Fonts in the 1910’s were bold fonts that were often used for newspapers and posters. These fonts were both serifed and sans serifed. When they were serifed they were often found with very small serifs. Stylized fonts were also very popular during this decade.
In the 1910’s the world was becoming more industirial this can be see in the evolution of the fonts in this decade as well as how the fonts are used. In the 1910’s The world was becoming more and more industrialized.
Some major events to occur in the 1910’s were
-Standard Oil was broken up -The Titanic sank - Grand Central Station opens -World War I began - The Assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinane -The US entered World War I The effects of these events helped to shape the fonts of this time. This fonts were used by industies and newspapers
Titanic Sank and US enters World War I to tell headlines of the day like
ShowCase Serif:
Caudex Copperplate
Sans Serif:
Franklin Gothic League Gothic Nevis
SpeedBall No 3
Morris Fuller Benton Morris Fuller benton Was an influential Type Desinger of his time he Designed Frankling Gothis which is still used today aswell as 220 other Typefaces he is one of Americas most prolific Type Designers.
Fonts Designed Hobo Bank Gothic Broadway Franklin Gothic Alternate Gothic News Gothic
Setting the Standand for Form and Function of TypeFaces to follow
Perfection of Style and Function
The 1920’s or the roaring twenties as they have been called. was a time fo urbanization in the United states where more people began to live in the cities rather then in the country. This was the age of breaking the socail norms and traditions of the past. many fonts from this decade are still used today becasue of their futuristic and simple look.
The influences of these fonts came from citiy life and forward thinking.
In The 1920’s the United states was becoming more and more urbanized with alot of people moving from the country to the city there were alot of movements going on to broaden life for people weather that be people moving to an urban area or the movemnents to break social norms. Some of the Events in the 1920’s that had an effect on the style of Type and broadened life for people -The Flapper Movement Begins -19th Amendment Gives Women The Right to Vote -Charles Lindbergh makes first Trans-Atlantic crossing. - Mickey Mouse is Created
ShowCase Serif: Cooper Sans Serif Futura Gill Sans
Oswald Bruce Cooper Cooper was an influential designer of his time. He was from Mt. Gilead Ohio Cooper and Fred Bertsch formed a design firm in 1904 and had as many as 50 people working for them at one time. Cooper had his hands in on the design of the Cooper fonts and many of the typefaces in that family
Fonts Designed: Cooper Black Cooper Cooper Fullface Packard
1920 Forward Progress
A Broader Life For All!
The Thirties were a time for great developement for the world some of these developements were positive and some wer negative. Either way these had an effect on the Typefaces of the time. The Art Deco Movement was in motion and the world was going through changes such as the rise of communism and the US rising to be a World Super Power.
Sh T he 1930 s
was a time in which many
historical events happened .
-T he R ise of C ommunism - the R ise of H itler - the H inden B erg D isaster -T he S tart of world W ar II. T ype F acefaces
from this time were
influened by these events .
T ype F aces
from this time are easily identified by there tendency to look like geotetric shapes , the lack of variety in serifs , and the look of curlicues .
T hese
can seen in
many of the fonts from this time