Anna Rizatdinova

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Worldwide superstar in Rhythmic Gymnastics Medalist of 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro #annarizatdinova #teamukraineRG #главноеверить #wemakethisworldgo

Sports Achievement Anna Rizatdinova is a student of the legendary world-renowned Deriugina’s School, whose pupils are are consistently prizewinners at the world’s largest competitions. Ukrainian grace became the World Champion with hoop exercise in 2013 European Games Baku 2015 - silver medal (final clubs, ball) European championships Holon 2016 - bronze medal (all around) World Cup ,France 2013 -gold medal (all around) World championships 2014 -bronze medal in all around, bronze medal in final (hoop,clubs,ribbon)
World championships 2015 bronze medal in final (hoop,clubs,ribbon)
World Cup 2016 in Italy - bronze medal (all around)
World Cup in Hungary 2015 -gold medal in final( ribbon)
Universiade Gwangju 2015- gold,silver and bronze medals
European championships 2015 Minsk silver medal Ukrainian gymnast Anna Rizatdinova is the Bronze Medalist of 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

Anna Rizatdinova would not have become the biggest name in rhythmic gymnastics history without dedicating strenuous hours of hard work in every day trainings with her coach Ireesha Blohina Six days a week from day to night, Anna spends in the gym. “I completely surrender myself to my beloved work - that’s my secret of success” Apart from, performing the most difficult elements in her routines, she selects her own music and together with Ukrainian fashion designer Ilyas Sahtara creates innovative designs for her competition leotards.

SOCIAL NETWORK Anna Rizatdinova consistently stays in touch with her fans and shares the latest news on her official social media pages such as INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK, TWITTER, SNAPCHAT. Anna Rizatdinova’s social media network has the most followers globally.

INSTAGRAM account over 100K FACEBOOK account over 14K Each of her photos collects over 10,000 likes Her photos in the social media world are reposted by numerous famous sports pages. Anna is a worldwide trendsetter in the sports fashion world and the progressive youth constantly follow her trends and style. She is a role model, activist and motivator. Advocating a healthy life style and believing in the beauty of your dreams. “Through hard work - everything is possible” му шару.

Anna Rizatdinova has been on the covers of the most famous publications of the country: VOGUE, PINK, L’OFFICIAL, JETSETTER, ZOOFRIEND, NAIL ESTHETICS, ART-MOSAIC, as well as headlining the front pages of major newspapers.

Anna consistently shares with her fans her sports style and secrets, the main focus of her lifestyle and sports style always being NewBalance on and off the gymnastics podium.

Anna has over 10 fan pages lead by her biggest fans around the world. Japan, Italy, Spain, Brazil, France, Germany, Portugal, United States, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland - and this is not the end of the list of countries where fans are crazy for Anna!

SHE IS LOVED AROUND THE WORLD Anna adores and loves her fans so much that she uses every opportunity to devote her time and attention. Amidst her sport admirers, are senior and well established personas, as well as younger generation of girls who dream of becoming Olympic Champions. At all the major competitions where Anna competes approximately 50,000 spectators gather to witness her mastery. Not to mention when fans sleep outside hotels just to get a chance to get her autograph and picture!


Anna Rizatdinova sets all the sports trends in Ukraine. She is a fearless sportswoman who isn’t afraid to experiment with style, however, her special touch to her style always remains in clothing and footwear from the exclusive brand NewBalance. Red Carpet events or State Receptions, Anna Rizatdinova always stands out from other sports people and attracts hundreds of paparazzi, who await her presence. As always her signature style is her New Balance sneaker.

Анна Ризатдинова и собаки приюта SOS


Спроси хозяина |


Anna Rizatdinova lives not only in sports and advocating a healthy lifestyle. She devotes a lot of her time to social and charitable actions affiliated with children orphanages and dog shelters. Collaborates with United Nations and UNICEF

Бронзовая призерка Олимпийских игр по художественной гимнастике Анна Ризатдинова очень любит домашних животных. И пока у нее нет возможности из-за спортивного графика завести своего питомца, она посвящает свободное время поддержке приютов. Поэтому в один прекрасный октябрьский день мы вместе с Анной отправились в приют Международного общества защиты животных SOS в Пирогово. А чтобы развеять всяческие стереотипы по поводу животных из приютов, мы провели фотосессию с бывшими воспитанницами SOS’a – милейшими Зитой и Гитой, – которые обрели новый дом и любящих хозяев Текст: Наталья НАТАДЗЕ Фото: Екатерина МУМЖИНСКАЯ

Анна, сейчас у Вас нет домашних животных, но мы знаем, что раньше были. Расскажите о них. У моих родителей в Крыму есть кошка. Ее купили, когда я была еще ребенком. Это персидская кошка с роскошной длинной шерстью. Назвали мы ее Клеопатра, потому что она очень статная. Мы все ее очень любим. Благодаря ей я с детства поняла, что животные – это настоящие и самые лучшие друзья. После каждой тренировки, еще когда я жила с родителями в Симферополе, всегда моя кошка приходила, ложилась ко мне на живот или на грудь. Так она меня, видимо, успокаивала, восстанавливала. Мне с ней всегда комфортно и хорошо. Планируете ли в ближайшем будущем кого-то завести? И можно ли сочетать спортивную карьеру с содержанием животных? Сейчас, в силу спортивной карьеры, я живу без животного. Я постоянно в разъездах и мне просто даже не с кем оставлять его дома. Но как только мой график будет немножечко посвободней, я обязательно заведу питомца. Хочу небольшую собачку, с которой могла бы путешествовать, хочется всюду брать ее с собой. 34

11  НОЯБРЬ  2016


Gymnast with a

big heart

State Awards In Ukraine, Anna is not only loved, cherished and respected by her fans but as well as all the heads of State establishment. Anna Rizatdinova received numerous awards: Order of Princess Olga of III degree: For the achievement of significant sport results at the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan, displaying the dedication and the will to win, raising the international authority of Ukraine. Order of Princess Olga II degree: For the achievement of high sports results at the XXXI Summer Olympics in Brazil, shown by the dedication and the will to win. After winning the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro she became the athlete of the month. She was awarded with the trophy for athlete of the month upon returning from the Olympic Games.


She is the most wanted sportswoman on all the popular tv shows as well as news broadcasts and radio appearances. She is asked to perform some of her signature elements from her routines on live national television, share her secrets of success and give people a glimpse into her private life. Each week she has up to 5 interviews in the top rated television programs of the country.

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