Art Auction App Usability Study & Design Responses 12/08/2021
Team Alexandra Ziemba
Table of Contents
Section 1 Usability Study Review Section 2 Design Responses Section 3 Recommendations & Next Steps
Usability Study Review
Project Background The project is to design a new app to help people find, view, and bid on artwork in local galleries. The goal is to find out if the main user experience, finding and bidding on artwork, is easy for users to complete.
Prototype / Design Tested UCTION-APP-SCREENS-(SHARED)?node-id=0%3A1
Full Usability Study Presentation vpoOZjtt6pZvYtZ8cB7SnMTEA/edit?usp=sharing
Study Details Research Questions
How easy is it for a user to sign up and set up a profile? How long does it take users to find a local gallery & artwork? How long does it take a user to place specified min & max bids on specific artwork? Are there parts of the user flow where users get stuck?
5 Participants
10 minutes per participant
2 Men, 3 Women
USA and Denmark, remote
Between ages 24-54
Unmoderated Usability Study Users were asked to complete 4 tasks in a clickable low-fidelity prototype
Themes & Insights
"This payment and bid section is congested looking... new apps break down the process more or are one task per page" (Participant A)
"Do you have to have payment type selected now? Or can I change that if I win the bid?" (Participant E)
“I wish I could sign in via other social media accounts like Google or Facebook” (Participant B)
"I was a bit confused if I had to enter all of my information the first time" (Participant E)
Research insights & Recommendations
Quick Bidding is Confusing
In general, users won’t use portions of the app they are uncertain of, such as the quick bid.
Provide Guidance & Cues for Process
The Bid Page is Overwhelming
The Sign Up Process Needs Flexibility
Users Want to Instantly Browse
Users are used to cleaner interfaces, and had issues completing tasks on text & image heavy pages
Many users prefer to Sign Up by linking to existing social media accounts (e.g. Gmail & FaceBook)
Most users wanted to browse the art before committing to completing an extensive sign up or user profile process.
Provide Alternate Sign Up Options
Add Guest Browsing & Minimal Set Up
Simplify the Bid Page Layout
Design Responses
Priority P1
Priority P1
Priority P2
Priority P2
"This payment and bid section is congested looking... new apps break down the process more or are one task per page" (Participant A)
"Do you have to have payment type selected now? Or can I change that if I win the bid?" (Participant E)
“I wish I could sign in via other social media accounts like Google or Facebook” (Participant B)
"I was a bit confused if I had to enter all of my information the first time" (Participant E)
● Lightning Bid has been moved to its own page ● Bid Increment is used ● Your current bid is shown
● Manual Bid has been moved to its own page ● Bids have confirm button ● Payment is set to default (per profile settings) ● You can change payment info after winning the bid
● Sign up and sign in have been moved to their own page - accessible via a top page tab ● Social media account buttons have been added for sign up and sign in
● Profile page will come auto-filled with input from sign up process ● Profile sections are divided into smaller editable sections
Before: The Bid Page is overwhelming to users Supporting evidence from the usability study. ●
4 out of 5 users took longer on the task to fill out the bid page.
It was observed that 5 out of 5 participants did not use the quick bid button or fully understand what it did.
Multiple users reported the bid page as being confusing & crowded with information
A: "This payment and bid section is congested looking... new apps break down the process more or are one task per page". (Participant A) "Do you have to have payment type selected now? Or can I change that if I win the bid?" (Participant E)
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After: The Bid Page is overwhelming to users Revisions to the Design: ●
Lightning Bid has been moved to its own page
“Lightning Bid Increment” is used to increase the lightning bid amount
Your current bid is shown for reference
A tutorial screen will pop up the first time this page is accessed
Before: The Bid Page is overwhelming to users Supporting evidence from the usability study. ●
4 out of 5 users took longer on the task to fill out the bid page.
It was observed that 5 out of 5 participants did not use the quick bid button or fully understand what it did.
Multiple users reported the bid page as being confusing & crowded with information
A: "This payment and bid section is congested looking... new apps break down the process more or are one task per page". (Participant A) "Do you have to have payment type selected now? Or can I change that if I win the bid?" (Participant E)
2 1
After: The Bid Page is overwhelming to users Revisions to the Design: ●
Manual Bid has been moved to its own page
Bids have confirm button
Payment is set to default (per profile settings)
You can change your payment method and delivery details after within 24 hours of winning the bid
A tutorial screen will pop up the first time this page is accessed
Before: Most users require a more flexible Sign Up Supporting evidence from the usability study. ●
It was observed that 4 out of 5 participants verbally requested more options or guidance on sign up.
Some participants would like additional guidance on sign up a
“I wish there was an option for browsing before signing up" (Participant A)
“I wish I could sign in via other social media accounts like Google or Facebook” (Participant B)
After: Most users require a more flexible Sign Up Revisions to the Design: ●
Sign Up and Sign In have been moved to their own page - accessible via a top page tab
Social media account buttons have been added to sign up and sign in
Before: Users desire the ability to browse immediately Supporting evidence from the usability study. ●
4 out of 5 users filled in the profile settings page without visiting the wallet portion Most users filled out the profile section as minimally and quickly as possible, prioritizing browsing the art
"I was a bit confused if I had to enter all my information the first time." (Participant E)
After: Users desire the ability to browse immediately Revisions to the Design: ●
Profile page will come auto-filled with input from Sign Up Process
Profile Page is divided into smaller editable sections
4 4
Recommendations & Next Steps
Recommendation: Research Moving Forward ●
Undergo a new usability study to compare Before & After Digital Prototype Designs
Keep testing conditions the same and measure time for tasks and error rates
Collect data in the same manner via a note spreadsheet for easy comparison
Next Steps ●
Perform Usability Study #2
Analyze Usability Study #2 Results
Compare Usability Study #1 & #2
Revise App Design Based on Results
Move on to Higher Fidelity Prototype & Polished Design
Thank you!
Please let us know if you have any questions