The Alice Ferguson Foundation presents the
7th Annual Potomac Watershed Trash Summit
n io t c A e k Ta d n a , n la P , s s Learn, Discu
November 7, 2012 •Silver Spring Civic Building • One Veterans Place • Silver Spring, MD 20910
To the 7th Annual Trash Summit I welcome you to the 7th annual Potomac Watershed Trash Summit. This year’s Summit is a time for both reflections on past progress as well as a focus on forward momentum. Even as we continue to seek the institutions, infrastructure and policies that will achieve a lasting reduction of litter in the Potomac Watershed we CAN and SHOULD celebrate our many successes. With bag bills passed in two jurisdictions, a regulatory TMDL on the Anacostia, expanding litter enforcement efforts, and five jurisdictions and three communities adopting the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign, we have seen marked progress towards the goal of a trash free Potomac. This year’s Trash Summit has been designed to examine the additional steps that need to be taken in the future. Throughout the day you will hear about new projects, expanding initiatives and proposed policies, as well as have the opportunity to create action items that will drive progress in the coming year. Recognizing that this event only happens once a year, we hope that you will use the time here to make connections, open dialogues, visit our exhibitors, and hear from our speakers and youth presenters.
The Alice Ferguson Foundation is delighted to offer a new way for you to stay connected and keep up to date throughout the year with the latest actions against trash. Our recently launched Trash Free Potomac Network is an easy-to-use database that allows you to find volunteer opportunities, local cleanups, and workshops throughout the Potomac Watershed as well as advertise your own trash-related events. Our thanks to REI for providing the support needed to launch this network and to each of YOU for making the network a vital part of our efforts to address the trash problem in the region throughout the year. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to creating clean land, safe water, and healthy lives for residents of the Potomac. Sincerely,
Lori Arguelles Executive Director Alice Ferguson Foundation
Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative
Advisory Council The Council advises the Alice Ferguson Foundation and the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative in the development of short and long term trash reduction strategic plans for the region through bi-annual meetings and the Potomac Watershed Trash Summit. Chair: Honorable Chris Van Hollen, U.S. House of Representatives, Maryland Jim Foster, Executive Director, Anacostia Watershed Society Jon Capacasa, Director, Water Protection Division, EPA Region III Honorable Mary Cheh, Councilmember, District of Columbia Council Honorable Gerald Connolly, U.S. House of Representatives, Virginia Honorable Judith “J” Davis, Mayor, City of Greenbelt
Paul Fiore, Governmental Affairs Manager, Tire Industry Association Stuart Freudberg, Director, Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Honorable David Gray, Board of County Commissioners, Frederick County Honorable Penny Gross, Supervisor, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Dr. Jana Davis, Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Trust George Hawkins, General Manager, DC Water Linda Howard, Executive Director, Summit Fund of Washington Honorable Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives
Daniel Jackson, Research Fellow, Logistics Management Institute; Member, Board of Directors, Alice Ferguson Foundation Honorable Isiah Leggett, County Executive, Montgomery County Jerry Johnson, General Manager, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Michael Herman, President, Board of Directors, Alice Ferguson Foundation Honorable Thomas V. Miller, President, Maryland State Senate Honorable James Moran, U.S. House of Representatives, Virginia Joel Oxley, General Manager, WGMS/ WFED/WTOP/Washington Post Radio Jerry Phillips, Public Affairs Broadcaster, Federal News Radio 1500 and NBC-4 Reporters Notebook
Thank You to our Sponsors:
Program Guide Contents 4 4
Founders Hall Map Summit Agenda The Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative Potomac River Watershed Profile The 24th Annual Cleanup Results Trash Free Potomac Network The Trash Treaty The Framework Public Education Market-Based Approaches Enforcement Policy In Your Jurisdictions The District of Columbia Maryland Virginia
5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 14 14 15 20
2012 Cleanup Partners Potomac Champion Awardees Alice Ferguson Foundation
24 26 27
Consider this... Our trash problem is fixable. Trash is local, but the solution is watershed-wide. There are key tangible, measurable actions that will get us to a Trash Free Potomac.
Silver Spring Civic Building Map
Second Floor
First Floor
Summit Agenda 12:30 p.m.- 1:45 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
Lunchtime Plenary Session • Potomac Champion Awards • Youth Track Presentation • Jean-Michel Cousteau, Founder and President, Ocean Futures Society
Check-in, Continental Breakfast, and Networking
9:00 a.m. -9:45 a.m. Opening Plenary
10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m
Morning Concurrent Sessions • Policy -Spring • Creative Engagement - Fenton • Elevating the 4 Rs - Colesville
Afternoon Concurrent Roundtable Sessions • Public Education - Spring • Compost - Fenton • Monitoring - Ellsworth
12:00 p.m.- 12:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m
Trash Free Lunch and Networking – Take time to visit all of the exhibitors and learn more about the exciting work they are accomplishing.
Closing Plenary
Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative The Trash Issue
Since 1989, the Alice Ferguson Foundation has coordinated the annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. In 2005, after 16 years of Cleanups, AFF and its partners recognized that trash cleanups were not addressing the root cause and sources of waterborne debris, and a systemic approach to this problem was required. In response, AFF launched the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative with the goal of achieving a “Trash Free Potomac Watershed by 2013!” The objectives of the Initiative are to: • Challenge regional leaders to work collaboratively; • Bring together key stakeholders to research and explore alternative, cost-effective solutions that will have long term impact; • Improve general public education and awareness that can shift individual behaviors. A Trash Free Potomac will be achieved when the institutions, infrastructure, and policies are in place to create a sustained reduction in litter.
The trash and debris that plagues the Potomac Watershed region negatively impacts community aesthetic and well-being in a variety of ways including: • Interfering with public use and enjoyment of river and streamside parks; • Significant negative chemical and biological impacts such as leaking and/or leaching of toxics from certain types of disposed items such as used oil quart containers, oil filters and car batteries; • Interfering with the establishment of emergent aquatic plants; • Being hazardous to wildlife through ingestion of or entanglement in floating debris. Trash travels from our streets into storm drains and waterways until it reaches the Potomac. While there is currently limited research or regional data that tracks the sources of regional trash, we surmise that the majority of this litter originates from improperly or intentionally disposed items along roadsides and in public and private open spaces.
Potomac River Watershed Profile Area The drainage area covers 14,670 sq. miles •• Maryland – 3,818 sq. miles •• Virginia – 5,723 sq. miles •• West Virginia – 3,490 sq. miles •• Pennsylvania – 1,570 sq. miles •• DC – 69 sq. miles
The basin lies in five geological provinces: •• Appalachian Plateau •• Ridge and Valley •• Blue Ridge •• Piedmont Plateau •• Coastal Plain
383 miles from the Fairfax Major Tributaries Stone (West Virginia) •• Shenandoah River to Point Lookout, Maryland •• South Branch River •• Monocacy River Population •• Savage River Approximately 4.6 •• Cacapon River million people live •• Anacostia River in the watershed, of •• Occoquan Rivers which 3.7 million live in the Washington, •• Antietam Creek DC, metropolitan •• Conococheague area. Creek 5
Water Flow Average flow is approximately 7 billion gallons per day. The largest flow measured at Washington, DC, in March 1936 was 275 billion gallons per day. The lowest flow, in September 1966, was 388 million gallons per day before water supply withdrawals.
Major Cities •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
Washington, DC Frederick, MD Hagerstown, MD Rockville, MD Chambersburg, PA Gettysburg, PA Alexandria, VA Harrisonburg, VA Winchester, VA Harpers Ferry, WV Martinsburg, WV
The 24th Annual Potomac
Watershed Cleanup Since 1989, close to 110,000 volunteers have teamed with 500 partner organizations to tug close to 6 million pounds (the equivalent weight of 216 school buses) of trash from the watershed’s streams, rivers and bays. The annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup has become a decisive catalyst for progress that unites people throughout the watershed with the Alice Ferguson Foundation’s community spirit. The largest regional event of its kind, the Cleanup provides a transformative experience that engages citizens and community leaders and generates momentum for change. In April 2012, 262 tons of trash was removed from 660 reporting sites in Washington, DC; Maryland; Virginia; Pennsylvania; and West Virginia during the 24th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup.
April 14, 2012
2012 Cleanup Photo Contest Winner By Shelley Alingas, Potomac River Keeper
2012 Cleanup Data:
• 262 Total Tons Removed (524,000 lbs.) • 13,945 bags of trash and recyclables • 185,300 containersof recyclable glass, aluminum and plastic bottles • 31,450 plastic bags • 37,600 cigarette butts • 1,566 tires
Partners and Volunteers:
• 14,616 Volunteers • Each volunteer removed an average of 35.8 pounds of trash • More than 490 participating groups and partners
Interesting Items Found: • 24 Bicycles • 12 Matresses • 7 Lawn Mowers • 64 Shopping Carts • Fishing Rods • Kitchen Sink • 3 Message in a Bottle • 3 Refrigerators • Latrine Door • Milk Crates • 7 Plastic Lawn Chairs • 14 Orange Cones • Old Horse Drawn Plow
• 4 Fire Exstiguishers • Washing Machine • 4 Suitcases • Various Car Parts • Plastic Raft • Tricycle from 1955 • Giraffe Mask • Picnic Table • 6ft Stuffed Shark • 5 TVs • 4 Cellphones
Trash Free Potomac Network
The Trash Free Potomac Network is an online community that was created to connect volunteers, organizations, businesses and governments in order to address the pervasive trash problem in the Potomac region. The Trash Network features information yearround about local cleanups, workshops, and trash monitoring opportunities. We encourage you to use the Network to find volunteer opportunities as well as post your own events to recruit participants and share information. Highlights include: • User-friendly search function and map to find events near you. • The ability to create email alerts that notify you when new events in your area are posted. • Results from cleanups and monitoring events can be easily entered and tracked. • Registration for event leaders, which gives them Event leader registration, which provides easy access to sites and control over posted events. All sites and events that are created are saved under the event leader’s user name so that they can be reused and viewed by the event leader. This easy-to-use, online clearinghouse is designed to transform the way in which groups identify and engage with activities that build toward a trash free future. Cleanups, Monitoring and Workshops can all be posted on the Trash Network. Cleanup Opportunities: Anyone who has registered an account can post a cleanup event on the Trash Network to advertise their event and recruit volunteers. Volunteers will be able to easily find the cleanup events through the use of the search tool or through the map. The Trash Network will also serve as the database for our Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, giving site leaders an interface where they can update site information and add data easily. Monitoring Opportunities: The Trash Network will help recruit volunteers to become part of the Visible Trash Survey or Photo Monitoring Programs and serve as a hub to store the collected data. Analyzing the trash data collected through these program provides crucial information in directing efforts and resources towards trash and litter reduction. Workshops: Trash related events such as workshops, conferences, meetings, and lectures can be publicized on the Trash Network by event leaders. For example, as our Trash Free Facilities Program develops, we will be holding workshops on waste reduction, green purchasing, and sustainability for facilities and will be advertising them through the Trash Network. Visit the Trash Network to view or post upcoming events at
The FieldScope Project Trash Network data will not only be available for tracking by event leaders but will also be captured on the Trash Initiative’s FieldScope project map. FieldScope, a National Geographic program, is a webbased platform for citizen science projects involving geographic data. This interactive map will provide a much needed visualization and analysis tool for the trash problem in the Potomac Watershed by tracking cleanup and monitoring results by GPS location through time. FieldScope provides a user-friendly experience by allowing the viewer to choose the features and data they would like to appear on the map as well as providing multiple ways of conducting data analysis through graphs and charts. As more data is entered into the Trash Network, the FieldScope map will easily be able to track trash trends in an area over a period of time, compare regional policies to the collected data, and identify trash hotspots. The Trash Initiative’s FieldScope project map will be launched for public use in early 2013.
The Potomac River Watershed Trash
Potomac R
iver Water
Trash Tre a
As elected officials in the Washing Watershed to , we recogn ize the impo n Metropolitan Area quality of and as resid rtance of th life. ents of the e Potomac Potomac R These water River and its iver s provide vi tributaries tal environm constituenc to the region ies. These en ’s tal, econom benefits, ho the Potom ic and soci wev ac and its tr ibutaries, su er, are severely impa al benefits to the citiz We agree th ire en ch d s as by w ithin our the Anaco the many fo at trash: stia River. rms of tras h carried by • Severely degrades th e visual land • Is a signi scape; ficant sour ce of pollu • Severely tion; degrades th e quality of • Is a major life for our expense fo citizens an r our comm d visitors; • Is largely unities and pr eventable th businesses; We extend ro and ugh greate our gratitu r individual de to the m stewardshi agencies an any thousa p. d nonprofit nds of citiz en or Cleanup. T ganizations volunteers his , communiti who partic ipate each major posit effort and the many es, busines spring in th ot ses, ive effect. e Potomac They do no hers that occur at ot To dramat River Water he t, r ho tim w es of the ye ever, addres ically impr shed ar in this re s the trash ove the en problem at joyment of gion have committed a the source the rivers an to a Trash . Fr d ee st reams of th Potomac by governmen e Potomac 2013. We pl t agencies, w edge to wor atershed, w nonprofits e are k with regi • Supportin and comm onal leader g and impl unities to fo s, businesse ementing re cus efforts • Increasin s, gi on on : al strategies g education aimed at re and awaren ducing tras • Reconven ess of the h an ing annual trash issue d increasin ly to discus g recycling. throughout It is with pr s and evalua the Potom ide that we, te measure ac Watersh s and actio the elected ed. this the Tw ns addressin officials enty-eighth g trash redu Day of Mar of the Potomac River W ction. atershed, sig ch, in the ye n this agre ar Two Tho ement on usand and
“Trash Free by 2013”
On the eve of the 17th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup in 2005, AFF brokered the Potomac Watershed Trash Treaty among key political leaders in the DC Metropolitan Area. The Trash Treaty signatories committed to achieving a Trash Free Potomac by 2013. Over the past seven years, nearly 200 elected officials have signed the Trash Treaty and there has been marked progress towards making the Potomac Watered trash free as a result. As the “deadline” of 2013 approaches we prepare for celebration, as well as evaluation of what’s needed next. Where do we go from here? For the Alice Ferguson Foundation a Trash Free Potomac Watershed means that the institutions, infrastructure, and policies are in place that will lead to a lasting reduction of litter in the Potomac Watershed. 2013 will mark the 25th year of the Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, which presents an opportunity to celebrate past achievements while looking toward the future. Over the course of the coming year, we will continue to work with partners to evaluate successes and identify challenges that need to be overcome in order to achieve the ultimate goal of putting in place the institutions, infrastructure and policies for a trash free Potomac Watershed.
Framework For a Trash Free Watershed The Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative’s work is based on five core interrelated components: Public Education, Market-Based Approaches, Enforcement, Policy, and Regulation.
Public Education
Goals: • Implement a regional social marketing campaign that inspires citizens and businesses to change littering behavior and take action towards a trash free watershed. • Use unified messaging and pooled public and private resources to achieve message retention. • Target messaging and materials toward particular audiences (i.e. youth, waste hauling companies, food service establishments, or multi-cultural communities).
Goals: • Maximize existing laws and establish trash reduction policies and goals at the local, state, and federal level. • Pass, implement, and evaluate reusable bag incentive legislation. • Increase availability and use of large scale composting in the watershed. • Increase sustainability in food service products by exploring polystyrene-related legislation. • Improve litter collection and enforcement laws. • Explore and pass beverage container deposit legislation.
Market-Based Approaches
Goals: • Fully implement the Trash Free Potomac Facility Program which encourages businesses and facilities to responsibly manage and prevent waste. • Improve economic incentives for residents for preventing waste, recycling, and composting in order to boost responsible waste management, as well as to prevent littering. • Collaborate with the Organics Task force coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance to promote the creation of composting facilities and improved policy in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
Goals: • Ensure regulation of trash in our waterways under the provisions of the Clean Water Act by creating a measurable, tangible limit to the amount of trash allowed in a body of water through stormwater permits and TMDLs. • Monitor stormwater permit implementation plan development to ensure quantitative measures, new technology, and results-driven planning and budgeting. • Ensure implementation of trash reduction Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as targeted and frequent street sweeping, structural technologies, installation of extra public litter cans, development of bulk trash collection programs, and securing of loads for vehicles transporting waste.
Goals: • Encourage enforcement of existing local, county, and state laws for littering, illegal dumping, windblown trash, and containment and disposal of trash. • Design enforcement programs with strong support from senior officials to ensure adequate resources, consistent communication to the community, and flexibility and accountability for different challenges. • Coordinate Litter Enforcement Month to increase engagement and training of officers to improve litter enforcement activities. 9
Regional Litter Prevention Campaign Recognizing the importance of public education and awareness in creating behavior change, the Alice Ferguson Foundation created the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign to change littering behaviors of residents in the Potomac Watershed. This public education and social marketing campaign is designed to raise awareness and understanding of the issue of litter, change attitudes and perceptions, and persuade watershed citizens to think twice about their behavior. The Litter Campaign was piloted in the winter of 2011 and was expanded into new jurisdictions and communities over this past year. The keystone element to the campaign’s success is the extensive network of partnering jurisdictions and agencies who work collaboratively with AFF to implement the Litter Campaign’s watershed-wide message through existing outreach channels they have available. Though the message and materials remain consistent, the implementation strategies of the Litter Campaign for jurisdictions and communities can vary.
Jurisdiction Involvement Since its implementation, the campaign has been adopted by four jurisdictions; Montgomery County, Washington, D.C., Arlington County, and Fairfax County. Toolkits are available to help participating jurisdictions adopt and employ the Campaign in a manner that fits their budget and pre-existing programs. Below are examples of how some jurisdictions have utilized the materials to implement the Campaign. • Several agencies within the District of Columbia collaborated to implement the Litter Campaign. For instance, AFF worked with the Department of General Services and Department of Public Works to get our litter prevention posters in all the District’s public schools. • Montgomery County deployed multiple toolkit materials, including a Radio ad on WTOP, bus ads (shelters, interior and exterior ads), and a print ad in the Gazette’s Annual Community Guide, which helped increase campaign coverage by utilizing a variety of channels. • Arlington utilized their high-traffic sites by placing posters in county schools, libraries and community centers and prominently displaying the web banner on the County, DES, and trash and recycling websites, which exposed a large audience to the Litter Campaign’s message. • Multiple jurisdictions are utilizing social media by utilizing Twitter and Facebook, making the Litter Campaign’s message accessible to a new audience and engaging those under the age of 30, the age group that is most at risk of littering according to our research done by OpinionWorks in 2008. See the jurisdictional report section of this program book to view on progress in each location. 10
Next Steps Along with recruitment of new jurisdictions and communities, the Trash Initiative is seeking to partner with businesses, schools, nonprofits, and community groups to reach the broadest spectrum of citizens and increase message visibility of the Regional Litter Prevention Campaign throughout the entire Potomac River Watershed. In the coming year the Trash Initiative and our partners plan to: • Refine and implement best practices for community outreach.
Community Involvement
• Expand reach and effectiveness of the Litter Prevention Campaign by improving toolkit items, expanding social media, and coordinating a video contest.
The Regional Litter Prevention Campaign was piloted in the community of Deanwood in Washington, D.C. from 2010-2011. Taking the lessons learned from Deanwood, Trash Initiative staff have worked with the Prince George’s County’s communities of Forest Heights, Capitol Heights, and Branch Avenue - Hillcrest Heights - Marlow Heights to implement the Litter Campaign. Utilizing the Campaign’s Toolkit items geared toward reducing litter in the community, these Trash Free Communities have: • Incorporated the Campaign message and images in communications like websites, emails, and 5 local newsletters. • Distributed visual materials including 200 posters, 500 bumper stickers, 500 reusable bags, and flyers to residents businesses, schools, and faithbased organizations in the town of Forest Heights. • Engaged local volunteers and conducted 5 cleanups in Forest Heights and along Branch Avenue. • Utilized stewardship themed materials with 6 houses of worship in Forest Heights, Deanwood, and along Branch Avenue. • Conducted 10 presentations with sports teams, enrichment programs, and library groups. • Recruited 15 businesses and organizations to display materials for employees and customers in Forest Heights • Engaged public schools through Trash Free Schools Project, and conducted 6 Potomac Watershed school yard cleanups.
• Deploy the Litter Prevention Campaign within the Potomac Watershed through a joint media buy. • Explore how to measure the Litter Prevention Campaign effectiveness to inform strategy.
Trash Free Schools Project The 2011- 2012 school year marked the first full year of of the Trash Free Schools (TFS) Project, which combines education with action to reduce the trash footprint of K- 12 schools and create environmentally-aware school cultures. Our project engages the entire school including students, teachers and staff, in addressing waste and litter through a simple framework that is flexible and easy to implement. Some Trash Free Schools draw their motivation from trips to Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center, where they learn how trash affects our watershed and what they can do to help. This year, we are recruiting new schools and challenging existing schools to improve their efforts. Last year nine schools participated, eight of which successfully turned in their TFS report card. Scores ranged from 66 to 94 out of 100, with a B+ average. Below is an overview of their efforts: Trash Education: 100% educated their students, faculty and staff. Classrooms: 100% reduced trash and 88% had recycling bins in every classroom. Cafeteria: 50% reduced waste through recycling, composting and/or Trash Free lunches. Offices: 75% had recycling or low-waste strategies in offices. Litter Prevention: 50% adopted a campaign and 88% participated in a cleanup.
2011-2012 Participating Schools: • Accokeek Academy • Anne Beers Elementary School • Brent Elementary School • Burrville Elementary School • Forest Heights Elementary School • Houston Elementary School • Kimball Elementary School • Nannie Helen Burroughs Elementary School • Tubman Elementary School • Watkins Elementary School
Composting Several composting facilities are opening in the region:
In partnership with the National Capital Region Organics Task Force, AFF advocates to resolve the sources of trash in the region by reclaiming food waste as compost. This past year the region has made some great progress. Composting pilots have set the stage for food-scrap composting throughout the region. Prince Williams County’s pilot to accept food waste in its composting program is now permanent. Arlington County won an award from the Virginia Recycling Association for the food composting collection pilot at their detention center. Composting is being introduced into schools. Both the District of Columbia and Montgomery County launched composting pilots in several schools, including a Trash Free School, Anne Beers Elementary (see above).
• Howard County is building a composting facility at their Alpha Ridge Landfill to process food and yard waste from roughly 10,000 households in Ellicott City and Elkridge ( • Chesapeake Compost Works opened its doors October 1, 2012 in Baltimore with an expected processing capacity of 30,000 tons/year ( • Freestate Farms, a Fauquier County, Virginia based company is organizing its first commercial compost facility near Marshall, VA which is expected to open late 2013 - early 2014 ( • ECO City Farms is expanding to a new site in Bladensburg next spring allowing them to more than double their composting capacity. They currently are composting 600700 lbs/week. ( Help these efforts. Consider joining the National Capital Region Organics Task Force. This group of government, public interest, institutional and business representatives are working to expand recovery,full capture and utilization of organic materials in the region. (
Litter and Illegal Dumping Litter Enforcement Month 2012
Throughout the second annual Litter Enforcement Month, ten agencies from nine jurisdictions joined us to raise awareness of litter, illegal dumping and related crimes, the laws associated with them, and their effects on our communities, our economy, and the Potomac River. This was accomplished, with ongoing support from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, through officer education, public education, and an increase in enforcement efforts of litter and litter-related codes during the month of April.
Participating Agencies:
Maryland: Maryland-National Capital Park Police, Maryland National Resources Police, Montgomery County Police Department, and Prince George’s County Police Department Virginia: Alexandria Police Department and Code Administration, Arlington County Police Department and Prince William County Police Department The District: District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Other: Department and United States Park Police. During Litter Enforcement Month more than 4,000 officers were encouraged to enforce litter-related codes, and 103 received litter enforcement training. Eight jurisdictions issued press releases resulting in 26 media hits, while public outreach was conducted through a variety of venues including community meetings, posters, websites, social media and TV and Radio PSAs. All jurisdictions contributed to enforcement efforts for a total of 850 reports and citations issued including 84 litter and illegal dumping citations, of which 45 were civil and 39 criminal.
Policy in Action
Over the past year, AFF and our partners have been diligently working on policy solutions to reduce litter. The District of Columbia and Montgomery County reusable bag incentive policies have proven to reduce disposable bag use and plastic bag litter. With these successes, the Trash Free Maryland Alliance continues to work towards increasing the area of the watershed covered by these successful and simple economic incentives to increase reusable bag use. Sponsored by Senator Brian Frosh, District 16 and Delegate Mary Washington, District 43, the statewide bag policy continued to gain supporters and recognition in the state legislatures and will be pursued again in 2013. Likewise, the Prince George’s County
fee-enabling legislation, which will give the County the ability to pursue their own fee, came close to passing out of the House committee, missing by just one vote. Clarifying confusing points and emphasizing the urgency of these bills will hopefully help move them along this year. Beyond bag policies, we have also been exploring opportunities for improving waste management as this piece of infrastructure is a key component to solving the litter problem. With the recent District of Columbia Recycling roundtable and the Prince George’s County 10-Year Solid Waste Plan, AFF and partners have been able to engage these jurisdictions as they develop robust plans that will work towards effective waste diversion and contribute to solving the litter problem. 13
In Your Jurisdictions
Jurisdictions from around the region were invited to share the efforts that they are taking to reduce trash, increase recycling, increase education on litter, and evaluate their actions from the past year. We thank these government agencies for being a part of the solution.
$75. This law also allowed MPD to enforce against littering from a vehicle. The penalty for the offense is a $100 fine, with any appeals adjudicated by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Since this violation is enforced and adjudicated similar to other civil traf¬fic violations, it was immediately implemented across the District. DDOE has one full time inspector that checks for Bag Law compliance amongst businesses. DDOE’s Bag Law inspector has also run an agency-wide cross-training session to allow all DDOE staff to help provide evidence for businesses not charging the 5 cent fee. The Council of the District of Columbia recently enacted legislation to enable the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to enforce anti-littering laws. The fine for the litter¬ing violation is $75. This law also allowed MPD to enforce against littering from a vehicle. The penalty for the offense is a $100 fine, with any appeals adjudicated by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Since this violation is enforced and adjudicated similar to other civil traf¬fic violations, it was immediately implemented across the District. Due to the ticket and adjudication process for enforcing antilitter laws being so new, enforcement began with a pilot program in the Fourth District. On August 1, 2012, MPD expanded this pilot project and launched Phase II of the littering enforcement program in the Sixth Police District. Phase I of the project will continue in the 4th District (which consists of part of Ward 4). Starting September 1st, 2012, officers in the 6th District (which consists of part of Wards 7 & 8) began writing valid tickets. • In 2011, the 4th District issued 12 tickets for littering. • Between January 1st and July 31st 2012, the 4th District has written 3 tickets for littering. • In 2011, MPD issued a total of 64 tickets for littering from a vehicle. • At this time we do not have the data on how many vehicle littering tickets have been issued in 2012. Stormwater Technology DDOE issued a $200,000 grant in 2011 to install two (2) new trash capture devices in the Anacostia watershed. The grant was awarded to Anacostia Riverkeeper (ARK) and Groundwork Anacostia River DC (GWARDC). In collaboration with DDOE, two new Bandalong litter traps were installed. ARK managed installation and GWAR has managed the maintenance of the two devices. One device was installed in Watts Branch, at the Prince George’s County/DC line. The second device was installed at a stormwater outfall, adjacent to the James Creek marina, in SW DC. Funding for these devices came from collection of the DC Bag Fee. DDOE recently awarded two new grants to the Anacostia Watershed Society and Earth Conservation Corps, respectively, to install custom designed trash capture devices in the Anacostia watershed. DDOE is working on finalizing design and installation sites with both organizations now. Funding for these devices comes from collection of the DC Bag Fee. DDOE and DC Water completed installation of a large stormwater BMP in Fall 2011 which will collect stormwater pollutants from the piped section of Hickey Run, above New York Ave NE. This BMP was designed to collect over 10,000 lbs of trash from reaching lower Hickey Run. The device was also designed to collect large amounts of sediment, oil and grease emanating from the stormwater outfall. Trash Hot Spots DDOE has identified several “hotspot” sewersheds based on the loading calculations performed for the trash TMDL. These sewersheds are responsible for providing above average loads of trash to the Anacostia River. These sewersheds will be considered a priority for implementing trash reduction practices as part of TMDL implementation. As part of the 2008 Anacostia Trash Reduction Strategy, AWS identified several streets in the Anacostia watershed which
District of Columbia
Legislative/Regulation The Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Act of 2009 (“Bag Law”) requires all District businesses selling food or alcohol to charge $.05 for each disposable paper or plastic carryout bag. To date, the $.05 Bag Law has raised over $4.9 million. Revenue from the Bag Law is deposited into the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Fund, a special purpose fund managed by DDOE. The moneys deposited into the fund are used to implement watershed education programs, stream restoration and trash retention projects, and to purchase and distribute over 45,000 reusable bags. During this past year, DDOE has continued to raise awareness about the Bag Law by producing radio, video and newspaper ads that help explain to the public how funds from the Bag Law are being used to help restore and protect the District’s waterways. The Green Building Act of 2006 requires LEED certification or Green Communities for residential areas. There are credits in LEED for various recycling efforts, both during construction, and during operation and management. In compliance with the Act, DC is proposing a new green code for adoption which will include recycling provisions of 50% for all construction waste and 75% of site waste (trees, soils, etc.). Public Outreach and Education Throughout the past year, DDOE has continued to conduct a variety of education and outreach activities. DDOE has attended a variety of outreach events to display our efforts to combat litter. Examples include the 2011 H St Festival, the World Bank’s World Environment Day, and both the 2011 and 2012 Live Green DC Festival. We have been displaying the anti-littering campaign materials; our Skip the Bag, Save the River campaign materials; and disseminating reusable grocery bags. Over the past year, DDOE purchased 45,000 reusable bags for distribution. DDOE also hosted several sites at the annual Potomac Watershed Trash Clean-up and Anacostia Trash Clean-up events. DDOE also conducts trash clean-ups at its biannual All Hands Day Events. This past year, DDOE Created a new TV ad on the Bag Law that explains how Bag Law money is being spent to clean up our local waterways. That ad can be viewed here: com/watch?v=Tm5IRZ37N0s. In addition, DDOE aired two new Bag Law radio ads on WTOP. DDOE, in partnership with the Departments of Public Works, Health and Transportation, developed new pet waste campaign signs. DDOE is currently working on posting those signs citywide. Starting in November 2011, DDOE funded AFF to implement a trash focused meaningful watershed education experience (MEWEE) at five schools in the District. The program will focus on providing a MEWEE to 480 students at the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade levels. The project will include implementing AFF’s Trash Free Schools initiative at participating schools. Law Enforcement DDOE has one full time inspector that checks for Bag Law compliance amongst businesses. DDOE’s Bag Law inspector has also run an agency-wide cross-training session to allow all DDOE staff to help provide evidence for businesses not charging the 5 cent fee. The Council of the District of Columbia recently enacted legislation to enable the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to enforce anti-littering laws. The fine for the litter¬ing violation is 14
Capacity Building DGS has reduced food waste at DCPS schools through a composting pilot program, a pulping/dehydrating demonstration project, and increased recycling through the distribution of more than 5,000 classroom and schoolyard recycling bins. The District Department of the Environment’s composting program is averaging 1,000 pounds/month of collected materials (food organics, paper products, and paper towels). Envirelation, LLC, is the hauler for the compostable materials. The compostables are transported to Delaware. In 2012, the District, under the leadership of DDOE and the Office of Planning, completed the development of Mayor Gray’s Vision for a Sustainable DC. Members of the community were engaged in the development of the vision. Several focus groups were called to order, including a group focused on waste. As part of the vision, the waste workgroup came up with the goal of achieving zero waste production in the District by 2032. To achieve this goal, the workgroup identified quick, short-term and mid-term actions. The mid-term action calls for a study of the feasibility of waste-to-energy and waste conversion technologies. The short term action included expanding the number of public recycling and litter receptacles, concentrating on neighborhoods with large amounts of litter. The mid-term action requires providing all households with a three-track collection process (landfill, recyclables, compostable material) and implementing other strategies to encourage recycling and composting. Other This year, DDOE was pleased to award the Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) a grant to conduct a large-scale research project entitled, “The Bag Law Consumption Trends Study.” The study is intended to provide DDOE with statistically significant details on actual bag consumption rates in the District of Columbia since the $.05 fee requirement took effect on January 1, 2010. The study will also provide an understanding of District residents’ attitudes and behaviors toward single-use bag use from January 2010 to the present. In addition, the study will provide an understanding of the District’s business owners, managers and resident’s attitudes toward single-use bag use and the law’s impact on their businesses, before implementation of the law in January 2010 to present.
possess relatively large amounts of litter. In 2011, DDOE funded DPW to develop and implement an enhanced street sweeping strategy which increased the weekly efficiency of street sweeping throughout the District. Successful implementation of this strategy will allow for DPW to sweep these “hotspot” streets an extra two days a month. Cost of Cleanup Here are the costs of some of the activities undertaken by DDOE and its sister agencies to reduce the amount of trash from reaching the Anacostia River: DDOE has funded the following trash clean-up activities: • New Hickey Run Trash BMPs - $2 million • New Custom Designed Trash Traps - $100,000 • Custom designed trash trap for Nash Run (including 4 years of maintenance) - $111,000 • 3 Bandalongs in the Anacostia watershed (including annual maintenance) - $460,000 • Enhanced Street Sweeping Program Development – $1 million • Outreach and Reusable-Bag Distribution - $275,000 • Trash Education/Watershed Education - $251,000 • Cleaning of Water Quality Catch Basins (specially designed catch basins for collecting sediment and floatables) - $50 $100k/yr for the past 3 years Recycling Rate The District Department of Public Works (DPW) reports that the residential recycling diversion rate for FY 2012 through August is 26.34% (32,127 tons collected including tons from scrap, e-cycling, and shredding). Department of General Services has reduced food waste at DCPS schools through a composting pilot program, a pulping/ dehydrating demonstration project, and increased recycling through the distribution of more than 5,000 classroom and schoolyard recycling bins. The District of Columbia FY 2011 Recycling Report will be released in December 2012. The report is compiled by the Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Contracts and Procurement (OCP), Department of Public Works (DPW), and the District Department of the Environment (DDOE). Inter-Agency Collaboration The District collaborates on all MS4 permit commitments through the Stormwater Advisory Panel (SWAP) and Stormwater Technical Workgroup (TWG). The SWAP, chaired by the City Administrator, consists of Director level staff from DC agencies and the General Manager of DC Water. This group is statutorily required to meet twice per year. The TWG consists of members from the staff level who are required to meet once per month to discuss stormwater management issues in the District. Member agencies of each group include the Departments of Environment, Transportation, Public Works, General Services and Parks & Recreation; the Office of Planning; the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Economic Development; and DC Water. DDOE works with each agency to supply funding from the Stormwater Enterprise Fund and Bag Law fund to implement activities pertinent to stormwater management, including trash. DDOE funds DPW annually to conduct activities including street sweeping, household hazardous waste pick-up, and leaf pickup brochures. DDOE also funds DC Water to conduct catch basin cleaning in the area of the city serviced by the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). In FY12, DDOE signed an MOU with the University of the District of Columbia (UDC), providing the University with Bag Law funds to install solar powered trash compactors on their campus in Van Ness. UDC will be studying the effectiveness of these devices at reducing trash from reaching the streets, and eventually, the MS4. Business Outreach DDOE’s Community Outreach Office sent newly designed “Skip the Bag, Save the River” register decals to all businesses subject to the Bag Law, as well as a letter explaining how the Bag Law works.
Maryland Bladensburg
Public Outreach and Education The Bladensburg Waterfront Park a MNCPPC site conducts life science programs on river ecology, river trash clean-up and interpretive pontoon boat rides. The goal is to educate the public on the importance of keeping litter out of the Anacostia River Watershed. Cost of Cleanup The Bladensburg Waterfront Park conducted approximately twelve river clean-up programs from summer 2011 through fall 2012. Participants included, business organizations, University of Maryland students and members of the community. It is not possible to accurately estimate cost associated for river clean ups since existing staff and supplies are utilized for these programs
City of Greenbelt
Legislative/Regulation The City of Greenbelt has solid waste ordinances that prohibit dumping, littering and hand billing. The ordinance also forbids sweeping into gutters, and bagging leaves in plastic bags. Furthermore, it is ordained that scavenging recycling materials from recycling bins is forbidden. Public Outreach and Education The City of Greenbelt communicates with residents using a variety of modes: a quarterly printed publication called The Greenbelt Bulletin; our local newspaper The News Review; the City’s web site; the City’s Facebook page; twitter; the Greenbelter’s listserv; the Greenbelter’s Facebook page; fliers; and signs around town. The Office of Recycling gives presentations 15
In Your Jurisdictions tion, and training programs at local schools and civic associations to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling while providing residents with assistance and information on waste reduction, recycling, buying recycled, composting, grass-cycling, and other environmental topics. Litter control prevention is incorporated into all of these presentations to all age groups as well. Participation in the Alice Ferguson’s annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup has been an integral part of the Charles County litter control program for the past 20 years. The County’s Adopt-A-Road program supplies 130 community groups with necessary cleanup supplies in exchange for their voluntary service of picking up trash and litter along roadways. Landfill tours are also conducted on a regular basis. Other means of public outreach include the annual county fair, Earth Day, and America Recycles Day events, community cleanups, the Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, and public/private cooperative efforts. Promotional items encouraging recycling and discouraging litter are provided to all participants. Household hazardous waste collections held the first Saturday of each month, April through December for proper disposal of toxic chemicals. Law Enforcement Charles County Sheriff’s actively partake in community cleanups throughout the county, organizing volunteers, and supervising intake of materials. County staff provide rolloff containers and debris disposal. Sheriff’s officers periodically stage themselves at the county’s landfill entrance in an effort to combat uncovered debris/unintentional littering. No Dumping signs strategically placed throughout Charles County attempting to discourage illegal dumping. Stormwater Technology Trash racks on storm water structures throughout Charles County. Quarterly NPDES meetings. Charles County has three full-time litter crews with each crew being assigned a different geographical area of the county. Supervisors report daily what road(s) cleaned, number of miles covered, and total trash tonnage collected. This practice includes both roadside litter and illegal dumping areas/hot spots. Trash Hot Spots Charles County has three full-time litter crews with each crew being assigned a different geographical area of the county. Supervisors report daily what road(s) cleaned, number of miles covered, and total trash tonnage collected. This practice includes both roadside litter and illegal dumping areas/hot spots. Cost of Cleanup Litter Control Budget - $170,400 (does not include NPDES)
on demand. Information is also shared at special events such as the Greenman Festival, the Labor Day Festival and Earth Day/PW Open House, to name a few. Law Enforcement Code enforcers and Police are on the lookout for litterers. The public informs City staff of illegal dumpings. Trash Hot Spots Trash hot spots occur mostly at picnic areas within parks. Refuse crews are instructed to monitor and pickup trash at least once a week. Recycling Rate The City of Greenbelt’s current recycling rate is 60% They do not calculate a composting rate, but thier yard waste collection fluctuates from 300 to 1200 tons per year depending on the severity of storms in any given year. Cost of Litter Cleanup • The City of Greenbelt shares a street sweeper with three other jurisdictions. • The City coordinates several cleanups per year, including the Alice Ferguson Foundation Potomac River Watershed Cleanup where we participate with at least two sites. • The City launches a boat about once per year to collect trash from the lake. • Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cadettes organize a cleanup, with our help, at Ora Glen Pond once a year. Capacity Building The City of Greenbelt is using a state of the art MRF managed by Recycle America (Waste Management). Since they moved to comingled recycling thier rates have increased.
Charles County
Legislative/Regulation CRIMINAL LAW TITLE 10. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH, CONDUCT, AND SENSIBILITIES SUBTITLE 1. CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ‘ 10-110. Litter Control Law (c) Prohibited. -- A person may not: (1) dispose of litter on a highway or perform an act that violates the State Vehicle Laws regarding disposal of litter, glass, and other prohibited substances on highways (d) Presumption of responsibility. -- If two or more individuals are occupying a motor vehicle, boat, airplane, or other conveyance from which litter is disposed in violation of subsection (c) of this section, and it cannot be determined which occupant is the violator: (1) if present, the owner of the conveyance is presumed to be responsible for the violation; or (2) if the owner of the conveyance is not present, the operator is presumed to be responsible for the violation. (f) Penalty. -- (1) A person who violates this section is subject to the penalties provided in this subsection. (2) (i) A person who disposes of litter in violation of this section in an amount not exceeding 100 pounds or 27 cubic feet and not for commercial gain is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or a fine not exceeding $ 1,000 or both. (3) In addition to the penalties provided under paragraph (2) of this subsection, a court may order the violator to: (i) remove or render harmless the litter disposed of in violation of this section; (ii) repair or restore any property damaged by, or pay damages for, the disposal of the litter in violation of this section; (iii) perform public service relating to the removal of litter disposed of in violation of this section or to the restoration of an area polluted by litter disposed of in violation of this section; or (iv) reimburse the State, county, municipal corporation, or bi-county unit for its costs incurred in removing the litter disposed of in violation of this section. (4) In addition to, or instead of, the penalties provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, the court may suspend for up to 7 days the license of the person to operate the type of conveyance used in the violation who is presumed to be responsible for the violation under subsection (d) of this section. Public Outreach and Education Charles County continues to conduct extensive outreach, educa-
Recycling Rate As of calendar year 2010, Charles County’s recycling rate was 39.03%. Coupled with a 5% source reduction credit, the waste diversion rate equaled 44.03%. Our goal is increased tonnage/ rate with the use of 96 gallon carts in FY 13. Inter-Agency Collaboration In addition to working with the Sheriff’s Office, Charles County partners with the Re-Use Barn Project for continued diversion of good, useable materials from the county’s landfill. Interagency cooperation of NPDES and green initiatives programs: • Energy conservation block grant • Energy plan • Energy watch dog plan • Green cleaning products, lights, supplies • Retrofitting Business Outreach Green expo and symposium: 12 business sponsors, 75 vendors, 1200+ attendees Capacity Building • Single stream recycling • Re-Use barn project 16
Montgomery County
Many of the other watershed groups in the area have had similar outcomes this year. The Friends of Sligo Creek (FoSC), in coordination with Montgomery Department of Parks conducted Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 “Sweep The Creek” events where a combined 540 volunteers collected a total of 456 bags of trash in Sligo Creek. The FoSC reported in Fall 2010 that the predominant type of trash collected was plastic bags (29%). The Rock Creek Conservancy reported 41 clean up events involving 1,273 volunteers collecting 1,401 bags of trash (5.6 tons). The County continues to invest in building the watershed groups’ capacity which provides additional direct outreach in watershed and litter reduction awareness to citizens. For these groups, trash reduction continues to be a key component of their message to the community. The County’s Adopt-A-Road Program supplies 345 community groups with equipment in exchange for their voluntary service of picking up trash and litter along roadways. 106 groups reported 521 clean ups, picking up a total of 1687 bags of trash in FY12. 95 groups reported 892 clean ups, picking up a total of 2081 bags of trash in FY11. The County’s Storm Drain Marking Program offers materials to community groups wishing to mark storm drains in their community with reminders about preventing litter pollution in the storm drain system and local waterways. In FY12 a total of 100 drains were marked. In FY11 a total of 48 drains were marked. Law Enforcement DSWS continues efforts to investigate and enforce compliance with Montgomery County’s solid waste and recycling regulations as it pertains to generators and collectors. The County’s Police Force participated in the annual Litter Enforcement Month through additional vigilance and community engagement, especially with teens in urban areas on litter. The Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) Code Enforcement Division investigates and enforces violations of litter codes on private property. In FY12, they handled a total of 3,732 trash/rubbish related complaints were. DHCA issued a total of 350 citations for trash or rubbish related cases. DCHA estimates that 166 tons of trash were removed as a result of or clean and lien program and the Alternative Community Service (ACS) litter collection from concentrated neighborhood efforts. The Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Code Enforcement Division investigates violations of environmental codes prohibiting illegal dumping and stormwater discharge violations. In FY12, 450 cases of illegal dumping and 117 cases of stormwater discharge violations were investigated. Storm Water Technology DEP continues to test and revise storm drain inlet configurations designed to capture trash, organic debris and sediment at the curbside without impacting flow capacity within the storm drain system. The most recent inlet designs are currently being installed along Lockwood Drive, April Lane and Stewart Lane (White Oak, MD). The designs include six curb extensions, two bioswales and eight storm drain inlets that were modified to capture trash and debris that would otherwise flow into Paint Branch, Anacostia River and the Potomac River. When completed, the project will include an additional modified storm drain inlet and four more bioswales. Once installed, inlet cleaning schedules and other aspects of facility performances will be evaluated, and reported. A total of 12,306 pounds of trash and debris (including aluminum, plastic, and glass containers, plastic bags, organic debris, tires, Styrofoam and paper) were cleaned out from 11 stormwater management ponds maintained by the County in FY12. This is an increase of 2,785 pounds of trash over that removed in FY11.
Legislative/Regulation • Montgomery County Code Chapter 48: Solid Waste • Montgomery County Code Chapter 26: Housing • Montgomery County Code Chapter 19: Water Quality • Montgomery County Executive Regulation ER15-04AM: Residential and Commercial Recycling • Montgomery County Executive Regulation 18-04: Collection, Transport and Disposition of Solid Waste • Montgomery County Code Chapter 52: Taxation, Article 15: Carryout Bag Tax Public Outreach and Education The Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Division of Solid Waste Services (DSWS) continues to conduct extensive outreach, education, training and enforcement programs to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling. During FY12, staff and DSWS Recycling Program Volunteers participated in 360 outreach and education events, providing 31,528 people with assistance and information on waste reduction, recycling, buying recycled, composting, grasscycling and other topics. The County continues to utilize a corps of dedicated volunteers in the Recycling Volunteer Program to provide assistance to educate others on the benefits of and the need to recycle. Together, the volunteers contributed nearly 1,772 hours of direct service with an estimated value of $44,300. As part of its watershed restoration program, DEP’s Watershed Management Division (WMD) conducted 71 public events in FY12, reaching a total of 3,500 residents. Raising awareness about litter control was a key component of these events. Montgomery County held its second annual Community Clean Water Summit in FY2012. Twenty five exhibitors participated, including all of the County’s watershed groups. 185 residents attended and key topics included stream health, stormwater pollution and litter reduction. In a follow up survey of attendees, 65% of respondents reported they participated in a stream cleanup after the summit. Approximately 76% encouraged others to participate in a cleanup or environmental improvement activity. When asked if attendees changed the way they thought about their actions or behaviors as they related to the environment, 24% responded positively. DEP continued working in the Breewood tributary and held an Earth Day cleanup in FY 12. For this event, staff utilized volunteer services and had approximately 15 residents in attendance. DEP worked with the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery Parks’ Weed Warrior program to remove invasive plants and trash, collecting 24 bags of debris. The event also included a walking tour of the restoration project, demonstration of stormwater monitoring equipment and a rain barrel raffle. The County’s watershed groups are vital partners in ongoing peer-to-peer awareness-raising on litter control. There are eight groups which actively recruit members and conduct community outreach on litter through special activities including clean-ups. The County is working closely with these groups to document their litter reduction efforts and results. One such group, the Muddy Branch Alliance, which only began in 2011, has won several awards this past year for their efforts, including: • Working with 60 volunteers on events • Supporting and hosting a Alice Ferguson Pickup Event • Hosting two Greenway Trail Pick Up Events • Sponsoring an Adopt a Road segment • Supporting a local faith organization pickup event as well as being the • sponsoring organization for the first, “Faithfully Picking up the Potomac” event • Orchestrating a presentation to the Gaithersburg HS from Davey Rogner, from the Nonprofit organization, PickUp America • Holding 15 trash cleanup events collecting 97 bags of trash, equaling the amount they collected last year. They also remain concerned with the large items they find in the stream such as shopping carts, tables, couches, tires, scrap metal, and recyclables.
Trash Hot Spots Transit stops (bus stops) are prime litter hotspots. A dedicated Department of Transportation program to remove trash strewn around and dumped at transit stops around the County netted a total of 419.7 tons of trash with a budget of $474,900. DEP collects information regarding watershed trash conditions, and is looking into developing a program to more effectively target other trash “hot spots”. DEP’s Watershed Management Division staff rates the relative trash condition of stations at 17
In Your Jurisdictions
system and the Parks system. Business Outreach During FY12, DSWS staff conducted 8,896 on-site consultations to businesses, organizations, and local, state and federal government facilities providing technical assistance, handson guidance, and specific recommendations on setting up, maintaining, and expanding waste reduction, recycling, and buying recycled programs. Carryout Bag Law: On January 1, 2012, the County’s Carryout Bag Law went into effect. The Carryout Bag Law charges 5 cents for each paper and plastic bag that a customer takes from retail establishments to carry purchases out. The County continues outreach efforts for its ‘Bring Your Bag, Fight Litter’ campaign via web information and follow up from MC311 inquiries. DEP follows up in an educational mode to ensure that the retailer has the correct information about how to implement the Bag Tax and submit payments. The Department of Finance is responsible for enforcement of the Bag Law. Restaurants that use paper bags for carryout food do not need to charge the fee. From January through September, 2012, the DEP received 332 inquiries about the Carryout Bag Law and 22 inquiries for the Restaurant Exemption. Capacity Building During FY12, DSWS continued efforts to educate all residents of single-family homes and multi-family properties, and businesses about recycling, waste reduction, buying recycled products, grasscycling and backyard or on-site composting. DSWS constantly monitors the recycling markets to identify potential future opportunities to remove additional materials from the waste stream. In FY12, the County expanded its recycling program once again, to include #1 PET thermoform plastics such as clamshell containers, trays, deli containers, domes, cups and lids for recycling. Other Mass Media Campaign: Conducting a mass-media public outreach campaign against litter pollution continued to be an outreach priority in FY 12. Using mass transit ads, bus shelter ads, and radio ads, the County highlighted the need to control litter and protect community and environmental health. Radio ads were conducted from July through December 2011. During the 6 month radio ad campaign, nineteen 30-second ads and thirty one 10-second ads ran on WTOP. Ads ran for 2 weeks in every month for a total of 12 weeks. The 10 second ads ran at the end of traffic reports which was a time of increased listeners. The County also ran the Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) ads on 80 Ride-On buses and 95 bus shelters in strategic places in the down county area primarily in the Rock Creek and Anacostia watersheds where the largest contribution of trash has been identified. Both ads ran for a total of 12 weeks at two different intervals. The first was from mid-July to mid October. The second ran from March through May of 2012. At the time of this report, the County is also putting together a packet of stormwater education materials which includes the AFF ads to go into all 210 public schools along with the recreation centers and local libraries. Revenues from Carryout Bag Fee (January-June 2012): The first year projections were for $1.5M based on population and per person average plastic bag use. In the first six months of 2012, $1.07M was collected from about 900 retailers, representing over 21 million non-reusable bags that were purchased by County residents. Future revenues will be compared to this baseline level to quantify non-reusable bags removed from County waste streams and local waterways. Post-TMDL Monitoring: The Montgomery County DEP continues via contract with MWCOG to conduct trash monitoring and assessment in the Anacostia and Rock Creek. • Completed three cycles of post-TMDL trash monitoring in the Anacostia. The Anacostia tributary monitoring follows the same protocols for stream-level and land-based surveys
streams which are monitored Countywide on five year cycle. Also, code violations related to illegal dumping of trash and debris in County waterways can also be tracked and mapped. DEP intends to analyze this information to help target areas for follow-up investigations of illicit discharges to the stormwater system, and illegal dumping. These hot spots can also be used to effectively target trash control measures (e.g., public outreach or structural practices) to help meet the County’s MS4 permit requirements for trash control and the Anacostia Trash TMDL. DOT routinely collects trash and litter around their Highway Maintenance Depots. In FY11, they collected a total of 255 tons of trash; 164 tons were collected in the Anacostia Watershed. The Montgomery County Department of Corrections also collected 6,991 bags of trash through the Alternative Community Service program. The County’s central call center (Montgomery County 311) tracks all calls related to litter on County roads, as clean up is handled by the Department of Transportation. This information is conveyed to the County’s Police Force in order to increase surveillance of these roadside hotspots. Cost of Litter Cleanup Solid Waste Management (Budget FY12): Covers 211,000 single-family households, 112,000 multi-family dwelling units and 35,000 businesses • Waste Reduction = $244,810 • Recycling, Single-family, Outreach and Education = $294,720 • Recycling, Multi-family = $797,720 • Recycling, Commercial = $1,727,540 • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program and Business Small Quantity Generator Program= $1,051,300 • Recycling Volunteer Program = $217,930 Enforcement Programs (Budget FY12) • Illegal Dumping/Litter/Chapter 48 Enforcement = $293,420 • Solid Waste (Chapter 48) Enforcement Collections Inspectors (Refuse) = $299,663 • Solid Waste (Chapter 48) Enforcement Collections Inspectors (Recycling) = $811,274 • Rubbish private property Chapter 48 enforcement = $705,500 Street Litter Removal (FY12) • Countywide Street sweeping = $137,622 (FY12) • Adopt-A-Road = $4,000 (FY10) and $4,000 (FY11) • Transit Stop Trash Management = $474,900 (FY12) Alternative Community Services Litter Collection = $36,000 (FY12) Recycling Rate In CY2011, Montgomery County’s overall recycling rate was 57.6 percent. The County has a goal to recycle 70 percent of all waste by 2020. Inter-Agency Collaboration The DEP is following a trash reduction strategy to meet the MS4 permit requirements to meet the Potomac Trash Free treaty goals and the Anacostia Trash TMDL. The strategy outlines a number of cost-effective litter control methods to meet targeted reductions. Efforts include: (1) greater control of trash created during household curbside waste and recycling collections at individual residences (2) monitoring of trash and recycling containers and enclosure areas at businesses and multi-family properties, tarping and covering requirements for waste containers by inspectors (3) increased coordination between Housing and Community Affairs, DEP, Department of Transportation, Fleet Management Services, and Police re: trash on sites, (4) the County’s central Call Center (MC311) serving as a central coordinator of Countywide response when litter is reported by residents. The MC311 system has trained call operators to handle incoming calls on litter and trash, based on type and location of the trash. This effort has increased coordination on trash clean up between County departments and outside agencies such as the Montgomery County Public School
in an effort to teach and promote recycling, composting, and waste reduction. The WMD provides updated brochure and website information on Residential Recycling, Business Recycling, Source Reduction, Household Hazardous Waste Proper Disposal and Electronics Recycling, alternative Green products, KPGCB, and Waste Management The WMD provides Convenience Centers located in the central and southern areas of the County to reduce illegal dumping. The WMD Recycling Section provides Community Forklift and the Loading Dock, ReUse Centers, brochures and information on the County’s webpage for County residents in an effort to reduce old or unwanted building supplies and materials from being landfilled. The Bladensburg Waterfront Park an MNCPPC site conducts life science programs on river ecology, river trash clean-up and interpretive pontoon boat rides. The goal is to educate the public on the importance of keeping litter out of the Anacostia River Watershed. Law Enforcement Inter Agency Work Group, Graffiti Removal and Environmental Crimes Unit. Storm Water Technology Strategic location of two Trash Nets that produced the removal of over ten tons of trash within the last year Trash Hot Spots In a continuous effort to abate illegal dumping and reduce litter since 2006, Prince George’s County has designated several roadways as Trash Hot Spots throughout the County based on our experience and frequency of requests to cleanup these areas. In collaboration with S.M.A.R.T, (Strategic Multi-agency Response Team) an interagency group created for the purpose of addressing illegal dumping, some of these trash hot spots are under video surveillance and most locations are posted with fines for illegal dumping violations. Trash hot spots are generally monitored and serviced by our litter control crews for trash removal once a week. Cost of Litter Cleanup aIn FY 2012, Prince George’s County utilized in-house forces and contracted litter crews to remove approximately 1720 tons of roadside litter and illegal dumping from the public right-of-way at a total cost of approximately $2,374,123.00. The County spent approximately $225,000 for street sweeping services in FY 2012 for the sweeping of county arterial, collector, and industrial classified The Bladensburg Waterfront Park conducted approximately twelve river clean-up programs from summer 2011 through fall 2012. Participants included, business organizations, University of Maryland students and members of the community. It is not possible to accurately estimate cost associated for river clean ups since existing staff and supplies are utilized for these programs Recycling Rate Recycling Diversion Rate is 45.35%. The WMD is researching and planning on incorporating food scrap composting to its compliment of recycling programs. Food waste is one of the largest components of the MSW stream not being recycled. Adding this element to our organics recycling program would potentially increase the County’s diversion rate to over 55%. The WMD is considering piloting once per week trash collection Changing from a 2 x per week collection to a 1 x per week trash collection could potentially have a significant increase in the recycling rate as residents are very likely to divert more items from their trash can over to the recycling cart, as proven by studies provided by other neighboring jurisdictions. The yard waste composting program processed almost 58,000 tons of material from the commercial and private sectors. Inter-Agency Collaboration Prince George’s County has established the SMART Inter Agency Work Group, a collaboration of numerous local agencies that include Park & Planning, Corrections Department, the State Attorney’s Office, OITC, DER, office of the Sheriff, the Police
as those used for trash TMDL development. There is not yet a trend showing reductions in trash type or amount. • Completed surveys for trash and priority ratings for installation of instream trash traps at 22 candidate road crossings in Lower Rock Creek tributaries. Factors included stream trash level, accessibility, availability of points for securing trash traps, stream velocity, presence of overhead power lines, and site visibility (for outreach potential). • Nearing completion of a ‘windshield’ survey that could be used by volunteers to drive through areas and estimate amount of trash on roadsides. The MWCOG has surveyed over 130 miles of roads to characterize and count trash along the roadside and then compare with trash type and count determined through a drive by survey. The final protocol and results will be available in late 2012. • Currently underway is the development of a survey for trash-reduction efforts by apartment and commercial property managers.
Prince George’s County
Legislative/Regulation Through the implementation of the County’s Comprehensive Community Cleanup Program; this program is authorized by Prince George’s County’s Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan (CR-14-1998) and is included as a component of the County’s NPDES Permit conditions. The County works with organized Civic and Homeowners Associations to provide a concentrated focus of county cleanup and maintenance services to their community over a two-week period. The County conducts twenty one Comprehensive Community Cleanups annually, sixteen in the Spring and five in the Fall. In FY11, the program removed over 113.86 tons of trash which included 143 tires and 42 white goods. • County Resolution CR-30-2011, recognized the 2011 Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup. • County Bill CB-76-2012 passed providing for a Transfer Station as a permitted use in the I-2 Zone under certain circumstances. • In an effort to reduce plastic bag use, there is pending County Legislation to impose fees for use of disposable bags. • Prince George’s County Council Bill 73-2000 amending Subtitle 23, Sections 23-102(b) and 23-150 of the Prince George’s County Road Ordinance • Prince George’s County Council Bill 75-2000 amending Subtitle 23, Sections 23-102 and 23-151 of the Prince George’s County Road Ordinance • Prince George’s County Council Bill 9-2001 amending Subtitle 13, Section 13-164 of the Prince George’s County Code Public Outreach and Education Prince George’s County promotes county cleanups and provide all citizens in the private and commercial sector with resources to reduce litter. In addition, they coordinate and participate in local and national events that contribute to litter reduction. Prince George’s County provides up-to-date material regarding management best practices and services. They continue to collaborate with Prince George’s County Public Schools to encourage litter reduction and to propose a sustainable school green team. DER continue to participate in public school career day activities by sending staff from various divisions to educate the students on environmental stewardship and how to help keep their neighborhoods and schools clean and also to take those messages to their households. Tours of Brown Station Road Landfill Publication issued to residents regarding solid waste Convenience Centers located to reduce illegal dumping. Prince George’s County has increased their recycling efforts through public publications and education in the past one year. Through the implementation of the Volunteer’s Storm Drain Stenciling and Inlet marking program designed to promote the protection of our local waterways, the Anacostia River, the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay through the stenciling of the message “Don’t Dump Chesapeake Bay Drainage” on inlet structures. The WMD provides educational tours of the Materials Recycling Facility, Composting Facility, and the Brown Station Road Landfill 19
In Your Jurisdictions scaping materials and cleaning supplies to plant in the public right-of-way and on school grounds in their respective communities. More than 3500 volunteers participated in our Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 Cleanup Greenup events and planted over 7000 plants including trees, shrubs, and flowers in their respective communities. Volunteers also collected more than 30 tons of roadside litter in the public right-of-way. • The County has been a major supporter of corn-based plastic shopping bags and of the total ban on plastic shopping bags. During Spring winds and Winter gusts, it is primarily the shopping bags that easily become airborne.
Department and the lead agency for this task force is the Department of Public Works & Transportation. This Group meets weekly with a focus on littering, illegal dumping and other unusual trash issues. The County conducts two annual Cleanup/Greenup campaigns, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. An average of about twelve hundred volunteers participate in this event and achieves the removal of about sixteen tons of trash removal per clean up. Department of Public Works & Transportation is the lead agency in this event with DER playing a participating role. The WMD Recycling Section and KPGCB participate in the Strategic Multi-Agency Response Team (SMART) under the direction of the Department of Public Works and Transportation. Meets weekly. The WMD Recycling Section’s KPGCB Coordinator spearheads the Prince George’s County Public School’s Green Team. The Maryland Department of the Environment Compost Work Group Study Committee, meets monthly The Washington Council of Governments Organics Task Force Committee, meets monthly. Business Outreach Prince George’s County currently works with County businesses to encourage commercial and institutional recycling. Currently, this sector contributes over 60% of the County’s recycling. Capacity Building The County is the only County in Maryland to own its own Materials Recycling Facility and is utilizing state of the art single stream sorting equipment. Single-stream collections and the high tech equipment have allowed the County to add numerous materials to the list of acceptable items for recycling, such as aseptic/gable top containers, all plastics, and empty aerosol cans, just to name a few. WMD May retrofit the Prince George’s Yard Waste Composting Facility to be able to accept food waste. Other Pepsico Dream Machine Recycling Pilot Project in twenty three County Public Schools. The Dream Machine Program is now being expanded to be offered to all County schools. The DER Volunteer’s Neighborhood Cleanup Program, in which civic and homeowners associations, schools, churches and even individuals are encouraged to adopt hot spots and common areas for regular cleanup. The County supplies all the cleaning materials like gloves, grabbers, trash bags and dumpsters if required. The WMD is considering composting food scraps to divert waste from the landfill. New Waste Reduction and Reuse Initiative: • The WMD is donating the residential used latex paint and televisions received to a non-profit organization for reuse. • The DPW&T’s Adopt-a-Road Program consists of approximately 90 volunteer groups who plan and coordinate multiple cleanups of major county roadways during the year. Cleanup supplies and materials including litter grabbers, safety vests, gloves, and trash bags are made available as requested and litter bags are collected after each cleanup. • The DPW&T initiated a Trash Receptacle Installation Program in FY 2012 at bus stops operated and under the jurisdiction of the county’s “The Bus” system to aid departmental efforts in keeping our roadways litter free. The program is growing with more than (150) locations already included. The trash receptacles are serviced to removal and replacement of trash bags through volunteers and county crew work forces at least once a week. • The County Executive promotes and sponsors annual countywide community cleanups thru “Cleanup-Greenup Prince George’s”, which is generally held in the spring and fall seasons of the year. County residents are provided with free land-
Arlington County
Legislative/Regulation The Solid Waste Bureau (SWB) is working on code updates that will increase the recycling required by commercial establishments and allow for better enforcement of trash and litter violations in the county. This is in the beginning stages and more information will be provided next year. Public Outreach and Education Commercial & Multi-family: Recycling education is provided to commercial and multi-family properties by our recycling inspectors. Inspectors speak oneon-one with business owners and property managers to review and provide advice to improve the effectiveness of the recycling system in these areas. Educational materials are provided during the site visits and are available on the County’s recycling website. The inspectors also provide recycling presentations to tenants and staff. Curbside Residential: • In the Citizen newspaper, distributed to 100,000 Arlington County households every two months, there are articles included about recycling and waste reduction. Additionally, each year the SWB has at least a two-page insert dedicated to recycling and waste reduction topics in the Nov/Dec Citizen. • Two cart hangers per year are distributed to the curbside residents promoting the yard waste recycling programs. • Arlington’s Adopt a Street Program leverages community volunteers to clean the curb and gutter lines and collect litter. As of 09/18/12 there have been 99 adopters (including some groups) covering 154 street blocks since the program began. • Arlington County is initiating the Green Games competition for restaurants and retail establishments in 2012. • Additionally, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE) provides education and outreach at schools and community events. ACE does 75 school presentations each year, with most including some litter prevention education. • Arlington County continues to support the regional Only Rain Down the Drain stormwater education campaign. This campaign uses radio ads, Blogs, and internet ads to educate residents about preventing water pollution. • The SWB redesigned the recycling and trash website pages for easier navigation and better access to information. • The annual leaf collection program revamped the online mapping function allowing residents to follow the progress and better track the vacuum collection schedule helping them to see when the truck will be in their neighborhood. Storm Water Technology Arlington County also has an extensive street sweeping program. In Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011), the County swept over 4,971 residential lane miles and over 4,344 commercial lane miles, and collected over 1,263 tons of particulate matter (including litter). Arlington County launched a new street sweeping program in August 2012, which provides residents with a schedule of days that the street sweeper will be in their neighborhood. This 20
The County maintains two Recycling Drop-off Centers – each recycling center provides recycling for cardboard, mixed paper, bottles and cans, and one recycling center contains recycling for small metal items. Arlington County launched a new street sweeping program in August 2012, which provides residents with a schedule of days that the street sweeper will be in their neighborhood. This program gives each neighborhood street one sweeping pass per month. Additionally, the program runs from April to October every year and provides residents with the opportunity to move their vehicles from the street to allow the street sweepers to get to the curb and gutter, increasing the overall effectiveness of the program. The county has also established a goal to sweep commercial areas in the county 26 times per year to further the county’s storm water management efforts.
program gives each neighborhood street one sweeping pass per month. Additionally, the program runs from April to October every year and provides residents with the opportunity to move their vehicles from the street to allow the street sweepers to get to the curb and gutter, increasing the overall effectiveness of the program. The county has also established a goal to sweep commercial areas in the County 26 times per year to further storm water management efforts. Arlington County is developing watershed retrofit plans for all areas of the County. The process involves studying all the watersheds to find space where new stormwater treatment facilities can be installed. Currently, all of the watersheds have been studied, resulting in over 1000 potential locations for new stormwater facilities. Two “green street” facilities have been constructed, and eight additional projects are in design. These facilities will collect trash and litter from the street, in addition to filtering sediment and other pollutants from stormwater runoff. Arlington County has retrofitted the County’s Trades Center with additional stormwater management devices. A stormfilter device was installed and 85 filters were installed in 17 storm drain catch basins on site. Arlington County is designing a retrofit for the Ballston Pond stormwater facility. The pond receives drainage from 400 acres and will include two litter control devices. Through Arlington County’s green building programs, many redevelopment projects include new stormwater management and filtration devices on site. Law Enforcement Arlington County continues to follow the penalty system for properties not in compliance with Ch. 10, the refuse and recycling code. The penalty system is as follows: Violation Notice (30 day warning), Order of Correction (15 day warning), and Civil Penalty which includes a fine up to $300/day for non-compliance. Trash Hot Spots Trash hot spots are areas with repeated litter problems identified by County staff and citizen input. They are monitored by staff approximately 5 times per week. At this time we are monitoring 33 hot spot locations. Additionally, there are dedicated crews who work daily on Columbia Pike and the Rosslyn/Ballston corridor. Recycling Rate Arlington County’s recycling rate for CY2011 is 49.7% Inter-Agency Collaboration Arlington County frequently works with other agencies on programs and projects. They have organized some County-wide training sessions, such as a recent one focused on the many aspects of Green Streets. Business Outreach The County commercial compliance inspectors visit all commercial and multi-family establishments in the county to ensure recycling is being provided. Through this effort we hope to divert more materials from the waste stream. Arlington County is initiating the Green Games competition for restaurants and retail establishments in 2012. Capacity Building The Arlington County Detention Center continues to compost their food waste. The food is collected on site and picked up by a collection company and taken to the Wilmington Organic Recycling center in Delaware for composting. This has been a successful program with over 45 tons diverted from the waste stream in 2012. Paper shredding services are provided monthly to all county residents resulting in 22 tons of paper recycled in 2012. Arlington County is in the process of contracting with Catalog Choice, an organization that helps individuals stop unwanted mail, as part of the County’s waste reduction efforts. Other ECARE is a biannual event for collecting electronics, household hazardous materials, metal, and the donations of books, bikes, and other reusable items for Arlington residents. Typically, over one thousand residents participate in each ECARE event.
Fairfax County
Legislative/Regulation The Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program continues to implement and enforce Chapter 109.1 of the Fairfax County Code which requires all residential and non-residential properties to recycle. In the 2012 VA General Assembly session, Fairfax County opposed: 1) the elimination of the VA Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board, the board that oversees the distribution and use of the monies collected in the state to support recycling and litter prevention; and 2) the changes to the state’s recycling requirements that would have eliminated the requirement to submit an annual recycling rate report. Now only jurisdictions with more than 100,000 residents are required to report the recycling rate annually and those with fewer residents only report every 4th year. Fairfax County continues to report annually. Public Outreach and Education Fairfax County requires all refuse and recycling collection companies to provide information to their customers about recycling annually and this requirement is a part of the collection company’s permission to collect refuse and recycling in Fairfax County. This requirement applies to both residential and nonresidential properties. Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program supports numerous outreach events in the county each year in addition to working closely with Clean Fairfax Council to address litter issues. Law Enforcement The Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program has four inspectors dedicated to enforcing the county’s solid waste code. In FY 2012 (July 2011 to June 2012), the county levied about $20,000 in penalties against collection companies for non-compliance with Chapter 109.1. Clean Fairfax Council continues its Report-a-Litterer program. In 2012, 65 letters were sent to litterers that were reported to Clean Fairfax Council. Clean Fairfax Council works with the Fairfax County Police Department which sends them letters to the offenders to encourage them to stop littering. Stormwater Technology Conducted stream restoration at outfall points to reduce erosion as well as installed: • Brush mattresses (vegetation) at pipe outfalls to trap trash and sediment before they get into ponds or receiving waters • Regenerative outfall systems (a series of step pools with underlying sand filters and wetland pool) that reduce velocity and collect suspended materials • Proprietary stormwater inlet devices to trap floatables and sediment • Bio-degradable check dams to flatten profile of stream course to reduce velocity and collect suspended materials • Bioretention basins or shallow wetlands installed at outfalls to trap floatables and absorb pollutants • Vegetative filter strips and riparian buffers to trap trash and sediment from overland flow before they enter receiving waters Trash Hot Spots The enforcement staff of the Fairfax County Solid Waste 21
In Your Jurisdictions
This ordinance will define the enforcement tools that the county will use to implement the code. The code will be finalized in 2013.
Management Program works closely with the county’s building construction management officials to obtain information about trash dumping around the county. Landowners are responsible for maintaining their properties and the county has the authority to place a lien on the property to pay for the cost of a cleanup if one is undertaken by the county. Cost of Cleanup Fairfax County worked with over 2300 volunteers at 67 assisted clean up sites, picking up over 1000 cubic yards of litter from Fairfax County’s roads and streets, parks, streams, ponds and lakes. The value of the volunteer is estimated at about $200,000 for the year. Community outreach came in the form of presentations at schools and community groups as well as several major county events. The cost is estimated at $100,000 per year. Recycling Rate The county’s recycling rate for calendar year 2011 was 47%, a 4% increase over the previous year. A portion of this increase is due to the county’s program to recycle construction and demolition debris delivered by residents to either of the county’s two disposal facilities. Yard waste is required to be recycled in Fairfax County. Woody yard debris is processed by the county to make mulch which is given away at no charge. Bagged leaves and grass are composted at one of two facilities outside of the county. Unbagged (vacuumed) leaves are delivered to several county park locations for use on park authority grounds for use by residents. Inter-Agency Collaboration The Fairfax County Stormwater Program and the Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program collaborated together to create a new stream evaluation process that is to be used by volunteers.The process is called TAFIE (Trash Assessments for Improved Environments) and is intended to provide an easilyusable format to quantify the amount of trash and litter in a particular streambed. This information will be used to address compliance with the county’s soon-to-be issued MS4 permit. The information collected in the TAFIE is comparable to the information collected by AFF during the annual Potomac River cleanup. Business Outreach Conducted regular contact with businesses and organizations about why proper solid waste management is important for protecting the environment by preventing overflowing trash and recycling containers, improving collection service, and demonstrating waste reduction techniques. Worked with the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) to develop a universal waste train-the-trainer program with the intent of training individuals to go into the business community and train other businesses about how they are required to properly manage universal waste. Training was held in April and will be held again this year with the goal of training about 30 new trainers each year. Capacity Building CDD delivered to Fairfax County’s two disposal facilities are transported to the Broad Run CDD recycling facility in Manassas, VA. Unrecyclable CDD materials and fines from the CDD reprocessing are backhauled to Fairfax County and combusted to generate electricity. About 16,000 tons of CDD were recycled. Other Fairfax County is awaiting the issuance of its updated MS4 permit (the county’s stormwater permit from the VA Department of Recreation and Community Service). This permit has very specific requirements regarding methods to: 1) prevent litter from impacting stream quality, and 2) for increased public outreach and education regarding litter prevention. Once this permit is issued, the county will be required to improve on and increase all of its activities related to litter prevention because it will be required to do so as part of overall permit compliance. The county is in the process of writing a stream protection ordinance that will impact both residential and commercial activities.
Frederick County
Legislative/Regulation Expanded local litter ordinance to include enforcement for uncovered loads. Draft is pending review by county attorney and ordinance committee. Submitted updated Solid Waste Management Plan as part of regional effort. Public Outreach and Education Impacted approximately 5,000 elementary school students, teachers and administrators through grant-funded assemblies focusing on bay, pollution, and stewardship. Touched another 5,000 through local fair exhibits and recycling efforts on grounds. Also worked with about 4,000 students through in-class activities and landfill tours. Just completed two-year grant to improve recycling community outreach. Law Enforcement Expansion of local litter ordinance to include enforcement for uncovered loads. Draft is pending review by county attorney and ordinance committee. This expansion was requested by the Sheriff’s Office. Stormwater Technology Frederick County is developing its storm water program and ordinance as required by the state. At present, a committee consisting of government officials, engineers, the construction industry and environmentalists is being formed to draft an ordinance. Cost of Cleanup $55,550; includes staff labor, supplies and in-kind from regional jail Recycling Rate Recycling rate for 2011 is 50.1 percent. We do not track composting rate, but encourage backyard composting. Goal is to continue to enhance web and Facebook outreach and on-site education. Inter-Agency Collaboration Strengthening oversight of corrections center trustees in order to maintain labor pool for litter pickup. Capacity Building Fredrick County has had on-going, twice-a-month household hazardous waste collection and electronics recycling events for a number of years. There is no plan to expand. Added shoe and textile recycling to thier program two years ago.
Loudoun County
Legislative/Regulation Chapter 1084: Solid Waste Collection and Transportation Chapter 1086: Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Chapter 1088: Litter Control and Prevention Public Outreach and Education • Virginia K-12 Standards of Learning include these topics • Elementary School Assemblies – The Magic of Recycling • Elementary School Assemblies – Critters Don’t Need Litter • Recycling Contest in middle and high schools • Poster and Essay Contest for elementary schools • Public outreach through presentations and displays • Education and outreach through clean-up events Law Enforcement The Loudoun County Division of Waste Management responds to complaints involving improper disposal/storage of solid waste. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office responds directly to illegal dumping activities. 22
Stormwater Technology Loudoun County/private development companies employ various standard BMP’s per Virginia Storm Water regulations. Trash Hot Spots There is no designation for hot spots. Main corridors are addressed for litter removal by trustee crews organized by the Loudoun County Sheriff, and through temporary service contracts by the Division of Waste Management. Keep Loudoun Beautiful enlists nearly 1,000 volunteers, including “area leaders” who manage specific regions each year to provide litter removal from roads and tributaries. The Division of Waste Management responds to reports of waste dump sites. Recycling Rate The collective recycling rate for the Loudoun County Solid Waste Management Planning District, including seven incorporated towns is approximately 34%. This rate includes vegetative waste (non-food waste) composting/mulch programs. Loudon County’s goal to increase the recycling rate is to make recycling more visible and convenient throughout the community, and to increase public outreach about the importance of recycling and local services available to residents and businesses. Inter-Agency Collaboration There is already significant cooperation between local agencies. Business Outreach Keep Loudoun Beautiful solicits participation from local businesses for financial support, assistance with clean-up events, and for representation on the Keep Loudoun Beautiful Board of Directors. The Loudoun County Green Business Challenge www. is a partnership between the County government and Chamber of Commerce to encourage environmentally sustainable practices among members of the business community. Capacity Building The County implemented a special event recycling bin loan program in 2003 with relative success. Recycling bins and bags are available for free to anyone in Loudoun County for any type of event and are used by approximately 35 events per year including fairs, festivals, sports events, home owner association activities, concerts, civic organizations, and private parties. Free recycling bins for special events provides enough incentive for event hosts to provide the logistical support for recycling which helps close the gap between recycling at home, work, and in public. Other Keep Loudoun Beautiful and most if not all towns in the county host litter clean-up events throughout the community each year (44 areas in FY12), including trips on Goose Creek/Beaver Dam Reservoir and the Potomac. 31 trash bags worth of litter, 23 tires, 10 appliances, and 76 bags of recyclables were removed from the Beaver Dam Reservoir; 30 trash bags worth of litter, 97 tires, and 35 bags of recyclables were removed from the Potomac River along the Loudoun County border. In total, 1,316 bags worth of litter, 177 tires, 13 appliances, and 389 bags of recyclables were removed from 171 miles of roads/waterways by 889 volunteers in FY12.
tegic locations on streams with drainage to the Potomac River to collect debris and prevent it from entering the river. We are implementing innovative best management practices on construction sites to prevent trash and polluted run-off from leaving the construction site. Trash Hot Spots Public Works has an in-house litter crew that regularly patrol and clean our most traveled roads. They also respond to citizen reports of illegal dump sites. The crew picks up litter and removes popsicle signs. In FY12, the litter crew picked up 182.22 tons of trash and pulled 21,638 popsicle signs from the right-of-way along roads. They cleaned 1,375.86 lane miles of roadways. Working with Keep Prince William Beautiful, the community participates in quarterly litter surveys of roadways and neighborhoods. Working with the Soil & Water Conservation District, the community cleans critical streams and natural areas. In 2011, 812 volunteers donated 2,030 hours to clean up 38,553 pounds on trash along 43 miles of streams. To date in 2012, 708 volunteers donated 1,760 hours to clean up 22,796 pounds of trash along 45 miles of streams. Cost of Cleanup For FY12, Neighborhood Services Division of Public Works budgeted $648,647 for litter crew, equipment and operating costs. They also donated $112,050 to Keep Prince William Beautiful for outreach and volunteer coordination (that total includes a $40,824 state litter prevention and recycling program grant). Recycling Rate Prince William County is recycling 40.7% of its waste with the 5% allowance granted by the state. We have recently introduced a new series of public service announcements to air online and on cable television. This message will be reinforced on the County web site, YouTube and social media. Inter-Agency Collaboration Public Works facilities an in-house green guiding committee made up of representatives from the County government organization. The committee focuses on recycling, waste reduction, energy conservation and fuel savings. We sponsored our first employee earth day festival in April 2012. Public Works also sponsors a networking group made up of organizations involved with environmental education. The group shares information, resources and expertise with other members, as well as provides volunteers and promotion for public events sponsored by other members. Public Works partners with a variety of organizations, including the Prince William Trails & Streams Coalition, Friends of the Occoquan, Soil & Water Conservation and the Department of Parks & Recreation on a number of large cleanup efforts along important waterways including the Potomac and Occoquan Rivers. Public Works collaborates with local schools and students to sponsor an annual youth conference focused on the environment. Business Outreach Public Works is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. We share information about recycling in Chamber publications and online services. Working with Keep Prince William Beautiful, the community participates in a survey to rate the cleanliness, litter control and efforts to recycle at shopping centers. In addition, volunteers from the business community participate in the quarterly litter surveys conducted by Keep Prince William Beautiful. Capacity Building In 2012, Public Works now accepts Class 1 Food Waste at the County Compost Facility. Other At all Public Works conservation projects and volunteer opportunities, we remind participants that litter pick up is an expected task no matter what the rest of the project entails. We hope this raises awareness for volunteers to notice and pick up litter when they see it during their normal daily activities. All of our partner agencies also make litter an essential part of their community service project.
Prince William County
Public Outreach and Education Public Works hosts or sponsors a variety of activities for families to learn about litter control and recycling, as well as taking an active role in protecting our natural areas. Events include community conservation programs, Prince William Recycles Day, Adopt a Stream through funding to the Soil & Water Conservation District, earth day events and community clean ups. We also provide information online and in printed format. Law Enforcement Prince William County Police write tickets for uncovered loads entering our landfill or compost facility. They also respond to citizen complaints. . Stormwater Technology Public Works uses trash and debris collectors/booms in stra23
Thank You 2012 Cleanup Partners Youth Organizations
Arnold & Porter Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company DC Water District Department of the Environment District of Columbia Chamber of Commerce Exxon Mobil Corporation GenOn Energy HMS Host MOM’s Organic Market Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Resources REI Skanska Infrastructure Development Telemundo Washington, DC The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Washington Gas Washington Metropolitan Area Corporate Counsel Association
Major Partners
Alexandria City Hall Office of Environmental Quality Anacostia Watershed Society Boy Scouts of America C&O Canal Association Charles County Department of Public Works Fairfax County Park Authority Girl Scouts of America ICPRB Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Issac Walton League of America Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Montgomery County Parks and Planning National Park Service Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross Office of Mount Vernon District Supervisor Gerry Hyland Potomac Conservancy Potomac River Keeper Prince George’s County Department of Environmental Resources Prince William Park Authority Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District REI Reston Association Rock Creek Conservancy WV Department of Environmental Protection WV Make it Shine
Elected Officials
Mayor Jacqueline Goodall Mayor Judith Davis Councilmember Nancy Floreen Councilmember Michael Hough Delegate Scott Surovell Vice Chair Walter Tejada
Flint Hill High School Forest Heights Elementary School George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Law School Harriet Tubman Elementary School Herbert Hoover Middle School Herndon High School High Point High School Houston Elementary School Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation’s Capital John Hanson Montessori School Kaveri Youth Committee Kimball Elementary School Lee High School Longfellow Middle School Louise Archer Elementary School Maury Elementary School McLean High School Montgomery Blair High School Crew Team Montgomery County Public Schools Outdoor Environmental Education Programs Nannie Helen Burroughs School Neelsville Middle School Newschool of Northern Virginia Oxen Hill High School Redland Middle School Shepherdstown University South Lakes High School St. Joseph’s Elementary School Stone Bridge High School Temple Emanuel Religious School Thomas Jefferson High School Tilden Middle School Tubman Elementary University of Maryland College Park University of Redlands Alumni University of the District of Columbia Walt Whitman High School Green Team Washington Seminary College West Potomac High School Venture Crew Westlawn Elementary School Woodson High School Yorktown High School National Honors Society
Bannockburn Cub Scouts Boy Scout Troup 291 Boy Scout Troup 417 Boy Scout Troup 421 Boy Scout Troup 424 Boy Scout Troup 447 Boy Scout Troup 463 Boy Scout Troup 521 Boy Scout Troup 1137 Boy Scout Troup 1321 Boy Scout Troup 1709 Boy Scout Troup 1778 Boy Scout Troup 1083 Boy Scout Troup 1097 Boy Scout Troup 1988 Boy Scout Troup 2535 Boy Scout Venture Crew 10 Brownie Troop 6892 Cloverly Elementary School Daisy Troop Cub Scout Pack 37 Cub Scout Pack 68 Cub Scout Pack 202 Cub Scout Pack 257 Cub Scout Pack 450 Cub Scout Pack 460 Cub Scout Pack 665 Cub Scout Pack 888 Cub Scout Pack 926 Cub Scout Pack 991 Cub Scout Pack 1081 Cub Scout Pack 1113 Cub Scout Pack 1140 Cub Scout Pack 1657 Cub Scout Pack 1771 Cub Scout Pack 1900 George Mason District Boy Scouts George Mason District Cub Scouts Girl Scout Troup 716 Girl Scout Troup 909 Girl Scout Troup 1079 Girl Scout Troup 2459 Girl Scout Troup 3190 Girl Scout Troup 3250 Girl Scout Troup 3956 Girl Scout Troup 4332 Girl Scout Troup 4949 Girl Scout Troup 6416 Prince George’s County Xtreme Teens St. Thomas More Cathedral School Youth of Montrose Point
Educational Institutions
U.S. Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Park Police U.S. Public Health Service
Accokeek Academy Allegany County After School Program American University Austin College British School of Washington Broad Acres Elementary School Buck Lodge Middle School Capital City Public Charter School Centerville High School Central Michigan University Alumni Chantilly High School Clear Spring High School Green Team Colin Powell Elementary School Congressional Schools of Virginia Cool Spring Elementary School Cooper Middle School Denison University Edison High School National Honors Society
Antietam National Battlefield Bethesda Park C&O Canal National Historical Park Caledon Natural Area Fort Washington Park George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate Harpers Ferry national Historical Park Huntley Meadows Park Mason Neck State Park Monocacy National Battlefield National Capital Parks-East Oxon Cove Park Piney Point Lighthouse Museum & Historic Park Pohick Bay Regional Park 24
Pt. Lookout State Park Rock Creek Park
Andrews Airforce Base U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Navy US Army Corps of Engineers Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
District of Columbia
DC Department of General Services DC Department of Parks and Recreation District Department of the Environment Washington Metro Area Corporate Exec Board
PA Department of Transportation
Bradley Forest Recreation Area Charles County Government City of Gaithersburg City of Greenbelt City of Rockville Fairfax County Park Authority Forest Heights Police Department Frederick County 4-H Pack Goat Project Maryland Park Service Maryland-National Capital Park Police MD DNR – Wildlife and Heritage Service MD Natural Resources Police MidCounty Recreational Advisory Board Nanjemoy Firehouse Prince George’s County Police Department Prince William Public Works St. Mary’s County St. Mary’s County Recreation and Parks Museum Division Town of Bladensburg Town of Capitol Heights Town of Forest Heights Town of North Brentwood Town of Riverdale Park
Alexandria Earth Day Committee Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission Alexandria Sanitation Authority City of Alexandria Transportation and Environmental Service, Office of Environmental Quality Cobb Island Citizens Association Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Department Northern VA Regional Park Authority Occoquan Woodbridge Lorton Volunteer Fire Department Reston Environmental Advisory Committee Town of Dumfries Town of Vienna Upper Occoquan Service Authority Virginia Adopt a Highway
Accenture American Gaming Association Athena Construction Calleva Cassidy Turley Property Management CF Alliance Insurance Services, LLC CH2MHILL, Inc Clark Construction Community Bank of Tri-County Deloitte Development, LLC ESRI Fairfax Water GMMB, Inc.
Go Ape Hoffmasters Marina Human Genome Sciences IFMA INVISTA King & Spalding LLP Kohls KPMG Company Lane Construction Corporation Michael Baker Jr. Inc., Engineering Consulting Firm Montgomery County Road Runners Club Nanjemoy Vision, Inc. Noman M. Cole Jr. Pollution Control Plant NuStar Old Navy Open City PEPCO Pleasant Valley Recreational Association Price Waterhouse Prince William Marina Protiviti, Inc. PWC BOCS Rock Creek Strategic Marketing Rosenman Law Firm Starbucks The JBG Companies The M Group The North Face Tower Companies Triple Canopy Verizon Wells Fargo West Virginia River & Trail Outfitters
Religious Organizations Bethesda United Church of Christ Blessed Sacrament Church Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints Church of the Redeemer Community Lutheran Church Covenant Life Church End Time Harvest Ministries Fairfax Covenant Church First Baptist Church of North Brentwood Gale-Bailey Green Club Good Shepard Lutheran Church Journey’s Crossing Church Prince of Peace Lutheran Church St. Camillus Church St. Columba’s Episcopal Church St. James Episcopal Church St. John’s Episcopal Church Unitarian Universalist Church of Reston Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville United Community Ministries Vessel Ministries
Community Organizations, Clubs, and Nonprofits
ADEUSA Alexandria Community Rowing Alexandria Jaycess American Gas Association American Muslim Interactive Network American University’s Eco-Sense Americorps NCCC Amundson Institute Anacostia Watershed Society Animal Welfare Institute Arlington Young Democrats Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment Asian American LEAD Audubon Naturalist Society Belvoir Bowhunters Bethesda Center for Excellence Bethesda United Big Mouth Stream Boys and Girls Club BRW Civic Association Burgandy Crescent Calvert Manor Civic Association Campfire USA Canoe Cruisers Association Center for Health, Environment, and Justice. Citizens to Conserve and Restore Indian Creek (CCRIC) City Year, Inc. Clean Fairfax Council Col. William Norris Camp Community Service Center of St. Alban’s Connecticut Overlook Homeowners Association Cool Spring Terrace Civic Association Cornell Club of Washington, Inc. Courthouse Woods Home Owners Association Croydon Creek Nature Center Cumberland C&O Canal Bike Patrol Daughters of the American Revolution DC United DC Young Professionals Devils Reach Condos Association DPW/SWEEP Earth Conservation Corps Earth Ethics Committee Earthshare Fair Ridge Recreation Association Fairfax Coalition for Smarter Growth Fairfax Master Naturalists Fairfax Yacht Club Family and Friends of Pond Branch Forest Glen Park Stream Team Fort Belvoir Wives Club Fort Washington Pool Association Four Seasons of Northern Virginia Home Owners Association Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts Friends of Accotink Creek Friends of Briers Mill Run Friends of Cabin John Creek Watershed Friends of Fenwick Tributary Friends of Kenliworth Aquatic Gardens Friends of Little Hunting Creek Friends of Little Rocky Run Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek Friends of Meadowood Friends of Sligo Creek Friends of Still Creek Friends of the Earth
Gangplank Marina Slipholder’s Association Gay Flag Footbal League Glenmont Civic Association Great Falls Citizens Association Greater D.C. Cares Greater Shady Grove Civic Alliance Greater Tysons Green Civic Association Greenbelt CHEARS Groundwork Anacostia Gulf Branch Nature Center Gunston Manor Property Owners Association Hallowing Point Homeowners Association Hampshire Community Fun Day Project HandsOn Greater DC Cares Harpers Ferry Outdoor Festival HHS Key Club and Keyette Club Higher Achievement Program Indian Run Homes Association InterCultural Exchange International Facility Managers Association IWLA Arlington/Fairfax Chapter IWLA Rockville Chapter Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Chapter at the National Zoo Keep Loudoun Beautiful Keep PA Beautiful Keep Prince William Beautiful Kentlands Community Foundation Kingston Chase Homeowner Association Kiwanis Lake Homes Association Landover Civic Association Landscape and Nature Discoveries, Inc. Let’s Do it! Virginia Lions Club of Reston Little Falls Watershed Alliance Living Classrooms NCR Maryland Conservation Corps Mason Dixon Canoe Club Mason Neck Lions Club Mason Springs Coastal Conservation Meadowbrook Stream Team Middleridge Audubon at Home Middleridge Civic Association Misty Woods Homeowners Association Monocacy Scenic River Board Montgomery Housing Partnership Montgomery Water Quality Advisory Group Muddy Branch Alliance National Potomac Yacht Club Nature Conservancy Neabsco Action Alliance Neighbors of Northwest Branch New America Foundation New Gum Springs Civic Association Noman M. Cole, Jr. Pollution Control Plant Northern Neck master Naturalist NVCC Green Club Oakview Citizen’s Association Occoquan Water Trail League Opequon Creek Project Team Palisade Community Association Pimmit Hills Citizens’ Association –Environment & Parks Committee Piscataway Hills Citizens Association Pleasant Valley Neighborhood Connection Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance Port Tobacco River Conservancy Potomac Appalachian Trail Club Prince William Trails and Streams 25
Coalition Puritan Club of Point of Rocks Purple Boot Initiative of Omega Psi 7Reflection Homes Association Reston Runners River and Trail outfitters Riverside Estates Civic Association Rock Creek Rowing Club RRC Community Association School within School at Peabody Seneca Creek Watershed Partners Sierra Club Single Professionals of Loudoun Sleepy Hollow Citizens Association Sons of Confederate Veterans South Branch Science Consortium Southern Maryland Audubon Society Springhill Lake Helping Hands St. Clement’s Hundred St. Clements Island Museum St. Mary’s River Watershed Association Stone Manor Foundation Stonehurst Homeowners Association Stratford Landing Citizens’ Associations Student Conservation Association Surfrider Foundation Sustainable Reston Sycamore Island Canoe Club The Accokeek Foundation The Friends of Dyke Marsh The Trails Homeowners Association The Yacht Club at Swan Point Trout Unlimited Turning the Page TysonsGreen Civic Association Union Mills Home Owners Association University Park Citizens’ Associations Unviersity Park Civic Association UP Town Stream Committee UP Woman’s Club Urban Land Institute USGIF Young Professionals Group Volunteer Fairfax Volunteers for Change Waldorf Moose Lodge Washington Area Parrot Head Club Washington Canoe Club Washington Ethical Society Washington Parks & People Weed Warriors Wellington Heights Citizens Association Wellington Heights Community Association Wessynton Homeowners Association Wessynton Marine West-Indian American Military Members Association Wheaton Claridge Park Stream Team White’s Neck Creek Caretakers Wolf Trap Woods Homeowners Association Woman’s Club of Great Springfield YMCA Youth and Family Services
2012 Potomac Champions Elizabeth Martin
Friends of Little Hunting Creek For over a decade, Elizabeth Martin has been a dedicated environmental steward and a champion for litter prevention in her community and county. Through her leadership coordinating community cleanups, including partnering with the Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup for over 10 years, Elizabeth Martin has engaged her community and raised awareness, building local stewardship efforts surrounding the litter problem. Along with her localized efforts, Elizabeth helped formulate the storm water management plan for the Little Hunting Creek Watershed, which was adopted by Fairfax County in 2005, and formulated the Citizen’s Action Plan for Litter Prevention, which was adopted by the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations in October, 2011. She currently serves as the Chair of the Environment and Recreation Committee of the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations.
Clint Hogbin
Program Manager for the Berkeley County Recycling Program Clint Hogbin has been an active volunteer during his 20 year tenure on the Berkeley County (WV) Solid Waste Authority (BCSWA). He has participated in researching, creating and implementing several solid waste programs; including the West Virginia Solid Waste Act, West Virginia Recycling Act, Berkeley County Recycling Program, Berkeley County Comprehensive Litter and Solid Waste Control Plan and the Berkeley County Commercial Solid Waste Facility Siting Plan. Beyond these issues, Clint has gone the extra mile to work on a multitude of litter, illegal dumping, and recycling issues. Clint has been an integral part of improving West Virginia’s solid waste collection, transportation, processing, and recycling.
REI is dedicated to inspiring, educating and outfitting its members and the community for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship. REI partners with local nonprofits with a similar mission to preserve natural spaces through volunteerism. A longtime partner and supporter of the Trash Initiative, REI has worked to promote cleanups, provide space for site leader trainings, and development of the Trash Free Potomac Network. Beyond the partnership with AFF, REI works with many other environmental nonprofits in the Potomac area helping to build a movement of engaged stewards. Forest Heights Elementary School The students of Forest Heights are taking the lead on tackling trash and beautifying their community. Forest Heights Elementary School officially became a Trash Free School during the 2011-2012 school year and began to implement cutting edge ideas especially in the school’s cafeteria. The school is currently working to eliminate polystyrene lunch trays and plastic milk cartoons, urging students to bring reusable plates and silverware. Approximately 350 students, including a class of Pre-K students worked on Earth Day to complete a stream cleanup of Oxon Run, where they removed approximately 250 lbs of trash and recyclables. 26
AFF Board of Directors Michael Herman, President Nancy Gasparovic, Vice President Dan Jackson, Secretary Harold Phelps, Treasurer Abe Haspel Steve Kim Linda Lampkin Stevenson McIlvaine Frank Nicolai Albert “Snapper” J. Poche, Jr. Betsy Reid Liz Theobalds Bernard “Bud” Wareham Nancy Weiman
AFF Staff Lori Arguelles Ann Bodling Sara Campbell Elizabeth Campbell Leandra Darden Elizabeth Doblovosky Katrina Fauss Laura Gillespie Chelsea Greene Darlena Griffith Leona Haiden Deanna Lutz Craig Makufka Victoria Martin Karen Miles
Tyler Mullan Chris Ordiway Sharon Rabie Elizabeth Rives Keith Roumfort Morgan Seeley Doris Sharp Susan Simonson Farley Smith William Townsend Zoë Unruh Eileen Watts Becky Williams Brenda Wright Jonathan Wright
Trash Initiative Staff Laura Chamberlin, Program Manager Alena Rosen, Communications Associate Clara Elias, Program Associate Everette Bradford, Community Outreach Liason Katie Thatcher, Program Assistant
The Alice Ferguson Foundation Teacher Institutes and Workshops Through its summer institutes and workshops, AFF provides professional development opportunities for K through 12th grade teachers in environmental science using inquiry-based instructional methods that result in a greater comfort working in and teaching about the natural world.
Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative The Initiative seeks to create a lasting reduction of litter and waste in the Potomac Watershed through public education, advocacy, market incentives and strong policy and regulatory efforts. The Trash Initiative has its roots in the annual Potomac River Cleanup, the largest regional event of its kind, which has rallied over 100,000 volunteers since it began in 1989.
Environmental Education on the Potomac Located just ten miles from the nation’s capital on the shore of the Potomac River, the Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) was established in 1954 as a nonprofit organization, chartered in the state of Maryland. Our mission is to connect people to the natural world, sustainable agricultural practices and the cultural heritage of their local watershed through education, stewardship and advocacy. We use our area’s woodlands, wetlands and waterways to provide the following programs to students, teachers and arts enthusiasts.
Arts and Culture at Hard Bargain Farm Alice and Henry Ferguson’s legacy lives on in the carefully preserved land, buildings gardens and art they created. The Amphitheater at Hard Bargain Farm is home to the annual performance series Concert in the Woods and Theater in the Woods and holds productions from spring into fall.
Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center
How Can I Support the Alice Ferguson Foundation?
Our credentialed naturalists use experiential learning techniques to teach environmental studies to several thousand elementary school students annually on our 330-acre working farm on the banks of the Potomac River. More than a third of our students are at-risk youth from the region’s underserved communities in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia.
Please visit our award-winning, educational website at Donate online or learn about the benefits of membership or volunteering. Individual, tax-deductible memberships start at $30. There are many other ways you may choose to support us, including: monthly gifts, planned giving, gifts of stock, or memorial gifts. We make every dollar count! Sponsor AFF programs by emailing sponsorship@ We participate in the Combined Federal Campaign and United Way.
Bridging the Watershed Bridging the Watershed uses hands-on, curriculumbased outdoor studies in national and state parks to promote student academic achievement, create personal connections with the natural world, encourage lifelong civic engagement and foster an ethic of environmental stewardship. For more than a dozen years AFF has worked in partnership with the National Park Service and area schools to deliver this innovative and award-winning program.
Alice Ferguson Foundation
2001 Bryan Point Road • Accokeek Maryland, 20607 • 301-292-5665 1255 23rd Street. NW Suite #275• Washington, DC 20036 • 202-518-7415 Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper.