Mantra Magazine Issue #013

Page 50


Mind Your Mind Looking After Your Mental Health During a Pandemic

Looking after your mental health is extremely important during these challenging times, and whilst work can be a welcome distraction from the anxiety of a global pandemic, it can also be difficult for some people to feel ‘productive’ under such extreme circumstances.

I chatted to various members of the Organisation

body’s individual circumstances and support them

about how they managed to sustain a sense of ca-

as much as you can. I’m sure that those people who

maraderie during lockdown and their tips for mov-

did have to leave will come back once things are

ing forwards as lockdown starts to ease. Despite

properly up and running again, and we will welcome

the geographical separation, there are still ways in

them with open arms’.

which you are able to feel connected to your col-

Kevin Nash

leagues and your friends; it is these connections that help pull you through the difficult days and

‘A vast majority of the people we recruit are quite

ensure that you still feel like you are part of a team.

young - in the 18-35 age bracket - so they don’t necessarily have children to home-school or as many

‘The strangest thing for us has been the separa-

other responsibilities. This has meant that they’ve

tion. We are such a face-to-face company, we spend

been able to fully throw themselves into the online

most of our days in each other’s pockets! We thrive

coaching programme and have kept themselves

off being in busy places, attending events, travel-

busy in a way that’s been incredibly productive’

ling the world and are used to lots of physical con-

Fran Colam

tact, you know, hugging and high-fiving each other as a way of establishing a tangible sense of what

2) Staying connected

we’re about: people! So it’s been a difficult time, but

‘I made sure that 90% of people had contact with

I’m very proud of the way that every single one of

at least one other person in the organization every

our offices has dealt with things; we’ve found the sil-

single day. This was so important in keeping a sense

ver lining in all this and have made a lot of progress

of cohesion and togetherness across the company.

in terms of the way we operate as an organisation.

Even just one conversation with someone else in

It was very much a case of, let’s pull together and

your company means that your bubble of solitude is

not just ‘get through it’ but come out the other side

broken and you are able to see things a little more

even stronger’.’

clearly. It means that you’re not so stuck in your

Fran Colam

head and you’re able to, well, simply communicate! Weekends were by far the hardest. The weekdays

1) Respecting each individual and their needs

flew by because there was a solid structure in place.

‘We’ve been doing things like Zoom Quizzes to

A lot of the guys were starting their day with a call at

keep everyone together which has been great. It’s

8.30am and had a solid timeline in place for the rest

different for everybody though; some people have

of the week, whereas the weekends really dragged

slipped through the gaps regarding government

on because when you don’t have anywhere to go, or

support and so have had to take other employment,

people to see, you become acutely aware of time!’

but then on the flip side of that, we’ve had a fantas-

Phil Reid

tic period of recruitment. You have to respect every-


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