Germany 2051

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Germany 2051 When asked to envision Germany in 2051, there were many factors to take into account. By not only looking at germany as a nation and the history that it presents, but also taking into account current events with the euro and its still vibrant industrial presence in the global scheme of things. It’s iconic brands such as Volkswagen and BMW and Mercedes Bends, also brought about a good amount of understanding for the german prospectus, with such a foothold in the automobile industry its

1 Alexander Towell GDNMY3 Germany 2051 DAAD Brief

function. Just a little fact for the cooker. By looking at the green energy future, i have taken a perspective on how it will effect the way we live out lives. This project “The Circle” is a cross section of germanys renewable energy and the German philosopher Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels, theory of Marxism. Marxism is a theory that begins by looking at the necessary economic activities that are required by a human society to provide for material needs. The theory takes a view on social



“The Circle” 1 Here is a symbolic picture of a sphere holding a footprint within its volume. This is a visual metaphor for, my idea of wrapping a human being foot print into this phrase “The Circle”.

hard to see it disappearing in the near future. Climate change has become a serious problem for the world, with it ever glaring around the corner as the seasons begin to shift it is hard to ignore completely. In a Deutsche Welle article found at , Germany is ranked five in the climate change battle. With such tradition in industry it would be hard to see them turning their heads away from an industrial revolution such as this. From the cars they produce to the german industrial prowess of a nation proud of its machines makes it Europe’s leading green energy producer. My project is trying to illuminate germanys future of renewable energy. By 2051 i am certain that the world will have shifted towards an understanding of renewable energy as not just a term but as a part of our daily lives. “The Circle” is a phrase used to describe my project and within it lies a 2051 german ethos that sums up our daily fight with energy and keeping the cycle of renewable energy flowing. In an article on AlertNet, By Erik Kirschbaum he talks about a new german gold rush forged from the wind and energy from the north shore. Renewable energy is providing a great source of income as well as wealth creation to the german population. For my Project i have decided to focus not on germans historic industry but its forging of a new one. In Kirchbaums article he talks about germany shutting down all its nuclear plants by 2022, this shows great promise for the increase of renewable energy and its place in the german peoples future. My projects develops this idea and presents it in a possible format for a different approach. By taking away nuclear we would be decreasing the amount of isotopes that we are emitting into the air and the world, these isotopes can dramatically change the structure of atoms and how they

relations, politics and legal systems, human morality and ideology. According to marx socialism is a necessary starting point for a society for its progression towards capitalism. (Wikipedia, Marxism) Now although marxism is a lot like socialism, a marxist society advocates the production of such a society, in lame terms a marxist society accepts a work ethic for the people in a marxist society a builder would be payed the same as a doctor, it would there for level the playing field for an equal state that provides for its people. But does not take a focus point on a government control, which is a more communist place. All these ideas are rather radical and have been tried out since they’re production, in china and europe and all fail. My project “The Circle” tries to revisit some of these ideals but in relationship to renewable resources and they’re production and distribution. In essence my idea is a green socialist viewpoint, by distributing an equal dose of energy to its consumer or populous a society could begin to not only tackle its energy crisis but change the way people treat their resources and the environment. As a concept and concept alone, i hope to illuminate the possible falls as well as its benefits with the idea of a marxist (an equal distribution of the societies funds) approach to energy. In my ideal germany of 2051, the

4 A symbolic representation of a “The Circle” propaganda, with a equation to figure out the circumference of the circle. By understanding ones eco footprint “The Circle” hopes to keep the people of germany 2051, aware of the global impact climate change is having on the people of germany, and reminding them of the impact climate change is having on the world.

2 By reverting to the German tradition of Engineering its hard to ignore there hold on the automobile market. But automobiles are dirty they produce Co2, and this is bad for the environment. But with this hold they also have the power to change are taste to a more Eco friendly solution.

3 With an understanding of its eco footprint it is important for the whole family to understand their eco footprint and its impact on the world. This Image is a a Symbolic representation of a family embracing “The Circle” into their family home.



“Stepping into a cleaner Tommorow, We’re German we Know our Circle.”

A Clean Future

Solar distribution of energy would be given to the people as a human right, with an equal distribution to its populous. “The Circle” is a german human beings energy consumption allowance. This concept would open up many doors into family allowances. And the possibility of limiting human freedom around an equal energy supply. “The Circle” has a radius, or volume that by the human staying within his allowance of energy and contributing back to the renewable grid through a well formulated recycling plan, one would hope to achieve a balance. My project puts this forward, not as a rule punishable by death, another rather prevalent german trait but as a life goal to stay within a mans Circle is to achieve a harmony with his surroundings and environment. By understanding ones circumference, A human being under the German renewable energy program would be asked to stay inside a planned amount of energy output, i.e car use, the idea of keeping ones travel to a minimum or staying within a suitable amount of travel or using more green a social transport such as trains and government insured Vehicles. Whilst thinking about these theory’s and ideas, I have also stumbled upon the other ways this may limit a german family in 2051, if family unit can only consume

a certain amount of energy wouldn’t this also limit the amount of human beings being brought into a household. It could have dramatic implications on freedom of food, because after all food waste is also a form of energy. But these are all things a progressive human being takes in order to try and create a Greener more sustainable future no? Why not take action to enforce some boundaries or a circumference to a humans energy output and intake? The possibility of a marxist energy distribution plan in an attempt to build a more sustainable future for Germany may be the window into a brighter future. A lot like the plans put forward in the more economical marxist view that a socialist workforce is the passage or transition to a capitalist future for the world. In the economic marxist ideal i see its faults much the same as i see the faults in the possibility of equal energy distribution. But after all this does not inhibit ones income only gives way to less worries in houses that may be troubled by energy woes, having them laid out in simple forms may ease certain tensions around these issues, leaving more leverage for work and income to take precedence over energy issues. By looking at a population that is consuming an equal amounts of energy per capita this would need large


planning agreements and a great understanding for human needs,The Marxian analysis begins with an analysis of material conditions, Marxism “taking at its starting point the necessary economic activities required by human society to provide for its material needs.”(Marxism Wikipedia) Here in relation to “The Circle” we can see a beginning to try and identify the needs of all its population and the eventual, equal distribution of power and tasks as well as earnings to the people in an attempt to get a hold on a situation. In theory this is what my project is HINTING AT, by beginning with energy as not just a concern but a necessity for German people in 2051 to begin to move into a more bright future, now a cold shower is a no mean feat, nor a walk to a train station rather than i car journey, but in an attempt to tip the scales lets say, a marxist approach to this issue may be the key in beginning to get a grip of it, so we can all take a look at just how deep the eco rip in the earth really is. It is a pressing issue not only for germany but the international community as a whole. I must make clear that this project is by no means advocating socialist ideals or a marxist view point, from history one learns that within any jungle an animal always rises to the top whether that be through support, or by force.

5. The Brandenburg Gate a historic german landmark, in 2051 it has taken on knew meaning as a rite of passage, through the gates lies a better future for the world as we take “The Circle” into our lives. A shift to an equal carbon footprint for all that shapes the worlds future, through the gates we find peace with the environment.

However this project does not suggest that these ideas should dictate ones life to the extent of shaping a humans views or ideology, but is a push for action in beginning to putt a hold around a international problem of Energy and its Consumption as well as source. As a starting point for these notions i hope “The Circle” project begins to show how Germany in 2051, will have moved away from its nuclear past, and will full heartily move into the sustainable future. By putting a slogan or line of text around an ideology that has moved the people of germany into a future they can believe in for not only they’re children but they’re grandchildren. Through understanding ones circumference, maybe the possibility of a more controlled energy distribution would in turn make us better human beings, as well as leave us with a planet that we can begin to believe in a future far beyond the one that the scientists and sceptics believe possible. “The Circle” is an implied understanding for ones planet and environment, it is a prevalent idea in Germany 2051, a universal ideal that through heated debate of 39 years, has risen to be the eloquent and widely understood concept for forging a better more sustainable future. By Alexander Towell

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