Alice Ferguson Foundation 2013 Annual Report

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The Alice Ferguson Foundation

2013 Annual Report

Board of Directors

Michael Herman, President Nancy Gasparovic, Vice President Dan Jackson, Secretary Harold Phelps, Treasurer Bill Couper Abe Haspel Kent L. Hibben Steve Kim Stevenson McIlvaine Frank Nicolai Sheryl Romeo Liz Theobalds Monique Anderson Walker Bernard “Bud� Wareham Mike Williams

Executive Director Lori Arguelles

Alice Ferguson Foundation 2001 Bryan Point Road Accokeek, Maryland 20607 Tel. 301.292.5665 Fax 301.292.1070

Our Mission To connect people to the natural world, sustainable agricultural practices and the cultural heritage of their local watershed through education, stewardship, and advocacy.

Dear Friends, Our story begins nearly 90 years ago when two young boys—Harry and Howard Fowler—came under the care of Alice and Henry Ferguson and began enjoying the benefits of spending weekends at the Ferguson’s new country home, Hard Bargain Farm. Today, more than half a million children have followed in the footsteps of the Fowler boys as they explore the farm’s diverse woodlands, wetland, and waterways. They learn to care for animals on what is still a working farm, and they discover the depth of their own character as they overcome challenges and solve problems. Students today owe much to these boys and the foster parents who loved and cared for them. We know that Harry and Howard were an inspiration to Alice and Henry Ferguson and spurred them to provide transformational education opportunities that laid the groundwork for much of what the Alice Ferguson Foundation does today. Education, Innovation, Transformation, and Inspiration are all themes to explore in our annual report.

Come on a journey with us as we chronicle our accomplishments in transforming our watershed through our Trash Free Potomac Initiative, in educating thousands of area students about their manifold connections to nature around them, in inspiring the continuation of the arts in southern Maryland, and in undertaking the ultimate innovation: the Potomac Watershed Study Center.

This journey and the rich array of accomplishments radiating from it would not be possible without the support of people like you. Thank you for making it possible to continue the story. Sincerely,

Lori Arguelles Executive Director


In 2013, Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) continued to weave together diverse program threads to form a solid tapestry of education and innovation that is inspiring and transformative for students, teachers, and the public around the Washington, D.C. metro region.

Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center Our Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center program continues to extend its welcome, not only to traditional schools through farm visits and field studies, but also through our increased involvement with homeschool groups, especially in the lower grades. We also expanded our program’s reach, forging successful new partnerships to provide Meaningful Watershed Education Experiences, by opening our doors to 5th grade students in the District of Columbia’s Wards 7 and 8 for a 3-day, 2-night experience at Hard Bargain Farm. Through immersing these students in our innovative, hands-on activities and field investigations designed to engage all learning styles, we are able to promote understanding of the natural resources in the Potomac River watershed and the legacy of farming in southern Maryland, creating lifelong stewards of our natural environment.

5,811 students educated through Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center programs

The Trash Free Schools Project nearly doubled to 18 schools, including our first middle and high schools.

“During t heir stay at Hard B Farm, ma argain ny milesto nes are re Feeling th ached. e indepen dence of b their own e ing “on ”, really g etting to classmate know their s and actu ally havin to bond w g the time ith other classmate may neve s that they r have eve n taken th get to kno e time to w before. It is an ex and transf perience ormation for many will last a kids that lifetime.”

- Brenda Wrigh

t, Educator fo

r over 20 yea

rs at HBF

Bridging the Watershed Our Bridging the Watershed program (BTW) provides hands-on, curriculum-based outdoor studies in national parks and public lands for secondary students. BTW increased its involvement with middle schools (grades 6-8), a target demographic of the National Park Service, and has successfully encouraged middle school teachers to become trained and use their national parks as outdoor classrooms.

3,858 students particiapted in 134 life-changing Bridging the Watershed field studies at16 different park sites 261 regional schools reached by our

In partnership with the National Park Service and the Senator George C. Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research, BTW has encouraged the involvement of three regional schools to pursue advanced citizen science projects in national parks studying the bioaccumulated mercury levels in dragonfly larvae; and sixth graders from Accokeek Academy used scientific digital tools (probes) to study the effects of social trails on soil compaction and water quality at the National Mall. Through these new initiatives, our program was able to further promote student academic achievement, personal connections with the natural world, lifelong civic engagement, and environmental stewardship.

Education Programs

“I can truly say that this has taken the science experience beyond the classroom. To truly engage our students, connect the learning to the real world, and actually expose them to opportunities that they would not normally get in their respective neighborhoods. “

111 Teachers trained at 8 Teacher trainings

-Valencia Hawkins, 5th Grade Teacher, Anne Beers Elementary School

wide s County has a “Prince George’ ts of wonderful poin y an m of ge n iving ra dition of the ‘L ad e th d an st ds intere in the world, ad w fe of e on ’ Building, Ferguson cy of the Alice ga le ch ri e th to oud is certainly a pr d an n io at d ty Foun ent for our coun em ev hi ac ic or st and hi onent of s a strong prop and country. A teach our t better way to ha w , n io at ing uc ed h a holistic look ug ro th an th n ural childre e’s raw and nat ur at n h it w d glass fille value of our portance and im e th , ty au be integral bined with the m co t en m n ro envi ute as em will contrib role each of th stewards.” III., - Rushern L. Baker,

Among the first in the world designed to meet the requirement of the Living Building Challenge©, our Potomac Watershed Study Center will work in harmony with nature. The Center includes a brand new facility for our day students and a completely overhauled overnight lodge as well as a new wetlands boardwalk. These high-performance, energy-efficient buildings will teach without saying a word, inspire visitors to lower their individual impact on the planet, and usher in an era of innovation marked by a harmonious balance between our built environment and the natural world.

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In keeping with the Foundation’s mission, these high-performance, innovative green buildings will work in harmony with nature, allowing us to make use of the sun and rain to achieve net-zero energy, net-zero water, and carbon-neutral facilities.

Breaking Ground and Building For the Future

Under the able guidance of the incredibly dedicated and talented team from Facchina Construction Company, the day-use building features:

On April 25, 2013, Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown and Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III were among the dignitaries who broke ground on the first phase of construction for the Center. Thanks to generous support from the State of Maryland, Prince George’s County, the Maryland Energy Administration, the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, Old Line Bank, and numerous individuals including Bryan J. Logan, the first building and boardwalk are scheduled to be completed by summer of 2014. Opportunities to provide financial support for the project are still available.

• 100 cubic yards of formaldehyde-free concrete thanks to Chaney Enterprises • 46.8 kW of roof-top solar system to be installed by Standard Solar • 100% of all wood products certified by the Forestry Stewardship Council • 3,800 square feet of cement fiber siding donated by James Hardie

Thanks to the generous support of Old Line Bank, our 1,100 foot long interpretive boardwalk wends its way through an emergent wetland that follows the path of the original Max North Trail.

• 20 450-foot deep geothermal wells made possible by a GameChanger grant from the Maryland Energy Administration

“With courage and commitment, the Alice Ferguson Foundation has taken on a world-class project. My investment reflects my belief that the PWSC is a bold, effective, and critical step in advancing sustainability in the built environment by transforming industry standards and inspiring others to follow suit.”

- Brian J. Logan, Donor

Seeking A Trash Free Potomac Watershed Our Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative works to create a lasting reduction in trash pollution with an approach that challenges regional leaders to work collaboratively; brings together key stakeholders to research and explore alternative, cost-effective solutions that have long term impact; and improves general public education and awareness. Clean Land. Safe Water. Healthy Lives. The Regional Litter Prevention Campaign spread its reach through our first campaign video contest and advertisements placed on metro cars and buses. Our Trash Free Communities project, a grassroots extension of the Campaign, also spread to new communities.

45% reduction

In a 2013 pilot study, a in littering behavior was seen at sites in Prince George’s County that were displaying Litter Prevention Campaign materials.


More than Litter Campaign materials were distributed in 7 Trash Free Communities

924 people attended 34

workshops and programs hosted in Trash Free Communities

225 Litter Prevention Campaign advertisements were placed in the WMATA system


Bringing Together Regional Stakeholders On October 18, 2013, key stakeholders including agency staff, businesses, NGOs, and concerned citizens gathered for our 8th annual Trash Summit to dialogue, plan, and take action on strategies that lead to a trash-free Potomac Watershed. Four discussion sessions explored the topics of public education, regulation, policy, and enforcement, and identified key action items and strategies to guide our efforts in the coming year.

“It’s going to take everyone’s efforts, not just the actions of a few, to make a shift in consciousness. Once we do, we can get back to the things that we really want to be doing, so things like litter will be a thing of the past.” - Olivier Giron, Local Artist Entrant in Litter Prevention Video Contest

AFF continues to transform behaviors by raising awareness and encouraging collaboration on environmental issues and solutions through its various programs.

Potomac River Watershed Cleanup Results 14,586 Volunteers 633 sites in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

312 Tons of Trash (624,000 lbs)

Trash Data: Beverage Containers: 193,800 Cigarettes: 27,400 Plastic Bags: 27,200 Tires: 1,314

Visualizing Cleanup Data For the first time we used the Trash Network—an online database of trashrelated volunteer opportunities and events—to help organize the 25th Potomac RiverWatershed Cleanup. Data collected from the events are fed into our new Trash Free Potomac FieldScope site, a web-based platform for citizen science projects developed in partnership with the National Geographic Society. The interactive map provides a much needed visualization and analysis tool for the trash problem in the Potomac by mapping cleanup and monitoring results for the last eight years.

Litter Prevention Through Enforcement This past April, we worked with regional law enforcement agencies for the third annual Litter Enforcement Month. We saw the largest participation in our history with 15 agencies from 12 jurisdictions joining us to raise awareness of litter, illegal dumping, and related crimes; the laws associated with them; and their effect on our communities, our economy, and the Potomac River.

We received four commendations to recognize the 25th anniversary of the Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. They came from the United States Congress, the Virginia and Maryland General Assemblies, and Loudoun County.


By promoting the education and preservation of regional history, cultural heritage, and arts, our programs create an important connection to the legacy of our watershed, inspiring preservation of its future.

Preserving Regional Art and Cultural Heritage Our Cultural Heritage program honors Henry and Alice Ferguson’s legacy through performing arts programs and cultural heritage preservation. The Concert in the Woods series featured rock, folk, and rhythm & blues at the Hard Bargain Amphitheater with performances from some of the best musicians of the Washington, D.C. area. We also embarked on several preservation and restoration efforts at Hard Bargain Farm thanks to the contributions of numerous organizations: National Endowment for the Humanities and Preservation Maryland for funding restoration projects; Oberlin College and the College of Southern Maryland for digitizing hundreds of archived letters, documents, and photos; and Fergie’s Gardeners for their continued restoration of the formal gardens at the Farmhouse.

Above: Snapshot from Evil Dead the Musical. Photo courtesy of the Hard Bargain Players.

Hard Bargain Players 2013 Season Productions: • 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche by Evan Linder • Blackbird by David Harrower • A Soldier’s Play by Charles Fuller • Evil Dead the Musical by George Reinblatt

Restoring the “Blue Rhino” The Blue Rhinoceros, created by WPA artist Lenore Thomas in the 1930s, is a hefty, humorous, and memorable character at Hard Bargain Farm. Heat, cold, rain, and snow—not to mention decades of supporting children as seen in the photo to the left—had begun to take their toll on the Blue Rhino. Through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, AFF was able to conduct a professional assessment and restoration plan. Former AFF Board President Bud Biles contributed to the restoration in memory of his wife, Evelyn, who taught students at Hard Bargain Farm for more than 20 years. We look forward to the Blue Rhino’s full restoration so that it once again can stand guard outside the Farmhouse and make wonderful memories for visitors to the Farm.

"I think that it is even more important now, than it was in the past, to get kids outdoors so that they appreciate how we affect the land and the rivers and understand the importance of sustainable agriculture. Many students who come are afraid, but we encourage them to overcome their fears, pet the animals, taste our crops, and experience life on a farm with all of their senses."

On the Farm Proceeds from farm products, including eggs, broiler chickens, and grass-fed beef, help support our educational programs. In keeping with our mission, we follow a Nutrient Management Plan to protect the watershed and manage the land sustainably.

-Eileen Watts Farm Manager and Educator for more than 40 years at Hard Bargain Farm

Inspiring Connections to Our Land and Sustainable Agricultural Practices Farming and animal husbandry is interwoven into our on-site education programs. Every visitor is introduced to the animals, getting up close and personal. This is especially true in our barnyard where Annie, the dairy cow lives, with two goats, two sheep, a miniature donkey, two pigs, two geese, and a friendly Narragansett turkey. Students milk the cow, slop the pigs, and collect eggs during their visit. They also visit our large vegetable, herb, and flower garden. As children perform helpful duties in the garden and barnyard, they learn about the source of some of their food and the importance of preserving the land that it comes from.



Dr. Margaret Emily Coleman Mindy Cookmeyer & Jon Chris & Bonnie Aills Hardenberg Matt Alcide Jim Cornelsen Gary & Candace Allen Bill & Elise Couper Stafford & Pat Allison Carol Cox Joseph Andrews, III Sarah Crosby Ben Arbutiski Stephen & Mary Kathleen Crow Lori Arguelles & John Cox Curtis & Steph Dalpra Bryan & Donna Arling Judith Davis Holly Bamford Rathna Davuluri Mary Jo Banis Joseph & Peggy DeStefanis Giovanna Banis Michael & Eileen Dewey Richard & Lydia Barbour Carrie Dike John Bauserman Virginia Dildine Barbara Benfield Elizabeth Dillon Joris & Nadya Benninga Dr. Henry DiLorenzo Rita Bergman & Nanette Fremont Jodi Donley James & Christina Bixby Daniel & Carol Donohue Dr. William Blandford & Fred Frederick & Mary Downs Tournay John & Joanne Dullahan Kurt & Ann Bodling Farleigh Earhart Gloria Bowers Robert & Norma Edwards Sara Bylen Broadhead Thomas Ellwanger, Jr. & Elizabeth Gil & Louise Brodnitz Hancock Marney Bruce John & Katie Enterline John Brueggeman James & Nancy Estepp Scott Bryant & Hallie Meushaw Jon & Alexandra Evans Elizabeth Burke Alan & Barbara Evans Mike & Libby Campbell Donald & Elizabeth Farrow Susan Campbell Rosalie Fedoruk Julie Campbell James Finger Ann Chab Robert Fisher & Maritza Castro John Chesley & Cynthia Peter & Karin Fontneau Heerwagen Chesley Richard & Susan Fortgang Catherine Cloud Richard & Letizia Franklin Michael Cohn & Linda Witkin

Luke Frazza Marc & Alice Imlay Nancy Gasparovic Michael & Lani Inlander Charles & Ruth Gaumond Dan Jackson Clifford George Annette Jackson Peter Gerstenberger Philip Jackson Stan & Patrice Fetter John Jackson, III & Linda Gorsuch Rosalie Fedoruk Leslie & Paulette Jacobi Kushantiani Golden Carolyn Jacobs Carl & Kathleen Gotzmer Anna Jamerson Jesse & Carol Graybill Jason Johnson & Tara Parke- Johnson Kevin & Katherine Gronberg Phil & Susan Jones David Grossman Daniel & Samantha Katz Andrew & Beth Gruver Justin & Amy Kenney Scott Gudes Donald Kent, Jr. Roselyn Gudes Steve & Rose Kim Steven Hannes Laura Knox Rhonda Hanson Skip & Lydia Kovacs Kimberly Harb Keith Kowalski & Deborah Douglas & Donna Harris Heuckeroth Dr. Abe & Diane Haspel Harry & Millie Kriemelmeyer Michael Herman Richard & Elaine Lahm Ann Herman James & Margery Lamar Kent L. Hibben Thomas & Iris Lantz Tom Hipschen Bill & Janet Legg Donald & Alice Hirschfeld Michael Leventhal & Judith Allen- Warren Hodavance & Meredith Leventhal Murray Laura Lieberman John & Denise Hofbauer Stacy Linden Jeffrey Hoisington David & Diane Lishin Agnes Holloway Samuel Litzinger & Laura King Daniel Holton Paul & Barbara Livingston Robert Horn & Elizabeth Kraft Bryan Logan The Honorable Steny Hoyer Wayne & Rosa Lord Ruth Hoyt Art & Deanna Lutz Robert & Barbara Hoyt Elizabeth Martin Robert & Mary Huffman

John & Linda Massey William & Sara Mayhew Cathy McGarrigan Stevenson McIlvaine & Penelope Breese Shannon Cawley McLaughlin Richard & Judy Meade Mrs. H. Wm. Merritt Bruce & Tawna Mertz Steven Metalitz & Catherine Gage Philip & Deborah Metzner David & Karen Miles John & Betty Mitchell Patricia Moore Rebecca & Velma Morgan Richard & Janeen Morse Robert & Marion Mulholland Mariette Hiu Newcomb Frank & Shirley Nicolai Jane Norman George & Laura Omohundro William Oshinsky & Elissa Gordon Aleksandrs & Anita Parins William & Janet Parker Clarence & Kathleen Parrish Dean & Pam Pedersen Margaret Peloso Larry & Gwen Peters Harold & Mary Lee Phelps Catherine Plaisant-Schwenn Michael Plesniak & Karen Hoagberg Snapper & Janel Poche Robert Predmore & Grace Picciolo The Honorable James & Elizabeth Proctor

Our Community of Support Mathann Purvis Kyle Quinn Richard & Barbara Racine Marilyn Randall Edward Reisman, Jr. John & Janice Reuter Sue Riale Edith Roberts Keith Roberts & Diane Epperson Robert & Anne Rose Georgena Sanchez William & Stephanie Saylor John & Grace Schlosser Suzanne Schoeler Robert & Joan Schreck Martha Schumacher Matt Schwaller & Sheryl Romeo Peter & Kathryn Scudera Mattie Shafer Earl & Doris Sharp Katrina Sherman Malcolm & Julie Simpson Dann & Jenn Sklarew Donald & Christine Slater Owen & Farley Smith Beaman & Margaret Smith Robert & Anne Smolinski John & Joan Smuck John Stefero Alicia Stone Peter & Erica Strass Dan & Hallie Beth Tarpley Liz Theobalds Jim & Jean Thompson Emily Tipaldo

David & Le Etta Townsend Ray & Elizabeth Trace Steven & Ikuko Turner Valerie Usher Patricia Vanderslice Nancy Wagner Bud & Marilyn Wareham Nancy Wareham Gordon & Eileen Watts Jeremy & Kara Weirich Catherine Welch Theodore Wells Margaret Weston David Whiteman Edward & Sylvia Wilk Lois Williams Peter & Vicki Williams Byron & Becky Williams Don Williams & Carolyn Sanford Mike Williams & Drue Pearce Dorothy Wohlslagel Brian Woolfolk Jonathan & Brenda Wright Jimmy & Elisa Ziegler

Liz Theobalds TKM Marketing Lisa Valley Monique Anderson Walker Eileen Watts

In-kind & Pro bono

Abe Haspel, in honor of Michelle Frankel & Jon Tallman

Mike Herman Bryan Logan Lisa McGill Carol Flake Murray Chaney Enterprises ColorNet Printing Greg Rumpf Hedrick Smith Rock Creek Park Tantallon Cattle Company

Animal Adoption Sponsors

Samuel Litzinger for Laura King Rosa Lord Art & Deanna Lutz Marilyn Randall Walter Roscello, Jr. & Zoa Conner Tracey Whaley for Morgan Whaley

In Memoriam

Batelle, in honor of Debbie Hayden and in memory of William Harris, Jr. Paul & Barbara Livingston, in memory of Tom Livingston Catherine Welch, in memory of Lillian & Loker Welch

In Honorarium

Lori Arguelles, in honor of Kent Hibben

Public Sector Partners

Chesapeake Bay Restoration Advisory Committee College of Southern Maryland District Department of the Environment Environmental Protection Agency Maryland Energy Administration Maryland State Arts Council

Maryland State Department of Education National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration National Endowment for the Humanities National Park Service Preservation Maryland Prince George’s County Prince George’s County Community College Prince George’s County Farm Bureau U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Masterfax & Copier Motorola, Inc. Northrop Grumman O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. Old Line Bank Pew Charitable Trust Prince George’s County Community Foundation Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative The Summit Fund of Washington Tanta-Cove Garden Club Westmoreland Hills Garden Club

Government, Foundation, Corporation Trash Initiative Sponsors Abel Foundation Bank of America Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation Billy Buck & Company Blue Ridge Voyagers The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation The Campbell Foundation Chesapeake Bay Trust Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Fergie’s Gardeners Friends of the Accokeek Library Hazen, Inc. Henry Foundation Lockheed Martin Logistics Management Institute Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education

Beveridge & Diamond Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority Exxon Mobil Corporation Gangplank Marina Slipholder’s Association The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Kohl’s J. P. Morgan MOM’s Organic Market REI Skanska Infrastructure Development

Starbucks Foundation Washington Gas Light Company Washington Metro Area Corporation Council Association

2013 Financial Statement


Individuals Government Foundations Corporations Investment Income Program Income TOTAL REVENUE

$ 245,635 2,301,767 121,909 138,433 509,256 105,258 $ 3,422,257


Programs HBF Educational Programs Farm & Facilities Trash Free Potomac Bridging the Watershed Capital Projects Total Programs Support General & Administrative Fundraising Total Support

$ 459,999 275,490 323,920 381,295 300,979 1,741,683 143,053 360,879 503,932


$ 2,246,816


$ 1,176,642


(Solid=operating, Dotted=capital)


ASSETS Cash Investments Receivables, Prepaid Expenses Land, Buildings, Equipment, less depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll, Accrued Vacation Deferred Revenue


$ 2,050,916 3,849,741 391,946 2,330,973 $ 8,623,576 310,573 112,394 1,485,104 1,908,071

NET ASSETS Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

6,223,816 491,689 6,715,505 $ 8,623,576


Join Our Community of Support By supporting the Alice Ferguson Foundation, you are making a significant contribution to the conservation of the Potomac River watershed’s natural heritage. Your gifts support our Hard Bargain Farm Environmental Center and Bridging the Watershed environmental education programs, as well as our Trash Free Potomac Initiative and the cultural heritage and agricultural legacy of one of only three 20th Century artists’ estates intact in Southern Maryland. Financial Donations

We accept cash, check, credit card, stock, and online donations.


The members of AFF provide vital and consistent support for our wideranging, life-changing, and innovative programs. We invite you to join our community of members and make a significant contribution to the conservation of the Potomac River watershed’s natural and cultural heritage. AFF offers a range of membership levels and associated benefits. If you are already a member, consider giving the gift of membership to introduce your friends, family, and coworkers to the Foundation.

Corporate Sponsorship

We annually seek corporate sponsorship for the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative, including the Potomac River Watershed Cleanup and the Trash Summit; for other programs or activities (e.g. a class trip to Hard Bargain Farm, Bridging the Watershed Teacher Institutes); and for community events at Hard Bargain Farm. AFF offers a range of sponsorship recognition and benefits.

Barnyard Animal Adoption

By adopting an animal, you help provide the food, shelter, and care it takes to keep our furry and feathered friends happy at Hard Bargain Farm, while also supporting AFF’s education programs. These animals are essential to the experience our students have here; getting to know them helps to bridge our world to theirs. (This makes a great gift for kids!)

Workplace Giving

AFF belongs to the Mid-Atlantic chapter of EarthShare, a national non-profit federation who connects people and workplaces with ways to support environmental causes. AFF will receive all donations specifically designated for our organization and will receive an portion of donations made to EarthShare. AFF participates in the Combined Federal Campaign under EarthShare; our organization’s number is 62564.

Legacy Giving

Making a legacy gift, also called a “planned gift” or “deferred gift,” is a meaningful way to show your support and appreciation for AFF and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estateplanning, and philanthropic goals. AFF has received several generous bequests in recent years that have propelled us toward our 60th year with energy and promise.

In-kind Donations

Donations of time, talent, and materials are always welcome and help defray the cost of offering and managing our programs. Contact us to get our “wish list” and to arrange the donation of your non-monetary gift.

Support our Working Farm

We offer grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and eggs at Hard Bargain Farm. The proceeds support farm upkeep and our educational programs. Contact Eileen Watts at (301) 659-1666 for more information.

Find out about other ways you can support AFF at

or by calling (301) 292-5665.

2001 Bryan Point Road Accokeek, MD 20607 Tel. 301-292-5665 • Fax: 301-292-1070

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