Our Epigenomes

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Our Epigenomes Gloria Im − gsongim@gmail.com gsongim.com

Thank you

Alan Bilzerian, Michaela Bosch, Maty Cropley, Shane Day, Lynn Faitelson, Carly Hampel, Morgan Hill, Jessica Im, Sebastian Kineke, Rio Miyamoto, Alex Norton, Henrique Ramson, Maria Straccia, Joe Soto, Jill Thibault, Jennifer Varekamp, AB family, Im family, Massart class 2015

Identical twins begin their lives in a very similar fashion, with nearly identical genomes inherited from their parents. The Epigenome collection stems from a culmination of life experience. As an identical twin, my sister and I were raised in the same situations . Although we are very close and share much of the same genome, we couldn't be more unique. A lifetime of differing experiences has caused certain traits to develop, conditioning each of us to our respective environments. Epigenomes are trait differences not caused by dna, epigenetic modification occurs slowly over a lifetime due to these experiences. The collection features unisex articles of clothing with a focus on functionality that yields to an environment. Aesthetics are informed by careful reference towards the finer details of genetic systems created conceptually. I aligned the basis of ideas with my own visual style in order to yield the Our Epigenomes Collection.

360 Balance Functional Itself Monochromatic Monumental Movement Pleats Start–Finish Unisex



Our Epigenomes | Look (01/05)

Functional Draping changes the way we see. It’s creating a new pattern from the form. The idea is for the user to adapt to their environment as their surroundings are changing. Either from a shell of a pattern existing on the body or the simple tailoring of a hidden bag.


Our Epigenomes | Look (01/05)


Our Epigenomes | Look (01/05)


Our Epigenomes | Look (01/05)

Unisex Fashion makes a clear distinction between genders. Rearranging those ideas to create a new innovation sounds like breaking the boundaries. Menswear has a simplicity to it and the references are apparent. But there needs to be a challenge introduced to it.



Our Epigenomes | Look (02/05)

Monumental The volume of a garment has an impact visually, but it also portrays a service of importance. Its projection and silhouette expresses a role of disguise.


Our Epigenomes | Look (02/05)

Movement It is basic knowledge in fashion that people forget or swear by. A garment can be in any context of materialbut the idea of a body changing the entire picture makes fashion a unique form of idea.



Our Epigenomes | Look (03/05)

Monochromatic Color palettes are boring and too reliant. Our Epigenomes moved to showcase the details in craft and technique within a single collection. For that reason, color was distracting. There’s so many other things to look at.


Our Epigenomes | Look (03/05)

360 If art needs to be looked at in every viewpoint, then design is looking at it from a layered perspective in some alternate finite dimensional axiom.


Our Epigenomes | Look (03/05)

Pleats I seem to always design with a specific purpose. One technique I always come back to is the layered folding. Dimensions are created as well as a signature of couture in ready to wear. I chose it simply because it spoke to me, and there was no purpose.


Our Epigenomes | Look (03/05)

Itself The collection is a working regret. I mean that in the best way possible. There’s so much I want to change that means I’ve progressed my vision. It’s always hard to stop a project. And say I’m finished. That’s when you know you have to start the next.



Our Epigenomes | Look (04/05)

Balance Expressing all my ideas at once van be a terrible or terrific thing. Knowing what’s enough the struggle I’m trying to achieve here.


Our Epigenomes | Look (04/05)


Our Epigenomes | Look (04/05)



Our Epigenomes | Look (05/05)

Start_Finish Wihin my education, I have created and sourced every aspect of 2D and 3D designing. It is never practical in the real world but it also makes me understand every aspect of my own work and the trial and errors.


Our Epigenomes | Look (05/05)

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