$$$ $%  !!"# !&'$()'*$+,'*-!.,'/)(00!!  !!,'!.-(1$!2+345*-*$(!*'6!  !!7(-*$(6!.)*'+,1*8+*-!9',:*-+(0!  !!!  !  Abstract Submission Guidelines  Accepted  Abstracts:  Abstracts for research presentations will include a Title, Background and Purpose, Methods, Â
Results, Conclusions, MainWObjectives of Presentation. for non-research Campbell  A,  Restrepo  C,  Sherman  and R,  Magee  .   Comprehensive  Cleft  Care  in  Abstracts the  Developing  presentations will include a Title, Background and Purpose, Methods, and Main Objectives of World:  A  Reproducible  Model  for  Excellence  and  Sustainability.   12th  International  Presentation. Congress  on  Cleft  Lip/Palate  and  Related  Craniofacial  Anomalies.   Orlando,  Florida.   May  2013.  Abstract Length  Campbell  A,  Gillenwater  J,  Restrepo  C,  Magee  W.   The  Role  of  Antibiotics  in  Cleft  Lip  Repair.   Title: 20 words or less (All CAPS) 12th  International  Congress  on  Cleft  Lip/Palate  and  Related  Craniofacial  Anomalies.   Orlando,  Florida.   May,  2013.   Background and Purpose/Methods/Results/Conclusions: 3000 characters, including spaces  Campbell  A,  Gillenwater  J,  Restrepo  C,  Schoemann  M,  Magee  W.   Tissue  Adhesives  and  Cleft  Main Objectives of Presentation: 400 characters, including spaces Lip  Repair  in  the  Developing  World.   12th  International  Congress  on  Cleft  Lip/Palate  and  Related  Craniofacial  Anomalies.   Orlando,  Florida.   May  2013.   Submission Guidelines    Campbell  A,  Gillenwater  J,  Restrepo  C,  Schoemann  M,  Magee  W.   Patient  Education  and  1) A maximum of 10 authors may be associated with an abstract submission. If you have mo Decreased  Complications  After  Cleft  Lip  Repair.   12th  International  Congress  on  Cleft  than 10 authors, you may acknowledge them within the body of your presentation. Lip/Palate  and  Related  Craniofacial  Anomalies.   Orlando,  Florida.   May  2013.   2) English is the official language of the Congress. Abstracts must be written in grammatically Campbell  A,  Restrepo  C,  Gillenwater  J,  Jerome  M,  AIn llan  A,  Laub  Dthe .   Anthropometric  correct and understandable English. addition, paper presenter (platform, show and tel Measurements  a nd  N utritional  A ssessment  a s  a  P redictor  o f  S urgical  Risk  in  Pediatric  Cleft  investigator papers) must be fluent in English. Lip  Patients  in  Assam,  India.   12th  International  Congress  on  Cleft  Lip/Palate  and  Related  Craniofacial  Anomalies.   Orlando,  Florida.   May  2013.    3) 8VH SHUVRQ ILUVW ODQJXDJH )RU H[DPSOH XVH ³SDWLHQW ZLWK D FOHIW´ LQVWHDG RI ³FOHIW SDWLHQW´
4) Blind your abstract appropriately. Do not include identifying information in the abstract title content fields. 5) Punctuate and capitalize appropriately. Once submitted, you will not be able to change it.
6) You may cut and paste from word processing software (e.g. Word) into the appropriate tex boxes. However, subscript, superscript, bold face, italics, and special character symbols will n paste correctly. Use the Symbols and Special Characters drop down menus to insert or edit subscript, superscript, bold face, italics, and special character symbols.
7) Include sufficient detail in Methods and Results to enable readers to have a clear understa of what data have been collected and what results have been found. For example, where appropriate please include information on data acquisition and analysis, number of subjects t quantitative results, and statistics. 8) Main Objective(s) of Your Presentation. You should be able to clearly state the objectives your presentation and ZKDW \RXU SUHVHQWDWLRQ ZLOO GR WR HQKDQFH OHDUQHUVÂś FRPSHWHQFH performance, or patient outcomes. If you have any questions, please contact program@cleft2013.org !