Graze Design Direction Boards Alex & Ben
Graze Introduction
“Make the Graze brand more distinctive and desirable.”
Graze is an online store that sells box’s of healthy snacks. Offering office workers a tasty and nutritious snack an alternative to those 3pm tempations.
‘Nature delivered’ is their tagline. “They provide a ‘pleasurable health when they create tasty, snacks.”
Graze Design Direction Boards Alex & Ben
Graze Content
Healthy foods/snack Online Excerise Delivery serivce Eviroment (recycling) Nature People’s well being.
From the survey we can find out what its is about graze the customer/ targert market likes about the company.
Graze Design Direction Boards Alex & Ben
Audience & Context People who work in Office. People who go to the Gym and are health consious Vegaterains/Vegans. More likely to attract a women tagart market.
Graze Design Direction Boards Alex & Ben
Method of delivery These are what is asked in the breif
Part A To fresh the the graze box. Part B To make the logo more distincitve and unique. Part C Create a direct mail marketing campagin that stands out. These are our purposals.
The moblie phone App. Stop/Start animation viral video.
Graze Design Direction Boards Alex & Ben
Primary Research We used the vouch code on the brief to get a free sample of the box.
Looking at stores in Leeds that sell healthy nutritious snack. Theres a shop called ‘graze;.
Not the same as
Send out a questionaire to 300 of Reed & Mackay employee’s. Working in an office they are the target market.