TOPOGRAPH | Series 1 | Issue No. 1 |

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I’m using white lighters to see what’s in front of me


M Many asked me what scares me most, and I know that they expected to hear that it was a height, or a closed space, or people dressed like animals, but how do I tell them that at the age of 17 I went to classes that were called «Relations for Life», and I learned that people stop loving for the same reason that they fell in love. What the beloved’s attractive stubbornness now has become a rejection of a compromise, and his obsession with some idea is now immaturity, and the bad habits that you used to adore so much are just money for the wind. Spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible, and legs on the table cease to be sexual, this is just one more thing that distracts you from your busy life. Nothing scares and upsets me more than the thought that one day, I will become unattractive to someone who once thought that all the stars are in my eyes. I never thought that this particular «poem» would become the most popular one I have ever written. I was very bitter and sad when I wrote this, and I did not tell the most beautiful part of this lesson. After our teacher told us about this theory, she asked «Is love a feeling or a choice?». We were just a bunch of teenagers. Of course, we said that this feeling. To which she replied that if we stick to this idea, then we will never have any lasting relationship. She forced us to interview a dozen adults who were ever married. And we asked them about their marriages, why they are still together, or why they broke up. And

at the end of each person, I asked about whether it was a choice or a feeling. Everyone answered that it was a choice. Conscious decision. It’s like you chose to work every day with a person who made the same choice. They all said that at some point the feeling of love disappeared or paled, and they were not happy. They said that the feelings are always changeable and that you can not build something lasting on such an unstable foundation. Those who are still married, said that when things got worse, they chose to start communicating, chose the option in which they find what went wrong and fix it. They chose the option in which they restore something for which it was worth to fall in love. The divorced ones said that they chose to leave. Since then, I have never relied on relationships the way I used to. I understood why the marriages were happy by agreement. I learned about the difference between feelings and obligations. I no longer went for people who make my heart sink and my head spin. I chose people who pledged to choose me, aimed at finding something that they would love even in the worst days. And I’m not afraid anymore of the day when someone who swore that I for him is a whole universe will no longer be able to see the stars in my eyes, because they will still choose to look until they find them again.

Wishes Eat better. Run more. Squat more. Go to bed earlier. Get up early. Cook a good breakfast. Drink water. Eat fruit. Read books. Travel. Less talk. Listen more. Feel deeper. Love more. Open your eyes. Live this life. Be happy.

Affliction I think that one of the saddest things is when two people really know each other: their secrets, their fears, what they love, what they hate, everything; and then become strangers. And you must pass by him and pretend that you have never spoken to him before, when in fact you know everything about him.



Photography Tips Compose in Thirds


To use the rule of thirds, imagine four lines, two lying horizontally across the image and two vertical creating nine even squares. Some images will look best with the focal point in the center square, but placing the subject off center will often create a more aesthetically composed photograph. When a photograph is composed using the rule of thirds the eyes will wander the frame. A picture composed by the rule of thirds is more interesting and pleasing to the eye. Create a Sense of Depth

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When photographing landscapes it really helps to create a sense of depth, in other words, make the viewer feel like they are there. Use a wide-angle lens for a panoramic view and a small aperture of f/16 or smaller to keep the foreground and background sharp. Placing an object or person in the foreground helps give a sense of scale and emphasizes how far away the distance is. Use a tripod if possible, as a small aperture usually requires a slower shutter speed. Choose the Right ISO The ISO setting determines how sensitive your camera is to light and also how fine the grain of your image. The ISO we choose depends on the situation – when it’s dark we need to push the ISO up to a higher number, say anything from 400 – 3200 as this will make the camera more sensitive to light and then we can avoid blurring. On sunny days we can choose ISO 100 or the Auto setting as we have more light to work with.

I In my future apartment there will be a mess. On the walls there will be unfinished sketches and photographs, dried flowers and train tickets. Each mug, each spoon will be different, each will have its own story. Everywhere there will be houseplants, I will grow cumin and lemongrass myself. The windows will be huge and almost all the time open. Everywhere there will be small droplets of paint. I have

a bunch of pillows and knitted blankets on every corner, just in case. There will be a huge shelf with books, and big white candles, and a record player, and I’ll listen to old songs, sing and dance. I will bake banana bread and buns with sesame seeds and share them with neighbors. I will have a big, warm dog to cuddle with her when you feel lonely. And the air will smell fresh, honey, books and jasmine tea.


People One of the main problems of modern people is that they do not know themselves. Everyone rushes like crazy, trying to find themselves, their personality, or lend it, only they themselves do not know about it. They really believe that they know who they are, but who are they?

Life has taught me that you can not control someone’s loyalty, the way you are kind to them does not mean that they will treat you either. How much they mean to you does not mean that you for them you will be just as valuable, sometimes the people you love most become people you least trust .

e trappe a damn li in d e p p m wra me damn ga a is e f li n mind y m a d y m d in m trappe in a damn lie ed m wrapp mn game a d a d is e f my li damn min y m in d ’m trappe in a damn lie ped I’m wrap n game m a d a is n mind m my life a d y m ped in e I’m trap damn lie a in d e p p e I’m wra mn game a d a d is e f e my li damn min y m in d ppe e ke I’m tra a damn li in d e p p a ke I’m wr a damn game is n mind m a d ke my life y m pped in ike I’m tra ped in a damn lie rap like I’m w mn game a d a d is e f damn min like my li y m in d appe e like I’m tr a damn li in d e p p a r ’ like I’m w is a damn game mind life n’ like my pped in my damn tra lie n’ like I’m apped in a damn wr me n’ like I’m damn ga a is e f li n mind y in’ like m apped in my dam tr tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my damn mind n lie lin’ like I’m rapped in a dam w tired of feelin’ like I’m wrapped in a damn lie e lin’ like I’m fe is a damn gam d in tired of feelin’ like my life is a damn game my li y damn m m in elin’ like d e p I’m trap damn lie a in elin’ like d e p I’m wrap me eelin’ like y life is a damn ga n mind m my dam in eelin’ like d e p p a r I’m t amn lie d a in d eelin’ like e pp e I’m wra k li ’ n game n m li a e d e f a d is my life amn min e d k li y ’ m n li in e fe ed e I’m trapp e k li ’ a damn li n li in d fee e p p a ke I’m wr a damn game f feelin’ li n mind y life is m m a e d k li y ’ m n of feeli trapped in damn lie m I’ e k li ’ of feelin pped in a me a r w m I’ a like a damn g d of feelin’ is e f li y m amn min e d k li y ’ m n li in e ed of fe e I’m trapp e k li ’ a damn li n li in e d e f e f p o p d ra ’ like I’m w is a damn game n li e e f f o d n mind y life m m a e d k li y ’ m n d of feeli trapped in damn lie m I’ e k li ’ n pped in a me a d of feeli r w m I’ n’ like mn ga ed of feeli like my life is a da y damn mind m n’ ed of feeli like I’m trapped in damn lie a lin’ rapped in game red of fee w m I’ e k lin’ li is a damn amn mind e f red of fee li y m e elin’ lik d in my d e p p a r t ired of fe amn lie d like I’m ’ a n li in e d e f e f app tired o ke I’m wr a damn game li ’ n li e e f d is tired of e my life damn min

Wildness inside But there’s no way that he can feel the same Cause when I think of you my mind goes wild

B Being ÂŤnormalÂť is an ideal for a loser, for all those who have not yet managed to rise to the level of common demands. But for those whose abilities are much higher than average, who could easily achieve success by accomplishing their share of worldly work - for such people the framework of the norm means a Procrustean bed, unbearable boredom, infernal hopelessness and despair. As a result, many become neurotic due to the fact that they are just normal, while others suffer from neuroses because they can not become normal. Carl Gustav Jung


Lively and best dreams We are dying among everyday life. In the rays of imaginary brilliance We often think in breadth by breadth And we fall from the weight of the pendant, From the load of our voluntary weights.

O Our meeting - remember her? Probably, it seems to you that it was an accident. But there are no accidents in the world. As this sun sets every night according to the laws of the universe, fate is also conditioned.

Do not let your character change its color depending on the environment in which you are.

The note Realizing yourself as a person in some way is similar to the coordinates on the map of the city, where intersections of our friendships are marked. We know who we are, and we define ourselves with respect to the people we love and the reasons for our love for them.

R Remember that you should never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for good, and dreams are not fulfilled for the better.

You are mired in guessing on trifles and do not guess that the moment can contain a whole life. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The note Fortunately, it does not lead to a search for happiness. If you look for him, you sit down and sit, not knowing which way to go. But you work tirelessly, you create, and in reward you are made happy.

An unread book, like halfway abandoned love.

Look closely at who comes near you more closely. He is the projection of one of your «I».




THE 199X.

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