Moxie Zine

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We are Moxie Noun: Moxie; Force of character, determination, or nerve. ”When you’ve got the moxie, you need the clothes to match”

Hey there! Welcome to our first edition of MOXIE, we’re all about showcasing humans who are going against the herd and pioneering their own path, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Every now and then someone comes along who makes us all think a little differently, we call these people ‘the game changers’. MOXIE is all about exhibiting these humans, to encourage every last one of you to step outside of the box and see the world with fresh eyes. In this edition we’re all about focussing on young females who are creating a new way of thinking. These magic babes are all inspiring in their own way and we can’t wait for you to get to know them. As MOXIE is all about pioneers and those who do things a little differently, we’d like to dedicate this edition to the one and only David Bowie, a forever inspiring musical god who without a doubt gets a gold medal from the MOXIE crew for his unique and unfaltering way of life.

Love from the MOXIE team.


‘FOMO’ is a word that springs to mind when we think

This unhealthy obsession with perfection is what O’neil

of social media. It means ‘fear of missing out’ and is something that a lot of young people feel nowadays. The pressure that comes hand in hand with the likes of Facebook and Instagram has known to have drastic effects on the way young people see themselves. This issue was brought to light when Australian blogger and model Essena O’neil ‘quit’ social media. The nineteen year old was not only known for her enviable figure but for her vegan lifestyle, environmental activism and travel posts. When Essena declared she was quitting the platforms, she revealed the behind the scenes reality of a lot of her images by reposting the captions stating how long it took to shoot a particular photo and whether she was paid to do it or not. Essena brought to life the harsh reality of social media and how a lot of it is faked to make it look as if we all lead the perfect life.

highlights and instead, encourages people to be happy in their own skin and not be pressurised by the online world. Essena is currently writing her first book, which we can’t wait to get our hands on. Although some people deem her actions drastic as it’s also true that social media can be ‘which we can’t wait to get our hands on. Although some people deem her actions drastic as it’s also true that social media can be a massively influential tool for good, the point was still raised about how we have an obsession with putting forward the best image of ourselves, when we should really learn to love all parts or ourselves. Essena O’neil is one of our MOXIE gals because she has been brave enough to go against the herd of sheep and do her own thing, stand for what she believes in and shed light on the fact that we need to give ourselves a little more mc’lovin.

The issue of gender equality has been an ongoing problem for generations and feminists are often stereotyped as radical protesters. Cue Emma Watson and Jennifer Lawrence. These highly respected role models have given the world a contemporary and more accurate view on feminism. In 2015, UN Women’s Ambassador Emma Watson gave a well received speech inviting men to help stand up for women’s rights. “Men think it’s a women’s word and it’s only for women, but really it just means you stand for equality. If you stand for equality, you are a feminist”. This fresh outlook as an act of equality is also what Jennifer Lawrence has been fighting for. She has spoken up for women to receive equal pay to men, an issue in 2015 that shouldn’t even have to be debated over. “I’m over trying to find the adorable way to state my opinion and still be likeable. I don’t think I’ve ever worked for a man who spent time contemplating what angle he should use to get his voice heard. It’s just heard”. As young, likeable professionals, these two women have pioneered a modern path for younger females to follow in their stead. We’ve chosen Emma and J-Law to join our MOXIE gal crew because they’re both kick ass, talented, intelligent and creating a new wave of feminists who are both male and female.

At just eighteen years old, Malala Yousafzai has become a global role model to both younger and older peers. Malala began her career by writing a blog for the BBC about life under Taliban occupation. This lead to her pursuing a prominent role as an activist for girls’ education. Her campaigning wrongly lead to a series of threats issued by the Taliban and resulted in a brutal attack on her way home from school where she was shot in the head. Malala survived the vicious attack and continued to protest her beliefs, her positivity and bravery is reflected in her speeches and interviews: “I don’t want revenge on the Taliban, I want education for sons and daughters of the Taliban”. Her courageous mindset towards what happened has encouraged her to continue giving speeches, and inspired the masses, which triggered her nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, and her win in 2014 making her the youngest person ever to receive the award (if that doesn’t make her a MOXIE gal then we don’t know what will). Malala’s status and nominations for awards continues to grow each year. Malala stresses the importance of education and has a powerful connection to the Western world, that often takes education rights for granted. With access to an international audience and a huge amount of followers she was able to write a book in 2013 which in 2015 was turned into a documentary film about her life named ‘He Named Me Malala’. With the bravery of a soldier and the courage of a lion, Malala takes centre stage in our MOXIE gal cabinet.

WWMD: ‘what would Malala do’ xoxo gossip girl.

stay positive

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