The Alice Ferguson Foundation presents the
8th Annual Potomac Watershed Trash Summit
Working for the institutions, policies, and infrastructure needed to achieve a trash free Potomac Watershed October 18, 2013 •UDC David A. Clarke School of Law • 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW • Washington, DC 20008
To the 8th Annual Trash Summit It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 8th Annual Potomac Watershed Trash Summit, coordinated by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. I hope you took the opportunity to join one of our field trips this morning. We are excited to offer these tours as a way to connect you with hands-on examples of important work being done in the region. After all, this past year has been marked with many new developments as we make progress toward the goal of a trash-free Potomac Watershed! This year, we celebrated the efforts of our partners and volunteers at the 25th Annual Potomac Watershed Cleanup. The cleanup continues to be a catalyst to raise awareness about trash in the watershed, and we are grateful to have had more than 128,000 volunteers collect more than 6.5 million pounds of litter over the past 25 years. Though cleanups are not a solution, the data gathered from them can be used to promote solutions, which is why we were excited to announce the launch of the Trash Free Potomac FieldScope map in partnership with National Geographic this past spring. The map provides a much-needed, powerful tool for analysis and visualization of the regional trash problem as data collected year-round in our Trash Free Potomac Network populates our FieldScope map. We are thrilled that partners such as yourselves are utilizing these resources and hope to continue to expand their uses. Along with raising awareness, behavior change and education have been a driving force for our outreacg this past year. In addition to expanding our community efforts, we are happy to report that the Regional Litter Prevention campaign materials were featured in Metro stations and on busses throughout the region. We also hosted our first litter prevention video contest and are excited to share the winning video with you during the opening plenary. As we embark upon the 8th Annual Trash Summit, we look toward the future and think about what additional institutions, infrastructure, and policies need to be in place to achieve a lasting reduction of trash in the Potomac Watershed. We look forward to your contributions as we create action items needed to achieve this goal. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to creating clean land, safe water, and healthy lives for residents of the Potomac.
Table of Contents
Lori Arguelles Executive Director Alice Ferguson Foundation 2
Summit Agenda
The Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative
Potomac River Watershed Profile
The Framework Public Education Market-Based Approaches Enforcement Policy
5 6 8 9 9
The 25th Annual Cleanup Results
In Your Jurisdictions The District of Columbia Maryland Virginia
11 11 11 20
2013 Cleanup Partners
Potomac Champion Awardees
Alice Ferguson Foundation
UDC Building Map
Summit Agenda 8:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Choose your own adventure field trips
Concurrent Sessions • Regulation Session- Classroom 505 • Public Education- Moot Courtroom • Policy- Classroom 516 • Enforcement- Classroom 515
12:30 p.m
Check-in and Networking
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
3:45 p.m. - 4:45p.m
Opening Plenary- Moot Courtroom
Closing Plenary- Moot Courtroom
Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative Since 1989, the Alice Ferguson Foundation has coordinated the Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, engaging 130,000 volunteers and removing over 6.5 million pounds of trash from our neighborhoods and waterways. In 2005, after 16 years of Cleanups, AFF and its partners recognized that trash cleanups were not addressing the root cause and sources of waterborne debris, and a systemic approach to this problem was required. In response, AFF launched the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative with the goal of reducing litter in the Watershed. The objectives of the Trash Initiative are to: • Challenge regional leaders to work collaboratively; • Bring together key stakeholders to research and explore alternative, cost-effective solutions that will have long term impact; • Improve general public education and awareness that can shift individual behaviors. A Trash Free Potomac will be achieved when the institutions, infrastructure, and policies are in place to create a sustained reduction in litter.
Trash and litter are a pervasive problem in the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay waterways and communities, directly impacting the quality of life for community members, costing tax dollars to clean up streets and storm drains, and lowering property values. Litter and blight have even been associated with increased crime. The impacts to community members are compounded by the impacts to wildlife through ingestion, entanglement, and potential toxic bioaccumulation. Irrefutably, trash degrades the aesthetic integrity of neighborhoods, and compromises the pride residents should feel for the Potomac watershed, leading to negative impacts on stewardship attitudes within the community. The Potomac Watershed Trash Summit is an important annual opportunity to engage and inspire all stakeholders of the Trash Initiative, new and returning, in reversing these negative impacts and ensuring that all stakeholders maintain regular engagement in solutions.
Potomac River Watershed Profile Area The drainage area covers 14,670 sq. miles •• Maryland – 3,818 sq. miles •• Virginia – 5,723 sq. miles •• West Virginia – 3,490 sq. miles •• Pennsylvania – 1,570 sq. miles •• DC – 69 sq. miles
The basin lies in five geological provinces: •• Appalachian Plateau •• Ridge and Valley •• Blue Ridge •• Piedmont Plateau •• Coastal Plain
383 miles from the Fairfax Major Tributaries Stone (West Virginia) •• Shenandoah River to Point Lookout, Maryland •• South Branch River •• Monocacy River Population •• Savage River Approximately 4.6 •• Cacapon River million people live •• Anacostia River in the watershed, of •• Occoquan Rivers which 3.7 million live in the Washington, •• Antietam Creek DC, metropolitan •• Conococheague area. Creek 4
Water Flow Average flow is approximately 7 billion gallons per day. The largest flow measured at Washington, DC, in March 1936 was 275 billion gallons per day. The lowest flow, in September 1966, was 388 million gallons per day before water supply withdrawals.
Major Cities •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
Washington, DC Frederick, MD Hagerstown, MD Rockville, MD Chambersburg, PA Gettysburg, PA Alexandria, VA Harrisonburg, VA Winchester, VA Harpers Ferry, WV Martinsburg, WV
Framework For a Trash Free Watershed The Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative’s work is based on five core interrelated components: Public Education, Market-Based Approaches, Enforcement, Policy, and Regulation. The goals are as follows:
Public Education
• Implement the Litter Prevention Campaign at the jurisdiction and the grassroots levels to inspire citizens and businesses to change littering behavior and take action towards a trash free Watershed. • Use unified messaging and pooled public and private resources to achieve message redundancy. • Target messaging and materials toward particular audiences (i.e. youth, faith-based organizations, businesses, food service establishments, or multicultural communities). • Engage schools through the Trash Free Schools project to lower costs, divert waste from landfills, and educate staff and students for behavior change.
Market-Based Approaches
• Maximize existing laws and address gaps in litter policies at the local, state, and federal level. • Implement and pass legislation for fees on single use bags. • Increase availability and use of large scale composting in the Watershed. • Increase sustainability in food service products by exploring polystyrene-related legislation. • Explore and pass beverage container deposit legislation.
• Improve economic incentives for residents for waste reduction, recycling, and composting in order to boost responsible waste management, as well as to prevent littering. • Collaborate with the Organics Taskforce coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance promoting the creation of composting facilities and improved policy in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. • Encourage businesses and facilities to responsibly manage and prevent waste through the Trash Free Potomac Facility Program.
• Ensure regulation of trash in our waterways under the provisions of the Clean Water Act by creating a measurable, tangible limit to the amount of trash allowed in a body of water through stormwater permits and TMDLs. • Monitor stormwater permit implementation plan development to ensure quantitative measures, new technology, and results-driven planning and budgeting. • Ensure implementation of trash reduction Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as targeted and frequent street sweeping, structural technologies, installation of extra public litter cans, development of bulk trash collection programs, and securing of loads for vehicles transporting waste.
• Encourage enforcement of existing local, county, and state laws for littering, illegal dumping, wind- blown trash, and the containment and disposal of trash. • Collaborate with enforcement agencies, police departments, and court systems to increase the prosecution of trash and litter related crimes. • Coordinate Litter Enforcement Month to increase engagement and training of officers to improve litter enforcement activities.
Regional Litter Prevention Campaign Recognizing the importance of public education and awareness in creating behavior change, the Alice Ferguson Foundation created the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign that targets residents in the Potomac Watershed. This public education and social marketing campaign is designed to raise awareness and understanding of the issue of litter, change attitudes and perceptions, and persuade people to think twice about littering. The Litter Campaign was piloted in the winter of 2011 and has since expanded to new jurisdictions and communities. The network of agencies and community groups has allowed consistent messaging and branding to be deployed throughout the Watershed. With an ever growing toolkit, partners are able to use strategies that best fit their needs and capabilities while using a brand that is gaining familiarity in the region.
Jurisdiction Involvement Since its implementation, the Litter Campaign has been used by a number of jurisdictions. The District of Columbia, the Metropolitan Council of Governments (MWCOG), and Montgomery, Arlington, Fairfax, and Prince George’s Counties are all actively involved in the steering committee. Below are some examples of how they are using the Litter Campaign toolkit: • In the Metro: Fairfax put 200 interior bus cards, 20 taillight bus posters, and ten Metrorail backlighted dioramas on display in September 2013. The District of Columbia and Prince George’s County also plan on doing a similar undertaking • On Garbage Trucks: Montgomery County is putting the Litter Campaign ads onto the sides of 125 of their new garbage trucks. • In Regional Bus Systems: Both Arlington and Montgomery Counties are using the Litter Campaign in their bus systems, including interior bus cards and bus shelters ads. • Online: The jurisdictions came together to sponsor a Litter Prevention Video Contest which was won by Walker Mill Middle School’s Green Team from Prince George’s County. Over 1,000 residents voted on the five finalist videos. • Evaluation: Now that the Litter Campaign is nearly two years old, AFF is working with the District of Columbia to evaluate its effectiveness and to find ways to quantify its impacts on trash in the Potomac. See the jurisdictional report section of this program book to view on progress in each location.
Community Involvement First piloted in the Deanwood neighborhood of Washington, D.C. in 2010, the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign’s grassroots efforts have since expanded, building on what was learned to better target messaging and strategies to engage communities and change littering behavior. Trash Initiative staff have worked with the Prince George’s County communities of Forest Heights, Capitol Heights, Branch Avenue, Hillcrest Heights, and Marlow Heights to implement the Litter Campaign. Along with these communities, Trash Initiative staff enlisted Woodbridge as Virginia’s first Trash Free Community and the only one operating independent of the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative. Here is how the Litter Campaign’s Toolkit items have been used this past year to reduce litter in communities: • Messaging: Incorporated the Campaign message and images in communications on websites, emails, local newsletters, and radio ads. Utilized stewardship themed materials with six houses of worship in Forest Heights, Deanwood, and along Branch Avenue. • Visual materials: Distributed 1,200 posters, 1,000 bumper stickers, 2,000 reusable bags, and flyers to residents, businesses, schools, and faith-based organizations and posted 70 yard signs and 15 banners at local businesses, community centers, schools, and shopping centers. • Engagement: Engaged local volunteers and students and conducted 12 cleanups in Forest Heights, Branch Avenue, and Capitol Heights. Conducted 21 presentations with residents, MNCPPC Summer Camp programs, and business development organizations. • Businesses: Recruited 15 businesses and organizations to display materials for employees and customers in Forest Heights, Oxon Hill, and along Branch Avenue. • Schools: Engaged 18 public schools through the Trash Free Schools Project, and conducted seven school yard cleanups.
Next Steps Along with recruitment of new jurisdictions and communities, the Trash Initiative is seeking to partner with businesses, schools, nonprofits, and community groups to reach the broadest spectrum of citizens and increase message visibility for the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign. We will increase our outreach efforts in wards five through eight in the District of Columbia. In the coming year, the Trash Initiative will aslo be critically evaluating how effective the Litter Campaign is at reducing littering rates. Toolkit items will also continue to be developed and refined to expand the Campaign’s reach and support our partners.
Trash Free Schools Project Trash Free Schools actively work towards reducing school waste in a long-lasting, sustainable manner through education and action. In the second full year of the Trash Free Schools project the number of participating schools almost doubled from ten schools to 18 schools. This rapid increase was due in part to a full revamp of the Trash Free Schools Guidebook and resources which are now available online. In an effort to make the project more attractive to all students, teachers, and schools grades K-12, the Trash Free Schools team expanded the available resources to encompass a multitude of subjects and topics that allow for teachers to input interactive activities and games into their lessons. This coming year we are recruiting new schools and working to better connect existing Trash Free Schools to provide support and foster a sense of community. The Alice Ferguson Foundation is specifically working to align the Trash Free Schools project with school curriculum, environmental education requirements, and green certification programs.
The 2012-2013 school year marked some noticeable accomplishments for the Trash Free Schools project and participating schools: • Gwynn Park High School became the first Trash Free High School • Walker Mill Middle School became the first Trash Free Middle School • Walker Mill Middle School Green Team of more than 50 students was awarded a $1000 grand prize for their video submission in the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign YouTube Contest • For the second consecutive year, Kimball Elementary School was named state champion for Washington, D.C. in Keep America Beautiful’s Recycle Bowl Competition
Current Trash Free Schools: • • • • • • • • •
Accokeek Academy Aiton Elementary School Anne Beers Elementary School Burrville Elementary School Cedar Grove Elementary School Cesar Chavez Elementary School Forest Heights Elementary School Gale Bailey Elementary School Gwynn Park High School
• • • • • • • •
Houston Elementary School Indian Head Elementary School Kimball Elementary School Mundo Verde l Public Charter School Nannie Helen Burroughs Christian School Oxon Hill Middle School Tubman Elementary School Walker Mill Middle School
Capturing and Visualizing Trash Data The Trash Free Potomac Network is an online community that was created to connect volunteers, organizations, businesses, and governments in order to address the pervasive trash problem in the Potomac Region. The Trash Network hosts information about local cleanups, workshops, and trash monitoring opportunities happening throughout the year. We encourage you to use the Network to find volunteer opportunities as well as post your own events to recruit participants and share information. Cleanup data entered into the Trash Network is not only available for tracking by event leaders but is also captured on the Trash Initiative’s FieldScope project map. FieldScope, a National Geographic program, is a web-based platform for citizen science projects involving geographic data. This interactive map provides a much needed visualization and analysis tool for the trash problem in the Potomac Watershed by tracking cleanup and monitoring results by geographic location through time. FieldScope provides a user-friendly experience by allowing the viewer to choose the features and data they would like to appear on the map as well as providing multiple ways of conducting data analysis through graphs and charts.
As more data is entered into the Trash Network, the FieldScope map will easily be able to track trash trends in an area over a period of time, compare regional policies to the collected data, and identify trash hotspots.
Trash Network:
Trash Initiative FieldScope Map: 8
Litter and Illegal Dumping The third annual Litter Enforcement Month (LEM 2013) was a record year with 15 agencies from 12 jurisdictions joining us to raise awareness of litter, illegal dumping, and related crimes; the laws associated with them; and their effect on our communities, our economy, and the Potomac River. For the first time non-code enforcement agencies, which pick up litter in our communities with the help of inmate and community service work crews, joined the team. During LEM 2013, 643 citations, violations, and other reports were recorded including 83 citations for littering and illegal dumping. Training programs educated 4,642 officers about the impact of these crimes on our communities and community members were reached through community meetings, social media, press releases, road-side signs, and other means. In addition, non-code agencies picked up 16,700 pounds of trash with the help of 292 volunteers, inmates, and staff members.
LEM was accomplished with ongoing support from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and our LEM 2013 partners: Virginia: Alexandria Police, Code Administration, and Sheriff’s Office*; Prince William County Police and Neighborhood Services*; Fairfax County Police; Falls Church City Police; Manassas City Police; Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center* Maryland: Allegany County Sheriff’s Office*; Montgomery County Police; Prince George’s County Police District of Columbia Metropolitan Police and School Safety Division*; Metro Transit Police; and the United States Park Police * Asterisks indicate non-code agencies that participated in cleanup efforts.
The Alexandria Sheriff’s Office Inmate Work Detail picking up litter along Mount Vernon Avenue. Photo courtesy of Alexandria Sheriff’s Office.
Policy in Action On the District of Columbia and Maryland side of the river we know that the five cent disposable bag fee has worked to tackle one of our common sources of litter – single use plastic bags. This simple and effective policy faced challenges this past year. In Montgomery County, where the bag fee had been in place for one year, County Council Members have proposed an amendment that would exempt restaurants and all businesses where food is less than 2% of the gross sales. This proposed amendment is difficult to enforce and had the potential to exempt some critical businesses. As of writing, this amendment has been stalled and appears to no longer be under consideration. The bag fee was proposed at the statewide level in Maryland for the fourth year. Gaining momentum and support from many key partners, it seemed likely to pass but unfortunately did not. For the first time this year there was also a container deposit proposed that was under serious consideration. This is encouraging as container deposit bills are unlikely to pass in their first year. This type of legislation is important for solving large sources of litter.
While legislation did not past in 2013, support of both disposable bag fees and container deposits in Maryland have led to these proposals being included in the Governor’s Climate Change Plan as part of an initiative to increase waste reduction in Maryland. The elevation of support by the executive branch is a major step forward for these policies. On the other side of the river in Virginia, bag fees were proposed in both the House and Senate. Bills died in committee, but this year there was interesting discussion among legislators who encouraged the sponsors to propose enabling legislation that would allow counties to enact their own bag fees if they chose to. A similar amendment was also considered in Maryland.
The 25th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup April 6, 2013 Since 1989, nearly 130,000 volunteers have teamed with 500 partner organizations remove close to 6.5 million pounds (the equivalent weight of 250 school buses) of trash from the watershed’s streams, rivers and bays. The annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup has become a decisive catalyst for progress that unites people throughout the watershed with the Alice Ferguson Foundation’s community spirit. The largest regional event of its kind, the Cleanup provides a transformative experience that engages citizens and community leaders and generates momentum for change. In April 2013, 312 tons of trash was removed from 633 reporting sites in Washington, DC; Maryland; Virginia; Pennsylvania; and West Virginia during the 25th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup.
Interesting Items • 95 Tennis Balls • 42 Shopping carts • 20 shoes • 16 Bicycles • 11 Mattresses • 9 TVs • 8 Traffic cones • 6 Cell Phones • 5 Scooters • 4 Plastic Flamingos • 3 Fire Extinguishers • 3 Skis • 2 Picnic Tables
2013 Cleanup Data:
Sites: 633 sites reporting from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC. Volunteers: 14,586 Trash Data: • Tons: 312 (624,000 lbs) • Beverage Containers: 193,800 • Cigarettes: 27,400 • Plastic Bags: 27,200 • Tires: 1,314
• Various Car Parts • Bag of yo-yos • Refrigerators • Chewbacca Doll • Foosball Table • PVC Pipe • Water Heater • Plastic Sword • Paint Cans • Bag of Shingles • Umbrellas • Gun Holster and Casings • Fuel Tank
2013 Cleanup Photo Contest Winner Taken by John Reffit at the Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area in Lorton, VA
In Your Jurisdictions Jurisdictions from around the region were invited to share the efforts that they are taking to reduce trash, increase recycling, increase education on litter, and evaluate their actions from the past year. We thank these government agencies for being a part of the solution.
our preexisting trash traps. AWS will continue to monitor and maintain the Nash Run custom designed trash trap. GWARDC will continue to maintain the Kenilworth Park Bandalong. Trash Hot Spots: DC has now implemented projects to reduce trash from leaving three out of its six “hotspot” sewersheds. These are MS4 sewersheds which export an above average amount of trash compared to all of the other DC MS4 sewersheds within the Anacostia watershed. The projects implemented include the Hickey Run BMP, the Watts Branch Bandalongs, and the River Terrace Fringe Wetland trash trap. The 2008 Anacostia Trash Reduction Plan published by AWS, through a grant from DDOE, identified several “hotspot” blocks within the MS4 area of the District. DDOE has been working with DPW since 2011 to implement an enhanced street sweeping program. As part of that program, DPW is spending an extra two days per month on sweeping these environmental hotspots. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: DDOE is currently funding $682,000 in grants focused on trash. These grants fund education and outreach, littering behavior studies, and installation of trash BMPs. Recycling Rate: The overall recycling rate for properties in the District Department of General Services portfolio is 35%. Inter-agency Collaboration: DDOE has a monthly meeting with agencies responsible for implementing projects to help reduce stormwater pollution in the District. Through these meetings, DDOE is coordinating efforts to implement projects that may help to prevent trash from reaching local water bodies. Business Outreach: DDOE and the Downtown DC Business Improvement Districts(BID) have launched a new business outreach program, DC Smarter Business Challenge. DCBID hosted a waste workshop on waste management/recycling on August 6, 2013. DDOE plans to expand the program in other DC BIDs in 2014. Waste Diversion Capacity: The District Department of the Environment continues to compost kitchen food waste and paper products, including paper towels. We have calculated that the staff goes through more than 500,000 paper towels in one year. DDOE is reviewing alternatives, such as electric hand dryers.
District of Columbia Legislation/Regulation:
The District collected approximately $1.6 million in revenue in 2013 alone from the Bag Fee. Since passage of the Anacostia Restoration and Protection Act of 2009, the District has collected $7 million from the Bag Fee alone. This money has been used to install trash traps, fund education and outreach campaigns, and restore stream habitat in the District. Education: In FY13,the District Department of the environment awarded a grant to the Alice Ferguson Foundation to conduct an expanded roll-out of the regional anti-littering campaign. The campaign will be conducted throughout the District’s portion of the Anacostia watershed. As part of the grant, AFF is required to conduct pre-and post-on-line surveys to gauge effectiveness of the campaign on behavior. AFF will also be conducting on-the-ground monitoring to help quantify reductions in litter. The information gathered from the surveys and monitoring will be used to hopefully develop a pollution reduction efficiency focused on trash for education and outreach. DDOE has also been working with Metro to post materials from the regional anti-littering campaign at stations and on buses throughout the system. Law Enforcement: District Metropolitan Police Department issued 103 notices of violation (NOV) for littering in 2012 (calendar year). Seventy of the NOVs were issued as part of the littering enforcement pilot program and 33 NOVs were issued as part of enforcement against littering from moving vehicles. Data from 2013 will not be available until 2014. DDOE issued 234 NOVs in FY13 for businesses found to not be in compliance with the Bag Law. Stormwater Technology: The District issued two grants to the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) and the Earth Conservation Corps (ECC) to install two new stormwater trash BMPs in FY13. Once all the permits have been issued, the AWS trap will be installed at an MS4 outfall which lies within the River Terrace Park fringe wetland. This outfall drains one of the District’s largest “hotspot” sewersheds for trash. The ECC trap was installed in early August 2013. It consists of a series of booms connecting the docks around ECC’s headquarters at the “Pump House” near National’s Stadium in SW DC. The booms will capture trash emanating from an MS4 outfall, as well as trash coming down the main stem of the river. DDOE issued grants to AWS and Groundwork Anacostia River DC (GWARDC) in FY13 to continue maintaining two of
City of College Park Legislation/Regulation: City Code, Chapter 132 (Litter and Graffiti) 11
In Your Jurisdictions
SS132-3 (Littering Prohibited): No person shall throw, dump, place, deposit, leave or cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placing, throwing or leaving of litter on any public or private property, place or premises unless the property, place or premises is approved for the disposal of the litter or the litter is securely and properly placed into a receptacle as authorized and approved by the city.
SS119-3D (Duties of Owners and Occupants): The placement in the refuse carts of rocks, sod, dirt, sand, vehicle parts, concrete or other construction materials, bathroom fixtures, kitchen appliances and other large pieces of furniture, yard waste, recyclable newspapers, glass, aluminum cans, plastic jars and jugs and mixed paper, which includes junk mail, telephone books, computer paper, cardboard, magazines or books, is prohibited. Hazardous or flammable materials, such as paints, oils, solvents and gasoline, as an example, shall not be placed in refuse carts or recyclable containers. In addition to the penalties for violation of the provision, any person violating this provision shall be deemed responsible for damage or injury to collection crew members or the refuse carts or recycling containers.
SS132-4 (Responsibilities of property owners, occupants, lessees and agents in charge of private property): A. Private/public property. [Amended 11-23-2004 by Ord. No. 04-O-10] (1) No owner, occupant, lessee or agent in charge or control of any private property within the city shall allow litter to be deposited or to accumulate or collect, either temporarily or permanently, on his/her property or to be moved or displaced onto adjoining public or private property. This subsection, however, shall not prohibit the storage of litter in receptacles of collection or other placement for collection as authorized by the city.
Education: • We provide information to our residents through several channels: Resident Guide (distributed annually), College Park website, cable channel, and the Gazette’s Municipal Scene (published twice per month). • The City’s Committee for a Better Environment holds several workshops related to recycling and reuse.
(2) Property owners, occupants or lessees who, because of any infirmity or physical impairment, cannot maintain their property to the standard set forth in Subsection A(1) may request an exemption from this standard from the city. The request should contain supporting documentation of such infirmity or impairment.
• The Department of Public Works holds 6 cleanup events per year for residents to bring vegetative yard waste and brush, bulky trash, and electronics and block Styrofoam for recycling. We partner with two non-profit organizations to collect donations of salvaged building materials (Community Forklift) and clothing and household goods (American Rescue Workers).
B. Sidewalks. Persons owning, renting or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in the front, side and rear of their premises free of litter. No person shall sweep or deposit litter into any gutter, street or other public place within the city from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. This subsection shall not apply in the event of a city pickup of designated disposables in assigned areas and locations.
• The Recycling Coordinator hands out recycling and reuse information at many community events, including litter bags. • Informational door hangers are left at residences to educate those residents who are incorrectly recycling. • Code Enforcement does site visits and may issue citations.
C. Business. No person owning or occupying a place of business shall sweep or deposit litter into any gutter, street or other public place within the city from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Persons owning or occupying places of business within the city shall keep their premises and the sidewalk in the front, rear and side of their business free from an accumulation or collection of litter. This subsection shall not apply in the event of a city pickup of designated disposables in assigned areas and locations.
Law Enforcement: The City’s Code Enforcement Office issues citations for litter. Law enforcement is handled by Prince George’s County Police. Stormwater Technology: Prince George’s County is responsible for storm water management in the City. Trash Hot Spots: The City sees very little illegal dumping and doesn’t have any designated hot spots. Most of the litter comes from public spaces and parking lots downtown and around bus shelters. DPW employs litter crews to empty trash cans and pick up litter in these areas 7 days a week. The City is currently working on getting recycling receptacles set up at all of the bus shelters, along with the existing trash receptacles.
SS132-5 (Advertising matter): No person shall distribute, throw or scatter or cause to be distributed, thrown or scattered any advertising matter upon or about the streets, sidewalks, public grounds or other public places or upon any private lot or premises or automobile within the city, nor shall any person fasten or cause to be fastened any advertising matter to poles within the city. This section does not restrict the distribution of advertising matter to private residences, offices or mercantile establishments if the same is handed in at the door or securely fastened to prevent it from being blown or scattered about.
There are several litter/cleanup events held in the City every year: stream cleanup of Little Paint Branch by University of Maryland students, Committee for a Better Environment stream cleanup on Earth Day, University of Maryland
Chapter 119 (Refuse, Solid Waste, Yard Waste and Special Trash) 12
Fraternity street cleanups in downtown College Park, and Good Neighbor Day street cleanup (a partnership between College Park and University of Maryland).
State of Maryland: • Code 10-110: Littering/Dumping - Misdemeanor up to $1,500 for 100 lbs. and up to $30,000 for over 500 lbs. (Authority delegated to law enforcement officers of the State and of its political subdivisions.)* • Code 27-111(d)-(f), 27-101(a) & (b), 16-402 (a)(6): Throwing refuse on highway. Misdemeanor Up to $500.* Education: Charles County continues to conduct extensive outreach, education, and training programs at local schools and civic associations to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling while providing residents with assistance and information on waste reduction, recycling, buying recycled, composting, grass-cycling, and other environmental topics. Litter prevention is incorporated into all of these presentations, and to all age groups as well. Participation in the Alice Ferguson Foundation’s annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup has been an integral part of the Charles County litter control program for the past 20 years. The County’s Adopt-A-Road program supplies 130 community groups with necessary cleanup supplies in exchange for their voluntary service of picking up trash and litter along roadways. Landfill tours are also conducted on a regular basis. Other means of public outreach include the annual county fair, Earth Day and America Recycles Day events, community cleanups, the Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, and public/private cooperative efforts. Promotional items encouraging recycling and discouraging litter are provided to all participants. Household hazardous waste collections are held the first Saturday of each month, April through December, for proper disposal of toxic chemicals. Law Enforcement: Charles County Sheriffs actively partake in community cleanups throughout the county, organizing volunteers and supervising intake of materials. County staff members provide roll-off containers and debris disposal. Sheriff’s officers periodically stage themselves at the county’s landfill entrance in an effort to combat uncovered debris/unintentional littering. “No Dumping” signs have been strategically placed throughout Charles County in an attempt to discourage illegal dumping. Stormwater Technology: • Trash racks on stormwater structures throughout Charles County • Quarterly NPDES meetings. Trash Hot Spots: Charles County has three full-time litter crews with each crew being assigned a different geographical area of the county. Supervisors report daily on what roads were cleaned, the number of miles covered, and total trash tonnage collected. This practice includes both roadside litter and illegal dumping areas/hot spots. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: Litter Control Budget: $170,400 (does not include NPDES) Recycling Rate: As of calendar year 2011, Charles County’s recycling rate was 53.57%. Coupled with a 5% source reduction credit, the waste diversion rate equaled 58.573%.
Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: The majority of our costs come from employing our litter crew, street sweeping activities, and landfill costs. Other expenses come from supplies and materials. The total cost for litter cleanup is $246,000 per year. Street sweeping costs are $80,000 per year. We don’t know the landfill costs for litter specifically as it is included with our regular trash. Recycling Rate: Our FY2013 recycling rate was 47.38%, which includes yard waste and brush. College Park collects vegetative yard waste separately from brush. The vegetative yard waste is processed into compost, and the brush is turned into wood mulch. Historically, woody brush collections were not quantified, but in April 2013 the City devised a way to estimate tonnages. The FY13 recycling rate does not include brush tonnages for 6/2012 through 3/2013. We expect FY2014’s rate to be higher. The recycling rate not including yard waste and brush was 23.76%. The curbsideonly recycling rate was 25.65%, which only accounts for trash and recycling picked up on regular trash/recycling days (no special/bulky trash, yard waste/brush, or electronics). Inter-agency Collaboration: Presently, the Mayor and Council are working with the University of Maryland on possible collaborative projects. Business Outreach: The City is currently working on a recycling plan to encourage more businesses to recycle. DPW works with downtown College Park businesses on litter cleanup on the streets, parking lots, and street sweeping. The City is also working to remove dilapidated and abandoned buildings, which can often be high litter areas. The City has an economic development program that focuses on revitalizing the city’s commercial districts and providing assistance for business retention, expansion, and recruitment. We are currently collaborating with developers on several new developments in the City. Waste Diversion Capacity: We conduct on-site composting. It has been very successful diverting our vegetative yard waste from the landfill. We also work with other jurisdictions to take their leaves in the fall for composting. We turn our woody brush into wood mulch. Other: The City has installed new dog waste receptacles with complimentary waste pickup bags.
Charles County
Legislation/Regulation: MD CRIMINAL LAW Code Ann. § 10-110 (2003) Charles County: • Code 133-2: Transporting refuse without a permit Misdemeanor $100 to $1,000*
In Your Jurisdictions Stormwater Technology: The County is developing required ordinances for implementation. Trash Hot Spots: Trash hot spots are monitored by the litter crew. Recycling Rates: The recycling rate is 44%. Business Outreach: Grant project to highlight outstanding business recycling; publication.
Our goal is to increase the recycling tonnage by providing all curbside recycling participants with a closed-top 95 gallon recycling cart instead of the open-top 18 gallon bins used in the past. The new carts increase capacity while reducing accidental litter resulting from recyclables getting blown out of open-top containers. The curbside recycling program will no longer allow the use of open-top containers in collection. Inter-agency Collaboration: In addition to working with the Sheriff’s Office, Charles County partners with the Re-Use Barn Project for continued diversion of good, useable materials from the county’s landfill. Inter-agency cooperation of NPDES and green initiatives programs: • Energy conservation block grant • Energy plan • Energy watch dog plan • Green cleaning products, lights, supplies • Retrofitting Business Outreach: • Green expo and symposium: 12 business sponsors, 75 vendors, 1200+ attendees • The Waldorf Beautification Project necessitates the use of short- and long-term components. Partnerships with schools, residents, businesses, civic and charitable organizations, and government-friendly neighborhoods with landscaping, emphasizing the conservation of natural resources, and support for programs in schools to educate youth in the earth sciences. Waste Diversion Capacity: • Single stream recycling • Re-Use barn project Other: Education & Outreach: Green library, green expo, green symposium, eco wash bay, newsletter, updated policies & procedures, zoning codes, building codes, and ordinances. The County has launched an area-focused litter prevention and beautification project for Waldorf, MD. The Waldorf Beautification Project places an emphasis on educating the public on the damages caused to the community, through health issues, esthetics, and property values, by littering.
City of Greenbelt Legislation/Regulation: The City of Greenbelt has solid waste ordinances that prohibit dumping, littering and hand billing. The ordinance also forbids sweeping into gutters, and bagging leaves in plastic bags. Scavenging recycling materials from recycling bins is forbidden. Education: The City of Greenbelt communicates with residents using a variety of modes: a quarterly printed publication called The Greenbelt Bulletin; our local newspaper The News Review; the City’s web site; the City’s Facebook page; Twitter; the Greenbelter’s listserv; the Greenbelter’s Facebook page; fliers; and signs around town. The Office of Recycling gives presentations on demand. Information is also shared at special events such as the Greenman Festival, the Labor Day Festival and Earth Day/PW Open House, to name a few. Law Enforcement: Code enforcers and Police are on the lookout for litterers. The public informs City staff of illegal dumping. Trash Hot Spots: Trash hot spots occur mostly at picnic areas within parks. Refuse crews are instructed to monitor and pick up trash at least once a week. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: The City of Greenbelt shares a street sweeper with three other jurisdictions. The City coordinates several cleanups per year, including the Alice Ferguson Foundation Potomac River Watershed Cleanup where we participate with at least three sites. The City launches a boat once per year to collect trash from the lake. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cadettes organize a cleanup, with Public Works help, at Ora Glen Pond once a year. Recycling Rate: The City of Greenbelt’s current recycling rate is 58%. It is our goal to reach 63% by 2015. We do not calculate a composting rate, but our yard waste collection fluctuates from 300 to 1,200 tons per year depending on the severity of storms in any given year.
Frederick County Education: • 22 electronics recycling events per year • Two free community shred events per year • Social media, print ads, kiosks, press releases • Outreach at Main Street Agriculture, America Recycles Day, Earth Day, county fair, landfill tours and in-class presentations
Waste Diversion Capacity: The City of Greenbelt is using a state of the art MRF managed by Recycle America (Waste Management). Since we moved to comingled recycling, our rates have increased. The City uses MEAs grinder to chop our yard waste and put it in static piles that are left to heat up for composting.
the end of August through the end of September. For the spring campaign, 70 Ride-On buses and 95 bus shelters ran ads in the same areas as the fall campaign. The bus ads ran for a total of 8 weeks starting at the beginning of April through the end of May. The bus shelter ads ran for about 12 weeks from the middle of March through the middle of June. Many ads ended up staying on buses and shelters for a longer period of time since they are not removed until the ad space has been sold. Montgomery County held its third annual H2O Summit in FY2013. This year, the County partnered with WSSC to combine efforts of our Community Clean Water Summit and WSSC’s H2O Fest to reach more residents and allow for both an educational and family friendly event. About 56 exhibitors participated, including all of the County’s watershed groups. About 321 residents attended the summit and fair throughout the day. Of this total, 129 residents came during the summit to participate in breakout sessions on specific topics including information and action items relating to stream health, stormwater pollution and litter reduction. Through our monitoring efforts, DEP has identified an area in the White Oak neighborhood of Silver Spring that has higher amounts of trash than other monitoring areas we keep track of. In order to help raise awareness about this issue and begin a pilot program of outreach to the residents in the area, DEP held an Earth Day cleanup on April 20, 2013. For this event, staff worked with local community leaders, the local watershed group Eyes of Paint Branch, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission staff, the Anacostia Watershed Society, and the White Oak Community Center staff to organize and advertise the event. At the event, 50 volunteers helped to remove 100 bags of trash and 58 tires. The DEP has continued to invest in building the watershed groups’ capacity building efforts through a variety of activities, which provides additional direct outreach in watershed and litter reduction awareness to citizens through these strong organizations. Montgomery County has agreed to continue providing additional capacity building guidance as necessary for the groups to strengthen and sustain their important message to the community. For these groups, trash reduction continues to be a key component of that message. The Department of Transportation (DOT)’s Adopt-A-Road Program supplies 362 community groups with equipment in exchange for their voluntary service of picking up trash and litter along roadways. 146 groups reported 520 clean ups, picking up a total of 2,262 bags of trash in FY13. 345 groups reported 521 clean ups, picking up a total of 1,687 bags of trash in FY12. The DOT’s Storm Drain Marking Program offers materials to community groups wishing to mark storm drains in their community with reminders about preventing litter and other pollution in the storm drain system and local waterways. In FY13 a total of 323 drains were marked. In FY12 a total of 100 drains were marked. In addition, DEP began to supplement this program by purchasing watershed specific storm drain markers for our local watershed groups to use to mark storm drains in their area. For FY13, a total of 1,200 watershed specific storm drain markers were distributed to 6 watershed groups to mark storm drains. The following watershed specific storm drain markers were
Montgomery County Legislation/Regulation: • Montgomery County Code Chapter 48: Solid Waste • Montgomery County Code Chapter 26: Housing • Montgomery County Code Chapter 19: Water Quality • Montgomery County Executive Regulation ER15-04AM: Residential and Commercial Recycling • Montgomery County Executive Regulation 18-04: Collection, Transport and • Disposition of Solid Waste • Montgomery County Code Chapter 52: Taxation, Article 15: Carryout Bag Tax Education: The Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Division of Solid Waste Services (DSWS) continues to conduct extensive outreach, education, training and enforcement programs to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling. During FY13, staff and DSWS Recycling Program Volunteers participated in 283 outreach and education events, providing 31,450 people with assistance and information on waste reduction, recycling, buying recycled, composting, grasscycling and other topics. The County continues to utilize a corps of dedicated volunteers in the Recycling Volunteer Program to provide assistance to educate others on the benefits of and the need to recycle. Together, the volunteers contributed nearly 1,795 hours of direct service with an estimated value of $44,875. As part of its watershed restoration program, DEP’s Watershed Management Division (WMD) conducted 82 public events in FY13, reaching a total of 10,226 residents. Raising awareness about litter control was a key component of these events. DEP has added a dedicated full time outreach staff position for educating county residents on litter reduction efforts. This position is responsible for running the anti-litter advertising campaigns and addressing issues with the bag law implementation in addition to working on other litter related projects throughout the county. Conducting a mass-media public outreach campaign against litter pollution continued to be an outreach priority in FY13. Using mass transit ads and bus shelter ads the County highlighted the need to control litter and protect community and environmental health. The County ran the Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) ads in both English and Spanish for two campaigns in FY13, one in the fall and one in the spring. For the fall campaign, 80 Ride-On buses and 95 bus shelters ran ads in strategic places in the down county area primarily in the Rock Creek and Anacostia watersheds where the largest concentration of trash has been identified. The bus ads ran for a total of 12 weeks starting at the end of August through the end of November. The bus shelter ads ran for about 5 weeks from 15
In Your Jurisdictions used, Seneca Creek, Little Falls, Muddy Branch, Northwest Branch, Rock Creek, and Cabin John Creek. Law Enforcement: DSWS continues efforts to investigate and enforce compliance with Montgomery County’s solid waste and recycling regulations as it pertains to generators and collectors. The County’s Police Force participated in the annual Litter Enforcement Month through additional vigilance and community engagement, especially with teens in urban areas on litter. The Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) Code Enforcement Division investigates and enforces violations of litter codes on private property. In FY13, they handled a total of 3,520 trash/rubbish related complaints. DHCA issued a total of 437 citations for trash or rubbish related cases. DCHA estimates that 227 tons of trash were removed as a result of its clean and lien program. The Alternative Community Service (ACS) concentrated neighborhood efforts of litter removal from weekly collection of street debris in targeted neighborhoods and streets. The DEP’s Environmental Policy and Compliance Division investigates violations of environmental codes prohibiting illegal dumping and stormwater discharge violations. In FY13, 377 cases of illegal dumping and 124 cases of stormwater discharge violations were investigated. Stormwater Technology: DEP continues to test and revise storm drain inlet configurations designed to capture trash, organic debris and sediment at the curbside without impacting flow capacity within the storm drain system. The most recent inlet designs have been installed and facility is being monitored. DEP will develop final design standards and guidelines based on all experience gained to date. Trash Hot Spots: Transit stops (bus stops) are prime litter hotspots. A dedicated DOT program to remove trash strewn around and dumped at transit stops around the County netted a total of 397.95 tons of trash with a budget of $477,000. DEP collects information regarding watershed trash conditions, and is continuing to develop a program that would more effectively target other trash “hot spots”. DEP’s Watershed Management Division staff rates the relative trash condition of stations at streams which are monitored Countywide on five year cycles. In FY12, out of a total of 76 monitoring stations, 4 stations had a trash rate of marginal, and 2 had a rating of poor. Also, code violations related to illegal dumping of trash and debris in County waterways can also be tracked and mapped. DEP intends to analyze this information to help target areas for follow-up investigations of illicit discharges to the stormwater system, and illegal dumping. These hot spots can also be used to effectively target trash control measures (e.g., public outreach or structural practices) to help meet the County’s MS4 permit requirements for trash control and the Anacostia Trash TMDL. DEP has a contractor collect and dispose of organic debris and trash for the continued maintenance of some of
our stormwater ponds on a rotating basis. In FY13, 1761 pounds of trash (only inorganic materials) were removed from 11 ponds on 4 dates throughout the year. DOT routinely collects trash and litter around their Highway Maintenance Depots. In FY13, they collected a total of 25 tons of trash with a program budget of $1,232.50. The County’s central call center (Montgomery County 311) tracks all calls related to litter on County roads, as cleanup is handled by the DOT. This information is conveyed to the County’s Police Force in order to increase surveillance of these roadside hotspots. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: Solid Waste Management (Budget FY13): Covers 212,000 single-family households, 112,000 multifamily dwelling units and 35,000 businesses. • Waste Reduction = $191,684 • Recycling, Single-family, Outreach and Education = $299,598 • Recycling, Multi-family = $830,816 • Recycling, Commercial = $1,792,972 • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program and Business Small Quantity Generator Program= $976,812 • Recycling Volunteer Program = $178,479 Enforcement Programs (Budget FY13): • Illegal Dumping/Litter/Chapter 48 Enforcement = $132,968 * • Solid Waste (Chapter 48) Enforcement Collections Inspectors (Refuse) = $324,870 • Solid Waste (Chapter 48) Enforcement Collections Inspectors (Recycling) = $877,732 • Rubbish private property Chapter 48 enforcement = $705,500 *Although this budget number is lower than last year’s reporting, the effort of citing for Illegal Dumping has not decreased. An error in last year’s number was caught this year, and the budget for FY13 does not reflect a decrease in our enforcement of this law. Litter Outreach (FY13): • Outreach staff position= $76,690 • AFF anti-litter ad campaign= $18,825 Street Litter Removal (FY13): • Countywide Street sweeping = $210,199.31 • Adopt-A-Road = $2,000 • Transit Stop Trash Management = $477,000 Stormwater Ponds (FY13): • Pond trash removal = $16,670.82 • Stormdrain Marking Program = $1,000 Recycling Rate: According to the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE) Calendar Year 2011 Maryland Waste Diver16
sion Rates & Tonnages Report, Montgomery County’s overall recycling and waste diversion rate was 62.68%. The County has a goal to reduce waste and recycle 70% of all waste by 2020. Inter-agency Collaboration: The DEP is following a trash reduction strategy to meet the MS4 permit requirements to meet the Potomac Trash Free treaty goals and the Anacostia Trash TMDL. The strategy outlines a number of cost-effective litter control methods to meet targeted reductions. Efforts include: (1) greater control of trash created during household curbside waste and recycling collections at individual residences (2) monitoring of trash and recycling containers and enclosure areas at businesses and multi-family properties; tarping and covering requirements for waste containers by inspectors (3) increased coordination between DHCA, DEP, DOT Highways and Fleet Management Services, and Police about trash on sites, (4) the County’s central Call Center (MC311) serving as a central coordinator of Countywide response when litter is reported by residents. The MC311 system has trained call operators to handle incoming calls on litter and trash, based on type and location of the trash. This effort has increased coordination on trash clean up between County departments and outside agencies such as the Montgomery County Public School system and the Parks system. Business Outreach: During FY12, DSWS staff conducted 10,987 on-site consultations to businesses, organizations, and local, state and federal government facilities providing technical assistance, hands-on guidance, and specific recommendations on setting up, maintaining, and expanding waste reduction, recycling, and buying recycled programs. Carryout Bag Law DEP is still in an educational mode for following up on complaints about retailer’s adherence to the bag law. When an inquiry is received, we ensure that the retailer has the correct information about how to implement the Bag Fee and submit payments. The Department of Finance is responsible for enforcement of the Bag Law; however, we have not had an instance of needing to use enforcement to gain compliance yet. In FY13, DEP received information from 7 residents about possible bag law violations and worked with 8 local retailers to ensure correct compliance with the law.
down drains by accepting unused paint and offering it for residents to take or donating it to charities. In FY13, the county gave away 714 gallons of paint through the free paint program. Also, 897.48 tons of paint was donated. DSWS also participates in the “Bikes for the World” program. In FY13 they removed 19 tons of bikes for restoration and shipment to countries worldwide. The County Transfer Station has a vendor that accepts Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) for the sole purpose of bio-diesel production; in FY13, 21 tons of straight vegetable oil were shipped out for processing into biodiesel ( Other: Statistics from Carryout Bag Fee (FY13): From the implementation of the carryout bag fee (January 2012) to June 2013, there have been a total of 86,289,942 bags sold in Montgomery County. In FY13, a total of 59,647,725 carryout bags were sold by retailers to customers who requested a bag. This averages out to about 4,970,644 non-reusable bags sold per month in FY13 (actual number of bags sold varies by month). According to the Census Bureau, the Montgomery County population for 2012 is 1,004,709 people. This would average out to a little less than 5 disposable bags bought per county resident each month. In the first month of FY13 the county had 910 registered retailers paying the bag fee collected from their business. As of June 2013, there are 1,100 registered retailers in the system. Since we still have new retailers registering and paying the bag fee, we believe it is too soon to determine a pattern of bag usage for the county. Post-TMDL Monitoring: The DEP continues via contract with MWCOG to conduct trash monitoring and assessment in the Anacostia. The litter survey and evaluation for in-stream trash structures in Rock Creek was completed in 2012. • Completed three cycles of post-TMDL trash monitoring in the Anacostia. The Anacostia tributary monitoring follows the same protocols for stream-level and landbased surveys as those used for trash TMDL development. There is not yet a trend showing reductions in trash type or amount. • Completed a ‘windshield’ survey that could be used by volunteers to drive through areas and estimate amount of trash on roadsides. The MWCOG surveyed over 130 miles of roads and completed 75 walks to characterize and count trash along the roadside and then compare with trash type and count determined through a drive by survey. The top three trash items identified from the walks were paper, food packaging, and miscellaneous, while the top three trash items found in the streams are plastic bags, food packaging, and plastic bottles. We are waiting on the final protocol and results from this effort. • The survey for trash-reduction efforts by apartment and commercial property managers has been finalized and will be sent out to targeted
Waste Diversion Capacity: During FY12, DSWS continued efforts to educate all residents of single-family homes and multi-family properties, and businesses about recycling, waste reduction, buying recycled products, grasscycling and backyard or on-site composting. DSWS constantly monitors the recycling markets to identify potential future opportunities to remove additional materials from the waste stream. DSWS has been operating a model food waste recycling collection project for one of our County building’s cafeteria since November 2011. This project, in which pre-consumer food waste is separated for recycling collection, has diverted a total of 25.6 tons of food waste for commercial composting from the program’s start through the end of FY13. DSWS helps to ensure that paint is not wasted or dumped 17
In Your Jurisdictions
Prince George’s County
Legislation/Regulation: • Prince George’s County Council Bill 73-2000 amending Subtitle 23, Sections 23-102(b) and 23-150 of the Prince George’s County Road Ordinance • Prince George’s County Council Bill 75-2000 amending Subtitle 23, Sections 23-102 and 23-151 of the Prince George’s County Road Ordinance • Prince George’s County Council Bill 9-2001 amending Subtitle 13, Section 13-164 of the Prince George’s County Code • CB-87-2012, Ban the use of plastic bags for the collection of yard waste in Prince George’s County; House Bill 1440. CB-87-2012 also mandates multi-family and commercial recycling, requires trash hauling companies to also provide recycling services, sets new recycling rate goals, establishes food composting pilot project, and requires waste sorts (assessments). Zero Waste Study funding approved by the County Council. • The County’s Comprehensive Community Cleanup Program is authorized by the Prince George’s County’s Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan (CR-14-1998) and is included as a component of the County’s NPDES Permit conditions. The County works with organized Civic and Homeowners Associations to provide with coordinated cleanup and maintenance services for various communities over a two-week period. The County conducts twenty one Comprehensive Community Cleanups annually, sixteen in the spring and five in the fall. In FY13, this program removed over 113 tons of trash. Education: Green Team Initiative in Partnership with Prince George’s County Public Schools: Initially called the Litter Free School Program, the mission of the “Green Team” program is to offer a broad range of “Green” initiatives to Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) and to the Prince George’s County Community with a focus on waste management to include recycling, clean up, beautification efforts, and energy conservation. Meetings are held throughout the year to bring together PGCPS educators and environmentalists. Cigarette Litter Prevention Program: Through a grant awarded by Keep America Beautiful (KAB), Keep Prince George’s County Beautiful partnered with the Bladensburg Waterfront Park in Bladensburg, Maryland to encourage the proper disposal of cigarette litter. The distribution of literature which details the negative impact of cigarette butts and the appropriate placement of cigarette receptacles, and the distribution of portable ash trays, has led to a significant reduction of cigarette littering. DER is working with AFF on a Trash Campaign and plans to hold several public outreach sections in the future. We have also incorporated trash and littering into our overall “Watershed Pollution Solutions Begin With YOU” poster. Keep America Great, American Cleanup: Keep Prince George’s County Beautiful partners with groups and individuals throughout the County to assist with litter pickups 18
and community beautification initiatives. The County sponsored and paid for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) in the Go Recycle Radio Campaign targeting business recycling. The County provided a brochure in citizens’ tax bills advising them of the new plastic ban for yard waste, bulky item collection and various other topics pertinent to DER. DER continues to participate in public school career day activities by sending staff from various divisions to educate the students on environmental stewardship and how to help keep their neighborhoods and schools clean and also to take those messages to their households. County staff distributes educational anti-litter fliers at local libraries and community centers. DER provides educational tours of the Materials Recycling Facility, Composting Facility, and the Brown Station Road Landfill in an effort to teach and promote recycling, composting, and waste reduction. The Bladensburg Waterfront Park, an MNCPPC site, conducts life science programs on river ecology, river trash cleanups and interpretive pontoon boat rides. The goal is to educate the public on the importance of keeping litter out of the Anacostia River Watershed. The Volunteers’ Storm Drain Stenciling and Inlet Marking program: The stenciling of the message “Don’t Dump Chesapeake Bay Drainage” on inlet structures is designed to promote the protection of our local waterways, the Anacostia River, the Potomac River, and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. Law Enforcement: • The Strategic Multi-agency Response Team (S.M.A.R.T), led by DPW&T, meets weekly to combat illegal dumping in the county in collaboration with citizens. • DER Property Standard Division Zoning Code Enforcement • DER is currently developing a Trash TMDL Plan; the Plan will review current law enforcement and recommend possible improvement as well as other successful enforcement methods from other jurisdictions. Stormwater Technology: There are four pumping stations that have bar screen climbers/cleaners devices. One station Colmar Manor Pumping Station has two bar screen cleaners. The combined average trash removal capacity from all four stations is 80 tons per year. Trash Hot Spots: Prince George’s County has designated several roadways as Trash Hot Spots throughout the County based on our experience and frequency of requests to cleanup these areas. In collaboration with S.M.A.R.T, some of these trash hot spots are under video surveillance and most locations are posted with fines for illegal dumping violations. Trash hot spots are generally monitored and serviced by the DPW&T litter control crews for trash removal once a week. M-NCPPC Department of Park and Recreation uses trail cameras to catch dumping on parkland. They also use signage like “Property Under Video Surveillance” as a deter-
rent as well. In addition, these areas also have structural barriers put in place to prevent dumping and frequent patrols by Park Rangers and Park Police. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: In FY2013, Prince George’s County utilized in-house forces and contracted litter crews to remove approximately 3,168 tons of roadside litter and illegal dumping from the public right-of-way at a total cost of approximately $3,337,000. The County spent approximately $264,717 for street sweeping services in FY 2013 for the sweeping of county arterial, collector, and industrial classified roadways. M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation spends a great deal of resources emptying trash cans, picking up grounds trash, landscaping, and other efforts that help make the watershed cleaner. Recycling Rate: Recycling Diversion Rate is 49.11% as of 2011. The 2012 tonnage for composted materials is 67,630, which includes commercial and residential. A year-long Food Scrap Composting Pilot is under way. Expansion to curbside is a long term goal. Inter-agency Collaboration: S.M.A.R.T (Strategic Multi-agency Response Team) is a work group composed of multiple county agencies (DPW&T, DER, DOC, OIT, Health Department, WSSC, M-NCPPC, etc.) and was created for the purpose of addressing litter and illegal dumping issues in the County. S.M.A.R.T meets weekly to collaborate and strategize ways for resolving illegal dumping and litter control issues. The DPW&T, in collaboration with the Department of Corrections, implements an inmate litter control program through which inmates are utilized to collect roadside litter during weekdays and weekends. The DOC’s Community Service Program also assigns work crew resources on weekends to assist the DPW&T with roadside litter collection. DER initiated the County Office Recycling Program (CORP). All County agencies and most local police and fire stations are recycling paper bottles and cans. Toner cartridges are also recycled in our agency. The County conducts two annual “Clean Up, Green Up” campaigns, one in the fall and one in the spring. More than 3,500 volunteers participated in our Fall, 2012 and Spring, 2013 “Clean Up, Green Up” Initiative events and planted over 7,200 plants including trees, shrubs, and flowers. Volunteers also collected more than 29 tons of roadside litter in the public right-of-way. The Department of Public Works & Transportation is the lead agency in this event with DER playing a participating role. The Maryland Department of the Environment Compost Work Group Study Committee meets monthly. The Washington Council of Governments Organics Task Force Committee meets monthly. Business Outreach: • The County is currently at work with businesses to encourage commercial and institutional recycling. Currently, this sector contributes over 60% of the County’s recycling. • Sponsored and paid for a Go Recycling Business Recy-
cling Radio Ad campaign to increase the awareness of commercial recycling and to increase recycling among the businesses in Prince George’s County. • Member of the Prince George’s County Chamber of Commerce and participates in the Green Technology & Energy Committee. This organization reaches the entire business community, and provides an excellent platform to promote the business recycling initiative. • Member of the Maryland Recycler’s Network, a group of organizations and individuals from every facet of recycling that together promote the 4 Rs (Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of recycling. The group includes County coordinators, communities, non-profit organizations, businesses and recycling activists. Waste Diversion Capacity: The County has a new single-stream MRF that allows recycling more items in the curbside program. We are looking at plans to modify our existing Yard Waste Composting Facility to allow for a pilot program for food waste composting. A food scrap composting pilot is underway at the County’s Western Branch Composting Facility. Currently only commercial waste from specific entities is accepted. The goal is to establish a residential program in the future. The County went to Single-Stream Recycling in 2008. We completely re-equipped our MRF with new single-stream technology equipment. We also made a huge investment in collection containers and distributed new 65-gallon recycling carts to our residents between 2008 and 2010. We provide residential curbside collection services. Additionally, we provide on-premise collection for the elderly (over 65) and disabled. Yes, these programs work very well! Other: The County has been a major supporter of corn-based plastic shopping bags and of the total ban on plastic shopping bags. The County coordinates a Volunteer’s Neighborhood Cleanup Program. Civic and homeowners associations, schools, churches and individuals are encouraged to adopt hot spots and common areas for cleanup. This program is designed to empower citizens to become better stewards of their neighborhoods by volunteering to adopt their neighborhood or adopt a spot within their neighborhood for regular cleanup. The County supplies all the cleaning materials like gloves, picks, trash bags and trash containers. The DPW&T’s Adopt-a-Road Program consists of approximately 88 volunteer groups who plan and coordinate multiple cleanups of major county roadways during the year. Cleanup supplies and materials including litter grabbers, safety vests, gloves, and trash bags are made available, as requested, and litter bags are collected after each roadway cleanup. The DPW&T initiated a Trash Receptacle Installation Program in FY2012 at bus stops operated and under the jurisdiction of the county’s “The Bus” system to aid departmental efforts in keeping our roadways litter free. The program has grown to more than 160 locations. The trash receptacles are serviced for trash removal and replacement of trash bags by volunteers and county crew work forces at least once a week. 19
In Your Jurisdictions The County Executive promotes and sponsors annual county-wide community cleanups through the “Clean Up, Green Up Prince George’s Initiative”, which is generally held in the spring and fall seasons of the year. County residents are provided with free landscaping materials and cleaning supplies to plant trees, shrubs, and flowers in the public right-of-way and on school grounds in their respective communities. More than 3,500 volunteers participated in our Fall, 2012 and Spring, 2013 “Clean Up, Green Up Initiative” events and planted over 7,200 plants including trees, shrubs, and flowers. Volunteers also collected more than 29 tons of roadside litter in the public right-of-way. M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation has implemented a Meadow program where we limit mowing in hundreds of acres; many of these areas are in the watershed and around the ponds, which improves water quality.
Arlington County
Legislation/Regulation: The Arlington County Solid Waste Bureau (SWB) is working on code updates that will expand recycling requirements for multi-family residential buildings and businesses to include providing receptacles for visitors and customers in addition to tenants and employees. Proposed changes also include requirements to have recycling containers be “colocated” (within 5 ft.) with trash receptacles and clearly identified. Location of container could include loading docks, garages, and parking lots. This is in the beginning stages and more information will be provided next year. Education: Commercial & Multi-family Recycling education is provided to commercial and multifamily properties by our Recycling Compliance Specialists (RCSs). RCSs speak one-on-one with business owners and property managers to review and provide advice to improve the effectiveness of the recycling system in these areas. Educational materials are provided during the site visits and are available on the County’s recycling website. Curbside Residential In the Citizen newsletter, distributed to 100,000 Arlington County households every two months, there are articles included about recycling and waste reduction. Additionally, each year the SWB has at least a two-page insert dedicated to recycling and waste reduction topics in the November/December issue of the Citizen. Two cart hangers per year are distributed to the curbside residents promoting the yard waste recycling programs. Arlington’s Adopt a Street Program leverages community volunteers to clean the curb and gutter lines and collect litter. There are approximately 101 adopters (including some groups) covering nearly 300 blocks. 20
The annual leaf collection program includes an online mapping function allowing residents to follow the progress and better track the vacuum collection schedule, helping them to see when the truck will be in their neighborhood. A new mulch brochure was designed and is provided with each delivery of mulch material to the residents. The brochure outlines benefits of grass-cycling and backyard composting as well as tips for proper mulching techniques. Arlington County continued the Green Games competition for businesses, focusing on restaurants and retail establishments in 2013. Additionally, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE) provides education and outreach at schools and community events. ACE does 75 school presentations each year, with most including some litter prevention education. Arlington County continues to support the regional Only Rain Down the Drain stormwater education campaign. This campaign uses television, radio and internet ads to educate residents about preventing water pollution. Law Enforcement: Arlington County continues to follow the penalty system for properties not in compliance with Chapter 10 of the Arlington County Code, the refuse and recycling code. The penalty system is as follows: Violation Notice (30 day warning), Order of Correction (15 day warning), and Civil Penalty which includes a fine up to $300/day for noncompliance. Stormwater Technology: Arlington County has an extensive street sweeping program. In Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013), the County swept over 4,257 residential lane miles and over 4,278 commercial lane miles, and collected over 1,886 tons of particulate matter (including litter). Arlington County launched a new street sweeping program in August 2012, which provides residents with a schedule of days that the street sweeper will be in their neighborhood. This program gives each neighborhood street one sweeping pass per month. Additionally, the program runs from April to October every year and provides residents with the opportunity to move their vehicles from the street to allow the street sweepers to get to the curb and gutter, increasing the overall effectiveness of the program. The county has also established a goal to sweep commercial areas in the County 26 times per year to further storm water management efforts. Arlington County has completed watershed retrofit plans for all areas of the County. The process involved studying all the watersheds to find space where new stormwater treatment facilities can be installed. Currently, all of the watersheds have been studied, resulting in over 1100 potential locations for new stormwater facilities. Two “green street” facilities have been constructed, and eight additional projects are in design. These facilities will collect trash and litter from the street, in addition to filtering sediment and other pollutants from stormwater runoff.
Arlington County has retrofitted the County’s Trades Center with additional stormwater management devices. A stormfilter device was installed and 85 filters were installed in 17 storm drain catch basins on site. Arlington County is designing a retrofit for the Ballston Pond stormwater facility. The pond receives drainage from 400 acres and will include two litter control devices. Through Arlington County’s green building programs, many redevelopment projects include new stormwater management and filtration devices on site. Trash Hot Spots: Trash hot spots are areas with repeated litter problems identified by County staff and citizen input. They are monitored by staff approximately 5 times per week. At this time we are monitoring 33 hot spot locations. Additionally, there are dedicated crews who work daily on Columbia Pike and the Rosslyn/Ballston corridor. Recycling Rate: Arlington County’s recycling rate for CY2012 is 51.1%. Inter-agency Collaboration: The County’s Recycling Compliance Specialists visited each of the 37 schools in the County to provide an assessment to Arlington County Public School staff of current recycling practices and systems. The County will continue to work with Arlington County Public Schools staff to identify opportunities for increased recycling and waste reduction efforts. Business Outreach: The County Recycling Compliance Specialists visit all commercial and multi-family establishments in the County annually to ensure recycling is being provided. Through this effort we hope to divert more materials from the waste stream. Waste Diversion Capacity: The Arlington County Detention Center continues to compost their food waste. The food is collected on site and picked up by a collection company and taken to the Wilmington Organic Recycling center in Delaware for composting. This has been a successful program with over 66 tons diverted from the waste stream in 2012. Paper shredding services are provided monthly to all county residents resulting in 30 tons of paper recycled in 2013. Arlington County initiated a Stop the Junk Mail program with Catalog Choice, an organization that helps individuals stop unwanted mail, as part of the County’s waste reduction efforts. Since launching the program in the Fall of 2012, approximately 118,000 lbs of material has been diverted from the waste stream. The county is currently finalizing the technical specifications of a request for proposal with the intent of contracting with one or more qualified companies for residential refuse and recycling collection services. The additional recycling services under consideration include curbside collection of year round organic waste that includes yard waste and food waste. Other: ECARE is a biannual event for collecting electronics, household hazardous materials, metal, and the donations
of books, bikes, and other reusable items for Arlington residents. Typically, over one thousand residents participate in each ECARE event. The County maintains two Recycling Drop-off Centers. Each recycling center provides recycling for cardboard, mixed paper, bottles and cans, and one recycling center contains recycling for small metal items. The County partnered with Keep America Beautiful (KAB) to promote more recycling at the County Fair in 2013. Additional recycling containers were placed inside and outside the fair with KAB staff engaging the public about recycling. Food vendors were also required to participate in a food composting collection system. The overall recycling rate for the fair was 13%.
Fairfax County
Legislation/Regulation: • Worked with the Northern Virginia Regional Commission to ensure that the Virginia Litter Prevention and Recycling Fund remained intact after legislative efforts to eliminate the fund. • Worked with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to ensure that regulations controlling composting operations continued to support these activities. • Revised the county’s solid waste code to provide more enforcement authority to ensure that businesses recycle according to the requirements specified in the code. • Offered technical advice and support in Fairfax County’s effort to develop stormwater regulations to control the quality of stormwater in county surface waters. Education: • Fairfax County requires all refuse and recycling collection companies to provide information to their customers about recycling annually, and this requirement is a part of the collection company’s permission to collect refuse and recycling in Fairfax County. This requirement applies to both residential and non-residential properties. • Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program performs outreach at a wide variety of venues (schools, community groups, association and club meetings, businesses and large county-wide events) in addition to working closely with Clean Fairfax Council to address litter issues. Fairfax County joins with Clean Fairfax Council to put on the county’s premier environmental event each spring, Springfest. • In conjunction with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, the Solid Waste Management Program had five dioramas, 20 tailgate ads and 200 interior bus cards printed and displayed for a one-month period. • Placed a 5.25” x 13.5” full-color anti-litter advertisement in the Community and Newcomers Guide printed by the Connection Newspapers. Law Enforcement: The Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program has four inspectors dedicated to enforcing the county’s solid waste code. By focusing on compliance assistance efforts, 21
In Your Jurisdictions the staff has increased commercial recycling rates while simultaneously decreasing the number of fines levied against area businesses. Stormwater Technology: • Installation of brush mattresses (vegetation) at pipe outfalls to trap trash and sediment before they get into ponds or receiving waters • Regenerative outfall systems (a series of step pools with underlying sand filters and wetland pool) that reduce velocity and collect suspended materials • Proprietary stormwater inlet devices to trap floatables and sediment • Installation of bio-degradable check dams to flatten profile of stream course to reduce velocity and collect suspended materials • Bioretention basins or shallow wetlands installed at outfalls to trap floatables and absorb pollutants • Vegetative filter strips and riparian buffers to trap trash and sediment from overland flow before they enter receiving waters • Stream restoration at outfall points to reduce erosion Trash Hot Spots: The enforcement staff of the Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program works closely with the county’s building construction management officials to obtain information about trash dumping around the county. Landowners are responsible for maintaining their properties and the county has the authority to place a lien on the property to pay for the cost of a cleanup if one is undertaken by the county. Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: Fairfax County worked with over 1,223 volunteers at 85 planned or supported cleanup events, picking up over 66,000 pounds of litter from Fairfax County’s roads and streets, parks, streams, ponds and lakes. The value of the volunteer work is estimated at about $133,000 for the year. Recycling Rate: • The county’s recycling rate for calendar year 2012 was 51%, a 4% increase over the previous year. The higher percentage is partly attributable to an increase in the quantity of recyclables collected. • Yard waste is required to be recycled in Fairfax County. Woody yard debris is processed by the county to make mulch which is given away at no charge. Bagged leaves and grass are composted at one of two facilities outside of the county. Unbagged (vacuumed) leaves are delivered to several county park locations for use on park authority grounds or use by residents. Inter-agency Collaboration: • The Department of Public Works and Environmental Services has been undertaking an effort to bring together its five distinct business areas (Capital Facilities, Land Development, Solid Waste, Stormwater and Wastewater) in order to promote a unified environmen-
tal message at large community events. The partnership has fostered enhanced attention to environmental stewardship within Fairfax County communities. • The Fairfax County Stormwater Management Program and the Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program collaborated together to create a new stream evaluation process that is to be used by volunteers. The process is called TAFIE (Trash Assessments for Improved Environments) and is intended to provide an easily-usable format to quantify the amount of trash and litter in a particular streambed. This information will be used to address compliance with the county’s MS4 permit (the county’s stormwater permit from the VA Department of Environmental Quality). The information collected in the TAFIE is comparable to the information collected by AFF during the annual Potomac River cleanup. Business Outreach: • Solid Waste Management Program teamed up with Visit Fairfax and the Chamber of Commerce to survey business attitudes about mandatory bottle and can recycling at food service locations. • Conducted regular contact with area businesses and organizations about why proper solid waste management is important for protecting the environment by preventing overflowing trash and recycling containers; improving collection service; and demonstrating waste reduction techniques. • Continued efforts in coordination with the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) in the development of a universal waste train-the-trainer program. The intent of the program is to teach individuals who will go into the business community and train other businesses about how they are required to properly manage universal waste. Training was held in March, 2013 with 60 people in attendance. Plans are to continue this training on an annual basis. Fairfax County Agencies: • The Fairfax County’s Stormwater Management Program conducted a survey of potential issues with stormwater discharges at all county government and school properties. • Solid Waste Management staff visited 212 county agencies that receive weekly trash and recycling collection service through the government. In addition to providing outreach materials about recycling, staff surveyed container usage and condition. This information is being used to develop a container maintenance and replacement plan in order to support the county’s stormwater protection efforts. Waste Diversion Capacity: CDD delivered to Fairfax County’s two disposal facilities are transported to the Broad Run CDD recycling facility in Manassas, VA. Unrecyclable CDD materials and fines from the CDD reprocessing are backhauled to Fairfax County and combusted to generate electricity. About 29,000 tons of CDD were recycled in calendar year 2012.
Other: • Fairfax County’s MS4 permit includes requirements to: 1) promote individual and group involvement in local water quality improvement initiatives including cleanups, and 2) conduct surveys of floatables to document the effectiveness of litter control programs. The county describes activities related to these requirements in each MS4 annual report. • The county is in the process of developing a stormwater management ordinance that will regulate new development and redevelopment activities. This ordinance will further define the county’s enforcement authority to find and address non-stormwater discharges to the MS4 and local streams. The ordinance will be finalized in 2014.
Cost of Litter Cleanup on Land and in Water: For FY13, Neighborhood Services Division of Public Works budgeted $714,035 for litter crew, equipment and operating costs. They also donated $130,832 to Keep Prince William Beautiful for outreach and volunteer coordination (total includes a $57,469 state litter prevention and recycling program grant). Recycling Rate: Prince William County is recycling 41.3% of its waste with the 5% allowance granted by the state. We recycled 24,437 tons of woody and yard waste in 2012. Inter-agency Collaboration: Public Works facilitates an in-house green guiding committee made up of representatives from the County government organization. The committee focuses on recycling, waste reduction, energy conservation and fuel savings. We sponsored our second employee earth day festival in April 2013. Public Works also sponsors a networking group made up of organizations involved with environmental education. The group shares information, resources and expertise with other members, and it provides volunteers and promotion for public events sponsored by other members. Public Works partners with a variety of organizations, including the Prince William Trails & Streams Coalition, Friends of the Occoquan, Soil & Water Conservation and the Department of Parks & Recreation on a number of large cleanup efforts along important waterways including the Potomac and Occoquan Rivers. Public Works collaborates with local schools and students to sponsor an annual youth conference focused on the environment. Business Outreach: Public Works is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. We share information about recycling in Chamber publications and online services. Working with Keep Prince William Beautiful, the community participates in a survey to rate the cleanliness, litter control and efforts to recycle at shopping centers. In addition, volunteers from the business community participate in the quarterly litter surveys conducted by Keep Prince William Beautiful. Waste Diversion Capacity: In 2012, Public Works began a program to handle organics at the County Compost Facility. The County is planning to issue a request for proposals to expand organics recycling in Fall, 2013. Other: At all Public Works conservation projects and volunteer opportunities, we remind participants that litter pickup is an expected task no matter what the rest of the project entails. We hope this raises awareness for volunteers to notice and pick up litter when they see it during their normal daily activities. All of our partner agencies also make litter an essential part of their community service project.
Prince William County
Education: Public Works hosts or sponsors a variety of activities for families to learn about litter control and recycling, as well as taking an active role in protecting our natural areas. Events include community conservation programs, Prince William Recycles Day, Adopt-a-Stream through Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District, earth day events, compost awareness event, and community cleanups. We also provide information online and in printed format. Law Enforcement: Prince William County Police write tickets for uncovered loads entering our landfill or compost facility. Police also respond to citizen complaints. Stormwater Technology: Our outreach focuses on changing attitudes and behavior of the public to protect local waters. We use sound storm drainage and storm water management maintenance programs to collect trash and debris before these flow into the Potomac River. We use sound erosion and sediment control programs that work well for the specific site and conditions. We require best management practices to capture trash and debris for all developments, including trash racks. We have established an illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program. Trash Hot Spots: Public Works has an in-house litter crew that regularly patrols and cleans our most traveled roads. They also respond to citizen reports of illegal dump sites. The crew picks up litter and removes popsicle signs. In FY13, the litter crew picked up 173.99 tons of trash and pulled 10,938 illegal roadway signs from the right-of-way along roads. They cleaned 1,214 lane miles of roadways. Working with Keep Prince William Beautiful, the community participates in quarterly litter surveys of roadways and neighborhoods. Working with the Soil & Water Conservation District, the community cleans critical streams and natural areas. From June 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, 844 volunteers cleaned 38,335 pounds of trash from 52.25 miles of waterways. In addition, Public Works conducted cleanups at two of the regional storm water ponds along Neabsco Creek that feeds into the Potomac River using County staff and a work force from the Adult Detention Center. They cleaned up 1,530 pounds of trash from the two ponds. 23
Thank You 2012 Cleanup Partners Sponsors
Beveridge and Diamond Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company DC Water District Department of the Environment Exxon Mobil Corporation Gangplank Marina Slipholders Association Khaled Bin Living Oceans Foundation MOM’s Organic Market National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Resources REI Skanska Infrastructure Development Starbucks Telemundo Washington, DC The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Washington Gas Washington Metropolitan Area Corporate Counsel Association
Major Partners
Alexandria City Hall Office of Environmental Quality Anacostia Watershed Society Boy Scouts of America C&O Canal Association Charles County Department of Public Works Fairfax County Park Authority Girl Scouts of America ICPRB Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Issac Walton League of America Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Montgomery County Parks and Planning National Park Service Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross Office of Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerry Hyland Potomac Conservancy Potomac River Keeper Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Resources Prince William Park Authority Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District REI Reston Association Rock Creek Conservancy WV Department of Environmental Protection WV Make it Shine
Elected Officials
Cub Scout Packs 1081 Cub scout troupe 763 Cub Scouts Pack 493 Cub Scouts Pack 665 Girl Scout Troop 106 Girl Scout Troop 1182 Girl Scout Troop 135 Girl Scout Troop 1475 Girl Scout Troop 1863 Girl Scout Troop 273 Girl Scout Troop 2786 Girl Scout Troop 3030 Girl Scout Troop 3190 Girl Scout Troop 3809 Girl Scout Troop 4809 Girl Scout Troop 5401 Girl Scout Troop 5605 Girl Scout Troop 6062 Girl Scout Troop 6462
Senator Jamie Raskin,20th District MD Senator Adam Ebbins, 30th District MD Delegate Bonnie L. Cullison, 19th District MD Delegate David L. Bulova, 37th District, VA Delegate Barbara Comstock, 34th District, VA Delegate Margaret Ransone, 99th District, VA Delegate Thomas Davis Rust, 86th District, VA Delegate Scott Surovell, 44th District, VA Supervisor, Sharon Bulova, Fairfax, VA Supervisor Janet Clark, Loudoun County, VA Supervisor Paul Milde, Stafford, VA Commissioner Candice Quinn Kelly, Charles County, MD Vice Chair Shawn Williams, Loudoun County, VA Councilmember Justin Wilson, Alexandria, VA Councilmember Hans Reimer, Montgomery County, MD Mayor Karin Tome, City of Brunswick, MD Councilmember Robert Catlin, College Park, MD Councilmember Eric Wingard, Hyattsville, MD Councilmember Nina Young, Brentwood, MD
Educational Institutions
American University Environmental Club Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of UDC Alpha Phi Omega American University Anne E. Moncure Elementary School Anundson Institute Fellows Argyle Middle School PTSA Barnsley Elementary School PTA Bells Mill Elementary School PTA Buck Lodge Middle School Burke School Cesar Chavez Elementary School Colin Powell School Congressional Schools of Virginia Einstein High School PTSA Field Road Elementary School PTS Flint Hill Elementary School Freedom High School Gale-Bailey School George Mason University George Washington University Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sororiety. Georgetown University Georgetown University Policy Group Han Su Tae Kwon Do School Herndon High School Key Club High Point School Howard University Hylton High School LHS Key Club Longfellow Middle School Loudoun Academy of Science Environmental Club. Marymount University McLean High School Montgomery College NVCC Woodbridge-school Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Paint Branch High School Parkland Middle School PTSA Penn State University Alumni (DC Chapter)
Youth Organizations Boy Scout Troop 1083 Boy Scout Troop 131 Boy Scout Troop 157 Boy Scout Troop 1657 Boy Scout Troop 204 Boy Scout Troop 224 Boy Scout Troop 424 Boy Scout Troop 425 Boy Scouts Troop 740 Brownie Troop 2155 Brownie Troop 233 Brownie Troop 4458 Brownie Troop 5216 Brownie Troop 812 Campfire USA Cub Scout Pack 1081 Cub Scout Pack 1084 Cub Scout Pack 1320 Cub Scout Pack 135 Cub Scout Pack 1570 Cub Scout Pack 1657 cub Scout pack 202 Cub Scout Pack 204 Cub Scout Pack 230 Cub Scout Pack 257 Cub Scout Pack 888
Phi Mu Delta of Frostburg State University Piccowaxen Middle School Riverdale Heights Elementary School Robinson Secondary School Rock Creek Vally Elementary School PTA Rockview Elementary School Rockville High School PTSA Sherwood High School Siena School Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Small Wood Middle School South Branch STEM Education Consortium South Lakes High School Springbrook High School Springhill Lake Elementary St. Marys College Stone Manor Home Owners Association Thomas Edison HS Tilden Middle School University of Maryland Walt Whitman High School Green Team Washington Adventist University Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Westlands Middle School PTSA William Wirt Middle School Winston Churchill High School National Honor Society Wood Middle School PTSA
Americorps NCCC EPA Headquarters FEMA US Army Corps of Engineers
Dupont Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Prince William Forest Park
U.S. Marines U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Navy
District of Columbia
The District Department of the Environment
Pennsylvania Maryland
City of Rockville Charles County Office of Recycling City of College Park City of Greenbelt Maryland Transit Administration Purple Line
MD Natural Resources Police Montgomery County Department of Parks Prince George’s County Prince George’s Department of Environmental Resources St. Mary’s County Dept. of Public Works St. Mary’s County Parks Division Town of Capitol Heights
Fairfax County’s Employees for Environmental Excellence Bladensburg Town Council City of Alexandria Fairfax County Health Department Lake Ridge Parks & Rec Association PW County Public Works PWC Parks & Recreation Department
Accenture Aggregate Industries American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Works Association Andy’s Ribs Baker Donelson Black and Veatch Blue Planet Scuba Calleva CDM Smith City First Enterprises Clark Construction Coca-Cola Refreshments Comcast DC Water Deloitte Echo Stage Fairfax Water Fehlig Group GlaxoSmithKline Go Ape! HydroGeoLogic Inc. IFC International IFMA INVISTA Katten, Munchin and Travis King and Spalding Kohls Leller Williams Michael Baker Jr. Corp Moose Lodge Romney National Committee for Quality Assurance NRG Energy NuStar Energy Corporation Pepco Energy Services Prince William Marine Sales Protiviti Pure Prana Yoga Center River & Trail Outfitter River Riders Rosenman Law Firm Senate Asphalt and Paving
Tenacity Solutions Inc Viridian Energy VRE Wells Fargo ZGF Architects
Religious Organizations
Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center Centro Evangelistico Church Church of Jesus Christ of Capital Hill Church of Latter-day Saints Ebenezer Church of God End Time Harvest Ministries First Congressional Church UCC Holy Trinity Catholic Church Journey’s Crossing Church LDS Church of Capital Hill Prince of Peace Lutheran Church St. Camillus Parish St. James Episcopal Potomac St. Martin’s Church United Community Ministries Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville
Community Organizations, Clubs, and Nonprofits
AKE Homes Assoc. (LHA) Alternative House Amerian Rivers Animal Welfare Institute Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment Armfield Farm HOA Bailey’s Beautification Alliance Bailey’s Community Center Bannockburn Civic Association Bel Air Civic Association Blue Ridge Voyageurs Branch Avenue Litter Patrol BRW Civic Association Burgundy Crescent Volunteers Calvert Manor Civic Association Cannon Bluff HOA Canoe Cruisers Association Capital Rowing Club Cascades Green Team Charles County Arts Alliance Chase Hill Civic Association Citizens to Conserve and Restore Indian Creek (CCRIC) Clean Water Action Colby Club of DC Connecticut Overlook Home Owners Association Cool Spring Terrace Civic Association Country Club View Civic Association Crestwood (RRC) Community Association Cumberland C & O Canal Bike Patrol DC Strokes DC Surfider Deep Dreams Youth Aquatics Democratic Values in Action District Yacht Club DOD Civilians
Ducks Unlimited Earth Conservation Corps Eastern Branch Kiwanis Club Engineers for International Development Eyes of Paint Branch Fairfax Master Naturalists Fairfax SAI Center Fallsmead HOA Frederick County 4-H High Adventure Club Friends of Accotink Creek Friends of Briers Mill Run Friends of Chapman State Park Friends of Dyke Marsh Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Friends of Little Hunting Creek Friends of Ltle Rocky Run Friends of Quantico Bay Friends of Quincy Run Friends of Sligo Creek Friends of the Earth Great Falls Citizens Association Greater Tysons Green Civic Association Groundwork Anacostia River DC Gunston Manor Property Owners Association H.O.C. Montgomery County Hallowing Point HOA Hampshire Community Fun Day Project Hidden Creek HOA Hidden Oaks Nature Center Hispanics Against Child Abuse and Neglect Horton’s Kids Hume Springs Citizen’s Association Hunting Towers Hungerford Civic Association Kingston Chase Home Owners Association Keep Prince William Beautiful (KPWB) Kentlands Community Association Kentlands Community Foundation GO GREEN group Kiwanis Clubs of Southern Maryland (and their youth affiliates). Lake Jackson Dam Citizen’s Association Lakelands Community Association Landover Civic Association Landscape and Nature Discoveries Learn-Serve International Little Falls Watershed Alliance Living Classrooms Make a Difference House Marina Slip holders Occoquan YC Mason Collar Civic Assoc. Members of the Hungerford Civic Association Mid Atlantic Hiking Group Montgomery County Road Runners Montgomery Housing Partnership Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association Muddy Branch Alliance 25
National Potomac Yacht Club Neabsco Action Alliance (NAA) Neabsco Landing HOA members Neighbors of Northwest Branch Northern Virginia Conservation Trust Occoquan Forest HOA Occoquan Water Trail League Opequon Creek Project Team Organizing for Action Our House Group Home Outdoor Nation Palisades Association Inc. Piscataway Hills Citizens Association Point of Rocks Ruritan Club and friends Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance Port Tobacco River Conservancy Port Towns Boys Club Potomac River Power Squadron Potomac Valley Audubon Society Raise DC Reflection Homes Association Riverside Estates Citizens Association Riverside Estates Community Association Riverview Estates HOA Rock Creek Rowing Club Rotary Club of Dupont Circle Rotary Club of North Bethesda Rotary of Bailey’s Crossroads Sierra Club Sleepy Hollow Citizens Association SM Foundation residents South Branch Watershed Partnership South Cove HOA Southern Maryland Audubon Society St. Marys County Museum Divison Volunteers St. Mary’s River Watershed Association Stonehurst Homeowners assn Teach America Terrapin Trail Club University Park Civic Assoc. (UPCA) University Park Stream Committee Washington Area Parrot Head Club Washington Canoe Club Wellington Heights Citizens Association Wellness Ambassadors Westmoreland Hills Garden Club Members WMATA Woodbridge Potomac Communities Civic Association (WPCCA) Woodrow Wilson Library Woods at Muddy Branch HOA
2013 Potomac Champions
AFF Board of Directors
Each year at the Annual Potomac Watershed Trash Summit AFF celebrates leaders, organizations and residents make an extra effort to achieving a Trash Free Potomac through the Potomac Champion Award. This year’s winners are:
Michael Herman, President Nancy Gasparovic, Vice President Dan Jackson, Secretary Harold Phelps, Treasurer Bill Couper Abe Haspel
Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School: In recognition of exceptional implementation of the Trash Free Schools Project, a program designed to foster environmental stewardship through waste reduction and litter prevention. Woodbridge Potomac Communities Civic Association: In recognition of their leadership in implementing the Litter Prevention Campaign at a grassroots level in Woodbridge, VA. Sam’s Car Wash: In recognition of his work to address the issue of litter in their community including posting litter prevention signs, installing and maintaining litter cans in their community, and donating litter cans to other community groups. Perry Roots: In recognition of his dedications in leading cleanups in his community for over 30 years, improving public safety, and talking to people about the issue of litter. Ned Stone: In recognition of his leadership and dedication to watershed stewardship and improving the experience for people visiting Dyke Marsh. Friends of Sligo Creek: In recognition of twelve years of building awareness, engaging communities, and leading cleanups.
Kent L. Hibben Steve Kim Stevenson McIlvaine Frank Nicolai Sheryl Romeo Liz Theobalds Monique Walker Bernard “Bud” Wareham Mike Williams
AFF Staff
In Partnership with UDC
Healthy Cities, Healthy People. For the University of the District of Columbia, sustainability is a vital component of our mission. As a land-grant institution, we are committed to building healthy, vibrant and livable communities in Washington, D.C., and recognize the role which sustainability plays in today’s world. Sustainability has direct implications for UDC’s campus, students, faculty and staff, as well as the District as a whole. Therefore, UDC created a comprehensive set of sustainable policies and practices as a path forward not only for our future, but for our present. Since 2010, the University of the District of Columbia has worked to transform our Van Ness campus, incorporating sustainable concepts. As part of our Sustainability Initiative, we: • Built the largest green roof project in the District with our Dennard Plaza/ Parking Deck, which features 90,000 square feet of green roof space above the parking garage. • Installed Stormwater Collection Cisterns with a total capacity of 18,000 gallons to collect stormwater runoff from the plaza deck. The water is used for an on-campus water feature and toward irrigation. • Installed 24 Brita Hydration Stations across campus to discourage the use of bottled water. • Built an Environmental Quality Lab in our Water Resources Research Institute that is expected to be certified by the EPA. • Built a Zero Energy Visitor Center that generates 100 percent of its electrical need from solar and wind power. • Are constructing the District’s first LEED platinum student center that will use geothermal heating and cooling. For more information, contact Dr. Dwane Jones, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, at 26
Lori Arguelles Kathryn Barger Ann Bodling Sara Campbell Elizabeth Campbell Leandra Darden Laura Gillespie Leona Haiden Maya Higgins Deanna Lutz Craig Makufka Victoria Martin Karen Miles Chris Ordiway
Sharon Rabie Elizabeth Rives Keith Roumfort Morgan Seeley Doris Sharp Susan Simonson Farley Smith Katie Thatcher William Townsend Zoë Unruh Eileen Watts Brenda Wright Jonathan Wright
Trash Initiative Staff Clara Elias, Acting Program Manager Alena Rosen, Communications Coordinator Albert Arevalo, Community Outreach Liason Everette Bradford, Community Outreach Liason Lina Scott, Program Assistant
The Alice Ferguson Foundation Environmental Education on the Potomac
Located just ten miles from the nation’s capital on the shore of the Potomac River, the Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) was established in 1954 as a nonprofit organization, chartered in the state of Maryland. Our mission is to connect people to the natural world, sustainable agricultural practices and the cultural heritage of their local watershed through education, stewardship and advocacy. We use our area’s woodlands, wetlands and waterways to provide the following programs to students, teachers and arts enthusiasts.
Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center
Our credentialed naturalists use experiential learning techniques to teach environmental studies to several thousand elementary school students annually on our 330-acre working farm on the banks of the Potomac River. More than a third of our students are at-risk youth from the region’s underserved communities in Maryland, The Distric of Columbia, and Virginia.
Bridging the Watershed
Bridging the Watershed uses hands-on, curriculum-based outdoor studies in national and state parks to promote student academic achievement, create personal connections with the natural world, encourage lifelong civic engagement and foster an ethic of environmental stewardship. For more than a dozen years AFF has worked in partnership with the National Park Service and area schools to deliver this innovative and award-winning program.
Teacher Institutes and Workshops
Through its summer institutes and workshops, AFF provides professional development opportunities for K through 12th grade teachers in environmental science using inquiry-based instructional methods that result in a greater comfort working in and teaching about the natural world.
Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative
The Initiative seeks to create a lasting reduction of litter and waste in the Potomac Watershed through public education, advocacy, market incentives and strong policy and regulatory efforts. The Trash Initiative has its roots in the annual Potomac River Cleanup, the largest regional event of its kind, which has rallied over 130,000 volunteers since it began in 1989.
Arts and Culture at Hard Bargain Farm
Alice and Henry Ferguson’s legacy lives on in the carefully preserved land, buildings gardens and art they created. The Amphitheater at Hard Bargain Farm is home to the annual performance series Concert in the Woods and Theater in the Woods. It holds productions from spring into fall.
How Can I Support the Alice Ferguson Foundation?
Please visit our award-winning, educational website at www.fergusonfoundation. org. Donate online or learn about the benefits of membership or volunteering. Individual, tax-deductible memberships start at $45. There are many other ways you may choose to support us, including: monthly gifts, planned giving, gifts of stock, or memorial gifts. We make every dollar count! Sponsor AFF programs by emailing We participate in the Combined Federal Campaign and United Way. 27
Thank You to our Sponsors:
Additional Sponsors: Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company ; DC Water; Gangplank Marina Slipholders Association; Kohl’s; Prince George’s County Department of Natural Resources; and Starbucks Foundation.
Alice Ferguson Foundation
2001 Bryan Point Road • Accokeek Maryland, 20607 • 301-292-5665 1255 23rd Street. NW Suite #275• Washington, DC 20036 • 202-518-7415 Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper.