIC CREATION “The Old Company” Choir of the Union of Cypriot Pensioners (Larnaka-Famagusta) Evening with well-known songs from Greece and Cyprus. Musical direction/stage direction: Larkos Larkou Admission free BOOK PRESENTATION - Wednesday 2 at 7:30 p.m. HOUSE OF LETTERS AND ARTS Presentation of the book “Sto Perasma tou Xronou” (in Greek) & its translated edition “In the Passage of Time” (in English) by Glafkos Georgiadis Presentation by Chrysis Prentzas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Ports Authority Admission free THEATRE - Thursday 3 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION Theatre Group “Palirria” “Ypourgos Kelepouri” by George Sofokleous (in Greek) 38 I LN Magazine

Stage direction: Giorgos Sofokleous Admission free THEATRE - Friday 4 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION Charisma Theatre Group “See you… tomorrow!!!” by Maria Semertzidou (in Greek) Stage direction: Maria Ioannou Admission free ATHLETICS - Sunday 6 at 10:00 a.m. EUROPE SQUARE Cyprus Runners Club “Periclis Demetriou” 15th Larnaka Run Races: 6000 m, 1400 m, 600 m & 100 m Online registrations only MUSIC - Sunday 6 at 11:00 a.m. SEAFRONT STAGE MUSICAL SUNDAYS “Mesogeios” Music Ensemble Musical programme “Our Tradition” with traditional music and songs from Cyprus Organised by CTO THEATRE - Monday 7 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION “TERPSIS” Kondea and Friends Theatre Group “I Agapi Nikitis” (The Winner is Love) by Pavlos Liasidis (in Greek) Stage direction: Maria Georgiou-Krasia Admission free LECTURE - Tuesday 8 at 7:30 p.m. HOUSE OF LETTERS AND ARTS LARNAKA ZENONION FREE UNIVERSITY Lecture (in Greek) Admission free MUSIC-DANCE-THEATRE - Tuesday 8 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEUR ARTISTIC CREATION Cultural Department of EDON Larnaka and Famagusta “Tribute to the struggle and activities of the

World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY)” Admission free MUSIC - Thursday 10 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION Children’s Choir of POED (Larnaka) “Tribute to Manos Loizos” Musical direction: Angela Konstantinidou Admission free MUSIC - Saturday 12 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION “Polyfonia” Music Ensemble Tribute to Manos Hatzidakis Musical direction: Andreas Gerolemou & Laura Charalampous Admission free MUSIC - Sunday 13 at 11:00 a.m. SEAFRONT STAGE MUSICAL SUNDAYS “Fones” Music Ensemble Programme with choir music Organised by CTO THEATRE - Sunday 13 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION Theatre Group of the Amateurs Association “EMPNEVSIS” “Afypnisis” by Georgios Kattidis (in Greek) Stage direction: Theatre Group “EMPNEVSIS” Admission free MUSIC - Monday 14 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE FORTNIGHT OF LARNAKA AMATEURS ARTISTIC CREATION Choir of the Larnaka Progressive Movement Programme with songs by well-known Greek composers and songwriters Musical direction: Marios Lysandrou Admission free THEATRE - Friday 18 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE Cyprus Theatre Organisation Main Stage “The Imaginary Invalid” by Molière (in Greek language) Stage director: Jean-Claude Berutti Admission: €12 & €6 (students, soldiers, pensioners) MUSIC - Sunday 20 at 11:00 a.m. SEAFRONT STAGE MUSICAL SUNDAYS “Trio Tico” Music Ensemble Programme with music from all over the world Organised by CTO

DANCE - Sunday 20 at 5:00 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE Dancing School MAMBO of Maria ZachariouKarapitta Varied international dancing programme by professional dancers. Organised by the Antidrug Association of Larnaka Admission €10 LECTURE - Tuesday 22 at 7:30 p.m. HOUSE OF LETTERS AND ARTS LARNAKA ZENONION FREE UNIVERSITY Lecture (in Greek) Admission free MUSIC - Wednesday 23 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE Cyprus Symphony Orchestra “Works by Beethoven” Soloists: Wolfgang Schroeder (violin), Petros Gospodinov (cello) Naoko Kariya (piano) Conductor: Alkis Baltas Admission: €12 & €7 (pensioners), free entrance for students, soldiers and EURO<26 card holders THEATRE - Thursday 24 at 8:30 p.m. LARNAKA MUNICIPAL THEATRE Cyprus Theatre Organisation Experimental Stage “Healers” by Vasilis Andreou (in Greek language) Stage director: Vasilis Andreou Admission: €12 & €6 (students, soldiers, pensioners) CEREMONY - Friday 25 at 8:00 p.m. LARNAΚA MUNICIPAL THEATRE Awarding Ceremony of Larnaka Sport Clubs and Athletes for the Year 2010 Admission free MUSIC - Sunday 27 at 11:00 a.m. SEAFRONT STAGE MUSICAL SUNDAYS Elliniko Odeon Aradippou-Kiti Programme with traditional songs from Cyprus Organised by CTO BOOK PRESENTATION - Monday 28 at 8:00 p.m. HOUSE OF LETTERS AND ARTS Presentation of the book “I Diaisthisi” by Fany Kountourianou-Manolopoulou (presentation in Greek) Presentation by Eleonora Papaleontiou Louca Assistant Professor, Psychology at European University, Cyprus Organised by the Larnaka Municipality and the Saint George Makris Orthodox Spiritual Centre Admission free For December diary dates please visit the Larnaka Tourism Website www.larnakaregion. com

LN Magazine I 39


Larnaca Street Art: Graffiti or Art? Graffiti is the appearance of any type of public markings in the form of simple written words or drawings to elaborate wall paintings, the inscription of images or letters scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property, usually public building or walls. The origins of graffiti can be traced back to ancient times including the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. Graffiti originated in ancient Italy and the term graffiti referred to inscriptions and figure drawings found on sculptures and walls of ancient ruins throughout the catacombs of Rome. In 1851 graffiti was found in ruins at Pompeii, preserved for over two thousand years under volcanic ash. Numerous examples of this old Roman custom were found and translated into love notes, magic instructions, insults, signs for political campaigns, caricatures and quotations from literature. Whereas today Romans consider graffiti as a form of urban art, many Westerners consider it as vandalism unless property owners give consent to the graffiti artists. It was not only the ancient Greeks and Romans that produced graffiti, but also the Mayans at the site of Tikal in Guatemala, the Vikings left graffiti in Rome, vandalism graffiti was found at Newgrange Mound in Ireland and a Varangian scratched his name (Halvdan) in runes on a banister in the Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. It is not known when exactly the word graffiti was first used to describe an art form and it is still a hot topic of debate amongst historians. We do know that the word graffiti was used in English as early as 1851 with regard to runic inscriptions in Orkney. In 1873 it was used with regards to the Greek poets when they spoke of the Graffiti of Pompeii, which gave us the Italian word for it. The word graffiti is a plural word derived from the Italian word “graffito”, which refers to works of art created by scratching a design on a surface. The word “sgraffito” is also related to the word graffiti as it is a method of scratching through a layer of paint to reveal another pigmented layer below. Although originally from the Italian language, the main roots of the word 40 I LN Magazine

contriibution by Kleitos Efstratiou (Dip) ARCH

LN Magazine I 41

“graffiato” (to scratch) and of course the English word “graphic” are in fact derived from the Greek word γραφειν “graphein” meaning “to write”. The father in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ aptly said, “Give me any word and I will show you how the root of that word is Greek.” Today the word graffiti has also evolved to include artistic vandalism. So is it Art or just pure vandalism? Because graffiti is a style of art made on both public and private surfaces and prevalent in low income areas of cities, graffiti art is often considered an act of vandalism, which is a punishable crime because most of the time, the art is administered without the consent of the property’s owner. Spray paint and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials and there are many different types and styles of graffiti in this rapidly developing art form. The value of this art form is highly contested, detested by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction. The first known example of ‘modern’ graffiti exists in the Ephesus, an ancient Greek city that is now in Turkey. Today one of the most popular forms of 42 I LN Magazine

graffiti is known as tagging, which is used to put a 'name tag' on public areas and is thought to be used by some gangs to mark territory. Tagging originated in New York in the 1960s when an American Greek called Demetrius, used permanent markers to write his nick name “Demetraki” followed by the number of the street on which he lived, 183rd Street in Washington Heights, tagging 'Taki 183'. This was also the inspiration for the 1985 film ‘Turk 182’. Similarly in the 1970s a mail carrier in New York made a goal to ride every bus and subway in New York. He wrote his name and courier identification number, Vic 156, to mark each bus and subway he took. Others began to follow suit and tagging grew more prevalent, larger, and much more elaborate. Tagging as graffiti moved from buses and subways to walls and all types of outdoor areas. Since the emergence of Hip Hop in the South Bronx the first graffiti artists of the Hip Hop movement carried on the tradition of voicing concern for the plight of America’s inner city masses by painting their messages in city locations for all members to see. Today, graffiti still remains part of hip hop, street and gang culture, while crossing into the mainstream art world with renowned exhibits in galleries throughout the world. Unlike domestic art,

street art is for the public to enjoy and totally free of charge. In London, it has made the career of artists such as Banksy, who is now an international name on the art scene recently exhibited in Germany. In Cork you can enjoy the detailed pieces of Irish artist Connor Harrington, and in the states the lifelike pieces of the well known graffiti artist The Mac, from the San Francisco Bay Area. Like Rome, Larnaca has its very own street art. Graffiti has matured here and this wonderful art has been adorning our town with Flamingos in Ermou Square and the roundabout towards the airport. In the past the street art has been destructive with 'tagging' and political slogans, but these spaces have now been transformed and the walls available for graffiti have become much admired and hailed as a good media for young artists to channel their creative energy. Last year Dhekelia Road saw the erection of large canvases depicting examples of wonderful graffiti art, with Larnaca as the subject matter. The images are by a group of students who aim to turn this stretch of road into 'an open air gallery '. The work, which depicts Larnaca’s rich history and culture, has also inspired street artists to decorate two car parks around the Finikoudes area. We get to enjoy the beautiful graffiti and what a pleasant surprise it is when you enter the car parks, one behind the Baileys Irish bar and the other at the top of the Finikoudes. All the winning art pieces of Dhekelia road can be seen on the Larnaka Tourism Board (Official Site: www.larnakaregion.com).

LN Magazine I 43


All In The Name Of Art Brutality named as “art” OR Art that reveals “brutality”? by Margarita Drosopoulou

A controversial exhibition and its role in promoting art, education and social awareness. “Brutality”, “art”, “museum” and “boundaries”. How can these totally different terms be interrelated and form a logical context? Let’s go back to October 2007, when an exhibition took place at the Códice Gallery in Managua, Nicaragua. The artist was Guillermo Habacuc Vargas and the “exhibited art” consisted of controversial elements, such as playing the Sandinista anthem backwards while burning crack cocaine. However, the most notable portion of the exhibit was an emaciated dog tied to the wall and labelled with an inscription written in dog food: "Eres Lo Que Lees" ("You Are What You Read") . The statements concerning the fate of the starving dog were ambiguous. The official stance of the hosting Gallery and the Humane Society of the United States was that the enchained dog managed to escape, while a national newspaper (La Nación) and the general public claimed the dog died from starvation . The artist’s statements further muddled the situation as he neither confirmed nor denied the death of the stray. Public outcry regarding animal rights and the ultimate fate of the exhibited dog was fierce and global, including mass emails, online petitions, blogs, and even a Facebook group supporting the dog. EXHIBIT UNDER THE MICROSCOPE What triggered the organisation of this exhibition 44 I LN Magazine

was the death of a homeless addict, Natividad Canda, who was devoured by two dogs while, in the forefront, an audience of journalists, police and random viewers had converted the tragic situation into a cinematic event, mutely witnessing the drama unfold in order to acquire a catchy newspaper, police and societal story . The artist’s aim was to highlight the issue of the countless street dogs that died day by day from starvation, while nobody reacted or exerted any effort in helping either the dogs or any animal rights organisation. With this intention in mind, Guillermo instructed and paid two children to bring him a dog from the streets, and they brought him Nativity. The lack of humanistic spirit and philanthropic character, an issue that was raised by the tragic death of the addict, was again explored in Vargas’ art exhibition. What is “art” though, and, is the brutality of the display of a starving dog considered as art? Where are the boundaries of art and in what context is this specific “art” meaningful? Many opposed the use of a living animal because they did not consider it as art. However, defining “art” is not distinctly bounded. From the aspect of some modern theories, art is correlated with "'reality' or 'the world' – sometimes 'life' or 'human experience'. If for example, art is theorised as a form of representation, it is 'reality' or 'the world' that is said to be represented." The boundaries of art become even harder to define when we consider that in a democratic society, artists have the freedom of expression, which acts as a vaulting horse to expose “life” and the “human experience”.

Vargas chose to display a living animal, as “live animals effectively communicate animal behaviour to Museum visitors, offering multisensory experiences as they can be seen, heard and smelled”. By seeing the starving dog, someone would generate a feeling for the struggle that the dog was experiencing, and would, possibly, start thinking of the problem as a whole. During the course of the display though the visitors mutely accepted the “art”, while nobody acted to feed or free the dog, let alone inform the local authorities. A multitude of critical reactions by an enraged global audience took place after the completion of the exhibition. Hence, the audience’s reaction, or in this case noaction, dressed the exhibition with a meaning. The “exhibit” was not the main point…the “exhibit” was there to help the main point be formed and exposed. This hypocrisy in reaction was the purpose of the "art". In that context “art” was meaningful, as the presence of the dog set off conversations, internal and external thinking and put an end to the world’s apathy by shocking them. “Museum visitors do not passively accept messages we send; they bring personal experiences and frameworks to bear in museums”. Vargas based his exhibition on this new audience’s role and power and proved it effective. The news about this small exhibition went global, something that wouldn’t have happened without the audience's “contribution”: The initial public’s muteness gave the point of social inertia towards critical issues, whilst the later public outcry helped the message travel around the world. The artist might have reached the borders of cynicism, roughness and brutality, but only to make people act and react, think and realise, and finally learn about the cruelty that dominates our modern and “civilised” societies, by harnessing and engaging the audience’s personal experiential background. What did he do wrong? Vargas has, on the one hand, upheld the general goals of the museum in regard to society while simultaneously breaking museum and societal ethic codes in regards to animal rights. His exhibition was at best controversial. There is no doubt that the exhibition anticipated to create a global response and raise awareness of a serious societal issue. However, it clearly abused the ethical responsibility towards animal rights. A living being was sacrificed at the altar of the society’s overall development. Thus, although the exhibition hoped to provoke a successful educational response, it was completely voided by the fact that it was unethical. The message to be given is crystal clear; purpose, concern, authority and boundaries should be balanced in the perpetual wrestle for our planet’s survival. If one of these elements gains more weight over the others, then the consequences are harsh for either us, as parts of the society, or in this case for museums as cultural and educational institutions. LN Magazine I 45

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LN Magazine I 47


Perfect Roasties Goose Fat or Olive Oil? them. As you can see it’s quite a debate. Most people debate over which fat gives the crispiest potatoes, but actually it is the technique of cooking them that results in a crispy or soft potato. The fat you use, be it Goose Fat, Duck Fat, Olive Oil or even Butter, for the most part, actually mainly affects the taste of your crispy potatoes. For those who don’t really add any herbs or extras such as rosemary and garlic, olive oil might be a bit neutral and therefore goose or duck fat would result in a nicer flavour. The method below shows a great recipe for crispy potatoes and whichever fat you decide to use, your potatoes will surely come out in crispy perfection with a fluffy, gorgeous middle. Enjoy Christmas this year and use whichever fat you feel gives you your desired taste!

Every Christmas we end up with the same debate. Actually nearly every time we do a roast and invite guests we have the same 'debate'; should we use Goose Fat or Olive Oil. In fact some family members even throw Duck Fat into the mix and one senseless lot used Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which was silly because at the temperature you cook a roast at, the extra flavours in the virgin pressing are destroyed anyway! So you’re better off not wasting money; use olive oil for cooking and Extra Virgin Olive Oil for salad dressings and the like if you're going to use 48 I LN Magazine

In the UK Roast Potatoes are called Roasties and LN is going to help you create this perfect accompaniment to meats such as turkey, chicken, lamb and pork. Roasties are definitely a favourite on a Christmas dinner table! Ingredients 1kg Potatoes for Roasting Olive Oil or Goose/Duck Fat or some people prefer a mixture! (Enough to fill roasting tray to 1cm deep) 4 cloves of garlic 1 generous bunch of fresh rosemary table salt

FOOD & DRINK Method 1. Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/Gas 5 2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and then peel them. Cut the potatoes into quarters (the quartering is important because it's the edges that get nice and crunchy: that's why reasonably large potatoes are needed for this recipe) and leave them in a bowl under running water for 2-3 minutes (or put in a bowl of water for 15 minutes, changing the water every 5 minutes).

Product Feature: Wendy's Plum Jam About us: Wendy is usually associated for her famous Tudor Inn Steaks but now that hubby chef Kleon has retired from the kitchen she has taken over the culinary department and is baking all sorts of delicious sweets & savouries from jams, chutneys and pâtés. Why not pop along for an afternoon tea and see what's in store. Festive Gift Specialities: Wendy's Plum Jam from €4. Variety of Lavender Bags and Christmas decorations. Contact us: Tel: 24 62 56 08. The Tudor Inn, Off Piale Pasha. Closed Mondays. LN Recommend: 

3. Bring a pan of salted water (10g salt per litre of water) to the boil and add the potatoes. Cook for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft: take them as far as you can without ending up with potato soup! (It’s the fissures that form as the potato breaks up that trap the fat, creating a crunchy crust.) 4. Meanwhile, pour the olive oil into a roasting tray (it needs to be large enough to hold all the potatoes in one layer) and place in the oven. 5. Once the potatoes are soft, drain them in a colander. Give them a gentle shake to roughen the edges and drive off any remaining drops of water. 6. Put the potatoes in the hot roasting tray and roll them around so that they are completely coated in oil. Roast for an hour or so, until crisp and a lovely golden brown, turning every 20 minutes. Add the garlic and rosemary after 50 minutes. 7. Season with salt and serve.

Product Feature: Angie Bakes About us: Beautifully decorated home made cakes, savoury and baked goods made from the finest ingredients for all occasions. Try our Giant Marshmallow Choc Muffins, American Style Luxury Cookies, Brownies, Parmesan and Sun Dried Tomato Muffins, Quiches, our bestselling Carrot Cake and much more! Festive Specialities: Christmas Cake, Christmas Cake Cupcakes and Choc Chip Hazelnut and Cranberry Cookies. Place your orders now in time for Christmas. Contact us: Tel: 99 59 60 84, www.angiebakes.com LN Recommend:  "take a look at their website delicious" LN Magazine I 49


Mulled Wine How To Make Your Own This is dead easy to make and tastes like Christmas in a glass. It’s a lovely celebration of those traditional festive spices like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. If you’ve got your own favourite spices, then feel free to add those to the pot too. Let everything cook away and warm up gently so the flavours have time to mingle with the wine. I like to leave my mulled wine ticking over on a really low heat and just ladle some into glasses as and when guest pop in.


cinnamon stick, bay leaves and about 10 to 12 gratings of nutmeg. Throw in your halved vanilla pod and stir in just enough red wine to cover the sugar. 3. Let this simmer until the sugar has completely dissolved into the red wine and then bring to the boil. 4. Keep on a rolling boil for about

a cheesy pick up line

1. Peel large sections of peel from your clementines, lemon and lime using a speed peeler. 2. Put the sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat, add the pieces of peel and squeeze in the clementine juice. Add the cloves, 50 I LN Magazine

Ingredients • 2 clementines • peel of 1 lemon • peel of 1 lime • 250g caster sugar • 6 whole cloves • 1 cinnamon stick • 3 fresh bay leaves • 1 whole nutmeg • 1 whole vanilla pod, halved • 2 star anise • 2 bottles of Chianti, or other Italian red wine

4 to 5 minutes, or until you’ve got a beautiful thick syrup. The reason I’m doing this first is to create a wonderful flavour base by really getting the sugar and spices to infuse and blend well with the wine. It’s important to make a syrup base first because it needs to be quite hot, and if you do this with both bottles of wine in there you’ll burn off

the alcohol. 5. When your syrup is ready, turn the heat down to low and add your star anise and both bottles of wine. 6. Gently heat the wine and after around 5 minutes, when it’s warm and delicious, ladle it into glasses and serve

LN Magazine I 51

Inspirational Gift Ideas A Master Chocolatier


f you are looking for an inspirational gift idea for Christmas then why not try hand made chocolates. Chocolate Workshop provides you with the luxurious taste of heavenly hand made Cyprus Chocolates created for you by the renowned Master Chocolatier John Adams; truly chocolates as they should be – mouth watering, melt in the mouth magic. These classic ‘Cyprus Chocolates’ are in demand not only in Cyprus, but all around the world, with the

52 I LN Magazine

innovative range of chocolate cups containing a true taste of Cyprus – Zivania, Kommandaria, Palouze, Klyco spoon sweets, Cyprus coffee and many others. Made in the Chocolate workshop in Platres, the village of Kings and Poets, these chocolates are put together as beautifully as a poem and enjoyed by Royalty. The rulers of Dubai and Kuwait enjoy these chocolates and John regularly despatches boxes of ‘Cyprus Chocolates’ to Buckingham Palace. As a limited seasonal edition, from the end of November until the end of the year, the Chocolate Workshop is offering an additional range of chocolates that actually taste of Christmas – Christmas Pudding, Mincemeat and Custard, Brandy Butter, Chestnut and Wine, Aromatic Ginger Cream, Date and Walnut, Brazil Cream, Apple and Cinnamon, Champagne Cream, and Honey Mead. Chocolates of this kind cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Served in traditional red earthenware bowls, they make a unique, tastefully innovative Christmas gift.

Once again Chocolate Workshop is providing a very special gift that will appeal to all Chocolate lovers. The Chocolate Workshop has produced gift vouchers entitling the holders to book a 3 hour intensive lesson in how to make your own chocolates in your own kitchen. Ever wondered where chocolate comes from and how it is made from its raw form? This is just one of the related subjects that John covers in the introduction to the course. You will also taste chocolate the way the Mayan Indians of South America prepared it some 500 years ago and if that is not enough you will then sample different types of chocolate from all round the world. After learning about the history and origins of chocolate, you are then taught, in a simple and easy to understand way, some of the Chocolatier's secrets such as tempering, dipping, using moulds and creating mouth watering fillings; all the techniques you need to create your own chocolates. You will make a bar of chocolate and create a selection of chocolates with fillings right there in the workshop. All the items you make will be professionally wrapped ready for you to take home with you. The course is fun and light hearted, but you do learn how to make your own chocolates. The course is by appointment only and costs â‚Ź50 per person with a minimum of 2 persons per course. For further details phone the Chocolate Workshop on 99766446 or email: oceanestates@cytanet.com.cy

LN Magazine I 53


For Parents Christmas Cooking with Kids

Here’s something fun from LN to help children and adults alike enjoy cooking at Christmas!

54 I LN Magazine

Ingredients 112 g semisweet chocolate 75 g sour cream 110 g chocolate cookie crumbs 35 g chocolate cookie crumbs 40 g icing sugar 24 pieces silver circular decorating candy 25 g sliced almonds 12 (2 inch) pieces long red liquorice lace

A Mice Surprise for Xmas Method 1. Melt the chocolate, and combine with sour cream. Stir in 1 cup chocolate cookie crumbs. Cover and refrigerate until firm. 2. Roll by level tablespoonfuls into balls. Mold to a slight point at one end (the nose). 3. Roll the dough in icing sugar for white mice, and in chocolate cookie crumbs for dark mice. On each mouse, place decorating candy in appropriate spot

for eyes, almond slices for ears, and a liquorice string for the tail. 4. Refrigerate for at least two hours, until firm. And there you have it, very easy to make, cute fully edible chocolate mice. You could even place them around the kitchen or dinner table at Christmas for a bit of fun. These are always a winner at Christmas gatherings! LN Magazine I 55

Kerry's Weight Loss is Just What the Doctor Ordered! Woman of the Year 2011 Super Slimmer from Sotira Kerry Probert


super slimmer from Sotira showed TV doctor Hilary Jones that losing weight is the best medicine when she met him at the finals of a national slimming competition.

Kerry Probert became one of just 48 women representing 400,000 others from across the UK to reach the finals of Slimming World's Woman of the Year 2011 competition. Daybreak regular Dr. Hilary co-hosted the event and congratulated her on losing an impressive 3st 6.5lb. Kerry joined the Dhekelia Slimming World group 56 I LN Magazine

in May 2010 and slimmed down from 13st 3lb to a gorgeous 9st 10.5lb. The group, which is run by Slimming World Consultant Bridget Stanyon, meets every Thursday at 5.30pm at Dhekelia Leisure Resort. Kerry's weight loss and newfound confidence inspired her fellow members to vote her as their representative in the company's annual Woman of the Year competition and, after winning the regional heat, she secured a place in the national finals, putting her in the running to win the overall title Slimming World Woman of the Year 2011 and a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to Mexico. She says: "I'd tried so many times and so many ways to lose weight before, usually depriving myself of the foods I enjoy, counting calories and going hungry, so inevitably my attempts failed miserably. I decided to have one last try and luckily I found Slimming World. It was completely different to anything else I'd tried. I did have to make changes to the way that I cooked and ate, of course, but they were small changes made easy at Slimming World. I loved tucking into delicious healthy meals and watching the pounds

Slimming World


St Raphael Private Hospital, Next to Orphanides, Monday at 2.30pm, 5pm & 7.30pm Wednesday at 10am Tel: Louise 99688973

Nikos & Sokratis Function Room, Erimi Village, Tuesday at 3pm & 5.30pm Tel: Caroline 97745869

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Agios Athanasios Cultural Centre, Near Municipality Building, Thursday at 8.30am Tel: Pam 95110911





Dhekelia Leisure Resort, Dhekelia Garrison, Thursday 10am, 12.30pm & 5.30pm Tel: Bridget 96418535


Navarria Hotel, Verginas Street, Amathus Area Tuesday at 4pm & 6.30pm Tel: Karen 99018444

St Pauls Church Cathedral Hall, Opposite Greek Embassy, Thursday at 5pm & 7.30pm Tel: Louise 99688973


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"Luckily I found Slimming World" fall off. It was great to prepare meals that suited my family and friends too so we've all benefited from eating more healthily. If ever my motivation did start to fade, my Consultant and the rest of the group were there to remind me how far I'd come; we talked and laughed a lot. Now I'm slimmer and more confident - so much more confident that I go to Zumba regularly too, when before I lost the weight I did no exercise at all." Kerry's Consultant Bridget says: "Kerry is not only looking great, she's added years to her life and become a role model in our local community. Her success is inspiring other people in the group and Sotira to turn their health around and help us beat obesity in the area, which is good news for everyone." Dr. Hilary was impressed by Kerry's stunning transformation when he heard her story at the organisation's head office in Derbyshire on Sunday (October 9th).

He says: "Latest figures show that more than 60 per cent of women - that's nearly two thirds of women are so overweight that they are putting themselves at risk of developing a range of illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and putting a huge strain on the NHS. By losing weight, Kerry has dramatically reduced her risk of a range of health problems including, at the very worst, premature death. The problem is so great that there's no way the NHS can cope with it alone - so it's great to see organisations like Slimming World giving responsible, practical support in this way and making a real difference to people's lives. "It's wonderful to see Kerry looking so lovely and healthy and hear all about her weight loss. I hope her story inspires lots of other people in her town to follow her lead and transform their health too." If you'd like to improve your health and look and feel great too by losing weight with the Dhekelia Slimming World group, pop along, call Bridget on +357 96418535 or visit www.slimmingworld.com LN Magazine I 57

Health and Wellbeing Natural Therapies Hatzy Joyce - Introducing 2 Natural Therapies For You 1. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is one of the alternative health field's least known, but most effective treatments. The feather-light strokes and soft pumping action greatly speed up the flow of lymphatic fluid, ridding your body of toxins and waste much quicker, leaving the cells cleaner and healthier. The results of this gentle, noninvasive and relaxing therapy are: ►radiant skin, less acne, reduced puffy eyes or swollen ankles ►pain relief; alleviation of inflammation ►speeds recovery from illness /operations, effective wound and leg ulcer healing ►increased body health, higher energy levels and better immunity. 2. Hellinger Constellation is the other alternative you can choose, which effectively finds, heals, and releases energetic entanglements within your family and/or other relationships. Simply put, the constellations’ aim is for you to find your rightful place within a family hierarchy, and allows love and compassion to flow smoothly again between all members. This work integrates and reorganises itself - also at a soul level - with positive effects on your daily life. Constellations are also successfully used in business fields, improving workflow and cooperation. ►Hatzy Joyce, MLDUK, BFRP www.hatzyjoyce.com Mob:+357 99 66 70 39, hatzyjoyce@yahoo.co.uk Kara Psaroudaki - Bowen Therapist Certified Meditation Teacher A revolutionary, highly effective muscular and skeletal therapy, incorporating Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Acupressure and Trigger Point Therapy. The therapy consists of unique connective tissue moves, which can be done through light clothing. A gentle yet very powerful alignment modality with no forceful adjustments whatsoever, perfect for babies and elderly alike. Bowen works through activating your body’s own curative mechanisms, being effective with injuries regardless of how old they are and rehabilitation after any illness or surgery. Worldwide people have found relief from problems with their: ►Abductors, Ankle, Asthma, ADD, Back, Bedwetting, Blood Pressure, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Colic, Coccyx, Fibromyalgia, Hamstring, IBS, 58 I LN Magazine

Infertility, Insomnia, Knee, Menses, Migraines, Mobility, Pelvic, PMS, Pregnancy, RSI, Sciatica, Scarring, Scoliosis, Shoulder, Sports Injuries, TMJ, Tennis elbow, Whiplash, Neurological and Respiratory conditions and much more. Plus Bowen naturally and painlessly detoxes you - a must for Xmas & the New Year. Instead of suppressing and managing conditions, Bowen helps you reclaim your health once more. Certified Meditation Teacher - Meditation Courses and Classes both group and bespoke one-to-one, teaching you how to gain a calmer life, freedom from worries, anger and an overactive mind, whilst bringing you more peace, creativity and better concentration. Bowen is a relatively new therapy, which originating in the 1980s as opposed to the 1920s Physiotherapy and Chiropractic. ►Kara Psaroudaki BTAA MAR Telephone: 99029952 or karapsaroudaki@yahoo.com for more information Ride In Cyprus - Explore Hidden Cyprus As You Have Never Seen It Before Horse riding in stunningly spectacular mountainous scenery; from one or two hours, day rides with a picnic, or overnight in the tipi, to week long safaris. Ride through mountains, forests, river valleys and the coast, or open goat grazed plains and through deserted Turkish villages. Small escorted groups with horses to suit all abilities enable you to enjoy an unforgettable experience in the beautiful countryside; tailor made! Leadership, Team Building and Personal Development programmes - all about people but partnering horses to develop core skills. Horses respond well to good congruent leadership, sensing a person’s intentions, emotions and thoughts. Highly interactive courses with instant feedback! Don’t spend on your team development...invest! ►For all your Trekking and Team Building needs go to Ride in Cyprus – Always an Adventure! Based near Lysos, 12 km SE of Polis. www.rideincyprus. com Caroline (00357) 99 777 624 Chris Zacharia - Reiki and Pranic Healing Enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing Pranic Healing is a safe, non-touch method of healing that uses nature’s laws to accelerate the

Hatzy Joyce - Natural Therapist, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) & Hellinger Constellation Kara Psaroudaki - Bowen Therapist Certified Meditation Teacher Chris Zacharia - Reiki and Pranic Healing Alicia Shekina - Soul Coach, Journeys To Inspire & Empower Caroline Grossmith- Ride in Cyprus Leadership, Team Building and Personal Development Tina Conidis - Thai Massage, Yoga Retreats and Salt Pipe Therapy Yianna Bernath - Art of Touch, Therapeutic and Sports Massage

body’s own natural ability to heal itself. Reiki (Rei=Universal, Ki=Energy) is a type of subtle energy work in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands. It triggers the body’s natural healing ability to improve and maintain health. Everyone and anyone can benefit from these types of healing. At a physical level your immune system is enhanced, toxins are cleansed, vitality and energy are increased and your natural self healing ability accelerates. At an emotional level negative moods and emotions are balanced and stress is calmed and reduced, whilst mentally you become calmer, more creative and better able to learn and achieve your goals. Healing can also help alleviate phobias, addictions, traumas, obsessions, depressions, stress and/or anxiety. ►Chris Zacharia Tel: 99699216 Email: wellbeing4life@ymail.com Art of Touch - Therapeutic and Sports Massage I have been working as a massage therapist for over 19 yrs. My strong sense of empathy motivates me to use all my abilities, talents and healing powers to help my clients. By combining different therapeutic methods and techniques my clients' health improves very quickly and effectively. It allows my healing work to be holistic and harmonious. Art of Touch is a healing and correcting programme based on my longtime experience and consists of three different parts. Spinal Touch - gentle remedial therapy, which is used to correct body imbalance by guiding the spine to achieve proper alignment, detecting and correcting postural and visceral distortions, realigning the centre of gravity and bringing the body back to balance. This has an effect on our general wellbeing. The therapy corrects posture and helps with the following health conditions: back pain, balance problems, headache, insomnia, joint, menstrual problems, migraines, neck problems during and after pregnancy, recurrent infections, scoliosis, sciatica, sport injuries, sinus problems, stress, tension, visual disturbances and more. ►Relaxation massage with Reiki Healing - This adds to a regenerative effect on the whole energy field of the body, relieves stress and muscular tension. ►Individually created exercise programme supports the results of Spinal Touch correction and increases body strength and flexibility.

►Art of Touch programme - harmonizes body and mind, releases tension and brings feelings of happiness and satisfaction. ►Schedule your first Art of Touch Programme session with Yianna Bernath 99189081 and feel the immediate change 3 Natural Therapies from Tina ►Thai Massage - This ancient form of traditional authentic Northern style Thai massage combines work on the energy lines, acupressure points, stretching (in yoga like positions) and relaxation. It works all the systems of the body and is both relaxing and therapeutic. Training courses also available. Next one starts 26th Nov 2011. ►Salt Pipes - Natural therapy for adults and children suffering from asthma, allergies, sinus problems, breathing difficulties, chesty cough, dry cough, bronchitis, shortness of breath and breathing problems related to smoking. ►Yoga retreats in Cyprus - Re-vitalise, Re-energise, Re-new your mind, body and spirit with a weekend retreat of Yoga, meditation and healing therapies. This is a beautiful occasion to discover and learn yogic techniques to help lead a more balanced and harmonious life. Our next retreat will be in Tochni 25th May 2012 – 27th May. ►For more info email Tina tinaconidis@hotmail. com or call 9999 2896. www.thaimassagecyprus. com, www.saltpipescy.com Alicia Shekina - Soul Coach Journeys to Inspire & Empower Andara has journeyed, lived and trained in many countries and cultures across this world of wonders; guiding, teaching, sharing, healing and learning to inspire and empower everyone to open their hearts, listen to their souls, walk in loving kindness and joyfully trust in the now! With natural abilities and qualified in many areas of energy/ healing work, she is a true Alchemist, who walks her talk! Emotional healing for your heart & soul; Soul coaching; Relationship counselling; Awaken your potential; Past, present & future regression; Awakening divine feminine & womb wisdom; DNA activation & frequency attunement; Electromagnetic field balancing & aligning. For these and other programmes to awaken your soul.. ►Andara (Alicia) Shekina Tel: +357 97856229 +1 530 918 4988 Email: alicia@aliciamarysmith.com LN Magazine I 59

Once Upon An Eden Spa Day: A Xmas Tale Once upon a time Eden Spa invited two members of the LN staff to try out an Eden Spa relaxing day experience. Two sets of Minx nails, a Hamman ritual treatment, a Thali ( Sens and a sensual aromatherapy massage later, the LN volunteers recommend a trip to Eden Spa as a journey well worth taking. If you're looking for a really special treatment, opt for one of the Thali ( Sens rituals. There are five 2 hour treatment rituals to choose from with each one suggestive of far away places which create their own atmosphere and result in unexpected sensations using amazingly sensuous products with the fragrance of addictive perfumes. The Thali White Brightener is a firm favourite, a high performance signature treatment with active

Indulge yourself

ingredients for a flawless complexion. You won't be disappointed. A wide range of therapies are available from individual beauty or body treatments including manicures, pedicures, eye and face treatments, waxing, or skin preparations including peels and brushing or special slimming wraps and treatment for the figure. Choose from treatments that will cleanse, detox, rejuvenate, sooth, relax, energise or revitalise. There is something for everyone and even men are catered for with special oxygen boosting facials, energising massages, back relaxation treatments and, of course, waxing.

Eden Spa the fashionable new way to looking good and feeling great! Special treatment from Thali ( sens 5 seductive destinations • Orient detoxifying • Atlantic revitilising, • Asia soothing • Polynesia relaxing • Amazon energising Call : 24747032 to book 2 hours of magic heaven.....

• Thali White Brightener - a high performance signature treatment with active ingredients for a flawless complexion 60 I LN Magazine • Magnificence Spa Ritual in Hamman - a 2hr treatment including a basic facial (peeling &

"Eden Spa, the fashionable new way to looking good and Indulge yourself Indulge yourself feeling great!" "Indulge Yourself"

EdenSpa Spathe thefashionable fashionablenew newway waytotolooking lookinggood goodand andfeeling feelinggreat! great! Eden If you're the kind of person that reaches for the foam bath, scented oils and candles then why not try really bathing like the goddess Aphrodite or Queen Cleopatra. You will love the bathing treatments and from just €25 you can enjoy a gentle, rejuvenating bath to remember; once tried you will never settle for a normal bath again. These special bathing experiences help to moisturise the skin, establish cell generation and enhance blood circulation. This is great for tired, swollen feet and a great way to neutralise signs of stress and fatigue. If you've not been to a Spa before and would like to try out the facilities at Eden Spa first then visitors can have the Hamman, sauna and oxygenated hydro massage pool experience for just €10 for the day or €50 will give you a month’s membership to enjoy these as many times as you like. As a member, there are many special offers and discounts available and all packages can be combined with a free of charge Hamman, sauna and hydro oxygenated pool experience. A Hamman ritual can be accompanied with any face and body treatment, but be sure to prearrange in order to

make sure that the specialist therapist is available for your desired treatment.

Special treatment from treatment As Eden Spa is set withinSpecial the E-Hotel complex infrom Pervolia, Larnaca, you could really take advantage Thali ( sens ( sens of the Spa and Hotel andThali turn your Spa day into the ultimate weekend break. Make the most of the 5seductive seductive destinations destinations -facilities and extend your5relaxing experience to include some of the many exciting things on offer Orient detoxifying • •Orient detoxifying at the E-boutique Hotel, including lunch at the ultra modern brasserie type restaurant or drinks in the •Atlantic Atlantic revitilising, • This evening on the roof top bar. is therevitilising, chance to experience an ultimate weekend relaxation break • Asia soothing • Asia soothing combined with a combination of Spa Packages of your choice. So whether•you are an individual •Polynesia Polynesia relaxing relaxing looking for beauty treatment, or simply a relaxing massage, a couple seeking• a• romantic retreat, or Amazonenergising energising Amazon even a Hens party, bride, groom or group looking for a private Spa day, Eden Spa pamper you with Callwill : 24747032 book Call : 24747032 totobook the perfect relaxation experience.

hoursofofmagic magicheaven..... heaven..... 2 2hours

Let your spirit escape from the pressures of everyday life and discover a pathway to inner peace, reflection and tranquility.

ThaliWhite WhiteBrightener Brightener- a- ahigh highperformance performancesignature signaturetreatment treatmentwith withactive activeingredients ingredientsforfor • •Thali flawlesscomplexion complexion a aflawless MagnificenceSpa SpaRitual RitualininHamman Hamman- a- a2hr 2hrtreatment treatmentincluding includinga abasic basicfacial facial(peeling (peeling&& • •Magnificence mask)with withananintense intenseoiloilmassage massage mask) SpecialMens MensCare Care- Choose - Choosefrom froma aFacial FacialOxygen OxygenBooster, Booster,Energising Energisingmassage, massage,Back Back • •Special relaxationmassage, massage,Waxing Waxingtreatments treatments relaxation Bride,Groom Groomand andHens HensParty PartyPackages Packagesavailable available • •Bride,

Indulge yourself Eden Spa the fashionable new way to looking good and feeling great! EdenSpa, Spa,1 1Faros FarosRoad, Road,7560 7560Pervolia, Pervolia,Larnaca, Larnaca,Cyprus CyprusTel: Tel:+357 +35724747032, 24747032,Mob: Mob:+357 +35799100431 99100431 Eden e-mail:foredenspa@gmail.com foredenspa@gmail.comweb: web:www.hotel-e.com/spa www.hotel-e.com/spa e-mail: Special treatment from

Thali ( sens LN Magazine I 61 5 seductive destinations -

Hot News From Beauty's Coolest Partnership: Kate Moss and Rimmel The Collection Kate Moss and Rimmel have long been beauty's most iconic partnership. Together, the ultimate London girl and the edgy London makeup brand have completely redefined what it means to be hip and cool. Now they have decided to take their collaboration a step further, with the supermodel for the first time developing her very own lipstick range, exclusively for Rimmel. Introducing the year's most exciting makeup launch: the Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick Collection. Kate’s love of Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick goes back a long way, she once confided that its famous Heather Shimmer shade was the first lipstick she ever bought. With her debut foray into makeup, she gives this cult classic a sensational twist, infusing it with her own inimitable touch of fashion and ohso-effortless glamour. First, the legendarily luscious formula, to maximize the wow factor of Kate's colour collection, is now infused with the unique Black Diamond. This formula boasts extraordinary lightreflecting properties and adds depth and intensity in every shade, giving them that unique Kate Moss power to mesmerise. Now on the eve of London Fashion Week, at the iconic London landmark Battersea Power Station, the cream of the fashion world and London’s most stylish elite gathered to celebrate 10 years of Kate Moss and Rimmel. Arriving at the venue by helicopter, Kate Moss was then driven to the entrance in a Rimmel branded London black cab to make her electrifying appearance. Dressed in a vintage black dress and her personally designed Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick Collection in shade no.1, Kate looked the epitome of London cool. Talking about her new lipstick collection Kate says "My inspiration for this range was really to create a range of easy to wear, classic shades that I have always worn and loved." Global style icons and Rimmel ambassadors Georgia May Jagger, Solange Knowles and Alejandra Ramos joined the celebrations along with celebrity guests including Poppy Delevingne, Cara Delevingne, Sadie Frost, Jasmine Guinness, Donna Air, Cher Lloyd, Erin O’Conner, Rachel Stevens, Bonnie Wright, Dionne Bromfield, Camilla Rutherford, Nick Grimshaw, Olivia Inge, Irena Lazereanu and The Vaccines. Guests were treated to a special DJ set by Solange Knowles, an exclusive performance by The Noisettes (singer 62 I LN Magazine

Shingai Shoniwa also wearing the Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick), with the party culminating with Queens of Noize spinning the decks. Steve Mormoris, Senior Vice-President, Global Marketing for Coty Beauty comments: “We’re delighted to be celebrating 10 years of Kate Moss and Rimmel, marking the occasion with the launch of Kate’s first personally designed collection for the brand. Kate truly epitomises the London Look: her unique style and spirit is emulated across the world. Together with Kate and our striking portfolio of ambassadors, we have made Rimmel a power brand that has global significance. At a time of extraordinary growth, Rimmel’s investment in R&D continues, creating innovative, fashion forward colour cosmetics that will set consumer interest alight and reaffirm our market leading position.” On entering the venue, guests were ushered through a 10 year retrospective gallery celebrating 10 years of Rimmel and Kate Moss. Rimmel usherettes, dressed in red military-style jackets, led guests into the main space to join the party goers. Guests drank Signature Rimmel cocktails named after blockbuster products including Extra Wow (Gin, lemon, apple and elderflower), Glam Eyes (Vodka, blackberry and violet) and Max Gloss (Mango, lime, ginger beer), and ate bespoke British canapés such as London Pride Battered Cod and chunky Chips, homemade Old Spot pork pies and Mini Bakewell tarts, whilst large screens posted Kate’s dramatic helicopter entrance as well as live tweets from VIP guests throughout the evening. About the collection The Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick Collection contains 15 shades – all hand-picked by Kate and features a chic matte black pack that perfectly represents her glamorous rock’n’roll style. Kate’s iconic pack is truly personalised with her signature in an eye catching stand-out red giving it true elegance with an edge! In short, the celebrity fashion phenomenon is one that is regularly discussed by fashion experts, as well as product manufacturers and clothing designers. With the celebrity fashion phenomenon at its current state, it is not uncommon to find designers trying their best to get their latest fashions appearing on today’s hottest celebrities for this sole reason. LN


Photography: Kate Moss Presents Her First Personally Designed Lipstick Collection For Rimmel - Photocall at Claridges Hotel London, England. Kate wears shade No.1 from her collection. Photo by Dave M. Benett/Getty Images for Rimmel.

Photography: Kate Moss Presents Her First Personally Designed Lipstick Collection For Rimmel - Photocall at Claridges Hotel London, England. Kate wears shade No.1 from her collection. Photo by Dave M. Benett/Getty Images for Rimmel.

Kate Moss Q&A

Do you have a favourite shade in your new Lasting Finish Collection? My favourite shade is the red, shade number 1, that I am actually wearing in this commercial. I just really like a red lip. What words would you use to describe these new shades? I would describe these shades as easy to wear. I wanted colours that are classic, ones that I have always worn and to suit every occasion. There are some for day with a mix of beiges and pinks, and for the night the red and darker colours. There is a shade for any occasion. What was your inspiration behind the shade selection for this Collection? The inspiration was for classic shades that I have always worn and had in my handbag. There is always a small selection of shades I always go back to and I wanted this range to reflect that as they will never go out of style. What was your inspiration behind the packaging? What do you like most about it? The packaging is black and just really cool and matt. I really wanted to keep it simple, nothing too bling. I was just inspired by the type of packaging I have always liked. What do you like most about the Lasting Finish Range and its feel on the lips? What I really love about this range of lipsticks is they do not feel like lipsticks. I really hate that heavy, lipsticky feeling you can get on your lips when you first apply it. This range is not at all like that, it has a very comfortable feeling without losing any of the colour. Other than your new lipstick range with Rimmel, what are your other favourite Rimmel beauty products? The flash eyeliner in black is great and I love the Pro nail polish with the maxi brush, they make application so easy. Other than lipstick what are your other make-up must haves? Kohl eyeliner –I love a smoky eye. And mascara. My makeup rule is to either have a strong eye or a strong lip, but not both together. Are you strict about skincare? I love Sisley products but I don’t have a strict routine. I wash and moisturise so it’s very minimal and simple really. SPF sometimes or never? Always Do you have a signature scent or a fragrance wardrobe? I love all of my fragrances but I am wearing my new fragrance Lila Belle quite a lot at the moment. I tend to dress first and then put my fragrance on. I wear a different fragrance to suit my mood. What’s your favourite way to relax? In the country with my friends and family, I love spending time at my house in the Cotswolds. LN Magazine I 65

Fashion Model Model Fashion Event Photography: Anthoulla Andreou Fashion: Elena Aristotle Models: Irini Fantousi for IF Model Agency LN Magazine I 69

Spare Fashion pics

70 I LN Magazine

Winter Trends Black 'n' White Event Photography: Anthoulla Andreou Fashion: Elena Aristotle Models: Irini Fantousi for IF Model Agency

LN Magazine I 71


72 I LN Magazine

La Dolce Vita

Event Photography: Anthoulla Andreou Fashion: Elena Aristotle Models: Irini Fantousi for IF Model Agency LN Magazine I 73

Winter Trends White Musk Libertine On the 30th anniversary of White Musk, The Body Shop launches White Musk Libertine, a new floral musk masterpiece and an exciting evolution of the iconic original. White Musk was the first cruelty-free musk fragrance to arrive on the market and the range quickly captured the imagination of the public and celebrities alike, selling an astonishing 2.5 White Musk fragrances per minute. White Musk Libertine is set to surpass the success of the White Musk fragrance with a new generation, inspired by modern libertines and their multifaceted personalities. The personality and qualities of White Musk Libertine are brought to life through its unique avant-garde fragrance triangle. Musks, which exist at its top, heart and base, react differently with the contrasting ingredients, to unveil a multifaceted ever evolving fragrance.

A range of White Musk Libertine body care products will launch alongside the fragrance, featuring a Shower Gel, Body Lotion and Body Mist. Like the fragrance, all three contain cruelty-free musk and Community Fair Trade fragrance base, with the Body Lotion also featuring Community Fair Trade Shea, Brazil and Babussa Oil. The Body Shop worked with the world’s largest privately owned and Nobel Prize winning fragrance house Firmenich and its leading perfumer Dr. Vincent Schäller in developing White Musk Libertine. Being a libertine at heart, Firmenich has developed a fragrance that is truly inspirational and enthralling. The White Musk Libertine collection is available in Cyprus in The Body Shop® stores from October 27th, 2011. LN Recommend: Favourite everyday wear fragrance. An Ideal Christmas gift for women of all ages. "White Musk Libertine Eau De Toilette" 

74 I LN Magazine

For Hair:

Super Strong Treatment Help rebuild and revive weak hair with this power-packed treatment. Super Strong™ Complex helps strengthen, protect and restore elasticity for improved styling. Helps protect against sun damage. Directions: Use weekly. Apply a small amount to clean, damp hair. Leave on 3-5 minutes. Rinse.

Super Strong Daily Shampoo & Conditioner Strong hair starts from within. Super Strong™ Complex helps rebuild and protect. Helps protect against sun damage. Adds shine and moisture. Directions: Apply a small amount. Massage. Rinse.

Super Strengthener For Professional Use Only. Not for Retail Sale. For use with bleach,lighteners and relaxers. Helps rebond and repair the internal structure of the hair damaged by bleach and relaxers. Contains wheat epoxy resins and amino acids and our Super Strong™ Complex. Directions: After rinsing all chemicals completely from the hair and prior to cleansing, apply a liberal amount throughout the hair. Allow to remain on the hair for 10 -15 minutes. Rinse completely. Shampoo and follow with The Detangler® to soften and normalise hair.


ADDRESS 90, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue Kontopyrgos Court, Flat 201 6052 Larnaka, Cyprus + 357 24 100 101 OPENING HOURS Mon to Fri 9:30-6:30 Sat 9-6 Thu/Sun Closed

LN Magazine I 75


Beauty Tips: Winter Trends by CID Make Up

Skin is healthy and luminous

Smoky eyes with colour

Create luminous looking skin by using highlighter on the cheekbone, try mixing a cream highlighter (i - shimmer in Sherbet) with foundation and apply to the tops of the cheek bones.

Lots of colour for eyes with rich bold tones, so Greens, Blues, Purples and Coppers, try i - smoulder in Olive, Sapphire and Amethyst to create a smoky with colour. Don’t be afraid to use with a fresh Coral lipstick.

Strong lip colours Firstly if you want to wear dark cherry lips, keep the rest of your make up simple, a slick of black liner, mascara on the upper lashes and a touch of pink blush on the apples of the cheek. If you are blessed with fuller lips, line first with Berry lip liner and slick on a generous coat of Very Cherry rolling the lips together afterwards. However if you feel you are not so blessed in the lip department, simply apply Very Cherry like a lip stain. Use your finger to dab onto the lower lip and blot the lips together, this will give a beautiful vampish, bitten look to the lips. 78 I LN Magazine

Brows are fuller and defined Use an eyebrow pencil (i-groom) to fill in the brows don’t be a afraid to go for a fuller shape. Key products i - pout Very Cherry i - prime i - conceal i - glow i - groom i - define i - shimmer i - smoulder

Competitions: Hot New Beauty Products If you are interested in sponsoring our competition page by way of prizes please  us on +357 96600729 or email the editor editor@larnacanews.com For your nearest stockist of CID Make Up or if you are interested in becoming a distributor contact Athos Angelides at AAE Ltd Tel: +357 22337069

The Sept/Oct Competition page was sponsored by CID Make Up and the Body Shop Congratulations to Last Month's Competition Winners!

Fiona Tsierkerzou - CID Christina Vasilliou - BODY Lina Constatinou - BODY June Reid - BODY Zina Constantinou - BODY Lynne Ridgeway - BODY Stanna Wieclawska - SUN All winners have been contacted to collect their prizes. Thank you to all those who entered our competition and if you didn't win try your luck this month as we have more great prizes to give away.

BEAUTY COMPETITION 1. For your chance to win products from the new CID brand in Cyprus text; CID to +357 96600729. Please text your name and email address so that we can notify the lucky winners!

BEAUTY COMPETITION 2. For your chance to win a Leather Diary and or products from the Paul Mitchell brand in Cyprus text; PAUL to +357 96600729. Please text your name and email address so that we can notify the lucky winners! BEAUTY COMPETITION 3. For your chance to win products from Body Shop's White Musk range text; MUSK to +357 96600729. Please text your name and email address so that we can notify the lucky winners! LN Magazine I 79

ff o t n u ls o e c b s di r la % 60 igne des

Design Trends Talu Creations Welcome to the world of talu a fresh and exciting approach to accessorising. Contemporary and trendsetting yet classic with a unique design, with a twist of fashion and art. ‘Handmade Individual design‘ is the slogan of talu for the simple reason that each piece is individual. Orders for custom made pieces are available for that extra personal touch. Mass production is not an option. talu caters only for the few who choose to be noticed for style and individuality; handcrafted accessories for individuals with exceptional taste, an eye for detail and a demand for quality. A new strong brand ready to be part of the elite! The brainchild duo behind talu are two friends, one of whom is an artist in her own right and the other, a guy with a fashion background and a flair for business. The chemistry of these two minds are the foundations of this innovative brand. Breaking away from the mainstream, talu will enchant you with the perfect piece to place you ahead of the crowd. talu the official launch event will take place on Wednesday 16 November 9.00pm at CafeBlu Livadhiotis Hotel, Larnaca Entrance is strictly by invitation only. For further details go to: www.talucreations.com or http://www.facebook.com/pages /Talu/159942560751856

LN Magazine I 81

Motoring Madness' Xmas Green List According to www.energy.eu Cyprus has some of the lowest average prices across the EU for Unleaded petrol and Diesel, with €1.230 for Euro95 Unleaded and €1.260. With that in mind LN takes a Xmas look at some of the most fuel efficient green cars available in different classes.

formance coupes on the market that is still eco-friendly doing 62.8mpg and a higher than we’d like 118g/km of CO2 emissions. This relatively green performance car isn’t as eco-friendly or economical as our other placed cars, but we feel it’s a deserved starting place for our list of green cars.

5. The Volkswagen Scirocco 2.0 TDi 4. The Honda Civic IMA Hybrid, available BlueMotion Tech 3dr Diesel Coupe starts off now in Cyprus, is a great piece of craftsour list of green cars as one of the best per- manship. While keeping the cool design of

The Top 5 Greens cooking for little ones Seat Ibiza

82 I LN Magazine


Honda Civic

the Honda Civic and incorporating a highly effective electric motor alongside its petrol engine, the Honda Civic IMA Hybrid can travel 1160km on a single tank of fuel! Be aware you must always have some petrol in the tank though as the electric motor kicks in once you are cruising (over 20 km/h). The Honda Civic IMA Hybrid delivers performance on par with many competitors’ 1.8s alongside fuel consumption comparable to a 1.0!

this little beauty is still a winner in the green department. 1. The winner of our Green List is the KIA Rio 1.1. This simple little economic masterpiece uses Diesel to achieve a brilliant combined mpg of 88.3 and CO2 emissions of just 85g/ km. LN gives this car a big hand for being so eco-friendly in an automobile industry that has recently become very eco-competitive.

3. The Lexus CT 200h 5dr hatchback with continuously variable transmission is a luxurious hybrid that does a fabulous 68.9mpg and has C02 emissions of only 94g/km, putting this car in the same emissions band as our 1st place and runner up!

All of these cars’ green friendly attitudes mean they have low tax and low running costs making it cheaper for you to own and run a car than you ever thought possible! Electric only cars would obviously top this list with no carbon emissions and while they are becoming more and more popular across 2. Our runner up is the Seat Ibiza 1.2 TDI Europe and the US, we think that here in CyCR Ecomotive, a 5dr Diesel hatchback that prus there’s still a while to go before we see really puts in those miles per gallon. With them adorning our roads in any meaningful 80.7mpg and only 92g/km of CO2 emissions number.

VW Scirocco

Lexus CT 200h

LN Magazine I 83


14, Tassos Papadopoulos Ave. Lordos Marine Court, shops 4-5 6019 Larnaca, Cyprus

Phone: Mobile: Fax: E-mail:

24 662 660 99 699 774 24 635 774 pamyveco@gmail.com

designed by LN Š 2011

A Bike ... The ideal gift

s u t u o b A

We are a newly established company and each of our employees has many years of experience and expertise. A few of us are professional cyclists too. At our shop you will find bicycles for

every taste and all ages from 2 to 92 years old! And for every pocket too!

Our company does not focus on sales alone but is by your side and always available for any technical support, queries you may have and a complete lines of spare parts. We are a family run business and we like to treat our customers like they are part of our family. If there is ever any problem we will fix it promptly. It is our belief that customer satisfaction is paramount to a successful business.

We are exclusive retailers of BMC, BERGAMONT and KAWASAKI in Larnaca. We also produce our own brands such as SPIDER and HORIZON. Come and take a look. Starting from mid-January 2012 we

will be meeting once or twice a week for fun cycling depending on the demand. EVERYONE is welcome to join us! Children under the age of 12 will need to be accompanied by an adult. For further information please do not hesitate to e-mail, call or text us. Just remember to always leave your name.

We are also able to provide information regarding all the races that take place on the island. Simply send us an email and we’ll get back to you. â–

not just for Christmas . .

Cyprus to Israel Regatta 2011: Permission to Come Aboard Sir?


Photography Christine Constantine

he first Cyprus – Israel Regatta 2011 was organised by Israel Yacht Club (IYC) and Famagusta District Sailing Club Begafigo and took place on 1st – 3rd October 2011.

The Regatta was a big success in all respects, in terms of participation and in terms of achieving the goal as a main sailing event in the Eastern Mediterranean. The aim is to promote sailing in the Eastern Mediterranean and to make this regatta an annual international event. On Saturday 1st October the inshore race at Larnaca Bay took place with the participation of 30 yachts from Cyprus and Israel. The favourable wind conditions, force 4-5 Beaufort, made the race very exciting and all participants enjoyed it very much. The distance of the race was about 15 nautical miles and took place at the sea coast of Larnaca next to Larnaca Marina. The prize giving ceremony took place at the old Castle of Larnaca and the prizes were presented by 86 I LN Magazine

the Mayor of Larnaca Mr Andreas Moyseos and the Mayor of Venice, Mr Giorgio Orsoni. The event was sponsored by the municipality of Larnaka. On Sunday 2nd of October the offshore race Larnaca – Tel Aviv started at 11:15am with a distance to cover of 185 nautical miles. 24 yachts (21 from Israel and 3 from Cyprus) took part in this long distance race. The wind conditions were not favourable this time and the race was finished on the gate set at 90 nautical miles. Only seven yachts managed to finish before the wind dropped dramatically, leaving some yachts no choice but to withdraw and power up their engines for a speedy return. The closing prize giving and ceremony took place at Tel Aviv Marina on Tuesday 4th October. The overall winner of the race was the yacht SEABISCUIT, which came first in its class in both the inshore and offshore race. Other best in class winners include Ghost, Hortensia, Hahaf 1 & Jumanji. All the crews and skippers have promised to meet again next year for the Cyprus – Israel Regatta 2012, which will take place again in October 2012 with a similar program. The LN Magazine looks forward to covering the event once again next year and perhaps next year one of us will be brave enough to join the crew, at least for the inshore race anyway. LN

Photography Christine Constantine

88 I LN Magazine

Diary Dates Your Xmas Events Guide person. For reservations please call 99790678 Med High School Christmas Bazar When: Saturday 26th November 10-4pm Where: Med High School, Larnaca. Fun & Games, Stalls, Santa, Gift Shopping for all the Family. Come and join us for some Xmas cheer. Table tops available at €10. Call Eleni on 99875113 Do you have a child with Special Needs? A new support group based in Larnaca starts Thursday 3rd November, 3.30pm-5.30pm then the first Thursday of every month Where: Larnaca Greek Evangelical church community hall (wooden building) - opposite old Larnaca hospital. An informal meeting for families who have children with special needs. Come for a coffee and chat with other parents. All nationalities and families from all towns welcome. Useful links: Facebook - Mums with special angels St Helenas Church Xmas Diary Dates During Advent there will be a series of Bible studies on the theme: the First Christmas, what really happened? In the Upper Room from 3 to 4.30pm on Wednesdays 30 November, 7 December and 14 December. On Sunday 4 December we shall have a Christingle service at 9.30am followed by an all Christmas Fair. The Sunday Evening service for December will be on 18 December and will be a service of Lessons and Carols at 6.30pm. On 24 December there will be a first Communion of Christmas service in the late evening, and on Christmas Day there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am Lithos Bar & Grill Diary Dates ►Friday November 11th Lisa Jade 60s onwards free entrance Friday 18th Michael Buble Free entrance ►Saturday November 26th ( re opening of LIthos bar) Argos Charity Night 7 different new acts Entrance €15/pp ►Frank & Dean on Sunday the 17th of Dec ►Friday December 16th Race night Pies and Mash €6 ►Saturday December 17th Lisa Jade and disco night with Ged Simons.€9 with buffet or €2.50 entrance only ►Christmas Eve Ged Simons 70s & christmas songs 10.00 with buffet or 3.50 entrance only ►Christmas Day 25th Live music with Michael Buble does Ben Carvery Buffet. €35pp ►New Years Eve LIve music with Stever Fury 50s,60s and disco night. Buffet +free shot €25pp. Book Christmas Day and New Years Eve until November 15th and pay only €50 euros per 90 I LN Magazine

Lithos Bar & Grill Now Fully Renovated

From Miltos &Giorgios

Christmas Special Christmas Day buffet with Ben-Does-Bublé plus New Year’s Eve Buffet and Disco with free Shot BOTH for only €50 Bookings before the end of November

Live Events with Buffet from €8-€9.50 Best BBQ Spare Ribs in Town Full English Breakfast with tea, coffee or juice €5.95 Full Menu available with takeaway/delivery Happy Hour 7 days a Week 10am - 7pm open til late Keo €2/pint Amstel €1.80/pint Cocktails €2.00, House Wine €2.00/glass

Tel 99790678 17 Anexartis Str. Oroklini

CYPRUS EVENTS (Cyprus) More info: Elena Papadopoulos Tel: 96767625 Polly Hadjisavva 99540407 Cyprus Astronomy Events, November 2011 Telescope Observation: “Asteroid without Borders” Asteroid 2005 YU55 Flyby When: 08 Nov Time: 21:00 Where: Mazotos Beach (Meeting point: Camel Park 20:30) “Meteors without Borders” Leonids Meteor Showers When: 17 Nov Time: 21:00 Where: Mazotos Beach (Meeting point: Camel Park 20:30) “Eclipse without Borders” Partial Lunar Eclipse When: 25 Nov Time: 20:00 When: Faros, Pervolia (Next to the lighthouse) Journeys to Inspire & Empower Your Heart & Soul. Pre Christmas/New Year Offers! ► 10 Nov - 11:11:11 - Online Meditation, Energy Transmission & Teaching - Island/World-Wide. Free ►3 Dec - 33 Days - Awaken & Transform Your Life Online - Programme & Private Sessions. €315 ►6 Dec - 3 Jan - Awareness Circle - Healing, Meditation, Inspiration, Tools Latchi (Tue. 7-9) €22 ► 9 Dec - Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse - Goddess within workshop & Ceremony - Latchi (eve:4-7) €22 ►10 Dec - Vision Quest with Horse Play! Deep Healing, High Flying - Latchi / Lysos (Day:10-6) €55 Workshops: Family / Relationship - Healing into Wholeness - Larnaca (Friday - Monday) ►16 Dec - New Children & Adults Indigo, Crystal & more - Interactive Talk / Q&A (eve: 7-9) €22 ► 17 Dec - Power of Now - Heal Your Inner Child; Keep Joy aLive in You. Play!shop (Day: 9-4) €55 ►18 Dec - Empowering the Feminine - Free Your Heart, Express Your Souls Truth! (Day: 9-4) €55 ► 16 19 Dec - a few Private Coaching & Energy Healing Sessions will be available. (one hour) €44 ►21 Dec - Solstice Sunset - Meditation, Silence & Sound, Dream Journey. Latchi. (eve:7-9.30) €22 ►22 Dec Solstice Sunrise - Meditation, Inspiration, Movement & Stillness. Latchi. (am:7-9.30) €22 ►TBA January - Swim with Dolphins - Eco Journey to Inspire for EveryOne. Red Sea (1 week) For Private Sessions, Event Information & to book, please email: alicia@ aliciamarysmith.com

Just So Crafty Diary ►Mondays 10am – 12pm Beginners Cardmaking €12 ►Mon 2-3 and 3-4 available for private tuition €12 per hour ►Tuesday 10 – 12 Mosaics €8 beginners, €5 mosaic club ►Tuesday 2-4 Mosaics €8 beginners, €5 mosaic club ►Wednesday 10-12 Advanced Cardmaking €12 ►Thursday 10 – 12 Paint a Pot 20% discount time ►Thursday 2-4 Knit & Natter group FOC ►Friday 10 – 11 and 11 – 12 available for private tuition €12 per hour ►Friday 2 – 4 Craft Afternoon, open to anybody to come and enjoy FOC ►Sat 9 – 11 Kids Mosaic Class 6-16years €8 beginners, €5 mosaic club ►Sat 11 – 1pm Adults Mosaics €8 beginners, €5 mosaic club See main advert for booking details. Slimming World NEW NICOSIA GROUP Where: St Paul's Church, Cathedral Hall, Opposite Greek Embassy, Nicosia When: Thursday at 7.30pm. Tel: Louise 99 688973 See main advert for further details of groups near you. JJ’s Lounge & Sports Bar Larnaca When: Every Friday Karaoke Night from 5pm until late. 3rd December, Grease Night! Where: Galaxias Street 3, Oroklni, Larnaca. Opp. Princess Hotel. Dhekelia Art Group When: Weds mornings 9.30am until noon. Come LN Magazine I 91

CYPRUS EVENTS See You Tomorrow Charisma Theatre Group will present the play "Τa leme avrio" (See you tomorrow) by Eleni Semertzidou When: Friday, November 4th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Phone: 24665795 Where: Larnaca Municipal Theater. Call for further dates.

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Event Feature: Performing Again at Lithos Bar About us: Ben was the star at Lithos Bar and Grill in Oroklini last month and will be re-appearing with a special Christmas performance on the 25th December to entertain the guests on Christmas Day. Born in Blackpool and just 18 years old Ben's show is mainly a tribute show to the great Michael Bublé, Ben gave a great performance to a full house so make sure and book well in advance for Christmas at Lithos. Miltos and Giorgios hold regular event nights at Lithos with many tribute acts, from drag queens to golden oldies. Specialities: For fun packed event nights check out our diary of events listings or see Lithos' main advert. Why not call to see who is performing next. Lithos Bar is undergoing renovations, which will be ready by the end of November with plenty time for the Christmas festivities. In the meantime it's business as usual in the hotel bar. The whole LN team can can personally recommend the Bar-b-que Ribs as a firm favourite so get yourself down to Lithos and leave plenty of room because the portions are man size. Contact us: www.lithosapts.com Tel: 99 79 06 78 17 Anexartis Str. Oroklini Find us on Facebook www.facebook. com/bendoesbuble LN Recommend: Best Ribs in Town and exchange tips, ask advice and receive valuable critiques. If you think you would enjoy painting or are already a practising artist and would like to join our group Contact: Judy Hodgson on Tel: 24 72 00 98 Where: Dhekelia Yacht Club. The Handmade Market Where: Demetriou Shopping Arcade Larnaca When: Every Saturday Handmade Designs at Coffee Beanery The designers of TMOH, Love2Craft, Lenalix and The Scent Catcher are happy to share their latest handmade designs in a group exhibition at Coffee Beanery, Engomi, Nicosia. When: Friday, November 4th, 2011 - Friday, November 11th, 2011 Starts at 17:00 Admission: Free Entrance Phone: 99587433 Where: 1 Andrea Chaliou Street Nicosia

Jhiva - In Body Jhiva means the immortal part of us; that which lives before we are born and continues to live after we die. But what does this immortal part of us do while we go about our everyday lives? When: Friday, November 11th, 2011 Until: Saturday, November 12th, 2011 Time: 20:30 - 21:30 Admission: €15 Phone: 99312710 Where: 81-83 Ayiou Lazarou Street Larnaca Mind, Body & Spirit Exhibition Learn how to stay healthy naturally and reduce the stress in your life to be able to handle daily problems with ease. Learn about different therapies and their benefits and what suits you best. When: Saturday, November 12th, 2011 Until: Sunday, November 13th, 2011 Time: 11:00 - 20:00 Admission: €7 Phone: 96472717 Where: Hilton Park Hotel Griva Digheni Avenue Puppet City A musical puppet performance by the highly awarded Hyundai (1962) Puppet Theatre. One of the best and well known of its kind in the world, combines incredible lighting techniques, amazing changes in subjects and music, as well as 40 large puppets manipulated by accomplished puppeteers. When: Saturday, November 12th, 2011 Until: Sunday, November 13th, 2011 Times: Saturday November 12th: 17:30 Sunday November 13th: 11:30 Admission: €15 / €10 Phone: 77777745 Where: Andrea Drousioti 19 Limassol Lia Voyiatzi – Anima The exhibition includes mostly paintings of large dimensions created mainly with charcoal and a selective use of colour in the form of pastels. Lia Voyiatzi was born in Nicosia, Cyprus in 1970. She studied fine arts in Rome, Italy. When: Friday, October 28th, 2011 Until: Saturday, November 12th, 2011 Opening Hours: Monday: 17:00 - 20:00 Tuesday - Saturday: 10:30 - 12:30 & 17:00 - 20:00 Admission: Free Entrance Phone: 96510261 Where: 47 Perikleous Street Nicosia Oranges and Sunshine Oranges and Sunshine tells the story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovered one of the most significant social scandals in recent times: the forced migration of children from the United Kingdom. Cast: Emily Watson (Margaret Humphreys) Hugo Weaving (Jack) David Wenham (Len) Tara Morice (Pauline) When: Sunday, November 13th, 2011 Until: Thursday, November 17th, 2011 Time: 21:00 (Sun: 20:00) Admission: €8 / €6 Phone: 96420491 Where: 46

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JJ's Lounge & Sports Bar Larnaca Come and Join Us For Great Music and Entertainment For Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve Celebration Parties. Please call for details.

All Sports available in Full HD on all Tv's Sky Sports, OSN & AD TV Full coverage of Premiere League Football F.A. Cup, Champions League Rugby, Tennis, Cricket, F1 etc.! Friday Karaoke 9pm till late HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY 5pm-8pm Pints from €1.70, Bottle Beer from €1.50, Local Spirit & mixer €2.00, Cocktails €5.00 Buy 1 get 1 Free 16-17 Galaxias Street 3 Oroklini, Dhekelia Rd, Larnaca Opp' Princess Hotel, Tel 99924999/99128881 web: www.jjsloungebar.com email: info@jjsloungebar.com

Makedonitissas Avenue Nicosia Orestis – Electra 0-1 A theatrical performance by Theatre Dentro directed by Costas Filippoglou. "Orestis-Electra 0-1" is a "hilarious tragedy" which is loosely based on Orestis of Evripides. Direction: Costas Filippoglou Codirection - Movement: Froso Korrou Music: Dimitris Soultas Cast: Dimitris Kouroubalis, Katerina Loura (In Greek) When: Monday, November 14th, 2011 Time: Starts at 21:00 Phone: 99384606 Where: 17 Andrea Drousioti Street Limassol

experiences and captures the wide kaleidoscope of jazz’s cultural landscape. When: Friday, November 18th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €20/€15 Where: Platia Iroon, Limassol Melted Butter Based on a true story that was reported in the papers of Salonica in 1960. A crime of passion. Three actors – eight heroes. How a drama is successfully transformed into a comedy and vice versa. A performance where laughter is followed by suspense in continuous succession thus thrilling the audience wherever it is performed. When: Sunday, November 20th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €20 / €12 Phone: 77777745 Where: Rialto Andrea Drousioti 19 Limassol Polyphonous Encounter The two choirs will present works from a wide spectrum of the choir repertory (from romantic works to musicals and pop music) as well as works by the young Greek composer Philippos Tsalachouris who will be attending the concert. When: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €12 10 Phone: 77777745 Where: Andrea Drousioti 19 Limassol Man is born everywhere in chains The Fine Arts Alliance is extremely happy to announce its third event. The evening will consist of a classical concert opened by a contemporary dancer, Georgina Theophanous, and a photography exhibition themed after the event's title. When: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011 Time: Starts at 19:30 Admission: €7 Phone: 96712980 Where: Agios Maronas Street Paphos Healers During a Cypriot wedding in a reception hall, 8 women are confessing while an angel, the known plastic male figure from the couple's wedding cake, springs to life and accompanies each of them as a friend, brother, lover, storyteller and sometimes as

Grim Reaper Xigas productions presents for the first time in Cyprus the heavy metal legends Grim Reaper as part of their upcoming European tour. Formed in 1979, Grim Reaper quickly became one of the most successful NWOBHM British bands in the 1980s with success in both Europe and the US. When: Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 Time: 20:00 - 01:00 Admission: €25 / €20 (presale) Phone: 99427323 Where: Kingston Rock City, Limassol Amos Hoffman Quartet Hoffman’s music is a unique combination of Jazz influences ranging from standards, ethnic & classical. Featuring all original compositions, Hoffman’s music is a whirlwind tour of his

Email your articles, news & events to info@larnacanews.com LN Magazine I 93

Flamingo Beach Hotel We cater for special events, birthday parties, dinner parties, small and large conferences, AGMs, club meetings, weddings, engagements & christenings Flamingo Beach Hotel has 64 spacious air-conditioned rooms, with side sea views, and offer 24-hour room service and on suite bathroom. All rooms in the Flamingo are Equipped with hairdryers, free wireless internet and satellite TV. Hotel quests have access to a TV lounge and games room. Enjoy spectacular views of the famous Salt Lake, Airport, Larnaca City & the Mackenzie Beach, by relaxing by our NEWLY renovated rooftop SWIMMING POOL.

WEEKLY EVENTS AT THE FLAMINGO BEACH HOTEL Every Monday: “YOU ARE INVITED TO PUT ON YOUR DANCING SHOES” Afternoon TEA DANCES, 15.30 – 18.00, Everyone is welcome with or without a partner.... only € 5. Every Wednesday: NEW INTERNATIONAL EVENING with a mix of Russian, Greek and Arabic music and dance performances and Nargiles. Mediterranean BBQ buffet. only € 12. Every Friday: CYPRUS NIGHT with live music, dancers and traditional Cypriot food.... only € 12. Every Saturday: TEX MEX BBQ Traditional Texas Style BBQ with the Flavour of Mexico, you can enjoy country music and test your skills in Line Dancing and Karaoke.... only € 12.

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Every Sunday: Flamingo Beach Hotel, has perfected the mouth-watering CARVERY LUNCH, using only finest, most nutritional and genuinely authentic ingredients ! Only € 12 p.p Meal & Dessert. Sunday 12:30 pm – 3 pm. Tel 24828208 - Fax 24656732 152 Piale Pasha Avenue, Mackenzie Beach, 6028 Larnaca Email flamingohotel@cytanet.com.cy - Website www.flamingobeachcyprus.com Facebook: Flamingo Beach Hotel

Come and Celebrate Christmas & The New Year at the Flamingo Beach Hotel Christmas Eve 24th December: Festive Buffet Dinner with Live Music, Games, Hot Mulled Wine and Mince Pies € 35 p.p. Christmas Day 25th December: Breakfast with Santa Claus € 7 p.p. Full Christmas Carvery Lunch € 25 p.p. Light Finger Buffet Dinner € 10 p.p. Boxing Day 26th December: Breakfast only € 7 p.p. Carvery Lunch € 15 p.p. Buffet Dinner € 10 p.p. New Year’s Eve 31st December: Gala Dinner & Dance with Live Music € 35 p.p. New Year’s Day 1st January: Carvery Lunch with Live Music € 25 p.p.

CYPRUS EVENTS a spirit. (in Greek) When: Thursday, November 24th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €12/€6 Phone: 22492900 Where: Larnaca Municipal Theater The King’s Speech The story of the man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ('Bertie') reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded stammer and considered unfit to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue. When: Thursday, November 24th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €5 / €3 (for members) Phone: 99658831-99462903 Where: 51 Michalaki Paridi Street Aradippou, Larnaca

on 9999 2896. Sodom SODOM formed in 1981 and is considered one of the most important and influential thrash metal bands of the eighties. When: Sunday, November

Jazz Night & Cocktails Join us for an evening of Jazz drums, base and saxophone on Friday 25th November at 19:30. Tickets are €15.00 and include a free cocktail and snacks. Limited tickets available. When: Friday, November 25th, 2011 Time: 19:30 - 23:30 Admission: €15 Phone: 99041595 Where: 81-83 Ayiou Lazarou Street, Larnaca Pina Wim Wenders' film records the uniqueness of this great German choreographer who died in 2009. It places the audience on stage along with the legendary Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch ensemble, and follows the dancers in the town and the environs of Wuppertal where Pina Bausch lived and created for 35 years. Director: Wim Wenders Writer: Wim Wenders Runtime: 106 min Genre: Music Language: German, French, English When: Friday, November 25th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €7/5 Where: Andrea Drousioti 19 Limassol Thai Massage training When: 26th Nov - 3rd Dec - This ancient form of traditional authentic Northern style Thai massage combines work on the energy lines, acupressure points, stretching (in yoga like positions) and relaxation. It works all the systems of the body and is both relaxing and therapeutic. Training courses also available. Next one starts 26th Nov 2011. For more info www.thaimassagecyprus.com or call Tina

Post your Business Card in the Event Pages for just €350+vat for 6 months coverage Call us on  96 600 760  info@larnacanews.com 96 I LN Magazine

27th, 2011 Time: 21:30 - 00:30 Admission: €20 presale/€25 at the door. Phone: 24622455 Where: Emanuel Roidi 2 Strovolos, Nicosia Perfomances by Chorotheatro Omada Pende Chorotheatro Omada Pende presents "Linear Writing, drawing B" by Chloe Melidou, "3-fold" by Roula Kleovoulou and "Mary’s Song" by Roula Kleovolou at the ARTos Foundation on Sunday 27 and Monday 28 at 21:00. The three plays have duration of 20 minutes each and will be presented on both nights. When: Sunday, November 27th, 2011 Until: Monday, November 28th, 2011 Time: Starts at 21:00 Admission: €10/€7 Phone: 99349265 Where: 64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue, Nicosia Trust A suburban family is torn apart when fourteenyear-old Annie meets her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via online chat and phone, Annie discovers her friend is not who he originally claimed to be. Shocked into disbelief, her parents are shattered by their daughter's actions

from “El Bulli”, the world’s top restaurant (3 Michelin stars) and now is “Demonstration Chef” for I.C.C (International Cooking Concepts) Company, will be showing interesting Molecular Cuisine techniques and recipes for: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner and Cocktails. When: Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 Until: Thursday, December 1st, 2011 Time: Starts at 09:00 Admission: €800 Phone: +30.6972.444.820 Where: Lanitis Carob Mill Complex Vasilissis Street Limassol Kostas Georgiou The exhibition is made by about 30 large and medium sized paintings under the general title "Traces and Visions". These paintings are part of the work that will be exhibited in other major European and Chinese art centres. When: Tuesday, November 8th, 2011 - Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 Opening Times: Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00 Monday & Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00 Phone: 25378733 Where: Gallery Morfi 84 Agkyras Street Limassol Kybele Cafe Bar, Mackenzy About us: Live Music and Free Salsa Lessons Every Wednesday 9.00pm til late European and Latin dance at Kybele Cafe Bar and Restaurant Piale Pasha, Mackenzie. Tel:99358530 Kybele Special Event Promotion: Join our Friday 9th December Caribbean Party Night and struggle to support her as she comes to terms with what has happened to her once innocent life. When: Monday, November 28th, 2011 Time: Starts at 21:00 Admission: €8/€6 Phone: 96420491 Where: University of Nicosia Protopsalti - Korkolis Celebrating 100 years from the birth of the Nobel laureate poet, the European Limassol Festival presents his work “Orientations” set to music by the composer Elias Andreopoulos. Singing: Alkistis Protopsalti At the piano: Stefanos Korkolis When: Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €25/€20 Phone: 77777745 Where: Andrea Drousioti 19, Limassol Rallia Christidou – Sophia Vogiatzaki The talented singer Rallia Christidou returns to Cyprus accompanied this time by the actress Sophia Vogiatzaki and three wonderful musicians: Christos Alexakis on keyboards and programming, Vangelis Macheras on bouzouki and Nikos Darillas on drums. When: Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 Time: Starts at 21:30 Admission: €30 with 1 drink Tel: 22767711 Where: Dionysou 15 Old Town Hall Square Nicosia Molecular Cuisine Seminar A 3-day seminar (6h/day) on “Molecular Cuisine” (advanced level). Well known Spanish Chef Alain Devahive Tolosa who was a member of the research team of world famous Spanish Chef Ferran Adria, 98 I LN Magazine

The Woman Before A woman turns up on the doorstep of a married man's family home, claiming that he and she were once lovers and that she is there to hold him to the promise he once made to love her forever...Translation: Athina Paraponiari Direction: Stefanos Kotsikos (In Greek) When: Friday, December 2nd, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €15 / €10 Phone: 25877827 Where: 15 Kyriakou Matsi Street Larnaca 3rd Dance The Dance & Fitness Convention will be organised for the third year and it will be held at Hilton Nicosia, on 3rd & 4th December 2011. The convention will be divided in three areas: Dance Area, Fitness Area & Education Area. When: Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 Until: Sunday, December 4th, 2011 Time: 09:00 18:30 Admission: €20/€40 Phone: 96421343 Where: Archbishop Makarios III Avenue Nicosia Grease Night When: 3rd December Where: JJ's Bar, Dhekelia. See main advert for contact details. Children’s Christmas Bazaar Dec 3 - Flamingo Beach Hotel, Piale Pasha, Makenzy, Larnaca 12 - 16:00 Flamingo Beach Christmas When: Dec 10 & 11 ART, CRAFT & BEAUTY Fair Where: Flamingo Beach Piale Pasha, Mackenzie. See our main advert for details. Aphrodite Hills 2011 Christmas Market When: Saturday 4th December 2011 Time: 11am – 5pm Admission: Free Entrance Phone: 26828635 Where: 3 Aphrodite Avenue Paphos Xmas Pottery Painting Class When: Dec 5th at 8pm Where: Just So Crafty, Oroklini, Larnaca. Paint your own Snowman Cookie Jar, Xmas Tree or Xmas Decorations from €5 Wine and mince pies included.


Rottweiler An upcoming journalist, in order to create a name for himself and his show, interviews a provocative neo-Nazi skinhead named Rottweiler. This interview takes place in an underground area of Madrid at Rottweiler’s basement thus increasing the sense of danger to the audience. (In Greek) When: Friday, November 25th, 2011 Until: Saturday, December 10th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Phone: 96458399 Where: B Municipal Market (Theatro Ena) Limassol The Beauty Queen of Leenane The play is a blend of black comedy, melodrama, horror and bleak tragedy. The story is set in the Irish village of Leenane, Connemara in the early 1990s. It takes place entirely in a shabby, poorly-lit kitchen, resulting in a claustrophobic sense of entrapment. (In Greek) When: Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €12 / €6 Phone: 22492900 Where: Larnaca Municipal Theater Mozart – Salieri With the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra When: Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 admission: €12 / €7 Phone: 22463144 Where: Andrea Drousioti 19 Platia Iroon Limassol U3A-Larnaca Christmas Function. When: 8th December, Buffet, Drinks & Disco all for €20. Non-members welcome. Tickets available from Gill on 24 623 882 or Tony - 24 647 564. Cyprus Astronomy Events, December 2011 “Eclipse without Borders” Total Lunar Eclipse When: 10 Dec Time: 20:00 Place: Faros, Pervolia (Next to the lighthouse) Meteors without Borders” Geminids Meteor Showers When: 13 Dec Time: 21:00“ When: Mazotos Beach (Meeting point: Camel Park 20:30) Astroparty: “Seasons without Borders” – December Solstice When: 22 Dec Time: 20:00 Night Sky Tour: Telescope Observations Where: Faros, Pervolia (by the lighthouse), Pervolia For more events and news and info please visit www.astronomycyprus.eu or call 70009500 or 99991111. U3A-Larnaca When: 13th December, Coffee Morning Non-

BenDoesBublé Ben’s tribute show to the great Michael Bublé, with a few other current modern songs thrown in. A cheeky performer originally from Blackpool with a range of classic songs that appeal to all ages. Ben’s experience ranges from guest appearances in Andrea Morelli’s Rat Pack show, to singing at weddings and private parties, bars and clubs. For shows tailored to suit all audiences, small or large, with the Bublé material contact: Ben Mills +357 99 13 61 83

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Shooting Star Reed and Elena were college sweethearts but haven’t seen each other in twenty-five years. He’s grown into a suit-and-tie with Blackberry while she has remained an idealistic hippy. When both are stranded at the same snowed-in airport during the “blizzard of the century”, the conversation crackles and the sparks begin to fly. When morning comes and all flights are cleared for departure – what’s the final destination for these two? Shooting Star is a sweet, touching comedy filled with humour, heartache, secrets and snow. Directed by the award winning Greek director Eleni Boza. (In Greek) When: Friday, November 4th, 2011 Until: Sunday, December 18th, 2011 Time: 20:30 (Sun: 18:30) Admission: €15/€10 Phone: 22818999 Where: Dionysos Theater, Nicosia

www.bendoesbuble.com www.facebook.com/bendoesbuble

members welcome. For details please contact Gill on 24 623 882 or Tony - 24 647 564 Just Imagine A theatrical production which makes the audience, young and old to stop see life as black and white, and discover the rest of the “colours” that exist around us. Directed by Xenakis Kyriakides Devised by Catherine Beger & Charlotte Davies Choreography: Elsa Souroulla When: Sunday, December 11th, 2011 Until: Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 Time: Starts at 11:00 Admission: €10 / €7 / €5 Phone: 24822677 Where: ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation 64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue Nicosia Iced Earth Iced Earth, the popular American heavy metal band from Tampa, Florida, is coming for the first time to Cyprus since they included the island in their 2011 tour. Support band: Sonik Death Monkey When: Thursday, December 15th, 2011 Time: 20:00 - 23:30 Admission: €35 / €30 (presale) / €80 (VIP) Phone: 2232222 Where: Pavilion Lakatameia, Nicosia Free Lectures and interactive Games A fun and educational session taking place at PJK, 42A Nikis Avenue, Nicosia (next to DHL,opposite to Burger King at Nikis). When: every Saturday afternoon from 15:00-16:00. A lecture on natural and man-made selection: the history of the "magic fish". Interactive game and competition. When: Saturday, October 29th, 2011 Until: Saturday, December 17th, 2011 Time: 15:00 16:00 Admission: Free Entrance Phone: 22028059 Where: 42A Nikis Avenue Nicosia Christmas Carols With the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra. ERT Choir (conductor: Dimitris Bouzanis) Choir “Leandros Sitaros” of Pnevmatiki Stegi, Nicosia (Conductor: Maro Skordi) Baritone: Costas Mavrogenis Narrator: Nikos Charalambous Conductor: Alkis Baltas When: Wednesday, December 21st, 2011 Time: Starts at 20:30 Admission: €12 and pensioners €7 Phone: 22463144 Where: Rialto Andrea Drousioti 19 Platia Iroon Limassol LN Magazine I 99

Monday 5th Dec at 8pm - Ladies Xmas Pottery Painting Paint you own Snowman Cookie Jar, Xmas Tree or Xmas Decoration including wine and mince pies. Booking Essential!

Card Making Crafty Xmas Give a personal family touch to your Christmas cards this Xmas with a great photo pull out happy snowman greetings card. Merry Christmas! This card making idea is great for the kids.


Wools Yarns & Needles

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to all our Customers In stock NOW Card making embellishments, Toppers, Card Blanks, Peel Offs, Decoupage and more... Stockist of SIRDAR Yarns & Patterns. Prices from only €2.95

Tools and Materials: -Photos of your family -Scissors -8½ by 11 inch sheets of card stock (white &blue) -Clear tape -Glue stick -Craft knife -Orange, black and red markers -A9 or 6 by 9 inch envelope 1. With photo editing software or a scanner, enlarge or reduce your photos so your family's faces are about 1 inch tall. Print the photos and cut them into 1½ by 1 inch rectangles. Tip: Passport sized photos from photo booths and photo shops are ideal to save time with cutting and editing!!

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Open Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am-2pm Closed on Sunday and Wednesday Tel: 97 62 99 55 Stasos Court, Pervolia (near Costas Tiggis Supermarket) 100 I LN Magazine

2. Cut an 8½ by 2 inch strip of white card stock. Tape a 1½ by ½ inch piece of white card stock to the left end of the strip and then fold it over the edge of the strip to create a hook. Glue your photos side by side on the strip (on the same side you taped the hook to), lining up the subjects' eyes and leaving at least 2 inches at the right end of the strip uncovered. 3. Fold the blue card stock in half widthways. Cut a snowy hill and a snowman with a 1½ inch head

Inspiration from white card stock. Use a craft knife to cut a 1 inch circle from the snowman's face and then glue both pieces to the card, placing the snowman so his head is 1 inch from the right edge and ½ inch below the fold. 4. Open the card and cut a matching face hole in the blue card stock, as well as a 2 inch long vertical slit parallel to the snowman's head and about ½ inch from the edge of the card. 5. Turn over the card and tape the ends of a 2 ½ by ½ inch strip of card stock to the inside edge of the hole for a guide, parallel to the slit, as shown. Slip the photo strip facedown under this guide and out through the slit.


Fax:25324112 stitchescyprus@cytanet.com.cy

6. Close the card and write "Pull" along the edge of the strip. Draw a snowman's face on the white card stock that shows through the hole, then add arms, buttons, and a card stock scarf, if you like, as well as a holiday greeting in the bottom left of the card such as “Merry Xmas” or “Happy Holidays”. For handmade cards with an extra special touch, specialist craft supplies, decorative materials or to attend one of many organised workshops visit Just So Crafty in Oroklini, TerriMo in Pervolia and Stitches in Limassol. For beads and all things glittery visit Beads'n'Gems, Larnaca or check out them out online. Take a look at some more wonderful Christmas card ideas on here created with a little bit of imagination and lots of Christmas spirit! Samples supplied by Sarah at Just So Crafty.● LN Magazine I 101


Astrology Your Lucky Horoscope By Tara Pierce of astrostar.com and astrology-recipes.com

ARIES (March 20 - April 20): http://www.astrostar.com/aries.htm The Luckiest Aries this month were born March 3031, April 1-10. Your Luck Factor this month is 7/8. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 11-25. The Unluckiest Aries this month were born April 11-15. Your Luck Factor this month is 3/4. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 15, 21. All other Aries: Your Luck Factor is 6/7. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 2, 20, 25, 31, 38, 39.

LIBRA (September 22 - October 22): http://www.astrostar.com/libra.htm The Luckiest Libras this month were born Sept. 2527. Your Luck Factor this month is 7. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 3-5, 23-30. The Unluckiest Libras this month were born Sept. 22-23. Your Luck Factor this month is 4/5. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 6-7. All other Libras: Your Luck Factor is 6/7. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 8, 9, 11, 18, 26, 32.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 21): http://www.astrostar.com/taurus.htm Taurus is the luckiest sign of the zodiac June 4, 2011 - June 11, 2012. The Luckiest Taurus's this month were born April 20-25. Your Luck Factor this month is 7. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 26-30. The Unluckiest Taurus's this month were born May 15-21. Your Luck Factor this month is 4. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 1-11. All other Taurus's: Your luck factor is 6. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 3, 19, 22, 24, 32, 38.

SCORPIO (October 22 - November 21): Happy Birthday, Scorpio! http://www.astrostar.com/scorpio. htm The Luckiest Scorpios this month were born Oct. 2228. Your Luck Factor this month is 8. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 26-30. The Unluckiest Scorpios this month were born Nov. 19-21. Your Luck Factor this month is 5. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 5-11. All other Scorpios: Your Luck Factor is 7. Your Luckiest Numbers this month are 6, 10, 28, 31, 32, 37.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 21): http://www.astrostar.com/gemini.htm The Luckiest Geminis this month were born May 2122. Your Luck Factor this month is 6. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 1-2. The Unluckiest Geminis this month were born May 24-30. Your Luck Factor this month is 3. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 18-25. All other Geminis: Your Luck Factor is 5. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 22.

SAGITTARIUS (November 21 - December 21): Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! http://www.astrostar.com/sagittarius.htm The Luckiest Sagittarians this month were born Dec. 3-21. Your Luck Factor this month is 7/8. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 13-26. The Unluckiest Sagittarians this month were born Nov. 21-30. Your Luck Factor this month is 4/5. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 11, 18, 19. All other Sagittarians: Your Luck Factor is 7. Your Luckiest Numbers this month are 3, 13, 19, 29, 32, 38.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): http://www.astrostar.com/cancer.htm The Luckiest Cancers this month were born June 23-25. Your Luck Factor this month is 6/7. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 18. The Unluckiest Cancers this month were born July 16-18. Your Luck Factor this month is 4. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 7, 20, 21, 27. All other Cancers: Your Luck Factor is 5/6. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 7, 8, 9, 16, 20, 28.

CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 20) http://www.astrostar.com/capricorn.htm The Luckiest Capricorns this month were born Dec. 21-26. Your Luck Factor this month is 8. Your Luckiest Days are all month, especially Nov. 26-30. The Unluckiest Capricorns this month were born Jan. 12-16. Your Luck Factor this month is 5. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 7, 15, 21. All other Capricorns: Your Luck Factor is 7. Your Luckiest Numbers this month are 1, 4, 5, 16, 28, 38.

LEO (July 22 - August 22): http://www.astrostar.com/leo.htm The Luckiest Leos this month were born July 22-31. Your Luck Factor this month is 7. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 22-27. The Unluckiest Leos this month were born Aug. 21-22. Your Luck Factor this month is 5. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 8, 9, 22, 23. All other Leos: Your Luck Factor is 6/7. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 5, 7, 8, 15, 33, 38.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 19): http://www.astrostar.com/aquarius.htm The Luckiest Aquarians this month were born Jan. 2029. Your Luck Factor this month is 6. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 2-8, 22-30. The Unluckiest Aquarians this month were born Feb. 12-19. Your Luck Factor this month is 3. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 1-9. All other Aquarians: Your Luck Factor is 5. Your Luckiest Numbers this month are 7, 11, 14, 28, 29, 39.

VIRGO (August 22 - September 22): http://www.astrostar.com/virgo.htm The Luckiest Virgos this month were born Aug. 23-29. Your Luck Factor this month is 8/9. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 9, 14, 26-30. The Unluckiest Virgos this month were born Sept. 4-6. Your Luck Factor this month is 6. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 11-12. All other Virgos: Your Luck Factor is 8. Your Lucky Numbers this month are 4, 13, 18, 20, 23, 33.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): http://www.astrostar.com/pisces.htm The Luckiest Pisces this month were born Feb. 1924, March 18-20. Your Luck Factor this month is 7/8. Your Luckiest Days this month are Nov. 1-2, 26-30. The Unluckiest Pisces this month were born Feb. 2629. Your Unluckiest Days this month are Nov. 24-30. All other Pisces: Your Luck Factor is 7. Your Luckiest Numbers this month are 2, 6, 12, 18, 19, 24.

Your Luck Factor: 10 - All planets auspiciously aspect your sun sign. Good luck abounds. It's rare. 9 - Extremely lucky. Don't miss this opportunity! 8 - Very lucky! 7 - Odds are definitely still on your side. 6 - Lucky enough to at least try. 5 - Neutral luck. 4 - A shade unlucky. 3 - Fairly unlucky but there's still hope. 2 - Downright unlucky. 1 - Extremely unlucky. Stay in bed, hide from the world. Even rough for masochists. 0 - I'll rarely commit to this bad luck factor. There's always light in darkness. And remember, that as bad as anything gets, the pendulum does swing again. 102 I LN Magazine

XMAS COFFEE BREAK RIDDLES If you drop me I'm sure to crack, but give me a smile and I'll always smile back.

Answer: A Mirror

What Am I?

FASCINATING FACTS ►Did you know? 'Super Glues' were not originally created for healing battle wounds as many believe, but a new 'super glue' was developed from the originals later on and approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) for closing wounds and surgical incisions. These are medically approved glues created for this specific purpose, and therefore other 'super glues' should not be used for this purpose.

JOKES ►A teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Kathy said, "My father's a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the pickup when we hit a bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess." "And what's the moral of the story?" asked the teacher. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" Next little Lucy raised a hand and said, "Our family are farmers, too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks and the moral to this story is, don't count your chickens until they're hatched." "That was a fine story Lucy. Johnny, do you have a story to share?" "Yes, ma'am! My daddy told me this story about my Aunt Marge. She was a flight engineer during Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a Machete. So she drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break. Then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. She killed 70 of them with the machine gun until it ran out of bullets; then she killed 20 more with the machete until the blade broke; then she killed the last 10 with her bare hands." "Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "what moral did your daddy give from that horrible story?" "Stay away from Aunt Marge when she's been drinking!" ►A businessman enters a bar, sits down, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders the bartender to prepare another double martini. After he finishes that, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini. The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinis all night long - but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill." The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know it's time to go home."

FUNNY QUOTES ► "These people haven't seen the last of my face. If I go down, I'm going down standing up." - Chuck Person, NBA Basketball player ► "You guys, line up alphabetically by height." - Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach ► "That's just the tip of the ice cube." - Neil Hamilton, BBC2 ► "If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight." - George Gobel LN Magazine I 103


104 I LN Magazine

Batman: Arkham City


eveloped by Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum. Players are sent soaring into Arkham City, the new maximum security “home” for all of Gotham City’s thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds. Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brandnew story that draws together a new all-star cast of classic characters and

murderous villains from the Batman universe, as well as a vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate experience as the Dark Knight. Here are some of the new and improved features of the new Batman: Arkham City: ►Become the Dark Knight – Batman: Arkham City delivers a genuinely authentic Batman experience with advanced, compelling gameplay on every level: high-impact street brawls, nail-biting stealth, multifaceted forensic investigation, epic super-villain encounters and unexpected glimpses into Batman’s tortured psychology.

►Play as Catwoman – Catwoman is a fully playable character in Batman: Arkham City who has her own storyline in the main game, which is seamlessly interwoven with Batman’s story arc. Her navigation skills, combat moves and gadgetry have been specifically designed to deliver a fully featured and unique experience. ►Advanced FreeFlow Combat – Batman faces highly coordinated, simultaneous attacks from every direction as Arkham’s gangs bring heavy weapons and all-new AI to the fight, but Batman steps it up with twice the number of combat animations and double the range of attacks, counters and takedowns. ►New Gadgets – Batman has access to new gadgets such as the Cryptographic Sequencer V2 and Smoke Pellets, as well as new functionality for existing gadgets that expand the range of Batman’s abilities without adding extra weight to his Utility Belt. ►New Story – Five-time Emmy-Award-winner Paul Dini returns to pen a brand-new story for Batman: Arkham City, taking gamers deep inside the diseased heart of Gotham. ►Arkham Has Moved – Following the closure of Arkham Asylum and Blackgate prison, Gotham’s

new mayor, Quincy Sharp ordered the relocation of all inmates to Arkham City - a sprawling new super prison five times bigger than Arkham Island, enclosing a wide variety of industrial districts, iconic locations and Gotham landmarks. ►Huge Cast of Characters – Players encounter numerous characters from the Batman universe, including Catwoman, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Penguin, Hugo Strange, Victor Zsasz, Calendar Man, The Joker, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Talia al Ghul, Solomon Grundy and other iconic characters yet to be revealed. ►Featured VO Talent – Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy reprise their roles as The Joker and Batman respectively. Stana Katic of the popular series Castle voices the character Talia al Ghul. ►Play in Stunning 3D – Delve deep into Arkham City’s breathtaking environments and immersive gameplay in stereoscopic 3D when playing on any 3D HDTV and wearing active shutter glasses that are compatible with the television. The game also supports NVIDIA 3D Vision technology allowing players to experience stereoscopic 3D on GeForce® GPU-equipped desktop or notebook PCs and compatible 3DTVs. ●


For me this year’s FIFA release doesn’t improve enough on FIFA 11 for it to be a worthy new title. The layout looks the same, graphics look the same, menus are the same and career mode is the same except transfer deadline day advances by hour rather than the usual day. In fact, apart from defending, which takes on a whole new aspect with real pinpoint timing required in the tackle. However, EA Sports have given the option to turn the game back to FIFA 11 tackling as well. Do this and you’ll really understand how little the game has changed since last year’s release. It’s still a great game, don’t get me wrong, there's also a cool Youth Development System to play with in Career Mode, but I expected more improvements from FIFA 11 to FIFA 12. ●

Xmen: Destiny

This game is a little gem if you like XMen or similar comics and cartoons. It plays like an action RPG as you gain experience and use this to purchase skills from your chosen skill tree. You choose one of three characters to play and choose one of three mutant powers to have, each with their own skill tree to unlock and upgrade. You also get uniforms and XGenes to give you added powers from other mutants such as Diamond Skin for added defence or Wolverine’s super fast regeneration ability. It’s a short game but replay value is good as you can choose to play through the X-Men storyline or the Brotherhood storyline and you’ll want to complete both. ●

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 LN Magazine I 105

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Exotic Pets Iguanas

The genus Iguana actually contains only two species, the Green Iguana (a popular pet) and the Lesser Antillean Iguana (an endangered species). Iguanas are beautiful creatures and despite being called Green Iguanas, most Iguanas do not actually end up green as adults. All baby Iguanas share the same bright green colouring, but once they mature they can be a variety of colours from bluish green to grey or brown with black or brown markings. It’s actually a fun surprise to find out what colour your baby Iguana will grow in to! Iguanas have a row of spines running down their back to their tail, a dewlap (a flap of skin under the neck or lower jaw) and a “Third Eye”. It’s not quite an “all seeing third eye” but it does detect light and dark, so Iguanas often use it to detect aerial threats and regulate the production of hormones when basking in the sun. They also have a powerful tail they can whip foes with, as well as sharp claws and many sharp teeth, and also have excellent vision with which they can detect shapes and motions at long distances. Iguanas cannot change colour as chameleons do for camouflage, however they do change colour in line with their mood and particularly during mating season. Iguanas can be lovely pets to have, but they are not as easy to care for as most people think, with many myths and misconceptions floating around. Most parents do not realise when buying an Iguana for their child(ren) that they can and will grow between 4 and 6 feet in length from snout to tail and therefore require a large enough enclosure to enable a 4 foot lizard to climb, walk, move, sleep, bask in the sun, etc., etc. One of the biggest myths is that Iguanas will only grow to the size of their enclosure. This is untrue; usually Iguanas that do not grow properly are not cared for correctly and suffer accordingly. Many people also believe that you can feed Iguanas cat and dog food and insects. This is a serious misbelief and in actual fact, because these foods contain animal proteins they will endanger an Iguana’s life and can lead to liver failure and premature death. Iguanas are herbivores. They eat a variety of greens and this is the key; a variety. Do not only feed an Iguana lettuce. Lettuce is OK in very small amounts and on rare occasions, but it is very low in nutrients and some Iguanas become stuck on it and refuse to eat anything else once used to eating lettuce. This again can lead to diseases. There are also other greens you should monitor carefully such as spinach, whole grains, cabbage and cauliflower. You should also take your Iguana to a veterinarian (preferably a reptile vet) at least once a year and be aware that Iguanas, like many creatures once out of their natural environment, no longer know what is and isn’t safe to eat. As long as you take care of an Iguana responsibly you should be fine. See what wonderful lizards Iguanas really are when looked after with care and attention! LN LN Magazine I 107

Anime Thundercats 2011! That’s right the Thundercats are back! I didn’t believe it myself when I heard. Risking highlighting my age, I grew up with cartoons from the 80s and Thundercats was my favourite out of the lot. They were also my younger brothers’ favourites as well when I showed them the old VHS and more recent DVDs; swords, magic, technology, lizards, lions and silly Monkians tend to have that effect on kids! Now, they’ve remade the cartoon with a new storyline, much more in depth history and some great characters, while still sticking to the core material of the 80s hit cartoon. I admit I was a bit unsure at first, thinking it’ll be a rubbish remake to get some easy, quick hit views from people like me who used to watch these before and after school. But I was pleasantly surprised! And this isn’t like the Teletubbies or the Tweenies; whether you’re 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years of age, you’ll remember the old Thundercats and enjoy the new more anime style adventure airing on Cartoon Network now. This is a cartoon series you can sit down and watch with your kids without being bored out of your mind. And for the kids reading this, you might have to put up with a few outbursts of, “but that didn’t happen in the old ones” and “but that’s not how they’re related” until your parents get used to the idea that it is almost a completely new cartoon, but trust me, it’s worth the watch. Action packed sword fights, search and destroy robots, the Sword of Omens, a much scarier Mumm-Ra and a cool storyline have already made the new series extremely popular with high ratings on Cartoon Network. Check it out now and see how much the new Thundercats has improved and how great the new artwork looks. And if you haven’t got Cartoon Network, have a look on the Internet; I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for!

108 I LN Magazine

LN Magazine I 109


NEW RELEASES Film News by Alex Andreou

Footloose Rating: PG-13 – 113 mins Director: Craig Brewer Starring: Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough and Dennis Quaid Writer/Director Craig Brewer (“Hustle & Flow,” “Black Snake Moan”) delivers a new take of the popular 1984 classic film, "Footloose”. Ren MacCormack (played by newcomer Kenny Wormald) is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where he experiences a heavy dose of culture shock. A few years prior, the community was rocked by a tragic accident that killed five teenagers after a night out and Bomont’s local councilmen and the beloved Reverend Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid) responded by implementing ordinances that prohibit loud music and dancing. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalising the town and falling in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough) in the process. ●

Puss in Boots Rating: PG Director: Chris Miller Starring: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and Zach Galifianakis Long before he meets Shrek, the notorious fighter, lover and outlaw Puss in Boots becomes a hero when he sets off on an adventure with the tough and street smart Kitty Softpaws and the mastermind Humpty Dumpty to save his town. This is the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend… The Boots. ● 110 I LN Magazine

The Twighlight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Rating: PG-13 – 115 mins Director: Bill Condon Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Michael Sheen The Quileute and the Volturi close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses different threats to the wolf pack and the vampire coven. ●

Footloose Images: Photography by: K.C. Bailey for Paramount Pictures


COMPETITION FREE T i c ke t G i ve a w a y HOW TO ENTER: Send your answers to editor@larnacanews.com or text MOVIE to 96600729. Entries must be accompanied by FULL CONTACT NAME, EMAIL and MOBILE NUMBER. Closing date 20th December 2011. The winner will be announced in the next issue and will be notified by email and or text.

Answer to last Month's question: Chris Evans SEPT/OCT WINNER: Eleni Kamakian Congratulations!


WIN 2 FREE Cinema Tickets! Question: Which famous actor does the voice acting for Puss in Boots in the new film "Puss in Boots"?

Killer Elite Rating: R Director: Gary McKendry Starring: Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert De Niro

Movie Review is Sponsored by FOUR STAR FILMS Tel: 24629420

Killer Elite teams up to two of the world’s elite operatives, Danny (Statham) and Hunter(De Niro) against secret military society leader, Spike (Clive Owen). A game of cat and mouse plays out around the globe, but who’s the mouse and who’s the cat? ● LN Magazine I 111


Astro News Comet Elenin Passed By Earth On Sunday 16 October The moment long feared by conspiracy theorists has passed. The "Doomsday Comet" Elenin (or what is left of it) made its closest approach to Earth on Sunday 16th October. Comet Elenin started breaking up in August this year after being blasted by a huge solar storm. A close pass by the Sun on September 10th at a distance of 72.1 million km finished it off. The comet became a faint ghost of its former self and since then has been lost to view because of its faintness and proximity to the Sun in the sky. So on Sunday 16th October only a stream of debris, and not a completely intact comet as feared by conspiracy theorists, cruised within 35.4 million km of our planet. It is said that the leftovers of Comet Elenin won't return for another 12,000 years. "Folks are having trouble finding it, so I think it's probably dead and gone," said astronomer Don Yeomans of the Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The Doomsday Comet Elenin's apparent demise may come as a relief to some people, since apocalyptic rumours circulating on the Internet portrayed the comet as a major threat to Earth. One theory claimed Elenin would set off disasters on Earth after aligning with other heavenly bodies, spurring massive earthquakes and tsunamis. Another theory maintained that Elenin was not a comet at all, but in fact a rogue planet called Nibiru that would bring about the end of the Earth. In truth, Elenin was a second-rate, wimpy little comet that never should have been noted for anything, really. It was not even a bright one!!! Elenin's remains were not the only objects to make their closest pass of Earth. One day after Elenin’s flyby, the small asteroid 2009 TM8 zipped close by. Like Elenin, it posed no risk of striking our home planet. Asteroid 2009 TM8 is about 6.4 metres wide and the size of a school bus. It came within 212,000 miles of Earth (just inside the orbit of the moon on the morning of Monday 17th October).

112 I LN Magazine

Goodbye Comet Elenin‌ Comet Elenin was named Images: Courtesy of Kition after its Planetarium & Observatory discoverer, Russian amateur astronomer Caption: Images of comet Elenin on Aug 19 (above left) and Sept 6, 2011 (above right). The images show a rapid dimming in the comet, possibly hinting at its disintegration. Credits: Michael Mattiazzo Leonid Elenin, who spotted it in December 2010. Before the icy wanderer broke up, its nucleus was likely around 3 to 5 km in diameter. Elenin never posed any threat to life on Earth. It was far too small to exert any significant influence on our planet unless it actually managed to hit us. Comet Elenin has been accused of being a brown dwarf or the mysterious and destructive planet "Nibiru" and has been blamed for earthquakes and tsunamis. Elenin's leftover crumbs leaving our Earth will be speeding out on a long journey to the outer solar system. Credits: http://www.space.com , http://www.nasa.gov

The Sun with Sunspots

50 Years of Human Space Flight

For more information from the Kition Planetarium & Observatory email planetarium@ cytanet.com.cy or call George Troullias, Director, on 99 99 11 11. E-mail: planetarium@cytanet.com.cy www.astronomycyprus.eu www.cyprusplanetarium.com See our Diary Dates for a full list of events for November and December.

The KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY as the National Coordinator for Cyprus for World Space Week, celebrated this worldwide project with a variety of events involving visits to schools and telescope observations open to the public.

Nursery School : “Agkalia me Paramithia�

Kalo Chorio Primary School

LN Magazine I 113

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This ancient form of traditional authentic Northern style Thai massage combines work on the energy lines, acupressure points, stretching (in yoga like positions) and relaxation. It works all the systems of the body and is both relaxing and therapeutic.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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