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Now that we've redesigned the logo and identity system for the new brand mission, here is where we show the new identity with its parameters, restrictions, and standards, so that it maintains the integrity of the brand no matter in what way it is used or presented.
Here is also where we researched and developed expansion opportunities for the brand, in order to support our new mission and expand into new areas and new ventures.
The Rebranding Of Planned Parenthood
The National Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Freedom (NASRF) just went through a rebranding in which the name of the organization was changed to reflect the more current demographic needs.
With the emphasis on freedom of choice, complete agency and power of access to all wellness services, for ALL bodies, the icon of a winged creature was an integral component in representing the mission of the brand.
The butterfly in many cultures, represents hope, rebirth, strength, and sustaining endurance. In this brand, the butterfly represents a diverse population, intersectionality, and transformation. The dot represents the power of agency for the individual, separate, but connected to the whole.
About the butterfly: The enter has three sections to define the body of the butterfly, and the three parts represent the three parts of the brand: agency, education, and progress.
The logo anatomy shows each component with size and proportion to be used at any size.
Black And White Logo
Black and white versions can be used if necessary, but not used with tones under 40% in order to preserve adequate contrast.
Clear Space
Leave enough space around the logo in both horizontal and vertical use to show it at the clearest possible view. The minimum space around the logo is defined by the x space of the dot in the logo.
Alternate Logo Variations
Occasionally a vertical or stacked logo will be necessary, but should only be used in cases where the horizontal logo absolutely cannot be used. In these cases, the buttterfly is NOT included in order to allow for best clear space and legibility.
Logo Size Chart
In addition to clear space, the chart provides proportion standards which should be adhered to in order to maintain maximum legibility, especially at smaller sizes.
Symbol Wordmark Signature
1.25 inch and above
1 inch
3/4 inch
1/2 inch
1/4 inch
Do not set the logo below 1/4 inch
Do not use the full signature logo below 1/2 inch.