Germany 2051 Alexander Towell GDNMY3 Germany 2051 DAAD Brief
The Circle Etho’s
Germany in 2051, its relationship to renewable energy, and the Circle Ethos. By Alexander Towell When asked to envision Germany in 2051, there were many factors to take into account. By not only looking at germany as a nation and the history that it presents, but also taking into account current events with the euro and its still vibrant industrial presence in the global scheme of things. It’s iconic brands such as Volkswagen and BMW and Mercedes Bends, also brought about a good amount of understanding for the german prospectus, with such a foothold in the automobile industry its hard to see it disappearing in the near future. Climate change has become a serious problem for the world, with it ever glaring around the corner as the seasons begin to shift it is hard to ignore completely. In a Deutsche Welle article found at , Germany is ranked fifth in the climate change battle. With such tradition in industry it would be hard to see them turning their heads away from an industrial revolution such as this. From the cars they produce to the german industrial prowess of a nation proud of its machines makes it Europe’s leading green energy producer. My project is trying to illuminate germanys future of renewable energy. By 2051 i am certain that the world will have shifted towards an understanding of renewable energy as not just a term but as a part of our daily lives. “The Circle” is a phrase used to describe my project and within it lies a 2051 german ethos that sums up our daily fight with energy and keeping the cycle of renewable energy flowing. In an article on AlertNet, By Erik Kirschbaum he talks about a new german gold rush forged from the wind and energy from the north shore. Renewable energy is providing a great source of income as well as wealth creation to the german population. For my Project i have decided to focus not on germans historic industry but its forging of a new one. In Kirchbaums article he talks about germany shutting down all its nuclear plants by 2022, this shows great promise for the increase of renewable energy and its place in the german peoples future. My projects develops this idea and presents it in a possible format for a different approach. By taking away nuclear we would be decreasing the amount of isotopes that we are emitting into the air and the world, these isotopes can dramatically change the structure of atoms and how they function. Just a little fact for the cooker. By looking at the green energy future, i have taken a perspective on how it will effect the way we live out lives. This project “The Circle” is a cross section of germanys renewable energy and the German philosopher Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels, theory of Marxism. Marxism is a theory that begins by looking at the necessary economic activities that are required by a human society to provide for material needs. The theory takes a view on social relations, politics and legal systems, human morality and ideology. According to marx socialism is a necessary starting point for a society for its progression towards capitalism. (Wikipedia, Marxism) Now although marxism is a lot like socialism, a marxist society advocates the production of such a society, in lame terms a marxist society accepts a work ethic for the people in a marxist society a builder would be payed the same as a doctor, it would there for level the playing field for an equal state that provides for its people. But does not take a focus point on a government control, which is a more communist place. All these ideas are rather radical and have been tried out since they’re production, in china and europe and all fail. My project “The Circle” tries to revisit some of these ideals but in relationship to renewable resources and they’re production and distribution. In essence my idea is a green socialist viewpoint, by distributing an equal dose of energy to its consumer or populous a society could begin
to not only tackle its energy crisis but change the way people treat their resources and the environment. As a concept and concept alone, i hope to illuminate the possible falls as well as its benefits with the idea of a marxist (an equal distribution of the societies funds) approach to energy. In my ideal germany of 2051, the distribution of energy would be given to the people as a human right, with an equal distribution to its populous. “The Circle” is a german human beings energy consumption allowance. This concept would open up many doors into family allowances. And the possibility of limiting human freedom around an equal energy supply. “The Circle” has a radius, or volume that by the human staying within his allowance of energy and contributing back to the renewable grid through a well formulated recycling plan, one would hope to achieve a balance. My project puts this forward, not as a rule punishable by death, another rather prevalent german trait but as a life goal to stay within a mans Circle is to achieve a harmony with his surroundings and environment. By understanding ones circumference, A human being under the German renewable energy program would be asked to stay inside a planned amount of energy output, i.e car use, the idea of keeping ones travel to a minimum or staying within a suitable amount of travel or using more green a social transport such as trains and government insured Vehicles. Whilst thinking about these theory’s and ideas, I have also stumbled upon the other ways this may limit a german family in 2051, if family unit can only consume a certain amount of energy wouldn’t this also limit the amount of human beings being brought into a household. It could have dramatic implications on freedom of food, because after all food waste is also a form of energy. But these are all things a progressive human being takes in order to try and create a Greener more sustainable future no? Why not take action to enforce some boundaries or a circumference to a humans energy output and intake? The possibility of a marxist energy distribution plan in an attempt to build a more sustainable future for Germany may be the window into a brighter future. A lot like the plans put forward in the more economical marxist view that a socialist workforce is the passage or transition to a capitalist future for the world. In the economic marxist ideal i see its faults much the same as i see the faults in the possibility of equal energy distribution. But after all this does not inhibit ones income only gives way to less worries in houses that may be troubled by energy woes, having them laid out in simple forms may ease certain tensions around these issues, leaving more leverage for work and income to take precedence over energy issues. By looking at a population that is consuming an equal amounts of energy per capita this would need large planning agreements and a great understanding for human needs,The Marxian analysis begins with an analysis of material conditions, Marxism “taking at its starting point the necessary economic activities required by human society to provide for its material needs.”(Marxism Wikipedia) Here in relation to “The Circle” we can see a beginning to try and identify the needs of all its population and the eventual, equal distribution of power and tasks as well as earnings to the people in an attempt to get a hold on a situation. In theory this is what my project is HINTING AT, by beginning with energy as not just a concern but a necessity for German people in 2051 to begin to move into a more bright future, now a cold shower is a no mean feat, nor a walk to a train station rather than i car journey, but in an attempt to tip the scales lets say, a marxist approach to this issue may be the key in beginning to get a grip of it, so we can all take a look at just how deep the eco rip in the earth really is. It is a pressing issue not only for germany but the
(Top) A small propaganda illustration
of a family taking their Circle into the their arms. Through a simple symbolic Circle the German people change its meaning to symbolise a broad universal concern for the environment.
(Bottom) A pictorial representation
of the Circle and the values that it represents from the integration of ecological products and values to the home to an understanding for the principles of Recycling. The huge impact that food waste is germanys 3rd most valuable resource. To the basic transition to healthy and government supported transport.
Circle Party Propaganda 2051
Know Your Cirlce! Vote Circle this election day.
Ride The Wave This Election Day
Circle Party forms, a group of engineers and varchitects and green enthusiast begin party conferences in Berlin, August 2011. At its start a think tank for green renewable energy and its integration into a society and the vision for a renewable future.
(2023) Another election year, with a surge a surge in renewable energy the Circle Party takes on another 10,000 permanent party employees. With the renewable energy program underway with our seats in parliament, the circle party takes credit for a drop of unemployment rating from a whopping 15% down to 7.5% in 4 years. The election runs again and the Circle Party gets another 60 seats. It is undoughtful the German people feel the change and are embracing it.
Circle Party enrol in their first election, they put elect their first electorate, Adrian Ludwig an architect from berlin. The elec tion is a success and The Circle Party joins the ranks as the fourth party in germany to gain recognition earning 12 seats within the parliament. With tremendous support our party grows to a a massive 1500, work force.
tomorrow push ahead. With another election present, The Circle party push for the german people to work in a war against the environment promising that through the struggle, the german people can lead europe into conquering the energy crisis once and for all. With a global economic crisis under way and a feeling of despair the german people vote Circle. The Circle party elect Avon Schumacher to be the first female Circle party president.
(2027)By 2027, the Circle party have
begun the second faze of the Green Plan, having changed the industrial standards of germany and brining in new law to protect the environment the most progressive plan ever put forth by a western government, and already having 15% of german homes implementing the Circle initiative, the progression to taking german homes into the green millennia begins targeting 30% of german homes by 2031, the election is a success, and the german people elect their first Circle President Adolf Peace. After 17 years of enormous success and luck the Circle party makes its first leap into a seat of control. With German confidence at its peak since before world war two, the german sense is that a brighter future is on the horizon.
2021 Another election year is upon us, through a lot of hard work and a great amount of work from our 30,000 enrolled Circle Party members and the growing green business employing a 80,000 people at present the Circle party was geared and ready. With the escalating concern for the environment The Circle party takes, second in the election to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with a massive 324 seats in the Bundestag. With the world watching the first Green Party takes a nations hand in the passage to a more green and resourceful future. It is official the more sustainable future was in sight and the german people can feel its swell. The Hydrogen economy was on the horizon and the Circle party was really beginning to take the cause by its horns. We won the peoples trust what a journey.
(2035 )As the pressure of the world is ever mounting Germanys economy suffers but the green enterprises of
The Circle takes on another election, with over 30,000 new jobs in the green sector and over 300 new positions working within the party the party makes into the ranks, of the top 3 party's in Germany behind the traditional Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). We miss out on the final election but gain 70 seats in parliament. It was a brilliant result.
Two years after the last election and the Circle Party is asked to commence with stage three of The green initiative. Having converted over 70% of the german people to the Circle green initiative. It is time to begin to equally distribute the work and the resources the plan holds. With 80% of german energy coming from german Green companies and Homes, we shift our concentration on how to create a society that gears its self around the Circle and balance. making a mandatory 4 day week.
On september the 12th 2036 the world end its wars, and begins to look ahead at the future of its modern world. With climate change fully underway and the monsoons of the equator becoming more violent each year, it has become an international crisis. Germany although completely aware of the possible energy crisis makes a decision with the preparation for what lies ahead. As an election campaign the Circle party vows to turn of all Nuclear power stations and shut down 70% of its coal power station on it winning the election with the world watching, the circle party wins the vote by a marginal 7 seats. On December 25th 2036 President Grayson Fletcher flips the switch, and germanys grid goes 85% green. Leaning on the output of 10 coal power stations and one remaining nuclear. The german people are forced into only having heat at night for 5 cold months going from winter into the summer.
(2033) With two years to go to the
next election the CDU president resigns, leaving his successor Vice President Charles Ludwig to take over. As a nation by vote we stay out of the Wars in Africa and South America, and continue with faze two of the Green Initiative. Although under way an international mater takes the rate of growth down and our integration into the homes of Germany slows, having cuts backs in order growth is minimal although due to the plan in place we begin distributing some of the 50% renewable grid power to neighbouring nations who are feeling the pressure from some of the power cut backs that are in place in other parts of europe.
(2033) With two years to go to the next election the CDU president
resigns, leaving his successor Vice President Charles Ludwig to take over. As a nation by vote we stay out of the Wars in Africa and South America, and continue with faze two of the Green Initiative. Although under way an international mater takes the rate of growth down and our integration into the homes of Germany slows, having cuts backs in order growth is minimal although due to the plan in place we begin distributing some of the 50% renewable grid power to neighbouring nations who are feeling the pressure from some of the power cut backs that are in place in other parts of europe.
Another election and with a change of power in sight The Circle Party Begins its most progressive campaign ever. With Germanys Eco Plan in full stead and it working for not only the people but the companies and the 4 day week in full swing they're is a feeling that the german people might overcome the energy crisis. With the "button" to the last Nuclear Power station taking centre stage in the election neatly titled "Lets turn it off". The Circle party win the election, and the Circle party turns of the last Nuclear power station in Germany off for good. MAking germany the first nation to be Nuclear Free.
(2041) With the worlds economy going full force into a hydrogen future, the world recovers from its woes, with climate change becoming (2031) With another 4 years of office under our belts
and a 50,000 direct member party under way faze two of the green initiative, and the circle is beginning to work its way into over 40% of german homes. Starting with Volkswagen and Mercedes Bendz. Changing their entire range into an eco only range of automobiles for the mass market. With offshore wind and burning waste, and hydrogen energy becoming per capita the 1st nation to achieve a 50% green energy grid plan, employing over three million people. We loose the election by 40 seats, but retain a strong following and secure a deal with the seceding government to continue the green plans put forth.
the topic on the world mind it and the Circle party being voted out of office for the second time. It is clear that although difficult the preceding four years left an impact on not only germany but the world having closed all there coal power stations and eliminated all the nuclear power stations with a new Core energy drill being drilled every month germanys green energy is 2nd only to China who's output is clearly ahead. But with a Presidential action to sacrifice Comfort Germany feels as though it is leading a movement.
“ The Circle is an implied understanding for ones planet and environment”
international community as a whole. I must make clear that this project is by no means advocating socialist ideals or a marxist view point, from history one learns that within any jungle an animal always rises to the top whether that be through support, or by force. However this project does not suggest that these ideas should dictate ones life to the extent of shaping a humans views or ideology, but is a push for action in beginning to putt a hold around a international problem of Energy and its Consumption as well as source. As a starting point for these notions i hope “The Circle” project begins to show how Germany in 2051, will have moved away from its nuclear past, and will full heartily move into the sustainable future. By putting a slogan or line of text around an ideology that has moved the people of germany into a future they can believe in for not only they’re children but they’re grandchildren. Through understanding ones circumference, maybe the possibility of a more controlled energy distribution would in turn make us better human beings, as well as leave us with a planet that we can begin to believe in a future far beyond the one that the scientists and sceptics believe possible. “The Circle” is an implied understanding for ones planet and environment, it is a prevalent idea in Germany 2051, a universal ideal that through heated debate of 39 years, has risen to be the eloquent and widely understood concept for forging a better more sustainable future.
. Kirschbaum, Erik. “ANALYSIS-Renewable ‘gold Rush’ Powers Germany’s North Shore - AlertNet.” Thomson Reuters Foundation Homepage - Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>. .DW Staff. “Germanyz in Top Five Countries Fighting Climate Change | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 15.11.2006.” Home | Deutsche Welle. DW, |15 Nov. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. .2011. <,,2239196,00.html>. .Smith, Ken. “What Is Marxism.” What Is Marxism? May 2003. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>. .Wikipedia. “Marxism.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. <>.
The Circle Party
Know Your Cirlce! Vote Circle this election day.
Ride The Wave This Election Day
Circle Party forms, a group of engineers and varchitects and green enthusiast begin party conferences in Berlin, August 2011. At its start a think tank for green renewable energy and its integration into a society and the vision for a renewable future.
(2023) Another election year, with a surge a surge in renewable energy the Circle Party takes on another 10,000 permanent party employees. With the renewable energy program underway with our seats in parliament, the circle party takes credit for a drop of unemployment rating from a whopping 15% down to 7.5% in 4 years. The election runs again and the Circle Party gets another 60 seats. It is undoughtful the German people feel the change and are embracing it.
Circle Party enrol in their first election, they put elect their first electorate, Adrian Ludwig an architect from berlin. The elec tion is a success and The Circle Party joins the ranks as the fourth party in germany to gain recognition earning 12 seats within the parliament. With tremendous support our party grows to a a massive 1500, work force.
begun the second faze of the Green Plan, having changed the industrial standards of germany and brining in new law to protect the environment the most progressive plan ever put forth by a western government, and already having 15% of german homes implementing the Circle initiative, the progression to taking german homes into the green millennia begins targeting 30% of german homes by 2031, the election is a success, and the german people elect their first Circle President Adolf Peace. After 17 years of enormous success and luck the Circle party makes its first leap into a seat of control. With German confidence at its peak since before world war two, the german sense is that a brighter future is on the horizon.
The Circle takes on another election, with over 30,000 new jobs in the green sector and over 300 new positions working within the party the party makes into the ranks, of the top 3 party's in Germany behind the traditional Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). We miss out on the final election but gain 70 seats in parliament. It was a brilliant result.
(Second From Top) The inside of the 2051 Circle Party leaflet rather than promoting fake promises for the people to accept they promote the past in attempt to convince its viewer of the past and the struggle they have already been through in a n attempt to change Germanys Eco Footprint, this shows a party that knows its place in the hearts of its people and understands the demands of a Circle Ethos. These are all widely understood and with a past to be proud of with positive steps into a cleaner more renewable future. A party with credentials to be proud of and events that are to be remembered is a party with a plan for the future.
Two years after the last election and the Circle Party is asked to commence with stage three of The green initiative. Having converted over 70% of the german people to the Circle green initiative. It is time to begin to equally distribute the work and the resources the plan holds. With 80% of german energy coming from german Green companies and Homes, we shift our concentration on how to create a society that gears its self around the Circle and balance. making a mandatory 4 day week.
On september the 12th 2036 the world end its wars, and begins to look ahead at the future of its modern world. With climate change fully underway and the monsoons of the equator becoming more violent each year, it has become an international crisis. Germany although completely aware of the possible energy crisis makes a decision with the preparation for what lies ahead. As an election campaign the Circle party vows to turn of all Nuclear power stations and shut down 70% of its coal power station on it winning the election with the world watching, the circle party wins the vote by a marginal 7 seats. On December 25th 2036 President Grayson Fletcher flips the switch, and germanys grid goes 85% green. Leaning on the output of 10 coal power stations and one remaining nuclear. The german people are forced into only having heat at night for 5 cold months going from winter into the summer.
With two years to go to the next election the CDU president resigns, leaving his successor Vice President Charles Ludwig to take over. As a nation by vote we stay out of the Wars in Africa and South America, and continue with faze two of the Green Initiative. Although under way an international mater takes the rate of growth down and our integration into the homes of Germany slows, having cuts backs in order growth is minimal although due to the plan in place we begin distributing some of the 50% renewable grid power to neighbouring nations who are feeling the pressure from some of the power cut backs that are in place in other parts of europe.
Another election and with a change of power in sight The Circle Party Begins its most progressive campaign ever. With Germanys Eco Plan in full stead and it working for not only the people but the companies and the 4 day week in full swing they're is a feeling that the german people might overcome the energy crisis. With the "button" to the last Nuclear Power station taking centre stage in the election neatly titled "Lets turn it off". The Circle party win the election, and the Circle party turns of the last Nuclear power station in Germany off for good. MAking germany the first nation to be Nuclear Free.
With two years to go to the next election the CDU president resigns, leaving his successor Vice President Charles Ludwig to take over. As a nation by vote we stay out of the Wars in Africa and South America, and continue with faze two of the Green Initiative. Although under way an international mater takes the rate of growth down and our integration into the homes of Germany slows, having cuts backs in order growth is minimal although due to the plan in place we begin distributing some of the 50% renewable grid power to neighbouring nations who are feeling the pressure from some of the power cut backs that are in place in other parts of europe.
With another 4 years of office under our belts and a 50,000 direct member party under way faze two of the green initiative, and the circle is beginning to work its way into over 40% of german homes. Starting with Volkswagen and Mercedes Bendz. Changing their entire range into an eco only range of automobiles for the mass market. With offshore wind and burning waste, and hydrogen energy becoming per capita the 1st nation to achieve a 50% green energy grid plan, employing over three million people. We loose the election by 40 seats, but retain a strong following and secure a deal with the seceding government to continue the green plans put forth.
The Circle Party a Politcal Application of the Circle Etho’s
(Top) A circle Party leaflet, that shows a campaign in 2051 through many years of producing positive growth in the german economy more specifically the German Renewable Energy program that promotes new jobs and a common cause for the german people to unite in “The Circle Party” enters another election hoping to begin another term in moving germany into a more independent future.
tomorrow push ahead. With another election present, The Circle party push for the german people to work in a war against the environment promising that through the struggle, the german people can lead europe into conquering the energy crisis once and for all. With a global economic crisis under way and a feeling of despair the german people vote Circle. The Circle party elect Avon Schumacher to be the first female Circle party president.
(2027)By 2027, the Circle party have
2021 Another election year is upon us, through a lot of hard work and a great amount of work from our 30,000 enrolled Circle Party members and the growing green business employing a 80,000 people at present the Circle party was geared and ready. With the escalating concern for the environment The Circle party takes, second in the election to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with a massive 324 seats in the Bundestag. With the world watching the first Green Party takes a nations hand in the passage to a more green and resourceful future. It is official the more sustainable future was in sight and the german people can feel its swell. The Hydrogen economy was on the horizon and the Circle party was really beginning to take the cause by its horns. We won the peoples trust what a journey.
(2035 )As the pressure of the world is ever mounting Germanys economy suffers but the green enterprises of
Now i have defined “The Circle” as a concept, i hope to illustrate its power in 2051. The circle ethos or ethic has taken the form of a political party, a party that believes in renewable energy as the core focus of their political ideal. The party founded by a collective of german green enthusiasts and other german thinkers such as architects, politicians and a collection of private sector board members that would be considered the cream de la creme of germany 2011. All the members prospered from the millennia boom and have constructed many businesses between them. Through meeting through an interest in investing in renewable resources the prospects of the individuals changed and they began to think bigger than just money and forged what comes to be the Circle Party. In the above illustrations i show a time line of the circle party from 2011 to 2051, and a leaflet for an election in 2051. Within in the leaflets i talk about the progression the Circle Party from the year of its birth through some of the political highlights leading up to the 2051 election. The Circle ethos of consevering the environment and changing the way we live our lives, around the enviroment is the core foundation of the Circle Party’s ethos but with private funding and a particular private economic focus on renewable energy they use there private power to win the votes of people and the environment as a cause worth fighting for. As a party they use the eco trend to win power, but through an honest and determined voice, a political party that use the green cause as a morality issue for the german people to digest. By putting the people of germany in a position where they fight for something, universal and with the current events and weather patterns effecting everyone a universal consciousness moves the people
With the worlds economy going full force into a hydrogen future, the world recovers from its woes, with climate change becoming the topic on the world mind it and the Circle party being voted out of office for the second time. It is clear that although difficult the preceding four years left an impact on not only germany but the world having closed all there coal power stations and eliminated all the nuclear power stations with a new Core energy drill being drilled every month germanys green energy is 2nd only to China who's output is clearly ahead. But with a Presidential action to sacrifice Comfort Germany feels as though it is leading a movement.
of Germany into a Green Political choice. 2041 With the worlds economy going full force into a hydrogen future, the world recovers from its woes, with climate change becoming the topic on the world mind it and the Circle party being voted out of office for the second time. It is clear that although difficult the preceding four years left an impact on not only germany but the world having closed all there coal power stations and eliminated all the nuclear power stations with a new Core energy drill being drilled every month germanys green energy is 2nd only to China who’s output is clearly ahead. But with a Presidential action to sacrifice Comfort Germany feels as though it is leading a movement. 2043 Two years after the last election and the Circle Party is asked to commence with stage three of The green initiative. Having converted over 70% of the german people to the Circle green initiative. It is time to begin to equally w distribute the work and the resources the plan holds. With 80% of german energy coming from german Green companies and Homes, we shift our concentration on how to create a society that gears its self around the Circle and balance. making a mandatory 4 day week. These two years give you a synopsis at the angle i am trying to illuminate. A circle Ethos of Green values and renewable energy as a focus it has now grown into a “Circle Party” a germany that believes that the energy can be found from the environment and from human sources and needs. This gives germany a future of energy that does not envolve other european states or countries. This view creates a feeling amongst the german people of an energy independence and a better future for the world. Without stepping onto other peoples land through the Circle party germany take a proactive approach to the energy crisis by a live by example type of approach for the world to view. Please refer to my time line above for a better understanding of some of the political plans and actions “The Circle Party” put forth and the leadership they provide in the years leading up to 2051. By the german people pushing into a green politics, and the hydrogen economy forging ahead it is important to notice that at this point “The Circle Ethos” becomes a value that the people begin to pride them selves with. In the year 2039 the year that the War in the south ends, Germany make the decision to turn off the bulk of the Nuclear and Coal power stations, plunging Germany into 5 years of cold weather, showing a german sacrifice to struggle as a people together against climate change and un renewable energy. I believe these are the notions of the future as a nation takes on hardship for an international cause that unite its people in minwwd and spirit towards a better future for the children of tomorrow.
2047 Circle Campaign Poster
Lets Push The Button, No More Nuclear For Germany, We Can Change Our Childrens Future, Vote “Circle” This Election We Want To Finish What We Started.
The Button Campaign
Speech for Presentation For My Germany Project 2051, i have decided to look at a political future for Germany more specifically one Party or Cause. We all know that climate change is a massive concern, and with time a ticking we are slowly drifting into a world where the seasons and climate may be pushed into a place we cannot reverse. I have come up with an ethos or a German understanding that by 2051 has become common practice. I have called it “The Circle”. The Circle is an ethos that, gets its root in green thinking and the possibility through common practice we can all change the future we leave for our children. With the possibility of a hydrogen economy dawning on the horizon the feeling of change is upon us but with companies and governments highly invested in energy programs that find there roots in the past, it will be a mean feat to break from it anytime soon. Thats why through my Circle Ethos, i forged the Circle Political party. A prominent political party in 2051 having seen over 15 years in the german political system by 2051. I have explored a few aspects of a green government that i see potential pitfalls in such as marxism and a levelling out of class systems. However a plan such as this on a nationwide level could also create a great sense of well being and purpose amongst its people, much the same as a country at war may feel as it goes through such an ordeal, a common purpose lets say. With a green ethos that through much debate the people of Germany accept as”The Circle Ethos”common parlance they can begin to move in a direct manner with the help of a political party spawned from the success of the millennium boom and forged with a strong hold in renewable energy and private green enterprises to fuel the future. A progressive party of german thinkers from Architects, to philosophers, green pioneers, auto designers and young talented politicians. They are able to illuminate and widely influence the progression of their movement. `Through this universal battle the party is able to lead a nation through hard times, brought on by such a crisis such as cutting its ties with nuclear power that leaves a nation without electricity for half the day for 8 months, to one of the fastest rises to power germany has seen in a long time. The party creates a neutral state who’s concerns for their environmental footprint breaks No Borders. In todays world we all are aware of these issues but are bound to contracts with companies who cannot spend the resources on tackling these issues. The Circle party is built upon new renewable energy giants and a modern green philosophy that their people feel strongly about, and believe in pursuing. I have created a propaganda poster from a 2047 election here, this is the year the “Button” campaign election starts with a president who pledges that on winning the election Germany cuts its ties with Nuclear for good. The Circle Ethos pushes a government into a war that we see coming and we feel is on its way, the one for our planet. By having a political system that we know has no private ties with old corporations tied to the industrial past of coal stacks and Nuclear plants. A clean political party has been set up to cleanse the german people of a footprint their grandkids can live with. Following a circle ethos and mind set is key to a more renewable tomorrow. Over the next few days, look at the circles you see all around you let me know which way they are pointing you.
(Red Circle) The Red Circle is in general a circle with a negative connotation usually symbolising a warning or alert for a human sense. (Negative)
(Blue Circle) The Blue Circle is a circle that has a positive connotation usually a push in the right direction. (Positive)