Mantra Marketing Group Magazine Issue #020

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Mantra Marketing Group Magazine Issue #020

THE AUSTRALIAN TOUR The 10 day whirlwind trip of a lifetime for, not the lucky few, but deserving few

05 ONE YEAR; WHAT'S POSSIBLE We catch up with Toby Linford and Rosie Trevett-Smart to see what's possible in 1 year at the organisation



PHIL REID: THE SATELLITE STRATEGY We catch up with Phil Reid to find out what's driving the recent exceptional growth of the organisation


YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR BRAND We catch up with Rob Cotterell for an introspective look at what's driven him for the past 10 years in the organisation

Nothing Is




Our contributors Francis Davies Chief Editor

Fran is Chief Operations Officer for Mantra Marketing working with people and companies to help the business become more efficient and profitable.

Nina Collis Sub-editor

Nina is the Head of Talent for the Mentorprise Group with the goal of finding the best people to start their career in the organisation

Ellie Ford Editor / Author

Ellie runs Flossy Notes from her Cornish base in Bude. She works with small businesses on their marketing objectives, covering services such as social media management, content creation, and a host of copywrting projects

Alex Rae

Art Director / Designer Alex is an accomplished designer, and visual artist specialising in brand communications.



In this issue Welcome


The Australian Tour


Big News For Fidel


One Year: What's Possible


Phil Reid: The Satellite Strategy


Sparking Brilliance; Recruitment


New Recruiters On The Block


Legion Taking Shape


Your Business, Your Brand w/ Rob Cotterell


Fibre On Charge


2023 Celebrations


Photo Pool


Podcasts, Books


Money Raised 2023


Office List




Welcome Back TO ISSUE #20 2024 EDITION

“People have really woken up to what they can achieve; thinking bigger, further. It's going to be another record-breaking year.” - James Buckley

So, how was our 22nd year in business? Record

heights they’ve been reaching for thanks to the

breaking. More acquisitions, more money raised,

impeccable standards and consistency shown

more promotions to leadership and assistant

daily. Everybody is reaping the benefits with clients,

ownership, and more offices opened than ever

teams and individuals earning more, developing

before. It appears we rewrote the rulebook! With

professionally and hitting goals like they’ve never

the incredible drive shown by all, we superseded

done before. What a start to 2024 they’re having!

all goals, and this year, we’re thinking bigger again. Our organisation continues to expand further across With Matt Nicholson planning his Scandinavian

the United Kingdom with satellite offices testing

expansion, and multiple individuals setting their

out new cities and locations, such as Birmingham.

sights on untouched UK locations, we’ve got more

On this, we’d like to give special recognition to Phil

cities, countries and aspirations to realise. Last year

Reid and The Promotions Company Organisation

opened our eyes to what could be achieved and

for their recent efforts and success. You’ll see their

those 2023 accomplishments have meant we’re in

feature within this edition discussing how they’ve

the best position to do just that.

implemented their particular strategy.

There’s more where that came from, so let’s go!

You’ll find a showcase of some brilliant events we’ve put on recently, as well as some exciting ones to

We’ve been reviewing, assessing, and implementing

come, from meetings to ski trips, and an awards

our way through Quarter 1. So, what’s the team

gala to an Australian tour. There’s never a dull

been up to so far in 2024?


We’ve had the pleasure of watching Fidel Nanton

We’d also like to give a big warm welcome to baby

officially open his office, TLN Marketing, launching

Oscar! Congratulations to Nina Collis and Rob

himself up and out of the Business Development

Cotterell for welcoming their second son into their

Five countries - fifty cities -

Programme, and into business ownership. A great

family - No doubt Theo is a brilliant big brother.

five years

guy, the one everyone wants on their team, Fidel


works hard and truly deserves his current success. Congratulations, Fidel! The a










moment, and


Monument Promotions team are now hitting the


A great start to 2024 team, let’s get to it!





Australian Tour 2023




trip of a lifetime for, not



Assistant Owner at Monument Promotions














Emily Gara, 27

Assistant within


organisation and nationwide network who have gotten themselves to a certain point within their business;






accountability, they’ve been able to develop those around them, building teams to be proud of.

Fidel Nanton, 61 Owner at TLN Promotions

“This was a trip of a lifetime, for the knowledge, advice and support. It was like being in the best league in the world.” - Fidel Nanton The Melbourne Identity Who from our organisation received an exclusive invitation? (see right) The Itinerary No messing around, the group hit the runway running, from Melbourne to Brisbane and onto

Toby Linford, 24

Sydney! They weren’t alone on the trip as news of

Assistant Owner at The Promotions Company

their international arrival brought in many teams from across Australia; what a perfect opportunity to network, inspire and be inspired. These office visits were full of eye-opening keynote speakers, entrepreneurial stories, once-in-a-lifetime educational moments and relationships that have been bonded globally. Too many invaluable moments to mention, we caught up with a few attendees to get the scoop

Rosie Trevett-Smart, 22

from down under. Here are just a few of their

Assistant Owner at RedSeven Marketing

highlights. Aussie Highlights “We learned so much from every single person, it was just so brilliant.” - Emily Gara



'There’s so much I’ve been able to take back to my business and team; from physical booklets for new leaders upon promotion, to core values to focus on and incentives to offer'

Emily: In all honesty, I just couldn’t pinpoint one particular





thinking about the entire trip since we got back on the plane. I’m always remembering moments, thinking about how incredible they were. I have to say though, one thing that was really exciting for me was to finally meet Steve Sapsford. We have Zoom calls with him every other Monday and he’s been a crucial part in my journey and career thus far, so to meet him in person was really cool. Fidel: We met the woman who did 100 pieces in a week, Caroline from Mark Mallison’s office. What’s incredible is that she did it whilst sitting down the entire time as it was during the Covid era! That’s quite an achievement within any marketing division, let alone Event Marketing. Toby: My highlight would probably be talking to Kemal Kvrgic. He told us about his story as a Bosnian refugee, coming to Australia at nine years old without being able to speak English. His parents were sceptical about direct sales, and couldn’t understand why he left University to pursue it. But he’s proving every day what hard work and dedication can do; he’s bought the family home, purchased commercial properties to run his business out of, made six figures in one day, and the list goes on. Hearing what he had to overcome was really inspiring. Rosie: I think mine would have to be on the very last day when we were getting the ferry from Sydney Zoo back over to the harbour. We were all sitting there smiling, looking at the incredible view, it was a real ‘pinch me’ moment. At the start of the trip, I didn’t know half of these people at all, but I’d now built such great friendships. In that moment, I felt safe and that I could really relate to these people. “I still have a lot to learn, but that's fun and exciting.” - Toby Linford Inspiration can do wonders, but we also wanted to know what they’ve been able to implement into their own businesses since returning. So, what did you learn, guys!?


'Total Imposter syndrome for me; I’m 22, on an all-expenses-paid business trip, on the beautiful harbourside, it was just a euphoric moment and really quite surreal'

Fidel: There’s so much I’ve been able to take back to my business and team; from physical booklets for new leaders upon promotion, to core values to focus on and incentives to offer. In particular, I loved their mentality toward being an entrepreneur. In Australia, there’s a big focus on health and wellbeing, they term it, “Corporate Athleticism”. They use physical fitness and mental development to ensure they’re at 100% in the sales field and you can really see it has an impact. They radiate energy, and they’re more alert and creative which in turn creates such a contagious, positive, exciting atmosphere. Rosie: I think elevation as a mindset is something I’m now injecting into my own business. When we met with Dan Cross it was so clear to see the benefits of personal development for your business. He’s the most intelligent man I’ve ever met and everything he says has purpose. He’s always looking at how he can better himself and those around him by improving their wellbeing from the inside out. He hosts a Book Club whereby they pick out chapters each month and look to implement what resonates with them; he has so many anecdotes to help his points land and that only comes from learning continually. Toby: One of the main things I’ve brought back to the UK is involving my core guys in everything I do as it helps them to learn and develop confidence faster. Now, for instance, if I’m planning for the week, they’ll also be there planning for their week. It’s helped us all be more organised, accountable and structured with our time and schedules. “Total Imposter syndrome for me; I’m 22, on an all-expenses-paid business trip, on the beautiful harbourside, it was just a euphoric moment and really quite surreal. I felt like a child at the Sydney Opera House trying to find Nemo!” - Rosie Trevett-Smart If there’s a lesson to be learned here, it’s to invest in you. Make that call, book that trip, read that book. Whatever investment might look like for you at this current time, just do it. You won’t ever regret trying to be more.

“What can I say about Fidel? Phenomenal. I’m not sure there’s ever been someone quite like him in our business; the consistency in his results, the kindness he shows others, and his ability to bind a team together is just phenomenal. Congratulations Fidel, you truly deserve it.” - James Buckley -



BIG NEWS For Fidel!

The news that brings a smile to everyone’s face; Fidel Nanton has opened his own office, TLN Marketing.

A friend, a helping hand and a heartwarming

working with the ‘New MC Checklist’, you

interaction to many, Fidel Nanton has

can see the traffic light system in front of

supported countless individuals through

you and get to realise how far you’ve come.

their direct sales journeys, as well as personal ones. His kindness knows no

If there’s ever something you’re not sure

bounds and his ability to offer compassion

of, all you have to do is ask. It’s incredible.


I put out a message the other day about






websites, and the amount of messages I received offering support with relevant links

We’re so pleased to be able to announce that





was outstanding.


and trading, and cannot wait to see the

“Just work hard, get prepared, and plan it

undeniable success that will ensue for such


a well-loved business owner. We managed to grab a few precious moments with Fidel

So, what’s the plan!?

himself to get a better picture of how he’s finding the transition so far.

Well, I never gave it much thought when I first started within direct sales, but because

Fidel! It’s always a pleasure to speak with

of the team we have, they’re absolutely

you, and on such fabulous grounds -

brilliant and so dedicated, I would really like

If you could describe your journey here,

to promote another office within a year. The

how would you do so?

location, client and division will be entirely up to them. Whichever direction they want

Oh wow. First of all, it’s been real fun. You

to take their business, they’ll have my

have to enjoy yourself otherwise what’s the


point?! There have been lots of challenges too though which made me realise the level

Do you have any top tips we could share

of commitment needed in order to open my

for anyone looking to open their own

own company. It’s been a rollercoaster.

direct sales office?

What would you say you’ve learned

Understand that everybody is different,

along the way?

so treating them all the same just won't work. Some people prefer to get in early,

So much. I used to be an actor and you

some prefer to plan in the evenings, some

just went from one job to the next, so I was

like to be shown practically, and others

never particularly organised or had any

like to go off and do their own research or

specific goals to hit. Within this role, I’ve

networking. If you find out as much as you

learned to focus myself. The ‘8-Steps’ alone

can about the people you’re working with,

are incredible for becoming a better person;

you’ll build the best relationships with them.

managing your time, having a positive

I’m one of eight siblings, so I understand the


importance of speaking to people the way






planned & organised, etc. What happens

they want to be spoken to.

is you end up wanting to come in and do something great. I don’t have to go to

Can I also relay the importance of thinking

work, I want to. You start seeing how much

big? Just think big all of the time. Have

better the people around you are too, how

your goals and get prepared for them to be

ambitious they become. It’s a wonderful

actualised. Have your lists ready and action

thing to watch people grow.

plans good-to-go for your next step. Keep asking questions too, it will speed up your

Where are we currently?

progression. You’re never done learning.

Sometimes it can be overwhelming thinking

Fidel, you’re brilliant. And so deserving of

about how much there is to do and learn,

all your future success. We’re so pleased

but once you start you realise, “Actually, I

for you and can’t wait to see what TLN

know most of this. I’ve been doing it without

Marketing becomes.

even taking notice of my development”. By





'Something really struck me; how professional everything was. The office was incredible and the professionalism of what was happening blew me away. I felt valued even though I was brand new'


t’s 2024, we’re nearly a quarter of the way through



century, 2008 seems like last year, the Covid pandemic



four years ago, and the ever-elusive 2030

is just around the corner. Each year we’re lucky enough to experience is precious, so how are you embracing this gift of time? Growth, personal development and elevation are all possible each day. Imagine what can be done if you commit for an entire year… Over our 20-plus years in the industry, we’ve witnessed tremendous growth for businesses,




individuals alike. We’d like to put it out there that perhaps the most influential year within a person’s career is the very first; when they’re getting to grips with an industry, finding out where their strengths and weaknesses appear, discovering vocational passion and deciding to take the plunge wholeheartedly into entrepreneurship. Two individuals doing exactly that are Toby Linford





respective progression has been nothing short of inspiring to watch, so we wanted to see how they’ve viewed the past year themselves. Rosie Trevett-Smart, 22 RedSeven Marketing, Bristol Arriving for her initial appointment with Rob Cotterell at the end of August 2022, Rosie was fresh out of university having studied Sociology in Portsmouth. Moving to Bristol was a spontaneous decision leading her people-focused CV to be noticed by the recruitment team within a week. Joining RedSeven Marketing was a happy accident for all involved! Admittedly unsure where her next move may take her, Rosie’s aim was to figure it out while enjoying what Bristol had to offer. With Sociology being such a broad degree she didn’t have her career set in stone, so was happy to follow the crowd of other 21-year-


'Rosie’s not ashamed to say she’d not previously had to work particularly hard for anything, and observing the work ethic of those around her was very much eye-opening'

olds doing the same. She was taken aback by what greeted her upon joining the team; “Something really struck me; how professional everything was. The office was incredible and the professionalism of what was happening blew me away. I felt valued even though I was brand new”. Meeting





discovering there was extensive progression on offer was that added element that led her to dive right in. She admittedly felt out of her comfort zone, lacking the confidence to take it all in her stride, but there was something within that knew she had to break those internal barriers and take hold of the opportunity in front of her. Reflecting personally, Rosie’s not ashamed to say she’d not previously had to work particularly hard for anything, and observing the work ethic of those around her was very much eye-opening. She knew she had it in her, and wanted to prove to herself that she would give it all she had. With support from the entire team, she notably worked on her communication skills after realising they weren’t as great as she thought they were. The pandemic had seen her study in isolation, which of course took its toll, and although she may still stumble on her words at times, she now feels much more equipped to handle situations, interactions and





clarity. The Moment That Matters We asked Rosie whether there was a pinpoint moment when she knew she would give her career in direct sales everything she had, to which she distinctly remembers her New Leaders’ Meeting having a profound impact. Four and a half months into her new role, occurring later than expected, she attended this meeting as the most experienced Brand Ambassador






there was no reason she couldn’t succeed, listening to the Owners’ stories and insight; if they could do it, why couldn’t she?


'I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could do when I got home, how I could implement fresh initiatives, and build my team

The very next week she hit a personal best for acquisitions in a day and a week, recruited her first team member, Elijah Hollyoak, and supported him to Leadership. A great week by any measure. Interestingly, Rosie had a trip to Australia booked a fortnight later. On the other side of the world, she considered her options. She could easily choose to stay ‘down under’ in sunnier climes and forget about what she had accomplished within RedSeven, but something was drawing her back to the UK. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could do when I got home, how I could implement fresh initiatives, and build my team.” She was fully prepared to return to a team of one, herself only, but to her surprise her first team member was thriving. A complete turn-around from his first few weeks, he was confident, selling, presenting himself well and eager to set a competition with her for some friendly rivalry; who could promote themselves to crew leader first? In six weeks, Rosie developed her team from two to eleven people and was officially a Crew Leader. A Year to Make a Difference Reflecting on the past 12 months, Rosie believes her highlights are a mix of all the travelling she’s been able to embark on, from Marbella to Meribel and Australia, but also being able to take pride in how hard she’s worked to get to where she is now. Overcoming challenges is what will set you apart from others, for Rosie, these obstacles generally





Syndrome has seen her self-belief dwindle, but it’s something she’s overcoming each day. When she’s doing well, she’s learning to accept that it’s a result of her own doing, and when she’s having a tougher time, she’s beginning to understand how to pull herself out of it positively. The future’s looking bright, Rosie. You’ve got yourself to thank for that!




'You have to be empathetic when building a team. Sales can be an emotional rollercoaster at times, you have massive highs, but can also “lose your attitude” as we call it, when your mindset isn’t conducive to getting the results you want'

Toby Linford, 24

that I realised it’s a growth process, these

The Promotions Company, Bristol

incredible business owners were people just like me.”

Joining The Promotions Company in October 2022, Toby was a Psychology graduate

Starting from such a reserved, uncertain

bartending in Bristol, unsure of what his next

place, we couldn’t waste this opportunity to

step would be. Cut to February 2024, he’s

ask Toby what his tips would be to change

since dived into the direct sales industry,

your outlook.

built a team of 14 people, travelled the world with his career and opened his own satellite

Network as much as you can

office in Birmingham, within the heart of the

Toby credits our business network as a place

city's buzzing creative quarter, the iconic

to educate yourself, build your confidence

Custard Factory.

and gather support. It’s there to be used, you’re not a nuisance, everyone has reached

A self-proclaimed “lazy person”, introversion

out and been grateful for a helping hand or

and social anxiety were his norm. But to see

listening ear, so they’re more than happy to

Toby today, you wouldn’t believe it.

pay it forward.

“Growing up, if I’m honest, I was a pretty

Make sure you have great habits &

lazy person. I’ve always been shy, and more


introverted, but this job has taught me so

You can always build upon sales skills, but

many skills. I’m still slightly reserved but have

having bad habits and low standards will

gained so much confidence and am now

never be conducive to great results. In

able to do things I wouldn't have thought

particular, utilise your work ethic capabilities


in the sales field, in the office and at home with further development and research.

Learning to work with his strengths and trust his capabilities, Toby believes in the power


of empathy, using his Psychology degree to


work with his team rather than leading them

factors if things weren’t going his way, but


the truth of the matter is, if you want the






credit for when it goes well, you need to be “You have to be empathetic when building a

accountable for when it doesn’t. It’s all your

team. Sales can be an emotional rollercoaster

own doing.

at times, you have massive highs, but can also “lose your attitude” as we call it, when

If there were to be a before and after shot,

your mindset isn’t conducive to getting

Toby wants you to picture this:

the results you want. By empathising with

Past Toby would wake up at 1pm. He’s now up

someone’s external factors, and individual

and in the gym early, reaping the benefits not

perspectives, I can work with them knowing

only physically but also within his business.

why they are the way they are, and come to a

Past Toby didn’t read or listen to podcasts.

more positive outcome for both of us.”

At all. He now listens regularly and is armed with anecdotes, stories, lessons, motivation

We asked Toby to pinpoint a moment when he

and recommendations to resonate and align

realised what he was doing was getting him

key points for his team.

somewhere. He reiterates the importance of networking, but not for educational purposes

“I’m so grateful for the skills this industry has

alone, for belief in oneself. It’s all too easy to

given me; I communicate more effectively, my

belittle someone’s success to a character

confidence levels are all the way up, I’m more

trait they’re “lucky” to have, when in fact the

proactive and willing to use my initiative, but

answer is simply the effort they’ve invested.

I’ve also got these incredible opportunities in front of me.”

“It wasn’t until I visited Belfast in January, that I truly understood the importance of

What a difference a year can make when you

confidence. I used to think everyone else was

give yourself a chance.

special, and more gifted in terms of sales and team building, but that was just a silly excuse.

What could we be saying about you this

It wasn’t until I networked internationally

timenext year?



PHIL REID The Satellite Strategy As with all industries, the best business owners do things a little differently from the rest. To be the same as those around you intrinsically limits what you can achieve; you’ll hold yourself back, restrict your creativity and stick to unnecessary parameters.


t’s clear to see that The

the backend of the business gradually, following a

Promotions Company Or-

structured plan with continued support throughout.




business up a notch in

Theory only gets you so far, so by training within

recent times, expanding

a real-life environment, you gain practical insight,

at a rate that’s difficult to

observe authentic situations and experience for

keep up with. So, what’s

yourself when policies and systems are, and are

changed? We spoke with

not, working.

Phil Reid about their re-

cent success… What is a Satellite Office?

They’ll look at the operational side, as well as recruitment and finances, with the repeated process of observing, practising alongside others, and then full autonomy. Once they’ve proven themselves ca-

“Learn to run your own business in a supported en-

pable and confident of going solo, a new adminis-

vironment, not panicked, not overwhelmed”

tration team will be recruited and trained to work within the new office location.

By no means a new initiative, Satellite offices have always been a part of our industry. In essence, a

Makes an awful lot of sense, doesn’t it.

budding entrepreneur is given the perfect training ground for opening their own office. Financially

Ready for take-off

supported by the Sponsoring Business Owner, an

In order to get the backing from a Sponsoring Busi-

additional office location is rented and set up with

ness Owner, individuals undoubtedly have to prove

all administrative duties covered by the existing

themselves to be a great investment. We asked Phil

support staff. This freedom from pressure, allows

what he needs to see in an individual to believe

the new business owner to operate without panic

they’re likely to succeed within this format.

or fear of failure. They can continue to run their team with confidence, knowing they can already sell, recruit, and train, whilst getting to grips with managing their own office. They’ll be introduced to










Magda Zaworska and Vik Verma, Adway

acquiring a minimum of 12-20 acquisitions per


week personally. Setting the standard week

Residential Campaigns with Charity

in, week out


Reliability - Proving yourself to be reliable

Asma Brahimi & Mohammed Ahmed, The


Legion Marketing Group








without prompting


Residential Campaigns with Charity Partners

An absolute desire to learn - Wanting to develop, improve and understand further.

Floyd Marriot, Hydra Sales Group

These individuals are by no means a finished


article once they hit Assistant Ownership.

Residential Campaigns with Fibre

Business ownership is only the beginning,


therefore, they need to enjoy the learning process

Alh Boi Gae

Problem-solving - They will be placed in


Residential Campaigns & Fibre

a new space, new situations, with fresh


challenges, different people and lots of obstacles





overcome. aspects





proactivity and creativity is paramount Phil Reid and The ProCo team are thriving

Satellite Offices Brett Smith & Katie Shears •


Residential Campaigns with Charity

on this business model, here’s how the


organisation currently stands: Toby Linford Now Trading


Residential Campaigns & Lotteries with

Mark Widnell, Talk2Us Advertising •


Event Marketing with Charity Partners

Charity Partners Meridian Reason •


Residential Campaigns & Charity Partners

Bilal Hussein •


Residential Campaigns with Fibre Telecommunications

Ryan Beebee •

Opening in May 2024

Location to be finalised

Residential Campaigns with Charity Partners

What a 2024 they’re set to have! So,







themselves up for Quarter 2 or 3? Who will be the first to head into the North of the UK? Or Europe? We can’t wait to find out.



'Learn to run your own business in a supported environment, not panicked, not overwhelmed

'By no means a new initiative, Satellite offices have always been a part of our industry. In essence, a budding entrepreneur is given the perfect training ground for opening their own office. Financially supported by the Sponsoring Business Owner, an additional office location is rented and set up with all administrative duties covered by the existing support staff. This freedom from pressure, allows the new business owner to operate without panic or fear of failure'



Sparking Brilliance; Recruitment 'Would you have considered Recruitment as a form of Direct Sales? We do. Replace products or services with lifestyle, career and personal brand and you have yourself a sales pitch.'


irect Sales is known

customers alike. Sales as a training ground

as an industry that

for interpersonal skills is undeniable; the



confidence, the communication skills, the

Some people were

results-driven mentality and the consequent


capabilities are unlike any degree you’ll find.

a to



sales as they thrive

In our opinion.

on the competitive

spirit, embrace the chance to engage with

Would you have considered Recruitment

others and prefer to let their merits bolster

as a form of Direct Sales? We do. Replace

their income. For others, direct sales can

products or services with lifestyle, career and

be a daunting realm whereby they’re the

personal brand and you have yourself a sales

all-important go-to person for clients and

pitch. To recruit incredible candidates you have to be able to listen to what your client needs, analyse





concept both parties on the value of each other. No candidate is recruited perfect, and no client is without room for improvement. Your job as a recruiter is to create corporate magic,






individual and collaborative success. Every recruiter is unique in their methods, systems, and styles, as is any brand. In order to best recruit for a particular business, you need to create your bespoke approach that aligns with their core values, working environment and company aspirations. Our organisational recruiters are fantastic at understanding how each business owner operates;






doesn’t sit well with them, what keeps them on track, and what truly matters. It’s with this insight that they set about finding the best talent possible, highlighting character traits and sparking potential partnerships. A recruitment relationship with a brand, like any relationship, takes time. No Google search can match time spent with a business owner, observing how they work with others, and having conversations that go beyond the day-to-day. As weeks and months go by, a bond is formed, so while you’ve not only been learning company systems, policies and terminology, you’ve been attaining a better understanding of those around you. Who are you recruiting into your circle?



'A professional brand is one area of life, but your personal brand envelops it'

On a less official stance, we’re all recruiters. Our friendships, our intimate relationships and families, our hobby cohorts, the search

'A recruitment relationship with a brand, like any relationship, takes time'

for connection never ends. What calibre of candidate are you attracting? And who are you drawn to? 'A professional brand is one area of life, but your personal brand envelops it.' We’re all privy to the saying “surround yourself well” but those who come into your life aren’t the ones responsible for staying there. It’s important to look inward if you want to keep a circle of great people around you. What are you bringing to the table? How are you conducting yourself? What are you inspiring in others? Businesses spend an awful lot of time, and money creating their ideal mission statements; a true reflection of what their brand means to them and what they desire to achieve. Perhaps it’s time you did the same for yourself.

'We’re all privy to the saying “surround yourself well” but those who come into your life aren’t the ones responsible for staying there. It’s important to look inward if you want to keep a circle of great people around you. What are you bringing to the table? How are you conducting yourself? What are you inspiring in others?'




NEW RECRUITERS on the block!

With all this expansion, we’ve welcomed some friendly faces to the organisation. With lots of new names featured in this edition, we wanted to take some time to speak with some of our recruiters about their journey so far.

We grabbed the opportunity to talk to Lyna

role too. Watching their confidence and

Nacereddine and Shahana Akhter from the

enthusiasm grow bit by bit.

Legion Group Marketing office in London,

Shahana: I think for me it’s seeing the

and Deni Haydon from The Promotions


Company in Exeter.

promoting themselves to leadership. We always


I’ve and

personally watch


recruited promotion

Lyna: Joined LMG in August 2023

celebration like proud parents, seeing their

Shahana: Joined LMG in September 2023

hard work being acknowledged, and getting to witness development in real life. That

Ladies! How are you both? You’ve been

recognition is given to us too which is great,

with the team for six months or so now,

whether it’s praise, applause, mini rewards,

would you say your way of working has

or trips away. It’s nice to know you’re

altered at all?


Lyna: I’d say so, yes. In the beginning,

What’s the goal here, Ladies?

you’re given a script to help you practice and get to know the business objectives as

Lyna: We would love to branch out into

well as the individual roles you’re recruiting

event marketing which includes having an

for. You follow it rigidly! But when you’ve

events coordinator, another recruiter and

been here a little while, it starts to roll off

100 brand ambassadors within the team.

the tongue. You start to understand what

I really want to progress in this business

is expected of you, what’s important and

just as Fran Davies and Kevin Nash have,

why, so you become more relaxed and

developing my own role to handle the

able to build rapport with candidates. You

operational sides of the business too.

also start to learn how best to manage

Shahana: I’d say our business goal is to

your time between calls, meetings, emails,

make sure our current Brand Ambassadors

appointments, etc.

are happy with the candidates we source for







conversation than a ticklist

them too. We need to make sure everyone’s personality is considered.

Lyna: What ends up happening is you ‘mirror match’ the energy you’re receiving

And what about any personal goals?

from candidates and you relate to people on different matters.

Lyna: I’d love a lavish trip to Dubai! Shahana: Ultimately, I would love an entire

What would you say is your favourite

wall in my house reserved for designer

part of the recruitment field?


Lyna: I would definitely say it’s being able


to work with candidates from the beginning

themselves! You’re both doing fantastically

and then further into their careers. When

for the Legion Marketing Group so we’re

somebody first picks up the phone while job

sure we’ll be seeing that Dior bag in no time.






hunting, they can be nervous and timid. Our job is to guide them through the process, and as our recruitment is in-house, we get to then see them succeed in their new


'You are a person, they are a person, be personable'

Deni: Joined The Promotions Company in

“You are a person, they are a person, be

October 2023








organisation, Deni is fresh out of an early

Top tips for someone starting within the recruitment industry?

years role and getting to grips with her new career in Exeter. What brought you

Lyna: Follow what you have in front of you in

to recruitment, Deni?

the beginning but don’t be afraid to show up as yourself too. You are a person, they are a

I’ve got a couple of friends who work in

person, be personable.

recruitment and they’ve always said I’d be

Shahana: You should come into this industry

good at it so why not give it a go? When I was

because you want to, not because you have

looking, I had three offers on the table and

to. It has a completely different impact on

the reason I joined The Promotions Company

your mindset; go with your heart and do

organisation was Kev. He was so kind and

things out of interest.

put me at ease straight away. I remember

Deni: Something really simple but important

putting the phone down and thinking, “Wow,

is the two R’s: The Relationship and the

I’ve got a good feeling about this”. That’s


massively impacted how I now approach my

throughout a twilight period to keep that

candidate sourcing, especially on Zoom -

relationship going. Life gets in the way

Those calls can be daunting for people! I try

sometimes so things get forgotten, it’s

to be understanding and friendly; everybody


is human, we’re not robots at the end of the

mortified if they’ve let something slip and


‘made a bad impression’, so help them put











their best foot forward by being punctual, What are you finding your strengths to

bringing the documents they need, knowing


where they’re going, etc.

I’d say my biggest strength is empathy, being

A pleasure to speak with you all, ladies -

able to put myself in the candidate’s shoes.

Welcome to the team and good luck for 2024!

I was them only a few months ago after all. I’m naturally quite a bubbly and reassuring

Necessary skills for a healthy career in

person, and want to make people feel at


ease and welcome wherever possible. I like to think they can be themselves around me.

You’re still relatively new to the role, Deni,

Being enthusiastic and having a truly positive attitude

but what’s the goal here?

Aligning the candidate's core values with the company's core values

• At the moment, it’s just to build a great team


Having fun - A grumpy recruiter will get nowhere!

Adaptability - Thinking on your feet,

I’m also very aware I still have a lot to learn,


so I want to take each day at a time, gaining








successfully •

healthy and fun environment.



around you allowing you to multi-task

here in Exeter. We’re building foundations and now we want to develop within a happy,







I’d say my biggest strength is empathy, being able to put myself in the candidate’s shoes. I was them only a few months ago after all. I’m naturally quite a bubbly and reassuring person, and want to make people feel at ease and welcome wherever possible. I like to think they can be themselves around me

LEGION Taking Shape


ast time we spoke with the

and great with people.

Managing Directors behind The Legion Marketing Group, they

Admittedly, Asma claims a major challenge when opening

had just cut the tape on their

your own office is time. You now not only have a team of

new office in Stratford and were

people to consider but a business to run from the front to

embarking on the next step of

the back. She relays her thought process when it comes to

entrepreneurship together. Six

preparing for her business to succeed:

months on, where are we at? “A mistake I see people making is expecting to use the same From five people on the team

amount of time planning for 30 people, as they did for three,

to 30 plus, they’ve grown by more than 600%. That’s

but that’s not going to cut it. You need to be extremely

astonishing. With clients more than pleased, acquisitions

planned and organised. 30 people is massive, you need to

rising, and the team building depth, they’ve had perhaps the

make sure your meetings are smooth, so your day, week,

most successful Chapter 1 in organisational history.

month and even quarter are mapped out.”

What we’d like to know is how they’ve got to this point.

So, how do you find that extra time and due diligence? Team

Success is never linear, so have there been challenges?

work. Involve those around you in your decision-making

Were there risks that went wrong? We asked Asma Brahimi

and show them how you choose to run your business. This


will boost team morale, build trust between one another, develop everyone’s skills exponentially and free you up in

“Ownership is not the end of the journey, it’s essentially the

the long run. Being a business owner can feel lonely if you

official beginning. This is the time to really knuckle down.

let it; the responsibility is on your shoulders and all business

Everything is on you, you can’t blame anyone else. Knowing

outcomes are your fault, and yours only. Letting others

how to overcome hurdles is a learning process so you need

affect your results can be a daunting concept, giving up that

to be humble enough to know you’ll mess up sometimes and

control is something many struggle to do. But, it is necessary

you’ll make mistakes, but learning to adapt, listen and learn

if you want to develop your team.

from those around you is how you’ll get through them.” As a partnership, Asma and Ahmed are known for their differing strengths; Asma is the organised and considered forward-thinker, and Ahmed is the ‘life and soul’, enthusiastic


'Taking control, making the decisions and seeing the results pay off. It’s for yourself. I’m working harder than I ever have previously, but it’s exciting to see what’s going to come out of that process.'

“Things will go ary; you’ll have spent time planning for people that don’t turn up, there’ll be last-minute issues and someone’s attitude can threaten the positive environment you’ve created. Without an overarching plan, chaos can descend and you can lose focus.” With







discover still, we wanted to know what it is that sets Asma’s heart alight within business ownership. Interestingly enough, it’s something that we as individuals either thrive on or run from. “Taking control, making the decisions and seeing the results pay off. It’s for yourself. I’m working harder than I ever have previously, but it’s exciting to see what’s going to come out of that process.” Would that entice or deter you from starting your own business? Entrepreneurship is not for everybody, but isn’t it exciting to wonder whether it is your calling… Are you: •



Great with people; customers, clients and teammates?


A believer in hard work paying off?

Wanting to take ‘ownership’ of your career?

A final nugget of wisdom from Asma Brahimi on embarking on a business journey. “Don’t try to be perfect, be curious instead. Accept the fact that you’re going to make mistakes and enjoy it. That’s the journey.” Thank you for your time, Asma, and thank you for showing us what entrepreneurship can be. Six months is not a long time, guys - Will you have made progressive steps for yourself in


“Don’t try to be perfect, be curious instead. Accept the fact that you’re going to make mistakes and enjoy it. That’s the journey.”




'I don’t think we’re doing anything particularly groundbreaking, but there’s always a mentality of what else can we do? We continually want to try and improve every aspect of the business. There’s this burning desire to keep evolving.'









aspect of the business. There’s this burning desire to keep evolving.



I actually worked for Blockbuster when I



was a teenager and I remember them being

known within our

approached to do a DVD subscription service



and take the business online. They rubbished

stepping outside

it as we all know, they were a great shop, but


what happened? LoveFilm came out, then



zone with his business and it seems to have

Netflix, then society cancelled them.

done him well so far! Let’s see what he has to say on the matter…












RedSeven Marketing and indeed The

relevant and trying to keep a step ahead of

Mentorprise Organisation is known for

the average company.

evolving with the times; we wanted to delve a little deeper into your thought

That’s really insightful. What would you

process behind that. Could you tell us

say have been your riskiest, yet most

where the confidence to set yourself

fruitful, decisions so far, Rob?

apart from others came from? I don’t think I’ve ever taken a risk that wasn’t Oh, it’s definitely a pride thing. I want to do

calculated. But moving my office to Bristol

the best I possibly can and do things properly,

could have been seen as risky. Essentially

always. It’s quite strange, but I don’t generally

starting again in a new city, with a new team

care what people think about me, but I care

to build. We were really settled in Swindon,

massively what people think of my business.

our expenses were super low, and Nina

Personally, I’m a bit like Marmite and I know

was about to go off on maternity with our

that. But if someone was to speak negatively

firstborn. But I always knew it would work

about my business I’d be embarrassed.


I don’t think we’re doing anything particularly groundbreaking,





mentality of what else can we do? We continually want to try and improve every



'Season 3 of The Mentorprise Podcast has now evolved from speaking with specific individuals to delving into overarching topics which we’re excited about. For example, we’ll speak on topics such as dealing with adversity, goal setting and team building, and bringing in the best within the industry to impart their knowledge and expertise. We’ll be able to give back to the audience in a tailored way.'

There’s been a tonne of success within

You don’t stand out. I’m always attracted to

Bristol, our team is full of outstanding people,

people doing cool things, so as a business

we’ve promoted another Assistant Owner

I wouldn't ever want to be considered as

in Rosie, we’ve gained a fantastic Recruiter

‘just another sales company’. I want to work

in Sophie and the business is making great

with the best people, both from a client

money. If we keep going the way we’re going,

perspective and a team perspective. In order

with the amount of talented people here in

to do that, I have to attract and retain great

Bristol, we’ll hit our goal of 20 offices by 2027.

people to my business.

Not only that, but I’ve never seen Matt so

What do you have up your sleeve for

confident and on such great form as he is

2024, then?

now running his business from the Swindon office without my being there. He’s managing

Well, Season 3 of The Mentorprise Podcast

that building by himself, which paved the way

has now evolved from speaking with specific

for him to make his next big step.

individuals to delving into overarching topics which we’re excited about. For example,

There must have been decisions that

we’ll speak on topics such as dealing with

haven’t panned out the way you originally

adversity, goal setting and team building,

wanted them to - How do you work your

and bringing in the best within the industry

way through those?

to impart their knowledge and expertise. We’ll be able to give back to the audience in

I think you have to reset. Go back to doing

a tailored way.

what you know works best. But I do believe these times bring a lot of positives too,

International long weekends away may well

nothing ventured, nothing gained as they

be introduced for the team too - Those

say. I don’t take them as failures, it’s more

whom we’d love to reward throughout the

“Okay, we learned something there, we left


our comfort zone, we learned some skills

looking at Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, etc,

and built our resilience”. If you don’t try you’ll

the cities we can visit that don’t add too

never know.

much travel stress to their weeks.

If you’re honest and pragmatic in your


approach there’s always something you can

launching soon too, so keep your eyes

take away from a situation. You’re bound

peeled for brand-new merchandise.










to make mistakes and I don’t ever get too stressed about that. But I guess that comes with experience. No matter who you are,

Well, it seems even if Blockbuster didn’t learn

we’re all learning, and you’re going to mess

from their mistakes, at least Rob Cotterell

up at some point but as long as you’re

has! Thanks for speaking with us, Rob, bring

prepared mentally for it not to always be

on the next evolution!

‘rosey’, it takes some of the pressure off. Why is it so important to not simply ‘ride the tide’ with everyone else? 035

Fibre on Charge

with Floyd Marriott

Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr Floyd Marriott proving himself right! HydraSales is having a moment, an electrifying one.

Since taking on the Fibre Telecommunications division in February 2022, Floyd and the team have upped their client

Without the unwavering belief that this division was a

acquisitions to… are you ready for this? 200 pieces per week.

success in the making, longevity may well have been an

Do you know how much revenue that is for their clients?

issue. But the element that’s made all the difference to the

£250,000. Per week! By delivering these mutually beneficial

HydraSales team has been the working relationship they’ve

partnerships, the ongoing relationship between customer

forged with their clients.

and client generates not only immediate revenue and essential services, but long-term, successful collaborations.

“Our biggest fibre client right now is Community Fibre, they are the number 1 Trustpilot-rated company in London. We’ve

But it’s not been plain sailing. Floyd is the first to admit it’s

had a difficult, long and arduous journey to this point, but I

been a challenging journey thus far.

am grateful for them, and to them, for sticking with us, and us to them. We have been a constant partner in allowing our

“It took us a long time to really figure out the new product and

competencies to grow and learn together”

the division. But I had a vision of where telecoms was going and that is why I’ve stayed so steadfast in my resilience.

It’s fair to say we’re not all blessed with resilience, so where

We’re now coming to the point where that vision is being

does Floyd’s come from? Something we can all harness in

realised in the UK, as well as the Office of Telecommunication

our day-to-day lives; a holistic perspective. No successful

(Offcom) figures aligning.”

enterprise has been without hardship. There will be issues both externally and internally in any business, those that

Resilience is paramount in business, no matter what industry

come out of the other side are the ones that are able to

you operate in. There’s no doubt that Floyd has shown

objectively tackle these problems. You learn more from your

immense dedication to his brand, clients and industry, but

challenges than your successes, the likes of Tesco, Barclays

what else has been a winning factor for the business?

and Meta will tell you that, so take some risks and make some

Collaboration. Floyd describes the new division as a


challenging one, with “the ground always shifting beneath your feet” and high-pressure calls becoming a weekly occurrence for everyone involved.


'Our biggest fibre client right now is Community Fibre, they are the number 1 Trustpilot-rated company in London. We’ve had a difficult, long and arduous journey to this point, but I am grateful for them, and to them, for sticking with us, and us to them'

We couldn’t feature the growth of the fibre division without mentioning Alh Boi Gae and Martin Adrien, Floyd’s right-hand men within the HydraSales organisation. We are a product of our environment, and these guys have created a hub of support for both Floyd and themselves to succeed. “Alh has never wavered. He has really pioneered our success alongside me and is extremely resilient, even when I have faltered he has given me a lot of support and led the way in our office. And Martin believes in me more than I believe in myself sometimes! He’s always reminding me of the tremendous success we’ve created previously. There was never an ounce of doubt in his mind that we’d do it again. And here we are.” What a team, what a future. So what’s changing in 2024, Floyd? With Alh opening his own office in quarter one, and a satellite office heading to Birmingham, the HydraSales organisation will become four locations. The growth of the industry is not limited to the sales division though. With the influx of customers Floyd’s team have granted Community Fibre, they too have expanded with more contractors and they’ve had to redo their entire CRM system to keep pace. What a fantastic example of mutually beneficial working partnerships. Choose your circle wisely, guys.

'It took us a long time to really figure out the new product and the division. But I had a vision of where telecoms was going and that is why I’ve stayed so steadfast in my resilience.'



2023 Celebrations What. An. Event. The biggest and best we’ve ever had. Our Christmas parties are notorious, but 2023 may well have trumped them all. The vibes, the energy radiating throughout that building, the glitz, the glamour and the festive shenanigans - We’re a fortunate bunch.


he people we have

promoted owners, assistant owners and crew lead-

the pleasure of work-

ers, as well as a huge group of the support staff

ing with every day

receiving appreciation for their endless hard work

are nothing short of

throughout the year.

incredible, so to be able to celebrate, rec-

Special recognition goes to our top secret agents

ognise and congratu-

who were able to successfully complete the mission

late all the success

of keeping a secret from Fran Davies! Her 20th an-

and individual merit is

niversary with the Mantra Organisation was never

always a night to cherish. For 2023, our venue of

going to go unmarked so we published a magazine

choice was the Radisson Edwardian in Manchester.

in her honour, celebrating all things Fran. We also launched The Francis Davies Award in her name,

This year’s theme was Ibiza, with music performed

one that will be given annually to someone unique,

by Anita Ryan Events. Including an incredible violin-

someone who goes above and beyond and has

ist and a great DJ, the whole dance floor was jump-

truly made a difference to those around them.

ing! There were ‘Angel Girls’ on stilts, glitter artists, fantastic food and an awards gala to showcase the

The photos are fabulous and there’s a video to

best of the best. Here are just a few individuals who

watch too!

found themselves on stage: We ended the year with a bang, but the team didn’t Owner of the Year 2023: Phil Reid

nose-dive into Christmas afterwards, they contin-

New Owners of the Year 2023: Asma Brahimi and

ued to perform extremely well in December. What a

Muhammad Ahmed

way to celebrate a fantastic year in business.

Most Improved 2023: Floyd Marriott There was also massive recognition for all the newly
























Photo Album

A selection of some of our favourite photos from recent events
















Podcasts and Books When do you listen to your podcasts? As you’re getting ready in the morning? On your way to work? While exercising? Wherever you plug in, we recommend carving some time into your audio schedule for these.

The Mentorprise Podcast

You're Wrong About

Season 3


Season 3 sees a change in direction with

Gain insight, perspective and alterna-

This awesome podcast covers a fasci-

insightful topics taking centre stage as

tive thinking with this unique podcast. It’ll

nating story in each episode, from amaz-

opposed to inspirational guest stories.

question what you think you know about

ing inventions to world-changing revo-

Helping those within the direct sales in-

history and spark captivating conversa-

lutions. It’s sure to keep you inspired to

dustry, and further afield, to tackle chal-

tions with those around you.

make an impact and equip you with plen-

Get Out Of Your Head and into Your

Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff

lenges, milestones and entrepreneurial

ty of conversational genius to connect

speed bumps with strategic considera-

with those around you.

tion and tailored approaches.

By: The Mentorprise Organisation


By: Michael Hobbes & Sarah Marshall

By: Margeret Killjoy & Sophie Rae Lichterman


An avid reader could spend a small fortune on new books, so something we endorse is using the local library. Did you know you can order any book for free? So, not only are you saving money and environmental resources, but you’re utilising a community service and won’t feel so obliged to finish a book if it’s not quite living up to expectations. If we knew how many books we had left to read in our lives, we wouldn’t waste a single second on one we weren’t enjoying! Here are a few of our ‘must reads’ for 2024…



The Price of Life: In Search of What We're Worth and Who Decides Jenny Kleeman So who decides what we’re worth? What is your life worth to you? Delving deep into the cost of living our lives, what we lose and what we gain. A great new read for opening up the mind to what our future could be.


Delayed Gratification Delayed Gratification Magazine Want to be more informed about the world we’re living in? The Delayed Gratification series touches base on the world’s events once the dust has settled, giving a detailed and accurate account of the situation. How it came about, what was the catalyst, what occurred and what the resolve is, if any. A useful resource in your tool kit.


The Algebra of Wealth Scott Gallaway In a 2024 world, we’re granted more choice, more opportunity, and more content to follow, but we’re also faced with retirement questions, climate ambiguity, and a rising cost of living. This book will help you take control of your finances and create safety nets for your future.



Love Saves the Day


Love Saves The Day is inspired by bringing together culture and community within Bristol. We want our spaces to be inclusive of people from all backgrounds, diverse in output and a place where people can come together and share their knowledge, experience and culture in a space that is open and accessible for all



Glastonbury AUGUST 2024

Glastonbury Festival is a five-day festival of contemporary performing arts held near Pilton, Somerset, England in most summers. In addition to contemporary music, the festival hosts dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret, and other arts



Office List 2024

Our Worldwide Office List. Please be sure to visit our social media channels for future





Mantra Marketing Group James Buckley / Francis Davies

People Boosted Veronika Ovechkina Moscow

RedSeven Marketing Robert Cotterell Bristol

RedSeven Marketing Dale Trinder Cheltenham website coming soon

Monument Promotions Matt Nicholson Swindon

TLN Marketing Fidel Nanton Swindon website coming soon

Redline Promotions Chance Cowie Manchester

The Promotions Company 1 Phil Reid Bristol

The Promotions Company 2 Kathryn Shears & Brett Smith Exeter

The Promotions Company 3 Toby Lindford Birmingham

Ivse Group Ivan Dmitrachkov Saint Petersburg www,

Luck Look Company Ayna Papedova Sochi

Direct Dialog Aidar Zamaletdinov Moscow

Well Mood Radik Kamalov Saint Petersburg

Raycom Daniel Ray Moscow website coming soon

Kings Way Dmitry Tsarev Moscow

Mediators Evgeniy Miheenko Saint Petersburg

DANKAI Marketing Group Alexander Nikiforov Moscow

Hydra Sales Floyd Marriott London website coming soon

Adway Marketing Magda Zaworska / Vik Verma Bristol website coming soon

Talk to Us Advertising Mark Widnell Exeter website coming soon

Legion Marketing Group Muhammad Ahmed / Asma Brahimi Stratford website coming soon 072

“We Shine Bright So That Others May Shine Brighter.”

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