Alexa Boldy Portfolio

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ALEXA BOLDY portfolio







Welcome(to(my(Portfolio(showcasing(the(work(that(I’ve(completed(in(BA(Fashion(Communication(&(Promotion(since(starting(my(second(year(at(Nottingham( Trent(University.(( Blog:( Website:( Email:( Instagram:(@alexayo(


Company Histor y



fonts,(as(part(of(their(brand(guidelines.(Occasionally(you’ll(find(a(job(has(specific(requirements,(such(as(limited(room( that(might(require(a(condensed(face,(or(a(lot(of(legal(text(that(might(require(

summer work : P4-8


self promotion: P9-15


identity: P16-18 JOHN(BINDER

other: P19-24



SUMMER WORK Over(the(summer(I(travelled(and(did(some(freelance(work,(when(we(returned(to( University(we(were(set(the(task(to(showcase(what(we(had(been(up(to.(The(aim( of( the( project( was( to( be( able( to( find( out( a( bit( more( about( ourselves( and( our( aesthetic(pleasures(so(that(we(can(approach(the(self(promotion(brief(with(more( confidence.(




Frequently,( your( initial( font( choice( is( taken( out( of( your( hands;( companies(often(specify(a(typeface,(or(even(a(set(of(fonts,(as(part(of( their( brand( guides( However,( if( you( find( yourself( with( an( entirely( blank( page,(with( unlimited( options,( the( natural( place( to( start( is( the( largest(proportion(of(text,(and(that(is(probably(your(body(copy.




reflective blog post We( were( set( the( task( during( summer( to( write( a( blog( post(about(we(are(going(to(‘stop,(start(and(continue’.(I( like(these(types(of(posts(as(they(make(you(think(about( your(actions(and(habits(which(you(wouldn't(usually(do.(




alexas imagination

calbee, yushoi

Maintaining( and( curating( content( for( my(blog.(It(kept(me(engaged(with(both( the( design( world( and( the( wellness,( health(world.(

Sales( Assistant( for( Yushoi,( at( Hyper( japan,( London.( Trying( to( sell( a( new( type( of( healthy( crisp( at( the( trade( show.

trent surf

jo-ga beats, ibiza

B r a n d i n g( t h e( c l u b ,( c r e a t i n g( m e rc h a n d i s e( fo r( f re s h e rs( f a i r,( designing( the( logo,( creating( posters( for( trips,( ordering( stickers( and( business(cards.(

Taking( part( in( a( week( long( yoga( workshop( and( producing( some( photography(for(the(owner.(





‘What( are( you( like’( is( a( touring( exhibition( from( the( House( of( Illustration.( ( Based( on( a( Victorian( parlour( game( in( which( you( describe(yourself(with( images( of(your( favourite( things.( I( found( this( task( really( useful( as( I( learnt( more( about( my( own( personal( design( aesthetic.(I(found(that(my(preferred(visual(is(collage(and(that(I(love( multimedia.( I( tend( to( layer( images( and( have( a( range( of( nature( inspired(colours(and(textures(involved.(


self promotion Personal(branding(is(now(considered(almost(integral(in(order(to(thrive(in(the(creative(industry.(What(you(create(is( the(first(impression(potential(employers(will(get(from(you(so(there’s(a(certain(degree(of(pressure(to(get(the(perfect( balance(of(professional(and(reflecting(myself.(I(found(this(project(really(interesting(as(I(was(able(to(experiment(with( lots( of( different( art( forms.( Through( bountiful( trials,( i( was( able( to( find( a( motif( that( I’m( happy( with( and( can( use( throughout(my(designs.(


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development I’ve( always( been( a( big( fan( of( colour,( it( fascinates( me.( How( a( different(shade(can(effect(your(mood(and(how(you(feel(for(the(rest( of( the( day..( I( found( some( really( cool( posters( which( explode( with( colour( and( I( was( really( drawn( to( their( vibrancy.( I( wanted,( when( someone(looked(at(my(business(card,(for(them(to(feel(energetic(and( happy.( I( played( around(with( logos( both( freehand( and( on( illustrator( and(there(is(one(that(I(do(like(however(I(feel(for(the(business(cards(I( will( just( use( my( name( as( it( will( be( more( striking.( I( am( planning( on( using(a(drawn(logo(on(the(website(though,(and(social(media(sites.(I( then( started( to( create( small( shapes( with( an( eclectic( but( refined( colour(palette(in(InDesign(and(liked(how(it(came(across(as(a(subtle( pop(of(energy.(


self promotion mock up

Frequently,(your(initial(font(choice(is(taken(out(of(your( hands;( companies( often( specify( a( typeface,( or( even( a( set( of( fonts,( as( part( of( their( brand( guides( However,( if( you( find( yourself( with( an( entirely( blank( page,( with( unlimited( options,( the( natural( place( to( start( is( the( largest( proportion( of( text,( and( that( is( probably( your( body(copy.



visual cv & cover letter

alexa boldy

my education

Nottingham Trent University: BA Fashion Communication & Promotion (2014-2017) 07949232579 @alexayo

References: (lecturer at NTU) I am a second year BA Fashion Communication and Promotion student at Nottingham Trent University. The course includes a range of creative aspects behind the industry including, but not limited to; PR, event management, visual merchandising, creative direction and journalism. As a highly creative individual I feel that I thrive in this environment and having just achieved a First in my first year, I am keen to further my studies and learn more about the fashion industry. I thoroughly enjoy teamwork however will also grab at solo challenges as I am always curious and willing to learn new things and meet new people. Full clean driving liscense First aid certificate

Photoshop InDesign Microsoft office Lightroom Illustrator



Dear Katie Mulloy I am second year BA Hons Fashion Communication and Promotion student at Nottingham Trent University

The King Edwards VI High School, Morpeth (2009-2014) : A levels (AABB) in Media studies, Photography, English languge and Performance studies. As levels in History and General Studies.

currently holding a 1st in my work so far. To date I have studied PR, social media, marketing, journalism and

GCSE’s (AAAAABBBBB) in Graphic design, History, expressive performing arts, english language, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Maths, English Literature and Geography.

working and I use my initiative in every aspect of my life. I began my blog (Alexa’s Imagination) to document

work experience

Katie Mulloy 33 Broadwick Street, London W1F 9EP

Founder of Alexa’s Imagination, online lifestyle and fashion blog (2009- present) I started Alexa’s Imagination as a creative outlet for my over imaginative mind. Since then it has grown to feature adventure posts, top tips and style pages aswell as featuring my own artistic work. I also include a branch of the blog which is linked to my course, analysing brands and other creative work. I’ve been curating new blog posts, collaborating with brands and other bloggers and gaining a following on social media. Head of Marketing and Communications: Trent surf (2015-Present) I have recently been voted in to fulfill the role of Marketing and branding my university surf club. I have become very involved in the club within the past year and my job is to create a brand around the society. To create the merchandise, logo, photography, PR, and to regularly update the societies social media sites.

the overall production of a brand. I constantly seek opportunities which will both engage and expand my skill set, and have taught myself various media techniques in order to achieve my goals. I am extremely hard my journey through life and to encourage myself and others to put as much energy and fun into it as I possibly can. The blog focusses on wellbeing, exercise, food, travel and creative pursuits and It is an absolute joy to write. Women’s Health is a magazine which can always be spotted somewhere near me at any given moment. Having grown up in a tiny rural village in Northumberland, I have been given an unavoidable appreciation for nature and my surroundings. Growing up, running around fields and being actively encouraged to live well, explore, exercise and take care of my body made Women’s Health my go to read whilst entering my teenage years. I think that many young girls now feel pressured by society to look and act a certain way and abide to a strict ‘girly’ stereotype however I’ve always been encouraged by Women’s Health to be whoever I want to be, love the skin I’m in and make it the best I can. I’ve always been very active, with some of my main hobbies being yoga, swimming, running and badminton as well as being a bit of a seasonal surfer and

Sales Assistant at Hyper Japan, London : Calbee Yushoi snapea rice sticks (2015) Introduced customers to the brand and delivered a sales pitch to each in order to raise awareness for the brand and product. I gained valuable communication and sales skills aswell as improving my teamwork and networking skills.


The Rose & Thistle Pub, Alwinton (2009-2014) Skills gained: organisational, time management, people and communication, health and safety skills and an in-depth knowledge of working in a fast paced, demanding food restaurant/ pub environment as well as helping to manage and maintain a crew of waitresses.

I recently viewed the position posted on ‘fashion workie’ to assist the digital team and would really love to

Teaching and creating sets for Lion king & Grease musicals (2014) Taught children art classes and also designed, crafted and painted the large scale sets and props for the shows. Tim Walker: Magical Thinking photoshoot (2011) ‘Shadowed’ photographer Tim Walker and his assistants on their ‘Magical Thinking’ photo shoot at Eglingham hall for W Magazine. This was an invaluable experience and allowed me to see the insights of a high end fashion editorial shoot.

my hobbies & skills I am a forward thinking individual who actively seeks opportunities which both challenge and engage my skill set. I approach tasks with an open and optimistic mind and always use my initiative throughout. I have a deep love for photography which has stemmed from my childhood, being brought up in the rural Northumbiran countryside. Growing up with little access to the towns or cities, I became very resourcful and creative, completing full scale photoshoots at weekends with handmade props. I decided to take up another A level (photography) after finishing my As levels and completed both years in the one alongside studying for 3 other subjects. This was challenging yet rewarding as I was able to indulge in my passion and succeed. I have a deep love for the outdoors and this can be seen in my design aesthetic. My hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, surfing, blogging, reading, playing the ukulele and taking photographs. I am a self taught creative, with a fun and outgoing attitude to life. I am extremely hard working and will often jump at oppurtunities with my perceptive and friendly personality.

At university I am on committee for Trent Surf club, in my role, I design and build the

branding around the club. Whether that be through posters, graphic design, films, photography or merchandise, I am able to combine my love of the outdoors with my creative pursuits.

be able to fulfil this role. I am available throughout the summer months and also during Easter break. If this role is filled already I would very much appreciate it if you would consider me for any suitable positions that you may have with you in the next coming year. I believe that it is a really exciting time to join Women’s Health as I think the magazine is only going to grow in the UK within the next few years as more and more people add exercise and healthy eating into their daily lives. I would love to be able to assist in the Women’s Health office and offer my skills, but would also love to engage in new challenges as Women’s Health is a brand that I’m passionate about. I attach a copy of my CV. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely yours

Alexa Boldy 07949232579 7 Forest Grove, Nottingham, NG14HS


Alexa Boldy 7 Forest Grove, Nottingham, Notts, NG14HS 07949232579 British 23.03.1996 Female Visual Creative / Film maker


2015- Present Head of Marketing and Communications at Trent Surf Branding the Club / Film making / Photography / Website development / Merchandise design / Social Media / Trip Planning / Graphic design.


Design and promotions. 2009- Present Blogger Creating interesting material for Alexas Imagination, a lifestyle, travel and wellbeing blog. Collaborating with other bloggers and brands.



2015-2016 Floor Staff Creating a welcoming environment for all customers. Having an in depth knowledge of all that THAC have to offer. Serving drinks and food to customers.


The Hockley Arts Club, Nottingham





BUSINESS CARDS visual creative & film maker @alexayo

ALEXA BOLDY 07949232579



Due( to( the( fact( that( both( of( my( names( only( have( five( letters( in,( I( thought(it’d(be(effective(if(I(just(used( my( name( as( It( would( look( even( and( eye_catching.( The( motif( is( fun( yet( still( modern( and( in( trend.( It( doesn’t( give( much( away( about(what( I( do( so( people( are( more( enticed( to( have( a( look.

I(have(links(to(my(social(media(pages( and( also( my( blog( and( portfolio.( I( wanted( to( keep( the( back( simple( so( that( more( focus( can( be( put( on( the( words.(I(got(rounded(edges(because( it( gives( the( card( a( softer( feel.( I( got( the( cards( printed( on( very( thick( luxe( card(as(I(really(think(the(texture(and( feel(makes(a(difference.(




ONLINE PORTFOLIO RESEARCH This( is( a( moodpboard( I( created( to( gain( some( inspiration( into( what( I( want( my( portfolio( website( to( look( like.( I( really( like( clean( layouts( with( clear(boxes(and(in(a(neat(format(however(I(also(really(love(the(collage( style( layouts( where( the( web( experience( feels( more( interactive.( I’m( going(to(create(a(header(using( my(coloured(shape(motif( and(my( logo.( I’m(using(cargo(collective(as(it(is(a(renowned(portfolio(site(and(I(know( that(it’s(reputable(and(it(relatively(easy(to(use.(



IDENTITY In( groups( of( four( we( were( given( a( word( as( a( stimulus( with( the( knowledge( that( we( would( be( making( a( zine( inspired( by( said( word.( Ours(was(Age.(Through(brainstorms,(we(began(to(think(along(the(lines( of( ‘new( age’( and( ‘new( age( thinkers’,( this( lead( us( to( looking( into( pioneers(in(the(last(century.(We(concluded(that(we(wanted(to(make(a( publication( that( both( celebrated( and( educated( young( people( about( different( humans( making( a( real( difference( in( the( world.( Here,( Moxie( was( born.( Moxie( is( a( personality( trait,( it( means( having( a( bit( of( gumption( and( a( lot( of( character( to( do( what( you( believe( in,( every( pioneer(in(history(has(had(moxie(and(so(we(thought(we(would(bring( the( word( a( new( life.( We’re( fun,( encouraging,( playful( and( want( to( inspire(the(next(generation(of(game(changers.(


Alexa Boldy Leila Hall Cara-Marie Lippitt Francesca Bennell

Welcome to Moxie, a zine dedicated to showcasing the game-changing, young minds of today. From brave, pioneers overseas to the social media savvy, we at Moxie have profiled those of whom we believe are inciting change in the way we live and think- in a positive way. We look towards those not following the norm and in doing so are helping others with their behavior and views. ‘Rebels With A Cause’ you might say. This first issue focuses on a group of young women we think deserve recognition for the messages they are sending to the world in their own way: some you may know, some you may not. Inside you will find beautiful illustrations, interesting stories and inspiring views. We are promoting positivity in life and within general thinking. We want to present to you these positive individuals to inform and inspire. What is Moxie? It’s the personality trait all the young people we feature have. It’s a force of character: determination and attitude, courage and nerve. ‘That girl’s got Moxie!’… These girls have definitely got it. It began from research into the concept of Identity and following this, then within Age, initially discussing issues such as cosmetic surgery and also opposingly how children are ‘getting older younger’. Brainstorming included suggestions and thoughts about beauty within aging gracefully to fermentation and even cheese… eventually leading to the idea of New Age thinkers in society. Surrounding this we discussed past and present anarchism and rebellion, freedom fighters and re-inventors. We looked at past issues of ID magazine from the 1980’s and the featured profiles of young individuals in London at the time as well as online channels and magazines such as Vice, looking at the documentation of conflict overseas where certain individuals are affecting change whilst also risking their lives. All this led us to look in to the macro trends occurring globally which focused our ideas and attention on certain individuals who are non-conforming and fighting around issues such as gender stereotypes, sustainable living, politics and more today. We were already aware from news sources of Emma Watson’s post as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and her intention to change gender inequality. A BAFTA nominated documentary recounting Taliban survivor and activist Malala Yousafzai’s fight and ordeal to change the educational rights of the women of her county was released in 2015 spreading her amazing story further. We explored other young people triumpthing within global issues relating to social panic, lifestyle and trends and then reffered back to our theme of New-Age thinkers. This led us to look at current issues affecting younger generations such as Social Media and body image. From this we discussed and analysed issues online and found interesting and enlightening projects currently being evolved including young people creating internet applications such as multiples versions that blocks any mention of The Kardashian’s on your browser, one of such was developed by James Shamsi, a young hacker who also challenged Facebook with his support in the #FREETHENIPPLE campaign. We also searched for individuals local to us in Nottingham where we found individuals devoting their time to and promoting local charities affecting homelessness, education and other issues. We also found locals working with different innovative brands and plans such as agriculture within the city; working to boost the motive for organic and ethically sound farming whilst also creating promotional events such as small arts festivals. This fit perfectly with the other, more known individuals we found through new sources; both sets of people setting out to change and solve the same issues but on the different scales however both deserving recognition and widespread notice. We initially planned to contact all of our featured innovators to gain more insight into their future plans, however we anticipated gaining a response from the likes of Emma Watson would be difficult. However, luckily some of our then potentially profiled participants have had their stories documented in film and online from multiple sources helping our research. We could still reach out to the individuals local to us and also the online media pioneers we had discovered and discussed. We created and gave out questionnaires and also held focus groups to discuss the individuals we had initially researched to see how popular they were and also to find out whether the possible topic of our Zine would appeal to our consumers. We questioned samples of people from eighteen to twenty five and found the majority didn’t know who some of these game-changers were but would be interested in finding out more and reading a publication about them. This proved there is a need for a Zine such as ours and also a space for it as some of our interviewees felt there wasn’t a publication out there that appealed to them about this topic as much as our proposed Zine would. New Age Thinkers – people who are doing something against the norm and making a difference to the world. Whilst we were in our research phase a story became viral where a Nineteen- year old, Australian ‘Instagram-famous’ model had decided to quite social media. Essena O’Neill brought about the idea that social media distorts our perceptions of beauty and self-worth; she had publically highlighted the falseness within her own and others social media presence and the negativity behind this. She then also avocated a demand for a coveted lifestyle involving veganism and sustainabilty which has been seen in a strong, fast growing trend since her popularity began. After talking with friends and analyzing our research, we realised people knew more about The Kardashian Family and other reality television stars over Essena O’Neill (some of our sample didn’t even know who she was) which worried us and presented a social issue on its own which gave us the idea of showcasing these type of game-changers so people are made aware of the changes that are happening at the moment. This is an important factor within our brand and aim for our Zine- We are aware these individuals weren’t as popular to the general consumer of publications most read within our demographic: which is a problem we aim to solve and therefore part of our brand essence. We are giving a

Moxie Zine



voice and a platform to those we talk to and about and presenting these people, possibly for the first time, to those of whom might not be aware or formally interested as well as those who are already inspired and wish to know more. We are possibly creating more role models in the making and challenging who should be referred to as such. We will look at others with stories similar to Malala but also surrounding different causes such as Ella Grace, a blogger, who inspires her readers to take better care of themselves including simply to get out more and generally promoting a positive, healthy lifestyle. We want everyone to know about these game-changers and how they are making the world a better place. We in turn are trying to make the world a better place. Each issue will be showcasing different kinds of people, for example, this issue is about current young women affecting change globally. Our readers are the people like us – students, creatives, thinkers – anyone who is interested in reading about new ideas and gaining inspiration to do more amazing things with their lives too. In this issue we will be writing about Essena, Malala and Ella (who spoke to us about her cause and more for which we are so grateful!) We wanted the look and feel of the zine to be fresh, laid-back and fun. To do this we thought of adding mood boards and collages to represent each persons profile and plenty of illustrations and patterns to appeal to our potential creative readers. We called the Zine Moxie, meaning a force of character, determination, or nerve. We felt this unusual word would interest the consumer. When choosing our font face we were able to make the title look really contemporary and cool. We decided to use a bold font that added that sense of strength without being too overwhelming. For our Zine design we began by looking into trends that are currently popular in the print industry today. We did this by exploring online and visiting independent magazine shops as well as attending zine workshops within university, analysing older issues of past DIY-style magazines. In our research we realized that collage was a popular trend within design. From here, we decided to incorporate collage into our Zine as well as hand written pieces to make it more colloquial and therefore personal. Although the subject matter of game changers is serious and interesting we felt that we could not force a particular opinion onto the reader- freedom of speech is within our essence after all. Making it casual, but informative allows a wider potential readership as the consumer can enjoy the Zine without feeling patronized or under pressure to agree with all of its viewsThis was important to us as a brand. We also drew up contemporary illustrations that coincided well in to our ‘profile’ themed layout when we created the pages for each game changer, looking into their lives- what they like, do and more from their backstories. The Zine also includes bold, clip art illustrations that are stimulating for the viewer to stay interested and buy into the Moxie brand. Our colour pallet includes soft colours, such as light blue and pink. This works well along side our eye-catching illustrations. For inspiration for our collages we looked to the American artist Eugenia Loli. Her designs always have an interesting story behind the eye-catching artwork she creates without being too obvious. We decided to choose a strong contemporary style for Moxie’s promotional image. We simply used an illustration we created of a mouth and a speech bubble stating ‘We are Moxie’. We felt this reflected our brand and the essence of the Zine effectively. We are giving an extra voice to those individuals that should be heard by all. It’s simple design is inviting and positive and doesn’t give too much away about the Zine’s substance which is how we want to entice the readers into buying and following it. We hope to continue Moxie and keep telling these influential people’s stories. From the late King of Identity, David Bowie to the unheard bravery from activists overseas, we hope to bring you more tales and inspirational lifestyle advice from more talented, new-age thinkers- a different group of these people per issue. We have an Instagram account to present these people to you alongside some beautiful featured artwork too.




In(this(project(I(was(really(able(to(explore(my(drawing(skills.(I(did(a( lot( of( sketching,( scanning( and( sticking( but( also( a( lot( of( digitally( manipulating( too.( There( are( a( lot( of( different( styles( in( the( zine( because(we(wanted( it( to( be( really( eclectic.(We( thought( this(would( work( well( because( the( people( that( we( are( featuring( are( from( all( walks(of(life,(yes(there(is(a(common(link(between(all(of(them(but(in( general,( Moxie( is( very( eclectic,( which( we( think( makes( it( more( interesting.( ( I’ve( learnt( that( it’s( always(worth( trying( a( different( skill( out(and(not(giving(up(if(you(don’t(get(it(right(away.(



OTHER WORK Alongside(the(set(briefs,(I(have(completed(some(smaller(projects(which(I’d(like(to( show.(Some(are(within(University(and(some(are(not.(


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LORD WHITNEY WORKSHOP We( had( the( amazing( opportunity( to(work( with( some( of( my( favourite( set( designers,( Lord( Whitney.( No,( it( isn't( a( grumpy( old( man,( Lord( Whitney(is(a(pair(of(two(creative(ladies(known(for(their(fun,(colourful( sets.( We( were( split( up( into( groups( and( given( a( theme,( ours( was( Paintbrush(and(film.(We(did(some(brainstorming(and(starting(thinking( about(the(process(of(paint(drying(and(being(mixed.(We(thought(about( movement( and( how( therapeutic( painting( is.( From( this( we( started( to( create(a(short(film(made(up(of(fun(little(clips.(Our(focus(was(on(hands( so(we(made(a(set(with(two(holes(in(and(two(girls’(hands(stuck(through.( We(filmed(segments(of(hands(then(mixed(it(up(with(some(profile(shots.( I(edited(the(film(together(myself(and(added(some(glitches(in(so(that(it( looked( imperfect( and( a( bit( of( juxtaposition( to( the( pretty( hands( and( colours.( I( really( enjoyed( this(workshop( and( plan( to( do( a( lot( more( set( building(in(individual(projects.(.(






SEMINAR ACTIVITIES Life(drawing(/(mono(printing(/(zine(making(/(book(binding

This(term(we’ve(been(having(a(lot(of(creative( workshops.(These(are(my(favourite(pieces(of( work(that(I’ve(made(in(them.

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TRENT SURF Alongside( ( FCP,( I( ( am(VP( marketing( and( communications( for( Trent(Surf.(This(job(requires(me(to(brand(the(club,(this(means( making(promotional(material(such(as(posters,(leaflets,(stickers,( trip(T_shirts( as( well( as( manning( the( social( media( channels( .( I( have(to(do(the(photography(and(also(the(filmmaking.(This(has( been(an(invaluable(asset(to(my(skill(set(as(I’ve(learnt(so(much( and(felt(challenged(along(the(way.(I(recently(made(the((promo( film( from( our( recent( trip( to( Newquay( for( the( BUCS( competition.(


STAY IN TOUCH WITH ME Thank(you(for(looking(through(my(portfolio.(

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